#altering the outcome: holiday special 2022
alterrune · 2 years
As someone who once tried to use a Trawl Orb to steal everything from Kecleon’s shop in a Mystery Dungeon and got my clock cleaned, I’ll say you have guts. It’s crazy how strong those guys are.
Yeah, Squirtie told me that there were people who have stolen from the Kecleon brothers before, and they all got completely KO'ed.
"We were lucky that we were able to diffuse the situation when we were, usually Kecleon can't stop once he gets going."
(Suddenly, we hear Alter scream in fear. We rush over to him to find a bunch of Pokemon dropping out of nowhere!)
"Oh no...It's a monster house!"
(We all work together to help clean out the horde of enemies...but not without getting HEAVILY damaged and blowing through nearly half of the Oran Berries I stashed! Luckily, the stairs are in the same room, so we don't have to move very far to exit the floor.)
That...was...hell. That kind of thing happens OFTEN?!
"Yeah. Usually, if there's a bunch of items in one room seemingly sitting around unguarded, odds are it's a monster house."
Wish you'd told us that before I blindly went for that stash, Squirtie.
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FIFA World Cup: Navas Confides in His Family Life, His Career, Costa Rica and The Post of Goalkeeper
I am going to realize my children, my partner. Frequently, I come home from exercise. I'm incoming for lunch, so I wait for everybody to reach to eat together. And after I go on a trip or at all, I effort to enjoy it with everyone. These are our pleasures as keepers. We can't score, but we recognize we're serving the team a lot. I required the opportunity to play in a FIFA World Cup and we completed history.
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Yes constantly. Remembering the pains, the work that we do through the week, the efforts that we kind, that our family does, so we poverty to do things fine. Yes, it's difficult because you can't make a fault. When you brand a mistake, it can end in a penalty area. Our job is to make indisputable that doesn't ensue. It's good to have this charge.
At foremost when you are faced with variations in your life, I reflect you have to go through an old-fashioned adjustment but thank God we create people who helped us a share, who made it slightly easier for us and now I can say we are all appropriate, family, my kids, my wife. I think this is the greatest important thing for us.
When I go to Costa Rica Football World Cup team, I attempt to remember entirely of this and that my children can involvement it too. They like these instants. The little one darling to go and assemble the eggs from the chickens. Yes, this is not the first period that I have taken a holiday with colleagues. I like it a lot because I think we are fortunate in Costa Rica, with a very attractive country, we have a lot to suggest. To know more about FIFA World Cup Tickets click here.
We necessity show it with pride trust that in the history of the Costa Rica Football World Cup team, the FIFA World Cup has been the greatest in terms of outcomes. We had an inordinate opportunity to make antiquity, to take advantage of this second. These memories will not ever leave us. Sure, it altered me a lot. Afterward this Qatar World Cup 2022, great things have ensued in my career. 
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I feel very honored and I took benefit, I hope to continue to victory. Yes, it's good-looking and very enjoyable to come from the Costa Rica Football World Cup team and have this trip, to continue to play in great teams, to win designations. I think all titles are tremendously important to me because they stain my career, but endearing the Champions League is always the most imperative.
I contemplate it's very special because I recall that in the Costa Rica Football World Cup team, we viewed the FIFA World Cup from there, we adage everything so far from at this time, you had to cross a whole marine to get there. I think the technique God allowed me to succeed three times in a row has been delightful.
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alterrune · 2 years
Well, It's best you get on out there, I wouldn't dally in the same place for too long...
Not to worry, we're heading out right now. C'mon, guys.
(The square is far more popular than we thought it would be. I immediately turn to the Kecleon Brothers shop, luckily located right by the entryway.)
"New customers!"
"We haven't had those in a long time!"
"Anyways, allow me and my brother to explain what we---"
No need, fellas. Squirtie and the other Kyle already filled me in on you guys. Listen, do you guys have any Reviver Seeds, Oran Berries, and Apples in stock?
"Well, we have Oran Berries and Apples in stock, but no Reviver Seeds. We DO have Tiny Reviver Seeds, though, will those work?"
Yeah, they will. Thanks, boys.
"Hey, those aren't free, you know. You have to pay for those!"
