#although 26 *is* the only number which is 1 greater than a square and 1 less than a cube
thelvadams · 1 year
woop i'm 26 🎉🥳
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Modron, Octon
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Image © @tredlocity​
[Those of you who are familiar with the modrons of 1e may notice that I am leaving out a big bit of modron flavor text. The idea that there are a set number of modron hierarchs of each tier. This I am intentionally leaving out, because I think it is stupid. Namely, the numbers of each tier are way too low. They’re the square of the modron’s number (so 100 decatons, 81 nonatons, 64 octons, etc). And in 1e, Mechanus is infinite. So you have an infinite plane, with just 100 supervisors, 81 sheriffs, 64 governors? D&D in general has difficulty with population sizes (cities always are underpopulated compared to real world medieval cities), but comparing these numbers to literal infinity just makes the problem even more noticeable. So I am leaving the numbers of each rank of hierarch intentionally blank. Do with them what you, as a GM, will.]
Modron, Octon CR 12 LN Outsider (extraplanar) This stoutly build creature has a single large eye set in its head, which is surrounded with an ornate collar. It has eight arms, and appears to be wearing a metallic set of robes.
Octons are bureaucrats and middle managers par excellence. They act as regional governors in Regulus, overseeing the tasks of lesser modrons, coordinating large scale construction or expansion projects and keeping tabs on law and order in their province. Their collars give them enormous magical mobility, and they are sometimes seen floating at the tops of buildings or swimming through waterworks in order to properly inspect them. They are rarely found in each other’s company, although by no means are most octons alone—they usually travel with a decaton to delegate to, and a large staff of drones to follow orders. When multiple octons come together, it is usually to discuss a project that would affect all of their districts or to share intelligence about visitors to be aware of (such as mortal adventurers).
Octons may look rather unassuming compared to decatons and nonatons, but they are even more dangerous combatants than those ranks. Octons are trained in the martial arts, and each octon has a specific fighting style that they use—these fighting styles are about the only individuality given to octons, and so they are proud of their skills. The octon statistics presented here show specialization in defensive techniques. Although octons are proud, they are not foolish; their first move when confronted with interlopers from another plane is typically to send them back where they came from with magic.
An octon is fastidious and precise in its movements, mannerisms and speech. They are sticklers for following all of the rules, even those of spelling and grammar, and get irritated with anyone who does not consider such proprieties. On the rare occasions they are found outside of Regulus, octons often serve as ambassadors. In these roles, they are usually granted authority to make some decisions, but usually defer major treaties or declarations to the tertians.
Octon     CR 12 XP 19,200 LN Medium outsider (extraplanar, law, modron) Init 23 (fixed); Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect chaos, Perception +22 Defense AC 26, touch 17, flat-footed 26 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural) hp 156 (13d10+65 plus 20) Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +13 DR 10/chaotic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 21 Defensive Abilities constructed, freedom of movement, uncanny dodge Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good), swim 60 ft. Melee unarmed strike +19/+14/+9 or +17/+17/+12/+12/+7 (2d6+4) Special Attacks monastic training Spell-like Abilities CL 13th, concentration +17 Constant—detect chaos, freedom of movement, tongues At will—calm emotions (DC 16), clairaudience/clairvoyance, dimension door, haste, order’s wrath (DC 18), protection from chaos (DC 15), telekinesis (DC 19) 3/day—dismissal (DC 19), greater command (DC 19), greater teleport 1/day—dictum (DC 21), true seeing, wall of force Statistics Str 18, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 21, Cha 19 Base Atk +13; CMB +17 (+19 grapple); CMD 34 (36 vs. grapple) Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse Skills Diplomacy +17, Fly +27, Knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, local) +14, Knowledge (planes, religion) +17, Perception +24, Sense Motive +22, Spellcraft +14, Swim +26, Use Magic Device +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +2 Perception, +4 Swim Languages Celestial, Infernal, Modron, telepathy 100 ft. (9 miles with modrons), tongues SQ coordinated ally, fixed initiative, motility collar Ecology Environment any (Regulus) Organization solitary or conference (2-5) Treasure standard Special Abilities Monastic Training (Ex) An octon gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat as well as the unarmed strike damage bonus and flurry of blows of a monk equal to its Hit Dice. Octon hit dice stack with monk levels for these class abilities. Motility Collar (Su) An octon’s collar gives it a fly speed of 60 feet and a swim speed of 60 feet as a supernatural ability. It also grants it a +4 racial bonus to Fly and Swim checks.
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dogtraininglove · 4 years
Secrets of the Brain Unlocked - How to Increase Brain Power
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The brain contains everything that makes us who we are. This comprises not only every talent and skill, but also the records of all our experiences, hopes and dreams, the friendships and achievements that give meaning and purpose to our lives.
It's no wonder then, that with every little 'brain hiccup' - forgetting a name, losing our car or house keys (again), a sudden losing streak in our Bridge or Mahjong game - we see our lives slipping away. In fact, many people fear losing their memories more than death itself.
The good news is that although the brain does shrink with age, its remaining capacity is very large. Even with age, most brains can still learn and add new stores of information. Moreover, there are techniques that show you how to increase brain power and maximize your mental abilities. You can train your brain and improve the efficiency of your memory, whatever your age.
How to increase brain power - Age and Experience
The common saying 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks' is not true. Ageing may have some effect on memory and learning capacity. However, the experience and knowledge store that age brings can compensate for much of this. Moreover, memory improvement techniques can help preserve your mental functions into old age. Using simple aids such as diaries, post-it-notes or electronic reminders can also help counter memory slips.
How to increase brain power - Expand our Interests
As we age, our mental filing cabinets become packed with records of our lives well lived. Yet through it all, the brain makes more complex associations between ideas and puts new learning in the context of a vast store of experience. This means that it becomes easier to take in new information about topics of which we have some knowledge and experience. So someone who plays chess as a hobby for instance, will build on his knowledge of different chess positions and strategies the more he plays. He can draw on this knowledge and experience when he encounter something similar next time, and become a better player.
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The same is true of any area of interest, hobby or profession - Stamp collecting, music, politics, medicine, psychology, astrophysics or even television soap operas. Besides helping to maintain your mental abilities, pursuing a new interest will make life more stimulating.
Two Breakthroughs
The brain, once a mysterious 'black box' that scientists could not decode, is finally revealing some of its biggest secrets. This offers huge promise to anyone who's worried about "losing it". Two of the main findings include
(i) We do grow our brain cells
Who doesn't remember downing one too many glasses in their youth and joking, 'Well, there goes another thousand brain cells'? Many of us still believe that we start life with billions of brain cells, and then slowly lose them with time (and alcohol). We'll then have fewer brain cells by our twenties and thirties, and by middle age. But in fact, in a remarkable discovery, scientists have learned that the brain generates new cells every day, in a process called neurogenesis. What really happens is that most new brain cell growth continues until early adulthood, around the age of 18 to 20. Thereafter, new brain cells do grow, but more die off than are replaced, so there is a small and gradual but progressive overall loss of brain cells throughout the rest of adulthood.
The crucial point is that it's not the number of cells, but the connections between them that matter. Whenever you learn new things, you create new connections between the cells and thus increase the capacity of your brain.
(ii) The more your use your brain, the greater its capacity
The second major new finding is equally encouraging. We used to think of the brain as if it were a fixed electric power grid, like those that send electricity to our cities. When the system gets old or overloaded, power decreases which then leads to. flickering lights and break down of appliances. We believed that age wore down memory and comprehension in a similar way and there was nothing we could do about it.
Today, we know that the brain can continue to adapt and expand its capacity as needed. Not only does it generate new brain cells bit it also creates new connections between those cells in the form of intricate nerve fibers called dendrites. The more connections in your brain, the faster and better you think.
Brain Power Truth (1)
There are more potential connections between the cells in a single brain than atoms in the entire universe. The brain has about 100 billion neurons (nerve cells), and each neuron has up to 1,000 'docking points' where it can connect with others. If all of these potential connections were made, there would be well over 100 thousand billion information exchanging links. In practice, of course, only a tiny fraction of these connections are ever established.
Use it or Lose it  
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Whether you're balancing your accounts, learning salsa, or playing gin rummy, your brain's 'electricity grid' lights up like Time Square. Chemical messages travel at speeds of up to several hundred kmh from one nerve cell to the next along 'cables' called axons. Waiting to receive all that information are nerve cell 'branches' called dendrites. You yourself play the most important role in keeping this network humming.
According to Robert Loggie, professor of human cognitive neuroscience at Edinburgh University, learning new skills and new knowledge increases the number of connections in the brain. The more connections there are, the more efficient the brain will be. Forcing our brain to learn new things causes it to sprout more and more dendrites, expanding our capacity to think, learn and remember.
Being mentally lazy - getting stuck in a rut, never trying anything new - has the opposite effect. The brain allows unused neurons to die and 'prunes' under-used dendrites, just as a gardener prunes dying branches on a tree.
Brain Power truth (2)
A small number of people possess what memory experts call 'total recall'. They can remember every detail - what they wore, what they ate, what the weather was like, who visited that day and so on - of any specific day from adolescence onwards. Such memory feats highlight the vast potential of human memory.
Rich Rewards
Keeping our brains in tip-top shape may even protect against the decline in mental functioning that tends to occur with age. Many studies have shown that higher levels of leisure related mental, physical and social activities are associated with better cognitive health later in life. Of course, it could be that people who choose a more varied and challenging lifestyle are more mentally active to begin with. But taking up or increasing your level of activity does seem to confer benefits. A 2008 review commissioned by the UK government's foresight project, 'Mental Capital and Wellbeing', noted that cognitive training in later life could improve memory, reasoning and speed of information processing, and that the gains could be long-lasting, for at least 5 years. A multitude of other studies have reached similar conclusions.
Here are simple everyday ways to increase brain power.
Talking - A study found that chatting for 10 minutes a day improves memory and test scores.
Walking - In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers looking at data from the US Nurses Study, involving more than 18,000 women, found that long term regular physical activity, including walking, is associated with significantly better cognitive function and less cognitive decline in older women.
Omega-3 dietary supplement - A study looked at use of omega-3 in 65 older adults showed improvements in the connectivity of the brain, increases in the size of key brain regions and improved cognitive functioning after 26 weeks of use.
How to Increase brain power - Action Plan
What's the best way to nurture your neurological garden? Small lifestyle tweaks can help you think more clearly, retain information more effectively and concentrate better. It can be as simple as going for a brisk walk, taking an occasional class, or getting enough sleep.
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Diet is important. A study published in 'Archives of Neurology' suggests that following a Mediterranean diet can provide a powerful defense against mental decline. After 5 years, people who followed this diet - high in fish, fruit, vegetables, legumes and monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, moderate in alcohol and low in red meat and dairy products - had a 28% lower risk of cognitive impairment.
Brain Power truth (3)
A 'happy' brain can help to fight off infection. The body's immune system responds directly to changes in the brain. A sad event - such as losing a loved one - can produce a measurable depletion in the number of infection-fighting blood cells for 4 days.
In later articles, I will lay out advice on the best foods to eat for brain health, and what to avoid. Why high cholesterol levels and belly fat can be bad for your brain as well as your heart. You'll discover why exercise is good for your brain, not just for your body. And how simply getting adequate sleep can almost magically clear up fuzzy thinking. (The ability of test subjects assigned to memorize lists of words improved by 30 percent after a good night's sleep)
There are also 'brain villains' that can rob your brain of its power. How can your protect yourself? Some usual advice: smoking and drinking to excess are just as bad for your brain as they are for the rest of your body. But there are other more surprising findings.
Muddled thinking? Blame it on stress. In one study, stressed medical students performed significantly worse on an important exam. Depression can also rob us of brain power: The symptoms can include foggy memory, difficulty with comprehension, even slurred speech. In elderly people, these symptoms are commonly mistaken for dementia, but mental skills can improve when depression is treated.
How to increase brain power - Cross-train your brain
We've probably heard the common advice to take up crossword puzzles and play mahjong or chess to keep the mind fit. That's a good start. It will definitely make you better at solving cross-word puzzles or playing either game. But that alone won't help you find your car keys or remember phone numbers and names, says cognitive neuroscientist Robert Loggie. Just as runners devote a portion of their training to swimming and cycling, you'll need to vary the range and difficulty level of your activities if you want to keep your brain in prime shape. Athletes call this cross training
Go through a series puzzles and exercises designed to challenge your brain in the 6 main cognitive areas: attention and focus, general memory, processing speed, verbal skills, number skills and reasoning. I'll provide some examples in a later article.
Spend a few minutes on them weekly and you should notice improvements in your brain 'fitness'. Discover everyday strategies to recall names that are always at the tip of your tongue.
There's evidence that intellectually curious people are more resistant to brain decline. They have what scientists call a cognitive reserve, which means that they have more nerve cells and dendrites than others to begin with. So if their brains eventually suffer damage due to disease such as Alzheimer, they are likely to function well for a longer period. So develop a curious mind for things around you that matter.
Are you now inspired to banish memory slips, chase away brain fogs, sharpen up your concentration and focus, reduce the risk of dementia and boost your self confidence? Look no further. Check out my website in the link below to find out more about how to increase brain power to make the most out of life.
I take a keen interest in personal development and helping people make the most out of life. I believe in life-long learning and self improvement to keep being relevant, meaningful and contributing to society. I have spent many years studying the traits and values of successful people and applying this in my job as a successful fund manager and in my personal life. 
Know More Click here https://bit.ly/3chZl82
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bomberlandia · 4 years
Part II: Ranking Every Bomber Since 2015
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We finish Ranking Every Bomber Since 2015 with the final stretch, a selection of players who were consistent, dominated, and held the team together through a pretty dark era for the club. 
In Part II, we get into the meat of the rankings. Most of the names you’d expect to be here are here and the Top 20 is as you’d expect although no-one probably thought of Ridley before this year to be ranked among the likes of Dustin Fletcher and Dylan Shiel. 
Enough with the prelude. Let’s see where things finished up. 
Players Ranked from 38 to 1
38. Adam Cooney
37. Shaun McKernan 
36. Patrick Ambrose
35. Mason Redman
34. Travis Colyer
33. Mitch Brown
32. Conor McKenna
31. Sam Draper
30. Jake Stringer
JR: If luck will let it be, Sam Draper will evolve into one of Essendon’s greatest ruckman and will become a Top 15 player. I hope I have not jinxed it. His first year was a real treat. Aggression is his friend. I wrote about Mitch Brown and how underrated he is and I sometimes have those feelings where I wish he was back at Essendon but then realize he plays one good game followed by three games where you don’t even know he exists.  
DE: Some serviceable players here. McKenna was entering his prime, but having lived overseas myself I know how difficult it is to be so far from family and friends, so I sympathise with his need to return home. McKernan could have been anything, but again consistency was a killer. Could tear games apart, then be barely sighted the following week. Stringer is similar. 
29. Kyle Langford  
28. Heath Hocking
27. Jake Melksham
26. Ben Howlett 
25. David Myers 
24. Courtenay Dempsey 
23. Michael Hibberd  
22. Tom Bellchambers 
JR: My favourite Hocking games were when he tagged a key midfielder, like a Chris Judd and would blanket them. He was a brute who loved to tackle inside the centre square and packs that formed around stoppages. He was disciplined and a defensive-minded trier during a time when the Bombers lacked defensive hard nuts. Probably cut with the same physical cloth as a Hardwick or Solomon.
DE: Hocking, Howlett and Bellchambers were warriors for us during difficult times. Myers had such potential, but for some reason never seemed to be in favour enough with his coaches. I felt he could have been a game-breaker like Isaac Smith at Hawthorn if given the opportunities. Dempsey was exciting to watch when he was up and about. 
21. Orazio Fantasia 
20. Martin Gleeson
19. Darcy Parish 
18. Dylan Shiel
17. Dustin Fletcher
16. Jordan Ridley
JR: Fletcher will have greater stakes on other rankings we do. He was at the end of his career. Fantasia has been disappointing. He’s a weapon that possesses speed and goal-kicking sensibilities but not having a body that stands up to the rigours of AFL limits his progression in these rankings. Ridley went from unsighted to best and fairest winner in 12 months. He plays the game like a veteran which speaks to his calmness around the chaotic packs. Expect him to make inroads in years to come.
DE: The great Dustin Fletcher only falls down this list because he was at the tail end of his career. Otherwise, he’d be top-five. I reckon Gleeson was becoming a reliable and attacking defender before his injury, so hopefully he can regain his best form in 2021. Ridley will be top-five for years to come. Expect to see lots of kids, including my son Ernie, wearing No. 14 on their backs.
15. Adam Saad  
14. James Kelly 
13. Anthony McDonald-Tipungwuti
12. Devon Smith   
11 Mark Baguely
JR: Kelly came out of retirement to play 40 games for Essendon during a raw period for the Bombers. He excelled in making good decisions across half back and had sublime skills. He was a mentor to the young core of kids. I think he gave the club more than the Bombers bargained for on and off the field. He left Geelong at the end of 2015, started in 2016 at Essendon and he’s still at Windy Hill.
