#team spyience au
waveypedia · 4 years
Idea for your Team Spyience AU: So, the board knows most of Scrooge’s business stuff, but Gyro can get closer. He is, in a way, part of the family. He can get in places that the board can’t, ask questions the board can’t, get info the board can’t. He, and the rest of Team Science, can get to Clan McDuck from the inside.
Also if you walk around a corner and find Gyro totally not suspiciously standing there, it’s less freaky than finding a cranky old buzzard guy. Or finding freaking Steelbeak
and also like, this is a bit morbid but if Gyro acts a little too suspicious and Fowl loses that advantage, well, no harm no foul (ha). especially after they get the rest of Team Science under their thumb. Gyro will lose Scrooge’s trust and favor at best, but it’s more likely he’ll lose his job and his career will be ruined. So it’ll be horrible for Gyro, but no real loss to Fowl. All the more motivation for Gyro to stay hidden, and all the more reason to panic when Team Science discovers him! First he’s scared for his safety, and then theirs, once they’re in the same boat as him.
the mental image of Steelbeak hiding around the corner from Scrooge & co. in the Money Bin like furiously and suspiciously scribbling down notes on a notepad and spying on them the old-fashioned way is absolutely hilarious to me tho. and very much in character!
thank you for the ask!! i’ll definitely use this idea, I love it!! I’m so happy you guys are still interested in this AU asdfghgfd. I’ll try to post something for it that’s not an ask soon!
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waveypedia · 4 years
Have anything else for that Team Spyience au you made ages ago? Some writng or a bullet list? I crave angst.
The AU in question
Yes!! Aaaaahh i was so excited when I saw this ask because i’m so happy people still like it!! I’m definitely still thinking about it, don’t worry. The old AU hinges on the fact that FOWL doesn’t have a way into Scrooge’s company and family but uhhhh that’s not how it is now lmao. So I’ve been thinking about revamping it for a couple months now. I don’t want to do anything concrete until we know a little more about FOWL and how it works. We know who its agents are and a little bit about its goals but we really don’t know anything about its inner workings, what the Board’s dynamic is with their agents, what their dynamic is with modern SHUSH (if it even exists), etc etc. all of which are things that would probably be addressed in the Team Spyience AU! It is an AU but I’d like to build on canon as much as possible (unless there’s something that I really don’t vibe with) since it’ll be cleaner and less confusing that way. Like if I threw 2019 Team Spyience AU at you guys rn it would 1) be confusing since the FOWL structure and motives are completely different from canon and 2) be less interesting since there’s SO much potential for angst and drama with the Board, Rockerduck/Jeeves, and Gandra as part of FOWL. (and oh boy I’m so excited to work with that!!!)
(sorry for that long block of text sdfgfds i wasn’t sure how to break it up)
that being said I have built a bit of a shaky foundation for a redone Team Spyience AU for when we learn more!! and ahhh i’m so excited to share. For bullet points, here are some ideas swimming around in my head. these all could change with new information from the show or just if i think of something better tbh
so this might change when we learn more about the Board in general and the nitty-gritty of FOWL’s plans, but right now I’m thinking that the Board realizes that 1) Gyro and his ragtag band of science nerds are powerful and stubborn, and will most definitely get in the way of their plans 2) Gyro already hates the Board, and if anyone in McDuck Enterprises were to pick up on their treason, it would be him 3) They have a strong foothold for control in the company, second only to Scrooge (and even that’s debatable), but they have minimal control over Gyro and the science department. So this time around it’s less about needing to spy on Scrooge and more about wanting to control Gyro and Team Science. how that translates to “capturing them and forcing them to spy on their boss and his family” is still up in the air, but i’ll let you guys know when i figure it out! (and if you all have any ideas lmk)
we all know Gyro dislikes the Board but it’s mostly just annoyance/spite since they always shut down his inventions. Here, though, he would hate them. He would probably start like smack-talking them to everyone he can, especially Scrooge, which is his own way of trying to get them to realize the Board is evil without tipping the Board off to his treachery. Scrooge would be confused and it would be like the first crack in the Board’s carefully built facade, but it wouldn’t work for him. He probably just thinks Gyro’s being his mean self.
