#alternate gabriel x sage
as8bakwthesage · 2 years
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Gabriel likes Sage and he doesn’t know how to express-
They decided to dress up fancy and Gabriel is making some slow realisations about himself and his friend.
Sage: How do I look?
Gabriel: You look lovely, my dear.
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lonestardaily · 2 years
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Each week Lone Star Daily looks to provide you with a decent (not comprehensive) list of the fanfics that have been posted for the week. The week runs from Friday - Thursday, as that way it does give us an opportunity to put the list together. There’s no requirement to tag us as we will check the tags #911 lone star fic and #911lsfic while also combing through ao3. We currently are only going to post new fics, not updates. You can check out this week’s fics below the cut.
All our past recs can be found on this page.
Please feel free to give this post a boost to give our writers a chance to receive some love for the work they do for the fandom.
(if your fic is not tagged with a tumblr, it’s because we couldn’t find one - feel free to send us a message and we’ll be happy to add one)
Mine by @chaotictarlos
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | E | 3.2K)
Tk flirts with a bartender and Carlos takes him home to show him who’s boss.
Always Celebrate Your Love by @ramblingdisaster73
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | T | 1.9K)
Carlos and TK are finally married, their reception is being held at the Reyes family ranch. Andrea surprises the boys with a special toast and a little help from Gwyn.
A More Perfect Fall by @cinnaluminum
↳  (TK x Carlos | 5+1 | M | 1.4K)
Five times TK ran, and the first time he stayed.
"You have one new message....” by @paper-storm
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | E | 5.8K)
A tag for 3x8, "In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency", in which Carlos struggles to deal with the trauma of almost losing TK again and TK discovers The Voicemail.
To Us! by Nanerich
↳  (TK x Carlos | Fluff | T | 7.2K)
After getting engaged, and already getting to celebrate it with the 126 gang, TK and Carlos can't wait to tell everybody else, especially their parents. Unfortunately, Gabriel is out of town, and they decide to keep it to themselves until Carlos' dad is back home.
Which doesn't quite go as planned.
Bitter Sweet Symphony by LynnOver
↳  (TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | M | 4.1K)
Carlos and TK return home from a night out only to be met by a man sitting at their kitchen island. Considering the pistol pointed directly at them, he doesn't seem to be a friendly visitor.
a real texas gentleman by hymbeaux
↳  (TK x Carlos | AU | E | 8.5K)
An alternate Pilot where TK runs off to test himself at a random bar and ends up finding Carlos instead.
Life, believe, is not a dream, so dark as sages say by @beautifulhigh
↳  (Carlos x Grace | Angst | T | 17.2K)
Carlos and Grace are in the wrong place at the wrong time, caught up in a bank hostage situation. How do you negotiate with someone when it's not about money but about causing harm? And how do you cope when you're the target of it all?
A secret is a strange thing by liminalmemories
↳  (TK | Prompt | T | 3.6K)
6 kinds of secrets
i’ll go with you by phleuria
↳  (the 126 | Fam Fic | G | 3.6K)
the annual APD and AFD charity event!
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Simple Life (Gabriel X Reader) REQUESTED)
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AUTHOR NOTE: This was a request for wattpad user Magic_and_books
SUMMARY: Gabriel sends you to an alternate reality when Loki threatens to harm you to draw him out. How will you adjust to your new world and will you go back?
Gabriel held onto you tightly and fluttered off. The only thing going through his mind right now was getting you somewhere safe. Loki had threatened you in order to draw Gabriel out and he was not gonna let anything happen to you. Once you landed you looked around. You were in a deeply hidden alley. “Gabriel what’s going on?” you asked a little scared.
“Y/N, don’t worry,” he said hugging you, “I won’t let anyone hurt you,”. You watched him draw a weird looking symbol on the wall.
“Who wants to hurt me?” you asked.
“An old enemy of mine,” he said. He hugged you again, “I love you Y/N, always,”.
“I love you too Gabriel,” you said. Before you could think he pushed through the wall.
You opened your eyes and you were in a big king size bed. Covered in a huge, purple, velvet comforter. You looked around. There was a huge dresser with big screen TV mounted on the wall above it. There was a door to the right of the room that was clearly a walk-in closet and another door that lead into a master bathroom on the left. You noticed a framed picture on the dresser. You climbed off the bed and walked over to it. You picked it up and your eyes widened. It was a wedding picture of you and Gabriel. From the looks of it was an outside wedding. There was something off about Gabriel though. You couldn’t really put your finger on it. That’s when you heard giggling and could smell bacon frying. You decided to follow the sound of laughter. You exited the bedroom and walked down a small hall. You noticed tons of family photos on the wall. One of a little girl with your hair and Gabriel’s whiskey-colored eyes. Another one of a boy with your eyes and Gabriel’s brown hair. Several other photos were around too. You stopped and stared at one for a moment. It was of you and Gabriel. Gabriel is holding a little girl in his arm and his other arm around your waist. You couldn’t tell for sure, but you looked like you were pregnant. You headed down a spiral staircase. As you reached the bottom the laughter got a little louder. To your right was a big, spacious living room and to your left was a kitchen. You walked into the kitchen and spotted Gabriel at the stove and two children sitting at the counter eating. Gabriel spotted you and smiled. “Morning sugar,” he greeted.