DE: Baguely’s high ranking might surprise some, but I really rated him. I thought he gave his all for us over a long period, even if he did turn it over sometimes. If Walla can get fitter, I’d love to see him throwing his weight around in the centre square more often. With Fantasia departing, more pressure will come onto his strong shoulders. Kelly was another who earned his way into Bomber hearts for the role he played (on and off the field) during the dark days. 
10. Brent Stanton
JR: Stanton was a whipping boy for all things that went wrong on the field. Played during a period where the Bombers just weren’t very good. I think we undervalued his metres gained and the run and carry he provided. Instead we think about the costly turnovers. People laughed when he was given the no.5 jumper. But he became a pivotal piece to the team, a long servant, and loyal player. And those things mean something.
DE: I’ve settled on 10th place for Stanton with some trepidation. He was a favourite with coaches and teammates, but was one of my most frustrating players to watch as I felt he turned the ball over far too often. In the modern game, however, a player’s ability to run seems to outweigh their skill deficiencies. He wore the beloved No. 5, which never sat comfortably with me. But there was no denying he gave his all for our club, for which he should be commended.
9. Joe Daniher
JR: Is Joe going to regret leaving? When I think of his time at Essendon there’s only a few things that come to mind – Anzac Day 2017, the All-Australian nod, and his screamers. What won’t be missed: his set shot routine and (often) poor body language. He only played 15 games in the last three years but when fit, he’s unstoppable. I think there’s always going to be debate and question marks on where Joe fits when pitted against other Bombers. 
DE: Unimaginable to think Joe will not be wearing an Essendon guernsey anymore, given the family’s involvement. But since becoming injury-prone he’s been a huge disappointment and, in terms of on-field output, I’m fine with him leaving. At his peak, he could have been Buddy Franklin-like, but sitting on the fence while your teammate kicks for goal is embarrassing. Imagine if Roughy had done that at Hawthorn…Clarko would have sent him home to Leongatha! Thanks for your service, Joe, but thanks, too, for the salary cap room.
8. David Zaharakis
7. Cale Hooker
JR: Both players have been very good servants over a ten-year period – Zaharakis has played 217 games; Hooker 201 games. Zaharakis gets credit for being able to stay relevant, playing roles, and doing what the teams needs him to be. If this was my all-time favourite Essendon player’s list, Hooker would be higher. The fact he shares the backline with Hurley – a superstar- probably takes inches off his position on this list. His reported displeasure about Bellchambers not getting a farewell game and the joy he emits when he kicks a goal only shows how much he cares for the club. Hooksy is all-time.
DE: Zaka has at times been dynamic, with his outside run and good decision-making as good as any in the league. Hooker could have accepted a huge offer to joining Fremantle, but stuck by the club and deserves to see out his career a one-club player. Sometimes makes strange decisions, but overall has been a terrific defender (at times forward) for us over a long time. Forget the footage of him chasing Buddy – Hook has given his all for our club. What more can you ask of someone?
6. Andrew McGrath
5. Brendon Goddard 
JR: Goddard was a proven elite weapon with deadly foot skills before he came to Essendon. His leadership proved valuable to rebuilding and supplements teams. I wrote about Andrew McGrath’s incredible rise this year for Bomberlandia and covered his journey to the draft for Sportsnet. The two things that stand out are his athleticism and his leadership. His work around the ball is now elite. He’s only 22.
DE: McGrath will lead this list in the near future. His 2020 season was outstanding and, to me, he was our number-one leader through a difficult period as he showed a will to want to carry his teammates to victory week after week. Certain to replace Dyson in the near future and hold the position for a long time. Goddard could rub people the wrong way, but he showed us all what type of attitude you need to be a winner. A victim of poor circumstances when he arrived, but led the team admirably.
4. Dyson Heppell 
3. Michael Hurley
JR: Hurley is approaching 200 games (193) and his longevity has seen him become of the best defenders Essendon has ever produced. I still think about what would have happened if he stayed a forward. If you think of all the games the Bombers have played since 2015, Hurley has probably featured in the best in most of them. I reported on Heppell during his Gippsland Power days for the Pakenham Gazette. On the field he changed games, made good decisions and was gutsy. Most of all his teammates looked up to him. That continued when he joined Essendon.
DE: As a fellow Leongatha boy, have followed Dyson’s career closely. Popular with everyone, he’s been a decent leader during difficult times. But it’s time for a more ruthless skipper, like a Voss or a Hodge or a McGrath. Hopefully he can keep his body healthy for the rest of his career. Hurley has been a warrior for us, crashing packs and putting his body on the line year after year. At one point I felt he should be captain. Like Dyson, I hope he stays healthy and finishes his career in red and black.
2. Jobe Watson
JR: I thought Jobe would be too slow to play in the midfield but he proved me wrong. I thought he wasn’t elite enough and then he won a Brownlow. He spent his career proving people wrong. A stoic leader. Stood tall during the supplement’s saga which happened during the twilight of his career which makes him, as Dan put it, “one of the greats.”
DE: Jobe would have been No. 1, but he was at the end of his career when this list starts. One of the best of his generation, poorly treated during the dark days yet remained a strong leader throughout. If a Team of the Century was picked today, he’d be on the bench at least. One of the greats. That he emerged from his father’s shadow to carve out his own fine career is a testament to his determination. 
1. Zach Merrett
JR: What else needs to be said about Zach Merrett? The fact everyone was up-in-arms during the trade period at the thought of him going to a club like Carlton or Collingwood, says a lot about who he is and what he stands for. He’s been super consistent and reliable for a five-year stretch during a time where the Bombers haven’t been easy to read. I can only see McGrath or Josh Dunkley (if the club gets him) as two players that could surpass Merrett. Until that happens, it’s Zach Merrett over everyone. 
DE: While Zachy isn’t a game-breaker in the way a Patrick Dangerfield is at Geelong, he has undoubtedly been our most consistent player over the period in question. No frills, just gets the job done. But it shows our lack of top-end talent when Zach stands alone for the Bombers on league leaderboards for stats. 
Historian Dr Dan Eddy is the author of 12 books, including “King Richard” and “Always Striving.” A life-long Bomber supporter, you can follow him on Twitter @DanEddyBooks35 and read his sports books at www.daneddybooks.com.  
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The Zipf Mystery
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-zipf-mystery-4/
The Zipf Mystery
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Hi there, Vsauce. Michael right here. About 6 percentage of the whole thing you say and read and write is the "the" – is probably the most used word in the English language. About one out of each 16 phrases we encounter on a day-to-day basis is "the." the top 20 most original English words in order are "the," "of," "and," "to," "a," "in," "is," "I," "that," "it," "for," "you," "used to be," "with," "on," "as," "have," "however," "be," "they." that’s a fun fact. A section of trivialities however additionally it is extra. You see, whether or not essentially the most often used phrases are ranked throughout an whole language, or in only one booklet or article, just about at any time when a weird pattern emerges. The 2d most used phrase will show up about half of as probably as the most used. The third one 1/3 as mostly. The fourth one fourth as traditionally. The fifth one fifth as traditionally. The sixth one sixth as in general, and many others the entire means down. Severely. For some rationale, the quantity of occasions a word is used is just proportional to 1 over its rank.Word frequency and ranking on a log log graph comply with a satisfactory straight line. A energy-law. This phenomenon is known as Zipf’s legislation and it would not most effective follow to English. It additionally applies to different languages, like, good, all of them. Even historical languages we’ve not been competent to translate but. And here’s the thing. We don’t have any idea why. It is stunning that some thing as problematic as reality should be conveyed by way of anything as inventive as language in such a predictable method. How predictable? Good, watch this. Consistent with WordCount.Org, which ranks words as determined in the British countrywide Corpus, "sauce" is the 5,555th most normal English word. Now, here is a list of how regularly each phrase on Wikipedia and within the entire Gutenberg Corpus of tens of hundreds and hundreds of public domain books shows up.Essentially the most used word, ‘the,’ suggests up about 181 million instances. Realizing these two matters, we can estimate that the word "sauce" must appear about thirty thousand occasions on Wikipedia and Gutenberg combined. And it pretty much does. What gives? The sector is chaotic. Things are dispensed in myriad of methods, not simply vigour legal guidelines. And language is private, intentional, idiosyncratic. What about the world and ourselves might rationale such complicated routine and behaviors to follow this type of general rule? We literally do not know. Greater than a century of research has yet to close the case. Moreover, Zipf’s regulation doesn’t simply mysteriously describe phrase use. It is usually located in metropolis populations, sunlight flare intensities, protein sequences and immune receptors, the quantity of site visitors web sites get, earthquake magnitudes, the number of occasions academic papers are noted, last names, the firing patterns of neural networks, parts used in cookbooks, the number of cellphone calls persons obtained, the diameter of Moon craters, the quantity of persons that die in wars, the repute of opening chess strikes, even the price at which we put out of your mind.There are a lot of theories about why language is ‘zipf-y,’ however no firm conclusions and this video doesn’t incorporate a specific clarification both. Sorry, i do know that is a bummer, due to the fact that we show up to like figuring out greater than thriller. However that stated, we also ask greater than we reply. So let’s dive into Zipf’s ramifications, some associated patterns, some feasible explanations and the depth of the mystery itself. Zipf’s law was once popularized with the aid of George Zipf, a linguist at Harvard school. It is a discrete form of the continuous Pareto distribution from which we get the Pareto principle. Considering the fact that so many actual-world methods behave this manner, the Pareto precept tells us that, commonly of thumb, it is valued at assuming that 20% of the factors are dependable for 80% of the end result, like in language, where the most normally used 18 percentage of phrases account for over eighty% of phrase occurrences. In 1896, Vilfredo Pareto showed that approximately 80% of the land in Italy was owned by way of simply twenty percent of the population. It is said that he later observed in his backyard 20 percentage of his pea pods contained eighty percent of the peas. He and different researchers looked at other datasets and found that this eighty-20 imbalance comes up rather a lot on this planet.The richest 20% of humans have 82.7% of the sector’s income. In the U.S., 20% of patients use eighty percent of wellbeing care assets. In 2002, Microsoft said that 80% of the blunders and crashes in windows and workplace are caused by using 20% of the bugs detected. A long-established rule of thumb in the industry world states that 20% of your consumers are responsible for eighty% of your profits and eighty percent of the complaints you obtain will come from 20% of your buyers. A guide titled "The eighty/20 precept" even says that in a home or workplace, 20% of the carpet receives 80 percent of the wear and tear.Oh, and as Woody Allen famously mentioned, "eighty percent of success is just showing up." The Pareto principle is everywhere, which is just right. Via focusing on just 20 percentage of what’s incorrect, which you can mainly anticipate to resolve eighty percentage of the problems. A type of special unrelated factors purpose this to be true from case to case, but if we will get to the backside of what reasons a few of them, maybe we’ll find that one or more of those mechanisms is liable for Zipf’s regulation in language. George Zipf himself notion languages’ intriguing rank frequency distribution was a consequence of the precept of Least Effort. The tendency for life and matters to follow the path of least resistance. Zipf believed it drove so much of human conduct and hypothesized that as language developed in our species, speakers naturally preferred drawing from as few phrases as possible to get their thoughts out there. It was once less difficult.However to be able to fully grasp what was once being mentioned, listeners desired larger vocabularies that gave more specificity, in order that they needed to do much less work. The compromise between listening and speaking, Zipf felt, led to the present state of language. Just a few phrases are used almost always and many many many phrases are used hardly ever. Latest papers have urged that having a few short, probably used, predictable phrases helps dissipate expertise load density on listeners, spacing out main vocab so that the know-how rate is more regular.This makes sense and much has been realized by using making use of the least effort principle to different behaviors, but later researchers argued that for language, the explanation used to be much more easy. Only a few years after Zipf’s seminal paper, Benoit Mandelbrot confirmed that there could also be nothing mysterious about Zipf’s regulation at all, when you consider that although you just randomly type on a keyboard you’re going to produce words disbursed consistent with Zipf’s law. It is a sexy cool point and that is why it occurs. There are exponentially more different lengthy words than quick phrases. For example, the English alphabet can be used to make 26 one letter phrases, but 26 squared 2 letter phrases. Additionally, in random typing, whenever the space bar is pressed a phrase terminates. In view that there may be continuously a unique risk that the gap bar shall be pressed, longer stretches of time before it occurs are exponentially much less probably than shorter ones.The combo of those exponentials is pretty ‘Zipf-y.’ For example, if all 26 letters and the spacebar are equally more likely to be typed, after a letter is typed and a phrase has begun, the probability that the subsequent input will be an area, as a result creating a one letter phrase, is just one in 27. And sure sufficient, in the event you randomly generate characters or rent a proverbial typing monkey, about one out of each 27 or 3.7 percent of the stuff between areas, can be single letters. Two letter words appear when after opening a phrase any personality however the space bar is hit – a 26 in 27 hazard and then the gap bar. A three-letter phrase is the chance of a letter, yet another letter after which an area. If we divide by means of the quantity of particular phrases of each and every length there will also be, we get the frequency of prevalence anticipated for any unique word given its length. For illustration, the letter V will make up about 0.142 percent of random typing. The word "Vsauce" zero.0000000993 percentage. Longer phrases are much less probably, but watch this. Let’s unfold these frequencies out in step with the ranks they’d soak up on a most on the whole used record.There are 26 possible one letter words, so each and every of the top 26 ranked phrases are anticipated to occur about this often. The subsequent 676 ranks can be taken up through two letter phrases that exhibit up about this in general. If we extend each and every frequency according to how many participants it has, we get Zipf. Subsequent researchers have distinct how altering up the initial conditions can smooth the steps out.Our mysterious distribution has been created out of nothing however the inevitabilities of math. So perhaps there is not any thriller. Maybe phrases are just the influence of people randomly segmenting the observable world and the mental world into labels and Zipf’s legislation describes what naturally occurs when you do this. Case closed. And as consistently And as at all times, thanks for… Wait a minute! Actual language may be very different from random typing. Conversation is deterministic to a unique extent. Utterances and topics arrive headquartered on what was mentioned before.And the vocabulary we have got to work with absolutely isn’t the result of in basic terms random naming. For example, the monkey typing mannequin cannot provide an explanation for why even the names of the factors, the planets and the times of the week are utilized in language according to Zipf’s legislation. Sets like these are limited by means of the natural world and they’re now not the effect of us randomly segmenting the arena into labels. Furthermore, when given a list of novel words, phrases they’ve on no account heard or used before, like when caused to write down a story about alien creatures with unusual names, humans will naturally tend to use the title of 1 alien twice as on the whole as one other, three times as regularly as one other… Zipf’s law seems to be developed into our brains. Perhaps there’s something about the way in which ideas and themes of discussion ebb and drift that contributes to Zipf’s legislation.One more means ‘Zipf-ian’ distributions occur is via approaches that change in keeping with how they’ve earlier operated. These are referred to as preferential attachment procedures. They occur when something – money, views, awareness, version, buddies, jobs, anything fairly is given out according to how so much is already possessed. To go back to the carpet example, if most folks stroll from the residing room to the kitchen across a targeted direction, furniture will be placed in other places, making that course even more wellknown. The extra views a video or photograph or put up has, the extra likely it is to get advocated routinely or make the information for having so many views, both of which offer it more views.It’s like a snowball rolling down a snowy hill. The more snow it accumulates, the bigger its floor subject turns into for gathering more and the faster it grows. There doesn’t must be a deliberate option using a preferential attachment procedure. It will probably occur naturally. Do this. Take a bunch of paper clips and take hold of any two at random. Hyperlink them together after which throw them again in the pile. Now, repeat over and over again. If you seize paper clips which can be already a part of a chain, hyperlink ’em anyway. More customarily than no longer after a even as you are going to have a distribution that appears ‘Zipf-ian.’ A small quantity of chains include a disproportionate quantity of the total paperclip rely. That is without problems due to the fact the longer a chain gets, the better proportion of the entire it involves, which gives it a greater risk of being picked up one day and accordingly made even longer.The rich get richer, the tremendous get larger, the popular get popular-er. It is just math. Might be languages’ Zipf mystery is, if now not induced by it, at the least bolstered by means of preferential attachment. Once a word is used, it’s extra probably for use again soon. Critical facets could play a role as well. Writing and conversation in general stick to a subject matter unless a imperative point is reached and the area is changed and the vocabulary shifts. Approaches like these are identified to influence in vigor legal guidelines. So, ultimately, it appears tenable that all these mechanisms could collude to make Zipf’s regulation essentially the most normal means for language to be. Possibly a few of our vocabulary and grammar was once developed randomly, in step with Mandelbrot’s thought. And the natural approach conversation and dialogue comply with preferential attachment and criticality, coupled with the precept of least effort when speakme and listening are all responsible for the connection between phrase rank and frequency.It’s a shame that the answer is not less complicated, nevertheless it’s intriguing on account that of the penalties it has on what communication is made from. Roughly talking, and that is mind blowing, just about half of any publication, conversation or article will be nothing however the same 50 to one hundred words. And nearly the opposite half can be phrases that appear in that selection most effective as soon as. That is now not so stunning when you do not forget the fact that one word accounts for six percentage of what we say.The top 25 most used phrases make up a few 1/3 of everything we are saying and the highest 100 about half of. Significantly. I imply, whether or not it is all of the phrases in "moist scorching American summer," or all the words in Plato’s "whole Works" or within the whole works of Edgar Allan Poe or the Bible itself, best about one hundred words are used for practically 1/2 of the whole lot written or mentioned. In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 44% and in Tom Sawyer 49.Eight% of the designated words used appear only once within the e-book. A phrase that’s used handiest as soon as in a given determination of words is referred to as a ‘hapax legomenon.’ Hapax legomena are vitally primary to understanding languages.If a phrase has handiest been found as soon as in the entire known assortment of an historical language, it can be very intricate to determine what it approach. Now, there’s no corpus of everything ever stated or written in English, however there are very very tremendous collections and it is fun to seek out hapax legomena in them. For illustration, and this frequently will not be the case after I mention it, but the phrase "quizzaciously" is within the Oxford English Dictionary, however seems nowhere on Wikipedia or in the Gutenberg corpus or within the British countrywide Corpus or the American national Corpus, however it does show up when searched in only one outcome on Google. Fittingly, in a guide titled "ElderSpeak" that lists it as a ‘rare word.’ Quizzaciously, by the way, manner "in a mocking method," as in "The paradist rattled off quizzaciously, ‘good day, Vsauce.Michael here. But who’s Michael and how much does right here weigh?’" it can be a bit unhappy that quizzaciously has been used so infrequently. It can be a enjoyable phrase, however that is the way in which matters go in a ‘Zipf-ian’ procedure. Some things get all of the love, some get little. Most of what you expertise on a every day foundation is forgotten, forgettable. The Dictionary of vague Sorrows, as it most commonly does, has a word for this – alright – the realization of how few days are memorable. I have been alive for almost 11,000 days but i couldn’t inform you some thing about every one among them. I mean, not even shut. Most of what we do and see and feel and say and listen to and believe is forgotten at a cost really much like Zipf’s law, which is sensible. If a quantity of factors naturally selected for considering and speakme concerning the world with tools in a ‘Zipf-ian’ way, it is smart we’d remember it that way too. Some things rather well, most things hardly ever at all. Nevertheless it bums me out many times given that it signifies that a lot is forgotten, even things that on the time you idea you might by no means omit.My locker number – senior yr – its combo, the jokes I liked after I saw a comedian on stage, the names of folks I noticed everyday 10 years ago. So many memories are gone. Once I look at the entire books I’ve learn and have an understanding of that I are not able to keep in mind every detail from them, it can be just a little disappointing. I mean, why even bother if the Pareto precept dictates that my ‘Zipf-ian’ mind will consciously don’t forget generally best the titles and some basic reactions years later Ralph Waldo Emerson makes me think better. He as soon as stated, "I can’t don’t forget the books I’ve read any more than the meals i’ve eaten. Then again, they’ve made me." And as always, thanks for gazing. .
