#always keep your office space clean for maximum work efficiency
jamespokemon · 1 year
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It's time to make like a broom and get sweeping! It's time for some early spring cleaning and I'm not asking, I'm doing!
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mcleaningservicesca · 1 month
M Cleaning Services: Redefining Cleaning Services in Orange County
For those residing or running a business in Orange County, keeping spaces clean and welcoming is crucial but can be challenging amidst daily responsibilities. M Cleaning Services, a trusted local provider, has carved a niche by offering unparalleled cleaning services tailored to the diverse needs of this vibrant area. This article explores the benefits of choosing Cleaning Services in Orange County for your cleaning needs in Orange County.
Wide Range of Professional Cleaning Services
M Cleaning Services offers an extensive portfolio of cleaning options designed to address every possible need. From residential homes to large commercial facilities, their team handles it all. Their services extend beyond basic cleaning to include deep cleaning, post-renovation clean-ups, and specialized services such as carpet and window cleaning. Whether you need regular housekeeping for your home or detailed janitorial services for your office, M Cleaning Services has the expertise to ensure top-tier results.
Customizable Cleaning Plans
Recognizing that every client has unique needs and schedules, Cleaning Services in Orange County provides flexible and customizable cleaning plans. Clients can choose from various service frequencies—daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly—depending on their specific requirements. M Cleaning Services works closely with each client to create a tailored plan that fits seamlessly into their lifestyle or business operations, ensuring maximum convenience and efficiency.
Experienced and Dedicated Team
The strength of Cleaning Services in Orange County lies in its team of experienced and dedicated professionals. Each team member is rigorously trained in the latest cleaning techniques and customer service skills. They undergo thorough background checks to ensure reliability and integrity. The company prides itself on having staff that not only meets the highest standards of cleaning but also delivers a friendly and respectful service experience.
Commitment to Eco-Friendly Cleaning
In an effort to protect the environment and ensure the safety of its clients, M Cleaning Services uses eco-friendly cleaning products and practices. These green cleaning methods are effective in achieving immaculate cleanliness while being gentle on the environment and safe for people and pets. This commitment to eco-friendly practices is particularly appealing to health-conscious families and businesses in Orange County.
Transparent Pricing and Reliable Customer Service
M Cleaning Services stands out for its commitment to transparency in pricing and reliability in customer service. Before any cleaning task begins, clients receive a comprehensive estimate detailing the services and associated costs. This upfront pricing model prevents any surprises and builds trust. Additionally, their customer service team is always ready to assist with scheduling, adjustments to services, or any questions that might arise.
M Cleaning Services is your go-to provider for top-notch M Cleaning Services. With their comprehensive cleaning solutions, customizable plans, professional staff, eco-friendly practices, and transparent pricing, they ensure that your residential or commercial spaces are not just clean, but healthily clean. Trust Cleaning Services in Orange County to handle your cleaning needs so you can focus on enjoying a pristine environment.
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keyvendor · 2 months
AC Services in Noida & Delhi NCR
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Introduction: Enhancing Your Living Spaces
The role of air conditioning in creating a comfortable and enjoyable living environment cannot be overstated. In bustling urban areas like Noida and Delhi NCR, where temperatures can soar during the scorching summer months, having a reliable AC system is not just a luxury but a necessity. Whether you're at home, in the office, or in any other indoor space, proper air conditioning ensures that you can stay cool and productive even on the hottest of days.
The Importance of Quality AC Services
Ensuring the optimal performance of your air conditioning unit requires regular maintenance and professional services. From installation to repairs and maintenance, entrusting your AC needs to experts can make a world of difference. Here's why quality AC services are essential:
1. Efficient cooling solutions
Professional AC services guarantee that your cooling system operates at maximum efficiency, providing consistent and comfortable indoor temperatures. By conducting thorough inspections and addressing any issues promptly, experts can optimize your AC's performance, reducing energy consumption and utility bills in the process.