“Morning mommy!” the two kids greeted. You froze. “Did they just call me mommy?” You thought to yourself. Gabriel noticed your odd reaction and his face filled with concern.
“Are you ok Y/N?” he asked walking over to you.
“Um, yeah,” you said forcing yourself to snap out of it, “I just feel off today,”.
“Come sit with us,” he said softly placing his hand on your back, “maybe you’ll feel better after some breakfast,”. You nodded as you took a seat next to the little girl.
“Bacon and waffles ok?” he asked.
“Sounds good,” you said giving him a small smile.
“Daddy makes the best waffles,” she said. You smiled.
“I bet he does,” you say wishing you know the girls name.
“Of course I do,” he said handing you a plate, “If Pepper approves than I know it’s good,”.
“Pepper?” you asked causing him to look more concerned.
“That’s my name Mommy,” the little girl said with a small frown, “you didn’t forget me did you, Mommy?”.
“Oh no sweetie,” you said cursing yourself for upsetting the little girl, “Mommy just doesn’t feel good today,”.
“Pepper,” Gabriel said picking the little boy up from his high chair and putting him down, “Why don’t you take Sage into the living room and watch cartoons for a bit while I talk to mommy,”. “Sage must be the boy’s name,” you noted to yourself. 
“Ok Daddy,” Pepper said hopping down from her chair. She grabbed the little boy’s hand and headed to the living room. Gabriel walked over to you and hugged you from behind resting his head on top of yours. 
“What’s wrong cupcake?” he asked, “I’m a little worried,”.
“I’m sure I’m fine Gabriel,” you said, “I just feel off today,”.
“Maybe you’ll feel more yourself when we go to your brother’s cookout today,”. You hadn’t even given any thought to Sam or Dean.
“Cookout?” you asked confused. Your brothers weren’t really the cookout type.
“Dean’s annual 1st day of summer cookout,”. He said.
“Sounds fun,” you said, “maybe being around more family will get me out of my funk,”.
“Great,” he said kissing your cheek, “let’s get the kids dressed and then ourselves and go,”. About an hour later you and Gabriel where fastening Sage and Pepper into their car seats.
“Daddy, can I play on my tablet until we get to Uncle Dean’s?” Pepper asked.
“Sure, sweetie,” Gabriel said and handed her the tablet and handed Sage his favorite car toy and you headed off toward your brother’s house. During the drive, you tried to make more sense of this new life. You and Gabriel were married. Gabriel was definitely human and you had two kids. You couldn’t help but wonder what else about your life is different in this new world. You also wondered why your Gabriel sent you here. What was he protecting you from? You soon pulled up to a small two-story brick house. As you pulled into the driveway you noticed another car there. You got out and got Sage out of his car seat as Gabriel helped Pepper out. You all walked to the door and Pepper knocked. You were greeted by a smiling Dean.
“Uncle Dean!” the young girl yelled jumping into your brother’s arms.
“There’s one of my favorite girls,” he said kissing her cheek before putting her down.
“Gab, Y/N, come on in,” he said moving aside, “everyone is out back,”.
“My brother here yet?” Gabriel asked.
“Not yet,” Dean answered as he lead you guys to the backyard.
“Brother?” you asked Gabriel.
“Castiel,” he said, “he’s going through a rough time remember? The divorce,”.
“Oh,” was all you could say. You walked out back and Gabriel was swarmed by three little kids.
“UNCLE GABRIEL!” they all called tackle hugging him and he chuckled.
“Hi Y/N,” you heard someone say. You looked over to see Cassie.
“Hi Cassie,” you greeted back noticing the wedding ring on her finger.
“I started the grill,” she said.
“Awesome,” Dean said, “Sammie wanna help me carry the burgers to the grill?”. Sam came over with a blonde girl right behind him. As they got closer you saw it was Jessica.
“Sure Dean,” he said hugging you, “Hi Y/N,”.
“Hi Sam,” you said.
“Hey girl,” Jessica said hugging you when Sam let go. You had never gotten to meet Jessica in your world, but Sam had shown you pictures and talked about her sometimes.
“Hey Jess,” you said.
“You can put Sage in the playpen over there by the picnic table with Mary,” she said.
“Mary?” you asked.
“You’re niece silly,” she said with a giggle. As the day went on you took a mental note of everything you learned. Jessica and Sam had three kids two twins who were eight. A boy Luke and a girl Lilly. They also had a toddler about Sage’s age. Sam named her Mary after your mother. Sam was a lawyer and Jessica was a fifth-grade teacher. Dean and Cassie had one kid Zoe who was also eight. Cassie was a stay at home mom and Dean was a cop. That part kinda made sense. Dean loves to help and save people. You had learned that in this universe Gabriel was a pretty big movie producer. The information made your head swim.
“Finally made it,” you heard Gabriel said. You looked up to see Castiel. He was dressed in black shorts and a white shirt. His hair was messy and he looked tired. Following behind him was a little girl who looked just like him.
“Hey guys,” he greeted walking over to the boys, “sorry it took so long I had to pick up Grace from her mother’s house,”.
“Uncle Gabriel is Pepper here?” Grace asked.
“Sure is sweetie,” he said pointing to the big trampoline Dean and Cassie had in their backyard. She hurried over there.
