#and harriet puts them to shame
hirukochan · 6 months
I know you are busy right now with your fics and I really admire how brilliant they turn out to be with you working on multiple projects. I really appreciate all your hardwork and dedication and ugh, I just love your work so much.
But can I just say that I saw your comment in one of your fics about a potential forbidden Malfoy OC/Reader x Voldemort and I am really looking forward to that? I'm a huge Harriet x Voldy fan but i really love the Malfoy idea and the whole corruption concept. I have this weird imagery of them like Voldy being the snake from the apple tree in Eden and Malfoy Reader being naive, trusting, and too curious for her own good Eve.
Thank you so much!!! It means the world to hear that! I am thrilled to know so many people enjoy these silly little stories I come up with :D!
I am very much looking forward to writing that story! And I will. First I need to finish some published stories but this one is at the top of the list! I hope I'll get to it some time next year and I will be certain to post about it here too!
I don't know from what perspective I will be writing it yet.
Corruption is a main theme for the fic as I've been planning it right now. The youngest child of Narcissa and Lucius is a very sickly girl who had little influence outside her family and who has never even left her family's estate! Voldemort shamelessly preys on that and revels in the slow but steady destruction of her innocence and purity - something he never got to have.
I have a little snippet/teaser here of that fic for anyone who is interested! I have yet to find a name for the fic - because love coming up with names for stuff!!!! (not.)
Malfoy daughter X Voldemort Snippet
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words: 1200
warnings: none that I can think off :D
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Astrea Lucretia Malfoy knows there are certain expectations that come with being a member of the ancient and most honourable house of Malfoy. Astrea knew these expectations before she could as much as crawl. They were handed down to her from the very first beat her heart took inside her mother’s womb and Astrea would sooner throw herself off the roof of her family home than do anything that would bring shame to her house and her parents.
Astrea loves her parents.
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are proud people and Astrea would never want to embarrass them. Astrea knows how to behave. She knows how to greet people and how to make pleasant conversation. Astrea can play the piano and dance and yet despite having devoted her life to trying and be the perfect heiress to her proud parents - she is not.
She is a smudge on her family’s proud family tree and there is nothing she can do.
Astrea looks down at the crimson spots on the snowy white handkerchief in her trembling hands. Steps sounding from the hallway have her hastily fold it and stuff it in her dress. The corset her governess put her into for today’s special occasion.
Time has run out. Astrea can’t escape him any longer. She knows it was an endeavour doomed from the beginning but she had to try.
Her governess opens the door, looking like a banshee coming to announce Astrea’s death, dressed in her stern black uniform. Astrea hates the sight of that uniform. Hates the black dress that makes her think of death every time she sees it because death is the last thing Astrea wants to think about it and yet it’s the first thought on her mind when she wakes up and the last when she falls asleep. Death hunts her in her dreams and she knows death is approaching steadily in reality as well. The handkerchief stuffed between her breasts and the corset bears the proof of that.
Astrea has been sick for as long as she can remember. Despite hiring the most renowned healers and researchers and even shamans nobody has been able to give the proud Malfoys and their inexhaustible vaults at Gringotts an answer as to why their only daughter is a sickly, weak child. She just is. Getting infected with the Dragonpox that would later take her severe, powerful and feared grandfather Abraxas Malfoy did little to improve her condition.
Nowadays Astrea can at least leave her bed and walk freely about the Manor but she knows that little and treasured freedom will be snatched from her the second her overprotective father learns of her relapse.
Astrea pushes her governess' hands from her hair and gets up. She ignores the lightheaded dizziness rushing through her at the swift movement. She does not let it show either.
She can wait no longer.
He is expecting to be introduced to her after all.
The Dark Lord. The most powerful wizard of all times, once believed to have vanished and now returned, reborn. Of course, Astrea knows all about him. She has been taught about him alongside her older brother Draco all her life. Taught of his greatness, his might, his goal to save wizardingkind and she has been taught of her duty to serve him.
And yet she stole from him.
The precious dress made of fairy-spun silk slides over the carpeted stairs. Astrea’s chest strains against the corset. Her governess tied it tighter today against Astrea’s protest.
Nobody here listens to her.
Nobody cares.
Oh, they all ‘care’ - they bend over backwards to delay the inevitable, forcing her to go through heinous treatments to expand her life and yet nobody cares.
Expect for her Uncle Sev perhaps. Her godfather, her father’s best friend and also on the few occasions she is allowed to practise magic, her tutor. He always has an open ear for her and a shoulder to cry on when she needs it.
But there are a few secrets she keeps even from him. The handkerchief and her impertinence. Both she carries on her person tonight. Perhaps a mistake though she seriously doubts the greatest Legilimens to ever live would need her to carry her sin with her to detect it. He’ll know the second he sees her, therefore her avoiding him. In the days before the Dark Lord’s arrival to take up residency in her family home she strategically scattered gasps and moments of pause into her demeanour and speech, then on the morning of his arrival Astrea dipped the thermometer her governess forces past her lips every morning in her teacup for a few seconds as the old hag was preparing her bath.
She spent the past week in her bed but she can’t keep this charade up for long without risking her feeble sham-freedom.
Astrea treasures her freedom above all else.
She enters the sitting room. Her parents are sitting on a sofa with Draco in between them. Uncle Sev sits on their opposite, his face as expressionless as always, swirling whiskey in his glass lazily. There, right across from Astrea is he.
The dark one.
The most powerful and dangerous man to ever walk the earth.
And Astrea not only gets to walk on the same earth at the same time, she gets to be in a room with him, to breathe the same air as him, share dinner with him.
Her chest is bursting with pride, her heart flutters in its cage of fragile bones like the many exotic birds in their cages in her room. Her father keeps bringing them home in hopes of making her smile but Astrea finds no joy in dooming others to share her fate and yet what can she do? These birds, much like her, have no chance of surviving outside their cages and yet she can’t help the occasional thought of just letting them all go, letting them try their luck and run after them, with bare feet and no shawl and wouldn’t that be worth the impending death following them? Living and if only for one second?
Astrea has never felt so alive as she does right now. Her trembling fingers grasp the edge of her dress and lift it slightly as she sinks to her knees, bowing her head at the same time. She struggles to keep her back straight and her body stiff, to not fall over and to make it all seem effortless too. Her long pale blond hair falls over her shoulder. She doesn’t even pause to remember she has never curtseyed in a dress cut like this one, doesn’t remember the corset, doesn’t realise her hair is shielding the sight from her parents and Uncles and doesn’t notice how crimson eyes darken as they skim over her, lingering on the neckline of her dress.
Astrea has grown up well-protected and so she does not realise the different ways men look at quickly coming-of-age girls like her. Merely a year away from being presented to society, something Astrea has never had to worry about as her poor health will hardly allow for such a thing her mother has neglected to prepare her, to warn her of the more unsavoury desires of some men. And still - Astrea knows more than her parents think. She is no idiot and has read nearly every book in the Manor, even those her father keeps away from her in his own library and especially his study and what she can’t find in books her friend tells her about. Her only friend.
“Rise.” The high-pitched voice caresses her skin like morning dew, the leaves of her flowers in front of her windows. Like the wings of her feathered companions, her bare arms. Astrea shudders and - against all her formidable education - she stares.
Amusement twinkles in the crimson eyes of her lord and master, dark red like the drops on her handkerchief. They assess her, gliding over her body, her dress and eventually coming to a halt on her eyes. The corner of his lipsless mouth twitches and for a second Astrea has forgotten everything. The blood, the fatigue, the guilt at lying to her parents, the weight of her sin pressed against her naked thigh beneath her dress.
Lord Voldemort looks different than she could have ever been able to picture him. Pale skin that’s scattered here and there with a bundle of scales that shimmer in the flickering light of the gas lamps on the walls, shimmering like the expensive opal jewellery her parents brought back for her from one of their trips to France once. His pupils are long, shaped like those of a snake and where there is supposed to be a nose, only slit nostrils stretch across his skin.
He is tapping his nails on the armrest of his armchair, one with a regal, high back and luxurious tropical wood, stained dark to fit the room’s aesthetic.
“It is an honour to meet you, my lord.” Astrea says, though her voice sounds strange even to her own ears. “I am saddened to have missed your arrival.”
“I am as well.” Voldemort says, his voice silky smooth, sounding so familiar and yet so strange. Though the fluttery feeling it ignites in her belly is very familiar. She has only ever felt it around her only friend…
Voldemort rises from his seat, abandoning his untouched drink on the table beside his armchair. He towers over her, taller even than her father and uncle. Astrea feels minuscule next to him, not only due to the size. She doesn’t even reach his shoulder.
“Join me? I am curious to learn more about the youngest Malfoy offspring.”
“I am an open book for my lord.” She says with a chaste incline of her head, hiding both from the intense gaze of her master and the redness spreading across her cheeks. “My lord merely needs to ask.”
The stolen leatherbound diary pressed against her thigh she accepts Voldemort’s arm and follows him into the dining room where he even pulls out her chair. No man who does not also share blood with her or is made of ink and magic has ever treated her like this. Astrea sits down and is glad for the rest, ignoring the sweat drenching her back beneath her dress and corset. She doesn’t notice the eyes wandering to her décolletage once more.
“I hope my family’s home becomes my lord well?”
“Yes.” He says, red eyes blazing. “Alas I was uncertain for a bit but it could convince me after all.”
“I am relieved.” Astrea looks up and smiles, finding it contains the same amount of joy it has when addressing it to her ink friend and all the joy it lacks when looking at her family.
“So am I.” His upper lip twitched into a crooked grin, revealing a single, sharp, long fang. The grin looks so familiar-
Astrea shakes the thought off.
Perhaps she should not have brought the diary but she can’t leave Tom in her room alone! He is her only friend and she has to keep him safe! Perhaps Voldemort does not know she has stolen it from her father’s study all those years ago in a fit of infantine anger and desire to hurt her father back for all that he is keeping her from. All she wanted was to join Draco’s birthday celebration and he forbade it. Tom said she did no wrong and that she should believe him but Astrea finds it difficult at times.
She has considered putting the diary back many times but Tom has told her how lonely he was before she saved him and one does not abandon friends! At least that’s what Tom says. Astrea has never had a friend but she trusts Tom. He would never want to harm her.
What a curious little creature, Voldemort thinks as he slips into the girl’s room unnoticed. She is lying in a huge bed framed by flimsy, delicate curtains, as delicate as the girl they give fleeting shelter to.
She is asleep, her lids closed, hiding the bright blue of her big eyes. Her luscious lips are slightly parted. Beneath her hand, curled into a feeble fist on top of her pillow, beside her head sits it.
The impertinence. The utter impudence to bring the stolen object to her first encounter with its rightful owner. It’s almost charming. Like an ant that believes itself so powerful it can revolt against the boot.
He will take pleasure in crushing her. In ripping her chaste innocence from her to savour it, to claim it for himself. He’ll punish her for her crime and Lucius for being so careless he has not even realised it’s missing. The object Voldemort entrusted to him. A piece of his master’s soul - though that part he is obviously unaware of. Voldemort is not so stupid as to hand over crucial information to a mere henchman like Lucius. Though his daughter will make a lovely addition to Voldemort’s bed.
He reaches out a pale hand with skeletal fingers to take the diary, reclaim his stolen Horcrux-
Voldemort is pulled away, something tugs on his mind and he falls forward, like dragged into a pensieve and he finds himself in the Slytherin common room, standing by the fireplace he once tossed the annoying cat of a classmate into. In front of him on the leather sofa lies the girl, the same girl, in the same flimsy, nearly see-through nightgown and she is asleep in his arms. In his arms.
Within the blink of an eye his younger self, looking the role of the proper Prefect he had been at the time, stands in front of him. Voldemort had never been short but his adolescent self can’t match the height of his new body and yet he doesn’t seem impressed or like he even remotely cares.
“She is mine!” He hisses in angry parseltongue, his eyes flashing red and Voldemort is forcibly expelled from the diary, such force he stumbles a step backwards, staring at the girl sleeping on his diary as peacefully as humanly possible.
