bdpst24 · 10 months
Ismét jótékonysággal ünnepli a karácsonyt az ALTEO
Ismét jótékonysággal ünnepli a karácsonyt az ALTEO
Ahogyan az elmúlt években is tette, ismét a legelesettebbeknek szóló energiahatékonysági fejlesztések támogatására és a hideg hónapokban kiemelten jelentkező fűtési problémák enyhítésére ajánlotta fel karácsonyi reprezentációs keretét az ALTEO. Az erre kiírt nyílt pályázatot ezúttal a Menhely Alapítvány és a Tűzcsiholó Egyesület nyerte meg, idén két külön kategóriában.  Immár hagyománynak számít…
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dirteaicecream · 11 months
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Shabby-chic Style Closet - Closet An illustration of a sizable, cottage-chic women's walk-in closet with white cabinets and porcelain tile flooring features shaker cabinets.
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Shabby-chic Style Laundry Room
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soulsxng · 2 years
The blood that was splattered against the trees was bright, and the smell heavy in the air, thanks in part to how humid it currently was in Ahnia. A blade used by many of the realm's soldiers and guardsmen was found embedded in one particularly blood soaked trunk, and by the positioning of it, it was likely that whoever had once been pinned by it had been hit center mass.
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"It likely hit an artery, judging by the amount here. Whoever it hit must have pulled themselves free, though we haven't found a body to go with it." Alteo explained, arms crossed over his chest as he watched Jaspern examine the scene. "...That isn't what we thought was odd, though. Rouri noticed that this is an angel's blood, though the concentration of divinity is little to none. There are also no feathers or ash to suggest that this angel had any wings to speak of."
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"A fallen, then. One that's still alive, from what I can sense through the blood."
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"I was worried you might say that. One of the Aifaen's warriors that faced this fallen angel said that they had been tracking them from the Plains. Someone that initially led the attack, and was giving orders. Nielis was able to share that warrior's experience with several other Aifaen that saw the beginning of the attack, and they all said more or less the same thing. None could clearly remember any features, but the scent was apparently unmistakable enough for them to recognize this person almost immediately."
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"And knowing Eli, they were all spoken to separately from one another?"
Alteo nods, following along beside Ahnia's king as he followed the trail of blood to where it eventually ended. Either the injured party had healed themselves, or they ran out of blood. Such a thing would not be fatal to an angel, but would definitely be enough to slow them down.
They had been headed toward the rift connecting Ahnia and the Plains to Vasyri...had they gone through? Or had they used it as cover to escape?
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"We're probably dealing with one of their higher ranking members. Most of the others we've seen were different species originating from Wilacri, right? I'll ask JJ to go and talk to Cilatyve, and in the meantime, I want someone brought in to analyze the blood further. If we can use it to track the one we're looking for, it might lead us to wherever the group is hiding out."
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"Do you want me to send word to Sivel? See if any of his people saw someone that might have been who we're looking for?"
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"Please. Have Rouri do it though, so he can visit his brother while he's waiting for Sivel to talk to his people-- not to mention that the Vasyrus aren't as nervous with him showing up there as they would be with the rest of us. I doubt anyone there will have mentioned it, considering the attack was started by someone else in Vasyri, but...worth a try, at least. And then he can't say we aren't keeping him in the loop."
...And maybe he should start considering talking to Fekik. The Setana usually kept a good distance between themselves and the Vasyrus these days, but having their help could make a big difference.
Ahh, what a mess.
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biscuityskies · 3 months
Last line challenge!
Rules: In a new post, put the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as you have words (or as many as you feel like)
I was tagged by @c-c2224 and @anxiousotters so here is a double-long bit from the trillium wip 🤪
The next minutes become a blur.
All Cody really remembers is as follows.
They hit the deck as fire rains over them. He calls for Enigma but can’t hear a reply. The familiar whirring of dual engines cuts through his aural perception. The droids’ blaster fire stops as a LAAT/i tears through them.
“Commander,” a familiarly accented voice calls. “We’ve got you!”
Kenobi hops down from the platform and jogs over to where Cody has Alteo tucked under his arm and against the hard, unforgiving ground.
“Cody, darling, are you—” he stops, likely when he sees the remnants of red on Cody’s vambrace.
Perks of wearing a bucket: Cody can make any expression he wants and remain unseen - like now, when he bites down hard on his bottom lip and feels his face collapsing against the weight of not making a noise. Downsides of working with a magician: he’s pretty sure Kenobi feels every modicum of grief that passes through Cody’s body anyways.
“Let’s get to safety,” Kenobi says with a gentleness that Cody hasn’t experienced from him before.
“We need a medic,” Enigma calls, and at least one of the deep spots of grief inside of Cody’s chest washes out. “We have a broken leg, it needs attention.”
“I’ll radio ahead,” Kenobi replies, helping Cody to his feet and pulling Alteo up alongside.
The flag of the Republic is planted in the ground for all to see, surrounded by the dead who placed it there.
“General,” Cody says simply, nodding towards their colours hoisted as high as they can go. The enemy is vanquished enough that they won’t be a problem, a ground team remaining behind to pick off straggling droids.