Uh...shit...I doubt you guys take paper currency here, and I don't have any money on me. I ain't gonna steal these, though, Squirtie told me that you take theft REALLY seriously and I don't wanna be on the recieving end of that punishment of yours.
(While we were distracted, Alter took off with the stuff without paying for it! Luckily, we quickly grab him and return the items to the Kecleon brothers before things get any worse.)
Alter, do you have anything to say to these two shopkeeps that you just STOLE from?
(sigh) I'm sorry for trying to take your stuff without paying...I just got impatient and acted without thinking. I have a habit of doing that.
"Not to worry. You and your friends brought our wares back safe and sound, so all is forgiven."
"And if you need some funds, just head to Persian's bank. Don't worry, we'll hold the items for you."
Thanks, you two.
(We head to the bank, where Persian is stationed.)
"Ah, you must be the ones that the non-human Kyle told me about! As the evolved form of Meowth, I feel a certain kinship with him. He told me to extend his account to the 5 of you, and I happily oblidged. So, how much do you need?"
Uh...10,000 Poké should do the trick.
"Here you go. Oh, and here's a gift for you before you leave."
Team Colorstreak Battalion recieved a Max Ether!
Thanks. This oughta help.
(We then give the money to the Kecleon brothers, and, now all packed up, head out for the mystery dungeon.)
Now entering the Mystery Dungeon...
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alterrune · 2 years
Cant wait for this years Christmas event! ( Also I submitted some art for the new fnf update and what I’m calling now, Alterrune the game (based on that five heros fall in a land that inspired them post and Deltarune chapter 1&2)
Yeah. Believe it or not, the AtO Christmas Event 2022 will actually be something really cool:
The AtO gang will actually cross into the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon world. (They won't be turned into Pokemon, however.)
It'll be quite the event, so stay tuned for this year's Christmas event intro coming tommorow!
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alterrune · 2 years
Great Canyon - 3F, on this floor you find the slowpoke, “Well this is a is a long story… it seems some weird portals opened up and I arrived here, as Poke!Hollow Henry. I think I also saw Flowerbarrel and a bony sableye while looking for a way out, I also saw a magearna. I assume these are other people, I know where Flowerbarrel went, some forest place.”
"Scooter"? Where'd THAT come from?
It's Flowerbarrel's nickname, Alter.
Anyways, we found the Pokémon we were looking for, so let's get outta here.
Team Waternorm & Team ColorStreak Battalion successfully completed the rescue on 3F!
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alterrune · 2 years
<Meanwhile in GEOgram Base> ⚙️Oh, you. 🧿Ah previous college do you need some services HA. 🔵What are you guys doing here anyways? 🔲Well we need rooms for our stay. 🔵Oh, why didn’t you just talk to the head enigneer ⚙️And that’s me so I’ll get right to work [Ive had art of this for a while so I think I might as well post it -HH]
[The art has been sitting in my inbox for a while, so I'll post it after this post. However, I also wanna show how things are going back in the AtO world (specfically with Laurence, Aaron/Adam & Alter's parents), so enjoy! -K]
So let me get this straight. My son and his group have been transported into another world?
Yes, Carol. I'm sure they can handle themselves.
(Carol suddenly grabs Laurence by his shirt collar.)
Carol, let the poor boy go. He clearly wants them back as much as we do, so don't harm him just because he can't bring Alter back at this very moment.
(Carol, after hearing what Clarence said to her, drops Laurence immediately.)
Thank you, Carol. Now, me and Adam have luckily been able to get a visual on where the ColorStreak Battalion is, and it seems as though they're in some place known as "Pokémon Square".
So what are we waiting for, Scaffold? Let's just hop through a portal and get them back!
That's the problem. You see, aside from the fact that I currently don't know how to create a portal to the CSB's location as of yet, if we went through a portal to them right now, I don't know if we'll be able to go through it both ways. By the way, thank you for not calling me "Shafter" again, Adam.
Hey, I just thought I'd make some new nicknames to call you, having only one was getting kinda stale.
Regardless, we're working as hard as we can to retrieve them, you two. Just have patience, we'll get them back. You have our word.
I'll hold you to that.
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alterrune · 2 years
You guys didn't think I would forget about this, did you?