Read it here
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
SUGGESTION— Never in your life have you met a person who you would describe as “dastardly”, but that has all changed now.
ENCYCLOPEDIA— “Dastardly” is a word that means wicked and cruel. It is also a word that largely rhymes with “bastard”. The two words have no correlation despite sounding similar, yet you would use both to describe this man.
DASTARDLY MAN— His eyes shift between yours, the grin curling his lip stretched thin and tight. His long fingers are steepled together.
COMPOSURE— It’s like he wants the world to know he’s a criminal.
SAVOIR FAIR— A man like this doesn’t come to your door and make up a boldfaced lie such as “being your new precinct-assigned partner” without some kind of horrible confidence.
LOGIC— Or idiocy.
CONCEPTUALIZATION— He would have to be an idiot to wear an obviously-stolen and poorly-fitting officer’s uniform to a police officer’s home.
HALF LIGHT— Behind you, the children are shrinking away. There is fear in their eyes. Please protect us, they are screaming.
DASTARDLY MAN— He looks at the slices of their faces he can see from behind your frame, and his grin only grows. “Lovely to meet you, Monseur Du Bose.”
YOU— “Du Bois. And that’s Lieutenant Double-Yfreitor to you.”
ENDURANCE— It’s the children’s tormentor, in the flesh. He’s still chasing them. He will never stop.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT— Stop him now. He’s clearly weaker than you— and as slippery as he is, he’s not immune to bullets.
VOLITION— No! Not in front of the children. They have seen enough violence at their age.
DRAMA— Ssssseething, seething with lies!
OBVIOUSLY COUNT OLAF— “Can’t two fellow officers, partners in the law, call each other by their names, Harriet?”
YOU— “It’s Harry.” You put on a smile. “And I happen to already have a partner, and I’m not looking to get another new one, thank you.”
KIM KITSURAGI— The Lieutenant takes his place in the doorframe as well, forming a two-man blockade with you. His hand drifts back to Violet, Klaus, and Sunny.
ESPRIT DE CORPS— Don’t worry, children.
OBVIOUSLY COUNT OLAF— “Well, what’s one more? Why don’t we chat about it more in your…” He winces, looking at the walls of your apartment. “…decrepit abode.”
YOU— “It’s a shame. Normally, I would have a lot in common with someone who wears crazy clothes and makes up a fake persona, but I get the feeling we aren’t going to get along.”
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'David Tennant bounds into the room, friendly, super articulate and energetic.
The actor and Doctor Who favourite, regularly voted the best Doctor by fans, is set to appear once again as the Time Lord in the forthcoming 60th anniversary specials.
The ongoing actors' strike prevents him from talking about those (Doctor Who is now a BBC/Disney co-production and US actors' union Sag-Aftra has been on strike since July).
But we're together, in a room full of books and leftover croissants - clearly actors need sustenance - to talk about Shakespeare, a playwright Tennant calls a "genius" who "had a particular sense of what it is to be a human" and expresses it "in a way no one else really does".
Tennant, who is an associate artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company, is steeped in the Bard. One critic described his Hamlet, which aired on the BBC in 2009, as "theatrical history in the making".
He excelled as Romeo and Richard II and, when we met, had just finished his first day of rehearsals for an already sold out run of Macbeth at London's Donmar Warehouse.
He's no-nonsense about the superstition of only referring to this most atmospheric work as the "Scottish play". Tennant freely uses the word "Macbeth".
But he admits to terrible nerves ahead of the show - however successful you are, it never gets any better, he says.
Renowned actors have been in his shoes; famously Lord Olivier was Macbeth to Vivien Leigh's Lady Macbeth in 1955, Sir Ian McKellen and Dame Judi Dench had their turn in 1976 and Sir Antony Sher and Dame Harriet Walter in 1999.
For Tennant, Shakespearean roles are like "Olympic events for an actor".
"The idea that you're being invited to stand next to these greats and sort of challenge yourself, test yourself against them and see if you've got something new to bring to that… that's part of what's exciting about it."
West Lothian-born Tennant "always wanted to be an actor" (his childhood obsession with Doctor Who had a big part to play in that) and from the way people talked about the plays, "I knew there was something magical about Shakespeare."
But that didn't mean he was immediately hooked when introduced to Macbeth at school - although he's at pains to praise his teacher.
He says the plays were written to be performed and it's "a shame that the first experience of Shakespeare is sitting in a classroom, trying to mouth these words that don't sit in your mouth and don't necessarily make a lot of sense to you at the age of 14".
"That's why a lot of people fall out of love with Shakespeare before they've really had a chance to fall in love."
Tennant fell in love when TAG, a Glasgow theatre company, brought As You Like It to his school's assembly hall. "I didn't necessarily understand every word and some of it felt perhaps a little unnatural and foreign to me". But the teenage Tennant was transported "because it was live and it was happening".
Now his head is brimful of a play that opens with three witches plotting and takes us on a journey of murder and guilt. Tennant says Shakespeare's take is "incredibly modern".
"The way he expresses Macbeth's fear of never sleeping, the torture of being in the restless ecstasy of never being able to close your eyes."
Even for Tennant, though, Shakespeare needs decoding. He tells me, when he opens one of the plays, he "100%" puts the modern translation next to the old. He deciphers the language so theatre audiences don't have to.
"If we're doing our job halfway properly, you shouldn't have to worry about understanding every syllable. You will be transported by it."
There can, though, be layers of meaning that still surprise you 10 weeks into a run, he says. "Usually on a wet Wednesday afternoon matinee, you'll suddenly go 'oh, that's what that line means.'"
Macbeth is one of 18 Shakespeare plays that would have disappeared if, seven years after his death, the actors John Heminges and Henry Condell hadn't published their friend's greatest plays in the First Folio.
That book was the first time the plays had been put together.
Before then, only 18 had been printed, in small paperback editions known as quartos.
The First Folio was registered for publication on 8 November 1623.
There were 750 copies made. Without it, we could have lost all the unprinted plays, around half of Shakespeare's works, including not just Macbeth but Julius Caesar, The Tempest, As You Like It and Twelfth Night.
Four hundred years on, 235 original First Folios are known to survive - 150 are in the US, and about 50 in the UK and Ireland.
The BBC is running a huge amount of content to mark the 400th anniversary. The celebratory season will include the 2018 adaptation of King Lear starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, Shakespeare Live! from the RSC, and a semi-fictionalised comic drama on Radio 4 about the creation of the First Folio.
Tennant says: "The reason that those plays are still performed around the world and the reason that Shakespeare is the cultural colossus that he is, is because that book was published."...
For Tennant, Shakespeare is "weirdly modern" because he captures how complicated it is to be human.
"He writes about the moment he was in, which seems to, by dint of his genius, also be the moment we are in."
Tennant is one of the UK's most exciting actors, known to wider audiences not just for Doctor Who and Broadchurch, but his film role as Barty Crouch Junior in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
But you get the sense that there's even more magic, for Tennant, in performing Shakespeare.
It's why he is celebrating the anniversary of the First Folio, that book that was the first step in creating a legacy for the greatest playwright in the English speaking world.'
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Blanket and hug
A hug
Honestly I wrote like A LOT of hugs considering how un-touchy-feely the Isle kids are?? So, I'm sharing two, because I can't choose just one.
Ginny Gothel and Anthony Tremaine
She looks up at him, and abruptly stands up. Her world goes white again, and she tastes metal for just a heartbeat,
„Sunflower, what’s wrong?“
In another heartbeat, he’s hugging her tight, which is probably a good thing. For closely unspecified reasons.
She clings to his shoulders, tightly enough for her nails to hurt him even through all the layers he is wearing, and breathes in through clenched teeth. Then again. And again.
If she’d have to guess, she’d say that the world has returned to its miserable true colours by now, but, you see, checking would require her to lift her head from his shoulder.
Which would be a shame.
She breathes in again and loosens her grip on him.
„What’s wrong?“ he asks again, as if the answer wasn’t „Every-fucking-thing,“ or, alternatively, „Existence.“
Instead, she leans away a bit, his hands moving to her hips, and slowly answers: „I have such soft hair, Anthony–“
He smiles: „I know. I did your hair just this morning, remember?“
As if that was relevant just now.
She swats at his shoulder lightly – don’t interrupt me!
He presses his lips together in an exasperated expression, holding it only long enough for her to notice. Which is, of course, why she pretends she didn’t see.
„As I was saying,“ she starts again, „I have such soft hair,“ („Thanks to me.“), „And no one is playing with it!“
„Oh?“ he flashes a half-smirk at her and runs his fingers along her scalp, „That better, then?“
Harry and CJ Hook
On completely unrelated note, Remedial Goodness fucking SUCKS.
FG likes to pretend the world is black and white, good and evil, light and dark: CJ prefers to think of it as a place of countless shades of gray, swaying back and forth like wild waves on stormy sea, preferably illuminated by hellish crimson flames.
You know, red. Like her cloak.
Speaking of red.
There is another rather tall and rather familiar figure clad in red in between the trees and it’s rapidly getting closer.
„Harry!“ she shouts at the top of her lungs, „Harry is here! Do you see him, Freddie?“
She frantically looks at the Shadow witch to confirm she isn’t hallucinating.
(In her defence, it wouldn’t be the first party that had laced brownies. Well, it would be the first Auradon party, probably. These kids have no idea how to have fun.)
(...Ok, CJ’s taking that back. She definitely saw Chloe Trouillefou and Hailey of DunBroch high at least one time. They had pupils of the size of platters. On the other hand, FG was giving a two hour long course on internet safety, so CJ can’t blame them.)
„Yes. Harry. I see him,“ sights Freddie. Wonderful!
„Also Uma, Gil and Jane. I thought she fell asleep with everyone else.“
Freddie also grumbles something about where her sister, who was supposed to arrive from the Isle today with Dizzy Tremaine and the Smee twins, is, and that she has no idea how the pirates got here and yada yada yada, CJ’s already running to greet her brother.
She hasn’t seen him in ages!
Like, forever!
Not that she missed him. Or Harriet. Absolutely not.
She definitely doesn’t almost crush his ribs when he hugs him, perish that thought! Pirates do not miss anybody!
She squeals when he picks her up and twirls her around in the air.
When he puts her down, she pretends to straighten her skirt and puffs her cheeks, to show how annoyed she is at that treatment.
„You ungrateful little scallywag-“ whispers Harry without any real bite and she grins at him, before turning around and greeting everyone else:
„Hi Jane! Happy birthday! I saved you some, uhm,“ she looks around to check what foods are left, „…Cake pops? And the pumpkin muffins! You like those, right?“
CJ brightens up and waves at Gil: „Gil! You should absolutely try the cake pops! They’re awesome and fresh and sweet! And not poisoned!“
She hopes.
Gil gets a go-ahead from his Captain and CJ finally faces the Sea witch:
„Hi, Uma! Are you and Harry married yet?“
„CJ. There is more important stuff going on right now!“
„…So? Are you?“
A Blanket (share a scene where a character feels safe and loved)
Probably this whole story:
Does CJ feel safe here? Yes. And she will be a bitch about it.
Also, like, every single scene of CJ interacting with her siblings.
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nomoreusername · 3 months
Trouble (Part 1)
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Pairing: Harriet x female reader
Summary:What should be another lecture from Harriet ends in something more.
Harriet, Harriet, Harriet. The things I could say about her. I could say that she was a control freak. I could say that she didn't know how to have fun. I could say that she was such a stick in the snow all the time.
I don't though. I know better than to insult the first-in-command. I just roll my eyes when she can't see and get on with my day.
Apparently, luck decided to run out about that as I ended up alone with her in her tent, being lectured by her on safety or something. I tuned her out a while ago. By this point that was basically second nature.
"Are you listening to a word I'm saying?"She snapped, waving her hands in my face.
"You want the truth or the answer that won't piss you off?"
"Are you-are you kidding?"She stuttered.
"Whenever do I joke, Harriet? I am as serious as they come,"I gasped, expecting her annoyed reaction. I also more than got it as she tapped her foot with her arms crossed. She seemed five seconds away from storming out of here. Honestly, I kind of wish that she would.