“Poor Cas,” Jess said, “he’s still adjusting to the single father life,”.
“Well Meg did just spring the whole thing on him,” Cassie said, “all because she felt too tied down,”. You noted in this world Castiel was had been married to Meg and had a daughter named Grace. This world seemed weirder by the minute, but also so normal in a way.
“So how are you guys?” Castiel asked as he watched Dean flip burgers.
“I’m good,” Dean said, “ finally caught the flasher that kept hitting stores,”.
“That’s good,” Castiel said.
“Maybe that can be my next movie idea,” Gabriel joked, “I'm actually kind of worried,”.
“About what?” Castiel asked.
“Y/N has been acting weird today,” he said, “like she barely knows anyone’s names and she keeps saying she’s having an off day,”.
“Just keep an eye on her Gab,” Dean said, “if it gets worse let me know,”. Gabriel nodded. Soon you were all sitting at a picnic table chatting and eating. You started to relax and have fun a little. It was odd, but nice to see your family in a normal life. Especially seeing your brothers happy, even Cas despite the whole divorce thing. Soon the night wound down and the kids started to get tired. You all said your goodbyes as you and Gabriel fastened Pepper and Sage into their car seats. You drove in silence thanking that maybe you could get use to this life. You felt Gabriel intertwine his fingers with yours. You looked over at him and smiled. You arrived back at your new home and you gently woke Pepper up as Gabriel got Sage. Soon both kids were tucked in and you watched from the doorway as Gabriel read Pepper a bedtime story. He finished, turn on her nightlight, and left.
“You are such a good dad,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck. This may have been a human Gabriel, but you could tell by the shine in his honey-colored eyes it was still the Gabriel you loved.
“And you’re just so amazing and beautiful,” he said resting his forehead on yours, “feelin better?”.
“Much,” you said as you softly pressed your lips to his. He wrapped his arms around you as he deepened the kiss. It was definitely the way Gabriel would kiss you. You could even taste a hint of candy. He picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist not once breaking the kiss as he carried you to the bedroom. Minus the grace and sometimes wings it was even the way Gabriel made love. Over time you got use to the new life you had. You were happy and content. One night you heard a noise in the kitchen and snuck down to check it out. When you walked into the kitchen your eyes widened. Billie was standing there.
“Finally found where he stashed you,” she said looking around, “not bad,”.
“Why are you here?” you asked, “is it safe to go home now?”.
“No safer than before,” Billie said, “I’ve come to see if you wanna go home before the chance is gone forever,”.
“Wait,” you said, “why didn’t Gabriel come and get me?”.
“The Gabriel in your world,” she said, “died,”. The room spun for a minute and you grabbed the kitchen counter for support as you digested the news. You’re actual Gabriel was dead.
“How?” you asked.
“He sacrificed his life for your brothers,” she said, “and so many others from the alternate world,”.
“So what now?” you asked wiping tears away.
“You can come back home,” she said, “or stay in this universe,”. You thought for a moment. Going back to your world meant living without your archangel, but staying here gave you a normal life with a human Gabriel.
“I wanna stay,” you said, “so please wipe Sam and Dean’s minds clean of me,”. She nodded and vanished. You went back up to bed and laid there. You let some tears fall for the real Gabriel and fell asleep.
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pinwheelrecords · 5 years
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Here's the list of everything we'll have on Saturday. We did our best to order everything that folks asked for, but unfortunately we didn't receive everything we requested.
Please note that quantities are *extremely* limited - in some cases, we only received one copy of a particular title. And as usual, only one copy of each release per person. 
We open at 9am Saturday. You're welcome to line up whenever you want - just be respectful of our neighbors. We’ll have free coffee and donuts for y’all.
Okay, here we go:
13th Floor Elevators: The Psychedelic Sounds of The 13th Floor Elevators
A-ha: Hunting High And Low / The Early Alternate Mixes
Allman Brothers Band: Fillmore East. Feburary 1970
Armstrong, Louis: Disney Songs the Satchmo Way
Art Ensemble of Chicago: The Spiritual
Badalamenti,Angelo, David Lynch: Twin Peaks: Season Two Music And More
Badu, Erykah & James Poyser: Tempted
Baker, Julien: Red Door / Conversation Piece
Bananarama:Bananarama Remixed: Vol 1
Basement: Be Here Now
Bingo Hand Job: Live At The Borderline 1991
Black, Frank: Frank Black
Black, Frank: Teenager Of The Year
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony: E. 1999 Eternal
Bowie, David: Pin Ups
Bowie, David: The World of David Bowie
Bowie, David / Marlene Dietrich: Revolutionary Song / Just A Gigolo
Broken Social Scene: Let's Try The After Vol. 1 & 2
Brown, James: Sho Is Funky Down Here
Buckley, Jeff: In Transition
Buffalo Tom: Buffalo Tom - 30th Anniversary Limited Edition
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band: Trout Mask Replica
Cheap Trick: The Epic Archive Vol. 3 (1984-1992)
Cheech & Chong: Up In Smoke 40th Anniversary Picture Disc Vol. 2
Chic: Le Freak
Chicano Batman: Black Lipstick (EP)
Complesso Strumentale Italiano, Giulio Confalconieri: Dalí in Venice
Costello, Elvis and the Imposters: Purse EP
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: 4 Way Street (Expanded Edition)
Curren$y, Freddie Gibbs, and The Alchemist: FETTI
Currie, Cherie: Blvds of Splendor
