#ask laurence burnway
alterrune · 10 days
Albert's Files: Shadow Lily
Shadow Lily Transformed
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Details: The monstrous form of Lily's Shadow, the appearance of this form is... visually upsetting. Much like Shadow Lily's normal form, it is wearing a hospital gown, evocative of Asian burial clothing and covered in bandages, only this time there is more bandages this time, and this form has multiple eyes across it's body along with a black halo, representing death.
Because of Lily's Shadow representing Lily's fear of the worst possible outcomes because of her, the eye's across the 2nd form shows Lily's paranoia of this fear, eyes that are constantly staring at any form of possible danger. This, coupled with the hospital based theming with the gown and bandages, representing how Lily could've spent the majority of her life in a hospital due to her heart disease, but most notably, the black halo and the evocation of burial clothing with the gown, there is another fear shown in this form from Lily's Shadow, Lily is afraid of dying, her death causing more grief for the people around her, much like how Laurence ended up after her 1st death before becoming Kynn Lee.
Ahh...that was a good nap. I told you guys nothing would go wrong.
"Especially with me at Kyle's side."
So...what do we have here?
...oh. Oh my. That's actually worse than Laurence's. Eyes should NOT go there.
Yeah. No shit. Maybe we should figure out how to get to them?
Relax. The new TV's in, right?
Yeah. Right behind you.
(I stretch myself out a bit, then reach my hands into the TV. They go in as if it was a pool of water. Naturally, everyone is shocked at this.)
Calm down. It's just the Midnight Channel.
Uh...Midnight WHAT NOW?!
Kyle. Explain. Oh, but take your hands out of the TV screen first.
(I sigh again after complying with Vi's request. Joy of joys, MORE explaining.)
The Midnight Channel is essentially a portal into the world of Shadows. There was this whole thing with it being used for a murder case, but fortunately that's no longer an issue. As per Maggy-Izzy's request, I've been checking it nightly and nothing's happened.
However, it seems as though Shadow Laurence and Shadow Lily managed to break out into the real world through the entry that the TV provided. Now, I know that Lily broke the TV that was originally the entryway. However, since this TV is exactly where the old TV is, they can use it as another entryway. They'll have to look for said entryway in the Midnight Channel, though, which is why I replaced the TV instead of fixing the old one: the new TV has already bought us some more time.
Oh! I was wondering why you didn't just fix the old one after I broke it!
Yeah. Hopefully those two don't find their way out that fast. Also, guys. I know what you're thinking. DON'T HOP INTO THE MIDNIGHT CHANNEL WITHOUT ME. I trust you guys, but the methods we usually use won't work as well in there. You might end up doing something bad on the outside without realizing it.
Don't worry. We're brave, not stupid.
We won't go in without a guide.
Good. Right now, the mission is to protect Laurence and Lily. Maggy-Izzy is hyper-vigilant, but there's only one of him, so keep watch with him.
Copy that.
We'll keep them safe. You have our word.
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alterrune · 10 days
Albert's Files: Shadow Laurence
Shadow Laurence Transformed
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Details: The monstrous form Laurence's Shadow Self, it's appearance alone is already disconcerting enough just from the void in place of it's face and the bloodstained appearance. Given the Shadow's personification of Laurence's self-hatred, guilt, and the reminder of his actions as a member of the Trinity of Fate and the Chairman of the now defunct Zulu Security Corp., it can be assumed that this form symbolizes the thoughts of Laurence believing that he isn't worthy of the forgiveness and kindness we was given, as the blood seeping out from the void is evocative of someone crying, someone who wants help and forgiveness, but can't be seen the same way because of their past actions, and only seen as a monster by the people hurt by them. The form of this Shadow truly begs the question:
Has the man Laurence Burnway truly been by the public, by the people who had given him a second chance, or can the blood never truly be washed away, and Laurence would only ever be remembered as the man who could've torn the world apart out of bitterness for the pain he had endured?
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Oh my...that's unsettling.
Did yours transform like that?
The eyepatch was his transformation. That was essentially the one thing connecting me to Shadow Kyle, so when he took it off, it all went to hell.
So...you think we can take this thing on?
Not now. I still need time to try and forget the Splatfest that the Grand Festival was attached to. I hereby refuse to call it by name.
I'll give you a day.
Deal. A good rest oughta fix things.
Kyle...are you sure that's a good idea? Shadow Laurence and Shadow Lily have appeared in their dreams, and even connected them together.
You sure they won't go after you?
I got Maggy-Izzy to back me up. Don't worry, I'll be fine.
(Kyle grabs a bottle of some sleeping medication from a drawer, takes a pill, and immediately conks out like a light as soon as he gets under the covers. Jeez, he wasn't kidding when he said he had sleeping problems earlier. If he needs sleeping medication THAT powerful, he must really need it.)