Huey, though... I’m pretty sure Huey’s gonna end up researching FOWL since it’s his season, and he spends enough time around Team Science to notice how off they’re all acting, without being too busy to pay it much mind (like Scrooge). so one of Gyro’s snarky remarks will tip him off, and he’ll start to view the Board with a little more suspicion each time. Until he comes to the conclusion through his research, and SHUSH resources like Beakley and Webby, that oh god that was an allusion to FOWL the Board is FOWL-
and then- wait is Gyro FOWL?? is Team Science okay?? this goes deeper than I thought-
so essentially the B-plot of this AU is Huey (with the help of the rest of the kids, but especially Webby, Boyd, and Violet) researching FOWL in the background and trying to figure out why Team Science is acting so weird lately, and there’s a lot of dramatic irony
FOWL definitely threatens Boyd to get to Gyro because I love me some quality Boyd & Gyro family content 😌
I originally thought about working a “Gyro is a former FOWL agent that got away by the skin of his teeth” aspect into the AU since I was really fond of that concept when it was a theory, but now it’s been disproven. It does make for a lot of extra drama and angst, but I don’t think it quite fits, so I might just make that an entirely separate AU. I might add some non-canon bonus content with this concept though!
The majority of Team Science’s dynamic throughout the AU stays the same - they’re all incredibly stressed and on edge and just in a really sticky situation, so they snap at each other and have a lot of petty arguments. But at the same time, they’re all in the really sticky situation together, and so they come out of this mess a whole lot closer. It’s sort of a “You’re the only ones I can be honest with without dire consequences” situation.
also re: that last point - CUDDLE PUDDLES. i’m so soft for them. i’m thinking maybe on a night when FOWL makes them all stay in the cells overnight as a punishment or smth, but they’re all in one cell, they just fall asleep all on top of each other and it’s just a really sweet moment made bittersweet by the circumstances. it’s also a testament to how far their relationship has come under pressure and how much they trust each other now.
Gyro is the only target originally (I’m thinking maybe Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb catch the Board in the act and it’s very dramatic and terrifying. i think they’re originally gonna kill Team Science, since FOWL has a very take-no-prisoners leave-no-loose-ends sort of mindset, but Gyro convinces the Board that the majority of Scrooge McDuck’s research team mysteriously dying in one fell swoop would be extremely suspicious, especially since Scrooge has an in-house former SHUSH agent. so they live, miraculously, but the Board lets all of them know in no uncertain terms that if it happens again, the other person dies. No ifs, ands, or buts. So Team Science is all very, very nervous and careful about what they let slip. They want to tell everyone, especially Scrooge, but they can’t because they care too much. (Hence Gyro making passive-aggressive comments about the Board to Scrooge.) and of course everyone else gets suspicious and resentful since they know Team Science is hiding stuff from them. so that leads to a lot of drama and arguments.
speaking of the drama and arguments from the outside, the kids are doing their own investigation, but I headcanon Della as friends with Gyro from before the Spear of Selene, and she has a budding friendship with Fenton too. So she’d notice they’re all acting really weird and bailing on all her plans, so she storms down to the lab and tries an aggressive tactic to get them to fess up. They don’t, obviously, so she goes on a little investigation of her own. I’m thinking she might drag Launchpad and Donald into it - Launchpad since he’s good friends with Team Science, and Donald because I love him and I want him involved they’re the Duck Twins and they work best together.
I have this scene floating around in my head where, in the very beginning, FOWL agents/Eggheads capture Gyro and drag him to FOWL HQ underneath Funzo’s to be briefed on his new situation. He’s stuck in one of those glass cells Launchpad and Dewey were in when Steelbeak brought them back in the Double-O-Duck episode. The Board knows he’s there, but Gyro has no clue they’re villains. So they come to the cell to brief and belittle him (let’s be honest here, they’ve never liked Gyro) and he just. He’s pissed. Spitting mad. He’s always resented the Board but never like this; never pictured them as actual powerful villains. He may be spiteful of them because they shut down his projects, but at the end of the day, they’re good guys. They’re on his side, and more importantly, Scrooge’s side. Right?
So Gyro is like, up against the glass, trying to punch them through the airholes. He’s just so fucking furious. He’s not really thinking straight and he doesn’t care about any dignity, he’s just angry. The Board is just overly smug and pleased with themselves. It’s a very stereotypical “You’ll never get away with this, you villain!!” picture, and very dramatic. And then the Board just walks away after giving him a bare-bones explanation of the situation that he doesn’t really process because he’s so mad and terrified. And they turn off all the lights and let him stew in there overnight.
Once Huey and the kids have finally put the pieces together, Webby comes to the Bin one day with Scrooge, and she goes to the meeting room to look for him. Only he’s not in there - The Board is, and they’re berating Gyro for sassing off about them to Scrooge or smth. Webby, with all her trained spy skills, hears their conversation and is able to avoid detection (although the Board is suspicious, and they start investigating to tie off any loose ends). Their conversation, though, would be suspicious to any oblivious passerby, but from all the research the kids have done, they know what’s going on.
