#also you’re making me crave sweets rn. it’s too late for this sort of thing come onnnn
chryzure-archive · 2 years
“Chrysi isn’t coming,” Pleck said, looking up from the candy bowl. “She said she had to study.” 
“What?” Jacks stood from his seat, taking the candy out of his mouth so he could properly frown. “Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“I don’t know- here Fil!” Pleck tossed a pink lemonade flavored lollipop behind the counter, which Filly caught only because she dropped her pen to snatch it out of the air. “You didn’t ask!” 
Jacks groaned. 
“What made you think she would be here?” Filly said, now speaking around the lollipop in her mouth as she reached for her pen. “It’s Saturday.” 
“She never comes to the library on a Saturday,” Pleck said, giving up on looking for a cherry lollipop and popping a peanut butter cup into his mouth instead. “I thought you knew that.” 
“Why would I know that?” 
“Because you follow Chrysi around like a lost dog?” Filly was grinning around the lollipop stick by the time Jacks turned his glare on her. “I just tell it like it is, Jacks.” 
“Neither of you are of any help to me whatsoever.” 
“Aw, come on, we can help you find her at least.” Pleck got up, setting the candy bowl back on the counter while simultaneously stuffing some candy in his jacket pocket for later. “Then we can get food.” 
Jacks huffed, but said nothing, sticking the apple flavored treat back into his mouth. Upon realizing his friend wasn’t objecting to the idea, Pleck turned his grin on Filly. 
“You commin’?” 
She smiled at him, sticking both the pen and the book of crosswords into her bookbag. “I do enjoy food.” 
“Great!” Pleck took her hand over the countertop and walked her around, all while Jacks rolled his eyes with barely contained disgust. 
“Aren’t you working right now?” Jacks asked, stuffing a hand into his jacket pocket as they made their way out the door. 
“‘Supervisor only comes around once a month, and we’re the only people who ever visit this library anyway.” 
“You’d think a lot more people would, given how quiet it is.” Pleck said, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend once she made her away around the counter completely. 
“Chrysi says it's because of a rumor that someone got murdered in there,” Filly said, moving closer to Pleck's warmth as they stepped out into the chilly October air. “I think it’s just less conveniently placed though.”
Chrysi pressed the board game to her chest, breathing too heavily. Every breath made her throat hurt, and she was one step from crumpling to the ground to hack up all the blood she could taste on the back of her tongue. 
The creatures lured closer. Even now, they looked more akin to classic movie monsters than true villains—down to even a Dracula that looked so much like Bela Lugosi that Chrysi wanted to ask him what skin care routine he had, before she realized that Bela Lugosi had definitely died back in ‘56 and would probably be feeling a little out of place amongst a monster with vines wrapped around a wiry rib cage and another that dripped a noxious black goo that made the carpet sizzle and curl with smoke when it dripped off its indistinct form. 
But for her racing mind, the part of her that lived in the world with these monsters for fourteen years only provided a single word, a quiet hiss to center her:
Yeah. Shit.
She cast her eyes to the left. The board game weighed more like a stone in her hands—heaven knew if it were actual stone, the texture of it was so off-putting—but if she moved quickly, she could pass it off before she passed out. 
But there, she only found Pleck a little tied up, fending off hyena-wolf—God, what were those things?—hybrid-somethings with the same fireplace poker Chrysi had almost ruined Jacks’s face with. Holding his own as best he could, but not in a prime position to act as wide reciever. 
She edged back a step, putting one of Mistress Luck’s finely upholstered couches between herself and the small pack of monsters looming closer. Another black drip of goo splattered, this time on the couch. A horrible smell of burning chemical-and-upholstery filled her nose. The goo quickly ate a hole in the red couch. 
To the right this time.
Filly currently looked a little tied up, this time literally. A baby-doll-faced spider worked out a long silky thread and set to wrapping up Filly’s flailing legs. Her arms had already been bound to her sides. 
Well, she wasn’t an option either. 
The vine-creature lashed out with a thorny vine. It caught on the couch. As it tore away, it took with it an almost entirely steady stream of white stuffing. 
Mistress Luck was not going to be very happy with them at the end of this. 
She took another step back—and this time, she thunked into a wall, hunched shoulders hitting first, then her startled jump knocked her skull back against it. A bright spark of pain made her vision shudder once, then ease into a dull thrum of visual interference. 
The monsters loomed closer—Not-Bela Lugosi Dracula closest. And, honestly, out of all of them, Chrysi had to admit that she’d much rather go at his hands. 
One last desperate time, she cast her eyes over the room. Left (Pleck, still fighting somethings), right (Filly’s ankles now firmly tied together), and finally up (Jacks, standing at the railing of the second floor’s inner balcony, staring down at her in horror—)
Jacks wasn’t doing shit!
