#altho like i did say the most graphic things are like. there’s a gun onscreen or punching the blood itself is extremely pink and a lot of
nazumichi · 2 years
i would watch bna as i love creatures and watched zootopia as a child but i hear it has gore in it... thoughts
ok so, yes there’s some light gore. it gets more concentrated around the later episodes, especially starting in “the mole rat speaks.” gore for the earlier episodes is essentially just a lot of fisticuffs, it’s mostly left more on the ambiguous side of things.
hmm i would issue a gun warning (for throughout the show) and a warning for impalement and excessive showing of corpses, however the last one is for very few scenes and is less detailed, more akin to that scene in frog show where redacted loses an arm (silhouettes and not in extreme detail.)
i’d be careful around that aforementioned episode especially, and the ones that follow it (three more) if you’re wary of impalement and lots of blood.
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