Czarface: Double Dose of Danger
Death Grips: Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix)
Devo: This Is The DEVO Box
DJ Khaled: Victory
Dorough, Bob: Multiplication Rock (Original Soundtrack)
Dr Dog: Live 2
Dr. Dre:Nuthin' But a "G" Thang
Dylan, Bob: Blood On The Tracks - Original New York Test Pressing
Emerson Lake & Palmer: Live At Pocono International Raceway
Evans, Bill: Evans In England: Live at Ronnie Scott's
Flaming Lips: Kings Mouth
Fleetwood Mac: The Alternate Fleetwood Mac
Franklin, Aretha: The Atlantic Singles 1967
Free Nationals: Beauty & Essex
Gabriel, Peter: Rated PG (Limited Edition Picture Disc)
Gibbard, Benjamin: Me And Magdalena / The Concept
Good Old Boys, The: Drink Up And Go Home: Live At Margarita's Cantina, Feb. 20 & 21, 1975
Gorillaz: The Fall
Grant, John: Remixes Are Also Magic
Grateful Dead: Sage & Spirit
Grateful Dead: The Warfield, San Francisco, CA 10/9/80 &
Green Day: Woodstock 1994 Live
Green Jellÿ: Cereal Killer Soundtrack
Green River: Live At The Tropicana 1984
Green, Al: The Hi Records Singles Box Set
Greta Van Fleet: From The Fires
Griot Galaxy: Kins
Grodeck Whipperjenny: The Grodeck Whipperjenny
Hancock, Herbie: Dedication
Hawkwind: The 1999 Party - Live At The Chicago Auditorium 21st March, 1974
Hicks, Bill: Revelations: Variations
High on Fire: Bat Salad
Joel, Billy: Live At Carnegie Hall 1977
John, Elton: Live From Moscow
Joplin, Janis: Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969
King, Albert: Born Under A Bad Sign (Mono)
Kool Keith: Complicated Trip
Lennon, John: Imagine (Raw Studio Mixes)
Lightnin Hopkins: Strums the Blues
Lillingtons, The: Death By Television
Lord Huron: The Night We Met
Madonna: La Isla Bonita - Super Mix
Madonna: True Blue (Super Club Mix)
Mastodon: Stairway To Nick John
Menzingers, The: No Penance b/w Cemetery's Garden
Minus 5, The: Stroke Manor
Mission Of Burma: Peking Spring
Modest Mouse: Poison the Well
Montgomery, Wes: Back on Indiana Avenue: The Carroll DeCamp Recordings
Morrison, Van: Astral Weeks Alternative
Morrissey: Love-To-Be
Mumford & Sons: Delta Acoustic Sessions | Live From Electric Lady [10" Picture Disc]
My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade Is Dead-Live In Mexico
Ol' Dirty Bastard: Intoxicated
Parker, Charlie: Charlie Parker With Strings: The Alternate Takes
Pearl Jam: Live At Easy Street
Pelican: Midnight & Mesaline
Pink Floyd: A Saucerful Of Secrets (Mono)
Pinkfong: Baby Shark
Police, The: Message In A Bottle
Pop, Iggy: Hippodrome - Paris 77
Presley, Elvis: Live at the International Hotel, Las Vegas, NV August 23, 1969
Prince: His Majesty’s Pop Life
Prince: The VERSACE Experience: PRELUDE 2 GOLD
Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody Picture Disc
Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody/I'm in Love with My Car
Ramones: Live at The Palladium, New York, NY (12/31/79)
Redding, Otis with Booker T. & The M.G.'s with The Mar-Keys: Just Do It One More Time!
Reed, Lou: Ecstasy
Residents, The: B.S. LP pREServed Edition
Robyn: Body Talk
Rolling Stones, The: Big Hits (High Tide and Green Grass) (UK)
Rolling Stones, The: Through the Past, Darkly (Big Hits Vol. 2) (UK)
Rush: Hemispheres
San Fermin: Live At The Fillmore
Santana: Breaking Down The Door
Santigold: I Don't Want: The Gold Fire Sessions
Sly & The Family Stone: Woodstock Sunday August 17, 1969
Soccer Mommy: For Young Hearts
Soundtrack: Coneheads Music From the Motion Picture
Soundtrack: House Of Wax Music From The Motion Picture
Soundtrack: Howard Stern Private Parts OST
Soundtrack: IAm Sam
Soundtrack: Lost In Translation
Soundtrack: Malcom X Music
Soundtrack: New Jack City OST
Soundtrack: Office Space OST
Soundtrack: The Crow
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture
Spence, Alexander "Skip": AndOarAgain
Spence, Alexander "Skip": I Want A Rock & Roll Band / I Got A Lot To Say/Mary Jane
Stars: Sad Robots
Strummer, Joe: The Rockfield Studio Tracks
Sumney, Moses: Black in Deep Red, 2014
SUNN O))): Life Metal
Tangerine Dream: Le Parc
Tangerine Dream: Machu Picchu
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Power Single
The bird and the bee: Ray Guns are not Just the Future
Thunders, Johnny: Que Sera Sera - Resurrected
Tiny Tim: Live At Royal Albert Hall
Tweedy, Jeff: WARMER
U2: The Europa EP
Van Zandt, Townes: The Best Of Townes Van Zandt
Various Artists: Ghost World Soundtrack
Various Artists: The Basketball Diaries: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Various Artists: In The Garage: Live Music from WTF with Marc Maron
Various Artist: Soul Slabs Vol. 2
Various Artists: Breaking Bad (Soundtrack)
Various Artists: Disco Not Disco
Various Artists: Folk and Pop Sounds of Sumatra Vol. 2
Various Artists: Rough Guide To A World Of Guitar
Various Artists: Rough Guide To Blind, Black & Blue
Various Artists: Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Soundtrack
Various Artists: Stax Does The Beatles
Various Artists: Sun Records Curated by Record Store Day, Volume 6
Various Artists: Where The Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets Highlights
Violent Femmes: Hallowed Ground
Weezer: Dusty Gems: The B-Sides
Weezer: Teal Album
Wipers: Alien Boy EP
Zappa, Frank: The Guitar World According To Frank Zappa
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ao3feed-trc · 6 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FhpClv
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ao3feed-timdrake · 6 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
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ao3feed-sterek · 7 years
Fanmixes and Playlists
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
by DeathLife97
Fanmixes and playlists inspired by different pairings and/or connected to my stories. Check the individual stories for more information.
