#also yes i know that this is not what quark's bar looks like. i didn't feel like making it accurate
hollis-art · 1 year
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“I usually make it a point to drop by Quark’s three or four times a day at random intervals just to let him know that I’m thinking about him.”
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tia-amorosa · 4 months
🌴Lucky Palms🌴
Marisol - Saturday Night Fever (long) Part 1
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It's just before 7 pm. The old warehouse, which has been converted into a discotheque/bar/arcade hall, is expecting many guests today. Clark and his band have invited virtually the whole town. Anyone who wants to come is welcome. And nobody knows how this evening will end….
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"Man, don't overdo it now, Ozzy, do you hear me?"/ "Why… It's all for shit now anyway…"/ "But you're not doomed to die, now come back down and put the bottle away again. You'd better take care of the music system". Oscar received two pieces of news today that threw him off course. Not just him… but also his future wife and all his other close friends.
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As no DJs were available today, the decision was made to use the Auto DJ system. Lots of music, put together on the computer and now played via USB stick. "System running"/ "I can hear that too, at least turn it down a bit so that people can still talk".
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Shortly before 8 p.m., Marisol enters the hall. The music is loud, but not booming. She looks around, not too many people, but at least there's a bit going on… She was almost two hours late. But there was no need to get upset… "Hey…".
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After she heard his voice and then saw him, she went to him. "Well, it's a bit lame, isn't it?"/ "yeah, but I'm sure there'll be more going on later. I didn't realize that the Super Bowl was still on TV today… Are you okay?"/ "mhm. Are the others here too?"/ "Only Oscar, the others had other plans today".
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"So, are you excited about the tour yet? How many gigs do you have?"/ "um, I think 23 or so…". She raised an eyebrow with a grin. "You don't know exactly?"/ "Spike has more of an overview. Do you want a drink?"/ "hm, if there's something non-alcoholic here, you know…" She pointed to her stomach with her two index fingers. "Oh, sure, we don't want our child to become an alcoholic, right? There are non-alcoholic drinks upstairs".
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After a few minutes, Vivienne, Oscar's fiancée, also arrived at the bar. "Hello you two, have you seen Oscar?". Marisol looked over at her in astonishment. "Vivienne? No, I've only just arrived…". Quark reacted a little annoyed, because things are always a little tense between him and Vivienne. "He must be buzzing around here somewhere, what are you doing here anyway, didn't you want to watch your show?"/ "You know I'm not at peace about my future husband at the moment. Well, I'll find him". After Vivienne was out of sight, Marisol turned to Clark again, "Is everything okay with them?"/ "Yes, yes… Shall we go upstairs?".
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Slowly the hall filled up and people went to the bars, or to the dance floor if they felt like dancing. But the drinks here are the best in town at the moment. Clark is nervous on the one hand, but on the other, at least outwardly, calm…a few things have had to be sorted out in the last 24 hours. "hi, one orange juice with elderflower, please".
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The barman looked at her, somewhat perplexed. "Elder… What?". And Clark immediately intervened. "Are you deaf? Elderflower, the syrup, is downstairs, front row, I filled it up the Bar myself…". The barman was a little piqued. "Are you the boss here?". Clark grinned a little. "Almost, so, what is it now, the lady is thirsty"/ "o.k. o.k.… what mix ratio?"/ And again Clark had to shake his head . "Haven't you studied the recipe book? Oh man, what's wrong with you?".
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It took a while for the guy behind the bar to finally finish making the drink. He searched for the recipe, which was actually quite simple, for almost a minute: "I think I need to talk to your boss, apparently you've only had a crash course. Marisol looked over at him and had to laugh a little: "hnhn, hey, don't get upset, Clark, the drink tastes good, really".
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Clark also had a drink made. Then they both got up and carried on talking. "And otherwise… everything okay?". Marisol took a sip from her glass. "mhm, yes… I'm just writing the last chapters of my new book" / "o.k. …. What's it about?" / "hm, about a broken family" / "Oh, o.k., and, is there a happy ending?"…
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"Do you think I'm going to tell you the ending now? You should just read it when it's finished…"/ "Do you know when I last read a book? Just tell me"/ "Nope, I'll let you stew. There are definitely a lot of twists and turns in the story, it's exciting…"/ "hehe, and then you just grin like that". It was a casual conversation between the two of them. And they made jokes from time to time. And so Marisol continued in a cheerful tone. "Yes, because I'm convinced it's a good book."/ "hnhn, you know I only read the newspapers or something on my smartphone, but never a book"/ "hm, but on a long bus journey, from city to city, it certainly wouldn't be wrong…"/ "hnhn, yes, maybe. ". Clark finished his glass and placed it on the bar. "Fancy a bit of dancing?". She smiled and nodded.
