#alucard and maria are good grandparent figures
blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1169: Roy V. Alucard (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
10:21 a.m. at Smash Town's Local Park.........
Roy: (Places his on the Table and Shows Off his Crunch Up Looking Habd with a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Alright, gramps! Since you're centuries years old, allow me reintroduce you to the Essence of Arm Wrestling. It's-
Alucard: A sport that tests the two competitors' strengths as well as how long they could endure their grip for every passing second until one of them eventually gives in. Is that correct?
Roy: (Stares at the Vampire Fpr a Brief Second Before Clicking his Teeth a Little) Okay, so maybe you do have some actual knowledge in ya.
Alucard: (Forms a Small Smirk) Naturally. I spent almost my entire youth learning about various sports and customs the outside society has to offer at the time.
Roy: (Starts Nodding a Bit) Hm. Not bad. (Starts Smirking Again) For the oldest nerd in town.
Ludwig: (Standing Next to Where his Brother is Sitting) Roy.
Roy: (Casually Shrugs) Hey, I'm just saying it like it is. Besides, It's not too surprising considering you're his even nerder student.
Ludwig: I considered that a formidable honor. (Rolls his Eyes) Its far better than being a competitive brute.
Roy: ('Heh') You missin' out. (Uses his other Arm to Flex his Muscles) Cuz this brute has more skills than your egg shaped brain could ever hope of obtaining.
Ludwig: And yet those skills of yours hardly ever saved you from getting below average grades from most of the classes you've took thus far.
Roy: (Rolls his Eyes in Annoyance) So I got few C's, D's, and only one measly F a year or two ago, big freaking deal! I could easily get better grades this year coming up.
Ludwig: (Crosses his Arms) Oh you will. Because we are going to start tutoring you once we go back to the academy in the next few days.
Roy: ('Groans') Come on, bro, I don't need a tutoring sess- Wait, we?
Ludwig: Master, Grandmother, and I
Maria: (Smiles Brightly at Roy) Your father has requested us to help tutor you for the foreseeable future~
Roy: (Couldn't Believe What He's Hearing) You're kidding.
Alucard: (Simply Nodded) It's the truth. He also wanted us to inform you that he will not hesitate to forbid you from participating in any scheduled wrestling matches if you decline our assistance.
Roy: (Facepalms Himself While Groaning Some More) ('Ugggh') Seriously, pops!?
Ludwig: (Shrugs) What more can we say? They were all his demands, not ours.
Roy: (Rolls his Eyes Some More While Sighing in Defeat) Yeah and now I'm choking on them. So can we get this match started already or what?
Alucard: Yes, I believe we've killed enough time as it is. (Grab onto Roy's Hand) Best of luck to you, boy.
Roy: (Starts Smirking Again) ('Tch') Pretty sure only one in need of luck is you, old timer. Get ready.....Set.......GO-
Roy's eyes start to widen up as he slowly turns to see Alucard's hand planted down on top of his.
Roy: What the!?
Ludwig: (Watched the Quickened Scebe Full Hand) Hm. I guess that's game then.
Maria: (Happily Claps For her Lover) Well done, Adrian!~ I couldn't be more prouder of you~
Alucard: Pity. (Casually Shrugs a Bit) And here I thought I would be given more of a challenge this morning.
Roy: (Angrily Jolt himself Up and Slams his Hand on the Table) Oh don't even try gettin' cocky with me, gramps! How the hell were you able to beat me that quickly!?
Alucard: I was born with strength equal that to full fledged vampires, so it wasn't difficult to outclass yours in a merely second or two.
Roy: Oh I'll show ya outclass once I'll get you back in the next round! (Place his Elbow Back on the Table with his Hand Crunched and Sticking Out) Best one outta two and I'm counting this time, so hurry up!
Alucard: ('Sigh') If you insist. (Grab Hold to Roy's Hand) Ready when you are.
Roy: ('Tch') Better be. One......Two......THREE-
Alucard's hand quickly slammed Roy's down on the table once more.
Ludwig: (Points his Habd Towards his Master) Another round goes to Master Alucard.
Maria: (Happily Claps) Yay!~
Roy: (Growls in Anger Before Bringing His Elbow and Hand Back Up) Best two outta three!
Alucard: Persistent one, aren't you?
Roy: Look who's talkin'? Now, another round! Come on-
Alucard's hand quickly slammed Roy's down on the table once more.
Ludwig: Another point to Alucard.
Roy: DAMNIT! Another round, let's go!
Alucard: Don't you think you're setting yourself up for another inevitable outcome?
Roy: Fat chance! I'll win this one in a heartbeat-
Twenty Four Minutes of Countless One-sided Arm Wrestling Matches Later...............
Roy: (Starts Panting)
Alucard: (Raises an Eyebrow) Let me guess: Another round?
Roy: Damn straight..........(Exhaustedly Bring his Elbow and Hand Back Up) Put 'em up.
