#also. shoutout to the customer who gave me 10/10 and said we were COOL PEOPLE in all caps :)
irisbaggins · 3 months
Trying to trouble-shoot a customer over a phone is always an exercise in "stick to Norwegian you gremlin" for me. I so badly want to use English lingo for things, but my poor customers barely understand what I'm saying in Norwegian, let alone English! The amount of times I end up apologising because my explanations are shit are numerous, and most of the time my customers are really nice about it.
Although, I do loathe having to trouble-shoot networking over the phone. It's a pain in the ass, and it's difficult to find the problem when there are so many moving parts to a network.
At least the customer and I can joke around a little and make the process more pleasant for the both of us. Especially when the problem may have been a wonky cable, and not something much more expensive that must be replaced.
#text_loke#he was really nice to me. we were talking SO LONG and i had to use hand signals to my coworker so he could take the physical customers#because i was on the phone. and for some reasons customers see me standing there with a headset on and assume i am therefore free#no!! i am on the phone!! i cannot talk to you ma'am please stop attempting to converse with me!!#some are nice about it. others get bitchy. like SORRY i have one ear on the phone i CANNOT listen to two people at once!!#anyway. hope it was the cable that was fucked! we would of course fix whatever issue it was if it ISN'T#but it's soooo much easier for him for it to be just the cable he made himself. 'cos fuck homemade cat6 cables#(which i say as someone who has made SEVERAL and hates the process furiously)#also. shoutout to the customer who gave me 10/10 and said we were COOL PEOPLE in all caps :)#made my day that. like thank you!! i do my best to give the best customer service!!#and i only had ONE person call me today to be a glorified website :) usually it's at least three people :)#like we have a click and collect for a reason. i am NOT that. i can trouble shoot and help fix. i am not a website#also. why am i cursed. why am i cursed to be swarmed by people when i'm alone??#at least at my current workplace i am not harassed for being on my own. people are actually nice#they don't go ballistic on me when it takes me a but to get to them due to the tasks i am made to do#i don't get yelled at every shift. which is lovely :)#anyway. time for sleeps because i must write 3k tomorrow for my exam. rip
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