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Before they could even reach the stairs, they heard Vivienne shouting loudly. "Oscar! My God…" . They saw her bending over him, he seemed to be unconscious.
What happened? We'll find out in the next part…
Note: Sometimes things happen unexpectedly when I'm doing story or gamplay. And when I saw Oscar lying there on the floor, I thought to myself, that's so fitting right now! I had a similar scene in my head, but I dismissed it again. He gave me a good template, so to speak, and that's how this and the subsequent scenes in the next part were able to come about. 🙂
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
An Alternate Selection
Omg, I can't believe the SoC is almost over! I didn't know if I'd make it this far, honestly, so thank you to everyone who stuck around through all my late posts. Day 31 is basically a free space on the prompt list, so after I've posted today's fic and added the link to my SoC Masterlist, I'm going to edit the Day 31 section on the Masterlist to announce what I've selected for the final day! I hope you all enjoy the last two fics from this crazy event!
So, just as a side note, I did a little research, and it turns out that according to Memory Alpha, Tiron is a Serilian. If you want to read about that, I'll link the relevant Memory Alpha page here. Also, yes, Tiron is a creeper, but just like with Tolaris, I felt the need to put him into a situation. So here we go!
Day 30: Thigh Fucking
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tiron (ST:DS9) x Dabo Girl!Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Serilian/Human sex, sex work, referenced holosuite sex, begging, thigh fucking, biting, corruption kink, implied oral sex (male receiving), Tiron is still a creep but at least it's not toward Kira this time.
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"A glass of Andorian ale," Tiron ordered as he straightened his sleeve and leaned against the bar. He hadn't been so disappointed with a holosuite program in years. Ah well. At least he had enough money to do something about it.
After expressing his displeasure to Quark over the program he'd just been forced to endure for an agonizing ten minutes, the Serilian had an idea of exactly what he wanted.
"What I want is not in your catalogue," he said leaning a little closer to keep their conversation as private as possible.
"Well, tell me what it is, and I'll order it for you," Quark murmured, trying to sound reassuring. "It may take some time, but if it exists, I'll get it."
"That's just the point, Quark. The program I want doesn't exist," Tiron muttered, and he offered the Ferengi a pretty serious amount of latinum for his custom program commission. He noted some fear, though, when he mentioned his interest in Major Kira playing a central part. "Can you do it?"
"...I'll look into the logistics of creating such a program, but in the meantime, I think you'll find that our in-house amenities are more than adequate to meet your...discerning tastes," the bartender said before snapping his fingers. Glidia, one of the Dabo girls, made her way to Tiron's side, and he scoffed. "Something wrong?"
"You think this woman can–" The Serilian broke off as he let his eyes wander the room and spotted someone he'd never seen before. Tiron barely noticed as Quark followed his customer's gaze and waved Glidia away.
"She's one of mine, as well. She started last week, and she's...quite skilled in pleasure for a Human," the Ferengi muttered, and Tiron swallowed as he observed the scantily-clad woman carrying a drink tray. He'd never been with one of her species before. Exploring their differences would certainly be an intriguing experience. "Would you like an introduction?"
Without tearing his eyes from the woman, Tiron tossed the latinum he'd offered earlier unceremoniously onto the bar.
"How long will that buy me?"
"A full night and morning."
"Excellent. Have her meet me in the holosuite I rented. Make the setting...interesting." Tiron smoothed his jacket and strode toward the stairs with his drink.
He'd needed to readjust himself in his pants several times to stay comfortable while he waited in the plush, palace bedroom that Quark had conjured for their use. When the door finally slid open, he had to make use of every shred of restraint left in him.
She was even more stunning in this light than she had been down in the bar. The nearly-transparent fabric of her flowing, smoke-like dress preserved only the smallest shreds of her modesty.