Republishing so it doesn't take up too much space in my works. Each chapter summary will contain tags listed for the specific mix.
Words: 305, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Fanmixes and Playlists
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Supernatural, Newsies (1992), Suits (TV), X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), Original Work, Night at the Museum (Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe, Thor (Movies), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Captain America - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), X-Men Evolution, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Frozen (2013), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Sherlock (TV), Zootopia (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Transformers (Bay Movies), Psych, Justice League - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Ant-Man (Movies), Suicide Squad (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Once Upon a Time (TV), NCIS, DCU, Satan and Me (Webcomic), Gravity Falls, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, James "Bucky" Barnes/Pepper Potts, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Michael/Adam Milligan, Mike Ross/Harvey Specter, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Hank McCoy/Alex Summers, Beast/Havok (X-Men), Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Logan (X-Men)/Scott Summers, Wolverine/Cyclops (X-Men), Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Ahkmenrah/Larry Daley, Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum), Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn/Batman, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Brock Rumlow/Sinthea Schmidt, Roy Harper/Wally West, Sean Cassidy/Moira MacTaggert, James T. Kirk/Spock, Rogue/Scott Summers, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Poe Dameron/Finn, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Helena Bertinelli/Vic Sage, James "Bucky" Barnes/T'Challa, Bumblebee/Sam Witwicky, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Balthazar/Jo Harvelle, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Scott Lang/Sam Wilson, Kon-El | Conner Kent /Dick Grayson, Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Anthony DiNozzo/Timothy McGee, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Natalie McAllister/Satan | Lucifer, Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Loki/Tony Stark, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Genos/Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Additional Tags: Fanmix, Playlist, Why Brain Why, Rare Pairings, Sorry Not Sorry, Pansexual Character, pansexuality, Female-Centric, Female Empowerment, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Star Trek Beyond
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
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ao3feed-lokitony · 7 years
Fanmixes and Playlists
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
by DeathLife97
Fanmixes and playlists inspired by different pairings and/or connected to my stories. Check the individual stories for more information.
Republishing so it doesn't take up too much space in my works. Each chapter summary will contain tags listed for the specific mix.
Words: 147, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Fanmixes and Playlists
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Supernatural, Newsies (1992), Suits (TV), X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), Original Work, Night at the Museum (Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe, Thor (Movies), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Captain America - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), X-Men Evolution, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Frozen (2013), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Sherlock (TV), Zootopia (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Transformers (Bay Movies), Psych, Justice League - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Ant-Man (Movies), Suicide Squad (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Once Upon a Time (TV), NCIS, DCU, Satan and Me (Webcomic), Gravity Falls, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, James "Bucky" Barnes/Pepper Potts, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Michael/Adam Milligan, Mike Ross/Harvey Specter, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Hank McCoy/Alex Summers, Beast/Havok (X-Men), Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Logan (X-Men)/Scott Summers, Wolverine/Cyclops (X-Men), Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Ahkmenrah/Larry Daley, Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum), Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn/Batman, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Brock Rumlow/Sinthea Schmidt, Roy Harper/Wally West, Sean Cassidy/Moira MacTaggert, James T. Kirk/Spock, Rogue/Scott Summers, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Poe Dameron/Finn, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Helena Bertinelli/Vic Sage, James "Bucky" Barnes/T'Challa, Bumblebee/Sam Witwicky, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Balthazar/Jo Harvelle, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Scott Lang/Sam Wilson, Kon-El | Conner Kent /Dick Grayson, Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Anthony DiNozzo/Timothy McGee, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Natalie McAllister/Satan | Lucifer, Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Loki/Tony Stark, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Genos/Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Additional Tags: Fanmix, Playlist, Why Brain Why, Rare Pairings, Sorry Not Sorry, Pansexual Character, pansexuality, Female-Centric, Female Empowerment, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Star Trek Beyond
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
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ao3feed-superbat · 7 years
Fanmixes and Playlists
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
by DeathLife97
Fanmixes and playlists inspired by different pairings and/or connected to my stories. Check the individual stories for more information.