Technically, this battle was a victory.
They ride back in silence.
No pressure tags to @raphaerolo, @dontbelasagnax, and @ferretrade - apologies if you’ve already been tagged like a thousand times 💀
Also if anyone wants to ask about this fic, I’m really barely containing myself here (the urge to post is impossibly strong) and I would love to talk about it !!
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auryborealis · 6 months
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According to Greek mythology, a maiden named Amaryllis fell in love with Alteo, a handsome shepherd who only had eyes for flowers. When consulting with the Oracle of Delphi, Amaryllis was told to stand outside his house and pierce her heart with a golden arrow for thirty nights. On the final night, her spilled blood transformed into beautiful red flowers and Amaryllis' heart was healed. Alteo, upon seeing her amongst the flowers, reciprocated her love.
I had this idea that as Yuna becomes more accepting of her power, her blood summons turn into amaryllis flowers instead of just puddles when they've fulfilled their task. And she may be shy but she can easily fluster him once in a while ;D
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kingdomblade · 7 months
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The first thank you image for the new year! Somnlion asked how Wheeler enjoys his winters - being a polar bear, turns out it's not that much different from his summers!
Despite the snow, I'd like to give a warm welcome to Andre Aardwolf and Alteo who joined in January! Thank you all for your support!
Support me on: Patreon | Twitter | DeviantArt | Instagram | Webtoon |Bluesky
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la voglia di fare tutte quelle cose che ho sempre rimandato per compiacere agli alteo
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floriology-daily · 1 month
038. Amaryllis
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Scientific Name: Amaryllis
The Amaryllis is a winter bloom that has a strong meaning, symbolizing strength, pride, and determination. The name "Amaryllis" is Greek, which means "To Sparkle". The flower is named after the Greek maiden Amaryllis from Greek Mythology, who fell deeply in love with the shepherd Alteo.
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Alessandro Alteo
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fatestouch · 1 year
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Yori bingo time!! this took some doing, but i finally got it all out of him sfdhsdgfjsdf
Mentioned muses: Vanyllo and Alteo (@soulsxng) ((in one verse, he also dated Tahariel for a time))
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wcdonaldo · 11 months
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t4tkazumaji · 11 months
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new oc moment .. this is alteo and he is rome's bf :)
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saltypeanutnerd · 23 days
Oxyde d'aluminium calciné, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 16 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Oxyde d'aluminium calciné 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Oxyde d'aluminium calciné devrait atteindre 3780 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 0.3% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Oxyde d'aluminium calciné (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Oxyde d'aluminium calciné comprennent Almatis, Alteo, CHALCO, Hindalco, Showa Denko, Sumitomo Chemical, Jingang, ICA, Nippon Light Metal, Nabaltec, etc. En 2023, les dix premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 48.0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 16 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Oxyde d'aluminium calciné (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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The market for calcined aluminum oxide, also known as alumina, is influenced by various factors that drive demand and supply dynamics within the industry. Here are some key drivers that impact the calcined aluminum oxide market:
1. Growing Demand in the Ceramics Industry: Calcined aluminum oxide is a crucial raw material in the ceramics industry, where it is used in the production of high-quality ceramics, refractories, and abrasives. The demand for calcined alumina in the ceramics sector is driven by infrastructure development, increased construction activities, and the growing need for advanced ceramic materials in various applications.
2. Increasing Demand in the Abrasives Industry: Calcined aluminum oxide is widely used as an abrasive material in applications such as grinding wheels, sandpaper, and polishing. The abrasives industry's growth, driven by diverse sectors like manufacturing, automotive, construction, and metalworking, contributes significantly to the demand for calcined alumina.
3. Growing Demand in Refractories: Calcined aluminum oxide plays a crucial role in the production of refractory materials used in high-temperature applications like steelmaking, glass production, and cement manufacturing. The demand for refractories in industries such as metallurgy and construction influences the market for calcined alumina.
4. Increasing Demand in the Electronics Industry: The electronics industry uses calcined aluminum oxide in various applications such as insulating components, electronic packaging, and substrates for semiconductor production. The growth of the electronics sector, including developments in semiconductors, LEDs, and electronic components, drives the demand for high-purity calcined alumina.
5. Automotive and Aerospace Applications: Calcined aluminum oxide is used in automotive and aerospace applications for components requiring high strength, wear resistance, and thermal stability. As these industries continue to innovate and demand high-performance materials, the need for calcined alumina as a key component in advanced materials grows.
6. Environmental Regulations and Sustainability: Increasing focus on environmental regulations and sustainability practices is driving the demand for eco-friendly materials in various industries. Calcined alumina produced using sustainable practices and meeting stringent environmental standards can attract environmentally conscious consumers and industries.
7. Research and Development: Advancements in manufacturing processes, product quality, and new applications for calcined aluminum oxide can drive market growth. Continuous research and development efforts to improve the properties and applications of calcined alumina can open up new market opportunities.
8. Global Economic Trends: Macroeconomic factors like industrial output, GDP growth, infrastructure development, and global trade impact the demand for calcined aluminum oxide. Market fluctuations, currency exchange rates, and geopolitical factors can also influence the market dynamics for calcined alumina.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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soulsxng · 7 months
🌱 aaaand for Teo!