His eyes caught on hers. His face blanched. 
“Princess!” he called, right at the same time Chrysi let out a rather vitriolic, “Hey, jackass!” 
Jacks startled, then cocked his head to the side so quickly he looked like a woundedly curious dog. 
She evened out the board in her grip and curled her arm in. 
Then she flung her around out, whipping the board game like it was little more than a Frisbee. It flew from her fingertips discus-like, spinning at a speed that belied its odd shape. 
For a moment, its four corners turned into a misshapen throwing star. Light gleamed off its gilded edges, glittering like cursed magic. It was powerful, and it went right over the monsters’ heads. 
A vine shot up after it. Goo fizzed into the air like a fountain in a city park. Not-Bela Lugosi went up in a puff of smoke and a bat came flapping out of it. 
But it sailed out of their reach before they could do anything. 
And it hit Jacks square in the face. Hard. 
His head snapped back. He staggered, then collapsed. She was pretty sure she could see the glitter of gold, even from here. 
Chrysi gaped up at him. 
“Are—you—serious?” she screamed. 
Jacks groaned. 
She replied like he’d said something cognizant: “Get a better reaction time!” 
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lqfiles · 1 month
i forgot to send this ask .. i have such bad memory this is why i dont do multiple things at a time 💔
the previous chapter omg ... could only think of this tweet while reading it ....
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nunubear you're so crazy ...... that chapter was so cute n lovely js like uu 😞💓 thank u for always providing us with high quality fics like we do not deserve u .... I think this might be my favourite chapter so far it actually brought tears to my eyes IT WAS SO HEARTWARMING 💔 when i tell u , no one evokes emotions from me like your fics do THEY'RE TOO GOOD !!!
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me to u rn
also the new chaptershshs i love how they're both in denial .. can't wait till they finally realise their feelings for eachother 🤫
I, for one, adore your written chapters istg i cant get enough 😞😞 we will be waiting till u post a new non-smau fic .. also since my tests start in like .. 4 days ... im going to work hard n re-read stg as a reward late in the night bc YES !
I hope u have a great day nunubear <33 u deserve the world (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
ALSOII QOTD : what's one food that u realllly want to try ... (Im bored n I want to get to know u more .. 😪)
YOURE SO SWEET GAJDHSKDJDKD you associating that tweet with me is so flattering like my hurt is fluttering a lot 😣
awwww you’re so kind chi 😭😭 i’m glad to know that you liked the chapter 🥹 i honestly think it was my fave chapter too, i really put a lot of thoughts into it as well as the emotional stance behind each action.. happy it was good!!! AND i’m glad you said that it evokes emotions out of you aaaaahhh that’s literally my single aim with writing, i like writing stuff that makes people feel things because that’s essentially what i look for in writing 😭 that means a lot aaackkk thank you for boosting my ego :P
its funny because they both have already realised it, mc just doesn’t WANT to like him even tho she does while haechan just isn’t READY to like her yet 💔💔 they’ll find a way to sort this out don’t worry
I ACTUALLY HAD A WRITTEN FIC PLANNED AND BEEN TRYINF TO START IT but it’s hard to commit when you get distracted easily loll but i’ll try to bring real writing back soon, can’t let everyone forget that i’m a writer before smau maker!! TELL ME HOW YOUR EXAM WENTTTTT sorry for the late response i should’ve been there to cheer you on early 😣😓 but i know you did well :) i hope you enjoyed your stg reread and you deserve the whole UNIVERSE my chichibear 🥹
thats a funny question because i’m like the most pickiest eater ever so there actually isn’t any food i would try, especially anything… exotic lol. ill answer this differently, what’s a good i crave rn? CHICKEN!!! you can answer the question tho, i’d love to know!!
0 notes
waveypedia · 4 years
Have anything else for that Team Spyience au you made ages ago? Some writng or a bullet list? I crave angst.
The AU in question
Yes!! Aaaaahh i was so excited when I saw this ask because i’m so happy people still like it!! I’m definitely still thinking about it, don’t worry. The old AU hinges on the fact that FOWL doesn’t have a way into Scrooge’s company and family but uhhhh that’s not how it is now lmao. So I’ve been thinking about revamping it for a couple months now. I don’t want to do anything concrete until we know a little more about FOWL and how it works. We know who its agents are and a little bit about its goals but we really don’t know anything about its inner workings, what the Board’s dynamic is with their agents, what their dynamic is with modern SHUSH (if it even exists), etc etc. all of which are things that would probably be addressed in the Team Spyience AU! It is an AU but I’d like to build on canon as much as possible (unless there’s something that I really don’t vibe with) since it’ll be cleaner and less confusing that way. Like if I threw 2019 Team Spyience AU at you guys rn it would 1) be confusing since the FOWL structure and motives are completely different from canon and 2) be less interesting since there’s SO much potential for angst and drama with the Board, Rockerduck/Jeeves, and Gandra as part of FOWL. (and oh boy I’m so excited to work with that!!!)