Famous last words, Kyle. Famous last words...
Agreed, Lily. Everyone, watch over him. We have to make sure they don't pull anything on Kyle.
(We all get into position. Goddamnit, Kyle, you've officially tempted fate, and you of all people should know that fate tends to bite you in the ass.)
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alterrune · 10 days
Don't be sorry, you're so right
Thanks, Anon. It's just fucking BAFFLING how this ended up.
Thanks for ending an amazing game so fucking bitterly, Grand Festival. I'll remember you for being an amazing event, but I'll wipe the Splatfest you were attached to from my memory until Splatoon 5 turns things around. I'll be skipping 4, thanks to you.
Kyle. Have you forgotten about...?
We'll get to the shadow situation LATER, Laurence. Trust me, Magatsu-Izanagi is in full-on BLOODLUST mode. I told him specifically not to kill them, but he'll severely maim those two if they get in my way right now. Let me get in a better mood, first.
Fair enough...
(note: can't delete this post due to AtO lore attached to it)
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alterrune · 12 days
(Laurence is in the cafeteria, as he hasn't gotten much sleep, dwelling on the encounter he had previously last night.)
Laurence Burnway: Am I going crazy again? No, I'm just dwelling on something wrong entirely. It's just a fever dream... I just need a little rest.
(Laurence rests his head on the table and closes his eyes. Suddenly he is slapped across the face by someone)
Laurence Burnway: AH! If you had to wake me up, you could've-
(Laurence sees his Shadow Self staring at him smiling)
Shadow Laurence: Wakey wakey Laurence!
(Laurence promptly sits back up and steps away)
Laurence Burnway: No, why are you here again?!
Shadow Laurence: C'mon buddy! You think I'd leave you alone that easily, that we'd only encounter each other once? That isn't how it works Agent.
Laurence Burnway: What now huh?! You want to torment me again?!
Shadow Laurence: Oh? Jumping to conclusions now? You've lost your edge, Phoenix. Let me show you something.
(Laurence's shadow puts his arm around him and guides him to a one way mirror, showing a hospital room)
Laurence Burnway: What is this?
Shadow Laurence: You don't recognize this room? You've visited it a-lot... look who's in that bed, and who's next to it.
(Laurence see's that its Lily in the bed, and someone in a hospital gown with their head covered in bandages was looming over her)
Laurence Burnway: LILY?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER???
Shadow Laurence: Shhhh... you do know she's still asleep earlier... she can't see or hear us Laurence, one way mirror. What you're seeing is a place spawned off of your sisters true feelings, much like the Zulu Security base we are currently in. Now... listen.
(Lily wakes up, and she notices her surroundings are different. Lily is tied to the hospital bed by bandages)
Lily Burnway: Am I dreaming again? ... Oh my god, why am I in the same hospital room, why am I tied?!
(Lily see's the figure looking at her)
Lily Burnway: This is a nightmare, what is happening?!
???: You're concerned about that? What about your big brother?
(The figures voice was Lily's)
Lily Burnway: Who are you? Why do you sound like me?
???: Someone who stuck with you, no matter if you were Lily... of if you were Kynn. Tell me, have you been checking on Laurence recently, something is happening to him.
Lily Burnway: I... I've been spending time with him!
???: What about when you were sick? Your little heart began to function poorly, all because you went near the lake... you didn't see those substances. Now look what happened afterwards! You got deceased, Laurence worked himself to the bone to try and save you, and dad was grieving because... oh, right, mom died, while you were in the hospital.
Laurence Burnway: No, please, this is too horrible.
Lily Burnway: It can't have been my fault!
???: Oh? And look what happened to your family, dad became more focused on GEOGRAM, and Laurence? He was doing everything, so much, burying himself on duty just to get that money for your heart transplant! It's your fault... everything fell apart because of your existence. Deep down, you're just baggage.
Lily Burnway: What gives you the right to say all of this?! How do you know?!
???: I know every little detail about you... oh little Lily, scared of letting everyone down for failing, over and over.
(The figure begins unwrapping the bandages, revealing the figure as Lily, and just like Shadow Laurence, she has yellow eyes.)
Shadow Lily: I am a Shadow... The True Self.
(Lily was too stunned to say anything)
Shadow Laurence: I see... it would appear you and Lily share the same kind of mutual pain. Who would've thought that two siblings, still fighting their inner demons, would've gotten to the point that both realties you two created would cause this Zulu Security Base and the Hospital to both connect to each other.
(Laurence shoves his Shadow self away)
Laurence Burnway: I'm done with this! I've had enough you bastard!
Shadow Laurence: Losing your cool Agent, that's a sign that you're slipping. *Sigh* I can see, you're still very resentful of me, I understand, but you and Lily. aren't getting any better that's for sure. Ah, the clock is ticking, our time is up.