Since she was taking too long with that though, I knew that I would have to do it for her. With a sigh, I stood up to go back outside and do my job. Surely, that would make her happy.
As I was ready for the crunch of snow under my boots, and the cold wind on my face, she pulled me back by my hood. I almost tripped over my own feet as she sat me back down in my original spot on her cot.
"What the hell was that for?"I demanded to know.
"You need to listen,"She tried to reason.
"No, I don't,"I said through gritted teeth. Staring at each other, we silently dared the other to back down. With her arms still crossed, and my eyes narrowed at her, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"I am first-in-command,"She suddenly tried to reason.
"Oh, my sincere apologies. Allow me to bow down, your majesty,"I scoffed.
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah. What'd you even do to get that title? It was the bad luck of the draw, and yours was the worst. That's not my problem,"I pointed out.
Sitting there, I expected her to say something back to me. After all, that's how things always go. That's how they're meant to.
It didn't though as her eyes glistened with tears. I just froze as I wondered if this was actually real. Was Harriet actually about to cry, in front of me, because of me? Did I-did I make Harriet cry?
"You have no idea what it was like being all alone. Not a single one,"She scowled. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as shame bubbled in the pit of my stomach. "For an entire month I thought that I was going to lose my mind. I thought that maybe I had done something wrong. I thought I was just going to be isolated forever,"She spilled.
"I did it alone. It wasn't just some bad luck. It was terrifying. You know I came up with dead people already here?"
"I worked my ass off to make this place what it is. I picked myself up and started working just in case someone did join me one day. If not, at least I'd have some place to go crazy in."
"I have earned that title. Absolutely earned it. I am a damn good leader so-"
"I know you are,"I interrupted. She stopped talking as she looked me in my eyes, hers still having little tears in them.
Standing up, I stood before her. She didn't move away as I hesitantly reached my hand out and placed it on her cheek. Using my thumb, I wiped some of them from her face.
At some point we had moved closer without even realizing. Barely an inch away from each other, I took in her features. With her sweet caramel eyes, long eyelashes, and soft seeming lips, she was beautiful, stunning, absolutely gorgeous.
Still cupping her face, I brushed my lips against hers. She wasn't the slightest bit caught off guard as she put her hands behind my neck. Pulling her as close as possible to me, my heart felt something it never had before as we fit together like we were made for each other. Only when we needed air did we pull away, keeping our foreheads together as if we were immediately going to start again.
Gazing at her, seeing her leftover tears, reminded me that I was the one who had made her cry. It reminded me just how well that would end.
"I'm sorry,"I breathed out when the reality of what we were doing set in. Without another word I pulled myself out of her arms and rushed out of the tent, leaving her standing there by herself.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Defending Team RWBY’s decisions during Volume 8, while also defending CRWBY’s V8 Writing.
Let me put this basically as I can.
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This was something that apparently was discussed... in a WR Chat.
Then we get to this https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/w7qeag/what_are_some_common_comments_that_make_you_go/ From R/RWBY.
As you might expect? Dextixer the “Grand Corruptor of R/RWBY” (that’s literally his label/tag in the subreddit, the admins/mods still allow him to post hate and harass members, don’t ask me why) Started up the typical “Robyn hill is a terrorist, team rwby are war criminals, Ironwood was ruined”
Anyway, so many people started screaming at CRWBY for “bad writing” based on Ironwood’s military formation against Salem’s grimm invasion.
Did people seriously forget that Glynda and Qrow called out Ironwood for not having strategies, and basically only having “military bravado? Ironwood liked to act like he was the smartest guy in the room, and removed anyone criticizing or disobeying/disagreeing with him.
This is why so many people love him like they do Adam...they project themselves onto him while hating on four idealistic hopepunk women.
But honestly, lets just consider that MAYBE CRWBY knew what they were doing to a respectable point, and that James Ironwood defenders deliberately overlook so many things, exaggerate others etc.
And for god’s sakes, can we stop calling Robyn Hill a terrorist or “Somebody that should have been one of Salem’s Moles”
“Team rwby had no reason to see Ironwood as a villain”
I think they had a reason to see him as a villain since he straight up admitted he's leaving thousands for dead, which is exactly what RWBY was trying to prevent. But James certainly was a victim of his crumbling mental state
He was sacrificing millions to save far fewer. It was not a "needs of the many" situation. He intended to abandon all of Remnant, not to mention that Mantle's population is probably a fair bit bigger than Atlas's. It was a move of desperation.
Seriously, idk where people get this 'pragmatism' stuff from. Ironwood gave up. He was admitting defeat. People actually want a future where the entirety of humanity is just like, 500,000 rich elitists on a floating rock, waiting for Salem to inevitably figure out how to reach them?
If Atlas ran off to the upper atmosphere, everyone in Atlas would eventually die due to lack of supplies. Meanwhile Salem would just move on to the other kingdoms are start burning them down. And who's to say she couldn't just concoct a grimm capable of flying that high and then destroying Atlas herself
Ruby still wanted to help Mantle, but they agreed on splitting the group up so they could also get Amity up...RUBY was seeing the big picture...Ironwood just saw the forest for the trees.
“Look, a fleet to evacuate everyone! It would be a shame if something happened to it...”...Here was the SDC ships trying to evacuate people...Ironwood abandoned them because he felt he could no longer control the people he was oppressing as far back in v7. But then he realized that Team RWBY wasn’t simply disobeying him...they cared about Mantle...Hence why he did his “hands together sit in chair” pose...so he decided that the best way to force everyone to obey him is by forcing mantle to choose between him blowing them up or obeying salem.
As for Sleet? Kill one, warn a thousand. He cowed Carmila  and all Atlesian military into obedience by showing that he had no problems carrying out his threat to qrow from v3.
“Ironwood is  a tragic figure, CRWBY made him unsympathetic, unlike Cinder Fall and the writers' attempt”
What are y’all talking about? Cinder’s a tragic figure, but that doesn’t make her a sympathetic one. Ironwood was set up this way since the minute he was introduced. Cinder is more sympathetic than adam...she at least is honest about her goals, while Adam dresses himself up as an edgelord savior....Who just wants to kill humans.
“Rwby was drinking tea instead of helping ironwood”
The Mansion: You realize they were being hunted by both Salem and Ironwood right? Qrow was in prison, Harriet threatened to arrest Ruby simply for talking back? They had arrest orders on them? Ironwood shot oscar for calling James out on being a coward and hypocrite? So why help Ironwood if he’s going to either shoot you for not obeying him...or shoot you in the back while you’re trying to help him? Ironwood is his own worst enemy...he regularly sabotages himself, something that Watts with his hacking, Cinder with her manipulation of the chess piece, and Salem with her reputation of being a force of nature (by controllling the grimm and not getting directly involved and being immortal and unkillable, she comes off as unstoppable to ozpin’s allies, hence why lionhart betrayed them. They needed a safe place to avoid getting ruined while hoping for help to come from Amity’s message.
Ruby and co didn't have an issue with Ironwood flying Atlas away, their issue was him leaving people to die in Mantle, it was Ironwood's refusal to evacuate the rest that forced RWBY to use the staff to get everyone to a safe location. Ironwood was literally abusing Mantle throughout v7, which was why Robyn Hill ran for office in the first place! To get Ironwood to treat the non-rich elitists of Atlas like people.
If atlas left mantle would have been consumed by the grim with no hope for evacuation.   Ironwood was condemning all of those people to die.
Team RWBY did have a plan, btw. Ask for help.  The first plan in season 8 involved her using amity arena to ask the other kingdoms for help. Granted, it did not work...but how would Ironwood have done it? Talk about Glory of Atlas? Demand the kingdoms respect his authority? Team RWBY improved on his plan by providing people as resources, explaining the danger, and explaining how to keep an unstoppable force at bay. All things that Ironwood failed at. Despite Vexed Viewer angrily claiming that Yang and Ruby’s v8 reconciliation should not have existed, it did point out that Yang and Ruby were willing to take risks, while Ironwood would always force others to take risks for him. Given VV is a HUGE misogynist, I’m not surprised he would hate these scenes.
Ironwood tried stopping them at every single turn. They had a second plan, use the schnee company to evacuate mantle so ironwood’s army could focus on the Grimm. Ironwood instead diverted his army to destroy the schnee fleet. The third plan involved trying to save all of mantle and atlas, and ironwood tried stopping them instead of helping with the evacuation.
Ironwood is at fault for not trying to understand a plan other than his own when there was little reason to do so. He’s the one who threatened to nuke a civilian populace rather than try and save them. He sees himself as the smartest person in the room...when often he's called out on his bad ideas by Qrow, Ozpin, Glynda, Nora.
And as ironwood said, at any point they could have turned Penny in.
Also, let’s discuss how bad Ironwoood's plan was. Firstly, while there is a ‘current’ upper limit on Grimm mobility, Salem is a bloody witch, who unlike Ozpin, regularly uses her magic. There is no guarantee she can’t reach them. Secondly, Even if she couldn’t, it’s effectively become a siege where ironwood wouldn’t be able to get resources because Salem would fill the sky’s below atlas with flying Grimm, which can and do pose significant threats to air ships. Thirdly, this leaves Salem to pursue vacuo basically unopposed most likely being able to claim the SWORD OF DESTRUCTION which would likely be pretty useful in besieging the castle. She also would have the lamp in this scenario, which still has a question left she can use to try and attack atlas.
Ironwoods plan is doomed to failure, so I don’t really consider it an escape route. Even if it was, the plan could have been enacted at any point by team RWBY if they felt it necessary. As the proved by being the ones to use the staff. And having creativity, which Ironwood lacked.
“Team RWBY had no plan”.. Actually? They did have a plan, ironwoods original plan. Call for help and fight to evacuate mantel. But instead ironwood chose to abandon mantle and actively fought against any attempt to save them. The entire time he was waiting he could have tried to save as many people in mantle as he could. He could have let the schnee fleet so it’s thing. He could have done something, anything, to compromise with Ruby to get the maiden back. But instead he further antagonized them and refused to cooperate. Because Ironwood is all about proving himself right above all else. Hence why he ratted out Oz to the council in v2. And hid Penny's identity in v3. Both of which backfired. Ironwood apologists went HARD on defending both.
Also, they were drinking tea because Nora then Penny were injured and they needed to take time for them to recover. Did people forget that Ironwood was literally trying to arrest/kill them, Harriet threatened Qrow in front of RWBY, and that two of their friends were injured and they were taking care of them?
Demand that the people you tried to arrest/kill help you out? When you'll just try to backstab them later? How do Ironwood apologists seriously think people should help him while he's trying to kill them?
Rwby  did not destroy their credibility, nor did they cause mass death? How would they have? Trying to cooperate with Robyn to stop the theft of amity supplies? The reason they had to do that was because ironwood was convinced anyone moving against him could only be Salem’s agents, treating the person advocating for restoring mantles defenses like the enemy.
In fact?
Multiple members of R/RWBYCritics, Twiins Iink and Judgmental Critter fans actively claim they wanted Robyn to be a Salem Mole.
These people aren't just Ironwood fanatics, they actively embrace his mindset.
Ironwood already destroyed his credibility and was acting completely unreasonable before salem came through, so I don’t blame rwby for trying to act as a mediator with an obvious ally. And ironwood was perfectly happy to accept Robyn’s help until he learned that cinder had made it into atlas, at which point he made a massive jump in logic and assumed Robyn and rwby had something to do with it. ...at which point he ordered their arrests.
And at which point CLOVER prioritized arresting Qrow over tackling Tyrian.
Robyn was just trying to defend her people, which Ironwood had no interest in...and then Clover threatened to arrest her for standing up for Qrow. Police Brutality much.
Ironwood choose to lift Atlas early because of Salem, and he then dismissed RWBYs points about how he's leaving Mantle to die, and after snapping he shot down SDC planes trying to evacuate people. He wasn't allowing RWBY to help Mantle
Ruby said no because that would leave thousands for dead, Ruby just wanted Ironwood to help those that still needed evacuating but he refused
James is responsible for putting her in the position where it was her only choice
He started and participated in the chain reaction, that’s what is meant by causation
There were literally Grimm all over Mantle by the end of V7  Salem was going to kill everyone. She tried turning everyone against ironwood.
