#also you go my dude you have a BLAST with your self/oc shipping!!
echosong971 · 1 year
ur eugenie x pino art is so mesmerizing 2 me... just sharing but idt i really ship anybody with pinocchio in the game (Except Myself but that is probably a given, shipping themselves w him and all, for most of the fandom LOL) but eugenie is so cute and pretty and pinocchio is also cute and pretty and i also think they should be cute and pretty together 🫶 love ur art of them and i hope i get to see more!
aww thank you!! you're so sweet! ☺️♥️
they DO deserve to be cute and pretty together!!!
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sunsmitten · 4 years
     This is something that’s been bothering me lately and i feel the need to give my two cents. im starting to see homophobic comments abt gay ships on my dash and while the people saying them may not think it’s homophobic, it is. no one has to really read this, it’s just something i want to put out there. it’s my personal experience with a group of people that were very Straight Ship centered, heteronormative, and would frequently make the very same comments others are starting to make here: “gay ships are being shoved down my throat so now i hate gay shipping and want nothing to do with it” or you know, stuff along those lines. if two people rping two girls kissing or two boys kissing bothers you in any way, literally, in any way at all, it is homophobia. and here’s a good chunk of how shit like that grows and can become something very harmful;
when i very first started rping on tumblr i had made an oc ( both the oc and blog are looooong gone by now ) that wasn’t very attracted to women romantically or sexually. he didn’t define his sexuality, but throughout that blog i made it clear he wasn’t really into women.
i eventually made friends with this group of people who also rped on tumblr. in the beginning everything was fine, great and fun! but after some time they would make me feel bad for only putting my oc in a relationship with a man. in order for me to be included and not repeatedly discarded by them, i would actively have to put my oc in a ‘straight ship.’ and unfortunately, that’s what i did. i immediately noticed a difference with how they treated me when i finally shipped my guy oc with one of their girls oc’s, and i would have to repeatedly sit through them saying transphobic and homophobic comments abt other people’s ships and muses ( it was the transphobia in this community that made me leave in the first place ). they would constantly express their bitterness towards m/m and f/f shipping on the internet bc it was “more popular” than their m/f ships, and when i would try to explain how that wasn’t a good viewpoint to have, I would be ostracized, guilt tripped, and forced to apologize and ‘admit’ that i was wrong.
as i got older and more comfortable with my sexuality, i really only ever viewed/read content centered around m/m and f/f because like. im gay. and i wanna see gay shit, ya know? but that didn’t really fly with them. they’d would continuously make me feel guilty for this, call me misogynistic for liking m/m and f/f over m/f because to them being gay and wanting to see gay content makes me hate women, and i was called the big word itself. Heterophobic. 
one of the girls in particular, we’ll call her S, was very keen on telling me how awful of a person i was bc of my preference, how ‘straight shipping is oppressed’ on the internet and im only ‘feeding into the oppression.’ for 4 years she would manipulate me and make me feel guilty not only for the type of media i consumed, but for my sexuality in general. it got so bad to the point that i would have frequent panic attacks and i still got the throw up stain on my carpet to prove it ( i got one so bad bc of her i puked all over my bedroom floor and then fainted ). when i would try to reach out to the others abt what was happening behind the scenes, i’d either be ignored or my feelings were invalidated. to me, she was toxic, to everyone else, she was a wonderful friend. but that doesn’t excuse or make her treatment of me ok and it took along time for me to realize that. 
again, please keep in mind this went on for 4 years. this started when i was finally comfortable with myself and then to be thrown in and stuck in this situation bc i was too much of a coward to leave really fucks with a person. her distaste, hatefulness, and bitter attitude for gay people/characters/shipping was all taken out on me every week for 4 years. i’m doing my very best not over-dramatize this but yeah, it was every week for 4 years she would send me paragraphs of how terrible i was for just being me. how shitty i was as a person, how im a terrible friend, how the content i liked wasn’t fair to her, a straight person, that i was predatory for being a masculine identifying person looking at other guys, and how lucky i was to have a friend like her that tells me when i’m ‘in the wrong.’ 
near the end of last year she sent me another one of these multi-paragraph messages. at this point, i had finally become very aware how fucked up of a person she is and how i was never in the wrong through any of this like she originally made me believe. instead of agreeing with her and apologizing, a ended up snapping back. i told her how i felt, how she wasn’t being fair to me, and that i felt she was being very homophobic. admittedly, her response wasn’t at all like i had expected. She apologized, told me i had opened her eyes to some things and she’ll work on getting better. this made me happy! i thought that maybe we could continue our friendship without anymore of the BS. 
after that i took a good break from being online. i needed some time for myself and i needed to think some things over about my life. during this time, i realized how lax i was with S, how i let her and that whole friend group get away with so many things and i began to wonder if i should even go back. even after that talk i had with her, she was still very defensive against homosexual relationships and would get angry if someone expressed more interest in gay media than straight media. 
i was away for a good couple months, i was healing and rising above that bad mentality she forced on me. i logged out of all social media and messenger apps so there was no way her or anyone from that group could contact me. i hadn’t heard from her in months, until i received a letter in the mail. She wrote me a letter. A two paged letter. A LETTER. A REAL, WHOLE ASS LETTER. just so she can continue to try and tear me down. she started by telling me how much she missed me, a little starter paragraph kissing my ass until it, very abruptly, turned into the usual “youre shit, terrible, bad, you have no respect for me or anything i create, you hate me bc im a straight woman-” you get it. but this time i didn’t care! nothing she said in that letter got to me like it used to. the only thing that bothered me was her persistence to make me feel bad. she genuinely wanted to continue to hurt me. but with that time away and probably because i was so used to it by then, it didn’t faze me. 
i eventually went back to social media and kept my distance from that friend group. i still considered them my friends, bc when things were good, i had a lot of fun! and wanted to keep that in my life. But, I blocked S. I blocked her on everything so there’d be no way for her to contact me and if she wrote me another letter, i would simply rip it up. i made it clear i wanted to go our separate ways with no hard feelings, i didn’t talk to anyone abt what she had done. no mention whatsoever. i carried on my merry way bc i was moving past it. She did not. 