(Shadow Laurence shoots Laurence in the knee with a revolver, but Laurence can still see Lily from the one-way mirror. Laurence can see Lily's Shadow walking toward her)
Laurence Burnway: GET AWAY FROM HER!!!
Shadow Laurence: She can't hear you from this side, you would've known what thanks to academy training. Listen up, if this wasn't a dream, things would've ended differently for you and Lily, we might as well wake you both up. If you want to settle things for good... I suggest you look at a TV, and bring an Audience as well. Me and your Sisters Shadow will be patiently waiting until then.
(Shadow Laurence points the revolver at Laurence's head, with Shadow Lily preparing to cut the life support machine connected to Lily)
Shadow Laurence: We'll be waiting for you both, look forward to it along with your friends.
(Shadow Laurence shoots Laurence in the head, and Shadow Lily disconnecting Lily's life support machine, both at the same time. Laurence and Lily promptly wake up afterwards, only it was more frantic for both, as they are much more shaken this time)
(Suddenly, a whole bunch of sprinklers on the ceiling go off, and Shadow Laurence is coated in green ink as he tries to leave. I quickly move in, landing a flying kick on him, and pin him down as hard as I can. The others, weapons aimed at him, move in as well.)
Like the sprinker system I hooked up? You can thank Deep Cut of Splatsville fame for hooking me up with the sprinklers I needed for that. I know I can't kill you, but beating you up is an option. And now you're roping Lily into this? You really are the bad parts of him. Now...explain.
"Oh...so the audience couldn't wait, could they? Well, I'm sorry, but you can't harm me. Not unless you have a Persona yourself."
(Suddenly, a strange card begins falling from the sky into my hand. A blue aura surrounds me, as I give Shadow Laurence a smug smirk.)
Careful what you wish for, pal...
(I crush the card in my hand and my own Persona, Magatsu-Izanagi, comes out from behind me in a blinding flash of blue light.)
...because you just might get it.
"WHAT?! How the hell do you---"
Magatsu-Izanagi, hit him with a Magatsu Mandala.
(Magatsu-Izanagi gives a monstrous, demonic roar before plunging his blade into the ground. Japanese symbols suddenly surround Shadow Laurence, spinning faster and faster until they explode, hitting him hard. Thankfully, he's still alive.)
Get up, asshole. I know you didn't die from that, Maggy-Izzy went SOFT on you there.
"Ugh...you're good. But I believe I will take my leave now...but mark my words, I am a part of him, and until he accepts that, I will never permanently leave him alone."
Good. We'd prefer it if you left Laurence alone for a bit before pulling this shit again.
Maybe after we're done celebrating Grand Festival? You'll have our full attention then.
If you want us to be your audience, then you aren't gonna get it now.
But rest assured, when we DO have your full attention, we will kick your ass into next week.
(Shadow Laurence dissappears into the shadows. The rest of the CSB, as well as Laurence and Lily, suddenly look at me with bewildered looks in their eyes.)
Dude. What the HELL was that thing you summoned?
And why the hell COULD you summon it?!
(I sigh. This is gonna be fun to explain to all of them. Hoo boy...)
Remeber how I was complaining that "it came back to bite us in the ass"? Well, the "it" I was referring to was awakening Magatsu-Izanagi. That big red ball of anger was my shadow at one point.
Maggy-Izzy (which, by the way, is my nickname for him) is the spirit of chaos and calamity. And Shadow Kyle essentially was a big ball of those feelings. He fought me with all the anger and chaos you can think of, and at the end of it all he pinned me to the ground and would've KILLED me...if I hadn't realized what he meant by "the true self". He wasn't just some weird doppelgänger of me. He was the parts of me that I wanted to lock away. After finally accepting him as a part of me instead of treating him like something that needed to be locked away, he turned into Maggy-Izzy.
I...see. And that thing isn't hostile?
Nope. Also, usually Personas can't be summoned in the real world, but I think things have gone a bit haywire now that we know Shadow Laurence is out and about.
Well, glad to know you have protection. What about Alter, Violet, Henry and Ellie?
Not possible. They have those spirits that essentially act as Personas all the same. I'm only different because Storyteller isn't some kind of living being like the others' are.
Well, glad to know you've got my back, Kyle.
Yeah. We were just lucky we had a trap ready to be sprung on Shadow Laurence. Me and Maggy-Izzy will help you again if you need it. And the same goes for Lily/Kynn, too.
Considering I'm now roped into this, I'm glad I have your help, Kyle.
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alterrune · 12 days
(Laurence wakes up somewhere, he’s dreaming… but it isn’t something he’s expected)
Laurence Burnway: What? Where am I?