That’s not the actual reveal - I think thematically that should go to Huey, since he’s the closest to Team Science and it’s his season. This would just chase away any last doubts the kids may have. And maybe Webby gets a voice recording as evidence? I just love those; they’re so dramatic.
this is one part that might not end up aligning with canon but I’m REALLY fond of the Akita FOWL theory. So in this AU, I’m thinking Akita was a really casual member of FOWL all along that recently got an updated agent commission. So there’s even more potential drama there, since Gyro utterly despises Akita now. And a bigger incentive to keep Boyd safe, since Gyro knows FOWL would be more than happy to program Boyd into a mindless attack robot.
in the old AU I was toying with the idea that FOWL didn’t know Fenton’s Gizmoduck until a big reveal, and it was a secret weapon of Team Science’s (but also a point for a lot of arguments, since Fenton desprately wanted to be out there protecting people at the cost of his own safety) but uhh... they definitely know now. In a bid to stop FOWL from taking control of Gizmoduck, Fenton claims the armor is out of commission and sabotages it. So Fenton’s heroics are temporarily halted while Team Science frantically tries to figure out how to keep FOWL from hacking/taking control of a new and improved Gizmosuit.
As for writing... I don’t have anything done, least of all anything for the revamped version of the AU, but I do have this wonderful writing prompt from @advisortotheadvisor that I started back in January 2019, when I was working on the old version of the AU, that I really want to do with the revamped AU. (it just fits so well ahhhh!!!)
["If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place." + your FOWL team spyience au?]
Gyro crossed his arms across his chest, scowling to hide his fear. He’d gotten pretty good at it over these past few months.
Watching the halls was basically useless. Fowl was careful to keep Gyro and his team within the same halls, as to not be able to find their way out on their own. And Gyro knew the way to Steelbeak’s office well. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been marched here.
At least he wasn’t cuffed anymore, though he suspected it was only because the agents and their minions knew there was too much at stake for an escape attempt. It had been too long, anyway. That was an amaetur move. Even though he loathed to admit it, Gyro cared too much about the consequences - the people at stake - to even try.
It was just a well-aimed mockery. Like everything short of punishment seemed to be these days under FOWL’s watchful eye and careful thumb. Gyro scowled deeper and crossed his arms tighter and pretended in vain it didn’t bother him.
That was all he could do, really.
Okay that kind of got away from me haha. thank you so much for the ask!! It means a lot to me that people are still interested in this AU. definitely motivation to work on both the AU and that fic haha!! I’ll talk more abt this soon when I have more info/content
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waveypedia · 6 years
Secret Agent/Spy AU (edit: I never posted this? Weird)
This is different from the Spyro/GySpy/Team Spyience AU I mentioned a few days ago btw.
What if, instead of adventuring, Scrooge stuck to being a spy?
He raised his niece and nephew, Donald and Della, through the agency. They were orphaned and after their grandmother couldn’t take care of them, he did. They hung out at the agency with his partner’s daughter for a while, but as teens the daughter turned evil and left. Scrooge started taking Don and Del on adventures, and they became an inseparable team, their names known throughout the spy industry.
However, a few months after the twins twenty-second birthday (celebrated quietly in a dark room with a small blue cake and no candles for fear of attracting the enemy as they were on a mission), everything went in a downward spiral for Della Duck.
At first things looked great. She was taking mission after mission, she was dating another spy, and expecting triplets.
Then her boyfriend turned rogue and attacked her. She focused herself on her children, but took one last mission, on a spaceship, before disappearing forever.
Donald took the kids and left the industry. He tried his best to keep the boys safe, but they got infiltrated by a spy sent by Scrooge’s bitterest rival, Flintheart Glomgold from Fowl. Donald got kidnapped on his way to a job interview. Beakley and Webby picked up the boys and headed off to Atlantis without telling Scrooge, since he and Donald weren’t on good terms. But Scrooge came along anyway.
So they all fought to free Donald family bonding all that jazz and afterward Shush executives force the fam to move into McDuck Manor, which is a Shush base, so they can be safe. Scrooge catches the spy bug and heads back into the business, taking the kids with him. Donald isn’t happy about this.
Magica is a Fowl agent with a side of sorcery (but luckily there’s a lovely Shush/freelance agent named Morgana who can combat her magic) and is raising her niece Lena to follow in her footsteps. When she hears that Scrooge is back, she sends Lena off to pose as a freelance agent and infiltrate Shush, particularly McDuck Manor. But she befriends Webby and goes rogue. She gets adopted into Shush and the fam afterwards.
