neuxue · 6 months
still not over the way Sheng Lingyuan uses Aluojin's dagger rather than Tong for the whole... uh... Sequence In The Cave.
as if trying even then to preserve some last shred of xiao-Ji's innocence, trying to ensure that at least in this one most atrocious act, only his own hands would be stained. As if knowing he must carry the weight of this terrible deed but wanting to spare the little sword spirit the blood of those who once tended the pear tree in the closest thing they ever had to a home.
like. in this moment Sheng Lingyuan is a weapon trying to act as a shield, to a child forced (forged) to act as a weapon.
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idledee · 2 months
idk if you you’ve heard the songs before or not but have some songs that remind me of tai sui (characters and as a whole
the seed by aurora (ts as a whole
the hand that feeds by the crane wives (wcx
october by the crane wives (wcx+zqd or hxj+qs/lc
ancient history by the crane wives, gilded lily by cults (xi ping
hollow moon by the crane wives (zhou ying
destiny by chloe ament (lingying or maybe pingying
labour by paris paloma, us and pigs by sofia isella (dandan maybe..
warrior of the mind (pingxiu in a little au of sorts
not ts themed but taking turns by the crane wives is also super fun.. and a bonus since i adore your aluojin design skeletons by paravi reminds me of them and suffering by amélie farren might be of interest since you also like dzyb..
apologies for the crane wives spam 🍓
ooh this is so fun...thank u sm for sending this in omg... big ts thinker over here...admittedly the only artist ive ever listened to on this list is aurora but ty for the recs! i'll definitely give the rest a listen at some point.
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hunxi-after-hours · 1 year
Hi Hunxi, I got on the audiodrama train because of your recommendations, and I wonder if you have a) voice actors with performances you really like and b) separately, found performers with a voice you really like (but sadly they may not done have a lot of work in that voice)?
first of all, deeply flattered that you've taken my incoherent yelling as recommendation and joined me on this train. I spend all my time here now and I'm pretty unbearable to talk to because unfortunately all I care about are Chinese voice actors these days
secondly, I feel like I should also mention the 综艺 variety show 《我是特优声》 / Voice Monster on bilibili because this show really sent me off the deep end when it came to voice actor fandom. previously I was like “oh yeah audiodramas are neat!” and after watching this show I stopped caring about anything else oops. since is the first variety show of its kind (they were trying to figure out what competitive voice acting should look like as they went rip), it’s definitely got its rough patches (and no money) but the contestants are hilarious and the judges lovely and there’s generally a wonderful atmosphere of mutual support and dedication to their art
a list of some of my favorite voice actors who were contestants on season 1 of 《特优声》:
锦鲤 Jin Li: this man’s RANGE. I think about his dub-over performance of 《罗小黑战记》 / The Legend of Hei constantly, and I love his (team’s) version of 《金乌》! I also loved him in the AD of 《师弟还不杀我灭口》, the donghua of 《天宝伏妖录》 (he’s in the AD too, I just haven’t gotten around to it), and as Aluojin in both the donghua and AD of 《烈火浇愁》. I’m currently debating on whether I want to go in on one of his currently-airing AD’s 《深渊巨龙苏醒以后》... look I’m aware I have a problem, and it’s that I love him
歪歪 (张福正)Waiwai (Zhang Fuzheng): what a sweet devilish chaos agent. my favorite performances of his are  《穿越火线》, which is was all sorts of stupid cute, and my jaw literally dropped when watching his 《黑白无双》 because I didn’t know he had that range?? I’ve been trying to find an AD of his to listen to but haven’t found one to my taste quite yet
赵乾景 Zhao Qianjing: when he showed up on 《特优声》, all the other contestants were like “why is HE here, he should be a judge” and honestly? they weren’t wrong. my favorite performance of his is definitely 《热情似火》, and my favorite AD of his is 《哏儿》 where he and Xie Tiantian LITERALLY do 相声. also, he can sing
亚捷 Ya Jie: used to be a professional backup dancer before switching over into voice acting?? how is he so cool?? 亚捷 has such a unique, gravelly voice that makes it hard for him to be cast as main roles (but REALLY easy to identify whenever he voices side characters). I’m holding out hope for him to get a good role!!!