Republishing so it doesn't take up too much space in my works. Each chapter summary will contain tags listed for the specific mix.
Words: 305, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Fanmixes and Playlists
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Supernatural, Newsies (1992), Suits (TV), X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), Original Work, Night at the Museum (Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe, Thor (Movies), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Captain America - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), X-Men Evolution, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Frozen (2013), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Sherlock (TV), Zootopia (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Transformers (Bay Movies), Psych, Justice League - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Ant-Man (Movies), Suicide Squad (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Once Upon a Time (TV), NCIS, DCU, Satan and Me (Webcomic), Gravity Falls, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, James "Bucky" Barnes/Pepper Potts, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Michael/Adam Milligan, Mike Ross/Harvey Specter, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Hank McCoy/Alex Summers, Beast/Havok (X-Men), Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Logan (X-Men)/Scott Summers, Wolverine/Cyclops (X-Men), Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Ahkmenrah/Larry Daley, Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum), Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn/Batman, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Brock Rumlow/Sinthea Schmidt, Roy Harper/Wally West, Sean Cassidy/Moira MacTaggert, James T. Kirk/Spock, Rogue/Scott Summers, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Poe Dameron/Finn, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Helena Bertinelli/Vic Sage, James "Bucky" Barnes/T'Challa, Bumblebee/Sam Witwicky, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Balthazar/Jo Harvelle, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Scott Lang/Sam Wilson, Kon-El | Conner Kent /Dick Grayson, Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Anthony DiNozzo/Timothy McGee, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Natalie McAllister/Satan | Lucifer, Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Loki/Tony Stark, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Genos/Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Additional Tags: Fanmix, Playlist, Why Brain Why, Rare Pairings, Sorry Not Sorry, Pansexual Character, pansexuality, Female-Centric, Female Empowerment, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Star Trek Beyond
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
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as8bakwthesage · 2 years
Tumblr media
hmmmm them/us~
i love him so much
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Future Worth Fighting For
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IvX8d5
by KittyBeyondtheStarlights07
After the death of Ash Williams, the remaining heroes prepare for a battle to save the world and the universe and get help from Section 7 of Sunnydale as James goes to rescue a despondent Brandy from a supernatural entity attacking her and Amerie.
Words: 2166, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ash vs Evil Dead (TV), Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), The X-Files, Highlander: The Series, Evil Dead (Movies), Highlander (Movies), Smallville, Xena: Warrior Princess
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, Riley Finn, Ash Williams, Kelly Maxwell, Pablo Simón Bolívar, Brandy Barr, Cheryl Williams, Brock Williams, Linda Emery, Linda (Evil Dead), Rupert Giles, Jenny Calendar, Daniel "Oz" Osbourne, Larry Blaisdell, Gabrielle (Xena), Red Sonja - Character, Cordelia Chase, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Duncan MacLeod, Dalton (Ash vs. Evil Dead), Connor MacLeod, Methos (Highlander), Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen
Relationships: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada/Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji, Linda/Ash Williams, Brandy Barr/Riley Finn, Buffy Summers/Original Male Character(s), Daniel "Oz" Osbourne/Willow Rosenberg, Cordelia Chase/Xander Harris, Jenny Calendar/Rupert Giles, Gabrielle/Red Sonja, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba / Original Character(s), Date Seiji | Sage Date/Original Character(s), Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri/Original Character(s), Shu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fuan / Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Oliver Queen/Chloe Sullivan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Gore, Blood and Gore, Psychological Trauma
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IvX8d5
0 notes
ao3feed-btvs · 5 years
Future Worth Fighting For
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IvX8d5
by KittyBeyondtheStarlights07
After the death of Ash Williams, the remaining heroes prepare for a battle to save the world and the universe and get help from Section 7 of Sunnydale as James goes to rescue a despondent Brandy from a supernatural entity attacking her and Amerie.
Words: 2166, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ash vs Evil Dead (TV), Yoroiden Samurai Troopers | Ronin Warriors, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), The X-Files, Highlander: The Series, Evil Dead (Movies), Highlander (Movies), Smallville, Xena: Warrior Princess
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba, Date Seiji | Sage Date, Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri, Shuu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fang, Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Willow Rosenberg, Riley Finn, Ash Williams, Kelly Maxwell, Pablo Simón Bolívar, Brandy Barr, Cheryl Williams, Brock Williams, Linda Emery, Linda (Evil Dead), Rupert Giles, Jenny Calendar, Daniel "Oz" Osbourne, Larry Blaisdell, Gabrielle (Xena), Red Sonja - Character, Cordelia Chase, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Duncan MacLeod, Dalton (Ash vs. Evil Dead), Connor MacLeod, Methos (Highlander), Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen
Relationships: Sanada Ryou | Ryo Sanada/Yagyu Nasuti | Mia Koji, Linda/Ash Williams, Brandy Barr/Riley Finn, Buffy Summers/Original Male Character(s), Daniel "Oz" Osbourne/Willow Rosenberg, Cordelia Chase/Xander Harris, Jenny Calendar/Rupert Giles, Gabrielle/Red Sonja, Hashiba Touma | Rowen Hashiba / Original Character(s), Date Seiji | Sage Date/Original Character(s), Mouri Shin | Cye Mouri/Original Character(s), Shu Rei Fuan | Kento Rei Fuan / Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Oliver Queen/Chloe Sullivan
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Gore, Blood and Gore, Psychological Trauma
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IvX8d5
0 notes
ao3feed-trc · 6 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
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ao3feed-timdrake · 6 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oODywn
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising fuve boys and taken care of her sister's children to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, X-Men - All Media Types, Supernatural
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oODywn
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Family Matter's
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
by Wilson101
Being pregnant again was not on Vicki Vale's agenda, not when she's raising five boys and has to take care of her sister's children that she bas to take care of. Trying to keep the pregnancy from the father of her child, Bruce Wayne, wont be easy when she has to interview him at a charity event. But when she throw ups on Jack Ryder's shoes while in mid conversation, there's not much left to hiding it now. Vicki then suddenly find's herself living in Wayne Manor with the kids and learning along the way what it truly means to be a family, oh and visits from alternate reality characters does not help.