(Laurence looks around, it’s very familiar… this was Laurence’s office, when he was the chairman of Zulu Security Corps, when he was still working with the Trinity of Fate, and when he betrayed everyone after Lily first died.)
Laurence Burnway: No, no no no, not this place… why?
???: Oh… oh you should why.
(Laurence looks over at the desk… it was… a figure? Half his face was covered by a tilted fedora, and he was wearing the same uniform Laurence used to wear when he was the Zulu Security Corp. Chairman before it was all torn down)
Laurence Burnway: Who are you?
???: You should know, Laurence. I’ve been with you for a very long time, I will say, I’ve manifested a lot more… influence since you last fell apart. I can see you’re still pretty troubled.
Laurence Burnway: This is a dream, I know it. But what do you want?
???: You haven’t forgotten what you’ve done before you were forgiven huh? Just think back, all those atrocities you’ve committed ever since our sister first died, and she died when you shot her in the chest after you began having another breakdown. What did you do afterwards? You used to guise of a security corp to raise all manners of hell!
Laurence Burnway: I DIDN’T KNOW ANY BETTER! I was bitter at how this world treated me…
???: And did that give you the right to people who had nothing to do with your pain? Mom would be disappointed in you Laurence, you think Dad and Lily still see you as the same beloved son?
Laurence Burnway: Why are you doing this? To punish and remind me for what I’ve done, for the things I did? I’ve always suffered enough.
???: What about does who suffered because of you that long ago? Who knows, maybe the ColorStreak Battalion are still laughing behind your back… maybe Commander GaleForce still sees you as inferior… you remember that grin before you were locked away.
Laurence Burnway: WHO EVEN ARE YOU ANYWAY?!
???: You haven’t figured it out? I thought you were a master class agent… I’ve know you for a long time… after all…
(The figure removes the fedora, and Laurence see’s it’s himself… with yellow eyes)
Shadow Laurence: I am a Shadow… The True Self.
Laurence Burnway: No… you can’t be me!
Shadow Laurence: Try and deny it all you want, it won’t help you in the long run. Try and kill me, even with the help of the ColorStreak Battalion, your sister, or even dad, try and do that, and let’s just say you “Mentally Shutdown”.
Laurence Burnway: Please, make this stop.
Shadow Laurence: Yeah… the sands of time for us has run out… for tonight at least. See you later… Agent Phoenix.
(Laurence suddenly wakes up in his room, still in bed, breathing heavily)
(Alter, Vi, Henry and Ellie are huddled around Laurence, still in his bed and in his PJs. Meanwhile, I'm currently looking out of the window in Laurence's room, lost in thought as a heavy rain falls down.)
Dude. You're gonna have to come up with something more intresting.
Maybe a little less spice to the tall tale next time? Kyle, back us up here.
...of course. Of course it had to come back to bite us in the ass NOW, of all times. Right in the middle of the Grand Festival, too.
Wait, he's telling the truth?
(I nod my head in response to Henry, then pull Laurence in close.)
Laurence, buddy. You HAVE to accept that thing. Yeah, it's shit, but it's a PART of you.
Kyle. That thing is EVIL. And I didn't paraphrase what it said, I repeated it word-for-fucking-word! You kill it, I go into a "mental shutdown"!
Beating it up isn't exactly out of the question, though. Laurence, listen. That thing comes back, call us in. We will make sure it stops harrassing you, but that's only a short-term solution. In order to get rid of it for good, you HAVE to accept it as a part of who you are.
Kyle. What even is this thing Laurence is describing?
...the beginnings of a Persona, that's what. We'll deal with it in full after the Grand Festival is over.
Okay. If I see that thing again, I'll call you guys up.
Don't worry. You can count on us, Burnway. You're in good hands.
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alterrune · 1 month
2 New Messages
Hey guys, Laurence Burnway here! I just got out from the medical center, and I’m ready to begin undertaking some operations with you guys with my sister Lily. If you need us for a mission, just let us know!
- Laurence Burnway
Hi everyone, it’s me Lily! My big brother is healthy again, though seeing him there reminded me a lot of how I was thanks to my heart condition before. Im just glad my brother is okay, and I’m willing to fight alongside you all, can’t wait for some fun times!
- Lily Burnway
New Bio (GEOGRAM): Kynn Lee/Lily Burnway
The younger sister of Laurence Burnway and daughter of Aaron Schaffer, Lily died after being accidentally shot by Laurence, but through hackanons help, Lily was brought back as Kynn Lee. Now Laurence, Lily, and Aaron are finally back together again as a family.