You know the drill by now for the standard rules, but here's some event-specific rules:
This time, since the event is based around Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon, you can make fanart with the CSB in that world without having to DM me about it! However, that is the only fandom that you don't need to ask about. If you want to add any other fandoms, you still have to run them by me first.
The main focus is on Alter, Violet, Henry, Ellie and Kyle (me), but for this event, Squirtie and PMD!Kyle (Team Waternorm) are in the spotlight as well, so artwork featuring or focused on them will count as part of the event. Try to keep focus on all of them, though.
Artwork that is at least somewhat winter-themed to go along with the Christmas theme is preferred, but artwork with the Colorstreak Battalion and/or Team Waternorm in a regular environment is acceptable for this event.
Elements from later generations of Pokemon can be used, including the recent additions from Generation IX. (This is for any artwork of the CSB as Pokémon [which I will gladly accept], as I feel there are some later-gen Pokémon that fit the CSB more than the original selection does.)
Have fun, like always!
With all those rules out of the way, it's time for some more great artwork from the fans of the askblog!
(Obligatory great artist ping: @flowerbarrel/@flowerbarrel-art, @system-and-hackanon, @hollow-henry, @johnlocsin-johnyakuza, @bonedbybone)
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alterrune · 2 years
(After a VERY long time, me and the CSB finally escape the dungeon...limping on our way out.)
"Wow...you guys don't look so good."
No shit, Sherlock. We got mauled in there.
I feel like I just woke up in a junkyard...AFTER GOING THROUGH A TRASH COMPACTOR.
Vi? Why are you being so quiet?
(Violet suddenly starts vomiting violently onto the ground. She clutches onto a tree to try and keep herself up, but she can't keep her grip and falls to the ground, still vomiting until she faints, her skin as pale as a ghost.)
OH SHIT! Quick, get her back to Waternorm's base!
(All of us quickly carry Violet back to the base. A bit later, she regains consiousness.)
Wha...? Where...where am I?
Violet! Glad to see you're finally awake.
Yeah. And the rest of us, too. You started puking your guts out before fainting on the spot. You must've pushed yourself too far. We carried you back to Waternorm's base so we could make sure you were safe.
I wouldn't reccomend trying to get up yet, cuz. You need to get some rest.
Thanks, guys...I owe you one...
(Violet then drifts off to sleep, clearly needing a rest.)
"We all did a good job today."
"Let's let Violet rest up and we'll do our best tommorow."
Copy that.
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alterrune · 2 years
Introducing some more [Alpha]Rune Conten- INTRODUCING A NEW FOE [Peppermint]ROSE, AND YOUR 🍂[FRIENDS LEFT YOU FOR THE SLIME]🍂 [Fight with Nerf]ING YOU. AND A [Cooling system] WITH [A.I. Advancments] OH MY! [Tune in at 10] FOR THIS! -THE G. FANS. [Teaser: 53 74 6F 70 20 6C 65 61 76 69 6E 67 20 73 6F 20 6D 75 63 68 20 63 61 6E 64 79 20 61 6E 64 20 67 75 6D 20 75 6E 64 65 72 20 74 68 65 20 74 61 62 6C 65 73 21]
Thanks for the artwork. Good thing I brought my laptop with me, meaning I can still recieve asks from Pokémon Square!
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alterrune · 2 years
Happy holidays! I don’t expect you to see this before Christmas but hope your having a good time! I am waiting till after Christmas so not to disturb you more. Have a fun Christmas!
We set up a Christmas tree in Pokemon Square, actually. Even set up lights and everything. Also, I recently got a message from Aaron. He said he's working on a portal that not only can bring us back, but also can allow us to return here if we want to. It'll be ready to go by mid-January if everything goes well.
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alterrune · 2 years
While working on Week 🚬 and the Trinity Weeks I have made the next event! The Christmas Event! Songs: Winter Glitchland🌫🎅(Vs Corrupt Glitch King and remix of winter horrorland) Pokemon BASH 🪤 (Fighting Future Delibird / Iron Bundle this is a orignal) Nog of Egg 🥚and Cocoa with Choclate🍫 (Vs Hot Choclatey The hot chocolate both remix’s of the week 5 songs) and Studio (Vs Sweet cap’n Cakes Remix of holiday studio in deltarune ost) I will be here soon with art!
