#alteration master telonil kaeire
College of Whispers Bulletin #1
from the desk of Master Wizard Leslan Khur'kern
It has recently come to the attention of the faculty that someone has been sneaking into the scholars' dormitories to stuff raw chicken breasts into their pillows. This matter is currently under investigation.
Chief Alchemist Dathul Eldeth wants to remind all potential students to his class to learn protective Alteration spells and review proper lab safety procedures before turning up to class, quote, "drunk beyond measure." Alteration spells and information on casting them can be obtained through Alteration Master Telonil Kaeire.
Regarding the argument between scholars Newha the Fleet and Rallo Lalanus the other day that evolved into a fist-fight, we would like to once again remind people to take your scholarly disputes outside. While it thankfully did not escalate to that point, it should go without saying that killing your fellow mages - no matter the reason - is unacceptable. Anyone who kills a fellow College member will be promptly expelled and handed over to the town guards for a proper legal trial.
While the College of Whispers encourages the study of necromancy and Daedra alike, please do not do so outside of college grounds, as it concerns and causes fear in the local towns.
Our librarian, Flips-Through-Pages, would like to once again remind college members that, while there are no late fees to returning overdue materials to the library, you will not be able to take more books until you return your overdue tomes. If the items have been destroyed, the cost of the book along with a processing fee will be added to your record.
Thank you all for choosing the College of Whispers to study at. We hope that your studies will be fruitful and you will get through the year with minimum laboratory explosions.
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The Nature of Alteration
by Telonil Kaeire, Alteration Master of the College of Whispers
Alteration, as a school of magic, is often misunderstood and confused with Illusion by those who do not study magic in-depth. Dating back to the First Era Ayleid empire, Alteration was originally used as a military tool. The changes brought on by this school of magic apply to everyone, not merely caster and target (as seen with Illusion magic).
A core aspect of Alteration, as outlined by the anonymously-written book Reality and Other Falsehoods dating back to at least 2E 582, is to accept that reality is false, a dream of some greater being. These spells seek to convince a greater power that it’s easier to change reality than to leave it be. Therefore, Alteration is not bound by the laws of reality.
Alteration is about uncommon sense and how the line between magic and mundane do not exist, as eloquently put in the book Breathing Water by Haliel Myrm (a piece of fiction dating back to at least 3E 427 that explains Alteration in a very brief, non-fiction manner). One of the possible morals of this work is that the world will end a spell no matter how good the mage casting it.
It is, however, bound by the laws of nature. One must know something strong or tough to change their skin to with the Armor spells. One must know the three combat elements (Fire, Frost, and Shock) to create elemental shields. One must know water before breathing it or walking upon it. Indeed, even the Detect Life and Detect Dead spells (previously categorized as Mysticism before it was deemed obsolete post-Great War) are categorized modernly as Alteration spells, cementing the connection between nature, life, and Alteration.
Ultimately, Alteration works with and manipulates what is. Nature and natural order and law are what is. Thus, Alteration is intrinsically tied to nature and natural order and law.
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Imperial Library entries:
Breathing Water (Haliel Myrm, traces back to 3E 427 through The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind)
Reality and Other Falsehoods (Anonymous, traces back to 2E 582 through The Elder Scrolls: Online)
UESP entries:
General: Magic
Lore: Alteration
Lore: Mysticism
Morrowind: Alteration
Oblivion: Alteration
Skyrim: Alteration
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Interviews With the College of Whispers Staff
Arch-Mage Mazoak Bamhash
“I am a simple man. I became the Arch-Mage of the College of Whispers to protect the mages and other scholars who seek knowledge. Knowledge should not be censored based on the topic. If someone wants to learn about necromancy and the Daedra, why hide it behind more locks? It will simply get people into more trouble if they don’t have a safe place to learn and practice. My family back in Orsinium taught me how to summon my weapons from the planes of Oblivion, and I will use that ability to protect my new family here.”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Orsimer Notable Skills: Conjuration, Two-Handed
Master Wizard Leslan Khur’kern
“Me? I’m from Rihad, before it fell to the Aldmeri Dominion. I left my home and came to the College of Whispers to further my battlemage training on the magical side. I hope to help guide the College of Whispers in the future towards a deeper understanding of magic and its practical applications, whether that be in battle or in everyday life.”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Redguard Notable Skills: Destruction, One-Handed
Librarian Flips-Through-Pages “Page”
“An interview from the staff members? Of course! I am known as Flips-Through-Pages, though the students here call me Page. I was born in the Black Marsh, of course, but I consider Bravil to be my home. My parents took me there when I was young, and I spent much of my childhood dashing through the water channels with my friends. I would find all kinds of books that people just tossed out into the mud and I would bring them home to restore or transcribe. You should have seen the look on my mother’s face when I found a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid! Ah, those were good days. And now I am here, tending to the books of this great library.”