(Notice: 1 new message)
I searched through the games files to the time before Lily became Kynn. Terence Suave was the one who indirectly made Lily sick with her heart disease. During Terence’s reign over the Toppats, he negligently dispossessed of toxic substances into a town where Aaron and his family was living in. Tell Laurence and Lily, tell them…
- Albert
So...HE'S responsible for the worst fucking moment of my life? YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! I'LL SHOVE A BAZOOKA UP YOUR ASS AND FIRE IT LIKE A MINIGUN!!!
Laurence, buddy. Calm down. We'll get him. It's only a matter of time.
Yes. We'll get him. Count me in on this.
Laurence, no. It's too dangerous.
We can't let you go...at least, not now. Rest assured, we're totally okay with you kicking Terrence in the dick once he's down, but we need to actually get the chance to down him first.
...Fair enough. Just tell me when and I'll bring the steel-toed shoes.
Count me in too, guys. If he thinks he can kill me again, he's got another thing coming with Laurence back by my side.
Alright! We'll let you two know when it's time to initate the dick-kicking.
BIO ADDED: Kynn Lee/Lily Burnway (GEOGRAM)
UPDATE TO BIO LIST: Names in list are now color-coded to the color of their text while talking!
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alterrune · 11 days
Shadow Laurence
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Shadow Lily
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Those guys look horrible. Wait...Kyle, do you have a pic of Shadow Kyle?
Uh-huh. This is what he looked like.
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Holy shit. Dude. That is GRUESOME.
Yeah. I know. He kept repeating the same phrase over and over before I approached him:
"There is nothing wrong. I killed them. There is nothing wrong. I killed myself. There is nothing wrong. I killed my future. There is nothing wrong."
What about the heart they're holding?
It was a representation of my own heart. My own feelings. He was basically trying to show me that deep down, none of my feelings were genuine, aside from all the anger and rage I have.
And if you thought all THAT was bad, well, that eyepatch there was actually removable.
And when he removed it for me to see, well...
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...THAT was what I saw. That was his own twisted way of "winking" at me. And the things he said sent shivers down my spine, ESPECIALLY since they were coming from my own mouth:
"We can't do this forever."
"Growing up is suicide."
"Their blood is on our hands."
"Leave, and the noose goes around our neck."
"We have no heart. We ripped it out long ago."
"Hide behind a smile."
"Everything will be okay if we just stop caring."
"Don't bother killing ourselves. The pain won't stop even if we're dead."
"We just wanted to stay a kid forever. Is that so much to ask?"
"There is nothing wrong with us. We just want to prevent things from changing."
Yeah. My shadow was pretty fucked up.
And you SOLOED that thing?
Had to muster up all the courage I could, Laurence, but I did. And dear god, it was hell, but finally beating him up enough to the point where I could finally accept him as a part of me was absolutely therapeutic.
Wow. When push comes to shove, you don't mess around.
When my friends' lives or my own life is at risk, I can't afford to cut corners, Lily. I will protect those I hold dear with my life.
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alterrune · 2 years
<Meanwhile in GEOgram Base> ⚙️Oh, you. 🧿Ah previous college do you need some services HA. 🔵What are you guys doing here anyways? 🔲Well we need rooms for our stay. 🔵Oh, why didn’t you just talk to the head enigneer ⚙️And that’s me so I’ll get right to work [Ive had art of this for a while so I think I might as well post it -HH]
[The art has been sitting in my inbox for a while, so I'll post it after this post. However, I also wanna show how things are going back in the AtO world (specfically with Laurence, Aaron/Adam & Alter's parents), so enjoy! -K]
So let me get this straight. My son and his group have been transported into another world?
Yes, Carol. I'm sure they can handle themselves.
(Carol suddenly grabs Laurence by his shirt collar.)
Carol, let the poor boy go. He clearly wants them back as much as we do, so don't harm him just because he can't bring Alter back at this very moment.
(Carol, after hearing what Clarence said to her, drops Laurence immediately.)
Thank you, Carol. Now, me and Adam have luckily been able to get a visual on where the ColorStreak Battalion is, and it seems as though they're in some place known as "Pokémon Square".
So what are we waiting for, Scaffold? Let's just hop through a portal and get them back!
That's the problem. You see, aside from the fact that I currently don't know how to create a portal to the CSB's location as of yet, if we went through a portal to them right now, I don't know if we'll be able to go through it both ways. By the way, thank you for not calling me "Shafter" again, Adam.
Hey, I just thought I'd make some new nicknames to call you, having only one was getting kinda stale.
Regardless, we're working as hard as we can to retrieve them, you two. Just have patience, we'll get them back. You have our word.
I'll hold you to that.
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alterrune · 2 years
One more person, because the CSB isn’t the only ones who has a Dark Side, Charles gained his when Laurence ejected him with a syringe during Operation: Prowling Spider
Chandler: (Awaiting Tarot Card Input)
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Chandler (Charles) - The Doctor
Wait, Lawrence, I thought Charles avoided that with the muscle relaxants, though?