And yet...there was a quality in her wide eyes that made Tiron feel more like an animal on the prowl than he had in years. He could see why she'd been hired. There was an air of innocence about her that not even her risqué outfit could dispel.
The Serilian took great pride in the sounds he was able to coax from her as the night wore on. He'd started slow. Of course he had! Watching the slow decline of morals and dignity and the gentle transformation from chaste to depraved was half the fun of a seduction like this.
After all the foreplay he could stomach, he tossed her on the bed, grasped the bodice of her dress, and tore it straight down the center. She could afford another. He'd make sure of it. Tiron left the shredded garment on her torso as he positioned himself between her legs.
"Please...sir, please..." She begged so sweetly for him to fuck her that he nearly spilled before he'd even entered her. Pathetic little thing.
It had been so long since a non-hologram had been this desperate for him to use them. There must be some sort of chemical reaction between their pheromones, because he was beginning to feel frenzied, as well. A deep, burning hunger spread gradually from his chest outward to his extremities, permeating his every cell.
Tiron hadn't expected this level of compatibility between their species. He was even more surprised at his own actions when he lifted her legs, pressed them together, and began rutting between her slick thighs. Grunts and groans poured from him even as he bit at her calf muscles to mark her.
A gush of pleasure erupted from him along with his seed, drawing a shout from his throat and a needy whimper from the whore beneath him. His release spurted across her skin and torn dress to create a debauched sight that satisfied the Serilian more fully than he could have anticipated.
"Tiron...please..." She whispered as he lay down beside her and nipped at her shoulder. "Please, I need to come."
"Now, now, there's no rush. We have all night to play, my dripping little beauty," Tiron crooned as he watched her place a few soft kisses across his ridged chest. "I paid handsomely for your services, and I want to see how good you are with that mouth. Put your lips around my cock. Make me come that way, if you have the skill. Maybe if you're good enough, I'll hire you from Quark permanently."
He'd offer her triple the pay she was receiving at the bar and fuck her until all she knew was his name. That would get Tiron what he wanted.
One way or another, he always got what he wanted.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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DS9 3x25 Facets thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
I love Nog's determination to join Starfleet, he really is putting his all into it, and good for him.
"Why can't you take after your friend here? He knows enough to stay out of Starfleet. Even a human can see that there are a lot more profitable opportunities out there for a young man with ambition." "Uncle, he wants to be a writer. There's no profit in that." XD yep Quark's argument definitely backfired there - surely he knows humans work for enjoyment, not profit!
"I've noticed they've [Jadzia and Leeta] been spending quite a bit of time together." Oh I can really see them being excellent friends, I wanna read more about Leeta&Jadzia...
Oh I've just realised what episode this is - hell yeah! Definitely looking forward to seeing this again!
"If you don't mind... I'd like to borrow your bodies for a few hours." I'm sure they've all heard of stranger things, but also That is Quite The Request to just come out with. 
Leeta being the one person super informed about the Trill is everything - and Julian looks at her so admiringly, it's sweet :3
The way Kira says yes is somehow so intimate, I can't with the way she smiles at Jadzia.
Ughh, I HATE oomax being used to force Quark into doing things, at any time, it's just gross - but especially here, when he's being asked to do something uncomfortable with his body but is expected to agree straight away without being given thinking time.
The special effects are so weird - the memories glow?
"I was one of the first women to serve as a council member. When I started out, I talked with my hands a lot. Lots of emphatic gesturing. I discovered some of my male colleagues were imitating of me, so I started to do this." It's always strange but interesting to see alien societies have the exact same problems as Earth - though for Trill, this was in the mid-late 2100s, so (god I hope!) long after women were treated equally on Earth. I'm curious now about how Trill society treated joined women whose symbionts had lived in male hosts, or if they once had a strict gender binary that meant symbionts were only passed down in same-gender lines? 
"It's so strange. It's like you really are Lela." Actually I had completely forgotten it was Kira's body too - Nana Visitor is an incredible actress!
I love how tenderly Shimerman is acting as Audrid - he isn't playing this for laughs.
I cannot take Torias' American accent seriously I'm sorry XD I can't tell if it's believable or not but at the very least it sounds wrong coming out of Julian's mouth!
The music and Sisko's soft voice... Chills
"I think that's enough of Joran for now." And you just believed him, Jadzia? That didn't even SOUND like Sisko!