Ludwig: ('Sigh') Just give it a rest already, Roy. You're clearly starting to tired out now.
Maria: (Starts Getting Worried) Do you need refreshments of any kind, dear?
Roy: I'll pass for now......(Uses his Other Arm to Wipe the Sweat Off his Forehead Before Pointing at his Brother) And I ain't throwing in the towel just yet!
Alucard: I would be lying if I say your determination isn't somewhat admirable. But I don't believe there's any shame of admitting defeat eventually.
Roy: ('Tch') Yeah, for losers. I'm a Koopa! And the Koopas don't quit until victory gets snatched by our big, grubby hands!
Ludwig: Is that the motto father made? (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I could've sworn it was something different.
Roy: Nah that's the motto Junior made last year. As bratty as he is, that kid has heart.
Maria: (Gently Places her Hand on her Chest) Aww~
Ludwig: (Proudly Nodded at his Youngest Brother's Motto in Silence)
Alucard: Indeed. ('Sigh') Very well. Let us do one more round. (Grab onto Roy's Hand Once More) Sounds reasonable?
Roy: (Grins Competitively) Sounds good to me.
As Roy starts counting down to five, Alucard stares at him and begins to reminisce on his childhood years and how determined he was in besting the Master Librarian in a game of chess. He was far from the best player in the world and it took him years until he eventually got a win or two, but his unyielding determination was present throughout his trivial journey to victory and to the fire of passion burning in his opponent's eyes has brought something to the Dhampir had yet to feel, pride.
So, rather than adding yet another win to his tally, Alucard decides dial down on his vampire strength enough to let Roy give it his all in their final bout until eventually......his hand brought his down onto the table, much to his apprentice/ newly found grandson's surprise.
Ludwig: Roy, you.....finally beaten Alucard.
Maria: (Happily Applauds the Winner) Congratulations, dear!~
Roy: (Eyes Begins to Widened) I won? (Lowers his Shades Down to See his Hand Down on Top of Alucard's on the Table) Holy Crap.....I did it.(Starts Smiling) I actually did. (Jolt Himself Up From his Seat and Pump his Fist Up into the Sky) I FUCKING WOOOOOOOON! HEY EVERYONE, I'VE DONE IT! I BEAT THE PRINCE OF NIGHT OR WHATEVER AT ARN WRESTLING!!!
Before starts questioning who's Roy screaming at, a group of cheerleaders and his fellow wrestling classmates came out of a few bushes, running towards their winner and cheering in rejoice.
Maria: Oh my.
Ludwig: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) They were watching us this entire time?
Roy: Yep. I posted about our Arm Wrestling Match on the Wrestling Club Page long before we got here. Now let's go, folks! (Takes a Back Dive onto Many of his Classmates' Palms) We're heading to the Waffle Joint, breakfast on me!
The classmates and cheerleaders cheer once more and chanting the pharse " Roy's Our Boy!" before heading off to the restaurant together, leaving the more intelligent trio behind.
Ludwig: (Watches the Crowd Leave with his Brother Before Letting Out a Sigh) Seems like I'm never going to hear the end of this any time soon.....
Alucard: Let your brother celebrate his victory for now, Ludwig. (Forma a Small Smile on his Face) He earned it.
Maria: (Giggles a Bit) Admit it. You let him win there, didn't you?
Alucard: Perhaps I did. And perhaps maybe I saw a tiny bit of myself into him for brief moment and decided to give one of my faithful grandsons a bone for once.
Ludwig: You're really taking this grandparent role to strive, aren't you, sir?
Alucard: (Simply Nodded with a Small Sincere Smile on his Face) Naturally. I promised myself that I would fulfill that role to the Smash Family and I attend om doing so until the bitter end.
Maria: (Happily Hugs Ludwig) Me too!~ It has always been one of my dreams to form and be part of a larger family and from tis day forward, I shall become the grandmother who will give you all the love and guidance each of you need, as well as spoiling you rotten to the core~ (Starts Kissing on Ludwig's Cheek)
Ludwig: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Maria's Kisses) Really don't have to go out of you way to do all that, but.....We truly appericate it all the same.
Alucard: Much obliged. Now. (Finally Gets Himself Up From his Seat) I wonder where we get breakfast from this time around......
Maria: How about that Waffle place Roy mentioned? He would be so happy to see us pay him a visit.
Ludwig: (Rolls his Eyes) I'm pretty certain he'll be too occupied to even notice we step inside. How about we head to LeBlanc Café instead? (Starts Walking Away From the Park Along with his Appointed Grandparents) I've heard from Futuba that Mr. Sojiro has finally serving a few breakfast meals in there, even curry.
Alucard: They serve a plate of curry in the middle of the morning?
Ludwig: ('Sigh') Those two have been obsessed with that meal for so long that it's no surprise that they would do this sort of business tactic.
Maria: Like father, like daughter~
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