#also why is the doctor so gutted when amy and rory get sent back in time years later. even if he can't take them back to the present surely
katya-goncharov · 8 months
anyway i think the least the doctor could have done is given some of the people who got zapped back by the weeping angels a lift back to the present. i don't care what convoluted reason steven moffat made up for why he couldn't
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apples-r-rubbish · 3 years
Feelings (11 x reader)
Eleventh Doctor x fem!Reader (feelings) Word Count: 2.9k AN: This post explains why I’ve been gone, bit of an early Christmas present, hope you all enjoy it -L Warnings: None Request?: Yes MASTERLIST
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It started off as little things. “So, whaddya think?” The Doctor asked, displaying a brand new bowtie that did not remotely match his outfit. It was neon green and you cringed slightly before laughing, “You are taking that thing off right now,” You said between fits of laughter.  “What? Why? I think it matches my eyes,” He laughed in response, breathless at you. You placed your cup of tea gently onto the console, and quickly and briefly apologised to the ship. You cautiously placed your hands on his chest and quickly untied the tie. “I’m asking her to hide this from you. You’re not having it,” 
“Please, I bought that at that market on Karzon 7,” he whined in response, missing the feeling on you next to him, your hands on him.
‘Yeah, no, definitely not. It’s not going anywhere near your person,” You said before slinking off down one of the corridors laughing to yourself. He missed you the second you were gone and he replayed the sound of you laughing in his head. Instinctively, the Doctor shook his world weary head, no, you were just a friend. 
It escalated. You were on some foriegn planet, the four of you. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and yourself. You had raced ahead wanting to see the lights in the city at night, along with the way it combined with the stars, Rory trailing . Amy caught the Doctor staring fondly at you “Oi, loverboy, just tell her how you feel, it’d be easier than staring at her like that,”
He shot her a look “I do not have feelings for her- look she’s human. I can’t fall in love with her, these things go badly. And I’m not in love with her, you’re both my best friends.” Amy frowned and rolled her eyes in response “All I’m saying is you look at her in ways you don’t look at me and Rory and we’re also your best friends,” 
It was his turn to frown, there was a pause, an uncomfortable silence. Amy continued “look the way I see it is, what’s the worst that could happen?” The conversation trailed off when they reached you and Rory. He stopped and looked at you, properly, loving staring at the light reflecting in your eyes. You asked him a question and he completely missed it “Huh? Oh sorry, I was just thinking, you said something?” You repeated your question, he wrapped his arm around you, smiled and rambled the answer to you, filling your ears with knowledge of the planet and its people as Amy and Rory shared a knowing look.
And it escalated again. You had visited a foriegn planet, the four of you. Spires of glass refracted a mixture of light and the hazy colour of the purple sky. “This is Laeturn, most things are made of glass here, delicate, be careful all of you,” The Doctor warned before gently extending his hand out to you, you accepted and smiled.  The people were lovely and accepting on the planet, one particular individual had taken a liking to you. Ko-ran he said his name was, his skin matching the gentle purple of the sky. He had slipped his arm around you at some point along the way and whispered to you about the history and traditions. The other three trailed behind, a permanent scowl fixed to the Doctors face, that would tense when Ko-ran laughed at your lack of knowledge or your attempts at pronunciation.  “You could just tell her right? You know? Do the very you thing of intervening and explaining something and she’ll give you that amazed look like she always does and then just tell her how you feel?” Rory said suddenly when you and Ko-ran were a fair distance ahead
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m just making sure she’s safe. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious,”
“Can you at least look like you’re having a good time then old man?” Amy countered
“I am having fun, I just don’t trust him, that's all just something I can’t place.”
