#also. even if it is fanservice... so what?
mrabubu · 3 days
Ok so I just enter to Tumblr and the first thing I see are hate comments for a post?...
I honestly loved what you did, I'm relatively new to the fandom and the first thing I saw about Leo was Leosagi fanarts which confused me because they're not even in the same series?... But people defended it so much that I thought that was a normal ship that the entire fandom liked and that's why I would have to get used to it, then I find out your blog and I'm so in love with the way you portray Leo with y/n it means a lot to me! So, in short: thanks for speaking up about it and I just really love your drawings and animations ✨
Thank you, I appreciate your words ~
But, honestly, this is scary to see how much some people downplay Leo and his personality to just him being gay (when he's not and his personality and character arc are MUCH more than that) and deceive others into thinking leosagi is canon... I saw other case like this, and I myself at some point though it was something until I checked everything and realised that, no, it's all just headcanon that some really forcing into others and even creators themselves.
I hope you don't mind if I leave some of my thoughts on this ship under your ask, but I've watched the first episode of Usagi Chronicles because I wanted to a) see what all the fuss is about, b) try not to make people think I'm critical when I haven't even watched the show. I'm going to leave my thoughts below, so, if people want, they can read them. If not, then, please, don't. Those are my personal experience. If you like leosagi and want to continue ship it, do it. It's not my business. Under the line I'll be talking mostly about those people who, again, forcing this ship into fans and creators.
So, I watched that first episode while my friend watched the whole series, and, honestly, my thoughts were "huh..?". Like, Usagi to me felt like diet Leo. They're basically have the same personality, but Usagi is less charismatic and even annoying... Leo to some is also annoying, but he still has his charms and strategic mind. And from what I've heard, even by the end of the season 2 Usagi stays pretty much the same. Honestly, I don't see how this ship can work without heavy fanoning both characters. I wouldn't be surprised if many aggressive shippers haven't even watched Usagi Chronicles and ship leosagi because: a) they need to ship Leo with a male and Yuichi is an easy choice, b) they just look cute together. Because if past movie Leo would meet past season 2 Usagi they wouldn't stand each other. And in a relationship they would get bored of each other pretty quickly, because there would be no dynamic or chemistry. Good friends? Maybe. Partners? No.
I'm not going to talk about Miyamoto because as far as I know he has a canonical love interest and a child.
And all this led me to a question: is THIS what people want...? For creators to butcher a character so they could have their fanservice?
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onegirllis · 23 hours
So, about the new LIS trailer
It took me some time, but forgive me for the delayed response. I had to dig myself out of the fandom grave to actually look around and notice what the hell was going on. I spent another moment pondering if I still care, and with the answer "barely," I came here to write this post.
1) For whatever reason DickNein (yes, I didn't miss the scandal, who is the nazi now?) still doesn't understand what made LIS 1 so successful. It wasn't the diversity; it wasn't the same copy-paste lines; it wasn't the murder; it wasn't the superheroes from small towns with different powers. It wasn't even the lesbians (I know, shocking!). There were merely a few elements that made LIS special: - Magical Arcadia Bay with its residents - The rewind time superpower, which was one of the best mechanics in narrative games since the genre was born - Max, Chloe, and Rachel (not necessarily in that order), and you need at least two to make it work, preferably with Chloe at least somewhere there. - the specific art style and saturated colors (butchered a bit in BTS but then going full SIMS 4 for the rest of the games) - and most importantly - the soul Sure, DontNod could get away with alteration, to no fanfare and sometimes to no success, but their experiments came from the right place. This shit ain't it.
2) For whatever reason, Chloe is now a dog. I know. I know. I understand. Listen, my fellow comrades, I know how it feels when the devs pull put shit like, "Oh, they were just friends and grew apart, but now she named her squirrel after the love of her high school life".
3) Max had plastic surgery. She also decided to be entirely anonymous so that she looked like everyone else. Every model looks the same, and I hope they will have their names spelled above them as they walk around. Otherwise, I have no idea who is who. Frankly, she looks a little bit like Steph had a lot of fun with the entire cast of Sims 4 and then had a baby.
4) On top of everything, the new Max, however, probably now goes as Maxine, is teaching her Polaroid skills at a university. Now we know we are in an alternative universe all along. I hope the tuition matches the useful photography skill set you obtain there.