2. Prolonged life span
Regular maintenance and timely repairs can significantly extend the lifespan of your air conditioning unit. Neglecting minor issues can lead to more significant problems down the line, resulting in costly repairs or even premature replacements. With professional AC services, you can ensure that your cooling system remains in top condition for years to come.
3. Improved indoor air quality
In addition to cooling, air conditioning units also play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality. Dust, pollutants, and allergens can accumulate within the system over time, circulating harmful particles throughout your living or working space. By scheduling regular cleanings and filter replacements, professional technicians can help improve the air you breathe, promoting a healthier environment.
AC Services in Noida & Delhi NCR: Our Commitment to Excellence
When it comes to AC services in Noida and Delhi NCR, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled quality and customer satisfaction. As industry leaders with years of experience, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs.
Whether you're upgrading to a new air conditioning system or installing one for the first time, our team of experts is here to help. We'll assess your space, recommend the most suitable unit for your requirements, and ensure a seamless installation for optimal performance.
Experiencing issues with your AC unit? Our skilled technicians are equipped to diagnose and resolve a wide range of problems efficiently. From strange noises and reduced cooling capacity to complete system breakdowns, we've got you covered with prompt and reliable repair services.
Prevention is always better than cure, which is why we offer comprehensive maintenance plans to keep your AC system running smoothly. With regular inspections, cleaning, and tune-ups, we'll help prevent costly breakdowns and ensure peak performance throughout the year.
Upgrades and retrofitting
As technology advances, so do air conditioning systems. If you're looking to upgrade to a more energy-efficient unit or retrofit your existing system with smart features, our team can guide you through the process and execute the upgrade seamlessly.
Conclusion: Invest in comfort and quality.
In conclusion, investing in quality AC services is essential for maximizing comfort and efficiency in your living or working spaces. With professional installation, repairs, maintenance, and upgrades, you can ensure that your air conditioning system operates at its best, providing reliable cooling and improved indoor air quality year-round.
Don't compromise on comfort—choose the experts in AC services in Noida and Delhi NCR for all your cooling needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and experience the difference firsthand.
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thebetterguys · 6 months
Shine Bright: Experience the Difference with Our Commercial Cleaning Services
In a world where cleanliness and hygiene are paramount, ensuring a pristine environment for your business is more than just a visual impression; it's a reflection of your dedication to excellence. We specialize in elevating the standards of commercial cleaning, providing meticulous and comprehensive services that surpass expectations.
Our Commitment to Cleanliness
At the heart of our company is an unwavering commitment to cleanliness. We understand that every space is unique, requiring tailored solutions to meet its distinct cleaning needs. Whether you operate an office building, a healthcare facility, a retail space, or any other commercial establishment, we have the expertise and resources to maintain a spotless environment.
Professional Expertise
Our team comprises highly trained professionals who are not only skilled in the latest cleaning techniques but also deeply committed to delivering exceptional results. With attention to detail and a proactive approach, we tackle every cleaning task with precision, ensuring a thorough and consistent service every time.
Customized Cleaning Solutions
We recognize that no two businesses are alike, which is why we offer customized cleaning solutions. Before we commence any work, our experts conduct a thorough assessment of your space and understand your specific requirements. This allows us to create a tailored cleaning plan that addresses your unique needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
State-of-the-Art Equipment and Eco-Friendly Practices
Utilizing cutting-edge equipment and industry-leading practices, we strive for excellence in every aspect of our service. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to incorporate eco-friendly cleaning solutions whenever possible, minimizing our environmental footprint without compromising on the quality of our work.
Comprehensive Services
From regular janitorial services to specialized deep cleaning, floor care, and sanitization, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to keep your commercial space immaculate. Our flexibility allows us to accommodate your schedule, providing cleaning services at times that least disrupt your operations.
Client-Centric Approach
Your satisfaction is our priority. We maintain open lines of communication to ensure that we not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our responsive customer service team is always available to address any concerns or accommodate any additional requests promptly.
Reliability and Trustworthiness
You're choosing reliability and trustworthiness. Our team is bonded and insured, providing you with peace of mind and assurance that your space is in safe hands. We take pride in building long-lasting relationships with our clients based on trust, integrity, and exceptional service delivery.