I do love it when there's a scene and someone's head just pokes around a corner. 
Rom's bumbling about is very endearing no matter what Quark says
Rom ordering a uniform! So cute!
Odo kissing Quark on the forehead! Odo saying "Did I ever mention you're a magnificent scoundrel?" WELL THEN
This Curzon/Odo thing is quite a lot of fun though. 
"He's right, you know. And it's not fair. Starfleet has no idea who it's passing up. Nog, you would have made a good officer." Quark! That's so sweet?
"Yes, but the truth is, I felt sorry for you." FUCK YOU CURZON
"And if you ever do anything to hurt Nog again, I'll burn the bar to the ground." "You wouldn't dare." "Oh yes I would. My son's happiness is more important to me than anything, even latinum." Rom is just so good. (Also, makes me think of when Angelica sings, "I love my sister more than anything in this life, I will choose her happiness over mine, every time!" in Hamilton.)
He's definitely far more Curzon than Odo imo - he's got Odo's mannerisms but Curzon's enjoyment of life and personality.
"You can't intimidate me, Curzon. And I'm not a little girl anymore." YOU TELL HIM, JADZIA
The music.. Are we supposed to feel sorry for Curzon about his revelation he loved her? Because nope. No. 
I love how we get to see Julian and Miles playing darts and Sisko, Kira and Jake having dinner together just cos. That scene could have started with any generic Quark's bar shot but it didn't :3
Everyone's fond smiles <3
Nog it's too :3333 "I know I haven't earned the right to wear it yet, but my father got it for me." He's obviously a little uncomfortable knowing he shouldn't be in uniform yet but he still wears it to make his father happy <3
"It just occurred to me. As soon as that kid graduates from the Academy, I'm going to have to call him sir." I love how O'Brien says this with fond amusement.
"What can I get you, Nog?" "A root beer. It's an Earth drink. Something they serve at the Academy." "A root beer. This is the end of Ferengi civilization." Always so dramatic, Quark.
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goose-books · 2 years
i read your wips intro/masterpost, they all look super cool (!!!) but the status sections look like they haven’t been updated in awhile—any updates?
first of all, THANK YOU!!! means a lot whenever anyone checks out my posts! i have a tendency to forget this blog exists, which i can only blame partially on my being in school; i'm part of a thriving community of writing discord servers, and so i've gotten into the habit of sharing more writing there than here. also, from the bottom of my heart, i never have any idea what to post. so thank you x2 for asking for an update, because i can certainly do that!
in the order of the intro post, shall we? (which i have now updated, because it was bothering me.)
The Mortal Realm & Quark: "starting second draft summer 2021," he said (about the first). so that was a fucking lie. summer 2021 i spent working at a children's summer camp, which, while i love kids, sapped my sickly-victorian-boy strength like tuberculosis. and then i went off to college! so quark didn't happen in the fall, either.
both of these are on indefinite hiatus for now, but not shelved! as my oldest long-running projects and the ones that saw me through some specific parts of my life, they're very important to me, and i think about the characters and plots frequently. that said, i've grown a lot since i began each one, so some of my old plans no longer align with the sort of things i like to write now... both are probably due for a rehaul, and as i'm focused on other projects atm, i'm not sure when that will be! but they idle in the back of my brain like screensavers.
A Modern Tragedy: the scripts for AMT are entirely finished! (barring the intermission episode i never wrote, i suppose.) i wrote the last words and immediately encountered some issues, namely: i know how to write, but not how to record and produce a podcast. plus, a podcast-enjoying friend of mine who read the scripts pointed out that honestly, AMT has too many characters to work as an audio drama; i have written a TV show in audio form. and speaking of things i know how to do less than producing a podcast--producing a TV show. so at present i sort of just... have this. sitting on my computer. i've half a mind to just post the scripts on this blog; if you're interested in seeing them... you can certainly shoot me a dm.
darkling: this behemoth is fully drafted, goddamn it, and i did do a round of beta readers over summer 2021. that said, this thing scares me. i am far better at drafting than i am at editing, and approaching a 200,000 word book (yes. i know. i know) to rip the seams out and kick that word count into shape intimidates me. i think perhaps we should all be very mean to me until i acquiesce to sniffing the draft through the bathroom door (??? <- will being mean to me work? unclear)
Valentine van Velt is Dead: oh now this is ridiculous; have i really not updated the intro post in over a year? i suppose not. valentine van velt is out! i posted the book in full in google doc, pdf, and epub forms; you can read it right now today!
