#alt gabriel x sage
as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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“You have left an impression on me as well.”
I love him so much,,,
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cathariis · 5 years
Send “I think I wanna marry you” for my muse to react to your muse saying it. ––– @jcycus
halcyon x harley (main).
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it was date night and instead of going out, they decided to stay in. ordering pizza from their favorite restaurant, chugged down a couple of beers with a glass of wine or two. in her eyes, it’s the ideal date night. she was happy in the relationship, secure and in love. all the things halcyon didn’t know she needed. oh, and the sex is amazing too. what more could either one of them ask for? in harley’s case, it was marriage. the question stunned her, head turning to face her boyfriend. “we’re good here, why do you want to add a piece of paper to the mix?”
halcyon x harley (hs).
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it was their first vacation as a couple –– no parents, no friends. for the next two weeks, they would be exploring europe on their own before returning back to start college. they’ve spent the major of their trip between england, spain, and portgual before making the final stop in france. halcyon had been looking forward to returning home, but this time was a bittersweet feeling with harley besides her. soaking in the private pool of their room, hal had been looking over the riviera when her boyfriend spoke. it caught her off-guard but her face turned to him with a smile. in their little world, they were married but by a legal standpoint, a napkin ring in a hotel room didn’t count. “one day, i’ll be your wife on paper, and i’m still going to love you the same.”
danielle x harley (alt).
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it was the first time either of them has returned to france since danielle left her husband. she would’ve been fine staying in america, ignoring her royal duties and living a life of happiness with harley. however, with her divorce being finalized, she needed to return to ensure everything that belonged to her and her family was back in their hands. they hadn’t returned to their old apartment, considering that it is in ruin and neither one of them wanted to recall the pain they’ve gone through. instead, they opted for a stay at one of the few properties her father owns. there was a sense of guilt in her heart, knowing that he had to give up more than half of the properties that have been in the family for generations. danielle was determined to get it all back. her court date wasn’t for another day but nerves were beginning to act up. she barely picked at her breakfast, hues focused on the garden when harley’s hands fell on her waist, pulling the female close. his lips found her temple, whispering those words gently in her ears. this caused a smile on her features, looking at him with her head laying on his shoulder. “i like danielle gold... it gives a nice ring, do you not think?” either he was wanted to get down on one knee now or in the future, she was more than ready to be his wife.
dimitri x andi.
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they were beginning to reach that point in their relationship where it’s time to put a ring on it or move in together. in true dimitri style, he was a slow man. but it would be worth it when he got down on one knee after making sure her ring was perfect. he wasn't fazed by her words, giving her a shrug. “i mean, do you want to marry me or my dick?” the male turned to his girlfriend, laughing at the comment. “come on, on a serious note, what’s for dinner –– pizza or you?”
gabriel x grey.
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they were young. they were crazy in love. if anybody knew about their relationship, friends would be able to tell from a mile away. grey was all that gabriel could think about. when he’d be able to see her, when their lips would meet, imagining her when he’s in between her legs –– gabriel couldn’t help his thoughts. they sneaked out to one of the last few standing drive-in theatres, only for the purpose to make-out and who knows what. they stopped for a moment to adjust the seats when grey said those words, causing gabriel to break into a smile. “ne me tente pas. Je vais acheter une bague tout de suite si vous me le permettez.”
sage x connor.
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typically when noah was off with his father for the week, the couple were fighting to get the clothes off their backs and behave like animals for the night. however, they made the decision to watch a movie instead. they each made a choice and popped them in. sage’s pick had ended, leaving her in tears over the happy ending when connor said those words. it didn’t surprise her, but she wanted to make sure she heard that correctly. “wait, can you say that again? ––– this isn’t a dream, right? if it is, wake me up right now.”
halcyon & harley (alt. hs).
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nobody could ever believe their story if they weren’t there to witness it from the beginning. they were so young, to be in love since middle school and have a baby before graduating high school. in their ideal world, their marriage would’ve lasted for the rest of their lives. however, the world didn’t work that way and with the stress between andree, school, and other commitments, finding the time for their marriage felt impossible. the fighting and stress kept growing between them, something that they never thought would happen. at the end of the day, they signed the divorce papers and shared custody of andree. they thought it was for the best but one way or another, they kept being pulled back to each other. since their marriage had been so rushed, they decided to take things slow, for their sake and andree’s. for the last year and a half, they’ve been going on dates, making time for each other, and had the occasional sleep-over. tonight, andree was staying over at andi’s house so their sleep-over could happen. they laid on his bed, head on his chest with fingers tapping patterns on his chest. his words caused her to stop, looking up at her ex-husband/current boyfriend. “do you think we’re ready for that again?”
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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I love this man
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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Gabriel likes Sage and he doesn’t know how to express-
They decided to dress up fancy and Gabriel is making some slow realisations about himself and his friend.
Sage: How do I look?
Gabriel: You look lovely, my dear.
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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hmmmm them/us~
i love him so much
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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“You’re giving me knowledge on the universe??”
Alt!Gabriel was not prepared for Sage’s tomfoolery
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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Sage: I’m Gabriel’s regent for a reason, BITCH-
I had way too much fun with this! Also poor Six-
(Incase you cant read the handwriting;)
Six: Why do I have to babysit the boss’ human?
?: Have you… have you met them?
Six: I don’t get it. What so special about yo- AHHOWWW!
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
First Kiss - Alt Gabriel x Self-Insert
"Tell me, little human..." Gabriel whispered to Sage, as he beckoned them closer wordlessly and without even needing to touch them. Sage complied, their eyes bright with the fire of curiosity. Gabriel's heavenly smile was soft and tender. "...What do you think of me?"