(sorry for that long block of text sdfgfds i wasn’t sure how to break it up)
that being said I have built a bit of a shaky foundation for a redone Team Spyience AU for when we learn more!! and ahhh i’m so excited to share. For bullet points, here are some ideas swimming around in my head. these all could change with new information from the show or just if i think of something better tbh
so this might change when we learn more about the Board in general and the nitty-gritty of FOWL’s plans, but right now I’m thinking that the Board realizes that 1) Gyro and his ragtag band of science nerds are powerful and stubborn, and will most definitely get in the way of their plans 2) Gyro already hates the Board, and if anyone in McDuck Enterprises were to pick up on their treason, it would be him 3) They have a strong foothold for control in the company, second only to Scrooge (and even that’s debatable), but they have minimal control over Gyro and the science department. So this time around it’s less about needing to spy on Scrooge and more about wanting to control Gyro and Team Science. how that translates to “capturing them and forcing them to spy on their boss and his family” is still up in the air, but i’ll let you guys know when i figure it out! (and if you all have any ideas lmk)
we all know Gyro dislikes the Board but it’s mostly just annoyance/spite since they always shut down his inventions. Here, though, he would hate them. He would probably start like smack-talking them to everyone he can, especially Scrooge, which is his own way of trying to get them to realize the Board is evil without tipping the Board off to his treachery. Scrooge would be confused and it would be like the first crack in the Board’s carefully built facade, but it wouldn’t work for him. He probably just thinks Gyro’s being his mean self.
Huey, though... I’m pretty sure Huey’s gonna end up researching FOWL since it’s his season, and he spends enough time around Team Science to notice how off they’re all acting, without being too busy to pay it much mind (like Scrooge). so one of Gyro’s snarky remarks will tip him off, and he’ll start to view the Board with a little more suspicion each time. Until he comes to the conclusion through his research, and SHUSH resources like Beakley and Webby, that oh god that was an allusion to FOWL the Board is FOWL-
and then- wait is Gyro FOWL?? is Team Science okay?? this goes deeper than I thought-
so essentially the B-plot of this AU is Huey (with the help of the rest of the kids, but especially Webby, Boyd, and Violet) researching FOWL in the background and trying to figure out why Team Science is acting so weird lately, and there’s a lot of dramatic irony
FOWL definitely threatens Boyd to get to Gyro because I love me some quality Boyd & Gyro family content 😌
I originally thought about working a “Gyro is a former FOWL agent that got away by the skin of his teeth” aspect into the AU since I was really fond of that concept when it was a theory, but now it’s been disproven. It does make for a lot of extra drama and angst, but I don’t think it quite fits, so I might just make that an entirely separate AU. I might add some non-canon bonus content with this concept though!
The majority of Team Science’s dynamic throughout the AU stays the same - they’re all incredibly stressed and on edge and just in a really sticky situation, so they snap at each other and have a lot of petty arguments. But at the same time, they’re all in the really sticky situation together, and so they come out of this mess a whole lot closer. It’s sort of a “You’re the only ones I can be honest with without dire consequences” situation.
also re: that last point - CUDDLE PUDDLES. i’m so soft for them. i’m thinking maybe on a night when FOWL makes them all stay in the cells overnight as a punishment or smth, but they’re all in one cell, they just fall asleep all on top of each other and it’s just a really sweet moment made bittersweet by the circumstances. it’s also a testament to how far their relationship has come under pressure and how much they trust each other now.
Gyro is the only target originally (I’m thinking maybe Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb catch the Board in the act and it’s very dramatic and terrifying. i think they’re originally gonna kill Team Science, since FOWL has a very take-no-prisoners leave-no-loose-ends sort of mindset, but Gyro convinces the Board that the majority of Scrooge McDuck’s research team mysteriously dying in one fell swoop would be extremely suspicious, especially since Scrooge has an in-house former SHUSH agent. so they live, miraculously, but the Board lets all of them know in no uncertain terms that if it happens again, the other person dies. No ifs, ands, or buts. So Team Science is all very, very nervous and careful about what they let slip. They want to tell everyone, especially Scrooge, but they can’t because they care too much. (Hence Gyro making passive-aggressive comments about the Board to Scrooge.) and of course everyone else gets suspicious and resentful since they know Team Science is hiding stuff from them. so that leads to a lot of drama and arguments.
speaking of the drama and arguments from the outside, the kids are doing their own investigation, but I headcanon Della as friends with Gyro from before the Spear of Selene, and she has a budding friendship with Fenton too. So she’d notice they’re all acting really weird and bailing on all her plans, so she storms down to the lab and tries an aggressive tactic to get them to fess up. They don’t, obviously, so she goes on a little investigation of her own. I’m thinking she might drag Launchpad and Donald into it - Launchpad since he’s good friends with Team Science, and Donald because I love him and I want him involved they’re the Duck Twins and they work best together.