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sandybrow2 · 4 years
Us/canadian Jd: Michigan State University College Of Law Charlottetown Quebec: McGill University, Montreal Saskatchewan: University of Regina, Regina University of Saskatchewan Your LSAT score, which will be in between 120 and 180, will be mailed to you three weeks after the date of the test. View the LSAC Official Guide to Canadian Law Schools for application procedures for the law school in which you plan to make an application for admission. There are 24 law schools in Canada, each of which offers an expert law degree in one or both of Canada's law systems. 2 legal customs exist in Canada: French civil law, dominant in Quebec; and English typical law, dominant in all other provinces and territories. If you mean to practice in an English common law jurisdiction in Canada, you must graduate from one of the common-law schools in the other provinces/territories (Neinstein). Canada has movement agreements amongst the provinces/territories that enable lawyers accredited in one common-law jurisdiction to practice in another common-law jurisdiction. Ontario Law Schools If you are applying to any law school in Ontario, you need to apply online through Ontario Universities Application Centre. Guidelines will be given on what is required, such as undergraduate transcripts, letters of recommendation, neighborhood involvement, personal declaration, and LSAT scores, when you use. Contact your individual law school for its expectations. The Law Society of OntarioThe Law Society of Ontario requires that you graduate from a law school authorized by Convocation in order for your law education to be provincially recognized. All schools listed under "Law Schools in Canada" listed below are authorized by Convocation. Approved law schools offering French civil law degrees consist of: Universit Laval, Quebec City, Quebec University of Ottawa Professors. Contact Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers https://a-list.lawandstyle.ca/announcements/jeff-neinstein-included-in-lexpert-directory/ the Excellent Character Requirement under the Law Society Act. As soon as you have actually completed all of these actions, you will be called to the Bar of Ontario. Calls are held every September and January in Toronto and June in London, Ottawa and Toronto. There, you will be conferred with the degree of Barrister-at-Law, receive a Court Certificate of Credentials, and will be sworn in and registered. You must acquire your own articling position prior to using to the Law Society Admission Program, and work full-time continually for a minimum of nine months Completion of a 10-week Professional Legal Training Course (PLTC). This course covers legal practice and procedure, legal skills, principles, and practice management. Classes are held at the Law Society in Vancouver and at Camosun College in Victoria. Candidates applying to Ontario law schools must submit their applications to the OLSAS. Only LSATs composed throughout the last 5 years will be accepted. Deadline: November 1 - A minimum of 3 years (90 credits) of undergraduate studies from a recognized university is required- Applicants with less than 3 years of university research study might apply if, as of June of the year of admission, they are at least 26 years of age and have minimum 5 years non-academic experience- Applications readily available in August- Highest LSAT rating utilized- Rolling admission- Supporting Files: official academic transcripts, Personal Declaration, two letters of reference (a minimum of one scholastic encouraged)- Admission classifications: Regular and Indigenous Approximated Full-time Tuition $28,649.22 Book and Course Products $900 (approximate) Application Charge $100 (plus OLSAS application cost of $200) - Financial Assistance Available Average LSAT Rating 83rd percentile Average CGPA 3.69 Number of candidates 2,951 First-year enrolment 290 - Largest Common Law school in Canada- International, Relative, and Transnational Law- Labour and Employment Law- Tax Law-Litigation, Dispute Resolution, and Administration of Justice- Aboriginal Lands, Resources, and Governments, Anti-Discrimination, Neighborhood Legal Help Providers program, Crook Law, Special Needs Law, Immigration and Refugee Law, Intellectual Home Law and Technology, and Hardship Law- On-site legal help clinic where trainees can offer or make credit- Centre for Public Law and Public Policy - 4 Joint programs: JD/Master of Business Administration, JD/Master of Environmental Studies, JD/Master of Arts in Philosophy, and JD/Bachelor of Civil Law (with Universite de Montreal)- Institute for Feminist Legal Studies- Active Student Government (Legal & Literary Society and Trainee Caucus) and numerous other clubs and companies- On-site research centres and institutes- International exchanges- Centre for Refugee Studies- Mooting and Osgoode Hall Law Journal- Integrated degrees with NYU (J.D./ LL.B). Here we take a look at what comprises a best law school in Canada. Canada is a big nation with a fairly sporadic population of around 36.9 million people spread across 9.985 million square kilometres. This indicates that universities in Canada tend to be large organizations spread across the country, concentrating centers and resources in one location to provide an overall education to the local population. The Canadian population is concentrated in the large cities and has an immigrant population of over 20% across the nation. This has actually resulted in a cosmopolitan atmosphere in most cities and towns. This resident immigrant population is shown in the universities and law schools, and these students bring their distinct experiences to the courses they attend. The Canadian government is keen to motivate more worldwide students to Canada, and there are numerous attractive visa and financing alternatives available to students wanting to go to Canada. Those students who believe they might wish to work in Canada after finishing their studies will find attractive residency visa choices available to them - Jeffrey Neinstein. The QS World University Rankings listed McGill's law school as the 27th best on the planet, and 2nd finest in Canada. Comparable to our weightings, the QS rankings offer a 0.4 weighting to scholastic reputation to which McGill was ranked second in Canada. This plainly shows that the quality of education is excellent. Lastly, McGill came 23rd in the world (and 2nd in Canada) in the Times Greater Education Top 50 Arts and Liberal Arts University Rankings. Now although being ranked for arts & humanitities is not particular to law, this provides a clear indication of the quality of education you 'd anticipate at McGill Law. http://onf-nfb.gc.ca/publications/en/annualreports/rep2001-2002/ar01-02.pdf Watch Video
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Ultima Weapon
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Image © Square Enix, accessed at the Final Fantasy Wiki here
[Commissioned by @warfares-bridge​. Ultima Weapon first appeared in Final Fantasy VI (although the FF3 import I grew up with referred to it as “Atma Weapon”). It has had multiple recurring appearances in the series since then, with different appearances and abilities. This version builds most heavily on the Final Fantasy XIV version, where it is the final boss of the main campaign. That battle has a timer on it--if Ultima Weapon isn’t killed within a certain time limit, it casts Ultima, which in that game is an auto-TPK. I wanted to capture that flavor, but instant death is frowned upon in Pathfinder, and I had to come up with a rationale as to why it wouldn’t just use that ability Round 1 and save itself a lot of trouble.]
Ultima Weapon CR 24 LE Outsider This colossus appears something like a mechanical reptilian centaur, but its body appears to be grown from metal rather than forged. Blade-like wings and a lashing tail grow from it, and all six of its limbs bear deadly claws. Its head is proportionately small, and vaguely like that of an insect.
Ultima Weapon is a relic of the early days of the multiverse. During the Titanomachy, when the thanatoic titans rebelled against the gods, the inevitables donated their services to create potent weapons to strike against the titans and their elemental allies. Multiple Weapons were forged, Ultima being the most infamous. Ultima Weapon was corrupted by the temptation of power and struck out against inevitables and titans alike. Ultima Weapon maintains a low profile for millennia at a time, and its appearance is a sure sign of cosmic calamity.
Ultima Weapon was designed to be a mobile prison, capable of binding titans to itself and delivering them for judgment. It still has the ability to bind powerful creatures, and hunts down exemplary outsiders such as balors, solars and pit fiends in order to enslave them. Any creature it has bound to itself it can call upon to assist in combat, and Ultima Weapon has rotated its cast of servants over the course of the ages to suit its needs. Even if its servants are defeated or dismissed, Ultima Weapon lives up to its name as a mobile artillery platform. It can fire beams of divine lightning from its hands and chest, direct powerful magic missile-like effects in an instant, and crush opposition with its claws and tail. Most feared is its namesake ability, which has only been activated three times in known history, each time when the Weapon was on the brink of death. The Ultima energy mimics an implosion spell but can affect dozens of targets at a time.
Ultima Weapon   CR 24 XP 1,230,000 LE Colossal outsider (evil, law) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +37, see invisibility Aura awe (30 ft., Will DC 32) Defense AC 42, touch 21, flat-footed 33 (-8 size, +8 Dex, +21 natural, +1 dodge, +10 deflection) hp 492 (25d10+300 plus 80); regeneration 15 (epic) Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +23 DR 20/epic and good or epic and chaotic; Immune constructed; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, sonic 10; SR 35 (40 vs. divination) Defensive Abilities freedom of movement, superior ferocity Offense Speed 60 ft., fly 180 ft. (average) Melee 2 claws +32 (4d6+15/19-20 plus 2d6 electricity), 2 wings +30 (2d8+7), tail slap +30 (4d12+22) Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (30 ft. with tail slap) Special Attacks binding shackles, force missiles, magitech beams, powerful blows (tail), trample (8d6+22, Ref DC 37), ultima Spell-like Abilities CL 25th, concentration +35 Constant—freedom of movement, nondetection (self only), planar adaptation, see invisibility At will—arcane sight, dimensional anchor, greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. objects only), moment of prescience 3/day—binding (DC 28), earthquake, empowered meteor swarm (DC 29) 1/day—freedom, gate (planar travel only), imprisonment (DC 29) Statistics Str 40, Dex 26, Con 33, Int 21, Wis 29, Cha 30 Base Atk +25; CMB +48 (+52 bull rush); CMD 77 (79 vs. bull rush, 81 vs. trip) Feats Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Empower SLA (meteor swarm), Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Acrobatics +33, Diplomacy +35, Fly +28, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +33, Knowledge (dungeoneering, religion) +30, Perception +37, Sense Motive +37, Spellcraft +33 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Giant, Infernal, truespeech SQ no breath, planar acclimation Ecology Environment any Organization unique Treasure triple standard Special Abilities Aura of Awe (Su) The first time a creature approaches within 30 feet of Ultima Weapon, it must succeed a DC 32 Will save or be dazed for 1d4 rounds. Regardless of whether it passes or fails the save, it cannot be affected by Ultima Weapon’s aura of awe for the next 24 hours. This is a mind-influencing effect and the save DC is Charisma based. Binding Shackles (Su) Ultima Weapon can use its own body as a spell component for the binding spell-like ability. When it uses binding, it can make its own body the focus of the minimus containment version of the spell. Ultima Weapon can shackle a number of creatures to itself equal to its Intelligence modifier. Ultima Weapon can only use this ability on creatures with Hit Dice equal to or less than its own. Ultima Weapon can summon a creature contained inside itself as a standard action. The creature appears within 60 feet of Ultima Weapon, obeys Ultima Weapon without question, and counts as a summoned creature for the purposes of spells and effects. The creature remains for one minute or until slain, whereupon it returns to within Ultima Weapon without harm. Ultima Weapon cannot summon more than one creature this way at a time, and may summon each bound creature once per day. When Ultima Weapon is slain, the creatures remain bound inside its corpse. If freed, they behave as normal for their attitude and alignment, although they will likely be at least indifferent to any rescuer, if not more favorably disposed. Constructed (Ex) Although Ultima Weapon is a living outsider, their body is constructed of physical components, and in many ways they function as constructs. For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), Ultima Weapon counts as both an outsider and construct. They are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Ultima Weapon is not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. They are not at risk of death from massive damage. They have bonus hit points as constructs of their size. Force Missiles (Su) As a swift action every 1d4 rounds, Ultima Weapon can fire 10 missiles of force. It may fire these all at a single target within 240 feet, or split fire between enemies, but multiple enemies must be within 30 feet of each other. Each missile strikes automatically, ignoring cover and concealment, and deals 2d4+2 force damage. Magitek Beams (Su) As a standard action every 1d4 rounds, Ultima Weapon may fire three beams of energy as 120 foot lines. A creature caught in each beam takes 25d6 damage, half of which is electricity and half of which is typeless (Reflex DC 33 half). A creature caught in multiple beams does not take additional damage, but suffers a -2 penalty to its save. These beams may be in fired in any direction from Ultima Weapon’s square. The save DC is Constitution based. Planar Acclimation (Ex) Ultima Weapon is always considered to be on its home plane, no matter what plane it is on. It never gains the extraplanar subtype, and the planar acclimation spell protects it from the hazards of any plane except the Material Plane. Superior Ferocity (Ex) Ulitma Weapon does not die until its negative hit points reach twice its Constitution score, or -66 hp. Ultima Weapon is not staggered when using ferocity, but does suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and to the saving throws of its special abilities. Ultima (Su) As a standard action once per day, Ultima Weapon can set up a destructive resonance in the bodies of all corporeal creatures within 60 feet. A creature affected takes 250 points of damage (Fortitude DC 30 half). A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is destroyed and can only be returned to life by a miracle, true resurrection or wish spell. This can affect undead and constructs as long as they have a physical body—creatures in gaseous form and incorporeal creatures are unaffected. Ultima Weapon can only use this ability when it is below 0 hit points, with its superior ferocity ability. The save DC is Charisma based and has a -2 penalty from superior ferocity.
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topfygad · 5 years
Best Christmas Markets in Germany – Wild Junket Adventure Travel Blog
Having lived in Europe for over 12 years now, I’ve visited loads of Christmas markets and have discovered these to be the perfect Christmas markets in Germany.
Christmas Markets in Germany
It’s starting to look lots like Christmas! The aroma of candy mulled wine and gingerbread fills the air, and festive music floods the streets. Right here in Europe, Christmas markets and are a critical affair. Essential squares get reworked into large Christmas villages dotted with a whole bunch of stalls, Christmas timber and decorations.
For Europeans, Christmas markets mark the beginning of Introduction. These markets often keep open for 4 weeks main as much as Christmas. They first began in Germany through the Late Center Ages, earlier than spreading round Europe. It’s no marvel the German Christmas markets are the largest, brightest and most festive.
Fortunate for us, we stay in Amsterdam, which is only a quick drive away from a few of the finest Christmas markets in Germany. 