love, h: finally something on the intro post is true. this is still in brainstorming mode, less because i haven't figured it out and more because i need to enter another intense hamlet phase to be able to write it properly. it'll happen.
godsong: ah, and we approach the reason the rest of these projects haven't gotten done. my silly little lesbian aeneid is eating my brain. in the past year and a half, i have 1. plotted an entire trilogy 2. written a book and a half 3. spiraled into related AUs for literally over a hundred words. the problem with writing a project that combines multiple hyperfixations is that it will crawl into your brainstem and never ever ever ever leave you alone. ever.
...which is to say that i've written a godsong! i've completed a first draft of the first book and i'm currently drafting the second; i've learned that editing scares me and bogs me down, so i'm riding this hyperfocus as far as it'll take me before i do a beta-reading round. this may come as a shock, because i've posted very little about godsong compared to my other projects, and again, this is because i have no idea what to post. every now and then i get frightened about posting real excerpts, in case it somehow fucks me up copyright-wise. this is a largely irrational fear that i have anyhow. i'm dicking around trying to make character moodboards for intro posts, but i keep running into the moral quandary of whether i can knowingly use unsourced pinterest images, like, morally. unrelated, yeah i do have OCD, how did you know?
thank you for asking after my projects, anon! ^_^ this was a very nice ask to receive and it reminds me i really ought to post here more often... if i ever scrounge up enough pictures from fucking unsplash, we'll see about those intros. if anyone has questions, opinions, or suggestions for future maxblog activities, feel free to shoot me an ask!
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isaacathom · 2 years
ds9 time, s2e8 and s2e9
hellO? Hello! madame? madame! oh mon dieu. introduced staring dramatically out the window as the thunder rolls, simply sublime, madame. it a good outfit also. oh shes a queen. oh i love her. shes got such Verve. oh shes excellent. im like 80% sure she dies based on my memory of the wikipedia summary for this episode (versus the netflix summary) but man. shes great. shes got charisma. i know thats not the point here but nevertheless.
i like that this season they seem to be expanding who gets to be the log character. like its uuuusually sisko but there was one that started with Bashir, and this one starts with Odo. Im a fan of that.
oh thats a good fucking opening sequence. going from odos utterly exasperated log to quark and rom being devious. yes!
oh that mans about to be fucking murdered again for real. oh like for real for real straight murdered his ass okay.
excuse me bashir how the fuck did you just pronounce the word 'trauma'. trama???? sir?
i mean yeah you should accuse rom until rom sees fit to explain shit, but its very funny that sisko chooses to describe rom as a 'family friend'. thats kinda sweet. when are the boys gonna go on a roadtrip (later in the season yes i know)
Oh this is fascinating. oh this fucks.
KIRA NERYS????????????????????????????????
"i better get back to my bar" "🙄 hes not dead yet rom" god odo is so fucking good
"it wouldn't have mattered to the cardassians" "it mattered to me" ooooooh my god
oh here we go heres the bit where odo trips ass backwards into something, love you man but my god you have improved as an investigator with time
got his ass kira
god shes so hot (is this about kira or mrs vaatrik? yes)
god her OUTFIT. her VIBE. impeccable. exceptional.
the way she acts out her little emotional shifts, the way she acts when the door closes, augh! its so good. like idk what the fuck shes doing but shes doing great.
im just engaged honestly this rules
i love that it leads you to believe for a bit that kira killed vaatrik, then one two weeoo.
rom going from :D im a hero to D: i saved my brothers life, on god, comedy
'youll never be able to prove i killed my husband because i didn't' 'i know' oh SUBLIME
oh so there was the misdirect that kira was doing something unrelated but no, no she was involved?? OHHHH THATS CLEVER. she knew what happened on lvl 21 because she was INVOLVED but not the one DOING it, oh thats clever man i like that.
god thats actually really goo- oh no theres the ground upon which a romance will be built. oh man. at least the two are very compelling so this is fine.
odos genuine look like.... sadness? when kira says that he was worried telling the truth would affect their friendship? lads. oh yeah. like that scene is DEFINITELY serving as a ground floor to build a relationship on later, i know this already, but fuck thats dramatic. god. exceptional shit. mwah.
man that episode fucks! that episode was so good! genuinely really like it. the misdirect with the wife, the misdirect with kira, its EXCEPTIONAL stuff.
okay im in the mood, lets pop in another.
oh this scene is cute. its just really sweet. ive been missing jake a little as like, an opportunity to see soft sisko. very nice.
i dont remember how this episode was synops- nevermind i remember how this episode was synopsised on wikipedia, hello madame. oh shes also get an exceptional look. these last two eps theyve taken their two guest female leads and put them in some LOOKS.