5) For any other reason unknown, she can dress up as Chloe, who can be dead (see the Ultimate edition). I know Max has a long tradition of dressing up as dead people, but I hoped it would go away with her Botox and other plastic corrections. But hey, we survived Chloe dressing up as Rachel and cosplaying as her dad, too, so I guess I shouldn't even be surprised. Not that it's a low-budget movie, and they have a limited wardrobe. It's a video game, but the tradition of having a mental stroke is still strong.
6) Oh no, another murder I gotta solve! I shall use my powers. Why now? Is it another girlfriend who is into printing photos? Or is it her student? Or both? Max becoming Jefferson would be a nice twist, even if not loved among the community, but I don't think it would get anywhere that dark. It just will get stupid.
7) This is supposed to be a fanservice a little too late and on the wrong foot. I know y'all missed Max. I didn't, but I understand the hype on seeing her on the screen. Although following a teenager in Arcadia Bay was interesting, simply by the shot of nostalgia with every step, here we are following a middle-aged single art teacher (or someone who looks middle-aged to the point that they decided on fixing their face). NO ONE WANTS TO FOLLOW THEIR ART TEACHERS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
8) The Nazi problem (well, well, well, the turntables). I know DeckNein had to do some cleanup among their staff. I hope they did, but somehow, I doubt it was done for the right purpose. Therefore, I'm uncomfortable giving them any of my money, now or ever. I know, there are worse studios. I know it's stupid, but LIS was always special, filled with this little genuine spark. It just doesn't feel right.
9) The game has the worst UI in the history of modern gaming.
10) And to finish my rant on something even worse, LIS4 is coming just before DontNod's new game, most likely to compete with it on the market. A bit sus, don't you think?
Anyway, dick move, my friends. All of it. Actually, waving dicks around in the air all along. Despite our differences, this ain't right. And God knows how much worse it could be.
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tricksterlatte · 2 months
There was this post I saw awhile back that asked what was the one thing you would get pretentious about since everyone has at least one. I didn’t reblog it at the time, but my god if I have to see any more bad faith or media illiterate surface level take about Chainsaw Man, I’m going to become the literacy devil
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
It’s been a hot minute since I read the S&S chapters so forgive me if I’m getting some details wrong but I believe there’s a way to look at the S&S fight without labeling it as an unnecessary fight
It’s about how S&S was inspired by All Might, much like Izuku. However, S&S is a kind of justice that’s ignorant, that uses excessive force to win a fight, that believes what she is doing is in the best of interests but refuses to see it any other way
It’s like. It’s a fight with only one ending, between two/three stubborn enemies
One who believes what she is doing is the only right way but actively goes out of her way to kill the enemy no matter what, one who will stop at nothing to get whatever he wants and controls his victim’s mind and body (takes away his autonomy to the point where they aren’t “separate people” but instead “one person”), and one who is a victim in all of this but wholeheartedly believes he was always bad and so has his heart set on destruction despite the fact that, deep down, he wants to be saved
It’s sad because if S&S had taken All Might’s influence and HADN’T turned it into a whole Strength thing, if she was someone like Izuku who saw All Might’s influence and learned that incredible power should be used to save, not to kill, then she probably could have stopped TomurAFO, captured him and taken him to All Might or something
I believe the point of S&S, one of the points at least, is that if you solely view All Might’s existence as a power fantasy, then you’re getting nowhere and completely missing what it means to be a hero
Look at it this way - S&S’ role in the manga was just to rule out one route the story could have taken
Anybody looking at TomurAFO and thinking “If All Might were in his prime form, HE could have taken him out and the world would be saved!” is then faced with a character who was inspired a lot by All Might and gives off the impression that they can do anything (COUGH confident intimidating appearance COUGH a quirk that allows the user incredible power COUGH)
She then serves her purpose by cutting AFO’s quirks down by half, showing that not everybody inspired by All Might does the right thing and shows the audience that Tomura immediately thought about Izuku when “someone who will inherit the will of heroism” is mentioned
Yes, while someone like All Might may be able to go head to head with TomurAFO and do some real damage, the point ISN’T that TomurAFO needs to be defeated and killed
The point is that TomurAFO is a fusion of an abuser and his victim, and anybody who NEEDS help should be given that help no matter what
S&S, someone similar to All Might who COULD have killed TomurAFO and prevented destruction, someone who saw his death as the only way to end this, is taken out of the running
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Enter: Izuku Midoriya