What to Do at a Christmas Market
For Christmas fanatics, going to a Christmas market in Germany is like being let unfastened in a sweet retailer! There’s a lot magic and grandeur in every thing, from the wood Nutcracker to the Nativity scene and big pyramids.
Christmas markets in Germany are additionally nice locations to strive conventional German meals just like the Lebkuchen Christmas cookies. I by no means depart a Christmas market with out having a bratwurst (grilled sausage) and glühwein (sizzling mulled wine). In case you’re questioning what to eat in Germany, right here is my detailed German meals information.
German Christmas markets are the locations to go for the perfect journey presents. Conventional artisan merchandise just like the colourful nutcracker and handcrafted wood incense smoker collectible figurines make nice journey presents for youths. One other glorious memento to convey house is the collectible market mug that the glühwein is served in. You’re requested to pay 2-Four euros as a deposit for the mug which you’ll be refunded once you return it. Or you possibly can merely preserve the mug as a memento!
Which German Christmas Market Ought to I Go to?
There are a whole bunch of Christmas markets in Germany, even small villages have their very own little Christkindlmarkt. So how do you resolve which Christmas market to go to?
The preferred German Christmas markets are present in Cologne, and obtain over Four million guests annually. The Christmas markets in Dortmund are available at second place, with greater than 3.5 million guests scouring their 300 stalls. Subsequent hottest ones are in Stuttgart and Frankfurt.
Have a look at the numbers and you’ll think about how standard these German Christmas markets are. Don’t let that deter you from visiting although, you simply have to plan your journey to keep away from the gang. I’ve included the opening dates and instances for every market, in addition to the closest resort to the market under.
Ideas for Visiting a Christmas Market in Germany
Christmas markets in Germany often open for the Four weeks main as much as Christmas. Most finish on the 23rd December.
To keep away from the crowds, I like to recommend planning your journey near the top of November to coincide with the opening of the German Christmas markets.
Go to the Christmas markets within the morning and also you’ll are inclined to have the markets to yourselves. Most markets open round 10am and shut at 10pm.
Bank cards are usually not accepted in most German Christmas markets, so be ready with some money (euros)!
In main cities, there are often greater than 1 Christmas market. A few of them even have Christmas market trains that present a hop-on hop-off service connecting the markets.
The meals on the Christmas markets are wonderful, but in addition overpriced. 
Finest Christmas Markets in Germany
Right here’s a have a look at the perfect Christmas markets in Germany on a map.
  1. Dresden Christmas Market*
Dresden‘s Striezelmarkt was first held in 1434 and is taken into account the primary real German Christmas market. In the present day it’s some of the visited Christmas markets of Germany, drawing in about 2 million individuals annually.
This was additionally the primary Christmas market we ever visited, and it’s nonetheless our favourite so far! Not solely is it the oldest Christmas market in Germany, the Striezelmarkt additionally showcased the world’s tallest Christmas pyramid in 1999.
The Striezelmarkt’s identify really comes from the phrase ‘Striezel’, which refers to a cake made at the moment of yr referred to as a ‘Stollen’. It’s a standard German meals from the area and one thing it’s essential strive once you’re right here! 
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00
Location: On the Altmarkt sq. within the centre of Dresden
The place to Keep: Gewandhaus Dresden Autograph Assortment
2. Leipzig Christmas Market
Nearly an hour west of Dresden is Leipzig’s lesser-known outdated city Christmas market. We completely cherished the Christmas market right here and had so many enjoyable evenings right here with our native pal!
Greater than 300 exhibitors arrange store in the marketplace sq. and within the close by streets. At weekends (1pm and 5pm), the sound of trumpeters rings out from the balcony of the Previous City Corridor, including to the festive ambiance. Children can discover the fairytale forest or benefit from the elves’ workshop.
The market’s predominant characteristic is the big Christmas pyramid by the Nikolaikirche (St Nicholas Church), which is a powerful masterpiece. The festive live shows carried out by the Thomaner choir within the Thomaskirche are additionally glorious.
Dates: 26 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Solar-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Sat)
Location: On Marktplatz within the coronary heart of Leipzig
The place to Keep: Steigenberger Grandhotel Handelshof Leipzig
3. Cologne Christmas Market*
The world-famous Am Dom Markt is essentially the most visited Christmas market in Germany, receiving round Four million individuals annually. Located on the foot of the UNESCO World Heritage Cologne Cathedral, the Am Dom Markt has a spectacular setting.
The 150 stands that make up this Christmas market is about across the largest Christmas tree in the entire Rhine. Discover its glittering wood pavilions, strive some scrumptious German meals and discover handmade presents together with wooden carvings and tree decorations.
Different Christmas markets I like to recommend visiting in Cologne are Angel’s Market in Neuwmarkt Sq. and the Previous Market at Alter Markt. We’re heading again this yr and can be writing extra about it!
Dates: 25 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00 (Solar-Wed); 11.00-22.00 (different days)
Location: On Roncalliplatz subsequent to Cologne Cathedral
The place to Keep: Excelsior Lodge Ernst am Dom
4. Munich Christmas Market*
Munich is my favourite metropolis in Germany — we celebrated New Yr’s Eve right here as soon as and it was severely our greatest ever! What I like most about Munich is the sturdy Bavarian tradition and traditions. It’s actually the perfect place to go to in Germany to expertise the normal facet of Germany.
Held within the well-known Marienplatz, the Munich Christkindlmarkt is really a standard German Christmas market surrounded by historic buildings together with the New and Previous City Halls. The pedestrian coronary heart of town turns into an enormous market annually.
Don’t miss the Center Ages Market at Wittelsbacherplatzhis recreates the ambiance of what the unique Munich Christmas markets should have been like, with music, handmade stalls and stallholders wearing clothes from the Center Ages.
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Marienplatz and the principle procuring centre streets
The place to Keep: BEYOND by Geisel
5. Heidelberg Christmas Market
One other private favourite, Heidelberg is well amongst Germany’s most stunning cities. However to see the picturesque outdated city and the fortress illuminated by fairy lights through the Christmas season is the icing on the cake.
The Christmas market in Heidelberg is an ideal mix of custom and romance. It’s unfold out throughout seven places within the outdated quarter: within the pedestrian space and on Bismarckplatz, Anatomiegarten, Universitätsplatz, Marktplatz and Kornmarkt, essentially the most stunning sq. of all.
Head to the inside courtyard of Heidelberg fortress that gives a picturesque setting for an additional Christmas market. Beneath the fortress, you possibly can go ice skating and revel in full of life music on the ‘Christmas on Ice’ rink at Karlsplatz sq..
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00; Karlsplatz ice rink 10.00 – 22.00 till Jan 2020
Location: On Hauptplatz within the coronary heart of Heidelberg
The place to Keep: Hip Lodge
6. Dortmund Christmas Market
The Dortmund Market is lauded as one of many greatest Christmas markets in Germany, with over 300 stalls packed round a huge Christmas “tree” that stands 45 metres (148 ft) tall. Actually, it’s not only one tree — it’s made up of 1,700 particular person fir timber, lit up by 13,00zero mild bulbs.
What I like concerning the Dortmund Christmas Market is the way it caters to households. Day-after-day there’s a colourful present program by the Alter Markt Theatre Firm and a puppet or magic present for youths of all ages.
The Dortmund Christmas Market is cut up throughout ten completely different sections, all inside Dortmund Metropolis Centre. They’re all shut to one another and solely about 10 minutes’ stroll from the Dortmund Prepare Station.
Dates: 21 Nov – 30 Dec 2019 (closed on 24 & 25 Dec)
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Hansaplatz
The place to Keep: Espresso Fellows Lodge Dortmund
7. Frankfurt Christmas Market
Frankfurt, as a significant monetary centre with skyscrapers marking the surroundings, has a fame as a booming trendy metropolis. However within the outdated city, you possibly can nonetheless really feel the sturdy historical past of old-world Germany.
Drawing in round Three million guests annually, the Frankfurt Christmas Market is a single large market within the historic quarter of town round Römerburg and Paulsplatz. It stretches from the Hauptwache Sq. to the quayside on the river.
Over the centuries, the Frankfurt market has developed its personal speciality and it’s turn into well-known for its baked marzipan (a confection made from sugar and almond).
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Sat); 11.00-21.00 (Solar)
Location: On Römerburg
The place to Keep: Motel One Frankfurt-Römer
8. Stuttgart Christmas Market
I’ve by no means been an enormous fan of Stuttgart, however the Stuttgart Christmas Market undoubtedly gained my coronary heart because it’s some of the distinctive within the nation.
Firstly, the Stuttgart City Corridor transforms into an enormous Journey calendar (from 1 December onwards). Home windows of the constructing signify the dates and every quantity is revealed per day up till Christmas.
One other distinctive characteristic of the Stuttgart Christmas Market is the rooftop decor on the stalls. Nearly each stall has whimsical shows of teddy bears, big nutcrackers, mechanical reindeer that go all out to impress.
Dates: 27 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Marktplatz
The place to Keep: Residence Central 11
9. Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market*
Simply 12km away from Stuttgart is a small, charming metropolis that was voted the ‘Finest Christmas Metropolis‘ in 2018. The time-warped city oozes with character and appeal, particularly so throughout Christmas. It’s additionally house to the oldest row of half-timbered homes in Germany.
The Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market is what the city is most well-known for. Retailers in historic clothes provide their items on the market throughout 80 stalls, simply as they did a whole bunch of years in the past. Craftsmen like blacksmiths and rope-makers reveal their craftsmanship.
Famend performers from throughout Europe additionally be part of within the leisure program which modifications each day. Anticipate to see puppet exhibits, fireplace exhibits and storytelling periods.
Dates: 26 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.30 (Thurs-Sat); 11.00-20.30 (Solar-Wed)
Location: The principle part is at Rathausplatz
The place to Keep: Buroma-Aside Suites Esslingen
10. Nuremberg Christmas Market
Poised within the heart of the Previous City, the gold-hued Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt oozes with historical past and Bavarian custom. Greater than 180 market stands have on show conventional Christmas ornaments of all sizes and shapes, together with the native gold-foil angel, “Zwetschgenmännle”.
Nuremberg Christmas market is most well-known for its regional German meals. You should definitely order a drei im weggla (three in a roll) Nuremberg Bratwurst or the well-known Lebkuchen (gingerbread).
Professional tip: Climb to the highest of the Church of our Woman to see the purple and white cubicles on the streets under.
Dates: 29 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Hauptmarkt within the coronary heart of Nuremberg
The place to Keep: Sorat Lodge Saxx Nürnberg 
11. Berlin Christmas Market
Germany’s capital metropolis, Berlin, is house to over 70 Christmas markets and they’re as various as town itself. They vary from heat indoor markets to out of doors enjoyable festivals and markets with historic themes.
The historic Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market is my favourite and possibly essentially the most well-known. It’s a small tent metropolis with a whole bunch of stands as and greater than 1,00zero fairy lights enhancing the ambiance.
The nostalgic Christmas market on the Opernpalais has a powerful array of artisans from all around the world. You’ll additionally discover amusement rides and conventional culinary delights equivalent to roasted almonds.
Dates: 25 Nov – 1 Jan 2020
Occasions: 11.00-22.00; 11.00-18.00 on Christmas Eve; 11.00-01.00 on NYE
Location: On Gendarmenmarkt
The place to Keep: Titanic Gendarmenmarkt Berlin
12. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Christmas Market
Situated within the Franconian heartland of Germany, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a type of candy fairy-tale cities that you need to see to consider. Whimsical timbered homes line the cobblestone lanes that weave previous bell towers and old-world church buildings.
Step again in time on the Rothenburg Reiterlesmarkt, and benefit from the festive season amidst its magical setting. In case you’re there for the opening ceremony, look out for the looks of the “Reiterle” determine.  The determine was believed to be an envoy from one other world that introduced the souls of the deceased at winter time. Now it’s been reworked right into a pleasant character.
Additionally, be sure you strive Rothenburg’s trademark Schneeball biscuit, a form of fried dough lined in powdered sugar or melted chocolate. Rothenburg ob der Tauder is unquestionably among the best locations to go to in Germany all yr spherical.
Dates: 29 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-19.00 (Mon-Thurs); 11.00-20.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: On Grüner Markt within the coronary heart of town
The place to Keep: Lodge Reichs-Küchenmeister
Are you planning to go to a German Christmas market? Which of those Christmas markets in Germany do you wish to go to?
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torentialtribute · 5 years
England’s new swagger a sign of the times for Phil Neville’s side
No-one can accuse Phil Neville or not going the extra mile.
His coaching staff deemed the training ground FIFA had assigned them here to be inadequate and the replacement pitch is at Cannes, which on Tuesday meant two-and-a-half hours criss-crossing the coast roads between a pre-match pre-conference in Nice and the team hotel in Antibes.
There is attention to detail, everywhere you look. Pictures of players' families placed in their rooms at the hotel they arrived on Sunday and silver pendants, bearing the words' France 2019 ', which Neville has given to all the players as a memento of their places in the squad.
Phil Neville ensured England Women switched to a better training pitch before facing Japan
England are now a much more professional outfit than they were at the 2015 World Cup
Toni Duggan was wearing hers on Monday. The mobile phone was in the personalized case – carrying its name and squad number – which all the players also have.
These touches are not entirely new. There were personalized duvets carrying images of players' families at last year's under-20s tournament in France and Neville's predecessor Mark Sampson instituted a system which every psychological pitfall was covered at the 2015 World Cup.
There was even a role -play session to help players to deal with the blow or being dropped at that tournament. Sampson's use of Lane 4, Adrian Moorhouse's sports consultancy, paved the way to the people doing the same.
England are determined to make three wins from three and finish top of the group
Toni Duggan has been surprised by how his child Neville has been to his squad
But Duggan has been surprised by her tactile and rather emotional new international manager.
'I watched him when I was younger just thinking, oh, I hate him – he plays for Man United, Gary Neville, Phil Neville … 'the ardent Liverpool fan said earlier this week. "But now he's a nice coach with you."
A fundamental difference screams out between the England team facing Japan on Wednesday night and the one Sampson took into the 2015 World Cup semi-final against the same opposition in Edmonton. The manager's expectations.
Back then, the team were surprised and happy to be there. Many of the players were semi-professional, lacking elite level strength and conditioning work and Japan – reigning champions – were the ones with the slight swagger.
Now, they're on another level and Japan are the underdogs. Neville's England-based players belong to a fully professional Women's Super League, where the financial rewards are attracting stars from the world over. Two of them – Lucy Bronze and Nikita Parris – play for Lyon, the world's best club.
On Tuesday Japan coach Asako Takakura politely rejected the idea that her own No 7 ranked nation were 'on the back foot' because or this. But she did not pretend that they are up against it.
Ellen White (left) and Steph Houghton ( right) train as England prepare to face Japan
"All of them," she said, when asked which English players presented the threat. "Without us giving everything we've got I know we won't be able to win the game."
Neville's discussion of the task in hand was notable for his fulsome praise for Sampson – a very popular manager with the players, despite his controversial departure – and for that 2015 team, who have been characterized as less sophisticated than the new England.
'I don't like the fact that we play down the team for 2015 or the manager's contribution, "said Neville – words which will go down well with his senior players. "They played good football. They had good players. If I was on that team, I'd say to the 2019 team, "You try to beat that."
Lucy Bronze England entered this tournament with much more belief than in 2015
Lucy Bronze, a devastated member of the defeated 2015 semi-finalists, related that things were different, four years on. "It's more intense, she said. "In 2015, we may have overachieved by making semi-final, although we played really well and could have won.
" Coming into this World Cup, we have a lot more belief. That's [what’s] changed. We're not here to make up the numbers. We've beaten USA, France Germany now. We're no pushovers. We can win any game. That's why we go into this game, want to beat them, fair and square. "
Neville's small details including limiting the Cannes training session to 40 minutes, to avoid fatigue ahead of a game which take place in evening temperatures expected to be around 24F on Wednesday night. He and his coaching staff talk a lot about 'accumulative fatigue', where players think they are training hard but you pay for it later.
Coach Asako Takakura hinted on Tuesday night that the 22-year-old might start on the bench, but the goals make the focus of attention in Japan.
She brings fine close control and incisive passing as well as goals. She seems to be carrying a knock but scored from the bench against Scotland.
Yui Hasegawa might start a major attacking threat for Japan "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Yui Hasegawa might start on the bench but provided a major attacking threat for Japan
The central defensive pillar, captain and 28-year-old stablewart in a young Japanese squad .
A member of the 2015 side who reached the final, she's added incentive to reach the final in Lyon, where she's played since 2013.
Defender Saki Kumagai will be looking at Thwart England's attack on Wednesday
The former Bayern Munich forward, now based in Italy, is a major goal threat and was their outstanding player in the 2-1 win about Scotland.
Still only 26, she was a member of the 2011 World Cup winning team.