There were way more there than there usually are during attacks, and Grimm are naturally going to kill people they see, like the Manatalese that Ironwood left with no military personnel to protect
You goes know of the Train Track Analogy? Liets make it into a boat analogy, like this.
I think the boat analogy should go like this
Mantle is sinking and Atlas is sending lifeboats to help the survivors, but the captain decides to stop helping the people because a big wave is coming in 5 minutes, some of the crew tell the captain they should still help the survivors but the captain decides against it, the crew go against the captain's orders and still help survivors to which the captain orders their arrest.
When the crew successfully gets some passengers on lifeboats, the captain orders the boat to be sunk to prevent the crew from further helping them. The crew's only option left is to get everyone on a third ship, Vacuo, that isn't as good as Atlas but, it can still hold both sets of passengers, but that can only happen if they sink Atlas
Ruby kept trying to stop Ironwood from lifting Atlas into the atmosphere... Because they left mantle. If they didn't leave mantle to die then Ruby would've been fine with lifting the city. She wanted to evacuate everyone into atlas and THEN it could safely go into the sky or whatever. If ironwood had just continued the evacuation, none of this would've happened.
If ironwood had also not stopped the evacuation, then it would've happened because Ruby would never have tried to stop him. The only reason she stopped him was because he refused to even try to save what was left of mantle, if he had continued saving them then they probably would've got everyone on in time - especially if they commandeered the SDC ships - but nooo Ironwood was so obsessed with his little trolley problem that he didn't realise that there was a way to save BOTH atlas and mantle.
I really doubt Salem would just be like "Oh, ok, guess i lost" and depart Atlas the second it started gaining altitude. She is more than capable of knocking Atlas out of the air. So no, either way, it wouldn't be "High in the atmosphere".
And Salem's goal being the relics, one of which they’re trying to float away with? Also, besides the fact that the whale isn’t Salem, whales don’t have any aerodynamic properties for icing to affect. The bigger issue is atmosphere being potentially thin enough for breathing to be an issue. Which shouldn’t be a problem for the Grimm, considering they don’t seem to even have organs, let alone a need for oxygen. And Salem is immortal, the second she’s on Atlas it wont matter.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my rant, I really needed to get all of this off my chest.
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onlydylanobrien · 2 years
Dylan O’Brien & Zoey Deutch On Influencers, Erotic 80s Thrillers & Being #TeamTaylor
"I had some really wonderful, insightful conversations with public figures who have been cancelled." - by Harriet Sim
Starring in the confronting new drama Not Okay, co-stars Dylan O’Brien and Zoey Deutch sit down with marie claire Australia to talk about what drew them to the film, their first experience with influencer culture, and why they'll always been on Taylor Swift's team.
Marie Claire: Not Okay puts influencer culture under a microscope and examines how it’s become part of the zeitgeist. What drew you both to the script?
Zoey Deutch: I'm really fascinated by cancel culture. When you do a horrible thing, there are consequences, but we're in an interesting time where we sit behind our computers and play God, and decide who gets to live or die. Public shaming and cancellation isn't a new thing, but the scope, and how quick and inescapable it is, is new. I was really interested in that conversation and asking the question, should people be allowed to make mistakes? Do you believe in redemption? I think everybody looks inward. That's always been a really interesting thing for me to discuss; Internet culture, privilege and the mindless endless scrolling that we do. On social media you see war and school shootings, and then sprinkled in there are ads for hair and gummies and beyond Facetuned photos, and you're just hit with this stuff. That’s what drew me to the story.
MC: What was your first exposure to influencer culture?
Dylan O'Brien: I guess YouTube was the first iteration of it, and since then it's just had these different evolutions. It feels like anybody can become an influencer with the way TikTok is designed, it makes it easier to find your way to anyone's pages.
MC: Did any of the current influencers or make for a great character research?
ZD: We spoke to, and I won’t name names, many cancelled people. I had some really wonderful, insightful and interesting conversations with public figures who have been cancelled. They were multifaceted people who had made bad mistakes, and were suffering consequences, and were wondering, how long would they be suffering for.
MC: Dylan, you use Twitter, as a platform for advocacy on everything from pro-choice, LQBTQI rights, black lives matter ect. Why is using your voice and your platform on this medium something that is important to you?
DO: I think it's mostly driven by what's been going on in the world. The way I see it is that it’s this collective, this conversation and fight. In such unprecedented times it's sort of an emotional desperation. If you can possibly bring even the tiniest little percentage of awareness, I think it's our collective duty to do that together.
MC: Zoey you’re in Ed Sheeran’s Perfect music video and Dylan you’re the heartbreaker in Taylor’s All Too Well. What was the experience like?
DO: Working with Taylor was amazing. I can’t believe she’s real sometimes. She just naturally became a friend so quickly. It felt like we’d known each other for years, we’re the same age and have a lot of mutual friends. She’s the best and so brilliant.
ZD: What’s funny about both Taylor and Ed is they are both so prolific. They write hit after hit. Their songs are so deep, vulnerable and personal. I remember asking Ed ‘are you ever worried you’ll get writer’s block?’ And he’s like, ‘Absolutely not.’ They are similar in that sense, they just have so much to say.
MC: What genre would you like to tackle next?
DO: I’d love to do a horror movie.
ZD: Me too!
MC: Would you play the hero or the villain?
Dylan: I don’t think I’d be believable as the bad guy.
Zoey: Really? I think he could be a good creepy murderer and I mean that lovingly.
Dylan: For weeks I’ve been on this 80s erotic thriller kick. We’re got to bring back the erotic thriller.
Zoey: Dylan’s interested in being fully nude for an hour and a half. I feel confident we can make that happen.
MC: Have you read A Court of Thorn and Roses? It’s essentially fairy porn, but they’re making it into a film.
Dylan: What, no?
Zoey: Ok, we need to delve deep. Dylan’s looking into fairy porn now.
Dylan: This is cool.
Zoey: Okay, this is your next movie Dylan.
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beauzos · 1 year
okay well i watched the four episodes of Clone High season 2 that are currently out and i really don’t know, man.
i didn’t hate it. did i like it? not really. i’ll keep watchin’, though. i actually did laugh a decent amount watching it.
alright, here’s my problem with it. it really feels like they don’t know how to balance and use the characters properly. Cleo had fuckall to do till episode 4, Abe has fuckall to do in 2-4, and the newer characters generally don’t stand out enough to be that effective because there’s too many of them.
Harriet and Frida are too generic as characters to be that engaging, which is a shame because i think there’s potential there. Confucius feels like a Gandhi 2.0 but they don’t use him consistently enough, and he’s also a little too boring, though i do like him. Candide is alright, but also a little too boring. she’s very one note and i want to see more of her. i thought she’d potentially turned a corner with Scudworth in episode 3 (like at least warming up to him a bit) and then it doesn’t go anywhere lol. well, so far.
and granted, there’s only 4 episodes, but you can just feel the “we don’t have enough time to give any of these characters space” oozing from the writing. a lot of scenes are super short and don’t really go anywhere because it’s fighting to juggle the fucking 10 character cast, and that’s not even counting Cleo, because Cleo basically doesn’t exist till episode 4 like i said.
surprisingly the best new character is Christopher Columbus. he’s genuinely really funny and interesting so i know they can do great things with the new characters.
everybody feels vaguely out of character all the time, esp. Joan. she kinda feels like a hollow shell of her original self, and while the show does engage with her concerns about becoming somebody different with dating JFK, it also feels like it’s just unironically flattened her character down. she has no bite anymore, it sucks. she’s weirdly preppy, doesn’t actually stand for anything though they pay a lot of lip service to how much of an activist she used to be so. she’s just JFK’s gf now. i am very pro-JoanFK, though. if they put Joan with Abe at the end of this season i’ll stop watching fr
i fucking hated Abe in the original series. currently Abe is just extremely whatever because his one personality trait is being sad he can’t date Joan so in a way it’s a step up from being extremely unlikable. also he doesn’t even seem to remember Cleo exists anymore. you could do a lot more with the core cast by giving Abe and Cleo more character time as a contrast TO JoanFK as a ship, but they don’t seem interested in that.
JFK is pretty funny but i feel like he’s missing a lot of his snarkiness from the first season. like it rly does feel like the writers just took notes from how the fandom interpreted his character (they literally have Joan call him a himbo in one of the episodes!!!!!) and it doesn’t fully land. he’s also been flattened down to just “in love with Joan” and what a shame. i think their relationship potential was so great but it’s not rly It for me so far. and it’s weird because the show acknowledges its own issues with it, but then doesn’t do anything about it.
Scudworth and Mr. B aren’t anything to write home about so far. they were usually standouts and a funny contrast to the melodramatic teen bullshit that carried the show plots otherwise, but it’s not too great yet.
there is way too much blood and gore. like why did we do that. they used it more sparingly in season 1. it was there, but it was less in your face than in this season.
it’s just clunky. i think it could just be trying to pick up a show after 20 years while balancing the old and new characters. i think it has room to grow if the network gives it time to. like i don’t think it’s irredeemable by any means-- like i said, i actually think it’s decently funny and there’s a lot of good little moments. it’s just not fully there for me yet. maybe it’ll get better as the season goes on, idk.
i think the show looks fine. people keep bitching about the animation or whatever but it didn’t bother me in the slightest. it does its job. i do agree the new character designs are a little too over the top. you can smell the Total Drama coming off of their character designs. most of them just need some tweaking at most.
also i miss Gandhi but hey, it is what it is that they couldn’t include him.
i might go back and rewatch the original season. it’s just always so classic for me.
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sicksadnurse · 1 year
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this year has been a year of indulgence, discovery, and healing. i have read more in 6 months than i have since i was in high school. i have worked on learning more about myself and my passions… it’s really been starting from the ground up, like i was born yesterday. i have also been working on healing; setting boundaries with those around me and reframing my thoughts on myself and on my life.
indulging in my passions has really helped me to create joy in my life as of late. my passions have started to also intertwine with each other.
when i read, i apply various analytical approaches as i do with my patients at work. i look at their strengths and their weaknesses, and i determine what each protagonist is eventually searching for in their journey. it’s the same way i’ve been thinking about myself lately. i’ve had to step back and often treat myself like i treat my patients, determine what my needs are and what i’ve been searching for- what i need to be better. they say nurses make the worst patients, it’s true- but we make even worse psych patients. there’s no shame in needing medication, there’s no shame in going to therapy, there’s no shame in integrating holistic practices into healing. there is no shame in putting your mental health first.
i’ve always been drawn to crystals, ever since i was a kid. in the past six months i’ve grown more connected to the world around me and all the many gifts the earth has presented us. it started with tumbled stones in souvenir shops as a child, and it’s transformed into filling our home with various quartz and jaspers. since then things have been more relaxing in the home and having calming stones at my bedside has allowed me to actually sleep (albeit sometimes a little too much).
everybody needs some positive intentions in their life. including some of my favorite female protagonists. if i were to gift them crystals to aid in their journeys, here’s what i’d gift them:
Clover - a death doula who has deeper connection with her dying clients than with her thriving peers in nyc. she lives through her clients last words and wishes… i have selected charoite as her first crystal because she needs to let go of the negative and shift towards positive thinking. instead of recording the regrets of others, use it as motivation to avoid her own regrets. i’ve also selected rose quartz for her, as she not only needs to accept and love those around her, but herself and all she gives to the lives she touches.
Maggie - a young divorcee with an endless graduate thesis, life is pretty messy and directionless as she has to find herself again. maggie deserves labradorite for transformation as well as enhancing her self worth. during her lowest moments, she also needs motivation and the courage to express herself and her needs, so a little citrine would go a long way. this transforming combo reminds us we can always bounce back.
Zoey - our 19 year old protagonist takes over her late mothers apartment in a peculiar complex filled with quirky and eccentric neighbors. this wonderful novel of interwoven timelines and backstories tells a story of hope and growth. zoey deserves the trust stone of topaz, helping her to trust those that are giving her a hand as well as trusting herself and her journey. as well, loss of a parent, especially at a young age, is not complete without a spiritual connection, thus ancestralite calls to zoey.
