#like sorry davos and not sorry sansa but im letting Jon Snow actually be Jon Snow all on his own merit
rise-my-angel · 1 year
Boy I hope you Heart of the Great Wolf readers like an insane mix of show story, book lore, and a canon divergent plot. Beacuse part 4/season 6 so far is basically me throwing all 3 of those things into a blender and pouring it all out onto my computer screen.
Trust me, if you don't think I'm not literally planning as far ahead as when the Long Night comes (the apocalyptic event of winter...not...like...the episode....) then you are mistaken. I only just got to the scene that literally spawned this whole series at the end of chapter 14. The series after that is the story I originally wanted to write.
So I hope show fans and book fans like having a weird blend of their canons involved in a fic where I go balls to the wall with my own batshit theories about what I think would happen in the books with the Others and the Long Night.
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dykedteach · 5 years
okay so, a liveblog.
i know i haven’t done one of these in a while but it’s the last opportunity i had so, a pure as-i-watch-it liveblog for my own future enjoyment? horror? who knows
(also - last night i dreamt that jaime was still alive after all, and that he and brienne made up but then he poisoned sansa? anyway)
“I’ll find you later.” bitch........no
greyworm don’t you fucking dare babe
please don’t turn greyworm into a villain right at the end just to spite him i will be so mad
i’m so so nervous about tyrion walking through the rubble of the keep because if the twins are dead i absolutely do not want to see visual representation of the fact
the book of the kingsguards deeds im....asdjaskda
they’re going to make me see the fucking bodies aren’t they
okay that scene was so powerful and genuinely one of the saddest i’ve seen on the show and peter dinklage is incredible but i honestly struggled to watch it and i am crying A Lot
they, separately, have been two of my favourites since i started watching and this fucking hurts, i have honestly spent the last week kinda forgetting that they’re dead? and now it’s like. there they are.
also, jaime lannister clown club, my apologies, i so wanted to believe you
if tyrion does something like gives brienne his gold hand i s2g
i miss when jon used to look like he had life in him
 he’s going to have to kill greyworm isn’t he
maybe davos will, actually, he’s never had a big kill
ooooooooooooooh the cinematography of the dragon rising behind her
imagine a regent that actually had wings how cool would that be
repeating her promises to/from the dothraki from like s1 is...a Move
“the queens master of war” ohhhhhh fuck me
god he really does need to die doesn’t he
literally what is she going to do?? march on every fucking city and kill them all? HOW are they “suffering under the wheel” the monarchy is the wheel and you? killed it??
arya use a face
aRyA uSe A fAcE
despite the fact i’ve seen leaks saying otherwise i’m so worried tyrion is gonna die
“I freed my brother” god the regret in his voice im dying
why is jon just chilling
JON BEING A TENDER BIG BROTHER why wasn’t 80% of his screentime this season doing exactly this
i love this version of arya that’s serious but not cold
“did you bring any wine?” oh babe
oof the whole afterlife discussion
oh for fucks sake what is it with the lannister men and laying out their bad deeds at the worst time
jon and tyrion arguing is just the two different halves of twitter arguing all this week
“why does it matter what i do” because you’re a good boy, jon snow!!!
god the acting in this episode so far is phenomenal
am i going to cry every time my dumbass golden idiot is mentioned from now on? bitch i might!
is he REALLY a member of the nights watch anymore? do the nights watch exist anymore? there’s no fucking WALL
is he really gonna just be like.....byeeeeee!!
also, just his sisters?? there’s a bran also
i know we kinda forget about him (which will be hilarious by the end of this episode, if the spoilers i’ve seen are right) but
ooooh snowy dragon
shit, i forget, ashy dragon
god the score is gorgeous
she’s literally queen of the ashes, fuck
“i imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb” so, like, the book throne then
oh god my upset puppy
this is it oh fuck
oh god
oh i feel so sorry for emilia clarke
oh jon 
oh no drogon!! oh no
god that was quick
oh god when he’s nudging her body i’m so sad
why.....why the throne and not jon....
how does he know the throne is bad i’m?
god the VISUALS
but also....”mom died i’m DESTROYING the CHAIR” feels like a weird jump
god i fucking hate that her story ended like her father’s
we’re halfway through and no brienne, i’m disappointed
how many times now has tyrion had to contemplate his imminent death? bless him
ok so now she’s dead we can please let greyworm go safely to naath or something yeah? he doesn’t have to die or be evil this is fine just user him away
how the fuck did they get down to KL so quick
hold um im pausing and rewinding
sam, ?, edmure, starks, WIFE, davos, LORD GENDRY LOOKING FINE, ?, a nights watch i guess? MY LESBIAN, a dornish prince i guess? 
oh okay so obviously this is a little while later, and jon and tyrion have been imprisoned while they wait right?
god sansa looks stunning
edmure tully gets to do something! yay!
oh my god robin is huge now
“a veteran of two wars” where have you BEEN THOUGH BUDDY
“Uncle, please sit” GOD IMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
robin and royce trying not to laugh, sam trying not to laugh, sansa trying not to laugh, this is too much
oh fuck off the lot of you
“who then?” well, brienne obviously
make her queen
i want it
give her a crown of sapphires
“bran the broken” that seems....reductive?
“who has a better story than-” well, you see, lots of people.
“and he can’t father children” i mean, he absolutely probably can?
where’s pod, i miss him
i love my diplomatic daughter
bran being firm with greyworm i LOVE IT
he will be a good king, i agree with that. some emotion would be nice also.
oh god my poor baby 
“there’s still a nights watch?” MOOD
“no one is very happy.” also a mood
he truly is ned’s boy, isn’t he.
show him saying goodbye to his family you FUCKING COWARDS
he’s sailing for naath after all i’m!! emotional!
where the fuck does arya think she’s going
i hope she has like, a few years travelling and then comes back
oh god arya crying is just
i’m so emotional
oh fuck
oh no i hoped and predicted for this scene weeks ago and wanted it to be in better circumstances but
why isn’t she wearing her blue armour
i can’t count the number of times i’ve paused this scene already to just solidly cry
“Escaped imprisonment and rode south in an attempt to save the capital from destruction. Died protecting his Queen.”
brienne baby i’m so sorry
okay i’m going to distract myself by questioning how the fuck they rebuilt so quickly
fuckin bronn
oh wow i’m so down for bran occasionally warging during meetings and everyone else just being like.......um....excuse us...
“you’re master of grammar now too?” somewhere, in purgatory, a baratheon smiles.
i swear to god, if brienne’s last line is a comment about brothels
(at least she’s not pregnant)
my crack ship came out of this better than my hardcore otp
where’s GHOST
a king, a queen, an explorer, and a pariah.
god but i do love the starks
OH god arya’s ship is gorgeous
sansa’s crown is nice but a little too cersei reminiscent for me
i’m just happy tormund is here
okay so actually. overall. and maybe it’s because i saw the leaks for most stuff weeks ago and had time to process it.
i kind of.....enjoyed that for the most part?
certainly the second half.
anyway. that’s it.
fuck me.
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