Fenna is a recurring character, isnt she. im POSITIVE i saw that name in multiple synopsis. or maybe that was unrelated. its taking a lot of self control not to go check.
uhoh lads we got an alien situation on hand, not unusual given the circumstances but an unusual situation in specific, we're hallucinating hot women on the promenade.
ohh this is the star one, okay, there are many eps with similar synopsis (i was pulling up a transcript for reasons)
its always funny and a little heartbreaking when the way character A realises somethings up with character B because theyre too upbeat and cheerful. like yes, very funny that Kira immediately id's thats smths up because hes friendly b4 his morning coffee but also :( ykwim
eugh. flashing. nasty.
see my thing is im sitting here going, wasnt reigniting a dead star a plot in a tng ep? or, maybe that was trying to save a DYING star. there was some dead or dying star involved. i believe it exploded? there are possibly a couple come to think of it. there was definitely one of a similar thrust though i think.
"i never fail. well, i did once. but i found it didnt agree with me, so i swore never to do it again and i never break my word" this guy rules
this guy. feels familiar. do i know you sir. im gonna find out. he is not anyone i know, nevermind, hes just got one of those faces.
Heterosexuals™️. like listen i think shes attractive also but this went from 0 to like 75 very quickly. okay i read the summary this is very very heterosexuals.
okay the little bit with him and dax? cute. they do have a good dynamic. that was cute.
obrien in the background of this like "? i feel like everyones in on a joke im missing. what the fuck." and thats frankly a mood.
oh she still has a nice outf- ohh i see. okay so we're operating on an extremely basic visual level here - Fenna wears vibrant colours and clothes that are more revealing, less restrictive (no sleeves, whatever the boob window situation is), Nidell wears muted colours that are fully covering, Okay, Okay, boring zzz. like i get it. i know what theyre Doing. i just think that its a kinda boring way of doing it. does that make sense? maybe i just think so because if i was free to dress how i liked, using psychic projection, id be dressed like an edwardian dandy or smth, like my most uninhibited self isnt just me with my tits out. but when the character will be present for a single episode (?) you cant really get too deep in the weeds, you need to operate on the more basic level of it.
my feeling is this episode kinda sucks but there are little good bits. Quark offering sisko a drink was good, honestly. like theres good like character dynamic bits. in fact id say that the dynamic the regular cast is having with sisko is the strongest part of the episode, which is bas considering the main POINT is the relationship between him and Fenna.
benjamin kisses her, she disappears into energy, he immediately facepalms and groans, sir youve been fucking supernaturally romanced my good man
okay so this guy does suck but his delivery on 'dont ask me why [she loves me]... but she does' kinda hits. theres a bit of genuine emotion buried under his bravado and facade.
"theres nothing i can do" was bashir not available this episode aside from the dinner scene- oh i guess you are currently isolated in space, nevermind.
yeah that episode kinda sucks, sorry lmao.
0 notes
suckerforcate · 3 years
Not worth living
Pairing: Kira Nerys×Reader
Word Count: 2099
Warnings: None
Summary: You have a crush on Kira and try to tell her. First attempts is a big fail, second one is harder but succesful.
A/n: So I am still writing the Zelda fanfiction, but I wanted to write again and had this idea so Yeah. I initially didn't plan in writing for Kira, but I updated it and now I do.
Prompt: I’m not saying I can’t live without you because that would be a lie. I could, a lot is possible. But I wouldn’t want to live without you. It would be hell and I could never be happy again without you. It would not be a life worth living.
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You currently stood in front of your closet deciding what to wear later. Jadzia had asked you if you would like to accompany her and Kira to an evening in her new holosuite programm, a bar from the 22nd Century. Of course you said yes, Jadzia was your best friend and you loved spending time with her.