Harriet - in Emily Henry’s latest novel, our strong, driven, surgical resident is thrown into an uncomfortable only one bed, ex-lover, summer vacation. a stone of new beginnings and growth, moonstone is beyond fitting for ex-lovers and the prospect of rekindling long extinguished flames. aquamarine activates and enhances the throat chakra, and in a novel of miscommunication, every little bit helps. our protagonist also deserves some peace and insight, especially in the presence of not only her ex-lover, but their best friends and the tumultuous life changes as well.
Katniss - my love for the hunger games has been reignited as of late. maybe it’s the fact that i’ve been finding the fire and rebellion within myself, maybe it’s the increase in banned books including Collin’s masterpiece… all i know is that Katniss is one tough woman. first and foremost, in the arena katniss needs obsidian: protection, protection, and more protection. second is moss agate, for her connection to nature, but to also help regulate her emotions both in and out of the arena. there are times where she loses herself in grief and empathy, and lets her guard down, and times where she acts too rashly out of anger and hatred. as a stone of balance, emotional regulation is key in protecting oneself and staying alive amidst rebellion. lastly i have danburite; the healing stone. at the end of mockingjay, our protagonist has endured so much pain, suffering, and grief- it’s time to work on healing.
it’s time to be the protagonist in your story. set your intentions, manifest, and ultimately take care of yourself.
feel free to join @artbyjac IG live sale, saturday 6/17 at 11am MST/1pm EST & 7pm MST/9pm EST. whether it your connection to crystals be metaphysical, placebo, aesthetics, retail therapy, or something inexplicable, all are welcome. this week there will be moonstone, moss agate, and periwinkle quartz. in the mean time, use my code below for 5% off all non-live sale orders 🤍
all my love
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damelucyjo · 1 year
Okay. I think I’ve calmed down enough. I’ve done the ironing listening to Films To Be Buried with. I’m in a better mood. So let’s give this rewatch a go so I can pretend most of it never happened!
Episode 12 - So Long, Farewell
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I will say, one thing I love (as a Brit that has to be involved in football in some way) is that this show got so many ‘real’ football people involved. It’s a shame it was all men though…
Ooo Rebecca, looking for as always 😏 that robe is a gorgeous colour
Is that headline indicating Bex kicked Rupert out?? Good on ya, girl! 💪🏼
Exactly. Shut up Thierry
‘Morning, Rebecca’ ‘Morning, Ted’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US 😫😫
Heavily implying they slept together. Why else would they be so awkward around each other?? 🤔
The fake out was cruel, but the introduction of Beard is brilliant
And what the actual fuck are you wearing Brendan?! 😂 To be that comfortable around your boss 😂
Okay but now I really want to see what the night before was like. Also why are Beard & Jane at Rebecca’s? Why not go to Jane’s?? 🤔
Also was there really an emergency? Or does Beard know there could be something between Ted & Rebecca and needed them to spend real time outside of work together??? If so you’re a genius, my friend!
Yes, Rebecca. Don’t talk about it. That way it’s not happening 👍🏼
GET YOUR BARE ARSE OFF HER COUNTER!! 😂 it’s kinda like a car crash; you know you shouldn’t look but you can’t look away either 😂
Poor Mina 😂 Rebecca, I hope you pay her a ridiculous amount of money
‘Those ropes are not garbage. Some of it’s dirty on purpose’ they sure are an interesting couple 😂
God Hannah’s pretty. And Jason looks very cute 🥰
I absolutely love how over the top all these boys are with things
He’s the assistant kit man 🥺 I actually love that. Not so much that this is the first times it’s mentioned though…
‘I was just the only one that was snoring’ 😜 Jamie putting extra money in the box, how far you’ve come 🥰
Okay the tears have started again. I’m gonna miss these boys so much!! 🥹🥹🥹
I wish they had shown Keeley scaring Roy. That’d’ve been hilarious
‘… stuff’ 😂😂😂
She shredded his passport 👀
‘I won’t take it out, but I’m happy to tell you you’re wrong’ love the confidence, Trent 👌🏼
It’s a real shame it’s taken until the last episode to see Keeley doing press for the club again 🙁 I’ve missed the scenes between these three
‘Juicer, the better. Safe save’ he’s such a gossip 😂
Exactly. Fuck Rupert. Why waste breath on him
She truly is living in denial! She’s finding it very hard and everyone knows 🥺 Poor Rebecca
The shock on their faces! 😮
Final spit take & ‘fuck me’ call back 🫡
Nobody is handling them leaving well 🫠
This is incredibly cute though 🥹 their little smiles
Everyone in the stands joining in on the final goodbye 🥲 I’m fully crying
Oop a ‘perfect’ call… forward? Foreshadowing?? 🤔
So who told everyone ‘Now react as if we’ve just won the whole fucking thing’ 😂
‘Love those boots’ cause we need to stereotypically remind everyone Trent is gay 🫣
Just call back after call back in this episode 🫡
They’re friends now 🥹 my little heart
‘I really am exceptional’ yes you are, Deborah!
Rebecca, even your mum knows it’s more than a big deal to you that Ted is leaving. So much so that he’s equating it to him dying…
She just wants her daughter to be happy 🥲🥺 am I crying again? Have I even stopped??
See, I love their relationship now! Another thing we’ve not gotten to see much of 😢
Deborah & Mae bestie era WE NEVER GOT TO FUCKING SEE. I’m gonna flip a table 🫠
These three have been amazing to watch too. They so easily could have been throw away characters, but they’re not. They’re wonderful
But she ain’t your mother, boys 😂
Oh she did not like being called their grandmother 😂😂 Harriet, nicely done
So we’ve been cheated out of seeing Dame Harriet Walter skateboard. Rude.
The outrage!! 😂
He’s proud of him 🥹 here comes the tears again
Mentioning the video was a low blow, Jamie
‘If you go, I go’ 🥺🥹🫡
She truly thought about what they could do to get him to stay. Told him if he goes, she goes. That if she sells 49% of the club she could pay him a lot more, but nowhere near what he’s worth… fully outright asks him to please stay… and he gives her nothing. Certainly was a choice, Jason 🙄
Hannah is giving a masterclass in this scene, though
And he couldn’t even tell her she shouldn’t sell?? Wtf is up with that??
‘More like Drink, Sleep, Fuck’ 😂 I wanna watch that show!
Of course they beat the shit out of each other over Keeley. Good on you girl for sending them both packing!! 💪🏼 at least they know they’re idiots 😂
I actually love this scene between Nate & Ted. It felt like a great ending to their story. He’s getting to see Ted’s forgiveness first hand. Beautiful.
Oh, look! The rom-com couple 👀
A call back to the tickets under country women 🫡 My Wynonna Judd loving heart is soaring at this mention! A lovely nod to her for her contribution to Thundergong. Also this episode (if it hadn’t been pushed back 3 hours) would have been released on her birthday! 🥳
And I am happy to see whatshisface back too… genuinely can’t remember the characters name… JOHN! 🫣😂 also he’s not a Richmond fan. Why is he there??
Shut up, Jake
SHARON!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰
Yes, Ted, it doesn’t make sense. But we don’t question it!
‘You’re stuck with us, buddy’ but not really, cause you’re leaving. Arsehole.
‘Can I be a diamond dog’ 🥺 boys, he really needs help 🥺 and he’s actually asking for it for once 🥹 well done, Roy
I’d have liked just one scene of the guys in the changing rooms reaction to that lot barking 😂
You’re still you because you don’t need to change, Roy. You don’t need to be someone better. You just need to learn to speak up more. Talk about things with others. That’s it, babes!
Okay, now that shimmy was also kinda perfect 😂
Of course he got George to be his new coach.
Okay, question (if you read this); why now all the negative press against Rupert when it’s nearly the same as when he broke up with Rebecca?? Is the fact that the affair came out as sexual misconduct instead the only real difference? Why such a shock when he’s been in the press for the same thing before?? Another thing that doesn’t make sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tony showing wonderfully that being Rupert in public is him ‘playing a part’. God, I love this man
Good on you, Rebecca, for showing him he really doesn’t get to you anymore. I’m so proud of you!
And Ellie Taylor 🫡 I do not like Sassy, but you’re amazing, babes!
I completely missed Barbara holding up her hand for a high five and Rebecca just waving at her the first time I watched this!! 😂😂😂
She’s into violence, and I think that’s perfect. Barbara is possibly the only addition to this season that they got spot on. I love her!! How of that is down to Katy though, I don’t know…
😂 Mary’s reaction
Why bring up Zava again? This really wasn’t needed 🫢
‘Zorro’ was too easy 😂
As an ex Irish dancer of nearly 29 years I’m going to take that Michael Flatley mention purely for me. Sorry guys ✌🏼😜😂
Yes, this video made me as much of a mess as it made the 😫😫😫 oh, shirt indeed
Another nice callback to Nate knowing what the notifications means 🫡
Nice goal, Chip 😉😂
‘Shut your butts and sit your mouths down’ made me chuckle both times I’ve seen this now 😂
Another tear inducing speech 🥲 I’m gonna miss you too, Ted
I know it’s to make a point, but how did he forget the sign wasn’t there?? You just had a conversation about it, man. Are you really that for gone?? 🫣
It had to be either Sam or Jamie to start off the Believe sign pieces 🫡
And they were all in the most perfect of places! Behind Sam’s inspiration, in Jamie’s book, Issac’s armband, Colin’s shinguard 🥹🥹
Another sweet moment between Nate & Ted
So is number 4 that their belief can be broken, but together they can put it back together again?? If so it’s brilliant! (I can’t remember what 1, 2 & 3 were 😂)
‘I know folks like to say ‘There’s no place like home.’ That’s true. Man, there ain’t a whole lot of places like AFC Richmond either’ SO DON’T LEAVE THEN, TED!! 🫠
Miss after Miss after miss 😂 this game would go fine in history if it were real! 😂
Sharon is me throughout this match 😂
Ooo Rupert is falling apart 🫢😏
Allowing Issac to take the penalty, showing they all know it’s just a game. Like Colin said ‘it’ll be fun’ 🥹
He broke the fucking net!! 😂😂 nice one, Issac!!
Oh he’s really mad!! And Rebecca is confused… why is she paying him any attention, honestly!
Sharon really is me watching football 😂
Hitting John in the face - brilliant. But as I said before, since when has he been a Richmond fan?! Am I forgetting something?? 🤔
Fucking Barbara absolutely loving it 😂😂😂
Here he comes, Emperor Palpatine 🫣 and he is not happy!
Another callback!! Someone get this man some longer shorts! 😂
Dude… to fall apart like that in front of that many people 🫠
I’ve already written about this, but Rupert walking off the pitch breaks my heart. Tony made Rupert so human 😢
Ted just now knowing the offside rule enough to pick up on it when both Beard & Roy don’t?? YOU SHOULD NOT BE LEAVING, TED!! How many more times do I have to tell you?? 🙄
And an offside payout callback 🫡
Had to bring it full circle by asking Nate for his opinion and using his play 🫡
A hilarious call back for Jamie too!! 😂 bet Phil had fun with that
And the quiet mention of Barbecue Sauce 🥹🫡
Of course they won right at the last moment
Sharon! 😂 glad we got to see something more from Sarah! We’ve never seen Sharon this animated!!
And a jump into the arms! 🥲🫡 As a solid lover of the callbacks I’m incredibly great full for the amount we’ve had this episode
Have the fans storm the pitch but don’t use it as an excuse to get Rebecca down there? Huge wasted opportunity!!
Colin kissed his boyfriend!! 🥹🥰
And he did his celebration dance from the pilot 🥹🫡 we love to see it
Oh she’s so emotional 🥰
Had to pause of this Sun cover - Rupert’s out, Kakes is going on Lust Conquers All and Bex got a book deal 👍🏼 nice one, ladies!