When she figured out i had blocked her, she threw a tantrum. she twisted my words and painted me as the villain by showing out of context screenshots of what i had sent in response to her second to last message ( the one before the letter ). she told the people i was still friends with that i abused her for years bc she was straight and put me on full blast on the internet. she did this because i blocked her.
it all happened in the time span of a second; i lost all my friends, i was blocked by everyone and not only called a piece of shit by her, but by everyone i still cared deeply about. i was forced to delete all my social media accounts so i wouldn’t continue to be put on blast. for a week i was upset bc really, who wouldn’t be? but after that week i realized that if these people i called my friends just took S’s word for it and were all so eager to tear me apart bc she said so, they were never my friends. they never cared about me so why should i care if im not with them anymore? it was a real eye opening moment and my dudes, im doing fucking great. im so much happier without them all in my life and i can finally do the shit i want. be gay and indulge on harmless gay content. 
so! to make the moral of the story clear. The people that are so butt hurt over gay shipping being more popular than straight shipping are people not to be trusted. it may seem unfair to lump them all into a category, and im not saying they’re all as toxic as S, but their mentality is homophobic. disliking anything gay bc it’s not straight, is homophobic. straight people are constantly represented in every source of media and if someone is bothered by the fact that gay people are indulging in gay shipping in the rpc, they are homophobic. there’s no way around it.
im still getting over S and all that she did. i know without her i wouldn't be as tough as i am now and unapologetic with what i like, but there’s a good part of me that wishes i never met her or that friend group. bc of her i struggle with my self esteem and my own internalized homophobia that only formed after i met her. i’ve come along way in the months after i officially cut myself off from them, but i know this is something that’s going to take some time. 
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timetrickster · 5 years
Aloha Oe X Edith Nox Crossover Episode 1: World’s Collide
So after drawing up @cometworks OC’s. I thought to have fun and collab with her characters and my main character and make a crossover. In the form of episodes. Sooo I hope ye enjoy it.
Space. Literally space. The darkest depths of the unknown, holding what many couldn’t even anticipate. Asteroids shooting from different ends of the galaxy. Ships from different worlds traveling, fighting, floating. Even a planet that’s lost its gravity axis and floats like a pinball in a vast universe.
But right now… a space battle between two ships. The Eternity… the time ship piloted by the time-traveling alien hero of Universe Designation: 727 Justin Oras. He chases down an alien threat… a Vis, known as Imperium. An energy absorber who had recently stolen a supply of Quasar Energy Fuel. When used by someone dangerous it could destroy half a world.
The Eternity chases after the ship that Imperium flies.
Enoch! How are we looking with the fuel?
ENOCH’S voice only appears.
We have enough fuel captain.
Good. Fire photon cannons now.
The Eternity fires blasts off light hit the right wing of Imperium’s ship. All of a sudden a wave of cosmic energy comes toward both ships. Making Imperium’s ship disappear first.
Justin looks on as he realizes the wave of cosmic energy come at him.
Oh, shi-
The wave of cosmic energy grabs onto the Eternity too and disappears.
It’s a lovely day on this Universe’s Earth. A lovely girl named Edith Nox who loves gardening is planting some new flowers in her garden. Enjoying a rather sunshine filled day. When all of a sudden, something shining in the sky lands near her home. Sensing the emotional distress of a specific person. She rushes over immediately only to find a huge but damaged plane parked near her home.
A door on its side opens up and JUSTIN ORAS, dizzy and tired from the cosmic energy wave walks out. The ship turns invisible immediately in the sight of EDITH appearing. JUSTIN falls into the ground and EDITH rushes over to help this stranger in a long coat, holding him up by carrying his arms around her.
Are you, okay mister?
JUSTIN instantly knocks out as his head drops and his body becomes heavy.
EDITH (cont’d)
You’re really heavy mister!
EDITH drags him to her home and sets him on her couch.
EDITH (cont’d)
You’re very very heavy mister.
EDITH pulls out her phone, this sleek and thin and clear rectangle and makes a call.
JUSTIN wakes up instantly, finding himself shirtless with bandages wrapped around his wounds. His stomach wrapped in bandage wrap as well as his right wrist. He looks to his left and sees EDITH coming in and two other people. One with long hair and also wearing a long coat. Another with curly hair and wearing sports clothing.
Hello, are you okay?
She rushes over with a cup full of water. Still dizzy he nods then shakes his head real quick.
Hello… um, my name is Justin Oras.
Hello Justin, my name is Edith. These are my friends Noemi and Violet.
Hello. Uh. Where am I?
You’re in my home.
No… I mean what planet am I on?
EDITH chuckles a bit.
You must’ve hit your head really hard. Um… we’re on Earth.
The year?
ENOCH’S hologram form appears as Justin’s phone on the table projects her.
VIOLET responds with a fighting stance and what appeared to be ice sharpened to form weapons. NOEMI’S wings sprout open as a sign of surprise. EDITH looks at ENOCH with fear and curiosity.
Enoch. Where are we?
We are in Universe Designation 528.
What is that thing? An Energy being?
She’s an AI.
They all looked confused.
She’s a computer’s brain?
She’s a living computer.
That’s impossible.
Not where I’m from.
To repeat, we are in Universe designation 528.
Any known information?