Words: 1539, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Family Matters Series
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Suite Life on Deck, Marvel (Comics), Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater, Wizards of Waverly Place
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Colin Wilkes, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Thomas Wayne Jr., Rochelle Wayne, John Blake, Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Alexandra DeWitt, Hippolyta Trevor, Selina Kyle, Talia al Ghul, Julie Madison, Julia Pennyworth, Natalia Knight, Kate Spencer, Justice League (DCU), Clark Kent, John Stewart, Shayera Hol, Diana (Wonder Woman), Carter Hall, Shiera Hall, Katar Hol, Hector Hall, Daniel Hall, Todd Rice, Kent Nelson, Kent Nelson Jr., Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, Michael Carter, Rip Hunter, Don Hall, Hank Hall, J'onn J'onzz, Ted Kord, Jim Gordon, Barbara Gordon, Pete Ross, Zatanna Zatara, Giovanni "John" Zatara, Zachary Zatara, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Ra's al Ghul, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Donna Troy, Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Greta Hayes, Anita Fite, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Original Child Character(s), Lian Harper, Iris West II, Jai West, James Gordon Jr., Cerdian (DCU), Maya Ducard, Chris Kent, Christopher Kent, Jonathan Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Ramsey Robinson, Cullen Row, Robert Long, Robert Queen II, Jonathan Sullivan-Queen, William Clayton, Lara Lane-Kent, Olivia Queen, Jason White, Bruce Kent, Cir-El, Zod, Jimmy Kent, Helena Kyle, Thomas Grayson, John Grayson II, Athanasia al Ghul, Terry Long, Lucius Fox, Luke Fox, Tam Fox, Tiffany Fox, Sarah Essen, Arthur Curry Jr., Terry McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Rex Stewart, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker, Thomas Wayne, Jonathan "Pa" Kent, Martha Kent, Michelle Carter, Daniel Carter (DCU), Rose Levin, Rani (DCU), Joshua Jackam, Kirk Langstrom, Becky Langstrom, Francine Langstrom, Aaron Langstrom, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Wayne, Kara In-Ze, Kara Zor-El, Querl Dox, Helena Bertinelli, Vic Sage, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn, Tommy Merlyn, Darryl Frye, Henry Allen, Damon Matthews, Billy Batson, Freddie Freeman, Mary Batson, Kate Kane, Katherine Kane, Jacob Kane, Gabe Sullivan, Moira Sullivan, Catherine Hamilton Kane, Bette Kane, Kathy Kane, Alfred Pennyworth, Leslie Thompkins, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, Mar'i Grayson, Steve Trevor, Steve Trevor Jr., Stephanie Trevor, Garfield Logan, Rachel Roth, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Olivier LeBeau, Megan Summers, Scotty Summers (Mutant X), Alex Summers, Rebecca LeBeau, Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards, Maggie Sawyer, Jamie Sawyer (DCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wade Wilson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Paige Guthrie, Sam Guthrie, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Teddy Altman, David Richards, Nate Gray, Jonathan Richards, Johnny Storm, Rachel Summers, Charles Summers, Annie Parker, Kitty Pryde, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Hope Summers, Jamie Madrox, Ben Reilly, Kaine (Spider-Man), May "Mayday" Parker, James Proudstar, Rikki Barnes, James Rogers, Henry Pym Jr., Hank Pym, Peter Pryde, Bobby Drake, Meredith Pryde, Peter Quill, Luna Maximoff, Katie Summers, Lance (Voltron), Lance Hunter, Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Matt Murdock, Hunk (Voltron), Andros Stark, Rhodey Stark, Arno Stark, Howard Stark, Howard Stark Sr., Ginny Stark, Natasha Stark, Graydon Creed, Gregory Stark, Mary Jane Watson, Helen Blackthorn, Aline Penhallow, Andrew Blackthorn, Eleanor Blackthorn, Gwen Stacy, Julian Blackthorn, Tiberius Blackthorn, Livia Blackthorn, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Max Lightwood-Bane, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, Max Lightwood, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fairchild, Luke Garroway, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Ruby Summers, Celeste Cuckoo, Esme Cuckoo, Mindee Cuckoo, Phoebe Cuckoo, Sophie Cuckoo, Warren Worthington III, Liz Allan, Normie Osborn, Callum Barton, Cooper Barton, Nicole Barton, Lila Barton, Lewis Barton, Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Laura Barton, Scott Howard, Scott Lang, Rupert "Stiles" Stilinski, Todd Howard (Teen Wolf Movies), Barney Barton, Bruce Wayne Jr., Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jimmy Novak, Claire Novak, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Francis Barton, Cassie Lang, Daniel Drake, Richard Gansey III, Brian Braddock, Meggan Puceanu, Elizabeth Braddock, Blue Sargent, Eddie Brock, Carol Danvers, Joe Danvers Jr., Brian Falsworth, Jacqueline Falsworth-Crichton, Kenneth Crichton, Roger Aubrey, Robert Frank, Madeline Joyce, Elaine Grey, John Grey, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Sara Grey, Nathan Summers, Jeb Guthrie, Darcy Lewis, Douglas Ramsey, James MacDonald Hudson, Heather MacNeil Hudson, Jack Jameson, Owen Mercer, John Jameson, Rick Jones, Julian Keller, Laura Kinney, Ben Morse, Miguel O'Hara, Gabriel O'Hara, Betty Ross, Mary Richards, Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Noah Czerny, Barbara Wilson, Barbara Kean, Lori Luthor, Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor (Earth-3), Tess Mercer, Lucas Luthor, Julian Luthor, Richard White, Max Trueblood, Jerry Russo, Theresa Russo, Justin Russo, Alex Russo, Max Russo, Harper Finkle, Harper Row, Mason Greyback, Juliet van Heusen, Maddie Fitzpatrick, Zack Martin, Cody Martin, Bailey Pickett, Maya Bennett, Woody Fink, Marion Moseby