He was right unfortunately, as he always was. Ko-ran and his people had believed you to be a lost monarch of some sort  and tried to instate you as royalty, and then threatened to kill your friends.  Eventually fighting had erupted amongst the people, Amy and Rory had managed to escape. The Doctor had managed to slip into one of the rooms you had been assigned, “Your highness, I think it’s time we left,” The Doctor smiled, wrapping his arms around you. You jumped at first not realising it was him and reached for the closest thing to you, an old walking stick, which you dropped almost immediately upon realising it was him. “Hey, it’s ok Amy and Rory are safe-” The Doctor was cut off by you hugging him tightly and sobbing lightly into his shirt “it’s ok, it’s ok. We’re getting you out.” The glass door shook lightly, guards banging against it upon hearing voices. Quickly, the sonic was used and the lock clicked further. He adjusted his neck and jacket slightly and jumped up onto the window ledge. I was a large opening and took up a proportion of the window. It towered well above his head. “I need you to trust me,” He said, extending his hand to you as he looked down from the ledge.
“You’re not suggesting we- It’s a huge drop, we’re in one of the spires,” You rambled panic taking over
“(Y/N), I need you to trust me. More than usual, please,” He urged. The light reflected beautifully in his eyes, his hair was messier than usual and the refined glass sent flecks of light washing over him. You nodded, stepped over to the ledge with him, his arms locked around you. “Look at me and nothing else. Do not look down,” A gut feeling of fear remained in your stomach, the door swung open, angry guards flooded the room. You felt the world tilt, and the wind rising, but the only thing you could focus on were his eyes. And in a moment, you lightly bumped against the TARDIS floor, on top of him giddy with adrenaline. You had barely registered what had happened, he stood up quickly, snapped his fingers and pushed a series of buttons on the console, getting you off the planet. Amy rushed over to you, wrapping her arms around you, making sure you were safe as the adrenaline wore off and you stared at the doctor as he continued on with the ship. Before he darted off down one of the many corridors presumably to fix something. 
“So, I’ll be here when you get back for a full debrief or if you need anything, or even if you need to get out of it although you shouldn’t need to call me. He’s a nice guy and like actually nice not you know-” Amy rambled, maternal instincts kicking into overdrive
“Amy I’ll be ok, it’s a first date, and we’ve been speaking for a little bit anyway, and you know him so I don’t understand why you’re worried,” You laughed fixing a few strands of your hair as you walked down the final steps to the console room. The Doctor noticed you immediately “So where are you off to? Anywhere exciting?” He asked, crossing his arms, admiring you, you opened your mouth to speak, Amy spoke for you, “I did tell you. I’ll explain later, did you at least drop us off where I asked, right time period?” Amy questioned clearly frustrated “Yes, yes I did, and there’s no need to be so bossy about it. See? 24th of September, 6:45, London,” He gestured towards the screen. 
“Right I best be off then,” You smiled heading towards the doors “Try not to collapse time and space whilst I’m gone.” You exited the ship and on to the slightly chilly London streets. 
“So where is she off to then?” He asked crossing his arms and leaning against the console
“She has a date, I set her up with someone I know. She was finding it hard to get over someone, so I figured it might be best.” The Doctor frowned in response involuntarily “So? Are they nice then? Or will we have to go and free her later from small talk about pets, music and parents?”
“He is actually. His name’s Dan, he works with Rory. They met at one of our house parties and he seems alright,”
“You have house parties? And I wasn’t invited?” 
“You were, you got the date wrong, and when you got it right you had to drag me and Rory off to deal with something, so we had to leave (Y/N) in charge, and you complained the whole time she wasn’t there,” It was Amy’s turn to frown “At least be happy for her, it’s the least you can do as her friend.” 
He opened his mouth for a witty response, beeping sounded from the console 
The date was going horribly. Dan was nothing like how he was at the party. You ended up excusing yourself to the bathroom and calling the TARDIS.
