#also. jane is taller than jake. he's floating or something
akgerhardt · 2 years
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Happy Pride, I spent all month on this and still didn't finish in time because I am artistically challenged. I've been trying to draw a group pic of them for years; they are the characters ever
(id with excruciating details below)
[Image description: a lineart doodle of the alpha kids in front of a rainbow infinity symbol, each smiling and drawn in their respective color. Jane is holding a flag that says "I don't know what my gender is, and at this point, :B I don't care." She is wearing a fake mustache, Washington Kraken Pride shirt, and platform shoes with bacon, eggs, and Ron Swanson's face on them. They were customized as a gift from Dirk, and she wears them semi-ironically. Roxy is the second tallest. She has her arms around Jane and Dirk. Her hair is in a wrap shaped like the canon style, with tight curls poking out. She wears a wizard beard, miniskirt, heart leggings that stop above the knee, a heart sticker as a beauty mark, a shirt that says "Trans Wrongs" in an 8-bit heart font with Hello Kitty cocking a glock, roller skates, and legwarmers with the mtf flag stripes. Dirk towers over everyone, and he's fuckin' hairy and jacked. He has an arm around Roxy's shoulders, and his other hand is holding Jake's. He's wearing flame crocs, cargo pants with his cutie mark-keychained katana strapped to his leg, and a homemade crop top adorned with the album cover of Blast Radius, heavily compressed. On his left shoulder is an even more compressed Pac-man tattoo, which corresponds with the green and blue fruit from the game on Jake's right shoulder. One can almost hear Dirk nudging them together with a quiet "wokkawokkawokkawokka." Jake is the shortest, with twig proportions to boot. He has an authentic handlebar mustache and is wearing a heart-shaped demiromantic pin and a long, flowy, sparkling blue and green dress with a bow around the middle. There are fake flowers in his hair. Everyone is having a great time because they worked out their issues, and it goes unstated that they love each other to a fault. Callie and Hal also belong here, but I can't draw for shit and could barely accomplish this much, let alone figure out its universe or their designs. I want to draw the whole squad together, but that day may not come for a while.]
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