Pronouns: they/them Race: Argonian Notable Skills: Speech
Cook S’muzi
“Ah, this one is to speak of himself? S’muzi can do that. Unlike most at this college, S’muzi does not have a grasp of magic. What S’muzi has is a magical understanding of food and cooking. Food history and cultural dishes are also of great interest to this Khajiit. If S’muzi really wanted, he could convince the Arch-Mage to let S’muzi hold a seminar on the history and development of food. What was that? Moon Sugar? No, S’muzi does not have any. Perhaps you should visit Elsweyr if you are looking for such a delicacy. Where in Elsweyr is S’muzi from? My friend, some things are to be kept secret, otherwise there would be no intrigue, no mystery. And that would be quite boring, yes?”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Khajiit Notable Skills: Alchemy
Quartermaster Ja’nara
“You have questions for Ja’nara? Khajiit is quite busy, many rooms to clean and many things to repair. Yes, Ja’nara skilled at fixing. This one could probably fix even a Dwemer machine if she were given enough time and tools. Not many things to repair back home in Cheydinhal. Ja’nara does not have skill in magic, but this one makes up for it with quick and quiet paws.”
Pronouns: she/her Race: Khajiit Notable Skills: Lockpicking, Sneak
Chief Alchemist Dathul Eldeth
“Pardon? You want to know what I’m doing here, so far from the Valus Mountains that I grew up in? Well, I teach Alchemy at this college. Sure, sometimes things explode, but that’s what happens when you deal with strange ingredients at time. That is why we practice lab safety! I work with Alteration Master Telonil Kaeire to make sure everyone has their armor spells active before we begin.”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Dunmer Notable Skills: Alchemy
Alteration Master Telonil Kaeire
“Oh, Dathul sent you to me? He’s quite sweet, thinking of me while working. What was that? What am I doing here as an Altmer when we’re usually in the Summerset Isle? Well, I was proudly born and raised in Whiterun, so no member of the Aldmeri Dominion cares much for me beyond my physical appearance. But here, I can teach Alteration more-or-less in peace and spend my free time pondering its connection to nature. Yes, yes, my fellow staff members and the other scholars of this college make fun of me for spending so much time thinking about nature, but the point of Alteration is that we follow the natural order of things, just in a very...different way. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go further my studies. Even masters are always learning, after all.”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Altmer Notable Skills: Alteration
Conjuration Master Herte God-Fang
“Oo, I just hate that smug necromancer- Oh! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Yes, I’m Herte God-Fang, I teach Conjuration here at the College of Whispers. Well, actually, I teach the proper form of Conjuration, calling upon the power of Daedra in Oblivion and pulling it to our world for study and battle. Not like that no-good necromancer across the hall, Palel Jorian. Conjuration is meant to pull power from outside of life and death! As a proud Nord from Falkreath, I say that the dead are supposed to be left alone. Bad enough that there are walking draugr in every tomb back home.”
Pronouns: she/her Race: Nord Notable Skills: Conjuration
Necromancy Master Palel Jorian
“Did you hear Herte ranting the other day? My goodness, she should really step back and take a look at what she’s doing. How is pulling on the Daedra any different from pulling on the dead? Anyway, you came to ask about me, so I’ll tell you a thing or two. Necromancy is, like anything else, a tool for mages to utilize. And while I was originally from the Summerset Isle, I found a lot of interesting things in Skingrad and settled there for a good long while to hone my skills before joining this college as a teacher. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and figure out why there are dead rats in the walls when they should be undead.”