I have this scene floating around in my head where, in the very beginning, FOWL agents/Eggheads capture Gyro and drag him to FOWL HQ underneath Funzo’s to be briefed on his new situation. He’s stuck in one of those glass cells Launchpad and Dewey were in when Steelbeak brought them back in the Double-O-Duck episode. The Board knows he’s there, but Gyro has no clue they’re villains. So they come to the cell to brief and belittle him (let’s be honest here, they’ve never liked Gyro) and he just. He’s pissed. Spitting mad. He’s always resented the Board but never like this; never pictured them as actual powerful villains. He may be spiteful of them because they shut down his projects, but at the end of the day, they’re good guys. They’re on his side, and more importantly, Scrooge’s side. Right?
So Gyro is like, up against the glass, trying to punch them through the airholes. He’s just so fucking furious. He’s not really thinking straight and he doesn’t care about any dignity, he’s just angry. The Board is just overly smug and pleased with themselves. It’s a very stereotypical “You’ll never get away with this, you villain!!” picture, and very dramatic. And then the Board just walks away after giving him a bare-bones explanation of the situation that he doesn’t really process because he’s so mad and terrified. And they turn off all the lights and let him stew in there overnight.
Once Huey and the kids have finally put the pieces together, Webby comes to the Bin one day with Scrooge, and she goes to the meeting room to look for him. Only he’s not in there - The Board is, and they’re berating Gyro for sassing off about them to Scrooge or smth. Webby, with all her trained spy skills, hears their conversation and is able to avoid detection (although the Board is suspicious, and they start investigating to tie off any loose ends). Their conversation, though, would be suspicious to any oblivious passerby, but from all the research the kids have done, they know what’s going on.
That’s not the actual reveal - I think thematically that should go to Huey, since he’s the closest to Team Science and it’s his season. This would just chase away any last doubts the kids may have. And maybe Webby gets a voice recording as evidence? I just love those; they’re so dramatic.
this is one part that might not end up aligning with canon but I’m REALLY fond of the Akita FOWL theory. So in this AU, I’m thinking Akita was a really casual member of FOWL all along that recently got an updated agent commission. So there’s even more potential drama there, since Gyro utterly despises Akita now. And a bigger incentive to keep Boyd safe, since Gyro knows FOWL would be more than happy to program Boyd into a mindless attack robot.
in the old AU I was toying with the idea that FOWL didn’t know Fenton’s Gizmoduck until a big reveal, and it was a secret weapon of Team Science’s (but also a point for a lot of arguments, since Fenton desprately wanted to be out there protecting people at the cost of his own safety) but uhh... they definitely know now. In a bid to stop FOWL from taking control of Gizmoduck, Fenton claims the armor is out of commission and sabotages it. So Fenton’s heroics are temporarily halted while Team Science frantically tries to figure out how to keep FOWL from hacking/taking control of a new and improved Gizmosuit.
As for writing... I don’t have anything done, least of all anything for the revamped version of the AU, but I do have this wonderful writing prompt from @advisortotheadvisor that I started back in January 2019, when I was working on the old version of the AU, that I really want to do with the revamped AU. (it just fits so well ahhhh!!!)
["If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place." + your FOWL team spyience au?]
Gyro crossed his arms across his chest, scowling to hide his fear. He’d gotten pretty good at it over these past few months.
Watching the halls was basically useless. Fowl was careful to keep Gyro and his team within the same halls, as to not be able to find their way out on their own. And Gyro knew the way to Steelbeak’s office well. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been marched here.
At least he wasn’t cuffed anymore, though he suspected it was only because the agents and their minions knew there was too much at stake for an escape attempt. It had been too long, anyway. That was an amaetur move. Even though he loathed to admit it, Gyro cared too much about the consequences - the people at stake - to even try.
It was just a well-aimed mockery. Like everything short of punishment seemed to be these days under FOWL’s watchful eye and careful thumb. Gyro scowled deeper and crossed his arms tighter and pretended in vain it didn’t bother him.
That was all he could do, really.