“Oh hey (Y/N), how's the date going?” Amy asked
“Very badly, can you come make excuses for me, he’s acting weird, like weirder than expected,”  You responded. You hung up the phone and returned to your table. You continued with awkward small talk, you sipped on your drink awkwardly “So want to come back to mine? I don’t live too far from here,” Dan suggested. You opened your mouth to excuse yourself, and the doors to the restaurant swung open and a panicked bowtie clad alien stepped through the doors. He rushed over to your table despite the many dirty looks he was receiving
“Amy told me you were here, something's happened, we need you to come home,” The Doctor said out of breath, he’d run there
“We’re in the middle of a date, if you don’t mind,” Dan hissed
“And I’m talking, if you don’t mind,” The timelord practically growled “Something’s come through on the channel and I think I’ve found something interesting and you need to be safe,” He extended his hand out to you. You smiled and grabbed it. “I think I need to go then I’m afraid,” You said to Dan before the Doctor pulled you out of the restaurant and you ran hand in hand through the freezing London streets. You turned a corner and stopped abruptly out of breath quietly giggling to each other.  There was a brief moment where your faces edged closer but you assumed that was just the adrenaline.  You felt a brief scratch on your shoulder, you had barely turned around when the Doctor shouted at you to duck, you did, the claw swinging narrowly over your head as the Doctor staggered back pulling you with him, the claw narrowly missing you both. He Stood up quickly, acting as a shield between the thing and you. 
“I knew it was you in the restaurant, I’ve dealt with your kind before, from Clom I believe, the energy signatures coming off you are unique,” The Doctor analysed. You finally saw it in the dim amber glow, it was a thing round with various faces sticking out at odd angles, you cursed loudly. One of them you recognized as Dan, he was speaking, mumbling vague panicked apologies. 
“Why are you here? We’ve done this before, look you can’t harvest my memories, even if you want to,” He frowned, a switch seemingly flicked inside of the Doctor he was the version in the restaurant again “To try to take my memories is one thing, to come into my friends home and lie to them is another, to try to kill the person I am in love with is too far,” there was a cracking noise, a watch had broken and the thing seemed to liquify a little 
“I swiped this from the restaurant, when you were busy objectifying her, better to keep track of these things don’t you think,” His voice was low and cold, the noise of the sonic buzzed loudly before the thing melted into the pavement, vanishing. The Doctor paused for a moment examining the pavement and slicking back his hair, the oncoming storm had settled once again.  
He turned to you warmth returning to his eyes and face “Are you ok? Anything broken? Anything missing?” 
“No, no I’m good i think, what the hell was that thing?” You asked shock very clearly still in your system
“Abzorbaloff, nasty things, absorb people and gain their memories. And I think that’s what he was planning with you if the date had gone slightly better,” He pressed his hand to your cheek in a further attempt to calm you down, a slight chuckle in his voice “At least this time I won’t have to make a paving slab with a face. C’mon back to the TARDIS,” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, whilst you contemplated his words, dizzy with adrenaline. There was a moment of silence, before you were able to take your first cautious step with wobbly legs, “There we go, see, c’mon (L/N),” you slipped slightly again and he caught you in his arms, the amber glow above his head illuminating him like an angel. He paused and laughed awkwardly, wrapping his around your waist and giving you time to steady yourself, his arm stayed there as you wandered back to the TARDIS shaking. 
At some point during the slow and shaky walk back, you asked him “What happened to Dan then could we have saved him?” 
“No we couldn't, he was echoes of what was left. His body was gone, he wouldn’t have lived a proper life, I can’t save everyone all the time, I’m sorry,” He frowned in the way the Doctor usually did, one that was world weary that seemed like it held back the weight of a thousand unsaid words
“I didn’t really know him, I feel bad. I know I couldn’t have prevented it, but I still feel awful,” You confessed
“You couldn’t have helped it, if it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else and I might not have been able to save them, at least I could save you,” There was a silence, and that followed and it wasn’t an uncomfortable one.  
You walked past the TARDIS allowing yourself some more time to calm down, at the Doctor’s suggestion. The Park was abandoned at this time. You had wandered into it together. You found a little stream and a small bridge and leant against it. The cold nipped at you and you shivered quietly against the railings. Silently the Doctor noticed and slipped his jacket off and gently wrapped it around you. It was warmer than you expected it to be and it felt oversized and heavy on you. 
“Are we going to talk about it?” You said suddenly breaking the silence, turning slightly and matching a similar pose to his. 