Unfortunately not, actually. Yes, he was spared from turning into his dark form upon injection, but his dark form still exists. Unfortunate, I know, but Charles is as innocent as can be, so I doubt we have to worry about him turning into Chandler...yet.
Good, good. Glad to hear that, at the very least, Chandler isn't a high-level threat like the others are.
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alterrune · 8 months
TRU Soldier: William, Sir... Albert was apprehended.
William Arase: That AI was useless after all. He's outlived his usefulness.
Phantom 1: Any other plan of action?
William Arase: Get the camera set-up.
GEOGRAM Soldier: Aaron, sir! We have a message from William Arase!
Aaron Schaffer: Let me see that!
William Arase: It would appear you bested Albert, I suppose he should've done better. I can see you Albert in the vehicle with... "Sarah". Let me ask you a question, Aaron. Did you really think I would leave my own daughter unprotected?
(Sarah is seen walking into the image with William)
William Arase: It would appear my daughter is still safe, with me.
Sarah Kelso: As for whoever is stashed in that vehicle with Albert.
(Laurence runs over to whoever Kelso was, who began to glitch out. He discovers that the person he captured was a captured GEOGRAM soldier who had an augmented reality mask on her, making her look like Kelso, and she was gagged, therefore she couldn't speak, while the mask played Kelso's voice-lines)
Laurence Burnway: Oh my god.
Sarah Kelso: You should've been more observant Laurence, consider this a parting gift.
(Laurence hears beeping coming from the GEOGRAM Soldier that he mistook for Sarah, and he sees a bomb counting down on her chest when he open's her jacket)
Laurence Burnway: NO!
(The bomb blows up, destroying the detainment vehicle along with Albert, with Laurence being heavily injured from the explosion.)
Sarah Kelso: We'll settle this some other time CSB, this won't be forgotten.
(The video is cut off)
Holy shit, Burnway. You alright?
(All of us are at the hospital Laurence is being held at. He's covered in bandages due to recieving third-degree burns from the explosion.)
Doc said that my skin will heal, but it'll leave some nasty blotches as scars...
(Laurence barely manages a whisper. He's definitely in a lot of pain, and I don't have to be a medical professional to tell you why that is.)
Hey guys, glad I caught you here.
Aaron? What are you doing here?
I have some good news, that's why. Remember how Albert is an AI? Well, in order to get him out of the digital world, we needed some kind of android body for him to use so he could actually, y'know, be CAUGHT. And luckily, he wasn't destroyed. Only his physical body was.
(Aaron then whips out a monitor to reveal Albert, now in a digitally-rendered stereotypical prisoner outfit, confined in a digitized maximum security cell.)
How's it feel in there, Albert? Hope you like your new home and the new digs!
(Aaron now has a text-to-speech program running, meaning he can finally speak...well, somewhat, anyways.)
Hey, uh...guys? I'd like to have some alone time with Laurence. Head back to base, I'll keep Albert here with me so he has someone keeping an eye on him.
Sure thing, Aaron.
Thank you. And Adam? Can you please not interrupt me this time? I need to have a serious conversation with my son here.
(sigh) Fine. I'll keep quiet.
Thank you, Adam.
(We leave the room to let Aaron and Laurence have their chat.)
So...we didn't get Kelso after all. To be honest, I had a feeling she was being too quiet.
Look on the bright side, we did get Albert, and he's now being digitally incarcerated.
Burnway, on the other hand...damn. Glad the kid's gonna be able to heal up, but that was seriously close.
Yeah...we should head back to the base. Kyle, you ready to head back?
Yeah. Let's head back and celebrate another job well done.
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alterrune · 2 years
It is said that from a different timeline, Laurence wanted to help people in curing their illnesses. He found a special blood that would cure them. It worked, and Laurence saw it as a blessing.
However, the risk he took was calculated, but damn was he bad at math.
The blood, changed the people who got it, and Laurence was unfortunately consumed by the blood,
What you see below is him, the result…
of his failure.
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...I don't even know what to say to that.
I do. Burn it to the fucking ground.
Wha--?! Holy shit, Kyle...you don't pull any punches, do ya?
When it comes to eldritch abominations like this? No, I do not.
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alterrune · 2 years
Another transcript received from The Blackjacks and Vipers Party.
Vipers Member: Hey boss, looks like this little piggy came to market.
Toppat Member: Please, I have a family, I’m not just someone in a uniform, I’m a person!
Blackjacks Member: You think we didn’t have families either, you think we were born in prison? Thanks to people like you and GEOGRAM, we don’t have anybody to welcome us back home.
Vipers Member: Now you fools know what it feels like.
Toppat Member: I don’t understand.
Blackjacks Member: Hey boss, what should we do with him.