Experience the Difference
Discover the difference a professional and dedicated commercial cleaning service can make for your business. We go beyond cleanliness; we create an environment that enhances productivity, impresses clients, and fosters a sense of pride among your staff.
For More Info:-
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Commercial Cleaning Services Near Me
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nurmohammadblog · 8 months
Efficient HVAC Installation Services in Greenville, SC: Keeping You Comfortable Year-Round
When it comes to HVAC installation in Greenville, SC, ensuring your home or business has a reliable and efficient system is crucial. The climate in South Carolina can be extreme, with hot, humid summers and chilly winters. A well-installed HVAC system can keep you comfortable year-round while saving you money on energy bills. In this article, we'll explore the importance of professional HVAC installation in Greenville, SC, and how it can benefit you.
1. Energy Efficiency: Professional HVAC installation ensures that your system operates at maximum efficiency. This means lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact. In a region where summers can be scorching and winters can be chilly, an energy-efficient HVAC system is a wise investment.
2. Longevity: Proper installation extends the lifespan of your HVAC unit. When components are installed correctly, they experience less wear and tear, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns and costly repairs. This saves you money in the long run.
3. Improved Indoor Air Quality: A professional installation ensures that your HVAC system is clean and free from contaminants. Clean ductwork and well-sealed connections prevent dust, allergens, and pollutants from circulating in your home, promoting better indoor air quality.
4. Enhanced Comfort: When your HVAC system is installed by experts, you can count on consistent temperatures and even airflow throughout your space. This translates to enhanced comfort for you and your family, no matter the weather outside.
5. Warranty Protection: Many HVAC manufacturers require professional installation to validate the warranty. Investing in professional installation ensures that you're covered in case of unexpected issues with your new system.
6. Custom Solutions: Every home or business is unique, and so are its HVAC needs. Professional installers will assess your specific requirements, taking into account factors such as the size of your space, insulation, and local climate to recommend the best system for your needs.
7. Safety: Safety should always be a top priority. HVAC installation involves working with electrical components, refrigerants, and gas lines. Professional installers are trained to handle these potential hazards safely, reducing the risk of accidents.
When it comes to HVAC installation in Greenville, SC, it's clear that professional service is essential. Don't leave your comfort and savings to chance. Invest in the expertise of qualified professionals who can ensure your HVAC system runs efficiently, lasts longer, and keeps your indoor environment comfortable and healthy. Say goodbye to temperature fluctuations and high energy bills, and enjoy peace of mind with a professionally installed HVAC system in your Greenville home or business.
Company: Air Today Heating & Cooling
Address: 101 Yorkshire Dr, Greenville, SC 29615, USA
Phone: (864)295-0905
Website: https://iwantairtoday.com
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
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Raised Access Flooring : A detailed Information (2022)
Raised Access Flooring : A detailed Information (2022)
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An enterprise must secure a flexible, adaptive cable management system in today's connected society, which necessitates a plethora of power, voice, and data equipment (which comes with a plethora of wires, cables, and connection points). In fact, it's critical if you want a workspace that's adaptable enough to accommodate moves, additions, and changes.
If you want to move to a new office, stay where you are but need renovations, or simply want the option to reconfigure your workplace whenever you want, a raised access floor cable distribution system will provide you with the ideal opportunity to set-up your work space as needed in the most efficient ways.
When planning your new office layout, don't overlook the importance of flooring systems. This is often overlooked.
For cable management, consider low-profile raised access flooring. It can completely transform your workspace and provide more functionality than you could ever imagine from a floor.
What is Raised Access Flooring?
A raised floor is an elevated structural floor above a solid substrate that creates a hidden void for mechanical and electrical services to pass through."
This type of floor, also known as raised access flooring, access floor(ing), or raised access computer floor(ing), is a construction model in which a slightly higher floor is built above the original concrete slab floor of the building, leaving an open space between the two floors for wiring, power, or cooling infrastructure.