Pronouns: she/her Race: Altmer lich Notable Skills: Conjuration
Destruction Master Kelda Thurchim
“Can someone please tell me why I, the teacher of Destruction magic at this college, am the least likely person to burn the building down? This feels ironic somehow. Anyway, hello, I’m Kelda Thurchim. And no, despite how my name sounds, I am neither a woman nor am I somehow connected to the Chim phenomena. I get that question a lot, so let’s clear that up here. Other than that, I’m from Stros M’Kai, and no, I don’t miss the ocean or the beaches. Too many mudcrabs, if you ask me.”
Pronouns: they/them Race: Redguard Notable Skills: Destruction
Chief Enchanter Lamhuk gra-Draham
“I’m surprised people even need to ask about me. Enchanting services are how we make money and how we reach back out to the people of the Empire – and beyond. I’m statistically the first person most new mages to this college will meet just because I get out more. I’m always looking to teach more people about enchanting objects, because the more you do it, the better you’ll be! And while I may be an Orc, I’m no smith, so I often trade magic items from my personal collection for more unenchanted things to work with. I particularly enjoy going back to Chorrol to do these trades so I can catch up with my friends again.”
Pronouns: she/her Race: Orsimer Notable Skills: Enchanting
Illusion Master Erandar Dornstone
“Before you ask, yes, I’m a Bosmer from Valenwood. Yes, I left because of the Aldmeri Dominion. Yes, I do Illusion magic. No, it’s not magic that makes trees grow faster. No, I don’t know magic related to growing plants. And no, Illusion will not make your genitals physically bigger, they’ll just look that way until you actually use them. Yes, I do get those types of questions that often. Now if you excuse me, I have to follow Telonil around and call him a nerd for several minutes straight while neither of us have classes to teach.”
Pronouns: they/them Race: Bosmer Notable Skills: Illusion
Restoration Master Januro Vulipter
“You want to interview me for an entry about the staff here? Alright, let me think...oh, here’s something. For some reason, everyone assumes I’m going to be a woman or a priest – or both – before they get here and meet me. Just because I practice Restoration, that doesn’t mean I’m a woman nor a priest. It’s a school of magic worth studying regardless of gender. I’m from the Imperial City – I know, I know, so expected of an Imperial – and I learned magic from some of the beggars that my parents helped in their soup kitchens. I would do all the dishes and patch up any scrapes, so some of them started teaching me some spells or brought me Restoration magic tomes. I have no idea where they got them. But after a while, I decided to come here to study, and now I’m here as a teacher after thirty years. I travel back to the city regularly to help my parents with their soup kitchen and reconnect with the beggars that did so much for me. What? The Grey Fox? Don’t be silly, of course he never showed up at the kitchen. You think he’d be that easy to find?”
Pronouns: he/him Race: Imperial Notable Skills: Restoration
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The College Of Whispers Community Bulletin Board
Last updated: August 16 2023
This masterpost compiles the most up-to-date version of older posts, including posts that have been remade as completely separate posts. As such, some links may change with different updates.
From The College Of Whispers Library
Interviews With the College of Whispers Staff
Interviews With the College of Whispers Scholars
College of Whispers Bulletin #1 from the desk of Master Wizard Leslan Khur'kern
A Study of Harpies: Bird Women of the Iliac Bay by Viviri Corvius
Daedra, Divine, and Undeath by Palel Jorian and Fasti Silver-Tongue
The Nature of Alteration by Telonil Kaeire
Ash Guardians
Atronachs || Quick Notes on the Less Common Atronachs
Divinities, Daedric and Aedric
How I Would Work with the Tribunal
Molag Bal
What the Fuck Happened to Jyggalag: A History of the Prince of Order
Y'ffre's Deal
Briar Hearts
Dragon's Tongue
Fire Salts
Frost Salts
Glow Dust
Moon Sugar
Mountain Flower
Tundra Cotton
Vampire Dust
Void Salts
Magical Practices
Enchanting Things
Witches in the Elder Scrolls Universe
Transmasc & Transfem Body Dysphoria Relief Shouts
Ore & Ingot Correspondences
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