“What?” He mumbled in the response his words getting lost in the dark
“Everything. What you said earlier, in the alleyway ‘the person I love’, the fact you give daggers to any male that isn’t Rory getting anywhere near me, and the fact that Amy and Rory make it so painfully obvious,”  You said having quietly had enough “And the fact it feels like anytime we get anywhere closer to figuring out what the hell we’re doing something gets in the way or you run away and can’t cope with it,”
“I didn’t realise you’d noticed, and I didn’t know you were getting over someone, Amy had mentioned it to me earlier,” He whispered, his voice quiet, not wishing to do any more harm.
You inhaled sharply, and rubbed your hand slowly down your face whilst you carefully considered your next sentences, “That wasn’t her place to tell you that, I told her that in confidence.” You sighed “Of course I had noticed, it’s about as obvious as that bowtie is stupid. It was you, that person. And I knew regardless of what I had noticed and what you were thinking or doing, it would take ages before you admitted it yourself, nevermind me. I couldn’t keep pretending for my sake,” 
The Doctor opened his mouth to speak, and closed it, he considered everything for a brief second.
“Exactly, when you fall in love with a scared god it is not easy and I’ve learnt that.” You frowned “I don’t want to hear it. Let’s go back to the TARDIS,” you stood up straight
“What if I’ve fallen in love with you?” He responded
“Then, I guess I’ve fallen in love with you too,” You replied. There was another pause. A loud silence. You made eye contact, and you kissed. It was cautious and careful, neither of you willing to push it in case the other would regret their actions. The cold air brushed your faces, and you pulled away quietly.  He extended his hand to you, you took it gently and went back to the ship together, smiling like idiots.
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes (3/5 - An “Adventures In Unexpected Places” Story)
we’re winding down on kid!Amy and kid!Rory for a bit, but they’ll come back in flashbacks in other fics, I swear! But here’s another old chapter of @fadeddreaming‘s crossover story…
Alternate Beginnings, Alternate Endings, Alternate Universes - After being sent to the worst school in the whole of England, Amy meets up with the man whose fault it is that she’s there, and things go vastly more differently than anyone expected.
Valentine’s Day went well. The girls at school had had a blow-out party while Amy and Rory went to New York City to sightsee with the Doctor. It wasn’t as though he was really chaperoning them, but was there with his sonic if they needed it. They went to a museum of art and then a concert of Amy’s favorite band. Rory didn’t set foot on the school grounds at all, and the next day she acted as though everything was normal and not that she’d had the best first date ever.
But her life went back to normal. Mels had found the person the Doctor suggested, and they were hatching up all sorts of schemes, and Amy watched on with amusement. It was clear that Mels really was a criminal mastermind, and while it was nice to see her excel Amy also hoped she knew when to get out before it was too late.
Winter ended and spring arrived, and soon it was time for Easter break. Rory’s parents had accepted that their son was in a long distance relationship with Amelia and invited her to stay with them, and Mels had gotten her parents to offer the same, but Aunt Sharon had finally decided that maybe she should see how her niece was, so she was going home for the break.
Home…it seemed strange to her, but now St. Trinian’s was home, and the only thing Leadworth had to offer was Rory. It would be very strange to be back for two weeks, but the Doctor had promised he would try and visit, make things a bit lively, and she knew she could trust him to do just that. As she set her duffel bag on the floor of her old room she looked around. Aunt Sharon had come in to dust, but everything had been left more or less as she had left it. It saddened her a bit, to think that her aunt missed her so little that she hadn’t spent time among her old things.
Their first dinner together was awkward. There was so much going on that Amy simply couldn’t tell her about, like the trips with the Doctor or Mels zany schemes or the times she actually got to see her boyfriend out of the blue. So she stuck to the simple stuff, and Aunt Sharon tried to fill in the gaps with what had been going on since she had left. It was with relief that Amy went outside to the old swing set that was still standing back there, and sat down on the swing.
