#also yes i am going to make more than one foolish bday post. as is my right
jefferythejelly · 9 months
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did u know it’s his birthday today
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wellhellsbelles · 6 years
Que Será Será, Part II
i got over excited and couldn’t help but post the second part. and yes, there will be one more part after this because i decided it’d be better if i split the grand finale of the fic into two separate parts. the last part will be the perspective of our dear riley :)
anyway, enjoy!
ao3 link found here.
Farkle is twenty-four, going on twenty-five, and his whole world, this existence he’s procured for himself, is getting ready to shatter.
He’s never been one to pace around his house anxiously, but he’s also never been waiting to turn twenty-five before, the seconds ticking away at the clock a reminder of something he’s never once had faith in.
That is, until now.
Even he can’t deny the fact that he wants so desperately to have letters appear on his skin at this point; he’s been fooling himself for years, trying so hard to dispute something that has a high probability of occurring. He’s seen numerous friends go through it that he can’t deny it any longer, which is why he’s wearing a hole into his tile kitchen floor, each minute passing by slower than the next.
Maya insisted she be there, but Farkle wouldn’t let her. This was going to be an experience he had to deal with by himself, to figure out how he felt about it. After all, his opinion on the matter had changed drastically within the course of a month, and he was still dealing with the numerous possibilities that were running through his mind.
Millions of trillions of possibilities, each one a figure he could not even begin to understand, let alone imagine.
It’s probably Riley’s romantic tendencies that have rubbed off on him, he figures, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s waiting for something he never even once believed in.
Until now.
He’s not quite sure what changed his mind. Of course, seeing his friends have the writing appear on their wrists was a factor, but that alone wasn’t enough to change his mind.
Maybe it’s delusions of grandeur.
To think that he’s so important that his wrist warrants a soulmate mark, that he deserves one in the first place, might just be borderline laughable. But he doesn’t ignore his heart’s desires, just this once, and waits for the night to pass and for the letters to appear.
His twelve-year-old self would be laughing at him right now for being so foolish; Farkle’s just glad he’s let himself be open to love. He appreciates not being jaded and cynical, not letting logic rule over every part of him (just most of it).
Farkle is . . . excited. He’s genuinely excited to be a part of this sort of rite of passage, this sort of magic life holds that science can’t explain for, if his apprehensive shifting is any indicator. He stops for several seconds occasionally, just to adjust a picture frame on his wall or to drum his fingers on the kitchen table or the countertops to bide his time.
And then it happens—one minute before the day of his birthday, and the countdown in his head rattles his body, sends goosebumps tingling amongst his skin. Fifty seconds becomes forty, thirty, twenty, and then he’s down to the final ten seconds, and he counts the seconds in his head, practically holding his breath in.
Ten . . . nine . . . eight . . . seven . . . six . . . five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . .
 His phone vibrates immediately, both to relay his alarm for his annual birthday reminder, as well as mass texts filing in from his friends. Farkle places his phone down on the counter gently, wobbling as his breath catches, the anticipation building with every passing second after midnight. Then he lifts his wrist—the left, of course, always the left—and gingerly and carefully moves up his sleeve, the black lettering coming to view almost instantaneously.
And then he gasps, loudly and very audibly, covering his wrist back up immediately.
It wasn’t a stranger. It wasn’t an acquaintance he met once in passing, or a face that only manifested itself in his dreams when his brain was trying to make sense of the world around him during slumber. No.
 It was Riley Matthews.
yoooooooooooooooooooo who yo soulmate be ya NERD
you can tell me i promise i won’t spill
well maybe not
but you can still tell me
get it? phil collins!!!
. . .
u out there???
k if u aren’t gonna tell maya then u gotta tell me
we cool
cooler than cool
ice cold
come ON you gotta appreciate that
okay, okay i get it i won’t ask
just text me if u alright?
i won’t do the annoying thing again i promise
. . .
maybe i lied a little about that
sorry man i am who i am
but seriously minkus
 [Huckleberry Friar]
 First of all
Is my name still Huckleberry Friar in your phone?
I feel like you should change that because Maya doesn’t need the satisfaction of everyone in our friend group having my name as that in their phone
Are you okay?
I don’t care about the other thing
Just wanna make sure you’re doing fine
Come meet me for lunch if you want I’m going to that pizza parlor around the corner
We can just chill and catch up just lemme know
 [Isadora Smackle]
I have heard that you are not answering phones.
Well, you answered Lucas, which is nice.
But I feel like you owe the rest of us the courtesy of answering our phones.
Also, we have a birthday party planned for you that I was not supposed to spill about, but I feel like you are obligated to come to that.
I am just informing you of this.
I will also drag you out by your ear if I have to.
That is all.
 [Smiley Riley]
Hey, are you doing alright?
Is this a mid-midlife crisis?
Should I be running over to your apartment to check on you?
I just really worry about you, Farkle.
Okay, you definitely don’t have to answer our texts, but you definitely have to show up at my apartment tonight at eight.
Dress up nice, though. I know you can do it, Minkus!
Also there might be a certain dessert involved?
Also also objects of particular interest to you that are uhhhh covered in pretty paper that will be relinquished unto you??
I’m really bad at this please just come to your party tonight I made a really cool cake (thanks Pinterest!!) and you’ve got lots of good presents and I feel like you need a hug.
See you tonight! ♥♥
 Riley: Okay no one talk about the YOU KNOW WHAT at the party
Riley: It’s officially off limits
 Maya set the nickname for Riley Matthews to Lame Nerd.