Of course he had to grab a copy of the paper that had her photo on it 😏
Then we get a Zava returns, Shandy’s doing great, and a Marcus Rashford Beano 🥹 the work that goes into this show is incredible!
And a rule of 3 with the ussie kid! 🫡 but did he forget he’s met him before or??
‘Wicked’ ‘Kinky Boots’ 🥺 I’m gonna miss these
So was she not going to make a fuss if he hadn’t happened to have seen her?? And why have her turn around right as he notices her?? Why do they do these things?! 😫
She’s sticking around because you told her without words you don’t want her to go with you, mate. She didn’t want to talk about it before, but apparently neither did you!
Not the ‘club matriarch’ 🤢
Like… I really am confused. There’s so much Jason & Hannah put into their performances that speak volumes, and yet the words they speak contradict it all. What I get from this ‘thank you’ moment is that both of them have so much they want to say but won’t. Or can’t. Kills me
And those tears are purely Hannah. You can’t tell me otherwise 🥺
MAYBE I AM STILL ANGRY ABOUT THINGS! How can you have a woman in front of you, holding back tears as fiercely as she is, and not say anything. If you’re so confident you’re making the right decision why aren’t you trying to reassure her. Comfort her. I-
Good God Hannah is so pretty when she cries 🫠
He’s on the plane asking his best friend if it really was the best decision to leave. Showing he’s really not sure if he’s making the right choice. Beard got off the plane, Ted (award worthy performance I might add) and so could you.
A great fake out would have been if it seemed like he was leaving, but didn’t. Cut to him in the airport watching the plane take off. Or he arrives in Kansas but tells Henry he can’t stay. Yes, I’m bitter. Leave me alone.
How long was she in that airport for her to be completely fine now??
Baby Rebecca!!
And Boat Man! Who I will admit looks great in that pilot uniform 😏 Well done, Rebecca 😂
He gets her name but we don’t get his? Rude.
Omg she gifted them snow gloves! The Barbara effect!! 🥰
KBPR… Keeley Barbara Public Relations?? I like it!
Roy as the new manager, as he should 🫡
Aww, the little photo and sign from Phoebe 🥰
Sam on the Nigerian team is a little wtf. Did Edwin change his mind about Sam? Did the breakdown of the Super League make him wash his hands with football completely?? THESE ARE THE THINGS I NEED ANSWERS TO!! 👀
Aww, Jamie & his dad 🥰
Everyone at the Higgins’ for a BBQ 👀
Dutch man’s daughter and Phoebe playing together is cute, though
The boys having one share in the club 🥰
Mae having a whole stack 😂
Hey, it’s Shannon! Nice callback to have her be the one to show at Trent’s signing 🫡
‘The Richmond Way’ 🥰 ‘A very brief forward by Roy Kent’ 😂
AFC Richmond Woman’s Team 👀 This is the spin-off!! it’s not a want, it’s a need!!
And Sharon’s back at the club?? SINCE WHEN?! I just-
But Roy getting help from the Head of Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being. Well done, Roy. 🫡
I’m also incredibly happy Beard is still with the club, too 🥰
Nate on Roy’s shoulders 😂 made me chuckle
The fixed sign 🥹
But no, had to show Beard marrying his abusive, pregnant girlfriend 🙄 I really hope for his sake they just didn’t show that she’s really calmed down and we just didn’t see it. LIKE SO MUCH ELSE! 🫢
Everyone with their partners 🥹 or both partners in Dani’s case 😂
And how wonderful to see the couple who helped Beard on his crazy night out with their baby 🥰 I actually love that he apparently kept in touch with them 🥰
But Ted’s asleep on the plane… 👀 Ted doesn’t sleep on planes… was that montage all his dream?? SO MANY UNANSWERED FUCKING QUESTIONS!!!
Henry & Michelle didn’t go get him from the airport?? Thought his son was desperate to have his dad back??
So are they implying he’s back in his unhappy life he left?? Okay…
He basically became one of the biggest names within English Football for what he did, and now he’s just coaching his son’s soccer team?? Like…🤷🏻‍♀️ more questions for my list…
That did not seem like. Happy guy at the end… 🫤
Okay, apparently Dutch man is called Matthijs and his daughter is called Jelka. Good to know! Would have been nice if it wasn’t left to the credits to teach me that… 🫣
Woah. Okay. I honestly don’t know that I’ll ever be able to watch that episode again in it’s entirety. There were many things I loved about it, but also things that I didn’t. And whilst I felt the same about many other episodes, I did expect more for the season finale. Why did him leaving seem to everyone like they were never going to talk again?? Did they all agree to never stay in contact??
But I do know that it didn’t ruin the show as a whole for me 👍🏼 I’ll just stay living in my delusional TedBecca fantasy land they built for me 😉
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beachy--head · 2 years
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I posted 759 times in 2022
That's 759 more posts than 2021!
243 posts created (32%)
516 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 703 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#japril - 267 posts
#ask - 186 posts
#april kepner - 152 posts
#jackson avery - 133 posts
#drabble - 101 posts
#grey's anatomy - 19 posts
#sarah drew - 19 posts
#b99 - 17 posts
#jesse williams - 16 posts
#japril ff - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also if you're a slow watcher like me and don't want spoiler from the new season tell me and i'll stop reblogging tua stuff for a few weeks
My Top Posts in 2022:
I know we're supposed to believe that once a character is off Grey's Anatomy, he stops interacting with the other characters, but you can't convince me that April Kepner doesn't regularly talk to Arizona and that they don't do girls weekends in NY or Boston. Or that she doesn't follow Cristina's career and doesn't send her flowers to congratulate her for her professional achievements. And you know she definitely managed to get Alex's address in Kansas and sends him Christmas cards every year. In return, Izzie has added the Averys to her Christmas cards list, and April can gush over how Eli looks just like Alex.
48 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Some Japril headcanons I have
– April's middle name is Elizabeth.
– When they were married, Jackson brought April to a Harper Avery gala, and April impressed Harper, though he never said it.
– When she was back in Moline, April named that pig Jax both because she missed her best friend AND because she was mad at him for not calling.
– Back at Mercy West, it was April who sneaked Catherine Avery in the gallery so she'd be able to watch Jackson's first surgery when they were interns. It was then that their friendship started. She never mentioned it to Jackson.
– April still corresponds with Reed's and Charles' parents and sends them a Christmas card every year, with a quick note. They are not ready to receive the next Christmas card, which features April, Jackson and Harriet in matching pyjamas and equally matching grins.
– Harriet can get almost anything she wants from her dad, because he's a big softie when it comes to her, something that April brings up all the time but not so secretely loves.
54 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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"So this picture is Hattie, and this one is April, and this one is April and Hattie, and this one is April and Hattie and me, and this–"
54 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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Jackson Avery's office pictures 🥹
55 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Random thoughts about Grey's 18x20
– Catherine making people eulogize her when she's still alive is such a Catherine move. Kinda wish we could have seen April's speech though, I bet it would have been amazing. Also, Harriet on her grandma's lap, looking at her dad is so precious.
– That scene between Amelia and April was so sweet. Sometimes love comes back around <3 I knew it from that line everything was fine.
– From Sarah's interviews I thought we were going to see April in the ER way more. What a shame to put her in charge of the pit only to close the hospital to trauma right away. Liked her scenes with Ben though.
– I knew we weren't going to have lots of japril scenes, but I wish they spent those scenes delving a bit more into what their life in Boston looks like. Let's say they kept that for the spinoff.
– Harriet on a sugar coma in her stroller is a mood. SO PRECIOUS.
– That elevator scene is everything I wanted and more. The fact that as soon as they stepped into the elevator he looked at her and his eyes never left her <3 Man is still whipped. Now let's release the whole scene!
– I'm a little underwhelmed tbh, even though that's mainly because I didn't lower my expectations, but the episode just left me wanting way, way more. The whole damn thing.
78 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ajoytobeheld · 8 months
Bit of an update...
October 4th, 2007
Hello there! How often should we actually be writing this blog thing? I have a feeling we’ve been a bit rubbish. Sorry. I guess we’re not interesting enough to write too often and frequently get distracted by shiny things. The main news in campesinos! camp is that (as of yesterday) we’re all back in the UK. What’s up with it being so cold, eh? This return means we’ve finished recording and mixing the album so early next year it will be fresh for your little ears.
Ellen: We also got to mix the album in a very interesting area of Toronto which was a hang out for drivers with a penchant for loud bass heavy music. Each evening they would crank up the volume and stand stationary around their cars just kinda looking at each other, it seemed fun and often I wanted to join in. This was balanced out by charity workers who would do team building exercises each morning which involved group singing, clapping and generally dancing around like idiots. One of them enquired as to whether Aleks and myself wanted a job. It was tempting. The hotel we stayed in was also rather odd, one morning we woke to hear a mexican band practicing in the room next door and were then greeted by a man stroking his pet chameleon in the lift (not a euphanism.) Apparently lots of mafia/gangster get-togethers were held there, under the guise of baby showers and weddings. Despite this strangeness we’re missing canada muchly but there is also something quite nice about being reunited with home comforts like daytime australian soaps, the sunday times, chavs and good old british sarcasm. On the flight back, Ellen and myself had our excess baggage fee waved because the guy found out I was at medical school (on hiatus) so if you’re ever in the situation, I suggest subtly slipping in dissection room banter or something. The flight was exciting as ever, with a tear being shed over our last chance to indulge in canada’s staple drink of clamato juice, ie a touch of clam juice mingled with tomato juice. i know - crazy…Ellen dropped a muffin on the floor (Ellen is upset about this still). Then the flight attendants moved Harriets violin without telling her. so yeah, we know how to have fun.Ellen: I however had a nasty shock when returning home to Cardiff, in my absence my flatmates had turned my room into some sort of brothel for their visiting friends drunken encounters. I have decided to get a big lock, lazer system and bear traps put in place for our next trip away.
We start our UK tour on Saturday, so we’ll get to see lots of places none of us have been to like Colchester whilst indulging in lots of Alan Partridge/Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD time on the van, Marks and Sparks food and unbeatable Travel Lodges for accomodation. We’ve never been on tour for that long before so the blogs might get progressively more angry/ bitchy/ whiny. We’re playing with some awesome bands, and they’re definitely worth seeing even if we’re not. Oh and we have some exciting new t-shirts and pants we’ll be selling. Hopefully we’ll see some of you at the shows, come say hi - we like people. Ellen: Also I have a new tattoo so come just to see that if you like, you can prod it if you want.lots of love Aleks and Ellen and all of LC!
PS – We wrote this blog one week ago and then just kinda didn’t get round to publishing it. Coz we’re silly. Since then we’ve been to and come back from Ireland, where we put ourselves to shame by not drinking very much Guinness and sounding more Somerset than Irish when we tried to do the accent. We also discovered that none of us can play pool very well. And Gareth got told off by the receptionist at the Holiday Inn because we were indulging in the legendary chant ‘Need a Wee’ when we got back after the Belfast gig. Gutted. That’s probably the craziest its gonna get on tour – so yeah good times…
0 notes
thenerdytomboy · 2 years
Useful(S.o.C Chapter 2)
Word count:~1,100
warnings: none
He feels useless. 
A week of rest should be more than enough before he could at least get up and help around the house, right? Vivek thought so, but Harriet and Fern disagreed, quite harshly in fact. 
“Now I don’t know what kinda life ya lived out on that journey o’ yours, but ya sure as hell ain't straining yaself under my watch!” The yellow-haired woman had exclaimed when Vivek first tried to help Aspen and Holly with some of the lighter work, but even that seemed to be too much for him to take on in Harriets’ eyes. He had tried his best to reason with the woman, but she was as stubborn as the mule they had outside. 
“Mrs. Wolfson-”
“Hun I’ve told ya, just call me Harriet.”
“Mrs. Harriet, I can assure you I’m perfectly fine! I can help with the sewing and cooking-”
“And have ya stabbing yourself with needles or standin’ in a hot kitchen for hours? No, I forbid it, ya still weak, and I ain't having ya pass out on us again! Need I remind ya of yesterday?”
Vivek cringes back slightly, remembering the exact tumble down the stairs she was referring to, “My foot slipped….”