From what I am able to find in the nearest databanks. This universe’s Earth was ravaged by an apocalyptic event. The survivors had mutated and are now capable of magical abilities.
JUSTIN looks at the three of them.
Cool. Another magic universe.
What did she mean “this universe”?
JUSTIN not knowing how to explain this, his face holds anxiousness.
Uh… I’m from a different universe.
It’s true and to add on to the shock. I’m also an alien.
An… alien?
Like… from space and stuff?
EDITH takes a big breath in.
THAT’S SO COOL! Oh my Eden! You have to tell me more about yourself! What’s your home like?! How often do you travel in space?! IS THERE A PLANET FULL OF FLOWERS?!
EDITH’S face shows surprise while NOEMI was about to have a nervous breakdown. VIOLET stood there believing this all was lies.
You guys seriously don’t believe this right?
EDITH zooms past VIOLET and sit’s face to face with JUSTIN.
You’re pretty excitable aren’t you?
He laughs a little and smiles.
But to answer your questions. It’s an amazing place. A sun shaped like an “X”, midnight blue grass. Leaves made out of gemstones. It’s a lovely place.
He falls silent. Through Edith’s POV, she feels a wave of tragedy suddenly hit her.
Oh my… I’m sorry.
No. No. Don’t be sorry. It’s alright.
He reassures her. JUSTIN gets up and puts on his shirt and grabs his phone.
Is there a place you guys like to eat? I’m actually starving… jumping universes has some effects and hunger is one of them.
There’s Mapple Brew Coffee Shop nearby. They could have so foods and deserts.
JUSTIN sees his long coat and puts it on.
Lead the way, Edith.
EDITH does a salute and walks out the door. JUSTIN motions NOEMI and VIOLET to go first. NOEMI gives him a smile and walks out the door. VIOLET confronts him for a bit.
I don’t know who you are… or whatever this alien and different universe crap is. But if you hurt my friends I will kill you. You get one warning.
Got it.
VIOLET exits the door and JUSTIN follows and closes the door to the house.
Any Transports at this time?
Nope. Dang.
We can take my ship.
They all turn to look at him. He nods his head to the right as a motion to follow him. With a snap of his finger, the Eternity reveals itself from its a hidden veil. JUSTIN stands like a showman with his arms up.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Say hello to The Eternity.
EDITH’S eyes are widened as if gigantic stars took place of her pupils. NOEMI surprised by the reveal, his wings unfurled. VIOLET holds a serious face but shocked at the reveal.
An alien ship! It’s an alien ship! Oooooh!
Oh my goodness.
VIOLET grabs him by the coat collar.
How did you do that?!
JUSTIN was scared of her anger authority. EDITH tries to pull JUSTIN off from VIOLET’S grip of death.
She lets go of him. JUSTIN fixes his collar and the side door to the cargo bay opens.
Come in, guys.
They all walk into the ship. As they walk throughout the ship, EDITH & NOEMI look around every corner and scrutinize every detail. Meanwhile VIOLET looks unimpressed with the ship. They arrive at the command deck. ENOCH’S hologram appears and greets them all.
Hello, Captin. Ms. Nox, Mr. Sol, Highness Choi.
Hello… Enoch right?
Yes, Ms. Nox. Hello to you too.
JUSTIN sits on the “Captain’s Chair” and starts pressing buttons.
Has the self-repairs, repaired the ship?
The ship is at full capacity and up and running. Where to then?
Ooh! Maple Brews Coffee House.
Alright then. Plotting a course to Maple Brew Coffee House. You three might want to sit down for this.
EDITH, NOEMI, & VIOLET do so and put on the strap that holds them in place. The Eternity rises into the sky slowly and JUSTIN holding onto a lever pushes it forward and the ship zooms instantly. The rush pushes back EDITH, NOEMI, & VIOLET as it was there first time riding in an alien spaceship. JUSTIN parks the ship near large park’s field. He turns around in his chair to find the three having a headache.
Dammit, I should have warned you of the effects of flying on a time ship for first timers.
JUSTIN takes off the strap of EDITH first to which she falls on the ground like a blob.
Jelly bones…
He helps EDITH up into her seat. NOEMI screams, and VIOLET speech is mismatched.
I can’t see!
Temporary blindness and Speech impairment. Should last for a couple of minutes.
The three friends and their newly found alien friend enjoying their mini cafe drinks. EDITH & NOEMI enjoying Rasberry Teas and VIOLET enjoying an iced coffee. JUSTIN enjoying a random drink with milk and cookies times seven.
Can you tell us more about you?
Uh… I was born on the planet of Chronos. I lived with my family until my 115th birthday.
YOU’RE OVER A HUNDRED YEARS OLD?! You look like our age!
Well… I’m currently 117. I’m technically a teenager in my years. So I’m still pretty young.
Do you know anyone different looking where you’re from?
Of course dude. I come from space. Everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. One of my adopted brother’s is a Volantigar. They’re basically humans with wings.
Did you say wings?
Yeah, dude. You remind me of Icarus a lot. Those wings are apart of that. Love the jet black feathers too.
Thank you, that means a lot.
No, problem Nomei.
What are you doing here? In our “Universe”?
Violet… don’t be mean.
He should explain his presence here.
It’s fine. Um, I’m considered a hero in my universe. A legendary hero named The Time Trickster. I was after a wanted mad man, who had stolen a supply of Quasar Fuel. He’s also an energy absorber and with that supply he has… he could level a city. I shot his ship down before the cosmic wave threw me and the ship into this universe. It was a simple mistake really, I didn’t expect the cosmic wave to appear.
That is quite understandable. It is a pleasure to meet a warrior of your status. This Energy Absorber his name?
Imperium of the Vis.