The only problem was that you had a massive crush on Major Kira. That was also the reason why you had such a hard time finding a fitting outfit. You wanted it to be perfect but it shouldn’t look like you tried to much.
In the end you settled with a dark green dress, it was knee long and had long, puffy arms. You curled your auburn, shoulder long hair and put on some subtle make up. Dax had told to you to be at Quarkes’ at 1900. It was already 1854 so you went to the turbo lift.
As you arrived at Quarkes’ Kira was already standing at the stairs and waiting but you couldn’t see Jadzia. She was never late, so you asked Quarkes if he knew anything.
“Sure, she said she couldn’t make it, something on ops. But she assured me that you and the Major would come and I would get my Latinum. I hope so.”
You rolled your eyes at him and wanted to go to Kira to tell her but then it hit you. That would mean you two were alone. Jadzia did this on purpose, you were sure of that she always mocked you because of your crush on Kira.
For a second you thought about just turning around and leaving but Kira already saw you and waved at you.
Ok, I can do that. It’s just one evening. Just two hours.
So you walked over to Kira and told her what Quarkes just told you. “Well that happens sometimes, but we can also have fun without her, right?” She looked at you and laughed, you really wanted to do the same but all you could get out was a nervous chuckle.
You had no time to say anything else because Kira took your hand and started pulling you up the stairs and towards the holosuite.
Suddenly you stood in the middle of a vibrant bar full of people from different countries from the earth and a lot of different coloured lights on the walls.
Just as you wanted to say something you realised you and Kira were still holding hands, so you quickly let go of her hand and laughed nervous.
“Do you want to drink something?” Kira nodded and you both went to the bar. You sat down and after sometime you stopped being nervous and just talked and laughed with Kira.
It just all felt very natural and as if it was meant to be like this. Just you two sitting in a bar and laughing.
Suddenly one of your favourite songs started to play and without thinking about it you just pulled Kira to the dance floor. On second thought you really wanted to turn around and leave but that would seem absolutely stupid. So you just started dancing.
For the first time this evening you really looked at Kira. She was wearing wide white pants and a fitting white blazer. Under the Blazer she wore a black tight shirt. She looked beautiful and the way she was dancing and laughing right know made her look ethereal. You knew you shouldn’t have looked at her body because know you couldn’t look away anymore.
“(Y/n) you are staring, that’s not very polite.” Kira laughed and you looked up directly into her eyes. Suddenly you stoped to move and stepped closer to Kira. Before you were able to do anything she pulled you close and you could feel her lips on yours.
Her lips were soft and the kiss, though it wasn’t long, was the best feeling you had ever felt. After a few seconds you felt Kira pulling away and staring at you shocked. “Kira I-, I’m sorry…” she slowly shook her head and left without a word.
Now you were standing alone in the middle of the dance floor, like an idiot. You felt so stupid, how could you have ever thought that she loves, even likes you. She is such a strong, intelligent and beautiful women and you are just.. well you. Just the little Lieutenant from the science lab. Mediocre beautiful and intelligent and for sure you weren’t strong. Kira had lost everything but she never cried and you? When your brother died you could stop crying for three days. Remembering you were still standing on the dance floor, you left the holosuite and rushed to your quarters.
The next few days were horrible, Kira ignored you every time you saw each other and the lunch on the promenade with Dax and Kira wasn’t fun like normally. It was awkward. Neither of you could look each other in the eyes and for some reason you felt anger towards Jadzia in you. You knew that in the end it wasn’t her fault but she left you an Kira alone. If she was there it would have never happened. No one spoke a word and on the third day Kira didn’t even come to lunch.
Of course that was reasonable, better not be there than bear this awkward silence but still you felt a little sting in your heart. It was like you were losing her completely. You couldn’t risk this. So you decided to talk to her.
Well, that sounded easier than it actually was. Every time Kira saw you in the turbo lift she turned around and left. Every time she saw you on ops she acted like she was super busy or talking to someone. You searched her at all the places to which she normally went, but she was never there. She either locked herself up in her quarters or she changed her whole routine just so you couldn’t find her.
That hurt. Even more than the rejection after the kiss. Because now you weren’t losing someone
you loved, you were losing one of you best friends.