“Yes, and ya damn near cracked ya head open again! Almost gave this poor old woman a near heart attack! Just take a few more days of rest, alright? Just t’ give this old bird some peace of mind. Ya can help me bake a pie then, alright?”
“...If it’ll give you peace of mind…”
“Thank ya, dear. Now up them stairs or to the livin’ room, I want you takin’ it easy! I suppose keepin an eye on Cassidy while she does some school work shouldn’t be too strenuous, if you’re really that hellbent on helpin’ ‘round the house.”
“I… I can do that, Mrs. Harriet.”
“Just Harriet is fine, dear.”
Vivek had to admit, he missed this. He missed the chatter of family, the laughter of siblings both older and younger as the dishes clanked at the dinner table.
Harriet had decided it’d be better to have Vivek sit down with them for dinner, now that he was no longer bedridden. He had been given a seat between Jonah and Aspen, and already his plate was loaded with various meats and vegetables. It all smelled remarkably good, and even though he had been eating the same as them this past week and a half, this time felt different. There was no rustle of leaves from wind or rain that would threaten to blow out his fire, no animals trying to take his food, other than the family cat Scruffles begging at his feet for some extra scraps. 
Truth be told he was not very good at resisting those kitten eyes, so the fluffy thing would always run straight to him when mealtime came around. He tried his best to be discreet about slipping the little thing a bit of chicken every once in a while. 
He couldn’t wait to try the rhubarb-strawberry pie he and Harriet had made earlier.
It was a shame that he’d be leaving all this behind soon enough. As much as he had come to enjoy his time here, he knew better than to stay in one place too long. If he got too comfortable, got too used to everything, he’d hesitate. Hesitate to return to his journey, hesitate to go seek out the knowledge he had originally left for. 
He could already feel himself growing hesitant. 
‘The pie was delicious.’
That's what the purple-haired man thought to himself as he quietly packed his bag in the now dim house. Tonight was the night, any longer and he knew he wouldn’t be able to leave, curse his red side… 
Sometimes he wishes he had a bit more blue. 
‘I just need to leave. I need to leave before I sink so far into all this love and understanding and get stuck. I need to travel, I need to learn more about the world,’ he thinks to himself as he silently grabs his things and puts them in his bag, ‘All of that time and effort of my journey will be wasted if I settle down now…’
A glance at Jonah sleeping on the floor near where he was crouched.
‘I know he said he’d come along but, I can’t let him risk his life. Not when he’s needed here. This is his home, his people, his family. He shouldn’t give that up for some stranger with a dream.’
‘It… Maybe I could come back and visit?’
‘...No, then I’d have to answer why I left, and I might not get away a second time. I’m gonna miss them though… Maybe I can at least leave something for the troubles.’
He had only been walking for a few hours when he heard that familiar voice call out his name. 
“Vivek!! Wait up!”
He could’ve known from the footsteps alone that it was Jonah running after him. He wanted to run and try to lose him, but the brute was already caught up by the time Vivek was about to take off. 
“Ya should’ve told me we were leaving last night! Almost didn’t catch ya!” He says with his usual smile, “Ma and the others were mighty sad ya didn’t say goodbye in person, but I understand it can be hard to do so sometimes! Ma loved the geode ya left, said it was going right on the mantle piece!”
“What? No! I left that so you could sell it, to take of care of the expenses of taking care of me for 2 weeks! I didn’t leave it for decorating!”
“Welp it’s too late, Ma has already made up her mind! ‘Sides we didn’t take ya in expecting payment! You being healthy and safe was more than enough for us.”
“...You didn’t catch up with me just to thank me for the geode, did you?”
“Nope, as I said, I’m coming with ya. Too much danger out in these lands for ya to be running around by yaself.”
“But your family-”
“-will be fine without me. Aspen said she’s been wanting to help Pa with the animals anyways,” the orange-haired man chuckles. “I told them long before ya ran off that I was goin’ with ya, they’ve been prepared for today for pretty much a week already!”
“So where to now? Can’t wait to see where you’ll be leading me, Viv!”
Vivek sighs, but smiles as he pulls out his map, “Well… there's this town about a three days walk from here…”
0 notes
Truth or Dare
For @isleofdarkness; @descendantsgiftexchange
I hope you enjoy! Oh, and I’ll add AO3 version & link to it in near future! (Anyway, the main ship should be Harriet/Ginny/Anthony/Diego. They are playing truth or dare and everyone is being a menace.)
„So let me get this straight,“ Jay says, casually leaning back against the wall, „Your cousin has a date with Harriet Hook, Ginny Gothel and Anthony Tremaine, and you want to spy on them?“
Well, when you put it like this… Then it doesn’t sound as great as it did in Carlos’s mind.
He gulps and answers: „Yes.“
„And you want me to go with you?“
„To go spy on a bunch of people, at least three of which could kill me in pretty creative ways?“
…No one is killing anyone, are they?
Carlos would like to think that, at least.
Carlos is a pretty good liar.
Jay’s face breaks into a grin: „Are you kidding me, man? Of course I’m in! I live for the thrill!“
„And you have a few bets going on by Sammy Smee,“ adds Jade from where she was listening in, because of course she was listening in.
„…Yeah, and that,“ admits Jay carelessly, „When do we start?“
Carlos breathes in to answer, but Jade cuts him off before he can speak.
„Right now!“ she calls out and leaps off the roof, Jay only a blink of an eye behind her, and, wait, why is Jade going with them?!
Oh, who is he kidding.
Of course Jade is going with them.
In her opinion, there isn‘t any better use of her time than watching drama unfold. Relationship drama, bar fights, gang wars… She doesn’t care, really.
So Carlos sights and sets out after the two cousins: Diego’s date is just starting, after all.
The bottle spins and spins on the croaked floor, four people gathered around it and sitting on the floor without as much as a cushion. But hey, who cares? 
Discomfort is temporary, as is life, after all.
A hand reaches in the middle of the small circle (...square?) and flickers towards the flask, as if to stop it. Two other voices cry out against it.
It spins and gleams as it catches the light, capturing Harriet Hooks’s attention in turn. Which could be a shame, since there is plenty to look at in this room, really, but. It’s shiny. 
Harriet is a pirate and she could never resist the gleam. Besides, it’s starting to slow down:
Lazy anticipation builds up as the flask makes its last, agonisingly slow turns.
The bottleneck points to Ginny, the bottom to Diego, who leans back contendly and flashes his teeth in a semblance of a smile.
„Sunflower,“ he starts, and Harriet leans a bit forward in anticipation, ignoring Anthony’s soft chuckle, „Truth or dare?“
Oh, this is gonna be good–
„Strip down to your bra.“
And indeed, the witch strips down with no hesitance or shame, only to immediately throw the blouse at Diego’s face. 
„Fuck you, de Vil,“ she complains, „It is cold out there!“
„Is it now?“ Diego grins wider „I find it is rather hot in there.“
Well, that was smooth, Harriet will leave him that. Besides, she can’t say she disagrees. 
And by the way Anthony winks at the other boy, she’d say he doesn’t disagree either.
She cackles at Ginny’s dark glare, and stills only when she reaches out to spin the bottle again. Harriet must say she doesn’t pay her full attention to the old battered flask this time, though maybe she should have, as the bottleneck lands on her this time, and before she can even blink, her girlfriend (if such thing can exist on the Isle), asks her „truth or dare.“
„Dare,“ she chooses.
„Great!“ a wicked smile plays on the witch’s lips as she requests for Harriet to hand her her cloak. Her red pirate cloak, would you believe it?!
„Fuck you, Diego,“ Harriet mutters and shots him a dirty look as she takes off the cloak and hands it to Ginny. The only person amused by this point is Anthony, that bastard, and Harriet dearly hopes that the next dare will fall on him. (she doesn’t think he’d actually chose truth, but hey, stuff  happens.)
It is her turn to spin the bottle.
Anthony to Diego, it lands, and hey, fair enough. She winks  at Ginny and Ginny winks back and giggles when Diego, too, chooses dare.
„I dare you to sing for us, right now.“
Anthony is always so nice with his dares, isn‘t he? So considerate. Making sure everyone will have fun with his dare.
„It would be my pleasure,“ Diego grins, climbing up to his feet. He uses Anrhony’s head as an armrest and ruffles his hair in the process: Anthony’s hands fly up to his carefully styled hairdo, and Harriet smirks a bit at his scandalised expression. She just loves it when he gets like this.
Then she leans back, and the sun shining through the half-closed blinds momentarily blinds her. She shifts, watching the light dance at the dust and reflect at Diego's white-black hair. (the de Vil hair.)
(Did she catch a glimpse of black-and-white through the window, or is it just a trick of light?)
And sweet heavens, does that boy have a voice. Harriet is sure that sirens would be jealous – at least the sorry things that remain of them at the port today.
In Harriet’s opinion, the song is altogether too short. She considers it the only fault of this little show, apart from the fact that Ginny still has her cloak, but let‘s not dwell on unimportant details, shall we?
Diego stops singing, bows down and spins the bottle in one smooth motion. Multitasking.
Harriet would give him a proper rumble for that, but that would require her to stand up: She settles for hitting her palm against the floor, while Ginny whistles and Anthony actually claps. Of course he does, poser.
As if Diego needed any more encouragement.
He bows again, and the bottle stops, pointing from him to Harriet, and Harriet can‘t quite decide how she feels about that wicked gleam in his eye. Judging by the direction of his stare, though…
„Dare,“ she states before he can ask, „Do be original, though, please.“
He pouts at her.
Ginny bursts out laughing: „He will need to think about a new dare, then!“ and „Boys only think at that one thing–“
„Excuse me?“ (That was Anthony, if you couldn’t tell.)
„Oh, shut up, Sunflower,“ blushing Diego, „As if you are any better.“
Now it’s Ginny’s turn to sputter out an appalled „Excuse me?!“, though a bit more aggressive than Anthony’s was.
„Aww, come on…“ she fake-pouts at her partners before they get into a full-on shouting match or a make-out session, and, right… Why is she interrupting them again?
„I don’t have the whole day, you know?“ she stretches a bit.
As if any of them had the whole day.
„Aww, bossy, aren’t we?“ coos Diego – who is still standing – and reaches out to ruffle her hair. Her hair. She playfully snaps at his fingers.
„Get on it, de Vil boy.“
„Can’t rush perfection, Captain Hook–“
Yeah, so, she has decided that she definitely doesn’t like that look in his eyes.
(„He has a point,“ states Anthony elegantly raising his palm up as if at some high-order meeting, for which Ginny proceeds to whacks him over the head with her blouse. Look how much useful that can be.)
„I dare you to exchange your jewelry with me right now and actually wear it for the rest of the week.“
Okay, that‘s not that bad…
Although you know what? No.
The things he calls jewelry are totally going to shatter her aesthetic! He wears a spiked collar around his neck, for heaven’s sake! And a cross earring – only one! Harriet is not wearing that!
„First of all, no!“ she protests, „Second of all, it’s literally only Tuesday!“
She shots a dirty look to Ginny, bundled up in her coat.
„Dare is a dare, Ettie,“ the witch laughs, while Anthony only nods.
„And don’t call me Ettie!“
Diego makes a „pay up“ gesture, and Harriet clutches her hand – fine, mainly the gold rings on her fingers – to her chest.
„Give that here, Ettie,“ Diego says, and so Harriet, in the spirit of the game, complies, cursing Diego all the way to hell and back.
„Good–“ Diego mutters, turning back to get into his spot, his hands full of Harriet’s treasures. Traitor, turncoat, backstabber–
Ginny bolts up and stands in front of him before he can even sit down.
„Gimme!“ she says, pointing at Harriet’s (!) rings.
Diego shrugs his shoulders and tells her to „pick whichever you like, Sunflower.“
…At least he couldn’t actually put it on her finger, what with his hands full. Small mercies.
On the other hand, he does casually drop another ring to Anthony, who immediately puts it on his own finger and admires how it fits and gleams.
Harriet barely contains the urge to irritably growl at her insufferable partners.