Okay that kind of got away from me haha. thank you so much for the ask!! It means a lot to me that people are still interested in this AU. definitely motivation to work on both the AU and that fic haha!! I’ll talk more abt this soon when I have more info/content
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purplesurveys · 5 years
This is about to get crazy, are you ready? I’ve taken almost a couple thousand surveys in the last seven years. There isn’t one question I wouldn’t be able to handle, I’m sure. Let’s go. Have you ever done cocaine? Never. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing right now? My mom got it from an ukay-ukay. I’m not exactly sure how that translates to English but it’s sort of like a flea market in the Philippines. What song would best describe your love life? I keep using the same song but it’s Still Into You by Paramore. What are you going to do after this? I’m not sure. I keep answering this question but I never end up doing what I write down. I’ll probably eat the Popeye’s burger I’ve been saving for midnight :))
Are you wearing jeans? Ooooh, you caught me. I never wear jeans but I just got home from a date with Gab, and I just happen to have not changed out of my jeans yet. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Many times. Has anyone ever called you a whore? No. I’ve been called a bitch to my face though, which is a liiiiiiittle close. Who were you last in a car with? Gabie. I picked her up and brought her home today. Are you in a good mood right now? A little bit, yeah! I had an amazing day with the gf today if it hasn’t been obvious enough already. I fiiiinally satisfied my Popeye’s craving too. I’m a little stacked with work at the moment but I’m trying not to focus on that. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? No. My eyes aren’t really my face’s strong suit. Have you lost interest in someone recently? I haven’t. Is there anyone who you think you deserve an apology from? Filipino parents never apologize to their kids, so I’ve been waiting for tons of apologies from them over the years. Have you ever played the guitar? I have. I’m not any good at it. Has anything "cute" happened in the past week? My dog. Could you handle living with the last person you talked to on the phone? I would love to live with her. Best roommate ever. Do you ever take your anger out on others? When I get really really really really pissed off, it tends to happen. I always feel like shit after I do, though. What grade is the last person you texted in? She’s also an incoming senior in university/college. Do you still talk to the person you had feelings for 6 months ago? Well, I’m definitely still dating her. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know what I want to be, but I know where I want to be working in. Has anyone seen you in your underwear lately? Sure. Where's your phone right now? It’s right beside me. Have you ever liked someone older than you? I’ve had silly childhood crushes on people older than me but I’ve only ever seriously liked two people who turned out to be the same age.   Are you the oldest child? The youngest? In the middle? Only child? I’m the eldest. Would you rather be called 'honey' or 'baby'? Baby. Honey has a sarcastic ring to it, not a huge fan. Was the first person to text you today a boy or a girl? Girl. Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you did? Probably. :) Not that it bothers me though. When did you last say "I love you"? Did you mean it? A little while ago. Of course. Are you talking to anyone right now? Nope, not anymore. Gab fell asleep a few minutes ago. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? A lot of people pop up in my head at random times. My mind’s always running. What or who is on your mind right now? Right now I’m thinking of Camila Cabello because I’m listening to her song Señorita lmfao. Right handed or left handed? Righty. Have you ever had chicken pox? I’ve never had it. People always warn me that everyone’s bound to get it throughout their lives, and they always make it such a big deal that my chicken pox is just a silent ticking time bomb waiting to go off lol. It’s gotten me scared honestly, and I’m just waiting for it to happen so that I can get immune to it already. Did you buy anything today? Yeah, lots of stuff. I had a huge 2-piece chicken meal with Cajun rice and a biscuit AND a Chicken French Quarter burger from Popeye’s because A BITCH WAS STARVING; a mocha chip ice blended drink from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; and a copy of The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom as my mom has been looking for it for ages and I happened to find it at a bookstore. Last person to lay in your bed, besides you? Gab is really the only other person I’ve let in my bed in the last few years. When's the last time you took a shower? This morning. Would you ever camp out on a beach under the stars? Of course I would jump at the chance. That sounds like such a freeing thing to do. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what? Nope. I was listening to Señorita earlier like I said, but I generally find music while taking surveys distracting so I had to pause it. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? COLD What were you doing at 7 AM this morning? I was sleeping. I wouldn’t wake up till 8. Were you happy when you woke up this morning? No, I was pretty annoyed because I woke up sweating all over the bed because it was so abnormally hot this morning. Has anyone gotten on your nerves today? Yes. What are you excited for, if anything? Not doing anything tomorrow again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my last summer as an undergraduate student and as an unemployed human being so I’m enjoying the fuck out of completely not doing anything for a whole month. Do you have any piercings? If so, what? Yep. Earlobes. Do you think anyone is thinking of you right now? No. Everyone I know is probably asleep right now as it’s a little after midnight. When was the last time you cried really hard? This morning. When did you last hug someone? Who was it? A couple of hours ago when I dropped Gab off at her place. Are you afraid of roller coasters, or have you never been on one? I’m afraid of them. I took one once and since then I’ve gotten more scared by like 895798578493578957%. How's life going for you? It’ssssss...the calm before the storm. I’m gonna be starting work on my thesis and doing executive work for my org in the next few months and it’s going to get super super hectic by then. I’m taking my sweet time chilling rn because I know I’ll never ever get this again. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Just about all the time.  Are you keeping a secret right now? Yeah. This blog is a huge one lmao. Can you go an hour without talking? Easily. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past week? Yes. Is your hair longer than your shoulders? Yup. It’s a little past it now! Are your nails painted? If so, what colour? Oh MY GOD this question y’all, lmfao. Do you know anyone else with your name? I know two other people named Robyn and one other person named Robin. Do you think you'll ever get married? Do you want to? Yes. I wish I would. Which do you prefer: summer or fall? Can’t relate to fall, and I hate summer. Who do you care about the most? It’s such an obvious answer, but Gabie.