It was times like today she wondered what had happened to her parents. She had bare memories of them, but nothing concrete. She remembered her mum was thin, and her dad was on the fat side. She remembered hazy smiles, but that was it. There were no pictures of them around the house, and when asked her Aunt Sharon always changed the subject, as if she didn’t want to talk about them, and didn’t want her talking about them, either. Would her parents have sent her to St. Trinian’s? Would they have just believed her about what she knew now was the truth, that he was real and that she could travel through time and space when she was with them? Or would it be exactly the same as it was now?
The familiar vworp-vworp-vworp of the TARDIS materializing got her attention, shaking off the melancholy thoughts. Sometimes, she swore, she just had to think and her Doctor would make himself known. The doors swung open and she jumped off the seat and ran in, throwing her arms around the surprised man’s chest. “It’s only been three weeks, Pond,” he replied, still giving her a hug.
“It’s like you just know when I need you,” she said, letting go.
“But haven’t you figured out yet that I do?” he said, grinning at her. She grinned back, and he clapped his hands together. “So! What do you want to do today?”
“I want to see my mum and dad,” she replied.
He frowned. “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Amelia.”
“Why not? We can go in the past, right?” She walked over to the console. “Shouldn’t be hard.”
“Amelia,” he said quietly. “I have looked. God knows, I have looked. And I simply can’t find them. They’ve never existed.”
“Then how am I here?” she asked, confused.
“I don’t know, but I have a theory.” He looked at her, then moved her towards the chair near the console. She sat down and looked up at him. “The crack in your wall…I’ve seen others like it, all over the universe. I watched someone touch it, then disappear in a bright light, and then no one remembered him. There was no record of him. I think, perhaps, that your parents…the same thing may have happened to them.”
The crack. It still gave her nightmares, even now that it was sealed. And to think that it swallowed up her parents… “I don’t understand,” she said.
“I don’t either, not entirely, but I’m doing everything I can to figure it out. I promise, if I can bring your parents back I will.” He knelt down in front of her and grasped her hands in his, squeezing. She looked him full on in the face, knowing he was being earnest and truthful. But…she liked her life as it was now. How drastically would it all change if her parents were back? Would she still have Mels as a friend? Rory as a boyfriend? Would she still go to St. Trinian’s? Most of all, would she still have met the Doctor and had the wonderful, brilliant maddening adventures she’d had with them.
“I don’t want things to change,” she said, shaking her head.
“But if it would fix things, it’s what I should do,” he said.
She pulled her hands away and stood up. “No. I like this life. I have a home, I have friends, I feel like I belong somewhere. If you bring them back, what happens then? Do I lose all this? Does it never take place, and I’m different? I don’t want to be different.”
“But maybe it will be better,” he replied.
“And maybe it won’t!” she said. She could feel tears slipping down her cheeks. He didn’t care if it hurt her, he was going to do it anyway. He was her friend, and he was going to hurt her. “Maybe everything will be horrible! Maybe Mels will never come to Leaadworth and Rory won’t like me and I’ll never meet you and I’ll be boring and ordinary and I won’t…I won’t…” She couldn’t get anymore out.
He came up to her and wrapped his arms around her. She pounded at his chest slightly, but he didn’t let go. “I can’t imagine to know how you feel, Amelia,” he said quietly. “But if this is a mistake, if this is something I can fix, then I must fix it.”
She stopped fighting and instead cried, her face buried in his shirt until there were no more tears left. She pulled away, wiping her still moist eyes with the back of her hand. She looked at him closely, and knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was going to do this. She had no say in it. She turned around so she wouldn’t have to look at him. “Please don’t come back for me.”
“Amelia…” he said quietly.
“If it all changes, don’t come into my life, okay? Just leave me be.” She started walking to the door. Her life was going to change. Someday, she was going to wake up and it would be different. And she had the gut feeling only she would remember. And she would be looked at as the weird little girl in Leadworth who talked of things no one else could understand all over again.
“I’ve seen your future. Your correct future,” he called out as she had her hand on the handle. “Do you want to know what happens? I hadn’t planned on telling you. I perhaps would have, later, when you were older.”
She lowered her hand and turned around. “Tell me.”