 Maya: Uh huh
Maya: Suuuuuuuuuure
 Lame Nerd: Maya!!!!!
 Lame Nerd set the nickname for Maya Hart to Stupid Dummy.
 Stupid Dummy: Good comeback, Lame Nerd!
 Lucas set the nickname for Riley Matthews to Riley.
Lucas set the nickname for Maya Hart to Maya.
 Lucas: Come on, guys.
Lucas: I agree with Riley. Don’t talk about it. If he wants to tell us, he can, but don’t press him.
Lucas: It is his birthday, after all.
 Smackle: I second that. I don’t want you two to ruin the party.
 Maya: You two??
 Smackle: You and Zay.
 Zay: Awwwww how come I gotta be called out like this
 Maya: It is what it is, Zay
 Riley: Alright, you two are outvoted by Smackle and Lucas and I.
Riley: No talking about it!!!
Riley: Also, Zay
 Zay: Yes?
 Riley: Please wear something nice.
Riley: If you’d like, I’ll send you a list of APPROPRIATE wear
 Zay: You’re no fun!!!!!
 Zay: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine MOM
 Lucas: Don’t sass your mother
 Maya: Yeah, ZAY. Don’t sass your mother!!!!
 Riley: When did you all agree on me being your mom????
 Smackle: A while back.
Smackle: Mom 
Smackle: :)
 Smackle set Riley Matthews nickname as Mom.
 Smackle: Oh, Bubbles
 Maya: Oh, Hon
 Zay: Too late
 Lucas: DEFINITELY too late
Mom: . . .
Mom: Please arrive at 7:30 for set up thank you
 Mom left the group.
 Maya: Awwww party pooper
  Turning twenty-five is not all it’s cracked up to be.
 As Farkle sips at his light beer, he watches his friends from beside Riley’s bookshelf as they argue about what to do next, and Farkle really loves them, he really does.
But he wants to leave.
He’s got this overwhelming suffocation in his chest, both from anxiety and proximity to Riley, who doesn’t know she’s supposed to be his soulmate. And by the time she does, it probably won’t even matter to her because she’ll be happy where she is, most likely married to her current boyfriend.
 She likes Daniel, as she should—he’s a veterinarian, part-time afterschool tutor. He’s got a great dog that loves her unabashedly, and she fits right into his picturesque home like the last piece of a puzzle.
 And that, that is the reason why he doesn’t tell her. But what does he say? He certainly can’t tell them that his best friend’s name is on his wrist; that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Farkle’s had enough rejection in his life time, and for Riley to find out they’re supposed to be together because some unknown force dictated it?
She wouldn’t care for it.
Yes, she does care for him, he’s not unaware of that fact. But caring for someone and being in love with someone are two different things, and Farkle knows for certain that Riley is not in love with him. If she was, they’d be living together happily, and instead of his party being thrown at her house, it be their house.
But there will never be their house, it will always be his house and her house, and Farkle will remain infinitely in love with a girl who doesn’t feel the same way.
Honestly, this whole ordeal is just a punch to the gut, and Farkle would rather stick his head in the toilet for a full minute than admit what his wrist says, so he decides then and there what he’s going to do.
He’s going to pretend he doesn’t have a soulmate mark and live for an eternity with his wrist covered so that no one ever has to know.
 It’s for the best, really.
 “Okay, Farkle, it’s settled. You’re going to stop moping against this bookshelf and come join us for a fun dance party with no complaints. And you’re gonna dance with me first!” Riley appears at his side, tugging at his left arm. Farkle’s initial reaction is to pull away, but he doesn’t want to make her suspicious, so he complies and lets Riley tug him to the living room as Maya puts on her favorite playlist.
The music starts and immediately Riley starts jumping around, her periwinkle lace dress swishing around her as she beams brightly, her eyes pleading for him to join her. He sighs, setting down his beer so that he can comply, because when can he ever say no to her?
It’s impossible.
And as the room becomes drowned out by Maya’s music and the visage of Riley, Farkle wishes he could live in this moment forever—uncomplicated, undemanding, effortless.
 If only.
 If only, if only, if only.
  Farkle, after turning twenty-five and getting the name of a person who will, despite the forces of the universe trying, never love him back, finds dating to be extremely difficult.
And yeah, it sort of makes sense. People don’t flock to people with soulmate marks, and if they do, it’s because they’re looking for the match to their soulmate mark.
So Farkle quickly learns to deal with the fact that he’s going to be alone forever; that’s just how it’s going to go.
But he tries anyway, because he’s a fucking idiot, that’s what. It never lasts, even the ones that promise him it will, and all of it can be explained by the other person soon finding their soulmate and ditching him. It drives him up the wall, but he gets it. He really does.
It doesn’t help that he knows he’s in love with Riley still, too. How can he not? If he had gotten her name tattooed on his wrist when he was younger, he would’ve fainted, maybe even died from shock. But now that he’s older and his love for her has become more solidified, more an actual part of him rather than just a fleeting feeling, he can’t deny the fact that he is hers forever, regardless of what capacity.
Not that he’d ever tell her what capacity he’d prefer it to be. Riley is his oldest and dearest friend next to Maya. Feelings complicate things and make them messy, and the last thing he wants to do is make things messy with the girl who makes his life better by just being in it.
Ugh, he’s a fucking sap.
He’s also in love with his best friend, and for the first time in his life, Farkle Minkus has no idea what to do.
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