a list of industry greats, who most people have heard before even if they don’t know their names:
边江 Bian Jiang: most people know him as the voice director of 《陈情令》 and the voice of CQL!Lan Wangji, among many, many other leading roles. what most people might not know is that he’s really good at comedy! haven’t explored his works in depth, but I did enjoy him in the donghua of 《天宝伏妖录》 and the AD  《问鹿三千》
姜广涛 Jiang Guangtao: also a VERY distinctive voice in the industry; most people probably know him as the voice of donghua Xie Lian in 《天官赐福》, though I personally prefer his Sheng Lingyuan in the donghua adaptation of 《烈火浇愁》. He’s also in the AD 《问鹿三千》, which is really a wildly stacked audiodrama
夏磊 Xia Lei, 谢添天 Xie Tiantian, 柯暮卿 Ke Muqing, and 鹏小胖 Peng Xiaopang: putting the 音熊联萌 VoiceBear Alliance mischief-makers together — Xia Lei has a lovely, distinctive voice (check him out in the 《千秋》 or 《天涯客》 AD’s), and Xie Tiantian is incredibly versatile (check him out in 《天涯客》  or 《哏儿》, also doing 相声). I have a special soft spot for Ke Muqing: he is, hands down, my favorite voice director and he has such a gremlin laugh behind the scenes (check him out in 《千秋》  or 《双杀》). meanwhile, Peng Xiaopang isn’t as well-known as the previous three, but his voice is truly very soothing (you can also spot him in 《双杀》, and as secondary characters in 《千秋》 and 《哏儿》). VoiceBear Alliance is one of my favorite voice acting studios because they’re all gremlins. all of them
吴磊 Wu Lei: THE 低音炮 baritone of the industry, you probably know him as Yan Wushi from 《千秋》 or Shen Qingqiu from the 《人渣》 donghua. also plays Chen Budao in the 《判官》 AD to Zhao Qianjing’s Wen Shi. he’s actually such a sweet person, the 反差萌 at play is really funny
刘琮 Liu Cong: the smoky voice of the industry, I’ve heard him around here and there, usually playing parental or grandparental roles asdlfkajsd. meanwhile, the 《默读》 AD is one of the best adaptations in existence and I will happily die on this hill
杨天翔 Yang Tianxiang: he’s a recent discovery of mine despite being very well-established in the industry! his performance as Fei Du in 《默读》 is absolutely outstanding, and I recently binged (and I don’t. binge. shows) the microseries 《你好喵室友》 just because he was in it. I haven’t explored his oeuvre but it’s only a matter of time because as far as I’m concerned he can do whatever he wants and I’d probably go for it
金弦 Jin Xian: okay I REALLY haven’t gone into his AD’s much but I heard him as 诗人 / the Poet in the 《小蘑菇》 AD and I’ve been obsessed with his voice since. WHAT the heck
anyway, these voice actors are pretty established in the industry; if you threw a rock, you’d probably hit at least three of their roles aldkfjaldskj
lastly, some of my favorite voice actors I’ve run into just by blundering around 猫耳FM:
路扬 (路扬君) Lu Yang: so far I haven’t found any AD’s with him as the lead, but this man’s range??? you can spot him in supporting roles in both the AD’s 《师弟还不杀我灭口》 and 《督主有病》, and his 直播间 livestreams on 猫耳 are fun too
倒霉死勒 (吴韬) Dao Mei Si Le / Wu Tao: this boy can ACT, my god. I’ve listened to 《督主有病》 and 《海中爵》, and he’s phenomenal in both!
瀚墨 Han Mo: I think I’m late to Han Mo because he’s more on the film side of things, but I enjoyed his performance thoroughly in 《师弟还不杀我灭口》, and if I’m not mistaken he plays Ao Bing in 《哪吒之魔童降世》 (haven’t seen it, keep meaning to, you know how it goes)
there’s a dearth of ladies in this post, and while I could gush about 季冠霖 Ji Guanlin and 冯俊华 Feng Junhua and 龟娘 Gui Niang, I want to finish watching 《我是特优声·剧团季》 the second season of Voice Monster first, because there are a lot more voice actors there and I want to learn about more of their work!!
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intyalote · 2 years
seems like the 瘋子 referred to in the title of lhjc book 1 is bi chunsheng and the 痴人 from the title of book 2 is aluojin... i’m very interested to know who the antagonists of the remaining books are - book three is 妄人 and i have some hm. theories. about that.
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angieloveshua · 1 year
Aluojin shuddered violently, but his dazed eyes were still locked on Sheng Lingyuan, crossing through the flash of lightning and thunder. He suddenly smiled and said in the Shaman tongue, “Lingyuan-ge, I heard them speak of what happened after… “His Majesty the Human-Regent”, ha, at the end you couldn’t even save him… In fact, we are not so different, are we?”
For God's sake, I'll be in PAIN.
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susuwatari-kompeito · 3 years
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“With the mountain gods and my ancestors as my witnesses, and on behalf of the Wu people, I, Aluojin, wish the Human Emperor a long life. As long as embers remain in Chiyuan, your spirit will never perish. You’ll have an immortal body with inexhaustible blood. With an infinite life span, you’ll become greater than any demon.” - Aluojin
LIE HUO JIAO CHOU (Donghua, 2021) ↪Episode 8: Truth
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ruanbaijie · 3 years
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This is the knife… that I stole from my father… when I left Dongchuan… it can keep one safe… drive away evil… Ge… I gave it… to you…
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veliseraptor · 2 years
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oh okay
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shenglingyuan · 5 years
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“Why? Brother Lingyuan, to live forever for a long, long time...why is not amazing?”
"Because the good things in the world can't last forever. I heard that the most beautiful flowers take a long time to open, and when they do they only open once in their lifetime, but they grateful for that short moment. When the oldest man dies and recalls his lifetime, there are only a few happy things as fleeting as a flint fire. My teacher once said that only those who has no will to live and cannot die may live forever."
Meet my other son, from priest’s 烈火浇愁/Lie Huo Jiao Chou. His name is Aluojin! ^^ I love him so much ;_;
Commissioned from mercy_above @ twitter !!!