Mana Iwabuchi was hugely impressive as Japan secured victory against Scotland
When it was put to him that Sir Alex Ferguson has been on touch with the Scotland manager Shirley Kerr and that may be the first England manager to receive some encouragement from his old manager, the expectation was that he would enjoy the joke.
He hadn't heard from him and didn't expect to. The preferred to discuss his team's need for greater ruthlessness in the final third.
This was Neville with his game head on. "The players are under no illusions about my expectations," he said before hitting the coast road again. 'We want to win every game. If we do that we'll be successful. "
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Bajeczne miejsce w sąsiedztwie lasu i górskiego potoku, domek usytuowany w pobliżu szlaku na Turbacz najwyższego szczytu Gorc oraz jednego z nielicznych w którym nadal możesz cieszyć się swobodą cisza i prywatnością zarówno pieszo jak i rowerem, wokół domku rozlega się spora działka na której można pograć w siatkówkę badmintona czy piłkę nożną oraz poleżeć w wannie z gorąca wodą hull gwiazdami czy zapalić góralskie ognisko Zimą możliwość zorganizowania kuligów najbliższy wyciąg narciarski 1km. The interior retains its baroque character, particularly in the church and also side chapels, although countless items are replicas of wood originals lost to fire. Systems concept sometimes appears to refer to information in this feeling, assuming information does not always include any aware mind, and also patterns distributing (due to responses) in the system can be called information. In the middle of Market Square is the historic city center from the nineteenth century that houses little gallery exhibit. A public resource (such as a link on the firm's webpage) which includes information about how to attend/apply for the occasion and ways to apply if interested celebrations can not attend the event. We guarantee that you make one of the most out of your bus journey by partnering up with reliable bus companies from all around the globe such as Greyhound, Megabus, Eurolines, ALSA, iDBUS, National Express and also several others. Search categories such as News, National politics, Sports, Scientific research & Innovation, Arts & Amusement, Style & Design, and also much more. Remain on this road till Rabka, where the road number 7 turns away to the right, but you will keep decreasing the road number 47 in the direction of Zakopane. A bipartisan group of legislators sent a letter Wednesday to Chief law officer Jeff Sessions revealing concern regarding a reported step by the Justice Department to stop marijuana research study. You can in fact put a beautiful residence, stylized, also on old times. Twitter est peut-être en surcapacité ou rencontre momentanément un occurrence. Réservez cet hôtel et vous cumulerez des nuits après votre séjour. Poland is a nation with a podhale huge range of landscapes, a place where you can experience all 4 periods. The Confederate statue on the UNC-Chapel Hillside university was a factor of friction and also objection long before the Charlottesville rally on behalf of a statue of Robert E. Lee turned tragically terrible and also left three people dead, propelling the problem into the nationwide spotlight. Probe right into leaks to the media, removes of intelligence community. As guided by the Executive order, OPM provided a last Pathways Rule to apply these programs. Club is originally younger area of Podhale Nowy Targ. In the vicinity of your home is a grocery store open till late in the evening. Meantime, AccuWeather had already disabled the SDK, pending that upgrade. A 17-year-old's hand was attacked by a shark on Saturday mid-day while searching at New Smyrna coastline, Volusia Region Coastline Security authorities claimed.
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As a result of its elevation, Nowy Targ is one of the coldest cities in Poland together with Suwałki and Zakopane Winter months normally lasts from late November to early April as well as between 90 as well as 110 days a year there is a snow cover. The 10-mile long obstacle program began at Presque Island beach 11 and showcases 30 manufactured and all-natural barriers. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono muniti della marcatura di conformità TUV Rheinland Polska. The system suggests the name of station showing up in connections of a particular operator after going into the first 3 personalities. By spreading with the air, BlueBorne targets the weakest place in the networks' defense - and also the just one that no security action safeguards. Consisting of 801,966 holiday leasings 120,185 locations in 227 areas and countries. The PMF Program Workplace sponsors a number of training opportunities for all Fellows that may count in the direction of the training requirements. These consist of the University of Economics, the Krakow University of Modern technology and the Andrzej Frycz-Modrzewski Krakow Academy. As a tip, per 5 CFR 362.303( a), public notice is required prior to loading settings in the Pathways Recent Grads Program. Some lawmakers, including Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, have revealed problem that the merger might adversely influence access to supermarket in inadequate communities where healthy and balanced selections are already more difficult to find by. CZ. Trainee's job will be associated with the Intern's academic occupation objectives or field of study. Gwenaëlle cherchait une boîte à livre, n'en trouvant pas dans le XVIIIe arrondissement, elle a déposé un ouvrage sur le trottoir (picture d'illustration). Au menu du réveil politique: Marine Le Pen reconnaît avoir salarié un emploi fictif, la communauté LGBT charge Macron, François Fillon lotion candidat malgré tout. Museums are an excellent way to discover the nations background concerning the citizens of the land in the past, their lives as well as custom-mades. Fairs are held on Thursdays and Saturdays and also the Sunday market area becomes a cars and truck exchange. OPEN SPACE odbywa się w wydzielonym do tego miejscu na terenie klubu. This technique functions the same way as category ranking does in the competitive solution. To be eligible, applicants must use within the previous 2 years of level or certificate conclusion besides professionals averted from doing so as a result of their army solution commitment, that will certainly have up to 6 years after degree or certificate completion to use. ASME has increased its Executive Monitoring Team, including three notable professionals to its rankings while also introducing a collection of inner promos. A fascinating account of Lenin's obscure early life, Accomplice tracks in grasping detail the formation of among the great revolutionaries of the twentieth century. Agencies might make use of needs such as the capability to work a specified variety of hours per week or be in great academic standing as eligibility criteria. Planet is the 5th biggest earth in the solar system and the densest. During the years the academic self-controls have been subsequently improved with the following: architecture and also metropolitan preparation, lifesaver research studies, as well as environmental management. Le solution de navette aéroport est proposé moyennant un supplément. The existing location, consisting of class, research laboratories, international language spaces, specialist areas, a lecture room and also a collection, covers a complete location of 14,000 m2 (approx. At a program held at the Offshore Modern technology Seminar, ten honors were presented to acknowledge technological achievement and distinguished solution in the field of petroleum engineering. Throughout the years Podhale has actually produced and also cultivated one of Western New York Polonia's specifying summertime occasions with their annual picnic in Franklinville. The local Red Cross is getting ready for one more round of deployment, as well as Wednesday night they held a training session for a group of volunteers. Desiree McFarlane, 36, was taken unconscious Sunday regarding 6:30 p.m. from a shower at the Volusia County Branch Prison to Halifax Wellness Medical Facility, where she was pronounced dead, the Sheriff's Workplace said. Zajęcia prowadzone są skin okiem trenera, który dba Twoja technikę i czuwa nad bezpieczeństwem. From child identity theft to tax obligation identification theft to information on data violations as well as exactly how they might impact you, we provide you with the most recent information, as well as exactly what you can do to much better safeguard your information, and also the warnings you ought to be seeking when it comes to identification theft.
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High vulnerability to household food insecurity in a sample of Canadian renter households in government-subsidized housing.
Household food insecurity, namely inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints, is a potent marker of material deprivation that affected 12.6% of Canadian households in 2012, the highest rate since 2007. (1) Studies from Canada and the United States have demonstrated that household food insecurity is a major public health problem, associated with elevated health care costs (2) and numerous adverse health outcomes. (3) The social epidemiology of food insecurity is well documented in Canada, with multiple characteristics indicative of financial vulnerability identified as risk factors, including low income (4-7) and renting versus owning a dwelling. (5-8) A recent multilevel analysis revealed a positive association between average rental cost in census metropolitan areas and food insecurity, (7) suggesting that the heightened vulnerability of renter households may be influenced by the cost of rents. Although social housing programs are not designed to address household food insecurity, they may play a role in mitigating the issue, given the emerging evidence that food insecurity is sensitive to interventions that increase households' incomes. (9-11) In Canada, all three levels of government are engaged in social housing programs aimed at improving housing affordability for lower-income renter households. (12) Examples include public housing, rent supplement programs, and co-operative and non-profit housing. These non-entitlement programs are predominantly means tested, and the level of housing subsidy is generally determined based on the income of the household using specific proportions of income allocated to rent (i.e., "rent-geared-to-income") or fixed rates for different income ranges (i.e., "sliding scale"). (12) Although there is wide variability in the administration of social housing programs between jurisdictions, programs across Canada have limited availability and thus prioritize households in greatest need based on factors, such as household composition and substandard housing, and through the identification of priority groups (e.g., seniors, victims of violence, people with disabilities, homeless individuals). (12) Given the objective and the design of social housing programs, they have the potential to mitigate household food insecurity by increasing the income available for non-housing necessities, such as food, (13) and by improving housing stability. (14,15) However, two studies that have assessed the household food insecurity status of public housing residents living in low-income Toronto neighbourhoods (16) and Inuit communities (17) revealed extreme levels of food insecurity, suggesting that social housing programs may provide insufficient assistance to support household food security. Yet, there has been no confirmation of these study findings at a population level, nor any analysis to elucidate the determinants of food insecurity among social housing program recipients. Considering that Canada is currently developing its first national housing strategy, (18) a better understanding of the factors underlying food insecurity among households benefiting from social housing programs is timely to inform policy development. Drawing on the 2010 Survey of Household Spending, this study aims to determine the prevalence and severity of food insecurity, and to examine the impact of material circumstances on the risk of food insecurity in a broad sample of government-subsidized renter households. METHODS Data source and study sample The Survey of Household Spending (SHS) is an annual cross-sectional survey collecting detailed information on the expenditures of Canadian households. (19) A stratified, two-stage sampling plan is used to select a sample representative of 98% of the population living in the 10 provinces; exclusions include individuals living on First Nations reserves, residents of institutions, and members of Canadian Forces living in military camps. (19) During an in-person interview, information on households' demographic characteristics, housing tenure, reasons for reduced rent, year and month in which the households moved, as well as data on expenditures are collected. (19) Detailed information on household income for the year prior to the survey is either collected during the interview or obtained directly from tax files, if permitted by the respondents. (19) In 2010 only, SHS included the Household Food Security Survey Module, a validated questionnaire used as a surveillance tool in Canada. (1) In 2010, the total sample size was 13 075 households. (19) Missing data were generally imputed by Statistics Canada, except for the food insecurity questions. The analytical sample for this study comprised renter households with complete data on food insecurity status who responded that they paid reduced rent because they lived in federal, provincial or municipal government subsidized housing (n = 455). (20) The question did not specify the type of government housing subsidy the households received (e.g., rent supplement; public, co-operative, or non-profit housing). (20) In this study, "subsidized housing" is used to refer to any rental housing that is subsidized by government through the various social housing programs. Household food insecurity Household food insecurity was determined using the Household Food Security Survey Module, an 18-item questionnaire capturing a range of food access problems caused by insufficient money over the past 12 months. (1,21) The questionnaire includes two scales differentiating the experience of children and adults within the same household, (1,21) but an error in the application of the child scale in SHS 2010 prevented its use. Given recent evidence that a single affirmative item represents a marginal experience of food insecurity, associated with heightened vulnerability, (2,22) the severity of food insecurity was described using a 4-level variable, with food security, marginal, moderate, and severe food insecurity respectively defined as 0, 1, 2-5, and [greater than or equal to] 6 affirmative answers to the 10-item adult food security scale. (1,21) All other descriptive and regression analyses used a binary household food insecurity status, with food insecurity defined as any affirmative answer to the 10-item scale. Household material circumstances The selection of indicators of household material circumstances was informed by previous literature documenting household conditions related to food insecurity (4-7,14,15,23) and by the necessity to achieve parsimony due to the small sample size. Since food insecurity is measured at the household level, the selected characteristics described the household rather than the individual. The number of adults and of children Packing And Moving marker of financial vulnerability distinct from the low income of recipients, given the independent relationship between reliance on social assistance and food insecurity found in population-based studies. (4-7) This heightened vulnerability may be attributed to the limited ability of social assistance recipients to draw on savings and other assets to weather unexpected financial shock, (24,25) since welfare programs require applicants to expend most of their liquid assets for eligibility. (26) A household was considered to have a member with disability if a member's amount or kind of activity at home, at work, at school, or in other activities was often reduced by a physical/mental condition or health problem.20 Using a similar measure of disability, a US study found that higher income was less protective against food insecurity among disabled respondents. (23) Based on US evidence, (14,15) length of stay in subsidized housing, an indicator of stable access to more affordable housing, was expected to be inversely associated with food insecurity. Household annual after-tax income was used to assess the effect of net income on vulnerability to food insecurity. Since the survey did not collect information on the type of housing program or amount of housing subsidy received by households, the relationship between the income left after paying for subsidized rent (after-rent income) and food insecurity was examined to account for unobserved heterogeneity in the housing assistance provided by the different programs and jurisdictions. After-rent income was calculated as annual after-tax income minus annual expenditure on rent, which may have included or excluded utilities. Finally, the relationship between total expenditure and food insecurity was assessed. Total expenditure was used as a proxy for permanent income or overall economic resources, capturing income as well as other resources used for consumption, such as savings and assets. It also accounted for the possibility that income, an important determinant of a household's total consumption, may have changed by the time food insecurity status and receipt of government housing subsidy were measured, since income was reported for the year prior to the survey. Total expenditure included all expenditures reported during the interview, except for the expenditures reported on the 2009 tax files (e.g., income tax, employment insurance premium). Statistical analyses The Pearson chi-square and Student's t tests were used to compare the characteristics of the food-secure and food-insecure households. Logistic regression was used to predict the odds of food insecurity. Bivariate models were run for each household characteristic, and multivariable models, including the household material circumstances with either after-tax income or after-rent income or total expenditure, were conducted. To depict the relationship between household economic resources and the risk of food insecurity, predicted probabilities of food insecurity were graphed in relation to after-tax income, after-rent income and total expenditure, while fixing the other variables at their observed values. Given that the three graphs had similar slopes, only the graph with after-tax income is presented, as it is the most policy-relevant measure of household economic resources (other graphs available upon request). The analyses did not include the sampling weights provided by Statistics Canada, because they were not calibrated to national estimates of households receiving government housing subsidies. (19) By not using the sampling weights, the results are only applicable to this sample of households, and they are not generalizable to the population of recipients. All analyses were performed with Stata 14.0 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). The significance level was set at p After-tax income, after-rent income and total expenditure all had an independent inverse relationship with food insecurity in the fully adjusted models. As shown in Figure 2, the predicted probability of food insecurity fell from 62.3% (95% CI: 54.2-70.3) to 32.5% (95% CI: 21.2-43.8), representing a 48% decline, as after-tax income rose from $5,000 to $45,000 and all else was held constant. DISCUSSION This study documented alarming levels of food insecurity in a broad sample of households living in subsidized housing, with 1 in 2 households classified as food insecure, and nearly 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 households experiencing moderate and severe food insecurity respectively. The analyses also charted the financial vulnerability underlying household food insecurity among these social housing program recipients, with income emerging as a strong predictor of food insecurity. Although the high rates of food insecurity found in this study reflect the selection of vulnerable populations into social housing programs, (16,27) the pervasiveness of food insecurity revealed, nonetheless, extr eme experiences of material hardship among recipients. Social housing programs were never designed to address household food insecurity; yet, the magnitude of the problem in this sample is an unpromising statement about the programs' ability to foster material well-being. Given that household food insecurity and the severity of the experience are strongly related to poor health, (2,3) the high levels of food insecurity documented here highlight the importance of additional interventions to tackle the issue among subsidized housing recipients. Our analyses revealed that income was a strong and independent predictor of food insecurity. Although the inverse relationship between income and food insecurity is well documented in population-based studies, (4-7) our finding significantly adds to current understanding by demonstrating that income predicts food insecurity even among highly vulnerable low-income households. The probability of food insecurity was halved from one end of the observed after-tax income distribution to the other. The probability of food insecurity remained fairly high at the upper end of the income distribution, likely because of the prioritization of vulnerable households into social housing programs. The critical role of household economic resources in reducing risk of food insecurity was further demonstrated by the independent effects of after-rent income and total expenditure on food insecurity. While a housing subsidy