He sounds easy to defeat.
JUSTIN worried for his friend’s new safety warns her of IMPERIUM.
He is no simple villain, Violet. He is an energy absorber.
I am one of the greatest fighters of the kingdom. As well as a renowned Cryomancer of my generation. I can beat someone from another universe.
Sorry about, Violet. She’s a sorta… headstrong?
Don’t worry… I understand what it’s like to be that way. My adopted mom from Gaia knows I tend to be that way.
Oh my Eden!  Did you say Gaia?! TELL ME! TELL ME!
JUSTIN chuckles a bit.
Oh, yeah haha. My adopted family comes from called Gaia.  And yes it’s a planet full flowers. It is known as the Everlasting Garden or the Planet of Nature.
EDITH froze for a few seconds as her heart had dropped hearing the words “Garden” & “Nature”.
Is Edith okay?
She loves gardening… she tends to be like this.
She smiles forever.
After I was banished from my homeworld.
I landed on the nearest planet in a nearby galaxy with humanoid looks. I was then adopted by High Queen Angelique The Rose and well I became a prince along with my 7 other adopted siblings.
Please take me there one day! Please! Oh, I never asked, what are you? Since you’re an alien an all… what are you specifically?
I’m a Time Walker. I already mentioned I’m a hundred years old and come from Chronos. I’m also a time traveler.
No way!
You can travel in time?!
I’ll believe it when I see it.
I’ll prove it to you all.
Suddenly out of nowhere IMPERIUM shows up destroying whatever he sees in sight. A large featureless being with glowing red color and white eyes shaped to be evil.
JUSTIN reaches near the right side of his head but grabs air instead.
Crap I forgot my weapons
I true warrior needs no weapons.
VIOLET runs out of the cafe with EDITH & NOEMI following leaving JUSTIN.
Hey, Imperium!
IMPERIUM turns around to see VIOLET.
Oh a brave little girl, come to fight me?
VIOLET smirks,
She raises both arms up, with palms open instantly firing her ice-cold powers. EDITH jumps in, waving her hands like making a sphere and creating this orb of green energy and blasting it toward him. NOEMI flies into battle and summons vapors of skull beings of death at his side to fight. Flying while firing what he could at IMPERIUS. IMPERIUS having absorbed their magic as energy.
Delicious… what do you call that? Magic, am I correct? You just gave me a boost of energy, children.
IMPERIUM’S body began to mutate from the magic absorbed. His right arm froze with ice, his aura of red mixed in with the green emotional energy. The left side of his face developed what appeared to be a skull. Shocked by this reveal of power displayed, IMPERIUM raises his frozen right arm about to blast all three mages. When suddenly he is frozen himself.
JUSTIN appears behind them, his right arm raised and hand clenched into a fist holding a shining blue orb of sorts.
Hey guys. You didn’t have to ditch me.
How are you doing that?!
My people can control the flow of time.
EDITH Awesome!
JUSTIN waves his hand and IMPERIUM disappears.
Where’d he go?
I was thinking about the bottom of the ocean.
You sent him there?!
We won!
We may have, but my ship isn’t fully repaired I can make a Dimensional Jump till she’s fully repaired. I can still fly her, I just can’t jump anywhere yet.
So that means you’re stuck here?
For a while yeah…
JUSTIN looks at her confused.
EDITH (cont’d)
Awesome as in you’re staying for a while… sorry…
JUSTIN smiles
I’m kidding, I guess I can crash at your place, Edith?
Of course! We can show you around this universe too! That will be fun!
I’d love that.
The four friends return to the ship and fly back to EDITH’S home where they had a small party to themselves.
IMPERIUM’S body still frozen is rescued by a figure in a dark cloak. With a snap of his finger, IMPERIUM is unfrozen and fires the ice blast and looks around for a moment.
Where are they?!
One of them froze you. Not literally but figuratively.
He shows IMPERIUM a photo taken of EDITH, NOEMI, VIOLET, & JUSTIN. Recognizing JUSTIN immediately he scrutinizes the photo.
The Time Trickster! He is here too?!
Yes, and I have a proposal to make you. Being from another world.
IMPERIUS despite being featureless his right eyebrow raises with intrigue.
I’m listening.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: Jaetion
Creator name (AO3): Jaetion
Creator name (Tumblr): Jaesauce
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Jaetion/works
Creator name (other platform- please specify): Pillowfort: Jaetrix
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: MMFR movie was incredible! It hit all of my sweet spots.  And the fandom is great: really supportive people, creative fanworks, and great discussions. I've been playing around with fandoms online for a long time and I've met some awesome people, but the MMFR fandom is just chocked full of interesting fans and ideas (like this spotlight!). 
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: Oof, I'm not sure. I think my style is a lot of conversation, and very little and very poorly written action? As far as themes go, I love referencing music. Music is important to me, so it usually influences my writing. I identify as a feminist and try to put progressive messages into my stuff. I try to write women who form relationships, live their lives, and drive the plot without having to play second banana to men. On a similar, I like writing/reading sex scenes that are fun and funny for the people involved - enthusiastic yes from both/all parties. (Unless I'm filling a fic request that specifies something else, of course.)