@fatestouch | Family trees! | Accepting!
Ooookay this one is going to be super easy, it's just like...3 or 4 lines.
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444namesplus · 8 months
Adarid Adavia Adavisage Adrie Adris Afrannattop Afred Afret Agabelle Aleodorneas Alfra Alfraid Alfre Alfredvilda Alfreja Alian Aliant Alicton Alielleones Alinustay Alisamilia Alkentona Alker Alkeraid Alkevinus Allar Alleo Almatin Alose Aloui Alovin Alteo Altor Altorand Alvan Alvard Alvina Alvineon Amelmaximoa Ampusta Amuel Annatton Arisara Arlia Asmus Augus Austa Austilova Aximirik Aximolly Becarry Becarvicia Belivid Caraspa Caria Carie Carry Casel Casmuse Cause Celleo Cenja Cenry Chara Charon Charvinna Coliam Damilie Danna Doneedvis Doneo Donja Dorge Ebasmuelin Ebbasmus Ebbelke Ebbelvalie Ebben Edvian Edvid Edwand Edwarvilde Eliam Eliampus Elian Eliank Elicia Elielicton Elippack Elivik Elixter Elleodon Ellia Ellian Ellias Ellician Ellielleian Ellykke Ellykkevis Elmalician Elmate Elsagneo Elvalbine Elvian Elvid Emelip Emera Emilda Emilma Emils Emina Emira Emirast Emmalia Emmarl Emmaxels Emmaximone Estage Felia Felicob Felis Filda Fildamer Filhe Filicor Filla Filsa Forge Foria Forid Foridante Fornes Frejack Freta Gabrianna Gabrik Grida Gustalia Halio Handa Hatel Hatenda Hatilla Helvilgo Heodon Hilderid Hilils Hilton Hjalia Hjasmueliam Hugottornes Hugus Idanna Idante Inate Indera Isabellex Isabentelle Isabris Isaga Isagabelvin Isaran Ithalilte Ithan Ivant Jacente Jaloveak Jalte Jaltelvin Jalten Jampuse Joelielip Joellenja Jolea Jolex Jolia Jolice Jolielip Jolisabenry Jolleo Joscara Joscasmus Josebasmin Josebbecar Julicia Julie Julin Julina Julinde Julip Julis Julivida Junicia Junilly Jusellisage Justay Kevian Kevicia Klard Klarone Klarry Lease Leasmilleas Leiante Leodor Lexan Lexannater Lianter Licia Liciampust Licolia Licolleia Licto Lictona Lielin Lilteo Linna Linnatheak Linne Linoah Liotto Lippacellip Lisard Livera Livik Livis Lokevian Lokevik Losebasmine Losebba Losel Losella Lovaline Lovalixte Lovan Lovara Loveak Lover Loveraspa Loviamelice Lucander Lucarikton Lucasmiri Ludvik Ludvingre Ludvirid Ludvis Lunie Lunill Majam Majke Majkend Majkenry Majkevigre Majkevis Malie Mandrid Manne Mater Matham Mathen Matheones Mathis Matiliell Matina Maxel Maximohn Meddie Medie Mejace Mejacorge Mejalea Melip Mella Mellippacob Melly Mellykke Melma Melvid Milda Milgo Milia Milip Milisamuste Mille Millian Milly Milman Minda Mindrida Mineavin Mines Mineste Mingridant Miotten Mirid Mollix Movera Märtage Märtalvid Märtav Needie Needwarl Nelia Neodone Nesto Noeliviame Noell Noelly Norid Norne Norneo Novaline Novan Novant Noveah Noveria Novian Novigred Novilly Olicia Olinathen Olinow Olisage Olivinor Onatinne Onelmally Osebba Ottella Otter Ottona Ottor Ottora Ovard Ovillia Plent Plexanteona Raidan Ranto Rejack Retaverise Retay Rones Ruthalie Ruthedvin Ruthel Sabecas Sabel Sabrik Salicia Salive Saman Samelken Samust Sarry Sebbas Siggo Signeas Signelly Signestona Sigret Sigrie Sigrissa Similia Similis Similline Simole Simollin Simova Sixte Speasmusta Speavill Staltorge Stavinna Stilisam Stilsa Svalma Svank Sveriktop Taget Tagneavida Taleavis Talivalian Tallie Taloscaron Telvira Teodon Thalvine Thamus Thara Thathamine Theas Theddaver Thedditheo Thedie Thelivil Thenry Theodo Theodone Theon Thilm Thilman Thiloke Thisa Thiselia Tildant Tilder Tilgo Tiliamalker Tiliv Tilmath Tinea Truthedvil Tuvalmajker Tyraid Valia Viasper Vicellianna Vicoliv Victon Viktorge Viktorik Vilda Vilder Vilildanna Vilmara Viloui Vingredvid Vingrik Vinna Visagnel Visard Warlincel Wilda Wildam Wilde Wilictone Wiliv Willilm Willixte Willy Wiloscant Wilovar Wilsak
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