#also without doing any of the dumb fanservice modern audience hot take style character development
rise-my-angel · 1 year
Boy I hope you Heart of the Great Wolf readers like an insane mix of show story, book lore, and a canon divergent plot. Beacuse part 4/season 6 so far is basically me throwing all 3 of those things into a blender and pouring it all out onto my computer screen.
Trust me, if you don't think I'm not literally planning as far ahead as when the Long Night comes (the apocalyptic event of winter...not...like...the episode....) then you are mistaken. I only just got to the scene that literally spawned this whole series at the end of chapter 14. The series after that is the story I originally wanted to write.
So I hope show fans and book fans like having a weird blend of their canons involved in a fic where I go balls to the wall with my own batshit theories about what I think would happen in the books with the Others and the Long Night.
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