Gladstone went on some missions with Scrooge, Don, and Del when they were younger and ended up being a freelance spy. He’s a commodity because of his luck, but since his family is affiliated with Shush his luck usually ends up helping them even if he’s working with Fowl. He prefers working with his family, but he’d never tell anyone.
Team Science is working in technology. Ludwig works with them a lot, but Gyro is their main leader. Scrooge brought Gyro to Shush. Huey works with them most of the time.
Louie is a talented hacker and does it freelance for money in his back pocket. Only his siblings know. Shush wouldn’t be too happy if they knew. He often sabotages Fowl, though.
Goldie is another freelance agent. She works with Scrooge most of the time when she’s at Shush. She doesn’t get along with Beakley, but Webby adores her, and when Beakley’s daughter turned rogue she gave her updates on her daughter since she has also worked with Fowl. Beakley won’t forget that anytime soon.
Drake is the exact same with Shush as he is in canon, but he comes around more often because Gosalyn is really good friends with the kids. He also comes to see Launchpad, who is a chauffeur/pilot for Scrooge for the press, but is actually an extra bodyguard and a caretaker for the kids, as well as a secret agent.
The other full-time kid caretaker is Storkules. He adores kids. It surprises everyone that he doesn’t go on missions since he’s so buff and would intimidate Shush, but everyone knows he’s just a huge softie. Plus he’s a good bodyguard for the kids if anything goes wrong. Selene is a secret agent too. She likes working at night for obvious reasons. She was Della’s best friend and maybe more ;) they often went on missions together. Zeus works for Shush. He and Glomgold often get together to complain about Scrooge. (Glomgold works for Fowl too).
Mark Beaks still has his company, but often creates tech for Fowl. It’s usually very cheaply made and has problems. Not a lot of people know he works with them.
Gizmoduck was created in Shush labs and is a Shush-sanctioned superhero; DW is exactly the same as in canon; and Paperinik is a super Shush doesn’t really trust because they don’t know his identity and he doesn’t work with them. Or so they think.
M’ma knows about Shush. She doesn’t really trust them from a police standpoint, but she trusts Fenton. She also comes in to see the kids a lot because she is a Mom, and is the driving force behind good police and Shush relations.
There was more. I gotta check my notebooks.
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waveypedia · 6 years
My Ducktales AUs Masterpost
I have a lot of AUs. And I want to have a place where both you and I can check back and find them! I actually couldn’t find them all :P so if anyone finds my second tangled au, my Svtfoe AU, or three of my hamilton aus please tell me!
(read more bc this is a long post)
Now, onto the aus!
Aunt/Mom Selene AU - Selene finds out about Della’s disappearance early on and stops by frequently to be an aunt/mother figure to the boys. Bonus Uncle Storkules!
Webbed Wonder AU - Webby is studying abroad when her school is attacked and she is forced to relocate temporarily to a college in St. Canard. While there, she meets the resident superhero, the Quiverwing Quack, and becomes a superhero alongside her, just in time to fight two supvervillains who strike a little too close to home. (chapter 1 should be out soon!)
Hamilton AUs:
Actor AU - Scrooge, Donald, and Della were famous actors instead of adventurers, and the kids follow in their footsteps with an adventure show featuring some old friends! Bonus: acting headcanons that could go with the AU or be standalone
Legend of the Three Caballeros AU - Around the same time that he moved in with Scrooge, Donald met Panchito, Jose, and Xandra. He struggles to balance two secret adventure lives.
Sky Pirates AU - Scrooge leads a fierce band of sky pirates high in the sky. 
Mother Knows Best AU (couldn’t find the original post) - Switched!Della and Magica. Dewey finds a strange blue amulet that contains the shadow spirit of his lost mother. Her influence makes him grow more distant until he finally runs away to train under her. Years later, her influence has corrupted him. He finds his family, now living at McDuck Manor. Della wants him to destroy Scrooge, but the power of his family might actually be stronger than the influence of his mother. Meanwhile, Huey, Louie, and Webby help their sister Lena find her missing aunt.
Power of Four AU {Masterpost I Chapter 1 I Chapter 2} - Beakley gets called away on a Shush mission and leaves Webby with Donald. She never comes back, leaving Donald to raise Webby. Ten years later, the quadruplets begin to discover the mystery of Webby’s missing grandmother and what they can do to get her back.
