#although said immortal is vash and we... know how immortal *he* is
cadriona · 6 months
Chap: 1/3
Word count: 12.9k
Rating: M
Pairing: Vash/Wolfwood
A time traveller and an immortal walk into a bar, a ship, an inn, a truck, and leave their footsteps in sand and blood alike. A time traveller and an immortal walk toward their fathomless tomorrows, one conjoined by plantsong and forgotten promises. Or: The Eye's experiments gave Wolfwood the tendency to slingshot backwards through time towards Vash the Stampede, and they meet and meet and meet again.
Here be chap 1/3 of the vashwood big bang fic I have been working on for the last several months! Got to work with the amazing lionalice who made this amazing piece of art, and betaread by the awesome kavaleyre!
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feekins · 11 months
awright. re-reading ch 7 and finishing up Trigun Maximum vol 4. thoughts. things. translation weirdness. let's go. 😈
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
what sticks out to me most - in the Overhaul, the gut-punch of "Maybe there's no atonement for me" and then a direct admission of guilt. not sure why Dark Horse left out "It was all my fault..."
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loser VS murderer. interesting.
also, Dark Horse had me thinking Vash was about to have A Moment with Hoppered there, which I. never questioned. idk what that says about me or my understanding of manga Vash, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in any case, it makes sense that, as the Overhaul shows us, Vash's line in that last panel is a continuation of what he's saying in the previous panel about the Angel of Death.
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to me, Dark Horse's translation here reads like "you wanna kill me? go ahead. you can tear me apart and I'll still keep going" and in that context, Vash replying with "same here" makes sense, knowing what we know about him and his apparent immortality. so the Overhaul's translation hits me HARD with Vash (who has SWORN!!! NOT!!! TO KILL!!!) remembering Rem...and then admitting to this desire to kill Hoppered.
Vash could easily choose to be the monster most everyone thinks he is...
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...and that changes the whole tone of the first thing Vash says on the next page.
(Dark Horse on BOTTOM, Overhaul on TOP this time bc although both translations say p much the same thing here, the Overhaul's is more straightforward, also I wanna provide those first two panels too for added context)
Dark Horse's translation makes it sound like more of Vash's usual martyrdom - but the Overhaul shows us that this time, it's different. this time, it's "yeah, I do want to kill you, so you should kill me." which I think leads into a similar change in Vash's first speech bubble in that last panel - "before you do this to me" in the Overhaul VS "even if you do this to me" in Dark Horse.
and then, "send Knives to Hell" VS "see to Knives" - that strikes me as a case of Dark Horse toning it down in order to market to a wider/younger audience. but anyway, I like the Overhaul's consistency in translating Vash's goal - bc he's said it before, he's gonna "send Knives to Hell."
...which...has me thinking...things...which I'm not gonna go into in this post bc it involves spoilers, sorry 😅
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and then, this is a weird translation discrepancy - more of Dark Horse pulling the reins back on Wolfwood's swearing BUT ALSO...their choice in wording always made me think he was being mean about Milly ☹️ which, thinking about it now, seems OOC for him. so I'm happy to see that, in the Overhaul, Wolfwood's actually talking about Midvalley - MUCH more in-character for him.
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more of a minor translation discrepancy here - how VS why - but I do think "why" makes more sense, given the context.
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and again, Dark Horse always confused me with this one - and once again, the Overhaul's translation makes much more sense in context =u=
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
...not sure why we've got "has gotten" VS "isn't gettin'"...nor can I fathom where Dark Horse could've possibly gotten that "watchdog" bit... 😵‍💫
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ah, Dark Horse being vague again. also "that's how close he was" VS "that's all it will take" - hellooooo, context-changing translation discrepancy...
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💕 she 💕
aaaaaaaa and I do so love how Elendira can get away with teasing Knives like thaaaaat 🤩
as for the last line of the chapter (and this volume)? it's Elendira's - and another translation discrepancy.
Dark Horse has:
"Bringing about the despair of mankind...will be easier than dumping water out of a glass."
while in the Overhaul, it's:
"Pushing him to the brink...will now be as easy as spilling a glass of water."
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