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: “Take the A Train" was fun because I love writing about NYC. But the stories in "Citadel City Serenade" have definitely been the most rewarding. I really like trying to fit plots and characters together, and it feels awesome when things snap into place. "Six-String Soldier" is my most popular fic, probably because I started writing it right around the release of the movie and it's shippy. Overall... hm, I think my favorite MMFR thing I've written might be "Metal Bars." I think I did a pretty decent mix of kid naivety and shitty oppression. 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hopeful, but realistic, I think. With everything that's going on in politics, both in America and internationally, and the unbearably awful reports on climate change, I need to cling to some remnants of hope or else I'll just lie on the floor and never get up. I love solarpunk! Reclaiming/recreating the world is what interests me.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: I write drafts, either as notes on paper or outlines in Google docs. I have a bunch of notebooks full of fragments. I do a lot of editing - I have a hard time articulating things, so it takes a number of attempts until I get it right (or at least close to right). When I get stuck, I read fic. There are so many talented authors who've produced so many amazing stories that it's pretty easy to find something inspiring.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: Folk music! I have a couple of playlists on Spotify specifically for writing Mad Max fic.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Writing! Specifically writing something good! I'm not sure if this counts as a challenge, but I also struggle with self doubt; posting something that gets no attention really sucks and it's hard not to take poor reviews/no reviews as a personal affront.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I've never attempted to write something as long as "Six-String Soldier," or the whole series of "Citadel City Serenade," really. Trying to manage a couple of different timelines at once with different POVs has been complicated and fun. Because of this fandom, I've also been writing more articles for the Fanlore wiki and tracking down references/resources for preservation. I'm an archivist and being able to use some of my professional skills in fandom and even develop them has been sort of neat.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I probably relate most to Max: tired, wants to be alone, many grunts. But I prefer to write the Wives. They're so fascinating, each in their own way. I love how distinct they are and yet how well they work as a team. The first few times I saw the movie, I focused on Furiosa as the feminist hero that we all needed, but the more I watched and the more I read, the more I realized just how courageous, intelligent, and yes, feminist the Wives are. Victory doesn't require fighting and heroes don't need to be killers. The Wives achieve so much over the span of the story without physically fighting.
Q: How do you translate various elements from the film, such as the theme of the importance of bodily autonomy and critiques of an oppressive ruling class, into a modern setting?
A: This is an amazing question, thank you for asking! MMFR portrays a reality that is uncannily close to our own - In fact, it might as well be a peek into our future. In my mind, there's not even much of a need to translate those elements/themes because oh god we're dealing with them right now. What I was trying to translate with "Citadel City Serenade" is the victory of the characters over those adversities. In MMFR, the characters participate in violent, bloody battle; in CCS, they start social movements. Which is something we can do in the real world! Marches, protests, grassroots activism in general are tools we can use - Music, art, hell even gardening can be parts of a revolution.
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Nope! I'm far too pathetic to survive in the wasteland. Hopefully I'll just die in the initial blast.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: Yes! I'm a shipper at heart, so I am all about the couples. My two favorites are Capable/Nux and Toast/Slit. I love having the women be the ones leading the relationships - not only setting the boundaries but also expanding the War Boys world into completely new territory. I'm also totally into male characters who are sexually inexperienced. Alpha male dudes are meh in my opinion - Give me someone sweet and enthusiastic, someone whose love is based on respect, someone whose enthusiastic about learning. I think Nux is firmly in the category of awesome boyfriend, and I like trying to figure out how to lead Slit in that direction. There's also the idea of redemption in their relationships that I find fascinating.
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: Hm, I think that I definitely view the film through a feminist gaze. It's entirely possible that MMFR is just an action film but that's not my take on it!
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? 
A: Why or why not?Bit of both! I just want to read, read, read - As long as the fics are well written, it doesn't matter to me if the settings are consistent. As far as my own writing goes, I get so many ideas for fics that it's not really possible to have them all exist in a single chronology.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: The great thing about fanfiction is that it's transformative. To me, canon is the foundation, but you can build whatever you want on it. Hopefully I keep the characters close to their canon portrayals, but other than that, I like to mix things up. Also, a modern AU setting just fits so damn well in the Mad Max world. I think also that canon itself can be flexible. Death of the author and all that. Once media is out in the world, it'll be interpreted by the audience - and sometimes those interpretations are vastly different from one another. 
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: I don't really have any! Since most of my stuff is AU, the headcanons are limited to those settings.
Q If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: I have a smatterings of OCs who populate the world as background characters: Vuvalini, milking mothers, and War Boys. I played a MMFR tabletop RPG a couple of years ago, and my character from that and an NPC she saved both ended up in 6-String. That particular War Boy (Stacks) now has a couple of fans and so I've been giving him more screentime, as it were. He's sort of interesting as a foil to Nux and Slit: those two have girlfriends to learn from, but Stacks is on his own as he tries to escape from the WB life.
Q: If you create original works, how do those compare to your fan works?
A: I do! I participate in NaNo every year. I think my fanfiction is better than my original stuff since I write, since the fanfic is intended to be shared and thus I have to write decently enough to get readers. However my stuff tends to be in the speculative fiction genre, so that's something my fanfic and original fic share.
Q: What are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: There are so many! In Mad Max, @supergirrll, @redcandle17, pbp (@primarybufferpanel),  @bonehandledknife, Tyellas (@thebyrchentwigges), and hell all of the Boltcutters are all really important; the early writers of Nux/Capable fics also really influenced and inspired my love of the characters and the ships. Spicyshimmy, an author in the Dragon Age fandom, has also been one of my favorite authors for years, and I return to her stuff regularly to see how awesome writing can be. 
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: I struggle with this myself, so I don't think I really have an answer unfortunately other than read everything you can get your hands on, write everything you can think of. I write basically what I want to read; if I can make the reader!me happy, then at least I've satisfied one person. However, what I consider interesting, compelling, etc, isn't always what other people want. Maybe my advice is to try not to take it personally when your hard work isn't rewarded. Which again, I'm not always able to do. 
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: Yes, Wasteland Weekend! It was a lot of fun and I'm hoping to go again. Being able to immerse myself in the world was a great experience - A totally new way for me to engage with fandom.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Still chugging along with "Citadel City Serenade!" The two main stories in that series are going to intersect in a meaningful way soon. In fact, they're going to crash. Looking forward to getting that out there (and getting it done!).