Cable management and air distribution are two things that every business must plan for. What are your requirements? What are your objectives?
Why Consider Raised Access Flooring?
Raised access flooring comes in a variety of styles and solutions. A new data management centre, for example, may require a resolution with the maximum amount of space between the floors for cables, power, and airflow equipment, whereas an emergency operations centre or courtroom may require a lower profile floor simply to meet its wire management requirements.
Whatever your requirements, raised access flooring has the following advantages:
Moveable and customizable: Because some raised access flooring is available in modular sections, you can add or remove flooring as needed. If you expand into a larger work space, you may be able to keep your current flooring and only need to purchase the additional sections your larger space requires. Adding square footage to an existing office is obviously less expensive than changing your entire floor plan. Furthermore, the changes can be implemented quickly, increasing the cost-effectiveness.
Increases workplace safety: Workplace safety is always a top priority. Raised access flooring hides these unsightly cables beneath the floor and out of sight, eliminating tripping hazards and the need to work on a ladder to reach wires in the ceiling.
Provides a cleaner, more professional appearance to your office: 
Cables running along the floor, up posts, or hanging from the ceiling are an eyesore. Your employees will struggle to work efficiently in a cluttered, disorganised work environment. A sloppy office will also not impress visiting clients. Raised access flooring conceals cables and promotes a clean, professional appearance to anyone who enters the office.
Allows you to grow: It appears that new technologies are introduced on a daily basis. Because of the need to keep up with these innovations as well as business growth, you'll most likely require more networking cables at some point. 
A high-quality raised access flooring cable management system will provide a well-designed solution that has been carefully planned and configured, so you don't end up with a jumbled mess under the floor.
Cost-effective:  Raised access floor systems are not attached to the floor. As a result, if you decide to relocate, you can take the flooring with you. Furthermore, because non-attached flooring is considered office equipment, the system can be depreciated on your tax returns.
What Types of Raised Access Flooring is Available?
Floor with Traditional/Standard Access (Post and Panel Raised Floor)
Any raised floor that is taller than 6 inches, but usually taller than 12 inches (can reach 6 feet or higher). When this product was first introduced fifty years ago, the primary purpose of this type of flooring was to support the cooling and airflow requirements of large computer mainframes that ran extremely hot. The cabling between the two floors was an afterthought.
Low Profile Access Floor (Cable Management Floor)
Any Raised Access Floor Panel that is less than 6 inches in height is suitable for cable management. Where air flow is not an issue, these floors allow for under-floor cable distribution management (which is true of most workplaces these days). There are low-profile options with 1.6-inch or 2.75-inch profiles that can outfit any space or even entire buildings.
The following are the characteristics of traditional raised access flooring:
Tough and heavy duty
Designed primarily for air flow and cooling (not so much for cable management)
Access panels typically weigh 35 pounds or more and must be lifted with a suction-like tool.
Lower profile raised access floors are less flexible and easier to use.
Because of the height above ground, there may be safety concerns.
Contractors or highly trained internal personnel must service and maintain them.
Low-profile raised access flooring, on the other hand:
The system's components are light (but still meet strength requirements)
It requires less ceiling height.
Is simple for onsite personnel to maintain—and in some cases, no tools are required
Is it secure
If you need to run a large chilled water line or forced air under your floor, you will almost certainly require traditional raised access flooring. A low-profile raised access floor, on the other hand, is ideal for providing space and flexibility for electrical data and cables in an office or retail space.
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mayfives · 2 years
5 Best Air Ionizers & Air Purifiers
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Air ionizers are popularly used to purify the air. These devices generate negative ions and add electrical charges to the air molecules in a room. This ionization works to purify the air in your space by attracting and capturing allergen particles such as mold spores, dust, pollen, pet dander, and other non-hygienic particles that float through the air. Studies denote that air pollution causes 7 million deaths worldwide annually. The fact is the air you breathe inside your home is 3 times more polluted than the air outside your home. So, air purifiers have become much in demand today than at any time in history. An Air Ionizer is the best option to tackle this issue. These machines are easy to operate and handle. They come with innovative features to protect your health and life.  However, you should know that these purifiers are ozone generators. Ozone is a gas harmful to your respiratory system. So always make sure that people, pets, and plants are not in the room when using the purifier. If you need to get rid of a mild foul smell and purify a small space, Charcoal Air Purifying Bags are a great option. If you are looking for an Air Ionizer, below are the reviews on the Best Air Ionizers in the current market. These are top-rated and most effective air purifiers.