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starrynerd · 8 years
all the questions bitch
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?
A pal that I went on a date with once 
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Somewhere in between 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
A boy from tinder maybe/hopefully
4. Are you easy to get along with?
The majority of the time, ye
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Lol I dunno tbh 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I like people who are creative and open minded. I like people who I can have an open and honest conversation/debate with without judgement. 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Boy from tinder and my pal @jewbikscube
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Lol no not at all, I’m one of the easiest people to talk to you about sex
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Boy from tinder
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Seventeen - Heathers, Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story - Hamilton, Beautiful - Heathers, Burn - Hamilton, and Dirty Laundry - All Time Low 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Sometimes, depends on the situation 
15. What good thing happened this summer?
This is gonna be super corny but I got to feel that High School Summer movie type thing. Like I went out with my friends late at night and did dumb shit, I had a boyfriend, I just got to have fun and feel young. 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Nnnnooooo (?) 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Hell yeah 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Lol no, that’d be impressive though 
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Hell yeah 
20. Do you like your neighbors?
At school in my dorm building, some of them. At home, nah. 
21. What are you bad habits?
Chewing on the inside of my cheek and cracking my knuckles 
22. Where would you like to travel?
23. Do you have trust issues?
Little bit 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
This recently joined into my daily routine, but I really like the naps I’ve started to take after classes. 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Lay in bed for ten more minutes-ish 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
No, I like my complexion 
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
I’m actually probably most comfortable being alone or facetiming my best pal 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
I honestly don’t know cause AH ? 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
No, you’re laying in your bed five feet away and I really don’t need you to turn towards me and see me looking dumb af 
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I used to play tennis! 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Only one person because she was SO FAR OUT OF MY LEAGUE  
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I usually don’t say anything 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Both: Dark hair, dark eyes, beautiful smile that would make my hurt swell every time I made them smile. funny, sweet, nice, understanding, I like glasses, and freckles 
Boy: taller than me
Girl: shorter than me
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Torrid and Charlotte Russe 
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I am in college so I would like to continue being in college 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Not EVERYONE. Depends on what they did. 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m probably nervous or about to have a panic/anxiety attack 
43. Do you smile at strangers?
All of them, yes! 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean (as long as I can be kept safe from the bottom dwellers though) 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
The fact that I’m paying for the classes that I gotta get up for 
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Many of times, yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time but I also love me so that’s an odd thing 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My mental stability 
53. Favourite makeup brand?
54. Favourite store?
Charlotte Russe 
55. Favourite blog?
@jewbikscube cause best friend 
56. Favourite colour?
Red and Blue 
57. Favourite food? 
Pasta with vodka sauce 
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I’ve actually never won a competition lol what a revelation 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Neither, I’m a goody two shoes 
62. Been arrested? For what?
Nope, again, goody two shoes 
63. Ever been in love? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Lol okay. So I was at my then boyfriend’s aunt’s house for his graduation party. We were cuddling on the couch in silence and he just looked at me and I said, “What?” And we kissed. 
65. Are you hungry right now?
Nope, I feel sick rn. 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I don’t really have tumblr friends. I have tumblr friends for like a second and then I forget to come on here and we don’t talk, I like a lot of the people I’ve spoken to on here and would LOVE to talk to all of them again. 