Nicholas: We’re going to have ourselves a dinner.
Justin: Ham is what it’ll be.
Toppat Member: What, what’re you saying?
Sarah Kelso: Here’s the thing about ham boys, you need to know in where to make the first cut.
Toppat Member: No. NONONONONO WAIT!
(The rest of the transcript was censored out.)
If my brothers are trying to piss me off, it's working.
But...you won't kill them, right?
No, Laurence. I'll just severely injure them.
...honestly? I think they deserve that.
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alterrune · 2 years
The following transcript was received from a Blackjacks and Vipers Party where a group of Viper’s gang members and Blackjacks operatives are torturing Toppat Members.
Blackjacks Member: Alright everyone, time for a game of pin the axe on the piggy?!
Female Vipers Member: How about, 10 points if you get ‘em on the arm?
(The Toppat Member screams)
Blackjacks Member: Im surprised he’s still kicking with all those knives and nails.
Female Vipers Member: Who about I get the chainsaw, that’ll spice things up!
Blackjack Member 2: Hey how’s the music going, you have to play the one about the bridge.
Female Toppat Member: Come on, I don’t even know in how to play the piano.
Vipers Member: You said you were in a and before, including your friend with the guitar.
Toppat Member 2: Wait sis, I was in a band before, just follow my lead.
Blackjack Member 2: Right song, wrong note.
Vipers Member 2: Hey, how many glasses can you take before you pass out?
Toppat Member 3: I don’t even know what’s in there.
Female Blackjacks Member: You gotta drink to find out.
(The Toppat Member drinks, before eventually spitting out.
Toppat Member 3: What the hell is that, dish cleaner?
Vipers Member 2: He took the shot everybody! Good on you!
(None of the Toppat Members made it out alive)
...They. Will. PAY.
(I pull out a minigun and rev it up, and the others hit the deck in shock)
Wrote it in with Storyteller. A simple prompt of "minigun" suprisingly gives the desired result.
(sigh...) Of course you wrote it in. I thought you had The Blue Eye to use, though...?
Oh, trust me, I still use Adam's gift as a primary weapon. The minigun's my backup weapon.
...Kyle, I won't even BEGIN to describe how many things are wrong with that statement.
Laurence, you used prototype EMP mines to stop the CSB's dark sides (the Faded Color Gang) when they first appeared. Don't tell me what's overkill.
...Touché, Kyle. Touché indeed.
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alterrune · 2 years
Found footage of two Chaos Creation Members forced by the Chaos Control Center to attack their own squad
Found Footage Link
Oh boy...so this is the kind footage you guys were telling me about.
Yep. And it only gets worse from here.
Yeah, it's incredible what the Institute for Idiots and Imprisonment will do to take out Vi's organization.
Those idiots know no bounds. Trust me, I know from personal experience.
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alterrune · 2 years
William Arase: Hey Phantom 1, I need you to restore my eye, can you do that?
Phantom 1: I will do something greater than just that, hey to the table and I’ll get to work.
William Arase: I appreciate your support.
(15 minutes into the operation.)
Phantom 1: Let me tell you about me and my groups past. Me and my group Phantom Squad all hailed from Japan as a military group. We were the best of the best until, that day. Me and my group got into an encounter with… Demons. However, instead of them killing us, they offered us a deal. Serve them, or die. So we pledged of allegiance to the demons, and in return… unlimited power. Doing this resulted in us being marked as an enemy to our superiors. They sent men to attack us, but they stood no chance with our newly gained abilities. We wear the masks to hide our identities, we never show our faces to anybody, not even ourselves. Now let me add a finished touch.
William Arase: What is it?
Phantom 1: ドラゴンゴッドマイト
(Suddenly, a burst of magic enters William.)
William Arase: What did you do?
Phantom 1: You have gained the might of the dragon god himself, not only is your eye restored, but you will gain a fast healing factor. All lost organs and limbs will be healed in mere seconds and you will gain the strength of dragons. You will know no fear, and shall become unstoppable.
William Arase: This will do nicely.
Phantom 1: I’ll move on to everyone else, but first.
(Phantom 1 creates of spirit projection of Adam.)
William Arase: What is that?
Phantom 1: Think off it as a voodoo doll. While that old fool was monologuing, I managed to gain a small fragment of his spirit energy and create this.
(Phantom 1 pulls op a small vision that shows Aaron/Adam in his office.)
Phantom 1: Watch closely.
(Phantom 1 pulls out a combat knife and begins carving a mark of shame on the face of the spirit projection of Aaron/Adam.)
Aaron/Adam Schaffer: AHH! WHAT THE HELL?!
(Aaron removes his shirt and see’s the mark of shame on his face.)
Adam Schaffer: DAMN YOU PHANTOM 1!!!