At the same time you felt so sorry for Jadzia because she was affected by your actions too. She couldn’t just hang out with her two friends anymore. You mostly met her alone or she did things with Julian.
After trying to talk with Kira multiple times and always failing, you asked Benjamin for help.
“Please, you have to help me. Otherwise I won’t get to talk to her till she’s on her deathbed. Could you please tell her to come to the meeting room? She will think you want to talk to her but you’re not going to be there. I will.” Benjamin new that you were right. Kira could be extremely stubborn.
And Jadzia probably already told him about you and Kira’s Situation.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Tell me when you are there.” You smiled at him, the first actual, genuine smile in days and left.
“(Y/n) to Benjamin. I’m there. Call her.” And now you waited. It couldn’t be long. If Kira thought Ben needed her she would hurry.
And so it was, a few minutes later the doors slid open and Kira entered. As she saw you she looked to the ground and ignored you.
“Kira..” you couldn’t go on because she looked up and cut you off.
“I think this is not the right time (Y/n). We should wait what Captain Sisko wants.” You slowly approached her and put your hand on her left arm.
“Kira, Benjamin won’t come. I told him to call you here. I new otherwise I would never get to talk to you.”
She wanted to turn around and leave as she understood what you wanted but you pulled her back.
“No, Kira. Stop running away from me. I can’t do this anymore. I miss you and this breaks me.”
She looked shocked for a second but managed to pull herself together quit fast. Like always.
“Ok, speak. I’ll listen.” You slightly smiled at her.
“Kira , I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. And I understand that you see me as a friend, nothing more, but please let us be friends. Give us a chance to be friends again. I don’t want to lose my best friend.”
You felt a tear in the corner of your eye but you didn’t give it permission to fall. You wouldn't do this again. Cry just because you aren’t strong enough. Was Kira crying? Of course not.
"Oh, (Y/n). You made the wrong conclusion. I-… I like you. More than I like a friend, but I know that you could never love me. I mean, how could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine? I’m a warrior! Broken on the inside, so much older than you and god knows not so beautiful. I might have been 20 years ago but not anymore. I understand you could never love this.” For a second you thought her eyes were glistening with tears. But as fast as it seemed to have come it was gone again.
“Kira I-, Nerys. I’m not saying I can’t live without you because that would be a lie. I could, a lot is possible. But I wouldn’t want to live without you. It would be hell and I could never be happy again without you. It would not be a life worth living.” Some lonely tears were now falling down your cheek.
“Why?” Kira looked at you in shook and disbelief.
“Because I love you.”
“But why? What makes me loveable?”
Now it was your time to look at her in disbelief. Didn’t she know how amazing she was?
“Because you are the strongest person I know, your life was not an easy one. You lost everything. But did I once see you complain or cry about it? No. You are sad about it, yes. But you learned to go on with your life and to always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Because you are the first person in my life to make me feel at home. You have such a calming effect on me and you always know what’s wrong with me and how to help me. Because your laugh makes me feel like its a warm summer day in my mothers garden on earth every time I see it. Because I feel like all my problems are irrelevant and life is worth living every time I hear your voice. Because I feel save with you and I know that you would fight every single person in the whole quadrant if they would want to hurt me. Because you always have an idea to save the day. Because you are more intelligent than anyone I know. Because you are beautiful, graceful and ethereal and every time I look at you I don’t want to look away anymore. Because you listen to me, you genuinely listen and would send everyone away who would interrupt that. Because you always think about the others before you think about yourself. Even after all the pain you suffered from and all the dark days in your life your top priority isn’t your own wellbeing. It never was. Because you never judge me and always have my back if others do. Nerys you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. And not for one second did I think about the fact that you are older, because it just doesn't matter. It doesn't make you less beautiful or less amazing and it doesn't change the fact that I love you with my whole heart. More than I ever thought I could love someone.”
“You really think all of that?”
”Nerys, it’s the truth.“ Tears were streaming down her cheeks and for the first time ever you saw her cry, but they weren’t sad tears. They were happy tears.
“I love you (Y/n). “ She approached you and you took her cheeks between your hands.
Slowly she got closer and your lips touched. This kiss was much softer than the one in the holosuite. It was full of love, hope and reassurance. After a few seconds the kiss broke and Nerys pulled you in a tight hug.
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