"I find you... intriguing." They say leaning in as Gabriel holds their chin and gazes at them serenely, yet his eyes hold carnal desire Sage had never seen so intensely in someone's eyes before. They crawl further ahead, a small yet almost shy smile growing on their face. "You certainly have left an impression."
"Really now? Have I?" Gabriel replied with honey in his silky voice. Sage shuddered as they stared at his rapidly dilating pupils, which ordinarily would freak any other person out, but Sage had seen Gabriel do this on more than one occasion. At this rate, those eyes could mean anything from murderous rage to intense happiness. But in his gaze was more than just any typical emotion the Alternate exhibited. He pulled them in, caressing Sage's loose hair and inhaling their scent, which sent a shiver up their spine and a shudder of delight up Gabriel's. "Describe it to me."
"You've been nothing but a mixed bag, Gabriel. You are smooth as butter one day and then hard as stone the next. I never know what to expect from you-AH!" They explained, but were briefly cut off when Gabriel grabbed them and pulled them into his lap, allowing a more comfortable position and one where Gabriel held all the power as he stared with those terrifying eyes down at them. But Sage could not find it in themselves to be afraid or worried as they stared up at him with ill concealed delight.  "You excite me."
"I suppose I do, little lamb." The False Angel cooed, running fingers down the side of Sage's face, tilting his head ever so slightly. "Would you like to know a secret, my dear?"
Sage gulped, unsure of what to expect from the most unexpectant person they knew. "Of course, Gabriel." The Alternate leaned forward, held Sage's chin up with only two fingers while his other free hand caressed their back. His stare was unwavering in its determination and deep unfiltered desire. And Sage, though they knew before but denied it heavily, finally accepted what was going on. The way he held them, the way his eyes met theirs, the sheer proximity. Their heartbeat quickened, but not out of fear, and Gabriel must have noticed because he grinned ever so slightly.
"You have left an impression on me too."
His lips met theirs in an almost violent collision, desperate to taste them, desperate to have them. Sage yelped in surprise but found themselves deeply enjoying the way their False Angel kissed them. They eagerly returned the kiss, adding their tongue into the mix, which only spurred Gabriel on further as he groaned and easily pulled them closer so that their chests pressed against each others. Sage's hands immediately found his hair and began fiddling with his fine silky locks.
They both pulled away almost simultaneously, as if to gauge each others reactions to the obviously enthusiastic kiss they had just shared. Sage's eyes were half-lidded with lips barely parted as they stared at Gabriel with all the lust in the world. They had denied, deprived and resisted this, these feelings for so long. They had thought them unrequited and merely buried them beneath the surface. They had never assumed their beloved Alternate in disguise would clearly desire the exact same thing as they desired. Oh what sweet bliss it was to have it be requited. "Sweet, little, darling Sage..." The demon whispered, drawing out each syllable, which caused them to shiver. "...You are such a fool for believing I did not feel the same. Especially when you pester me, when you ask me these incessant questions, when you are the bane of my very existence... and yet one I cannot live without, my sweet."
Sage's face turned bright red and they knew so as they grinned sheepishly and avoided the Angel's gaze, one which was so intoxicated purely because of them. And that was so overwhelming and yet so powerful. The leader of the Alternates, Gabriel himself, wanted them over anyone else. A mere human compared to the immortal and all-powerful creature that was the being who sat before them.
"Do not look away." It was not a threat, it was not a command, it was a mere statement and one that Sage immediately heeded. They looked back at him as their heartbeat sped up and their breath quickened slightly. The smile on Gabriel's face was a reward in it of itself. "There. I enjoy it when you gaze at me, just as I enjoy gazing at you. I want to gaze upon you for all time, my sweet lamb."
"Mmh, Gabriel..." Sage whimpered, an embarrassed yet furiously excited grin broke out on their face. A similar yet surprisingly boyish grin appeared on the Alternate's face as he pulled them forward once more to bury his face in their neck and inhale their scent as he began to pepper their skin with kisses and nibbles. "A-Ah, Gabriel-"
"I will have you as mine, sweet dear. I will give you all that you desire. I will spare no fools for you to simply be with me." He murmured in between kisses which he eagerly lavished onto them. Sage mewled and moaned softly as he spoke these words into being. "I-I hope those aren't wasted words, my Lord." Sage replied, and it clearly had an effect as the False Prophet looked back up at them with surprise and elation.
"I do not waste my words simply, my sweet child. However..." He began before a teasing grin played at the edges of his smile. His own eyes were beginning to half close as he smirked. "...I do so thoroughly enjoy it when you call me my rightful title."
Sage grinned. "Well, I shall not deprive you of your rightful name... my Lord."
Ravenously, Gabriel and Sage met once more in a simply amorous kiss, with nothing to contain them. They were so enraptured by each other, of each other, for each other. Gabriel knew what he wanted and he made it clear, as did Sage. Neither of them wanted anything more than to be enveloped in each other's arms and kiss.
And neither wanted to stop for anything as Gabriel lifted his sweetheart into his arms and whisked them away into their bedroom. The fun was only just beginning and neither of them wanted an end.
((I ended up writing this because IM SO FUCKING THIRSTY FOR SOME FALSE ANGEL ASS-))
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
im so in love with my FOs
I’ve been listening to “Every Inch” from the Unofficial Bridgerton Musical and I’m just consumed by romantic energy and desire
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
now that i think about it, Sister Maria would definitely be trying to kill TMC!Sage because of my/their association with Alt!Gabriel,,,
my oc would be trying to kill me and i find that hilarious
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