“I show up again when you’re nineteen, not twelve. We save the world from Prisoner Zero, and then I disappear again for two years. I come back the night before you marry Rory, and you run away with me. Then you try and kiss me, and it’s a mess, so I go pick up Rory, and…he dies. But he comes back, and then you die, and then we seal you up and wait nearly two thousand years for you to wake up. But the universe stopped existing, and an exploding TARDIS is the only thing warming the Earth. But then I fix things, and disappear, but you bring me back. But you also bring back your parents, and you seem happy when I drop in on your and Rory’s wedding.”
She stumbles a bit at the weight of the information. That’s what’s supposed to happen to her? That’s her life? A life of waiting, to be replaced with a life with her parents? “And what happens to this life?” she asked.
“It’s like the others. You remember it in your head. Rory will probably remember it, too, with enough prompting,” he said as he walked towards her. “But the life with your parents…you seem better in that life. More fulfilled. Happier.”
“But I wouldn’t see you again until I was twenty-one,” she said. “And Rory is going to die? And I’m going to die?”
“But you come back,” he said. “Of course, that life may never happen. After all, it’s nine more years until my enemies set the trap. And I know about it now.”
“How did you find out about it?” she aasked.
“My friend River, I’ve mentioned her before?” She nodded. “She’s a time traveler, going in the wrong order. The first time I meet her is the last time she sees me. She got a hold of me not long after I met you in Camilla’s office. She has a book where she records her adventures, and said suddenly she was remembering different events then were in her book. We had a long talk and that’s when I got the gist of everything that changed.”
“I had no idea,” she said quietly.
“And I didn’t want to tell you until you were older, until I learned more. No one should know more of their own future than absolutely necessary, especially in your case where it’s so drastic of a change. Even my records have you with a different future then the one I just told you. About the only thing that remains the same is that you have Rory to help guide you through things.”
“Should you tell him?” she asked.
“Yes, perhaps I should,” he replied. “It wouldn’t be good for you to have to keep such a heavy burden to yourself, and he would understand.”
“What about Mels?”
He paused. “The less she knows, the better,” he said after a moment. “Her future is…complicated. And the less you know of it, the better. I already made a hash of things, and it may turn out differently in the long run anyway.”
“I don’t like keeping secrets.”
“Let’s just say she’s got one of her own and leave it at that, shall we?” He put a hand on each shoulder and looked at her intently. “Should we go find Rory?”
“Yeah, probably,” she said with a sigh, looking down.
“Amelia.” She looked back up. “Before I go fix this problem, if I can fix it at all, I will tell you. I will have you be as prepared as I can for the changes that are going to come, whatever they might be. I will not leave you to face it all alone.”
“Okay,” she said. “Let’s go get Rory.”
“All right then. Off to go fetch Rory.” He put an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the console. A small but heavy weight was lifted from her shoulders. At least she would have warning. At least she could prepare herself. Or at least try. But she knew at the core of her being that things would never be the same again.
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sonderisms-blog · 6 years
        ❛  Waiting is painful.                          Forgetting is painful.                                   But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.  ❜
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Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, {KAREN GILLAN}. No, that’s a mistake. It’s {AMELIA POND}, they are a {CANON CHARACTER} and come from {DOCTOR WHO}. They are {TWENTY-NINE} and I’ve heard they are {CREATIVE}, as well {OBSTINATE}. They happen to hold {THEIR} memories. Don’t believe me? See for yourself. Lucky for us, {jinx, 23, pst, she/her & they/them} sent us proof.
Welcome to New York, what is your character’s name?
Amelia Jessica Pond-Williams. Though, she took on the last name Williams when she was transported back to 1920s New York because she couldn’t really legally hyphenate + it was a testament to how much she loves Rory & how she was willing to leave behind her old life with the Doctor behind. But she prefers to just be called Amy!
Where have they been pulled from in their fandom? 
Right when Amy & Rory make their exit in Doctor Who, in the Angels Take Manhattan. I imagine that she wakes up in her new life in this RP from that point. 
With the curse, how has your character’s life changed? 