could be viewed as a form of income supplement, our findings suggest that additional policy interventions aimed at raising income are needed to address food insecurity among the low-income households living in subsidized housing. Empirical evidence indicates that the risk of food insecurity among low-income households may be drastically reduced by restructuring income assistance programs to reduce the financial vulnerability of recipients (11) and by implementing a guaranteed annual income to create an income floor. (9) Public health associations have been actively advocating for provincial and federal governments to implement effective income-based interventions, such as a universally accessible guaranteed annual income, to reduce household food insecurity (28) and poverty in Canada. (29,30) Our findings on the relationship between income and food insecurity among vulnerable low income households will strengthen these advocacy efforts. The results of our multivariable analyses suggest that the financial resources necessary to achieve household food security are influenced by the composition of the household. The presence of a household member with a disability predicted food insecurity independent of income, suggesting these households require greater economic resources to meet basic standards of living. (23) Similarly, the independent relationships between number of adults or children in the household and food insecurity possibly captured the financial pressures exerted by additional members. The heightened vulnerability of households with more children in this study is worrisome considering the lasting health consequences of experiencing severe levels of food insecurity during childhood. (3) Several studies have documented an increased risk of food insecurity among social assistance recipients, independent of their income. (4-7) One interpretation for this independent association is that social assistance recipients have minimal savings and assets to draw upon in time of financial constraint, (24,25) because of the eligibility requirements of welfare programs. (26) Our results appear to support this interpretation. Specifically, receipt of social assistance lost statistical significance when accounting for total expenditure, which compared to income may better capture the difference between the overall economic resources of households that received social assistance and those that did not. Consistent with previous studies, (6,7) households with a senior were found to have lower risk of food insecurity independent of income. This may partly be related to having retirement savings, which are not included in the asset limit to determine eligibility for social housing programs in certain jurisdictions. (12) However, presence of a senior in the household remained significant when accounting for total expenditure, suggesting that this reduced vulnerability was not only related to greater assets. Other factors that may explain this independent association are seniors' entitlement to an inflation-adjusted guaranteed annual income, creating an income floor and decreasing the risk of income shocks, (9,24) and access to public and private sector discounts for seniors (e.g., public transportation, retail savings), lowering the cost of living. We found no evidence that longer stay in subsidized housing, an indicator of stable access to more affordable housing, was related to food insecurity status. One potential explanation is that for many households, longer stay in subsidized housing reflected a persistent experience of poverty. It is also possible that the greatest effect of subsidized housing on the risk of food insecurity occurs when households gain access to such housing, but once households live in subsidized housing, length of stay does not influence food insecurity status. We were unable to test this hypothesis because few households in the sample had moved into their dwelling during the last year. One important limitation of this study is the inability to identify the type of social housing program received by households. Certain social housing programs may be more effective than others at mitigating household food insecurity. It is also possible that services accessed through social housing programs may reduce vulnerability to food insecurity. We tried to account for some of the unobserved heterogeneity in the programs by including afterrent income in the analyses, but this would only have accounted for monetary differences in the subsidy. The high prevalence of food insecurity found in this sample is consistent with previous studies that comprised households living in public housing, (16,17) but to our knowledge there is no examination of food insecurity status among households benefiting from other types of social housing program in Canada. Future research should evaluate different types of social housing program in relation to household food insecurity to better inform programs' development. CONCLUSION The high prevalence of food insecurity documented in this study is concerning. Given the centrality of financial circumstances on the risk of food insecurity in this sample, income-based interventions appear to be needed to address the problem among the low-income households targeted by social housing programs. The development of Canada's first national housing strategy represents a unique opportunity to better integrate housing and income-based policies to support household food security among government-subsidized renter households. REFERENCES (1.) Tarasuk V, Mitchell A, Dachner N. Household Food Insecurity in Canada, 2012. Toronto, ON: Research to Identify Policy Options to Reduce Food Insecurity (PROOF), 2014. Available at: http://proof.utoronto.ca/resources/proofannual-reports/annual-report-2012/ (Accessed June 1, 2016). (2.) Tarasuk V, Cheng J, de Oliveira C, Dachner N, Gundersen C, Kurdyak P. Association between household food insecurity and annual health care costs. CMAJ 2015; 187(14):E429-E436. PMID: 26261199. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.150234. (3.) Gundersen C, Ziliak JP. Food insecurity and health outcomes. Health Aff 2015; 34(11):1830-39. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0645. (4.) McIntyre L, Connor SK, Warren J. 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Position Statement on Responses to Food Insecurity, 2015. Available at: https://www.osnpph.on.ca/ advocacy (Accessed November 20, 2016). (29.) Canadian Public Health Association. Campaign 2015: Public Health and the Federal Election - Basic Income Guarantee, 2015. Available at: http://www.cpha. ca/en/election2015/1.aspx (Accessed November 20, 2016). (30.) Segal HD. Finding a Better Way: A Basic Income Pilot Project for Ontario. A Discussion Paper by Hugh D Segal. Toronto, ON: Massey College in the University of Toronto, 2016. Available at: https://www.ontario.ca/page/ finding-better-way-basic-income-pilot-project-ontario (Accessed November 20, 2016). Received: September 3, 2016 Accepted: December 18, 2016 Andree-Anne Fafard St-Germain, RD, Valerie Tarasuk, PhD Author Affiliation Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON Correspondence: Valerie Tarasuk, PhD, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, FitzGerald Building, Room 326, 150 College Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3E2, Tel: 416-978-0618, E-mail: [email protected] Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a Programmatic Grant in Health and Health Equity, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (FRN 115208). Conflict of Interest: None to declare. Caption: Figure 2. Predicted probability of household food insecurity in relation to after-tax income Note: Predicted probabilities calculated from multivariable logistic regression with the other variables fixed at the observed values. Range of after-tax income based on the 5th and 95th percentile values rounded to nearest $5000. Table 1. Percentage of affirmative responses to the 10-item adult food security scale * (n = 455) Worried food would run out 42.00% Food didn't last, and no money to get more 37.0% Couldn't afford to eat balanced meals 41.5% Adult(s) cut or skipped meals (yes/no) 22.2% Adult(s) cut or skipped meals in [greater than or 19.8% equal to] 3 months Respondent ate less than should 24.4% Respondent was hungry but could not afford to eat 15.0% Respondent lost weight 9.2% Adult(s) did not eat for a whole day (yes/no) 7.3% Adult(s) did not eat for a whole day in [greater 6.8% than or equal to] 3 months * Each item specifies that the experience was caused by a lack of money for food. Table 2. Description of the sample by binary household food insecurity status * Characteristic All (n = 455) ([dagger]) Number of adults 1.3 [+ or -] 0.7 Number of children Relocation of children https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Highvulnerabilitytohouseholdfoodinsecurityinasampleof...-a0496643778
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Best Robot Lawn Mower Reviews
Leading 5 Finest Robot Lawn Mower Reviews for Jan. 2017
We're well right into the 21st century, and we have not seen any of those flying vehicles or automated kitchen areas everybody kept anticipating for "the future". There is at the very least one modern creation that's finally appeared, though; it might not be as amazing as a flying cars and truck, but it's possibly more useful for worn down house owners after a lengthy week at the workplace: the robotic mower.
You have actually probably seen Roombas vacuum cleaner areas prior to; robotic lawnmowers operate in similar method. You put a guide cord around the verdant area you want cut, as well as with the help of digital sensors as well as the capability to turn and also tip as needed, the robot relocates a pattern to make certain the whole area is cut. The best ways to Determine Which Robotic Lawn Mower to Get?
There are a variety of means to narrow down your options. Key among them is the means the robot lawn mower is powered: rechargeable battery and solar-powered are the two most prominent options (with batteries much more usual, and also their operating time playing a crucial duty). Programmability is one more desirable function, allowing you to establish your lawnmower to instantly perform at certain times or on particular days; some programmable designs have to be established on the device itself, while others could be managed by smartphones using Wi-fi or Bluetooth. Some higher-priced versions are supposed "multi-zone" lawn mowers, which could be readied to move between various areas of a lawn and even to take themselves from the front grass to the back one. More powerful robotic lawn mowers are built to conveniently handle high slopes while others are better suited for degree ground.
In GroomNStyles' rankings, we'll focus on the worth of the lawn mowers that we note-- some will certainly manage only tiny yards, others will deal with medium-sized to bigger ones, however in the evaluation groups point of view each is worthy of their area on our collection of the top 5 finest robot mower.
One essential note: if you shop on Amazon for these items you might discover that there are few testimonials offered because they're fairly new (and probably on the expensive side). Consequently, GroomNStyle has actually discovered that, on the whole, Amazon testimonials don't inform the "genuine story" on robot mowers due to the tiny sample size. Feel free to alter this pattern by purchasing from Amazon and also leaving your comments. 1. LawnBott LB75DX Robotic Lawn mower LawnBott LB75DX Robotic Mower
LawnBott LB75DX Robotic Lawn mower. Click the picture to examine the Rate on Amazon.com.
When you're not going to take the plunge for a $5000 robotic lawnmower (check out the last entry on this list if you're looking to spend that type of money), this design from LawnBott will certainly make you grin at around one-third the price.
The LB75DX works like the majority of robotic mowers-- you set up a wire boundary line (included with the lawn mower) around the portions of the yard you desire it to reduce, and around any type of flower beds, trees or other challenges. That informs the lawnmower where to cut. After that, program your cutting schedule on the easy-to-use LCD display screen-- and also you're done. Precisely routine, the LawnBott leaves the docking terminal, cuts all the lawn within the boundaries you've established, and go back to the docking station when it's done or when it has to reenergize. It also understands to "go house" if it begins to rain outdoors. Presto-- your lawn will certainly be reduced on a regular basis as well as instantly without any extra work on your part-- as well as yes, it does a great work without missing out on areas.
This LawnBott design has twin lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, could be established to maintain three various "zones" on your grass, as well as is designed to look after spaces as huge as 12,000 square feet (at 3300 square feet each cost). It even comes requirement with both PIN code and also a GENERAL PRACTITIONER radar making sure there's no unauthorized use the system and also to situate the device if it's taken. For also better control, you can add push-button control applications for your phone or portable tool for an additional cost. The lawn mower uses less compared to $10 worth of electricity annually.
If you can think of extra attributes which they need to have consisted of on this robot mower, you're doing much better than we did. The GroomNStyle testimonial team couldn't think about anything that's missing.
Here are the specs for the LawnBott LB75DX Robotic Lawn mower:
Battery: 2 24-volt lithium-ion, rechargeable Run time: 90 minutes Charge time: 2 hrs Minimum/maximum cutting height: 0.75 to 2.28 inches Maximum slope: 25 degrees Deck width: 10 inches Weight: 26 pounds Service warranty: Two years on robotic, one year on batteries
Examine LawnBott LB75DX Price On Amazon.com 2. Robomow RS612 Battery Powered Mower Robomow RS612 Battery Powered Mower
Robomow RS612 Battery Powered Mower. Click on the photo to examine the Cost on Amazon.
Functionally, GroomNStyle like the Robomow RS612 as much or even a little bit more than the LawnBott, and also it's about $100 less expensive. Rather truthfully, we place it at # 2 simply due to the fact that it just runs for regarding 45 mins on a fee and afterwards needs 90 mins at the base station before it's ready to go again.
Initially, the vital information. The RS612 can take care of 2 areas as well as 4 "subzones" within the master zones, it's made to trim approximately 13,000 square feet (yet will require a minimum of one recharge to do it), as well as it will certainly scale slopes as high as 36 ° which is really impressive. There's also a drifting deck with an "side mode" which is developed to remove the issue with many robotic mower that can't reduce the yard right along the border cable. It's a fantastic concept, yet it requires you to change setups to engage edging as well as you'll need to oversee it meticulously. There's also the trademarked Robomow turbo-mow setup which offers slower as well as a lot more effective reducing for the initial mowing of the period.
This Robomow has hefty blades for outstanding performance on thick yard, as well as the Bluetooth connectivity with a (respectable, not great) phone application lets you program as well as run the mower from the convenience of your patio chair as you view. It has sensors to quit and turn around instructions when striking obstacles, the blades quit instantly if the device suggestions way too much or flips over, as well as it has a kid lock and PIN code function.
This is a great robotic lawn mower. The team simply wish it didn't have such a brief running time.
Going comprehensive on the Robomow RS612 Battery Powered Mower:
Battery: One 26-volt lithion-iron, rechargeable Run time: 45 minutes Cost time: 90 minutes Minimum/maximum cutting elevation: 0.75 to 3.2 inches Maximum incline: 35 levels Deck width: 11 inches Weight: 44 pounds Warranty: One year
Examine Robomow RS612 Lawn Mower Price on Amazon 3. WORX Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower WG794 WORX Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower WG794
WORX Landroid Robotic Mower WG794. Click the image to check the Cost on Amazon.com.
Those who still can not see themselves spending more than $1000 on a lawnmower needs to take a long look at the WORX Landroid, which slips in just under the magic rate factor.
This is a little and also lightweight robot device that can take care of a lot greater than you 'd think at first glance, created to cover grass as big as 13,000 square feet. As with any quality robot mower, you need to do some preliminary job by establishing the cable borders that identify the restrictions for the device and that can be a little bit challenging. Placing the limits right at the yard's side might require the robotic to obtain stuck on an edge or fencing, so you have to leave a little no-man's- land which requires hand trimming. The WORX isn't alone when it pertains to this minor nuisance, however.
This robot mower is powered by a single 28-volt lithion-ion battery so it requires charging much more often than the LawnBott; anticipate to obtain 45-60 mins of run time each charge. Nevertheless, the base terminal bills the battery much faster than the LawnBott (45 minutes vs. 2 hrs) after the lawn mower automatically returns as well as "plugs itself in," so they will certainly each properly take around the exact same amount of time to cut the same quantity of grass. A great function of the Landroid is its "AIA" (expert system algorithm) which directs the lawn mower to reduce various locations of the yard randomly to avoid pattern "cut-in," spot the elevation of each section of lawn to change mowing elevation as necessary, as well as going back to base when it begins raining (although the WORX mower does a great work on wet turf).
The WORX definitely falls short in a couple of locations when compared to the Lawnbott. It isn't really established for zone cutting. It will certainly attempt to spin right over anything that gets on the yard, whether it's an item of plastic that gets cut right into a zillion items, or tree origins or the base of a lawn chair which could trap the lawn mower until it damages a blade. Also, it can't be configured by means of mobile phone; you need to establish features on the mower itself.
Nonetheless, this lawn mower is practically quiet when working, could handle 20 ° inclines, has a number of safety attributes consisting of a PIN number needed to start procedure, allows you to relocate the easily-changeable blades to different height settings, as well as is simple to establish (when the limit lines are in place).
For straightforward lawn-cutting responsibilities, the Landroid is plainly in the leading three of our leading 5 ideal robot mower.
Realities and figures for the WORX Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower WG794:
Battery: one 28-volt lithium-ion, rechargeable Run time: 45-60 minutes Charge time: 45 minutes Minimum/maximum cutting height: 1.6 to 4 inches Optimum incline: 20 degrees Deck width: 9.5 inches Weight: 19 pounds Service warranty: Three years
Check WORX Landroid Robotic Mower Price on Amazon.com 4. Husqvarna Automower 220AC Robotic Lawn Mower Husqvarna Automower 220AC Robotic Lawn Mower
Husqvarna Automower 220AC Robotic Mower. Click on the image to inspect the Cost on Amazon.
Offering an action up in cutting performance (many thanks to the business's decades of experience in the area)-- however with a huge step up in price as well-- the Husqvarna is a quiet, quality device which unfortunately does not have fairly the variety of functions or capacities you may anticipate from an extra expensive robot mower. It's probably the very best choice if you want gorgeous looking turf, however do not anticipate it to cover a significant quantity of ground rapidly.
The key to having a great-looking yard with this lawnmower is to have it cut extremely regularly; its uncommon, solid carbon steel blades as well as disc cutting system cut the turf gently, indicating it's not a maker indicated to deal with 6-inch high yard, however rather one to keep a 1/2 acre or smaller yard on a regular basis. The rest of the Husqvarna attributes are basically standard: the lawn mower returns to base for automated recharging, it's configured through a keypad, and also it has a PIN code lock and also burglary alarm. The 220AC makes use of a Ni-MH battery which just runs for 45 minutes and afterwards requires simply one more 45 minutes to charge. The battery likewise has a much shorter life-span than lithium-ions, as well as should be replaced every couple of years.
The Husqvarna automower gives you a wonderful looking grass at a premium price. It depends on you to choose whether it deserves the extra money.
Looking deeper at the Husqvarna Automower 220AC Robotic Mower:
Battery: NiMH, rechargeable Run time: 45 mins Fee time: 45 minutes Minimum/maximum cutting elevation: 0.8 to 2.4 inches Optimum slope: 20 levels Deck size: 8.7 inches Weight: 19.8 extra pounds Service warranty: One year
Check Husqvarna Automower 2020AC Robotic Mower Cost on Amazon 5. LawnBott LB300EL Robotic Mower-- currently not available on Amazon
LawnBott LB300ELYes, the group could not resist placing a 2nd LawnBott entrance on this listing of top 5 best robot lawn mowers-- and also all most people will certainly need to understand about it is this: $4999.
If you were to look at every one of the robot equipments offered without considering rate, the LB300EL would certainly have topped our rankings, due to the fact that it does everything the others do as well as a lot a lot more. Nevertheless, this lawnmower is made for usage both in household as well as industrial settings as well as can often tending approximately two complete acres (with four areas) on a single fee-- so we decided it shouldn't truly take on more "realistic" options for property owners.
