#also: the women in TSH and TG are...uh.....shall we say terrible
wildguarneres · 5 years
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@majestysnowbird i’m at the opposite end of the spectrum, idk if it’s because it’s so fresh on my mind but right now i like it above the other two! i also think the negative criticism leveled at the goldfinch is ridiculous and unfounded, because i do love that book, but at least in memory, it still doesn’t capture me the way the little friend does. i never connected to the setting of TG, only superficially to the characters; whereas the languid, southern pace of TLF feels so familiar, and the characters long-lingering in my mind. it is indulgent, it is excessive, it’s donna tartt, you know?
not to mention that TSH and TG both have, in my opinion, surprisingly terrible and poorly written climaxes, compared to the water tower scene in TLF - harriet and danny’s showdown at last was bone-chilling and i think it may be tartt at her strongest (so far......) i understand your perspective, though! one thing i know for sure is that this is a divisive book that seems impossible for anyone to agree on
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