Thank you @jaesauce
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thenaaru · 6 years
Character Creation Questions: all of them FOR YOU TOO
👴:  Which OC is your oldest, creation wise?My very oldest OC is a shapeshifter called Kaizumi, who is actually something called a Luparian which is an original species I created like maybe...ten years ago? They were sort of like elf werewolves that had dragon forms too. They could be humans or elves. I loved the shit out of them. My friend and I wrote literal novels worth for these things, set in our own universe. I don’t RP them any more, but I had a bunch of Luparian OCs and I’m very fond of them to this day.👣:  Which OC is your newest?Maaike Oureille! She’s my nightborne hunter.😷:  Have you ever scrapped one of your ocs and used their backstory / interests / ect. for a newer one?Several times! Sometimes I have a lot of ideas or vague threads that I’d like to see developed into individual OCs but I just don’t have the time, so I merge them into my most active characters. On the flip side, I’ve also stripped things from existing OCs and placed them on new ones when I’ve really liked an idea but just haven’t been able to make it mesh.😍:  Which OC is your favorite? Unexpected favorite?HMMMMM. I think right now, Avie is probably my favourite by virtue of the fact she gets the most action and is most developed. I have a real soft spot for Ciha though, with all her pink, flowery softness and Taeonthrial is a close runner up because she uses so many themes I just LOVE.✏:  Do you have a process when it comes to making OCs? Can you make one out of thin air or do you take months to build them?Answered this one already, TOO SLOW.🖓:  Is there a OC you have that just doesn’t click with you yet?I think right now I’m struggling to click with Adolphus. I absolutely adore her, she’s an oldie and a goodie but I just don’t know what to do with her right now or how the latest events of Warcraft will have effected her. She’s always been a difficult one for me to pin down, but with her being my first WoW OC, I’ll always keep her.🤑:  Do you mostly fandom OCs or purely original ones? If original, do you have any plans for them in terms of producing a short film, book?Uhhhh I guess somewhere in the middle. Right now all my OCs are based in the World of Warcraft universe so they’re not quite 100% original even if a lot of what I write for them is. As for the aforementioned original species and world it’s honestly been so long they’re just a nostalgic memory, and I don’t have the time or dedication to ever write a book let alone shoot for a movie.❤:  Do you ship any of your OCs together? Or do you ship them with friend’s?I mostly ship with friends I trust. I used to rush into romantic ships head first but I’m a little bit older now and a little bit more guarded. I adore the ships I have now, no matter the stage they’re at. Avie and Kalyanar’s relationship makes me so happy to write I just love it so much, and I’m excited to see where Maaike and Iiloridan could end up.Similarly I’m having a blast exploring @captainswingbeard’s Ithanar with my Ciha, and of course my all time favourite idiots who can’t get their shit together and who I will always unashamedly love; Taeonthrial and Tulav @blencem (WHEN’S HE GONNA PROPOSE AGAIN, BLEN???)🗣:  Historically, the internet has never been too kind to OCs. What’s one thing you wish people realized about OCs?That there’s absolutely no shame in writing the most “Mary Sue” OP mf you want. So long as you’re not cramping other people’s rp or doing shit that’s legit harmful? You do you my dudes. You wanna write an ancient dragon with power over time and your rp partners are cool with that? Fucking go for it. You wanna write a self insert with blue hair and eyes that change colour? Rock that story. Don’t let other people tell you that your fun is stupid, they ain’t worth shit.TADAAAAAAA @edaigoa
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fluffybunnybadass · 8 years
The three TGP sisters, plus Melody (Pokeverse) and Alt-Melody. Maybe Douchebagel, too.
the prompt
Full Name:Gender and Sexuality:Pronouns:Ethnicity/Species:Birthplace and Birthdate:Guilty Pleasures:Phobias:What They Would Be Famous For:What They Would Get Arrested For:OC You Ship Them With:OC Most Likely To Murder Them:Favorite Movie/Book Genre:Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche:Talents and/or Powers:Why Someone Might Love Them:Why Someone Might Hate Them:How They Change:Why You Love Them:
Sarai Chiaki
Full Name: Sarai Lin ChiakiGender and Sexuality: Female and Demiro Pansexual. Or maybe bi, but I’m honestly not sure for her in particular.Pronouns: She/herEthnicity/Species: Human/technically half-celestial, JapaneseBirthplace and Birthdate: [sputtering noises for birthplace], I forget if I kept her berdei the same as mine considering how quickly she ran from being a self-insert like right away from point of creation. :TGuilty Pleasures: [HURR HURR] reading fluffy stuff on the occasion, thinking about dat romancePhobias: being hurt/betrayed, some heights??? I forget. I don’t think her fears came up much when I was using her. :T;What They Would Be Famous For: Last I checked, it’s underground poprock star [currently a Paramore cover band]What They Would Get Arrested For: Trespassing, tbh.OC You Ship Them With: no one atm?? i mean i’d probably ship her with her bandmates if I had to pick a ship, since her and Shroud are kind of not a thing anymore [actual reason: don’t talk to that mun anymore]OC Most Likely To Murder Them: idk Raven probably [of mine, uh. QB I guess, she’s the only one to actually commit murder out of like everyone]Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action/comedyLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: dramas/period dramasTalents and/or Powers: uhhh does being chronically depressed count uhhh she’s kinda good at her cover band gig. She’s the only one in her family that seems to be powerless, even though her parents are a celestial/angel and a powerful mage, she has 0 abilities. She secretly blames her older sisters for taking all of them, even if that isn’t the case anymore.Why Someone Might Love Them: She was the quirky LULZ RANDOM1!! teen, also is treated poorly by her narrative tbqh...Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s chronically depressed as of late/has become hardened as a result, like even to the point of another OC known for being a bitch coming in and being like “dude. stop being a bitch. you’re a human it’s literally against your biological inclinations to isolate yourself and be vitriolic.”How They Change: already answered above, but they go from being the low-key depressed but presenting RANDUMS LULZ!!! teen and eventually become full-blown depression because wow she has nothing to offer the world and continues to lack reasons to believe opposite.Why You Love Them: I... made... her??? like I don’t even know. Also maybe because we vibe a lot on the whole “I’m nothing special, everyone else [in my family] has something special about them” aspects of bad brain thinking.