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Jason, Sydnie, Gill, Victoria, Marie, and Eliza
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
Lots of colors. Blue, silver, red, yellow. 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
They kind of just sit next to my pillows on my head. I’ve got a super big Mickey Mouse, my “blue dolly” from when I was a kid, and a crocheted doll of me one of my best friends made for me for mmmmyyyy 17th birthday maybe? 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Oh man, lots 
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Currently? Black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Milk and Cookies by Ben and Jerry 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Also black 
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Thelma and Louise 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Glen Coco 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
You, asshole 
88. Last person you talked to today?
You, probably, might be Jason 
89. Name a person you hate?
Donald Trump 
90. Name a person you love?
Bernie Sanders 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Donald Trump 
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Two pairs 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Oh man, too many 
95. Last movie you watched?
The Intern 
96. Favourite actress?
Amy Poehler 
97. Favourite actor?
Lin Manuel Miranda 
98. Do you tan a lot?
Sort of? 
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
Like garbbaaaggeee 
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
103. Can you spell well?
I like to think so 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Little bit 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I probably broke a couple of my ex boyfriend’s hearts when I broke up with them and I broke my own heart a couple of times too. 
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Answering these questions 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Little bit (this question is in here twice?) 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t know and that’s impressive cause I cry a lot 
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Lyss *still is 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Many of times, I currently dorm outside of my state 
115. Do you play the Wii?
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
Because of Windixie and The Five People You Meet In Heaven 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Little bit 
121. Are you mean?
I really hope not 
122. Is cheating ever okay?
N O 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
A little 
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
My pals, writing, reading, youtube 
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, I like my name 
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
The sandwich place? Ye. The trains? Sure? 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Lol we’ve been through that before it’s fine 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
This question is in here twice too, Tinder Boy 
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Can’t we be seventeen? That’s all I wanna do 
134. Can you count to one million?
Maybe? I feel like I’d be determined to and do it but I’d hate myself afterwards and be super bored 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Once in sixth grade I told my friends that when I went to Italy on vacation I came face to face with a shark once. That was SO DUMB. 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Are you asking my preference or what my hair is? My hair is straight, I like all hair but curly hair is slightly more fun to play with. 
139. Brunette or Blonde?
I am a brunette and I also gravitate towards brunettes 
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
White chocolate 
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah, actually! 
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Don’t be a writer, be writing. 
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Hell ye 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line
She folded and hung his clothes. 
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amatchgirl · 4 years
Things We Loved in March
Did March even happen? I feel like we’re all sort of stuck in this weird limbo stage of WTF is going on and when is this whole virus thing going to end so we can all get back to our normal lives.
Here’s the thing: being stuck at home without the ability to see our friends, participate in social activities, have access to copious amounts of food, and limiting our spending of money on materialistic things has really opened my eyes to just how lucky we are, and how grateful I am for the basic necessities and my family.
However, that doesn’t mean the situation is ideal. In fact, it’s stressful as hell. There are a lot of unknowns and the impact all of this has on our mental health may be too quick to realize. We are all going through huge transitions in the way we operate and function in our everyday lives. It’s complicated, frustrating, sad and upsetting all at the same time, but I think the best we can do is take it day by day. And above all, appreciate what we DO have. Focusing on the positive things is essential, but always easier said than done.
Things I’m doing to stay grounded during quarantine
practicing self care through exercise and movement. I have started doing at home workouts and am loving the energy and ‘me’ time they provide. It’s also fun to do them with Tony because we can encourage each other.
getting outside. breathing in the fresh air. enjoy the sunshine whenever possible.
connecting with others. it’s funny but I swear I’ve had more conversations with friends and family over the past few weeks then I have in the past few months.
eat nourishing meals. I’m using this time as an opportunity to create more and am loving it. It’s actually nice to forget about all the supplements and diet culture trends we tend to lean into. Right now I’m digging frozen veggies, canned beans, dried lentils and all the nuts.
stress baking. every single week I’ve been baking something exciting and different for Tony and I. I can’t stop!
recognizing emotions. I’m trying to be hyper aware of how I’m feeling in a time of serious unknowns and swift transitions, because I don’t want to stuff away my emotions and trade them in for something like binge eating or not eating.
practicing gratitude. every day I write down 3 things I’m grateful for. can be small or big — it doesn’t matter.
I want to hear from you: how are you feeling and coping? Are you doing anything to keep yourself grounded during this time?
Recipes from March
Here are all the recipes published on Ambitious Kitchen this March that you might have missed. Did you make any of them?!
Damn Good Salmon Taco Bowls For Two: wow, these bowls were so delicious and great to make when you have no idea what to do with fresh or frozen salmon!
Vegan No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars: love that this recipe is like a granola bar and peanut butter cup had a baby. Options to make them with dates or pure maple syrup!
The Best Healthy Recipes Using Yogurt: if you need to make a recipe with yogurt, I’ve got you covered.