Well, I don’t want to godmod the potential Rory player but if Rory isn’t in her life then that’s a major change ( though, I’d love if they were best friends who grew up together or something in the new life  ). Like in canon, Amy had the belief the Doctor was real but instead of him coming back, he was just a story. She still grew up the same way in canon, the weird girl who turned ginger bombshell who was a kissogram but in this verse ( to mirror canon ) she gets picked up by a modeling agency and moves to New York. As far as Amy knows she’s lived in New York for 10 years, now a successful science fiction author and currently working on a children’s book both illustrating & writing it.  Her life has changed because she turned her childhood shit into stories that have sold pretty well. She didn’t get married to Rory at a young age, she’s had quite a few years to develop who she is and live her life outside of Leadworth.  
With Amy’s memories coming back, to put it simply, it hurts. All over again. Remembering it all, losing it all, it hurts. Though not a drinker AT ALL, Amy has found herself doing anything she can to forget remembering, working on a much darker novel than her previous ones. It’s been disorienting because even though her life is beautiful & brilliant as it is -- it’s not real. The feeling of things not being real, the blurring of lines between reality & falsity has really done a number on her as she does deal with mental illness, worrying that she’s finally, properly, losing her mind. Frankly, she doesn’t know if it’s real, she doesn’t know what’s real, though she tries to be Amy Pond, this blurring of reality is something that scares her. Another feeling she feels is anger, anger about what happened to her in canon, anger about having to doubt her own mind all over again and a determination to fix this and/or find the person responsible. 
Do they have a job, and if so what is it? 
To dive in more about her job, Amy isn’t the most famous person around but she definitely has mild celebrity due to her early modeling ( a model turned scifi author intrigues a lot of weird fanboys that’s for sure ), her books are what has really launched any celebrity she has into something more recognizable. Sometimes asked to help host D list red carpet shows, etc. Amy is not Known Known but you find her face recognizable. She’s done a lot of activism as well for mental illness and the LGBTQIA+ & Queer communities as she’s openly bisexual so there’s definitely a funky little cult following she has and she’s fairly popular in Scotland as well as a hometown hero in her town of Leadworth ( something she finds HILARIOUS as they hated her for years ). 
Is there any other information about your character that members might find helpful?
THIS SECTION WILL BE FOR MY RAMBLING. Because where else am I GONNA DO IT??? I’ve been playing Amy for 5+ years now and I’m going to give y’all some insight on how i play her as well as how i see her. I’m watching an episode right now that’s helped come up with some of this as well. I’ll probably add more HCs as I slowly rewatch her scenes, etc. 
 A Sagittarius!!!!!!!!!! which literally fits her so well if you love astrology and Amy Pond, you already know!
One of my favorite aspects of Amy’s character is her empathy & intuitiveness. While sometimes lacking social grace and not always the best with interpersonal relations, she can see people for who they are deep down, their intentions, the emotions she feels like she feels from others often overwhelming but something that does lead her. A gut instinct magnified. She’s intuitive and empathetic because she’s got such an active imagination paired with a creative mind, she’s able to put those two things together, not only painting a picture of who someone is, painting colors on them they might not see themselves. Maybe this is a bit naive at times, maybe even a bit dangerous if it steers her wrong ( which is why Rory Williams is so important to her, her impulsiveness paired with this can get her into tough situations and he always has her back, always by her side ). Amelia is not always one to think before jumping into situations if she feels it’s the right thing to do, a prime example of this is her running off with The Doctor EASILY. Both as a kid and an adult. Luckily, not many have taken advantage of this as she can be extremely closed off emotionally. She’s a good judge of character and if she puts her faith in you, know while it could be surprising, it was a very much calculated, thought out, and a felt through choice. Amy’s extremely stubborn so good luck getting her to do something she doesn’t want to do ESPECIALLY if she doesn’t feel it’s right. Amy is usually able to connect to anyone and everyone some sort of way when she tries due to all of this, usually better with connecting to people than the ( Eleventh ) Doctor himself is. 