Anthony reaches out to caress her cheek, and Harriet leans into the touch, entirely against her will, of course. And don’t you dare suggest otherwise.
She can feel the cold metal of her ring against her skin.
„Take it easy, Harriet,“ he tells her, „It’s your turn to spin now.“
Harriet jerks back.
„Of course, of course–“ And with a flick of her wrist, the flask is spinning again.
Harriet struggles to pay attention to it, and Anthony even has to nudge her when it stops. Ginny to Diego.
Harriet lets her mind wander for a moment, and, really, why does she keep seeing black-and-white-and-red out of the window? 
And faint traces of gold? That’s always suspicious on the Isle– 
Oh, well, anyway.
There is a game going on, more interesting matters to focus on, you know? 
…Besides, Ginny has been poking her into the shoulder for quite some time, hadn’t she.
Harriet makes a face at her: Ginny blows her a kiss, which makes Harriet laugh. 
They play again, laughing, and leaning closer to each other as time goes on.
No one has chosen truth yet.
And she certainly won’t be the first to do so: she choses dare again and has to try and throw her dagger at a specific eye in the wood – now, you see, this is her kind of dare. She bows her head towards Ginny before she throws; she only hopes she won’t accidentally tear down this whole shackle.
She misses, but only by an inch or so, and that would be because she didn’t bother to actually stand up or aim. And anyone who says otherwise is a dirty liar.
It’s her turn to spin again.
The bottle lands on her and Anthony: he sights dramatically while she grins in a manner that some might describe as a bit maniacal. She doesn’t care for other people, though.
Now, she should have it here somewhere–
Anthony watches her fumble through her pockets with increasing worry.
Yes! Here it is!
Oh. Wait. She forgot to ask „Truth or dare,“ and he won’t chose dare if he knows what she has planned. So she asks now, and to her eternal delight, he agrees to a dare.
Victoriously, she pull out a flask, you know, that thin flat thing designed to be carrier on person?
Yeah, that one.
She unscrews the lid.
„Drink this,“ she dares Anthony Tremaine.
He reluctantly takes the flask, brushing his fingers against hers, and carefully sniffles the contents.
His nose wrinkles up in a manner that Harriet consciously chooses not to describe as „cute“ as he makes a long face at her.
„What is this? And where did you even get it?“
„Out and around,“ shrugs Harriet, „Some fancy drink I found in the barges.“
(It’s actually vodka mixed with an expired energy drink, a cocktail that has been keeping her up the last few days, but she isn’t gonna tell him that. She doesn’t fancy a lecture about her drinking habits and lifestyle right now.)
„I’m not drinking this,“ he states, „Absolutely not. And even if I did, I’d probably be risking a visit to the hospital.“
„Untrue. I drink that. And I’m fine.“
„…That has zero reporting value, Harriet.“ (Again, untrue.)
Harriet struggles to come up with an answer that isn’t just a string of vulgarities, while Diego leans over to sniff the flask himself and Ginny pouts at Anthony.
„What’s wrong with the hospital?“ she complains, „I work here!“
„Yeah, but that still doesn’t mean I want to visit it as a patient, darling.“
„…Not even if I put on my sexy nurse costume?“ Ginny asks, and Harriet almost chokes, trying to contain her fit of giggles, which would be unbecoming.
„Why do you even have a sexy nurse costume?“ Anthony asks weakly.
„Why, me and Harriet found it in a barge one time–“ Yeah, no, Harriet doesn’t think it’s necessary to elaborate on that. And yes, she’d also like to know why on Earth do Auradonians have such a thing as a „sexy nurse costume.“
Diego takes a sip of her spiked energy drink (alright, more like alcohol spiked with the energy drink, but who is counting?) and passes it back to Anthony.
„You’ll be fine, man,“ he says, „And you need no costume, Ginny.“
„Seconded.“ Because honestly, that thing is ridiculous. Impractical, too.
And it has print-on pockets.
Harriet would almost say that the creator of print-on pockets deserves the Isle, but even she isn’t that cruel.
Anthony wrinkles his nose once again and drinks, choking and coughing immediately after.
Something flickers behind the window, red-and-black-and-white, stealing her attention away from this frankly amusing sight.
She locks eyes with Carlos de Vil.
Carlos can only stand Harriet’s gaze for a fraction of second: He then breaks eye contact with a curse his mother would probably skin him alive for.
„Shit,“ he curses again, then he calls out at Jay, „Man, she saw me! What do I do?“
Jade breaks into cackles at that, which is decidedly not helpful at all, thank you for asking. Jay smirks too, casually standing up: „I suggest you run real fast,“ he says, „And pray that your cousin won’t let them kill you.“
With that, the Agrabah cousins take off, not bothering to climb off the roof; Carlos wastes few precious seconds wondering whether he should really try out their neck breaking path, and before he decides, well, it’s already too late.
The doors fly open and out marches one Harriet Hook, this time without her signature red coat.
Carlos decides that he isn‘t gonna test the nerves of his cousin and the other three any more today and bolts away.
„Wait for me!“ he calls towards Jay. 
Wild laughter is his only answer.
There are two more people watching the commotion, up on the roof few building off where they had just ducked behind the chimney. Two pirates in red coats, just like the one their older sister just temporarily lost in a bet.
„We’re not gonna help them, are we,“ more states than asks Calista Jane.
„Absolutely not,“ answers Harry, „Uma would have my throat if Ettie caught me,“ he adds, his voice half-a-whisper, and CJ giggles.
„Hey! I have stuff to do, you know?“
„Yeah, sure. Like making eyes at Uma–“
„Like doing rounds and keeping watch,you insufferable scallywag,“ he riggs her in the ribs, „Besides, we need to find a camera: Did you see what Ettie was wearing?“ He vaguely gestures towards their sister, then to his neck. CJ’s eyes light up with unearthly light.
„I know just who might have such a camera,“ she declares, and Harry rubs his hands and his hook together:
„Set course, then, sister dear.“
They are going to have so much fun with these photos yet.
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wildguarneres · 5 years
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@majestysnowbird i’m at the opposite end of the spectrum, idk if it’s because it’s so fresh on my mind but right now i like it above the other two! i also think the negative criticism leveled at the goldfinch is ridiculous and unfounded, because i do love that book, but at least in memory, it still doesn’t capture me the way the little friend does. i never connected to the setting of TG, only superficially to the characters; whereas the languid, southern pace of TLF feels so familiar, and the characters long-lingering in my mind. it is indulgent, it is excessive, it’s donna tartt, you know?
not to mention that TSH and TG both have, in my opinion, surprisingly terrible and poorly written climaxes, compared to the water tower scene in TLF - harriet and danny’s showdown at last was bone-chilling and i think it may be tartt at her strongest (so far......) i understand your perspective, though! one thing i know for sure is that this is a divisive book that seems impossible for anyone to agree on
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spectralscathath · 2 years
What happened to Ruby in your reference sheet by being sliced in half for your Scorruby AU?! The scar and everything!
Okay so Ruby has a bad time in the au. But I can explain. So, the whole being 'sliced in half' thing, that was more of an idea I had about how Ruby's semblance works in this AU.
So I'm putting the image you were talking about under the readmore at the bottom of the post because it's potentially gore although nothing visceral is visible but better safe than sorry, and I'm gonna stress something off the bat: Ruby's not actually hurt and this isn't actually a literal thing. (Yet. Probably. Maybe. We'll see.)
The idea for the discussed sketch was as a way to play around with posing, expression, and what Ruby's Scatter might look like/how it might work, more metaphorical then as something that actually happens (so far).
Scatter, in my AU, is a Transformative semblance, in that it physically alters Ruby by turning her into a swarm of swirling rose petals. My idea was that this semblance starts from the inside out, which is why she was able to be hit in the first place, because she was already disassembling herself into her petal form. So she's actually completely unharmed, she just happened to be up against someone who was fast enough to catch her mid-scatter, mostly for visual flair.
I'm not a fan of the current canon semblance, I think there's too much going on and they've forgotten good ideas for plot relevance. So lets look at some quotes as the show's gone:
Volume 1: Pyrrha says 'Ruby has her speed'
Volume 4: Qrow says 'some people burst into rose petals'
In the vol6 hiatus coming up on vol7 the comics called it 'an ice cream sundae of speed with a little cherry of teleportation on top.'
Volume 7: Harriet said "I've seen other speed semblances before. That's different. I think there's more going on than you think."
volume 8: Penny explains 'Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass and then reassembling them at the destination.'
Basically, Ruby's semblance has, over the course of show, had these points:
short range dash that generated rose petals
able to turn herself into a swirl of rose petals that retained mass and had greater mobility
generated a slipstream if she hit a certain speed (seen in the vol2 food fight and the petal tornado she made in the vol4 character short)
was able to pick other people up, although their weight still mattered (Penny in vol2)
was able to use it for mid-air combat in short bursts, but it was finite and didn't have long distance
could somewhat manipulate the rose petals, able to separate her main mass into smaller masses for evading obstacles
after vol6, it turned into 'a bit of teleportation', and then 'no more mass', allowing Ruby to carry limitless people and go just about anywhere as long as she needs
And personally, I'm not a huge fan of this. I think that they could have handled it better instead of contradicting themselves. They also effectively took out Ruby's three biggest weaknesses: that she has to worry about the weight of people she carries, that she's still solid (just split up over a large swarm), and that distances are a factor. And it makes it less interesting to me.
Honestly Ruby's semblance was just treated weird in general, having it be like her splitting apart into separate parts mid-scatter was special in vol7 when she was doing it back in vol4 felt off. I have no problems with her upgrading her distance on it, I thought that was interesting, but then the teleportation made it weird. We lost the slipstream move she used, which was a complete shame because it was a cool way for Ruby to turn her evasive semblance into offence. And 'mass no longer mattering' was pure 'we wrote ourselves into a corner here's a bullshit 'oh you could do this all along' power upgrade' (coughs at Penny being heavy in vol2 and Mercury kicking her in vol3). Also just the name. Petal Burst. I don't like it, should have kept it as Scatter.
So, ScorpRuby. Her semblance is Scatter. It is a transformative semblance where she breaks herself apart into a swirl of rose petals for a speed/mobility boost that can go in any direction, but is short range with limited distance (though she does learn to hold it for longer, making it about endurance training). She can carry people, but their weight does matter, and more people are harder to carry. It is not teleportation, and she can still be hit, or grabbed, or knocked out of her scatter if she's not careful, because mass still matters (which means she still creates a slipstream she can use). And her petals pick up the colours of people she picks up, because we lost that visual.
I think I got off topic, but the point stands, I'm keeping more defined limits on Ruby's semblance, because then it makes the story about finding ways around those limits.
And as for the scars... (warning, getting into some real criticism of the show here that I'll put under a read more if you're not interested in that)
I saw Nora get scars in vol8 that managed to avoid the face because god forbid girls that aren't villains have visible facial scarring. There is a lot of lookism in the show about big scars being Evil and I'm not here for it. Weiss's scar is small and becomes less visible every volume, Blake's scar is also small and easily hidden, Winter could have had a scar on her nose but they were cowards and removed it, and Nora has lots of scars now but they barely touch her face, even though there would have been nothing wrong with that (and they're also quite neat and not visually unappealing and can be mostly hidden under her outfit).
Meanwhile the villains with scars (Ironwood, Tyrian, Adam, Cinder), have big and jagged scars that are very prevalent (when Ironwood's top is off, at least) and in the case of Adam and Cinder take up a lot of their face. It's like a visual shorthand, Adam and Cinder's scars are even given Big Reveals to shock the audience with how 'ugly' and 'deformed' their scars are (a missing eye and an SDC brand).
I think that scars, whether it's having them, or the visibility, placement and size of them, shouldn't be a signifier of if a character is a Good Guy, or not. So I gave Ruby some, because she is the main character of this AU, she is the hero, and she's allowed to have large scars that aren't easily looked over, and the fight where she gets them is both plot-relevant, and for character development. And I think that she still looks cute as hell with them, personally.
Also, yes, Ruby does go through the absolute wringer in this AU, but hey, it's for character development. I swear. (also image here)
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