This high-grade LawnBott runs with two large lithium-ion batteries and can stay on the go for ten hrs before should charge for 6 hours. It also has advanced innovation allowing it to acknowledge tall lawn, so it recognizes exactly what components of the lawn need more attention than others. It will take the fastest feasible range in between areas, and also it will do an excellent work also on sloping or uneven ground. The LB300EL accomplishes all of this by utilizing a gyroscope, an inclinometer, a magnetometer as well as an accelerometer. No, we're not quite sure just what every one of those are either, but they function extremely well. Include a brushless motor, Bluetooth programs capacity, as well as a vast 14-inch cutting location, as well as you have a costs robot lawn mower at a premium cost.
If you have a requirement for a device like this-- and the spending plan-- simply flip our ratings upside-down and also you'll see your dream machine rated at # 1.
What you need to understand about the LawnBott LB300EL Robotic Mower:
Battery: Twin lithium-ion, rechargeable Run time: 10 hrs Charge time: 6 hours Minimum/maximum cutting elevation: 0.75 to 3 inches Optimum slope: 25 degrees Deck width: 14 inches Weight: 43 extra pounds Service warranty: 2 years robot, one year batteries
Wish to attempt something a little bit extra standard then continue reading The Top 5 Best Electric Lawn Mower Reviews. Or now that you have actually chosen to purchase a robotic mower you will have a lot more time to appreciate time with family and friends around your top of the array barbecue grill. LawnBott LB75DX Robotic Mower
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
Shito, Ramiel
Tumblr media
“Ramiel” © deviantArt user Xous54. Accessed at his gallery here
[Commissioned by @canwefixitnoitsfucked. Ramiel is the first of many angels in Neon Genesis Evangelion to be a puzzle boss, one defeated not by a standup brawl, but by problem solving. I suspect there’s two reasons for this. One, Hideaki Anno loves sequences of planning and logistics. Two, short precise strikes are less expensive to animate than extensive fight sequences.
Also, Ramiel differs dramatically in its Rebuild incarnation, being able to take on a variety of shapes and changing colors as it attacks. I ignored all that, in part because I’ve only seen clips of Evangelion 1.11, and in part because I love the ominous simplicity of a floating blue octahedron of death.]
Shito, Ramiel CR 24 N Outsider This immense being appears as a featureless blue octahedron, hovering effortlessly in the air with one vertex pointed downward. It emits an unearthly wailing.
Ramiel is the Angel of Thunder, and it is among the most powerful and feared of the shito. It is a geometric being of perfection and destruction, and is interested in the creation and propagation of powerful noises. Ramiel is most often found flying high in the sky, cavorting among thunderclouds, but can also be found near volcanic eruptions, explosions engineered by sapients, or simply creating its own noises by tearing down the works of other creatures. Ramiel does not do so with necessarily malicious intent, and gives ample opportunity to evacuate its presence with its high pitched keening, which forces living creatures into a flight response.
Although Ramiel appears to be perfectly smooth and featureless, it can extrude a powerful drill from any of its vertices. This drill can extend apparently infinitely—it has been observed stretching several thousand feet when attempting to penetrate subterranean fortifications. Although this drill is a powerful weapon, it usually combats enemies with concussive beams. It can fire these beams at a snap when it is attacked, destroying opposition even as it is fired upon. Few enemies can survive long enough to get a second attack off against Ramiel. Even those that can have to contend with its powerful AT field, so strong that it can warp light itself.
Ramiel  CR 24 XP 1,230,000 XP N Colossal outsider (native, shito) Init +8; Senses blindsight 1,200 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +43 Aura terror (DC 32, 300 ft.) Defense AC 42, touch 14, flat-footed 37 (-8 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +7 deflection, +28 natural) hp 525 (30d10+360); regeneration 20 (force or epic) Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +27 Immune acid, death effects, disease, mind-influencing effects, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 35 Defensive Abilities fruit of life, improved AT field (360 hp),unstoppable Offense Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect) Melee drill +36 (4d8+21/x4) Ranged thunderfire beam +26 touch (40d6 fire and sonic) Space 50 ft.; Reach 50 ft (see drill) Special Attacks reactive shot Statistics Str 38, Dex 18, Con 34, Int 11, Wis 31, Cha 25 Base Atk +30; CMB +52; CMD 74 (cannot be tripped) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Greater Vital Strike, Hover, Improved Critical (thunderfire beam), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Vital Strike, Wingover Skills Fly +37, Intimidate +40, Knowledge (engineering) +33, Knowledge (nature) +33, Perception +43, Sense Motive +43 Languages telepathy 100 ft. SQ massive, no breath, ruinous Ecology Environment any Organization unique Treasure incidental Special Abilities Aura of Terror (Ex) Ramiel’s shrill cries cause all creatures within 300 feet of Ramiel to make a DC 32 Will save or be panicked until they leave the aura and for 1 minute thereafter. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to Ramiel’s aura of terror for the next 24 hours This is a sonic, mind-influencing fear effect. Ramiel can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. Drill (Ex) Ramiel’s drill is a primary natural weapon that deals 4d8 points of piercing damage and deals x4 damage on a successful critical hit. Ramiel can increase the reach of its drill as a swift action by 50 feet, although doing so prevents it from making attacks closer than 50 feet away. Ramiel can continue to increase its reach in this way indefinitely, each time limiting its reach to a 50 foot window farther away from its body. Retracting the drill can occur at the same rate, 50 feet per round. Improved AT Field (Su) Ramiel’s AT field is stronger than that of most shito. It has a pool of hit points equal to 15xRamiel’s CR, and grants DR 20/epic. When Ramiel’s AT field is active, Ramiel has a 20% miss chance against all attacks. Massive (Ex) Because Ramiel is so massive, uneven ground and other terrain features that form difficult terrain generally pose no significant hindrance to its movement, though areas of forest or settlements are considered difficult terrain to Ramiel. A Huge or smaller creature can move through any square occupied by Ramiel or vice-versa. Ramiel can make attacks of opportunity only against foes that are Huge or larger, and can be flanked only by Huge or larger foes. Ramiel gains a bonus for being on higher ground only if its entire space is on higher ground than that of its target. It's possible for a Huge or smaller creature to climb Ramiel—this generally requires a successful DC 30 check, and unlike the normal rules about Ramiel and attacks of opportunity, a Small or larger creature that climbs on its body provokes an attack of opportunity from the monster. Reactive Shot (Ex) Whenever Ramiel is struck with a melee or ranged attack, or with a ranged spell that deals hit point damage, it may target that enemy with a thunderfire beam. This acts like an attack of opportunity, except that Ramiel can target a creature of any size, and its number of attacks made per round in this fashion are determined by its Wisdom modifier. Thunderfire Beam (Su) As a standard action, Ramiel can fire a beam of energy. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 1200 feet and no range increment. A creature struck by Ramiel’s thunderfire beam takes 20d6 points of fire damage and 20d6 points of sonic damage.
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topfygad · 5 years
Best Christmas Markets in Germany – Wild Junket Adventure Travel Blog
Having lived in Europe for over 12 years now, I’ve visited loads of Christmas markets and have discovered these to be the perfect Christmas markets in Germany.
Christmas Markets in Germany
It’s starting to look lots like Christmas! The aroma of candy mulled wine and gingerbread fills the air, and festive music floods the streets. Right here in Europe, Christmas markets and are a critical affair. Essential squares get reworked into large Christmas villages dotted with a whole bunch of stalls, Christmas timber and decorations.
For Europeans, Christmas markets mark the beginning of Introduction. These markets often keep open for 4 weeks main as much as Christmas. They first began in Germany through the Late Center Ages, earlier than spreading round Europe. It’s no marvel the German Christmas markets are the largest, brightest and most festive.
Fortunate for us, we stay in Amsterdam, which is only a quick drive away from a few of the finest Christmas markets in Germany. 
What to Do at a Christmas Market
For Christmas fanatics, going to a Christmas market in Germany is like being let unfastened in a sweet retailer! There’s a lot magic and grandeur in every thing, from the wood Nutcracker to the Nativity scene and big pyramids.
Christmas markets in Germany are additionally nice locations to strive conventional German meals just like the Lebkuchen Christmas cookies. I by no means depart a Christmas market with out having a bratwurst (grilled sausage) and glühwein (sizzling mulled wine). In case you’re questioning what to eat in Germany, right here is my detailed German meals information.
German Christmas markets are the locations to go for the perfect journey presents. Conventional artisan merchandise just like the colourful nutcracker and handcrafted wood incense smoker collectible figurines make nice journey presents for youths. One other glorious memento to convey house is the collectible market mug that the glühwein is served in. You’re requested to pay 2-Four euros as a deposit for the mug which you’ll be refunded once you return it. Or you possibly can merely preserve the mug as a memento!
Which German Christmas Market Ought to I Go to?
There are a whole bunch of Christmas markets in Germany, even small villages have their very own little Christkindlmarkt. So how do you resolve which Christmas market to go to?
The preferred German Christmas markets are present in Cologne, and obtain over Four million guests annually. The Christmas markets in Dortmund are available at second place, with greater than 3.5 million guests scouring their 300 stalls. Subsequent hottest ones are in Stuttgart and Frankfurt.
Have a look at the numbers and you’ll think about how standard these German Christmas markets are. Don’t let that deter you from visiting although, you simply have to plan your journey to keep away from the gang. I’ve included the opening dates and instances for every market, in addition to the closest resort to the market under.
Ideas for Visiting a Christmas Market in Germany
Christmas markets in Germany often open for the Four weeks main as much as Christmas. Most finish on the 23rd December.
To keep away from the crowds, I like to recommend planning your journey near the top of November to coincide with the opening of the German Christmas markets.
Go to the Christmas markets within the morning and also you’ll are inclined to have the markets to yourselves. Most markets open round 10am and shut at 10pm.
Bank cards are usually not accepted in most German Christmas markets, so be ready with some money (euros)!
In main cities, there are often greater than 1 Christmas market. A few of them even have Christmas market trains that present a hop-on hop-off service connecting the markets.
The meals on the Christmas markets are wonderful, but in addition overpriced. 
Finest Christmas Markets in Germany
Right here’s a have a look at the perfect Christmas markets in Germany on a map.
  1. Dresden Christmas Market*
Dresden‘s Striezelmarkt was first held in 1434 and is taken into account the primary real German Christmas market. In the present day it’s some of the visited Christmas markets of Germany, drawing in about 2 million individuals annually.
This was additionally the primary Christmas market we ever visited, and it’s nonetheless our favourite so far! Not solely is it the oldest Christmas market in Germany, the Striezelmarkt additionally showcased the world’s tallest Christmas pyramid in 1999.
The Striezelmarkt’s identify really comes from the phrase ‘Striezel’, which refers to a cake made at the moment of yr referred to as a ‘Stollen’. It’s a standard German meals from the area and one thing it’s essential strive once you’re right here! 
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00
Location: On the Altmarkt sq. within the centre of Dresden
The place to Keep: Gewandhaus Dresden Autograph Assortment
2. Leipzig Christmas Market
Nearly an hour west of Dresden is Leipzig’s lesser-known outdated city Christmas market. We completely cherished the Christmas market right here and had so many enjoyable evenings right here with our native pal!
Greater than 300 exhibitors arrange store in the marketplace sq. and within the close by streets. At weekends (1pm and 5pm), the sound of trumpeters rings out from the balcony of the Previous City Corridor, including to the festive ambiance. Children can discover the fairytale forest or benefit from the elves’ workshop.
The market’s predominant characteristic is the big Christmas pyramid by the Nikolaikirche (St Nicholas Church), which is a powerful masterpiece. The festive live shows carried out by the Thomaner choir within the Thomaskirche are additionally glorious.
Dates: 26 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Solar-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Sat)
Location: On Marktplatz within the coronary heart of Leipzig
The place to Keep: Steigenberger Grandhotel Handelshof Leipzig
3. Cologne Christmas Market*
The world-famous Am Dom Markt is essentially the most visited Christmas market in Germany, receiving round Four million individuals annually. Located on the foot of the UNESCO World Heritage Cologne Cathedral, the Am Dom Markt has a spectacular setting.
The 150 stands that make up this Christmas market is about across the largest Christmas tree in the entire Rhine. Discover its glittering wood pavilions, strive some scrumptious German meals and discover handmade presents together with wooden carvings and tree decorations.
Different Christmas markets I like to recommend visiting in Cologne are Angel’s Market in Neuwmarkt Sq. and the Previous Market at Alter Markt. We’re heading again this yr and can be writing extra about it!
Dates: 25 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00 (Solar-Wed); 11.00-22.00 (different days)
Location: On Roncalliplatz subsequent to Cologne Cathedral
The place to Keep: Excelsior Lodge Ernst am Dom
4. Munich Christmas Market*
Munich is my favourite metropolis in Germany — we celebrated New Yr’s Eve right here as soon as and it was severely our greatest ever! What I like most about Munich is the sturdy Bavarian tradition and traditions. It’s actually the perfect place to go to in Germany to expertise the normal facet of Germany.
Held within the well-known Marienplatz, the Munich Christkindlmarkt is really a standard German Christmas market surrounded by historic buildings together with the New and Previous City Halls. The pedestrian coronary heart of town turns into an enormous market annually.
Don’t miss the Center Ages Market at Wittelsbacherplatzhis recreates the ambiance of what the unique Munich Christmas markets should have been like, with music, handmade stalls and stallholders wearing clothes from the Center Ages.
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Marienplatz and the principle procuring centre streets
The place to Keep: BEYOND by Geisel
5. Heidelberg Christmas Market
One other private favourite, Heidelberg is well amongst Germany’s most stunning cities. However to see the picturesque outdated city and the fortress illuminated by fairy lights through the Christmas season is the icing on the cake.
The Christmas market in Heidelberg is an ideal mix of custom and romance. It’s unfold out throughout seven places within the outdated quarter: within the pedestrian space and on Bismarckplatz, Anatomiegarten, Universitätsplatz, Marktplatz and Kornmarkt, essentially the most stunning sq. of all.
Head to the inside courtyard of Heidelberg fortress that gives a picturesque setting for an additional Christmas market. Beneath the fortress, you possibly can go ice skating and revel in full of life music on the ‘Christmas on Ice’ rink at Karlsplatz sq..
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00; Karlsplatz ice rink 10.00 – 22.00 till Jan 2020
Location: On Hauptplatz within the coronary heart of Heidelberg
The place to Keep: Hip Lodge
6. Dortmund Christmas Market
The Dortmund Market is lauded as one of many greatest Christmas markets in Germany, with over 300 stalls packed round a huge Christmas “tree” that stands 45 metres (148 ft) tall. Actually, it’s not only one tree — it’s made up of 1,700 particular person fir timber, lit up by 13,00zero mild bulbs.
What I like concerning the Dortmund Christmas Market is the way it caters to households. Day-after-day there’s a colourful present program by the Alter Markt Theatre Firm and a puppet or magic present for youths of all ages.
The Dortmund Christmas Market is cut up throughout ten completely different sections, all inside Dortmund Metropolis Centre. They’re all shut to one another and solely about 10 minutes’ stroll from the Dortmund Prepare Station.
Dates: 21 Nov – 30 Dec 2019 (closed on 24 & 25 Dec)
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Hansaplatz
The place to Keep: Espresso Fellows Lodge Dortmund
7. Frankfurt Christmas Market
Frankfurt, as a significant monetary centre with skyscrapers marking the surroundings, has a fame as a booming trendy metropolis. However within the outdated city, you possibly can nonetheless really feel the sturdy historical past of old-world Germany.
Drawing in round Three million guests annually, the Frankfurt Christmas Market is a single large market within the historic quarter of town round Römerburg and Paulsplatz. It stretches from the Hauptwache Sq. to the quayside on the river.
Over the centuries, the Frankfurt market has developed its personal speciality and it’s turn into well-known for its baked marzipan (a confection made from sugar and almond).
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Sat); 11.00-21.00 (Solar)
Location: On Römerburg
The place to Keep: Motel One Frankfurt-Römer
8. Stuttgart Christmas Market
I’ve by no means been an enormous fan of Stuttgart, however the Stuttgart Christmas Market undoubtedly gained my coronary heart because it’s some of the distinctive within the nation.
Firstly, the Stuttgart City Corridor transforms into an enormous Journey calendar (from 1 December onwards). Home windows of the constructing signify the dates and every quantity is revealed per day up till Christmas.
One other distinctive characteristic of the Stuttgart Christmas Market is the rooftop decor on the stalls. Nearly each stall has whimsical shows of teddy bears, big nutcrackers, mechanical reindeer that go all out to impress.
Dates: 27 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Marktplatz
The place to Keep: Residence Central 11
9. Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market*
Simply 12km away from Stuttgart is a small, charming metropolis that was voted the ‘Finest Christmas Metropolis‘ in 2018. The time-warped city oozes with character and appeal, particularly so throughout Christmas. It’s additionally house to the oldest row of half-timbered homes in Germany.
The Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market is what the city is most well-known for. Retailers in historic clothes provide their items on the market throughout 80 stalls, simply as they did a whole bunch of years in the past. Craftsmen like blacksmiths and rope-makers reveal their craftsmanship.
Famend performers from throughout Europe additionally be part of within the leisure program which modifications each day. Anticipate to see puppet exhibits, fireplace exhibits and storytelling periods.
Dates: 26 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.30 (Thurs-Sat); 11.00-20.30 (Solar-Wed)
Location: The principle part is at Rathausplatz
The place to Keep: Buroma-Aside Suites Esslingen
10. Nuremberg Christmas Market
Poised within the heart of the Previous City, the gold-hued Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt oozes with historical past and Bavarian custom. Greater than 180 market stands have on show conventional Christmas ornaments of all sizes and shapes, together with the native gold-foil angel, “Zwetschgenmännle”.
Nuremberg Christmas market is most well-known for its regional German meals. You should definitely order a drei im weggla (three in a roll) Nuremberg Bratwurst or the well-known Lebkuchen (gingerbread).
Professional tip: Climb to the highest of the Church of our Woman to see the purple and white cubicles on the streets under.
Dates: 29 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Hauptmarkt within the coronary heart of Nuremberg
The place to Keep: Sorat Lodge Saxx Nürnberg 
11. Berlin Christmas Market
Germany’s capital metropolis, Berlin, is house to over 70 Christmas markets and they’re as various as town itself. They vary from heat indoor markets to out of doors enjoyable festivals and markets with historic themes.
The historic Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market is my favourite and possibly essentially the most well-known. It’s a small tent metropolis with a whole bunch of stands as and greater than 1,00zero fairy lights enhancing the ambiance.
The nostalgic Christmas market on the Opernpalais has a powerful array of artisans from all around the world. You’ll additionally discover amusement rides and conventional culinary delights equivalent to roasted almonds.
Dates: 25 Nov – 1 Jan 2020
Occasions: 11.00-22.00; 11.00-18.00 on Christmas Eve; 11.00-01.00 on NYE
Location: On Gendarmenmarkt
The place to Keep: Titanic Gendarmenmarkt Berlin
12. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Christmas Market
Situated within the Franconian heartland of Germany, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a type of candy fairy-tale cities that you need to see to consider. Whimsical timbered homes line the cobblestone lanes that weave previous bell towers and old-world church buildings.
Step again in time on the Rothenburg Reiterlesmarkt, and benefit from the festive season amidst its magical setting. In case you’re there for the opening ceremony, look out for the looks of the “Reiterle” determine.  The determine was believed to be an envoy from one other world that introduced the souls of the deceased at winter time. Now it’s been reworked right into a pleasant character.
Additionally, be sure you strive Rothenburg’s trademark Schneeball biscuit, a form of fried dough lined in powdered sugar or melted chocolate. Rothenburg ob der Tauder is unquestionably among the best locations to go to in Germany all yr spherical.
Dates: 29 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-19.00 (Mon-Thurs); 11.00-20.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: On Grüner Markt within the coronary heart of town
The place to Keep: Lodge Reichs-Küchenmeister
Are you planning to go to a German Christmas market? Which of those Christmas markets in Germany do you wish to go to?
Impressed? Pin it!
source http://cheaprtravels.com/best-christmas-markets-in-germany-wild-junket-adventure-travel-blog/
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topfygad · 5 years
Best Christmas Markets in Germany – Wild Junket Adventure Travel Blog
Having lived in Europe for over 12 years now, I’ve visited loads of Christmas markets and have discovered these to be the perfect Christmas markets in Germany.
Christmas Markets in Germany
It’s starting to look lots like Christmas! The aroma of candy mulled wine and gingerbread fills the air, and festive music floods the streets. Right here in Europe, Christmas markets and are a critical affair. Essential squares get reworked into large Christmas villages dotted with a whole bunch of stalls, Christmas timber and decorations.
For Europeans, Christmas markets mark the beginning of Introduction. These markets often keep open for 4 weeks main as much as Christmas. They first began in Germany through the Late Center Ages, earlier than spreading round Europe. It’s no marvel the German Christmas markets are the largest, brightest and most festive.
Fortunate for us, we stay in Amsterdam, which is only a quick drive away from a few of the finest Christmas markets in Germany. 
What to Do at a Christmas Market
For Christmas fanatics, going to a Christmas market in Germany is like being let unfastened in a sweet retailer! There’s a lot magic and grandeur in every thing, from the wood Nutcracker to the Nativity scene and big pyramids.
Christmas markets in Germany are additionally nice locations to strive conventional German meals just like the Lebkuchen Christmas cookies. I by no means depart a Christmas market with out having a bratwurst (grilled sausage) and glühwein (sizzling mulled wine). In case you’re questioning what to eat in Germany, right here is my detailed German meals information.
German Christmas markets are the locations to go for the perfect journey presents. Conventional artisan merchandise just like the colourful nutcracker and handcrafted wood incense smoker collectible figurines make nice journey presents for youths. One other glorious memento to convey house is the collectible market mug that the glühwein is served in. You’re requested to pay 2-Four euros as a deposit for the mug which you’ll be refunded once you return it. Or you possibly can merely preserve the mug as a memento!
Which German Christmas Market Ought to I Go to?
There are a whole bunch of Christmas markets in Germany, even small villages have their very own little Christkindlmarkt. So how do you resolve which Christmas market to go to?
The preferred German Christmas markets are present in Cologne, and obtain over Four million guests annually. The Christmas markets in Dortmund are available at second place, with greater than 3.5 million guests scouring their 300 stalls. Subsequent hottest ones are in Stuttgart and Frankfurt.
Have a look at the numbers and you’ll think about how standard these German Christmas markets are. Don’t let that deter you from visiting although, you simply have to plan your journey to keep away from the gang. I’ve included the opening dates and instances for every market, in addition to the closest resort to the market under.
Ideas for Visiting a Christmas Market in Germany
Christmas markets in Germany often open for the Four weeks main as much as Christmas. Most finish on the 23rd December.
To keep away from the crowds, I like to recommend planning your journey near the top of November to coincide with the opening of the German Christmas markets.
Go to the Christmas markets within the morning and also you’ll are inclined to have the markets to yourselves. Most markets open round 10am and shut at 10pm.
Bank cards are usually not accepted in most German Christmas markets, so be ready with some money (euros)!
In main cities, there are often greater than 1 Christmas market. A few of them even have Christmas market trains that present a hop-on hop-off service connecting the markets.
The meals on the Christmas markets are wonderful, but in addition overpriced. 
Finest Christmas Markets in Germany
Right here’s a have a look at the perfect Christmas markets in Germany on a map.
  1. Dresden Christmas Market*
Dresden‘s Striezelmarkt was first held in 1434 and is taken into account the primary real German Christmas market. In the present day it’s some of the visited Christmas markets of Germany, drawing in about 2 million individuals annually.
This was additionally the primary Christmas market we ever visited, and it’s nonetheless our favourite so far! Not solely is it the oldest Christmas market in Germany, the Striezelmarkt additionally showcased the world’s tallest Christmas pyramid in 1999.
The Striezelmarkt’s identify really comes from the phrase ‘Striezel’, which refers to a cake made at the moment of yr referred to as a ‘Stollen’. It’s a standard German meals from the area and one thing it’s essential strive once you’re right here! 
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00
Location: On the Altmarkt sq. within the centre of Dresden
The place to Keep: Gewandhaus Dresden Autograph Assortment
2. Leipzig Christmas Market
Nearly an hour west of Dresden is Leipzig’s lesser-known outdated city Christmas market. We completely cherished the Christmas market right here and had so many enjoyable evenings right here with our native pal!
Greater than 300 exhibitors arrange store in the marketplace sq. and within the close by streets. At weekends (1pm and 5pm), the sound of trumpeters rings out from the balcony of the Previous City Corridor, including to the festive ambiance. Children can discover the fairytale forest or benefit from the elves’ workshop.
The market’s predominant characteristic is the big Christmas pyramid by the Nikolaikirche (St Nicholas Church), which is a powerful masterpiece. The festive live shows carried out by the Thomaner choir within the Thomaskirche are additionally glorious.
Dates: 26 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Solar-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Sat)
Location: On Marktplatz within the coronary heart of Leipzig
The place to Keep: Steigenberger Grandhotel Handelshof Leipzig
3. Cologne Christmas Market*
The world-famous Am Dom Markt is essentially the most visited Christmas market in Germany, receiving round Four million individuals annually. Located on the foot of the UNESCO World Heritage Cologne Cathedral, the Am Dom Markt has a spectacular setting.
The 150 stands that make up this Christmas market is about across the largest Christmas tree in the entire Rhine. Discover its glittering wood pavilions, strive some scrumptious German meals and discover handmade presents together with wooden carvings and tree decorations.
Different Christmas markets I like to recommend visiting in Cologne are Angel’s Market in Neuwmarkt Sq. and the Previous Market at Alter Markt. We’re heading again this yr and can be writing extra about it!
Dates: 25 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00 (Solar-Wed); 11.00-22.00 (different days)
Location: On Roncalliplatz subsequent to Cologne Cathedral
The place to Keep: Excelsior Lodge Ernst am Dom
4. Munich Christmas Market*
Munich is my favourite metropolis in Germany — we celebrated New Yr’s Eve right here as soon as and it was severely our greatest ever! What I like most about Munich is the sturdy Bavarian tradition and traditions. It’s actually the perfect place to go to in Germany to expertise the normal facet of Germany.
Held within the well-known Marienplatz, the Munich Christkindlmarkt is really a standard German Christmas market surrounded by historic buildings together with the New and Previous City Halls. The pedestrian coronary heart of town turns into an enormous market annually.
Don’t miss the Center Ages Market at Wittelsbacherplatzhis recreates the ambiance of what the unique Munich Christmas markets should have been like, with music, handmade stalls and stallholders wearing clothes from the Center Ages.
Dates: 27 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Marienplatz and the principle procuring centre streets
The place to Keep: BEYOND by Geisel
5. Heidelberg Christmas Market
One other private favourite, Heidelberg is well amongst Germany’s most stunning cities. However to see the picturesque outdated city and the fortress illuminated by fairy lights through the Christmas season is the icing on the cake.
The Christmas market in Heidelberg is an ideal mix of custom and romance. It’s unfold out throughout seven places within the outdated quarter: within the pedestrian space and on Bismarckplatz, Anatomiegarten, Universitätsplatz, Marktplatz and Kornmarkt, essentially the most stunning sq. of all.
Head to the inside courtyard of Heidelberg fortress that gives a picturesque setting for an additional Christmas market. Beneath the fortress, you possibly can go ice skating and revel in full of life music on the ‘Christmas on Ice’ rink at Karlsplatz sq..
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.00; Karlsplatz ice rink 10.00 – 22.00 till Jan 2020
Location: On Hauptplatz within the coronary heart of Heidelberg
The place to Keep: Hip Lodge
6. Dortmund Christmas Market
The Dortmund Market is lauded as one of many greatest Christmas markets in Germany, with over 300 stalls packed round a huge Christmas “tree” that stands 45 metres (148 ft) tall. Actually, it’s not only one tree — it’s made up of 1,700 particular person fir timber, lit up by 13,00zero mild bulbs.
What I like concerning the Dortmund Christmas Market is the way it caters to households. Day-after-day there’s a colourful present program by the Alter Markt Theatre Firm and a puppet or magic present for youths of all ages.
The Dortmund Christmas Market is cut up throughout ten completely different sections, all inside Dortmund Metropolis Centre. They’re all shut to one another and solely about 10 minutes’ stroll from the Dortmund Prepare Station.
Dates: 21 Nov – 30 Dec 2019 (closed on 24 & 25 Dec)
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Hansaplatz
The place to Keep: Espresso Fellows Lodge Dortmund
7. Frankfurt Christmas Market
Frankfurt, as a significant monetary centre with skyscrapers marking the surroundings, has a fame as a booming trendy metropolis. However within the outdated city, you possibly can nonetheless really feel the sturdy historical past of old-world Germany.
Drawing in round Three million guests annually, the Frankfurt Christmas Market is a single large market within the historic quarter of town round Römerburg and Paulsplatz. It stretches from the Hauptwache Sq. to the quayside on the river.
Over the centuries, the Frankfurt market has developed its personal speciality and it’s turn into well-known for its baked marzipan (a confection made from sugar and almond).
Dates: 25 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Sat); 11.00-21.00 (Solar)
Location: On Römerburg
The place to Keep: Motel One Frankfurt-Römer
8. Stuttgart Christmas Market
I’ve by no means been an enormous fan of Stuttgart, however the Stuttgart Christmas Market undoubtedly gained my coronary heart because it’s some of the distinctive within the nation.
Firstly, the Stuttgart City Corridor transforms into an enormous Journey calendar (from 1 December onwards). Home windows of the constructing signify the dates and every quantity is revealed per day up till Christmas.
One other distinctive characteristic of the Stuttgart Christmas Market is the rooftop decor on the stalls. Nearly each stall has whimsical shows of teddy bears, big nutcrackers, mechanical reindeer that go all out to impress.
Dates: 27 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00 (Mon-Thurs); 10.00-22.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: The principle part is at Marktplatz
The place to Keep: Residence Central 11
9. Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market*
Simply 12km away from Stuttgart is a small, charming metropolis that was voted the ‘Finest Christmas Metropolis‘ in 2018. The time-warped city oozes with character and appeal, particularly so throughout Christmas. It’s additionally house to the oldest row of half-timbered homes in Germany.
The Esslingen Medieval Christmas Market is what the city is most well-known for. Retailers in historic clothes provide their items on the market throughout 80 stalls, simply as they did a whole bunch of years in the past. Craftsmen like blacksmiths and rope-makers reveal their craftsmanship.
Famend performers from throughout Europe additionally be part of within the leisure program which modifications each day. Anticipate to see puppet exhibits, fireplace exhibits and storytelling periods.
Dates: 26 Nov – 22 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-21.30 (Thurs-Sat); 11.00-20.30 (Solar-Wed)
Location: The principle part is at Rathausplatz
The place to Keep: Buroma-Aside Suites Esslingen
10. Nuremberg Christmas Market
Poised within the heart of the Previous City, the gold-hued Nuremberg Christkindlesmarkt oozes with historical past and Bavarian custom. Greater than 180 market stands have on show conventional Christmas ornaments of all sizes and shapes, together with the native gold-foil angel, “Zwetschgenmännle”.
Nuremberg Christmas market is most well-known for its regional German meals. You should definitely order a drei im weggla (three in a roll) Nuremberg Bratwurst or the well-known Lebkuchen (gingerbread).
Professional tip: Climb to the highest of the Church of our Woman to see the purple and white cubicles on the streets under.
Dates: 29 Nov – 24 Dec 2019
Occasions: 10.00-21.00; 10.00-14.00 on Christmas Eve
Location: On Hauptmarkt within the coronary heart of Nuremberg
The place to Keep: Sorat Lodge Saxx Nürnberg 
11. Berlin Christmas Market
Germany’s capital metropolis, Berlin, is house to over 70 Christmas markets and they’re as various as town itself. They vary from heat indoor markets to out of doors enjoyable festivals and markets with historic themes.
The historic Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market is my favourite and possibly essentially the most well-known. It’s a small tent metropolis with a whole bunch of stands as and greater than 1,00zero fairy lights enhancing the ambiance.
The nostalgic Christmas market on the Opernpalais has a powerful array of artisans from all around the world. You’ll additionally discover amusement rides and conventional culinary delights equivalent to roasted almonds.
Dates: 25 Nov – 1 Jan 2020
Occasions: 11.00-22.00; 11.00-18.00 on Christmas Eve; 11.00-01.00 on NYE
Location: On Gendarmenmarkt
The place to Keep: Titanic Gendarmenmarkt Berlin
12. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Christmas Market
Situated within the Franconian heartland of Germany, Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a type of candy fairy-tale cities that you need to see to consider. Whimsical timbered homes line the cobblestone lanes that weave previous bell towers and old-world church buildings.
Step again in time on the Rothenburg Reiterlesmarkt, and benefit from the festive season amidst its magical setting. In case you’re there for the opening ceremony, look out for the looks of the “Reiterle” determine.  The determine was believed to be an envoy from one other world that introduced the souls of the deceased at winter time. Now it’s been reworked right into a pleasant character.
Additionally, be sure you strive Rothenburg’s trademark Schneeball biscuit, a form of fried dough lined in powdered sugar or melted chocolate. Rothenburg ob der Tauder is unquestionably among the best locations to go to in Germany all yr spherical.
Dates: 29 Nov – 23 Dec 2019
Occasions: 11.00-19.00 (Mon-Thurs); 11.00-20.00 (Fri-Solar)
Location: On Grüner Markt within the coronary heart of town
The place to Keep: Lodge Reichs-Küchenmeister
Are you planning to go to a German Christmas market? Which of those Christmas markets in Germany do you wish to go to?
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