Hamano Chiaki
Full Name: Hamano [nee Chiaki]. I forget her husband’s last name lolwoops. [alternatively, wonder if the girls all just. keep their last name and it’s only a technicality. They’re all still referred to as the Chiaki sisters, after all]Gender and Sexuality: female and I don’t know!! hetero/guy-loving?Pronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: Human/half-celestial, JapaneseBirthplace and Birthdate: [whirrrling noises] I forget her birthday i’m sure it’s on her lj/gaia.... apparently it’s 9/30? huh. I always thought she was a summer muse. ok then.Guilty Pleasures: TRASHY ROMANCE MOVIES/NOVELS, like they’re so bad but she loves all the cheesy romance stuff. and some of the trashy stuff too. Phobias: Not being able to help someone/her sisters, losing her sisters.What They Would Be Famous For: Clothes/designing/teaching design!What They Would Get Arrested For: nothing she is too good. [maybe if mind-reading is illegal]OC You Ship Them With: @whenocsareooc / @curseyoupikachu ’s  Mikhail. ..Kurogawa? or was that someone else’s last name lol.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: who would want to murder her. qb doesn’t count, she’s always dtmFavorite Movie/Book Genre: Romance/”chick flicks”Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: hypermasculine action festsTalents and/or Powers: Psychic. Telekinesis, telepathy, spirit sensing, etc etc.Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s super sweet and her love of romance stuff is p. admirable.Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s “too girly” and “cheats by mindreading”How They Change: She was a romance tryhard and flirty with all the boys, she eventually calms down when she finally meets Mikhail [she’s always been faithful to whomever she was dating, but she rarely found someone she was attracted to like. all the time. or something.]. She also goes from being the quiet middle sheep between her older and younger sister, and more actively mediates and takes part in their lives, instead of doing whatever she felt would create the least amount of strife. She goes from being a little timid about getting in the middle of things, to stepping in when she sees/senses the need for it. Why You Love Them:  SHE’S LIKE MY BLACK SHEEP I ACCIDENTALLY NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH HER, BUT I STILL LOVE HER BECAUSE EVEN IF SHE’S LIKE ALL MY GIRLY TROPES ROLLED INTO A CHARACTER, I LOVE HOW UNABASHEDLY HAPPY SHE IS ABOUT BEING A GIRL??? LIKE. YOU GO GIRL. #INSPIRATION.
Sakamoto Chiaki
Full Name: Sakamoto Chiaki-HertzmorderGender and Sexuality: Female, greysexual? //SHRUGSPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: human/half-celestial, JapaneseBirthplace and Birthdate: we just don’t know but it’s probably in Japan, and I thought it was later in may but maybe I was thinking of ALL THE PEOPLE I KNOW WITH MARCH/MAY BDAYS anyways it’s 5/18 apparently Guilty Pleasures: don’t tell anyone but her husband but she rly likes the soft quiet moments where she actually gets to be vulnerable/not strong, SHE WILL NOT HESITATE TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE IF YOU FIND OUT., also i’m sure there’s something else but that was the only thing to come to mind lolPhobias: Losing, getting killed, being the reason for any harm/death to come to her sisters/familyWhat They Would Be Famous For: The Potion Seller who sells you their strongest potion. am i memeing this right. also for kicking your ass with magic without breaking a sweat What They Would Get Arrested For: setting people/places on fire.OC You Ship Them With: Viktor!! :DOC Most Likely To Murder Them: lol... I’m pretty sure my friend’s OC Raven still has dibs despite them pretty much being extended family/distant relate-mates [both tough, closed off women with happier little sisters and known for being powerful as well, getting worned down by a pair of dashingly handsome vampire brothers.], but it’s more like a case of “You don’t get to die until I say you do. Only *I* am allowed to take your life.” [also a bit of pun, seeing as Raven is her realm’s goddess of death. XD]Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Nonfiction books, mostly spell/information/learning booksLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: any movies but mostly romance and action. and terribly written/”unrealistic” fantasy movies [no one is able to watch their random fantasy series around her because “THAT’S NOT HOW MAGIC WORKS WHAT THE FUCK”]Talents and/or Powers: magical AF. like. literally. High MP pool to cast those big powerful spells down a few times and blast your ass into the next 5 dimensions. Also can read tarot despite it not being a very magical thing. Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s a strong woman who don’t need no man, sarcastic af, she takes no shit.Why Someone Might Hate Them: OP af, closed off/distant even to her own siblings; kinda fucks up raising her kids/connecting with her daughter because of this.How They Change: She learns to open up more and become less imposing/threatening to her own children, especially when it shows much strain in her relationship with her own daughter. While the gap can never truly become completely filled, they have worked together on making a bridge, and as a result, she’s opened up to helping people more, whereas before it was a sort of “obligation” to the greater good. She was also mostly concerned with kicking her dad’s ass for his manipulation of his children and neglect, but while she’s nowhere near saying that she has familial love (or any kind of love for that matter) for her father, she no longer hates and despises him/just barely tolerates him.* Why You Love Them: see “reasons why someone might love them”
*bonus fact: he tries to give the Chiaki-Hertzmorder family branch gifts of goodwill, such as incredibly expensive pottery and vases and shit, and Sakamoto just lets her kids use them as target practice..... LOL. someone broke a vase? As long as it was from your grandfather it’s all good.