[ EMOTIONAL NEGLECT MENTION, ALCOHOLISM MENTION ] Verbal, straightforward, blunt, but it when it comes to her emotions, the ones that hurt, the ones that can’t be wrapped in something beautiful or lightly joked about are the ones tucked away. Amy’s got serious commitment issues as well, as shown throughout Doctor Who, that stemmed from the Doctor leaving her multiple times as well as never knowing her parents. I play her Aunt as a high functioning alcoholic, growing up she was never really home much less attentive to Amy ( also due to the whole crack in Amy’s wall thing, but, that’s a whole other topic ). For insight on how this effects her, I once played her in a multifandom at hogwarts rp where she was in a relationship with a character and they were really fucking cute ( I still rp them to this day w/ my friend ). But she was SO cared of this relationship not working out / losing Rory because he had just confessed that he romantically liked her, that she broke up with the other person ( who she had deep feelings for who never EVER would’ve left her ) because Rory meant too much to her, he’d been there through everything, the thought of losing him? Unthinkable. this isn’t to say she didn’t love them both ( polyamorous Amelia Pond ftw! ), or value Rory as much ( I felt pressured to go into canon as well so I had to find a believable fault/fear/issue to really sell this but I think there’s something to be said for this ), I don’t play it that way in THIS rp, of course. [ END OF EMOTIONAL NEGLECT MENTION, ALCOHOLISM MENTION ]
It goes to show that she will make fear based decisions as well as decisions based on her insecurities that she’s not enough, that she’s more pain than she’s worth, out of not being able to give someone she cares about what they need. For example, when in canon Amy breaks up with Rory because she feels so guilty she can’t have biological kids when she knows he ALWAYS wanted kids. She was scared if she stayed with him, he’d hate her, that she was keeping him from having a fulfilling life, that she wasn’t enough and didn’t fit into what he wanted. Rory deserves everything to her, she couldn’t give it to him, when he gave and gave and gave to her. She didn’t feel worthy, but she didn’t express that fear either, making Rory feel completely shut out because she was shutting him out. She’ll self sabotage easily, because commitment is scary to her and she’d rather be the one leaving than being left. Amy can’t stand to wait for the worst to happen, for the other shoe to drop, she isn’t the fucking girl who waited -- not anymore. 
Amy is diagnosed with major depressive disorder previously diagnosed with psychotic features added on as well until the Doctor came back but after having 4 psychiatrists in her youth, Amy definitely fits into having MDD. There are many evidences in canon besides her literally going to psychiatrists that suggest that Amy is mentally ill / ND, another hint in the episode ‘Vincent and The Doctor’. Amy empathizes with Vincent Van Gogh ( my Amy is an extreme art history lover as well, especially Vincent Van Gogh ), she says she’s been where he is, that she gets it. [ SUICIDE MENTION ] She is physically effected when he talks about dark shit and in another episode with the Dreamlord, she talks about how she doesn’t want to live in a world if Rory’s not in it, then killing herself in the show. The way she does it in my head ( and in the show ) is extremely steely, easily done, because Amy has dealt with mental illness, because she’s been in dark places & suicidal ideation. [ END OF SUICIDE MENTION ]  In this RP, she’ll also have been diagnosed and is taking medication because we stan healthy characters who cope with their mental illness! Even though she’s definitely having a hard time currently. 
Rory Williams really is everything to her. Her best friend, a love of her life, her partner, the only person who stuck by her side through everything. She never waivers in this love for him, even though she does have doubts due to her own commitment issues ( and regular issues ) but she doesn’t have doubts about who Rory is. She loves him. The Doctor is also someone she loves passionately, though she could’ve loved him romantically and often could see that sort of a future with him -- he’s completely unavailable and unreliable. If there’s one thing that Amy can’t do in a partner romantically it’s unreliable. Plus, after finding out her daughter was married to him in canon? She’ll pass. The Doctor is more like a twin flame sort of thing for her, a very kindred spirit. She loves him because in her little town of Leadworth, full of boring, sensible things, where she was the weird girl in town -- he was just as weird as her. 
 If I had to pick a Hogwarts house for Amy, it’d be Gryffindor. 
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