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You know, the one Tenko thought of at the mention “inheriting the will of heroism”
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Idk I just. I can’t see the S&S chapters as pointless. They serve their purpose by letting the reader know that force and death is not the way out of this, that it’s not the story this manga is trying to tell
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myrfing · 6 months
(wakes up) also to be clear I don't think eden had to at all have commentary on gender or sexuality on a deeper level. this game isn't about that, they were willing to beat around the bush for yotsuyu even, the bar's low as helllll. but i guess I was at least hoping for a dedication to each character's personal meaning irrespective of what the fanbase wants after the fact. but instead of doing that they seem to pivot hugely toward making whatever will make a brief buzz with the fandom for coming off as progressive or confirming a popular headcanon or whatever & in doing so they go past just making meaningless References and shallow aesthetic renditions of potentially poignant concepts and dynamics and making what feels like deliberately sanitized kidzbop versions that are directly antithetical to the point of the things they seem to nod and wink at. and it's especially frustrating when they come CLOSE to fixing their feet on the ground and telling a good story but they bungle it because they seem to be afraid to say anything without seeing what the fanbase says first & then we end up with a whole lot of runaround nothing in our hands
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fvckw4d · 16 days
The concept of queerbaiting annoys me. I was told that it refers to a work of fiction pretending to cater to a queer audience but then pulling back from it to avoid alienating homophobes, which is an incredibly specific thing. But a lot of people seem to think that it instead means "any time there's any gay subtex, metaphor, or ambiguity" or "whenever something from 1995-2012 was being a normal amount of homophobic for the era."
#I've secondhand seen the way Sherlock...was.#And yeah that's very pointedly cruel to the audience.#But not everything is that aware of its following to point by point mock them for half an hour.#And I think people forget that for a period there was a unique combination of awareness of gay people and homophobia bad#and a severe need to avoid being perceived as gay (and sometimes homophobic) at the same time#while it was ALSO very acceptable to treat the existence of gay people and homophobia or discomfort with both as a joke#so that whole wink wink nudge nudge dance was a huge thing in some of the 90s and earlier 2000s#and sometimes by doing that people accidentally made it seem even more fucking gay.#Or on purpose. People also forget that yeah gay people could exist as a joke but they couldn't be casual protags or w/e.#It wasn't really done like that.#I think what it's really proof of is that the 90s/early 2000s is long enough ago that people have become illiterate to the cultural cues.#When comedians complain 'you cant make jokes anymore' sometimes this is the exact thing they're referring to.#Gay people being on TV or in books isn't some funny joke you make anymore. Just being gay or seen as gay isn't the punchline it used to be.#People are shitty about it still but it's in a different way now. Being gay isn't as much the big embarrassment it used to be.#Gay tv shows and books are a whole market now. And stuff like Sherlock or supernatural were made right in the middle of that shift.#It's the only way you could position a strategy like this. I don't know if that cultural moment really exists anymore.#Audience backlash is also more massive and in real time.#Now instead of mockery at the idea of idk Dr house md being gay conservatives would see it as a 'culture war' thing.#And non conservatives are more vocal and more liable to criticize. TV shows are seen as keepers of culture in ways they weren't before.#I don't know how to describe it exactly. I'm not an expert and I know I'm missing some pieces or things I wanted to point out.#But yeah I just think people kind of. Forgot how people treated gayness as some kind of cootie disease you had to say#You didn't have really hard all the time. People are still sort of like that but idk the language changed.#A lot of talk about homophobia and queerness is very pseudo-academic now. The distancing happens with different signifiers.#But. Yeah.#☠️#I also think queerbaiting requires a specific kind of intent as a marketing strategy.#Instead of the more likely 'well we have an unintended gay following now so I guess we can throw in some fanservice#the network would literally never allow us to do anything with it even if we wanted to though.'
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mqfx · 24 days
plotting this thing's got me rethinking whether I am or wanna be an author¹ sidhdkdhdhdhd but then again it's almost Depression Week so take what I'm saying with a pound of salt
¹this is a joke; writing is literally the one constant joy of my own making in this miserable existence
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fruitsofhell · 3 months
Is it hyperbolic to say that FF7R is made of the same brain slush that Disney Live Action remakes are? I know FF7R is technically still animated, but I mean, so was The Lion King 2019.
