#also. i had to switch ann's outfit to a dlc one because i cannot STAND the tits-out catsuit but it STILL USES THE CATSUIT MODEL IN CUTSCENES
blueskittlesart · 1 year
How’re you feeling about the persona characters so far
there are so many characters. i will give my thoughts on the ones i can remember
joker/ren/akira/whatever: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIM. theres something under the surface i can FEEL IT something is up with him. i need to know what. he also carries my entire team in battle because i have one of those free personas from the velvet room that i think come with the dlc (??) thats like fuckin level 76 so he does like 500 damage per turn
morgana: thought he was female for the entirety of the first 2 palaces. anyway. personality wise he's nowhere near the most annoying character which is an achievement for a weird animal sidekick. would love to know what the hell is going on with him. becoming more and more convinced he is not in fact human and is actually just like a cat that accidentally gained sentience or something
ryuji: best character in the game thus far and i mean that completely unironically. i love him hes such a good kid... like hes so earnest and genuine and i really believe the whole righteous anger thing coming from him yknow? it's not quite as strong with some of the other characters but his motivation for joining the theives was really clear and well-done
ann: i want to like her so bad. genuinely i do. but she is annoying. it's not her fault tho she could be good i know she could be. she is just unfortunately in a japanese visual novel and therefore she needs to be annoying and have her tits out at all times. like if they would give her a fucking PERSONALITY she would be an infinitely better character but her only hobby is literally Being A Model
yusukue: benched the instant i was allowed to do so. in general i dislike both the edgy-guy archetype and the honor student archetype (on men lol this doesnt apply to you makoto my love <3) and he is just. the worst of the 2 combined plus he says weird shit about ann every 3 minutes. every time he opens his mouth i want to kill him
makoto: QUEEN. her heals save my ass in battle constantly. again she has one of the better-written origin stories of the thieves which puts her pretty high on my list but i also find her connection to sae so interesting!! ive yet to see where it goes but i REALLY hope they follow through with that
akechi: 90% sure he can enter the metaverse, my evidence for this being one singular scene in which it was vaguely implied that he could understand morgana. aside from that im obsessed with him for the same reasons im obsessed with every other detective character ive ever come across in my life. detectives just scratch a special little itch in my brain man idk. hes everything to me and i sincerely hope the game ends with either him dramatically, emotionally killing joker or vice versa a la death note
kasumi: somehow is both the painfully generic love interest character and has more personality than ann. i hope her gymnastics tryouts go ok and my condolences for the crush on a gay man
takemi: i do not understand why someone liked her enough to put her on their car. very nice of her to illegally sell me meth or whatever tho
i know im missing a bunch of characters but these are the only ones i have strong enough thoughts abt to remember rn LMAO
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