Melody (Pokeverse)
Full Name: Melody Ann Anson [nee Hikari]Gender and Sexuality: female, demiro (gr)ace. I think.Pronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: Human, Kanto nativeBirthplace and Birthdate: Saffron City, 11/30/90Guilty Pleasures: buhhhhhhhhh [whirrling noise] going on adventures now that she’s a responsible adulting mom. how do u go on an adventure with two toddlers and a husband that’s a Champion and y’all are pseudo-celebs/recognizeable that is hard ok.Phobias: death, somehow doing something unforgivable, losing everything.What They Would Be Famous For: being the most accomplished trainer ever woops. [okay like. being a Champion and being married to an elite four member slash Champion? and winning a few cups/tournaments here and there? like how much MORE famous/footnote in history can you get]What They Would Get Arrested For: buhbuhbuh breaking and entering in order to free some pokemon that were being illegally kept/treated improperly lolOC You Ship Them With: no one :T [i feel like there ALMOST was one at some point. but I don’t think they were within this realm/history/limitation]OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one within realm.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: adventure/fantasy books, action/comedies moviesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: poorly done Kiss of LifeTalents and/or Powers: she’s a really strong/awesome trainer? and she could have been a really Masterful Coordinator in her late teens/early twenties/current age if she had kept interest in them. [Unfortunately, becoming a Pokemon Master > Pokemon Coordinator]. Why Someone Might Love Them: idk she’s just p. neatWhy Someone Might Hate Them: [insert people screaming MARY SUE here despite that getting worked on]How They Change: She starts out as this kind of. Openly willful kid, with a very expressive way about what was right and well (so I guess.. that’s like. 8th grade syndrome or whatever?), but she eventually matures, and in her early twenties she’s just this. Much more calm/reserved/wise-seeming adult who seems to have their life together, though in reality she’s still just trying to figure it out, especially when the itch to adventure isn’t something you can’t just up and do anymore when you’ve got a husband, a home, children, essentially “Settled”. Why You Love Them: she my bae/first gal  
Full Name: [redacted]Gender and Sexuality: female-presenting [maybe agender] and i’m not sure if she’s just lesbian or pan.Pronouns: she/her/they/themEthnicity/Species: humanBirthplace and Birthdate: [redacted]Guilty Pleasures: watching her girlfriend/wife?? idk tbh it’s very hard when I never really got into their character much.Phobias: becoming weak, not being able to defend/protect her gf.What They Would Be Famous For: hacking i guess.What They Would Get Arrested For: hacking, lol. and illegal time/realm travelOC You Ship Them With: alt!kiraOC Most Likely To Murder Them: QB, maybe a handful of friend’s OCs.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: tech/instruciton manuals, information booksLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: literally any of them.Talents and/or Powers: I... don’t remember terribly well? I’m not sure if she also has time/realm travel abilities or if she had a device for it. She is more warrior-trained than her alt/original.Why Someone Might Love Them: idk tough quiet person made of stone who loves her frilly gf and that dynamic between the two?Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s p. plain for an alt.How They Change: idk she marries her gf //THROWS HANDS UP IN THE AIRWhy You Love Them: i don’t have the same affection for her like I did a lot of the other characters, but she did slap some sense into her alt [literally], so bonus points for that. *thumbs up*
Full Name: idk but he’s referred to in-universe as Mafia Purge and in the past as an Alpha Purge.Gender and Sexuality: he i guess, aropan? i forget. either aropan or aroace.Pronouns: he/him/it/shitballEthnicity/Species: futuristic human thing being now made of timespace ether???Birthplace and Birthdate: one of the many alternate sc5 realms/timelines that was all mafia themed, and he was one of the few to be successful/killed his timeline’s UlalaGuilty Pleasures: everything he does is a guilty pleasure.Phobias: uh. i forget if spiders was a universal alt/purge phobia or not.What They Would Be Famous For: he is literally famous within that rpverse as being the Fallen, the ex-Alpha, for being a piece of shit, and when he and QB meet in timeline, for actually being one of the few people to give QB a run for her money.What They Would Get Arrested For: [LAUGH TRACK]OC You Ship Them With: crackships alpha and qb. separately. tho man now i wonder how the fuck a poly would work with them that would be interesting/hilarious AF.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: QB, Alpha, any of the other alt Purges... they all also HAVE killed him he’s just. beyond normal lifeline/timeline cycles when he originally ascended to Alpha status.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Crime lol. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Where the crimelords don’t win like where’s the realism in that.Talents and/or Powers: where do i begin? Spacetime manipulation for one, manipulation of people for another, being insanely uber powerful that only other beings who have ascended to a statehood of Alpha can even come close to harming him, making even QB hesitate. I forget what else but man he’s. he’s... someone you don’t wanna mess with, like actual demigod level here.Why Someone Might Love Them: he literally is scum the only thing he has going for him is being a source of drama and being someone QB would hatefully run from/avoid conflict with.Why Someone Might Hate Them: he is a piece of shit and tortures all his alts without remorse and is essentially the one who ruined alpha’s life, PLEASE GIVE ALPHA HIS HAPPINESS AND CHEERFUL NATURE BACK KTHXHow They Change: he gets more powerful, merges with a demon, comes back as an uber demon. is still unsuccessful.Why You Love Them: LOVE HATE MAN LOVE HATE CAN YOU SEE WHY DO I REALLY NEED TO SPELL IT OUT.
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