Best Air Ionizers & Air Purifiers
1. Ivation Ozone Generator Air Purifier, Ionizer & Deodorizer
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Best price on Amazon Ivation is a brand known for innovations and cost-effective products. Their latest product, 300B Model Ozone Generator Air Ionizer, is excellent with new technology and features. It stands out with unique features such as a quieter fan, better ion quality, and more substantial output than other brands. It has the most extensive cleaning area among all other brands, with a maximum cleaning area of 3500sq.ft. This machine generates negatively charged oxygen ions to destroy harmful airborne particles such as dust and allergens. However, it also generates 360mg/hr of ozone while eliminating the odor of smoke, mold, or paint and providing fresh and clean air. Two light indicators help you determine whether the machine is running on Ion Generation or Ozone Generation. To be safe, keep yourself away from the room while the ozone generation is on. This stylish machine with a cherrywood exterior design and stainless-steel cabinet increases its durability. So, if you are looking for the best air purifier of high quality, go for it. 2. Germ Guardian True HEPA Filter Air Purifier AC4825E
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Best price on Amazon This air ionizer is an excellent choice for those with allergy symptoms. This air ionizer comes with a HEPA filter that reduces up to 99.97% of harmful germs, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and other allergens. It also features UV-C light technology, which functions to kill airborne germs, mold, and bacteria. The charcoal filter reduces odor too. The ionizer is so powerful that it traps small and large particles with charcoal prefilter, HEPA filter, and UV-C light technology. It works well for medium to large-sized rooms, such as the kitchen, the master bedroom, and the living room. It features three-speed settings. It works with very little noise. If all you need is a hygienic environment, this one is the best. 3. Airthereal MA10K-PRO Ozone Generator -Air Ionizer Machine
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Best price on Amazon The Airthereal MA10K-PRO Air Ionizer is known for its high quality and outstanding performance. This powerful machine can clean a massive area of up to 2000sq.ft. It works perfectly for large spaces like offices, classrooms, garages, and gyms. This ozone generator efficiently removes bad odor. It also prevents mold spores from growing or spreading and saves your furniture and other wood items. If you want to get rid of the new house smell, this ionizer is the best choice. You get 12 hours off-timer function to clean the space. Once you confirm the settings, the ionizer will give you 5 seconds to leave the room to avoid exposure to ozone. Thousands of happy customers vouch for its performance and ability to eliminate odor. If you need a great air ionizer for your home or office, grab it. 4. Enerzen Commercial Ozone Generator
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Best price on Amazon Unlike other ionizers, it is a commercial or industrial-grade air ionizer. That does not mean you shouldn’t use it for your home. It is powerful and will do an outstanding performance in your home too. This purifier works as an ionizer and deodorizer. It shows outstanding performance in eliminating unpleasant smells like painting fumes, pet odors, cigarette smoke, and more. It prevents and reduces airborne mold and fungus particles. It has a timer feature. You can set the timer up to 3 hours. So, if you need an air ionizer that works like magic, go for it. 5. Dkmha Industrial Ozone Generator
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Best price on Amazon This purifier also is a great choice if you want an industrial-like ionizing experience. The DKMHA Ozone Generator produces 10000mg/hr of ozone. This air purifier is designed for large spaces like homes, offices, and hotels. It effectively cleans and purifies your space. You need not worry about harmful allergens and fungus anymore. This DKM-10GY Ozonator machine comes with a 2hrs timer. It has an auto-off feature that turns the device off once the ozone cleaning is done. It has a complete metal casting, and it is highly durable. You can replace the ceramic ozone plate for free once in 5yrs. You get a 1-year replacement warranty too. We have a few more suggestions for Air Ionizers & Purifiers below. If you like to know the price and details, visit the website.