Great! Can't wait to see it!
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alterrune · 2 years
Great Canyon 2F - Something was here in a hurry it left a crystal that is bright pink, a sableye? Wait what that in the cave? Great Canyon Cave - A magearna slept here, evidenced by gears, and a slakoth was evidenced to be here too.
This is getting weirder and weirder.
"Yeah, even we haven't seen things this weird before."
"Let's just keep going, we'll find that Slowpoke eventually."
Yeah. (...and hopefully I'll find out if our earlier assumptions are correct.)
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alterrune · 2 years
Great Canyon - 1F, It seems like it usually is but something is wrong… Ribbons from a sylveon are left on some rocks, There’s also pieces of what sorta looks like a barrel. Seems someone else got lost here.
"Strange...Let's keep going, maybe we'll find the Sylveon these ribbons belong to."
(Suddenly, Alter pulls me aside.)
(Psst, Kyle. There's something off about all this...Sylveon is an evolved form of Eevee colored pink, and there are fragments of what looks like a barrel. You don't think it could be...?)
(...I know exactly who you're referring to. Let's keep going to make sure it is them, Alter.)
(Good thinking.)
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alterrune · 2 years
Have any of you seen what happened while she was in the forest? Any Pokémon hurt her?
Oh I remember what happened. VIVIDLY. Back in the monster house, two of those little shits hit me with synchronized attack, with one poisoning me and the other paralyzing me. They both got 10 hits on me. And I don't mean 10 hits total, I mean 10 hits EACH. I was hit 20 times by those little bastards before I managed to escape with the others. The reason why I vomited so hard before passing out wasn't just overexhaustion, it was also that damn poisoning.
As for the paralysis, well, I think you know what it did. I already knew it had happened when I couldn't keep myself up while I puked the last of the poisioning out of my system and did a faceplant into the grass. I thought it was gone since the poisoning had finally worn off, but I was wrong, and my legs are now completely unusable until we get back home.
...wow. That is just...wow. I have no idea how to respond to that.
Don't worry, Kyle, you don't have to respond to that. On the bright side, I am enjoying the piggyback ride Alter's giving me.
Thanks, Vi. I'm glad you're enjoying the ride on my shoulders. I'm definitely enjoying giving you the ride just as much!
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alterrune · 2 years
(At Waternorm's base, Team Waternorm, Alter, Henry, Ellie and yours truly are chatting with Violet, as she told us she's finally feeling better.)
Violet, you said you're finally back to your normal self again?
Yep. Let's get going!
(Violet gets out of bed and stands up...but she suddenly tips over and falls toward the floor! Luckily, me and Alter catch her before she faceplants.)
"What...was that?"
Squirtie, I think I may have an idea as to what it is...Violet, can I try something for a moment?
Great. Hold still for a moment.
(I summon Storyteller and write a simple promt: "average-sized rock". It spawns a rock about the size of a baseball, which I drop onto Violet's left leg from a reasonable height. She doesn't give any reaction to it. I then do the same with her right leg, which also gives no reaction.)
Just as I thought. Vi, you've lost all feeling in your legs.
"Well, can't you just wave that magic wand of yours and fix it?"
First, it's a fountain pen, not a magic wand. Second (and more importantly), the pen can't fix something that isn't even broken. Her legs aren't broken, other me, as far as Storyteller is concerned, there's nothing wrong with them.
"Well, we need some kind of solution to this!"
(Alter's face lights up in a "Eureka" moment.)
I got one. Violet, grab my hand.
(Alter then lifts Violet up onto his shoulders.)
A piggyback! Good idea, Alter!
I think either Laurence and/or Dr. V can fix your legs once we get back. In the meantime, though, enjoy the ride, Vi.
Oh, I definitely will, Kyle. I'm already smiling like an idiot at this, and I love it.
Same here, Vi. This is so dopey, but I can't help but love it.
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alterrune · 2 years
How is Violet doing?
She's definitely doing better for herself, but Violet isn't out of the woods just yet.
Yeah...Vi still hasn't regained enough strength to walk around yet (it's almost like her legs just don't wanna cooperate with her), but she can at least sit upright again. She's doing better, that's for sure.
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