#shut the heck up#ff7#disney#tag talking#watching the nibelhiem part of rebirth with the council and there were sooo many dumb choices#and like looking at the 7r project as a whole it just lacks so moment to moment vision#i know its building to some grand meta-narrative but like individual scenes are so bleh so generic action camera and mocapitis#im happy there are enough people out there who realize the majesty of prerendered backgrounds for storytelling but like squenix doesnt care#also so many scenes that were originally slow and dialogue based turned into mild action setpieces its shtuupid#or the part in the reactor where while Sephiroth has a revelation youre in a different room doing a random valve turning QTE LIKEDSGFJSHD#lord the balance of battles and narrative#people harp on the original for being dated with its late 90sness but theres so much abbrassive rule-of-coolism in 7R#more than a lot me and my friends kept screaming about sephiroths characterization like why in gods green fuck he smiled so much#and one of my friends was like 'maybe this is cloud making things up cause he wants to feel like sephy notices him' and i was likE-#OFC THEN LATE GAME THEYLL EXPLAIN THAT ALL HIS OOC FANSERVICE MANNERISMS AHVE BEEN A ROUSE THE WHOLE TIMEHDSGJF#THEY DO ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO CHARACTERIZE HIM THEY WERE JUST TORMENTING US OFC!! HSDFGJSDJ#they dont know what theyre fukcing doing with that guy he shouldnt be fucking smiling during nibelhiem#he shouldnt have even smiled when he said the 'im going to see my mother' line - AND DEFINITELY NOT DURING THE FIRE!!#he was not happy then he was estuans interis he was on a mission not sadistically torturing the townsfolk#HE WOULD NOT FUCKING do THAT
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classicjdog · 4 months
#i have some christmas money lying around so i guess i'm just gonna have to buy an ethernet cable#my setup (if you wanna call it that) is really not conducive to getting wired up at all#but fuck man there's no way i'm gonna just not play this fucking game it's way too fucking sick#well at least i had plenty of time to play the story lol which for the first like 80% of it's runtime it's like hey this is fun#like it's not super boring & there are actually some really cool moments sprinkled in here & there#then there's the second-to-last jin/kaz fight which was kinda what i expected the finale to be#like ok they've got their big crazy final forms & they're gonna have their big over-the-top anime fight & that's all fine i guess#but then they have one last normal hand-to-hand fight#and speaking as a long-time hardcore tekken fan that last fight is one of the best most joyful experiences i've ever had with a video game#like i've always felt that jin's transition from tekken 3 to tekken 4 was such a cool melding of story with gameplay#like in story at the end of t3 he's betrayed by heihachi so in t4 he forcibly unlearns the martial art heihachi taught him#and this is reflected in gameplay by his moveset being completely different so them coming back around to that in t8#and reinforcing the whole theme of jin accepting his past by LITERALLY GIVING YOU HIS TEKKEN 3 MOVESET IN THE FIGHT AGAINST KAZUYA#WHILE A REMIX OF HIS TEKKEN 3 THEME PLAYS???? GOD WHAT A FUCKING SEQUENCE!!! CHEF'S KISS MWAH MWAH MWAH#and then just the lovely little moments of fanservice. obvious stuff like kaz wavedashing or he & jin doing the namco logo thing 1 last tim#but then obscure stuff like jins t3 df1 glitch & kazuyas weirdo t4 re-stun combos?? like how many ppl are even gonna know about that shit??#they hella did not have to do that but they did & it makes me so so so happy#so yea the t8 story is like 80% a fun entertaining little romp & 20% the hypest shit i've ever ever ever seen#and also reina is the best new character namco have made for tekken since steve in t4#it's funny cause in the whole leadup to t8 i was having a little trouble figuring out who i was gonna main#cause in t7 i spent most of my time bouncing around basically the whole cast before finally settling on julia near the end#obv no julia in t8 so i had to pick someone else & no one in t8 was really jumping out at me#lots of super cool characters that i'd already played quite a lot of but not really anyone that's like ok yea that's my fucking guy#lots of sick af potential secondaries but no main basically#then they released the reina trailer & i was like ok yea that's my fucking guy#sick design sick stage sick AS FUCK music & a bunch of mishima staples to go along with it???#she's got an electric? hellsweep? wavedash? flash punch combo? stonehead?#plus some heihachi specific staples? demon breath? heaven's gate? iron hand? fucking HUNTING HAWK??? then yea that's MY FUCKING GUY#so yea reina fucking rules & i just wanna play her against real ppl please for the love of fuck#OH ONE MORE THING THEY DID ANOTHER GREAT JOB WITH THE MUSIC. AT LEAST 3 NEW TRACKS ADDED TO THE TEKKEN PANTHEON OF ALL-TIME CLASSICS
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ghostsontelevision · 1 year
every other day i make this post on twitter so now the tumblrinas get it. i greatly prefer the original evangelion series to the eva rebuilds and my main reason is because the rebuilds were too afraid to make asuka genuinely bitchy and not like, tsundere rude.