Lucky Puppet AU - Magica gets sick of Lena and uses the last of her power to latch onto Gladstone. After she has regained some of that power, she forces him to connect with his family as a way of getting her close to Scrooge and he starts to realize he can’t betray them, even if his life is at stake. Meanwhile Lena, lost and alone and starving, gets taken in by Beakley but is panicking because she’s in the house of her aunt’s worst enemy and no one knows who she is.
Switched!Lena and Magica AU
Tia Cabrera AU - HDL’s and Fenton’s dad were the same people. He’s gone, but he left a bridge between two broken families. HDL grow up with an extra aunt and an older brother who are more than happy to adopt the rest of their bizarre family when the time comes.
Duckberg Falls AU {Part 1 I Part 2} - (my very first au aaaaah!) Ducks in Gravity Falls!
Secret Agent AU - Scrooge stuck in the spy business, and raised Della and Donald to be secret agents as well! Donald takes the kids away, but after a particularly nasty brush with one of Fowl’s chief agents, Flintheart Glomgold, Shush executives force him to move into McDuck Manor (which just so happens to be one of their headquarters). The kids get immersed in the business. At least Shush still doesn’t know he’s secretly Paperinik, one of the only superhero in Duckberg/St. Canard not somehow affiliated with Shush.
Spyience/Spyro/GySpy AU - Two dramatic scenarios of Team Science getting involved with Shush and Fowl as secret agents! Separate from the Secret Agent AU.
Tangled AUs:
Duckpunzel AU - (movie-based), Lena, the orphan adopted by the royal family/captain of the guards in Corona, their youngest princess (before Princess Della’s sons and Captain Beakley’s granddaughter were born) was kidnapped by her biological aunt, the witch Mother Magica. She spends 18 years locked up in Magica’s tower before her adventurous adoptive sister/girlfriend, Webby, bursts into her tower, on the run from her great-uncle because she stole the tiara meant for Lena (she only wanted to study it!)
Webby’s Tangled Adventure AU - (series based) After being rescued from Magica’s tower by the love of her life, Louie, the adventurous lost princess Webby must adjust to royal life. But it’s not long before her magic hair comes back and her new best friend Lena takes her to see a young alchemist, Huey, in Old Duckberg. Shenanigans ensure, and Webby sadly has to fight Huey, but soon she and her gaggle of friends are on another great adventure, following the black rocks past St. Canard and many other magical places.
Mamma Mia AU (a collab with ppl from the Delpad Discord) - HDLW live on a beautiful island with their mom and uncle, running a hotel. Dewey and Webby are about to get married, but when Dewey and his siblings are going through people to invite, he finds his mom’s old journal and three important names. Launchpad McQuack, Don Karnage, and Storkules. Of course he has to invite them!
I’m always open for questions about these AUs! I will continue to update and reblog this post as I come up with new AUs, additions/revisions to my current AUs, and as I start writing them! 
Bonus: Hunger Games AU
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waveypedia · 6 years
Team spyience for the au headcanon thing
Ooooooh thank you!!!
Team Spyience is kinda two AUs so I’m gonna do hcs for both cause I’m self-indulgent :P you get two for the price of one! Not that they cost anything lol
Main(?) Version (where Team Science are spies working for Scrooge because he’s a cheap-o)
Gyro pretty much refuses to use Shush tech because he’s a petty salty man. This has resulted in some sticky situations and narrow escapes
Gyro also (loudly) critiques Fowl’s tech. This has also resulted in sticky situations and narrow escapes. He once blew an otherwise fine mission because he started rudely announcing their faults
As preparation, Fenton invited Manny over to watch all the James Bond movies and Spy Kids
Scrooge calls once a week to check in, berate them for not also inventing new technology, and rave about how much money he’s saving by not hiring actual spies
If anyone gets hurt, Scrooge has them sent back to McDuck Manor if it’s safe so they can recover away from Fowl
Angsty Version (where Team Science gets kidnapped by Fowl and forced to spy on Scrooge and Shush)
Out of everyone, Fenton is the most torn about his predicament. He really wants to help everyone but he can’t because he doesn’t want Fowl to know he’s Gizmoduck and take advantage of his situation.
Scrooge figures out really fast something’s up, but he doesn’t figure out what until too late
Launchpad is the one to figure it out, because between seeing Team Science act weirdly at work, Gizmoduck’s disappearances and weird behavior in the superhero circle, and his secret identity in Fowl as a secret agent, he gets a lot of info
Gyro often gets punished for complaining loudly
Lil’ Bulb sneaks into Fowl so many times that eventually they just kidnap him too
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