Sheet Pan Kickin’ Curry Honey Mustard Chicken & Veggies: a wonderfully easy weeknight meal. Tony has been obsessed with brussels sprouts lately and this is SO good. Sometimes we even leave out the curry powder.
Flourless Paleo Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies: I republished this recipe and you guys fell in love. Minimal ingredients, lots of chocolate flavor.
Blueberry Pie Bars with Oatmeal Crumble (vegan & gluten free): omg these bars are SO good and easily vegan and gluten free. Feel free to use jam if you don’t have blueberries available.
Snickerdoodle Tahini Date Smoothie: yes, this smoothie actually tastes like a snickerdoodle cookie!! It’s unreal.
Healthier Pasta Recipes for the Perfect Dinner: for when you need ideas for all that pasta you have in your pantry.
Easy Pantry Recipes for Every Meal: all my favorite pantry friendly meals!
Healthier Carrot Cake Banana Bread with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting: when carrot cake and banana bread had a baby.
Spinach & Goat Cheese Quiche with Sweet Potato Crust: the perfect make ahead breakfast to crush on.
Incredible Caramelized Onion Spinach Chicken Pasta Bake: okay you absolutely have to make this spinach chicken pasta bake. So ridiculously yummy!
Healthy Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats: another one of my must-makes. This recipe is simple and no bake and one of our favorite treats to whip up!
Delicious & Easy Ways to Use Canned Tomatoes: do you have too many canned tomatoes? Then check out these recipes!
Best Ever Healthy Banana Bread Recipe: my new and improved banana bread recipe is a healthier take on classic banana bread. Made with greek yogurt, naturally sweetened and seriously moist.
Carrot Cake Baked Oatmeal Cups: another must make for breakfasts or healthy snacks! I couldn’t stop scarfing these down.
Fluffy Coconut Flour Pancakes with Wild Blueberry Maple Syrup: if you have coconut flour, then why not try out these pancakes? So easy.
Greek Salad Pinwheels: snack inspo!
Things we loved in March
Below you’ll find a few products I’ve been loving:
Tony and I started watching Westworld from the beginning. It’s not my favorite but whatever. We also binged Tiger King on Netflix, which was truly insane and SO good. Highly recommend. Other shows I go in an out of include The Morning Show, Killing Eve and Ozarks. I need your Netflix/Hulu/HBO/Prime show recommendations!
I’ve been using Majka Energy Bites & Lactation Powder to help boost my milk supply and recently made these yummy energy bites. Use the code ‘ambitious’ for 10% off your first order!
I have been loving this TULA 24/7 moisture cream. It’s incredibly soft, hydrating and lightweight enough to wear under makeup too. Seriously amazing! Use ‘AMBITIOUS’ for 15% off.
I’m beyond obsessed with this Hungry by Nature Paleo Granola! Started by a local chicago blogger, this granola is UNREAL and a great buy if you want to support a small local business. The chocolate cherry is my current fav.
Sidney has blow outs every once in a while and this Branch Basics Oxygen Boost has become our new BFF. I spray his clothes with Branch Basics all purpose cleaner that I make from their concentrate, then sprinkle the oxygen boost on top and spray again, then usually rub together to help get the stain out; let it sit for 1 hour on the stain and it’s gone in the next wash cycle! Use the code ‘AK10’ for 10% off your Branch Basics purchase.
Just because your breastfeeding doesn’t mean you have to give up alcohol. I got these Milkscreen for Breastfeeding test strips to test my breast milk so I don’t have to pump and dump if it isn’t necessary.
Sidney has been loving his Lovevery Play Gym that we got him. He sits and stares at the contrast cards and laughs — so cute.
Recently got this gorgeous lululemon Find Your Unwind Pullover and can’t stop wearing it.
I just got these Women’s UA HOVR Phantom RN Running Shoes for running and walking outside and so far I really love them.
Umm these Dang Foods Chips are AMAZING!
I recently started using this Honeymoon Glow by Farmacy and my skin feels SO freaking soft. I can’t believe how amazing it is. I use it every other night and honestly am SO obsessed.
We’ve been craving so much pasta lately and this 30 minute Healthier Pasta Carbonara has been one of our favs!
Have you heard of Three Wishes grain free Cereal?  They recently sent me their Original, Cinnamon & Honey flavors and I can’t get enough!
If you happen to have a jar of almond butter, then you need to make my Almond Butter & Raspberry Jam Cups (this month’s exclusive IG recipe!)
I personally LOVE reading Llama Llama Red Pajama to Sidney.
Okay, that’s all I’ve got for you. Hope you’re keeping your head up! I’ll be back with more delicious recipes soon. xo.
from WordPress http://sweetly.site/things-we-loved-in-march/
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