#also: sorryyy i do love guzman
carladuquette · 11 months
Carla & Lu - No body, no crime
A new chapter in The ties were black, the lies were white, my Elite x Taylor Swift series. This one is not like the others so far - no happy ending, not with that song (IYKYK). It's violent in places and just... sad. Can be read as a mirror piece to Midnights in October.
"What did you do to her?" Carla's voice was loud enough to make a few people look their way, even with the noise level in the bar.
Guzman laughed, probably to show everyone around them how absurd the question was, but it wasn't real. Carla could tell. His hand landed on her forearm, and he wouldn't let her pull away.
"Not you, too," he said loudly, shaking his head like he was disappointed in her.
The pressure on her arm suggested a different emotion, though, and Carla saw it in his eyes, too. He was angry. Furious that she'd dared to call him out in public.
"I want to get Lu back just as much as everyone else." The patrons next to them were still looking, enjoying the free show, and after a second of silence, Guzman cleared his throat. "More, of course. Because she is my wife and I- and I love her."
His voice gave out, and he let go of her arm to wipe his eyes. The bartender pushed another whiskey toward him, "on the house," looking like she might burst into tears of sympathy any second.
Guzman threw back the drink, then got up to leave, a little unsteady on his feet. When he was just past her, he froze for a second. After he had seemingly made up his mind, he turned back around and leaned in so close that Carla could smell the alcohol on his breath. For a second, his cold eyes locked onto hers. Then he whispered in her ear.
"You'll never find her. Never." The words wrapped around her throat and cut off her air. "And you know what they say: No body, no-"
The slap made her hand ache, but it was worth it. For a second, Guzman stared at her, surprised. Then he remembered where they were, got his face under control and was the disappointed, dejected husband again.
"I'm sorry you feel that way," he said before walking out the door.
Carla had to hold on to the bar to not slide off her chair.
(@snappy-bambi, you probably thought i would never get this done, considering how long i've been going on about it, lol. but i did ittt)
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