#also yes I'm aware all my Fushimi ships are with guys I just don't see him liking girls at all
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
rank your favorite ship in K and the reason why, ridia!!
Are we talking all my ships because I have a lot of ships XD Maybe just the highlights...also I feel this needs to be split into Fushimi ships and non-Fushimi ships because I have a bias okay.
So Fushimi ships:
1. Sarumi - As I once said on Twitter, I have many ships but at the end of the day I'm just a basic bitch who loves Sarumi. For me I think it all comes down to their wonderful dynamic, they have all this history and angst and pain and reconciliation and it's just perfect for me. I love how Yata was the first person to ever show Fushimi affection and how Fushimi just quietly clings to that all through middle school, how the two of them just manage to be on the same wavelength and become so important to each other that the idea of breaking apart feels like it could never happen. And then they join Homra and everything gets dragged down by misunderstanding and miscommunication and Fushimi's deep-seated issues that don't allow him to believe in Yata's honest affection the moment Yata finds someone else intriguing. So Fushimi breaks it himself and styles himself to become Yata's enemy, except he utterly fails at that because even with all the cruel words he speaks the both of them are just so clearly still unable to hate each other – Yata can't delete his phone number even after everything, Fushimi can't cut his ties to Yata completely, and it's all just waiting for these two to finally be honest and accept that their connection is too strong to be broken and I love that (though technically I love Misaru more because bottom Fushimi is my jam).
2. Reisaru – Second favorite pairing, another wonderful dynamic. This one's completely different from Sarumi but wonderful in its own way, how Munakata does really understand Fushimi in a way I think even Fushimi himself doesn't, and how Fushimi respects Munakata even if he won't ever say it out loud. I also love Munakata's doting side, how he gives Fushimi all this praise and makes a position in Scepter 4 just for him and basically is the one who gives Fushimi a place to belong. And Munakata as this pleasant dork who just wants his gloomy boyfriend to be happy is always fun, just imagining their dates with Munakata so eager for Fushimi to enjoy things and Fushimi acting annoyed when really he is in fact enjoying himself is a nice image.
3. Mikosaru, Hisaru, AkiFushi – Okay I'm cheating because honestly I can't rank these, I like them all equally. Mikosaru is tantalizing because they really shouldn't work but that's part of the fun, Fushimi hates Mikoto and is afraid of him but then at the same time it's clear in canon that despite what Fushimi thinks Mikoto does actually care for him. Their dynamic in general is just very full of possibilities and needs more attention.
Hisaru is a cute pairing with eager puppy dog Hidaka who wants to get to know Fushimi more and who won't let his superior's gloomy exterior bring him down. He's a bit like Yata with being all open and honest about his feelings but at the same time I think there's a bit more maturity there and none of the baggage that Sarumi have, instead Hidaka wants so much to learn about Fushimi and what he likes and doesn't like while also being a person who can give Fushimi the kind of open affection that he needs.
Akifushi is a more low key pairing, with Akiyama as the endlessly patient and mature type who worries for Fushimi while also letting Fushimi grow at his own pace. I admit I've kinda moved Akiyama into the positon of the guy who perpetually gives Fushimi drinks but it fits for them I think, in canon I feel like Fushimi treats Akiyama in a friendlier manner (in his own way) than any other member of the alphabet squad and I feel like Akiyama watches over him a bit. Instead of being someone who crashes into Fushimi's life like Yata or Hidaka Akiyama takes his time scaling those walls and he's always ready with a calm smile or soft encouragement that makes it hard for Fushimi to push him away (also secret dom Akiyama works very well with bottom Fushimi :3c).
4. TotsuFushi – You know that scene in LSW, where Mikoto saves Yata and Fushimi during the surprise party and Totsuka hugs Fushimi? Yeah, I like that scene. That's a good TotsuFushi scene. This is another good dynamic too, Totsuka who sees through Fushimi more than Fushimi would like and who seems kind but can also be very pointed and even a little cruel in his own way, and Fushimi who is uncomfortable when Totsuka's kind but would have no qualms pointing out that cruelty or those faults. 
5. KurohFushi – It's not really a crack pairing if they have a short story together, right? Blame the tweets book for this and that story where Kuroh makes Fushimi meat with veggies mixed in. I just want to see Kuroh scandalized by Fushimi's terrible everything and attempting to get him to become healthy while also finding himself unexpectedly attracted, is that so wrong?
6. YukariFushi – I don't think they even have an actual pairing name do they XD I have one (1) doujinshi about them and I just want Yukari to call Fushimi 'Saruhiko-chan' all the time and to do his makeup.
7. HisuiFushi – Only in dark, twisted 'going to betray you but you're also currently my King' ways, but still, I ship it.
8. KusaFushi – Honestly this is only so low because I always feel like Kusanagi's 'older' in a way that makes pairing him with Fushimi feel unbalanced? (No shade to anyone who likes it btw, this is solely my personal feelings and I still enjoy this pairing, just not as much as some others.) They get along well and Kusanagi is clearly impressed with him, so it's all good.
Bonus: non-Fushimi ships:
1. Niki’s face/my fist
1. Akiben and AkiHida -  I can't choose between these two, I love them both equally. Akiben just have that perfect partner dynamic, while AkiHida have a lovely 'serious mature bunny meets overly enthusiastic puppy dog' vibe (also again, Akiyama as secret savage dom and Hidaka just screams 'tie me up and have your way with me'). 10/10, would ship them both.
2. Mikorei -  They are stupid and I respect that. Also gotta love the whole 'this is my boyfriend, I hate him but we can't stop making out' vibe. The tragedy of S1 is just the icing on the cake.
3. Munatotsu – That they barely interacted in canon is a crime, I tell you. Imagine the hobbies. The bonding experiences. The sparkles. They would be the worst best couple.
4. Izuseri – Actual adults? In my K project? It's more likely than you think.
5. Douseri – They never met but they should have. Awesome ladies being awesome together and eating terrible food.
6. IzuTotsu -  Is it because of the tragedy? Maybe. Okay, yes, it's the tragedy.
7. MikoTotsu – Weirdly I like them better as unrequited with Totsuka pining, but still it's good.
8. MikoIzuTotsu – Actually you know what just put them all together why do we have to choose. 
9. MikoIzu – I like them more as friends but I will 100% buy that they have had drunken sex at least once, I'm just saying. 
10. HabariZenjoh – I have a couple doujinshi, okay? I feel they deserve a rank for having doujinshi.
11. KurohShiro – They cute. They'd be higher but I'm mostly indifferent to the Silvers.
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