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bioswear · 1 year
It’s always astounding to me that the series I like the best - which are usually built on incredibly dense and profound, complex subject matter and social commentaries- always have the most media illiterate fans be the loudest like
(The context is I was scrolling Reddit while taking a shit and some people truly just sometimes don’t grasp a story even if it is grabbing them by the shoulders and shaking them violently)
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violentlydefending · 1 year
maybe nobody's played plvspw and maybe plvspw is insane and maybe it takes place in britain but it's still better than aa5 and 6 i'll die on this hill
#all respect and love to ppl who enjoy aa5/6 i do like parts of them myself but i've got some haterade in me rn#also plvspw paved the way for dgs so. a huge point in its favour <3#like yeah the endgame can drag and the twist is. Something. and some of the character writing can be wonky and the puzzles#are as a whole arguably weaker than that of the mainline pl games and it's basically just Fanservice: the game (ala pq) but also.#consider: maya and luke are besties <3 the graphics don't look eye-searingly ugly <3 for a crossover a really solid balance is struck <3#the main themes of the story aren't explored via incredibly stupid vehicles like ''the dark age of the law''#phoenix and maya's characterizations are like. good. sincerely i think they have the dynamic of All Time but in aa6 they felt. eh.#also while i'm here drinking haterade#i really do not like nahyuta he's just worse aa1 edgeworth bc he doesn't even go through like. an arc.#he just reveals he's Actually A Good Guy Lol and that's it ?#i like what simon and athena have going on but the basis for aa5 is too Much with the themes and ideas being bizarrely in my face while#simultaneously being weirdly vague like. ykwim (is also being weirdly vague and is therefore a hypocrite)#wait i'm gonna go back to being a lover for a sec bc. i really do like a lot of how layton elements and aa elements are combined in plvspw#like during investigations it's mostly layton-esque but there are subtle shifts towards a more aa-style at times like usually#the characters'll talk like in a layton game--facing each other with their sprites at an angle but#when multiple conversation topics become an option (aa-style) the character you're talking to will face the camera head on (aa-style)#idk i just think it's neat!!! it feels very thoughtful!#okay sorry for being mentally ill and having mental issues. i love you.#contra.txt
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illdothehotvoice · 2 years
Okay played a bit of Ensemble Stars and though I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just not for me I find the fact that the twin’s group name is “2wink” VERY amusing have a nice day
#Look look I couldn't get into Bandori because it has one linear story that follows the group i literally do not care about#and Ensemble Stars is the same way??#but like. it's that on top of the fact that there are just SO SO many characters that I was really hoping it'd be like prosekai dhgjndg#because Prosekai is like ''Hey bestie if you don't want to play More More Jump's story you don't have to qwq''#''just play the stories you care about we won't hold it against you qwq'' and that's GREAT dhjgknfg#because I can just sit and play everything but more more jump and i'm happy with my life and I don't even hate those characters just#their story doesn't interest me at all lmao dshjndg BUT ANYWAYS ensemble stars-#dude leveling up characters is way too complicated#there are just TOO many characters sdhgjdfg#All the songs are original to my understanding which is coll but not really for me i wanna play songs i know dhsjgkfhg#*cool#and like i knew getting into it that like all the characters are pretty boys so you KNOW the target audience is like straight teen girls#which is fine! but within the first 5 seconds of me having freedom to do what i want after the tutorial#i experienced SO much fanservice dshgjknfh#also the twins do that big/little bro thing which is SUCH a big pet peeve of mine you are the same age ehgjnfsb#anyways i'm sure it's a good game and if you enjoy it i'm very happy you have something that you can enjoy in your life!#and if this ends up int he main tags I apologize I was trying to ramble so it wouldn't lmao dgjdh live your best life#this one just aint for me chief. i'm gonna play prosekai then go to bed sgdhjnk
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vaugarde · 2 years
team plasma arc is still looking like my favorite arc overall bc N has consistently been very good but yikes the last few parts of best wishes really kinda start to fall apart