Relationships: Vicki Vale/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Dad Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Protective Bruce Wayne, Children, Newborn Children, Adopted Children, Protective Older Brothers, Brothers, Big Brothers, Step-Brothers, Little Brothers, Blood Brothers, Bat Brothers, Brotherhood, Brother-Sister Relationships, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Bonding, Brother Feels, Brotherly Affection, Big Brother Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Sisters, Big Sisters, Little Sisters, Sister-Sister Relationship, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Family Dynamics, Dysfunctional Family, Bat Family, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Developing Friendships, Epic Friendship, Long-Distance Friendship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Past Relationship(s), Relationship(s), Long-Distance Relationship, Platonic Relationships, Father-Son Relationship, Father-Daughter Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Childhood, Parent/Child Incest, Childbirth, Child Neglect, Child Abandonment, Families of Choice, Extended Families, Unconventional Families, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, My First Fanfic, Past Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Past Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Past Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Resurrected Jason Todd, POV Bruce Wayne, Aged-Up Character(s), Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oOgM7G
0 notes
ao3feed-treklock · 7 years
Fanmixes and Playlists
by DeathLife97
Fanmixes and playlists inspired by different pairings and/or connected to my stories. Check the individual stories for more information.
Republishing so it doesn't take up too much space in my works. Each chapter summary will contain tags listed for the specific mix.
Words: 2607, Chapters: 23/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Fanmixes and Playlists
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Supernatural, Newsies (1992), Suits (TV), X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Teen Wolf (TV), Original Work, Night at the Museum (Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DC Animated Universe, Thor (Movies), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Captain America - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon), X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men: The Animated Series, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), X-Men Evolution, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, Justice League: Gods and Monsters (2015), Star Wars Original Trilogy, Frozen (2013), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Sherlock (TV), Zootopia (2016), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Transformers (Bay Movies), Psych, Justice League - All Media Types, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Ant-Man (Movies), Suicide Squad (2016), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Once Upon a Time (TV), NCIS, DCU, Satan and Me (Webcomic), Gravity Falls, Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, James "Bucky" Barnes/Pepper Potts, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Michael/Adam Milligan, Mike Ross/Harvey Specter, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Hank McCoy/Alex Summers, Beast/Havok (X-Men), Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Logan (X-Men)/Scott Summers, Wolverine/Cyclops (X-Men), Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall, Ahkmenrah/Larry Daley, Jedediah/Octavius (Night at the Museum), Allison Argent/Lydia Martin, Harleen Quinzel/Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn/Batman, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski, Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Brock Rumlow/Sinthea Schmidt, Roy Harper/Wally West, Sean Cassidy/Moira MacTaggert, James T. Kirk/Spock, Rogue/Scott Summers, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, Hernan Guerra/Kirk Langstrom, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Elsa (Disney)/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Poe Dameron/Finn, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Judy Hopps/Nick Wilde, Peter Quill/Ronan the Accuser, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Helena Bertinelli/Vic Sage, James "Bucky" Barnes/T'Challa, Bumblebee/Sam Witwicky, Carlton Lassiter/Shawn Spencer, Balthazar/Jo Harvelle, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Scott Lang/Sam Wilson, Kon-El | Conner Kent /Dick Grayson, Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Anthony DiNozzo/Timothy McGee, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Natalie McAllister/Satan | Lucifer, Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Loki/Tony Stark, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Genos/Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Additional Tags: Fanmix, Playlist, Why Brain Why, Rare Pairings, Sorry Not Sorry, Pansexual Character, pansexuality, Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Star Trek Beyond
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ via AO3 works tagged 'Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)' but also contain the tag Sherlock (TV). http://ift.tt/2pnKGxJ
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