Phantom 1: That wound will never heal, no matter what you do. Every time he tries it will hurt. He chose this.
(Phantom 1 finishes it with two crescent slash wounds to the back, which causes Aaron/Adam to pass out. After that, the spirit projection dissolves.)
Phantom 1: That will serve as a permanent reminder for the trouble he caused. Now, I’ll get to work on enhancing the other leaders except for the ones we lost of the Trinity, than I’ll imbue all of your soldiers with the demons strength. Get going, we have work to do.
(William Arase walks out, with Phantom 1 finishing a ritual, empowering the entire Trinity of Fates leaders and soldiers, excluding Laurence, Justin, and Nicholas.)
The Trinity of Fates strength grows, Operation Twilight Gate will be harder than the other operations before it. Plan accordingly to survive.
Dad! We heard screaming, is everything alright?
(Aaron, too pained to form words, simply points to his back, displaying his new wound.)
Holy shit...Alter, can you use the rune to get rid of that scar?
No, for some reason the Alter Rune can't remove it. It can, however, place the scar it somewhere else. Aaron, hold still.
(Alter uses the rune to move the scar off Aaron's backside, then splits it into two smaller versions which he places onto the backs of Aaron's hands. Aaron then regains his composure.)
Thank you for that, Alter. Why place it on the backs of my hands, though?
It looks more badass that way. Now people will be more hesitant to engage in fisticuffs with you.
He does make a valid point. They DO look badass, Aaron.
Okay...I think I'll keep this. This'll make people fear me and Adam even more!
I think people are already afraid of me enough as it is, Aaron, but there's no harm in some more fear tactics...
0 notes
alterrune · 2 years
Operation Hounds Slumber
Mission 3 of 6
Burnway’s Legacy Squadron alongside its leader has a large stockpile of bio weapons called the Eclipse Virus that they plan to unleash onto a city in France. This virus is said to be able to burn through skin and destroy inner organs when inhaled. They’ve set up this stockpile in a tidal basin, and they’ll be using an eclipse missile to launch the bio weapon. Eliminate the squadron's leader and the bio weapon supplies. A squad of GEOGRAM soldiers equipped with specially designed hazmat suits will accompany you.
Contaminated Area: Burnway’s Legacy released its virus in the tidal basin for protection. The operatives are wearing protective armor to counteract the bio weapons. If your suit gets destroyed, there’s no saving you from death.
Enforcers: Hostile Elite agents and operatives are in the area. They are more resilient and more skilled.
Be careful, these guys are the real deal.
Automated Defenses: Nicholas and Justin have set up automated turrets and robotics in the area. These auto defenses will be harder to get past and cannot be hacked.
Achievement after completion
Two Pair
(This time, the CSB and I are in a GEOGRAM transport truck instead of Charles' helicopter, done so that Charles wouldn't risk being infected. Laurence, wearing a hazmat suit alongside us, gives us our briefing.)
Alright, here's the plan. The toxin currently in the tidal basin is one that I created, which means I also know how to completely neuter its' effects. You five will fight them as a distraction while I head to the basin itself and render the chemical completely harmless.
Copy that, Laurence. Let's do this.
(Alter kicks the door down, and the five of us start taking out what's left of Laurence's [former] army. Laurence, meanwhile, heads to the basin, chemical beakers in hand.)
A little of this...a bit of that...a smidge of this....and now we pour it into the basin.
(A plume of smoke erupts from the basin, and thanks to Laurence's chemical mixture, the toxin is rendered completely harmless.)
Let's get outta here, guys!
(We all run for the truck, and sucessfully escape with our mission a success.)
Nice work, Laurence!
Yeah, you really helped us out there.
Thanks, guys. It was the least I could do after I...well, y'know.
(Justin and Nick are seen at the tidal basin the next morning, with Justin completely enraged at their toxin completely detoxified.)
I just told you, Justin. It's completely neutralized. It won't be of use to us anymore.
Wait, don't tell me. Is there a note somewhere? From Kyle, perhaps?
Yes, but not only from Kyle. Laurence Burnway also signed this.
Hey guys! Thought we'd given up, had you? Well think again, dipshits. You should know by now that I always rise up to a challenge.
Indeed. By the way, it's Laurence Burnway here. Remember me? That toxin you had stored in that basin was mine, so I knew exactly how to neutralize it. Kyle's right, you truly are idiots!
I hope you had fun without me, because now I'm back. And this time, I'm gonna stay for as long as possible.
-Kyle Gibbons ✍🏼
-Laurence Burnway 🔥
Fucking hell...Laurence went with them.
Yeah, that is a big tactical advantage for them. But we could still win this, Justin.
...yeah...you're right, Nick. We can still end this before it spirals out of control more than it already has. Time to continue.
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