#i think i still like it a lot but i feel like the writing gets... dumber?#like every episode in this team plasma arc that hasnt had team plasma themselves orN is only Just There feels very weird#one thing i noticed is that iris and cilan keep speaking at the exact same time#and it gives me the vibe of ''oh god we arent secure in these characters anymore so we're gonna reel it in''#and this is a problem throughout bw ofc but yeah ash somehow gets even dumber and its just frustrating to watch#especially with sarah's really bland performance.#i think its also that team rocket is more common again and they just fill up screentime#and they arent even funny so its like i cant even laugh#echoed voice#pokeani lb#and overall the writing just feels more. juvenile? idk if thats the right word bc this is a kids show and all#but it feels a lot more dumbed down. which is weird bc the team plasma arc when it is going is kinda fucked up#iris and cilan also simutanously have less to do and they feel flanderized? like i mentioned iris before but cilans gone back to being borin#maybe thats why i didnt care for him as a kid bc my final impression of him was the declore islands incarnation#idk i feel like the worst aspects of bw are really starting to come out here bc they just didnt know what they wanted to do#like charizard comes back next episode and from what i remember it barely even does anything besides.... be fanservice to OS really#even tho they get rid of seismic toss which was part of why it was so iconic so why did they bother with that even
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235uranium · 2 months
if it was up to me p6 would actually just be connecting all of the previous persona games. like ik persona is supposed to be "episodic' in nature, but it would be nice to kinda... idk tie up the past 5 and then move onto new stories with a clean slate?
theres clearly a ton of interest in the fanbase for a crossover game to connect all of the lore- it's the primary reason people are begging for p5 arena. we want to see all these characters meet!
making it a main series game would give them actual time to explore a wider plot + they could reestablish philemon and nyarly as existing (and maybe explain how igor GOT KICKED OUT OF THE FUCKING VELVET ROOM????)
solidify the lore. wrap up p5r properly. and move onto p7 with a fresh slate.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
I loved this movie about nami and her ex situationship reconciling and also anti capitalism
#i have one question are the episode 0 of movies just fanservice am i reding this right. also zoro looks jealous and petty#can they in like love action make zoro chastize sanji bc he is an ally and not just letting him sound jealous and petty like i enjoy both#but clarificaiton sometimes you know. like sanji stop that its dehumanizing and disrespectful also i want you#why are they worried about money when they are in a casino. nami was great at playing cards wasnt she#franky and luffy bonding sumo time.... nami gets the title hell yeah lmao i have been saying she is the strongest#omg the children sellong flowers... dont tell me luffy is going to defeat capitalism in this movie. hell yeah#i was gonna say cant believe they let luffy bet but he does have good luck tho. the stomach ache lmao#sanji is so stupid akdjsksks the guy who likes pain also....don't let sanji think too much about it omg the golden dust....#zoro is going to be executed sanji and luffy are unlucky and all of them are broke and in debt. damn. how are you broke as a pirate even#nami and carina ex situationship talking about trusting each other again looking at the sunset... exactly#that was such a nasty betrayal and nami trusting her again so easily and fast like damn.#also what is the cp0 koala and sabo doing there like damn. jesus even#also what is absalom doing there....#and WHO let luffy infiltrate. FRANKY GOT IMPALED!! gold is really malleable and not resistant and strong like this is getting me out of it#sanji got a cleaning man fit instead of a cleaning lady fit so why is usopp wearing one ajdjaka.... i mean he is the crews babygirl....#also second movie where zoro gets kidnapped. the peoples princess.#omg they are in the pipes. also why is there pipe for the entry of seawater in a boat. maybe i don't know enough about boats#franky getting luffy out of the fan.... cradled like baby jesus for an instant#omg they have been bamboozled BY CARINA?????? OMG AGAIN??? NAMI!!!! OH NVM!!! WHAT???#luffy didnt know they were doing all this cause he would have fucked it up akshaua him being thrown half dead out of the tower ahsuakaia#this reminds me of super mario wii where bowser turns into a bigger bowser when you kill it. damn#also another good guy turned villain because of tragedy. two in a row#the kid with the metal pipe omg... sabo is coming#i heard hikken and the voice was so similar i wondered why ace was there.... for a millisecond he was there..... 😞#the red hawk and everything..... should we all kill ourselves.... omg carina didnt betray her actually#tesoro dumb asf for taking nami look how he is going down after that lmao didnt expect gear fourth tho. damn#still thinking about how gold isnt that strong so this shouldn't be necessary but alas shonen be shonen. luffy saving namis gf too <3#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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