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neuxue · 2 years
lhjc said who needs time loops when you can watch the same character die at your protagonist’s hands, calling him brother with his last breath, three times in a row in canon
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nonbinarymikaela · 2 years
my dad yesterday: dont stay up too late, it's Friday so get some rest
me: yeah, I was about to go to bed rn
me, 4 hours later: there's only 4 more episodes anyways
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hansenlinlin · 2 years
I love the LHJC donghua, but I am very sad it lost this in the translation from novel to donghua
You know, there are a few things I’m sad the Lie Huo Jiao Chou donghua didn’t bring over from the novel. One is the white track suit. Let my boy’s wardrobe malfunction! 
But the thing I’m saddest about not being conveyed is the language barrier between Xuan Ji and Sheng Lingyuan. They can barely understand each other in the beginning and Sheng Lingyuan is still struggling with words where I am in the novel. One of my favourites is the misunderstanding regarding the plane, where he understood it as a giant chicken or something. I recently saw screenshots from the episode where they end up trapped in Aluojin’s memories and Xuan Ji asks about his sword, and while in the donghua, Sheng Lingyuan seems somewhat reluctant to answer, in the novel it’s because he doesn’t know the word to use, so he ends up defaulting to his original language (relatable, man). It’s a shame the language barrier is lost, but it makes total sense why it had to be. That doesn’t mean they can rob me of my white track suit Bixia!!
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angieloveshua · 1 year
Before the word of “Dan Li” had fallen out of his mouth, the inferno inside the cave suddenly grew with an incoming wisp of strong wind. It roared along with Aluojin’s exasperate cries and lifted the mask on Dan Li’s face. Dan Li’s mask was blown away by the wind. Beneath the mask, it was a face that was identical to Xuan Ji!
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hunxi-after-hours · 2 years
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okay this is quite possibly the funniest way they could’ve introduced Aluojin’s entrance via weibo interaction
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beneaththebrim · 3 years
I've been curious about this for awhile, but how much do you think Aluojin meant to Shen Lingyuan? Also, I was reading the proper translation and in a chapter Aluojin says: "In the end you couldn't save him either," Now, I might have missed this in the mtl, but I can't think of anyone else he could be referring to, so, since when did he know about Xuan Ji & Sheng Lingyuan?
liehuo spoilers
urrgghhh I've been sitting on this one for a while bc I wanted to write a proper meta on it but I don't think I will for now.
Anyway, Aluojin meant a lot to Sheng Lingyuan! He was more of a brother to him than his actually biological half-brother Prince Ning! (this is stated in the text somewhere, although I forget which chapter)
Basically, Sheng Lingyuan acted as a 'stern' older brother figure to Aluojin. Aluojin and xiao-Ji were the only people who called him 'Lingyuan-gege' in his life, and he spoiled both of them rotten.
Aluojin knew that Sheng Lingyuan's sword had a spirit, but he never really got to know xiao-Ji. From Ch.131:
Aluojin knew about the heavenly demon sword and was always very curious. He’d always say he wanted to live a good hundred eighty years, and ‘strive for the day he could also play together with the sword spirit Tong’.
In truth, the young chieftain wholly believed his affection was reciprocated, but all the while the sword spirit was annoyed to death by him, and didn’t want to play with him at all.
Xuan Ji had beef with Aluojin because he was jealous and resentful about Aluojin picking up calling Sheng Lingyuan 'gege' after he himself had stopped (which he did because he realized that putting Sheng Lingyuan in the position of coddling older brother strained him too far, and xiao-Ji would rather strive to protect him than to pressure him to play any role for him). So, not only was Aluojin taking attention away from him, he was also playing the part xiao-Ji had consciously relinquished for Sheng Lingyuan's own good.
Definitely the sort of thing to drive a stubborn little kid up a wall.
Whenever Aluojin was spouting off at Sheng Lingyuan, xiao-Ji would shout something back at him without him knowing. Sheng Lingyuan describes it as:
The voices of these two, one inside and one out, were just like a pair of little chickens whose feathers hadn’t completely grown in, straining their throats to chirp at one another through the air. It was quite good for dispelling melancholy and invigorating the spirit.
So, clearly Sheng Lingyuan didn't mind their bickering :P
Aluojin had been sealed in the Shaman tomb before the heavenly demon sword was broken, but the person who was behind the Somber Sacrifices told him what had gone down since, so that's how he knew Sheng Lingyuan had lost Tong.
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shen-daozhang · 3 years
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When Aluojin said “Bixia” and “Human Sovereign,” Xuan Ji had thought he had misheard them all. Since the olden days, besides the ancient gods in the legends, the one that could be called “Human Sovereign” by the foreign tribes was only Sheng Xiao, Emperor Wu of the Great Qi.
It was because he rectified the chaos and righted the wrongs. With a mortal’s body, he had accomplished the achievements that could not be done with a mortal’s power. He was one to be respected and feared, as if he was an immortal being who had descended into the world. . . 
How could he be a twink who would flirt with anyone off the streets?
Lie Huo Jiao Chou/Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire chap 24
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