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AZEUS UV Light Sanitizer & Ionizer True HEPA Air Purifier
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Envion Ionic Air Purifier
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Medify Air MA-40-W V2.0 Air Purifier
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HOME SANITIZER SOLUTIONS Industrial Ozone Generator Why should you trust us? The Mayfives’ team includes experts who love shopping, testing and evaluating. We bring to you only the best products with great quality and top ratings.  We analyze the manufacturing details and test them for genuineness. Our experienced writers review those products with the suggestions from the experts and user reviews.  You can trust us because we value shopping. Read the full article
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totalsite · 3 years
Making the most of Disposal Bin Service In Tsawwassen
In order to maintain a good ecological stability it is always a necessity in clearing of the garbage and the junks that often throng in-front of our dwelling places or in front of our corporate. It is being advisable to hire the skilled professional which is more than successful in delivering optimized services. The service providers offer plenty of cleanup and hauling services. The companies dealing with disposal bin service in Tsawwassen specialize in extreme cleaning service that includes the yard cleanup, site cleanup, storage cleanup, garage cleanup, rock removal etc. You may require a hauling service to remove bulky and heavy junks from your home, yard or site.
Rubbish or disposal bin service in Tsawwassen is one of the chief concerns in order to maintain the ecological standards. It is being carried out in order to keep the premises and the office spaces clean from garbage. The garbage destroys the serenity of the space and makes an individual uncomfortable as being said by individuals dealing with disposal bin service.
Hiring disposal Bin Service in Tsawwassen
It is not at all an easy task in clearing the dirt along with the rubbish with your own. The main reason for hiring a professional cleaner or a professional cleaning company is the wide availability and cheap price. At the same time you don’t have to take up the onus of cleaning all by yourself.
Since the service is quite effective you can avail the service with ease. They would take up the onus of decreasing your work load and making your worth’s count as being said by various Junk clearance company. The service is ideal for industrial and commercial purpose where maximum garbage is dumped and the place needs ideal cleaning. It is not possible for a single person to carry out the modus-operandi and thereby you need a team of expert who can do the work quite efficiently. In general, one can choose disposal bin rental services keeping the premises clean.
Better Safe than Sorry
Firstly, you need to have the tenacity of knowing about the authenticity of the organization that you are hiring. You should get to know the approach of carrying out the procedures which would make the environment serene.
The services being provided by the disposal bin service rental:
= Garden waste removal
=House clearance
=Rubbish clearance
= Shed clearance
=Building waste disposal
These organizations are skilled in clearing the residential and commercial spaces in order to maintain the sturdy nature and gain vibrancy.
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 72
This chapter is another one that fought back.  There ended up being about 300 words that hit the cutting room floor so that I am satisfied with where this ends and how it transitions into events to come.
Please, don’t forget to submit your suggestion for naming the colony! I’m really excited to see your ideas, and you still have over a month to submit.
Later that week, I was in my office with Tyche, running through some personnel files.  For once, there were no pending projects that we were working on, no major staffing changes. Instead, we were trying to familiarize ourselves with the rest of the people on the ship.  Despite being over a year into our journey, we really only knew about twenty people well and were familiar with maybe a hundred or so each.  Since we were responsible for any staffing decisions along with managing projects and events, it had frequently left us in a position where we were scrambling for files rather than having specific people come to mind.
I flicked away my datapad with a groan, leaning back to stretch. “How am I so behind on this?”
“You’ve been busy,” Tyche pointed out before sighing. “And you were one of the last people brought onto the Ark, on top of that.”
“Wait, what?” I surged forward to lean on my desk. “I mean, I knew we left Earth not long after I came on board, but I thought we all arrived around the same time.” Honestly, I had never thought about it.
Tyche shook her head slowly. “Soph. It took over a year to bring everyone on board. When Noah says they brought everyone that showed no detriment to humanity’s existence, they meant everyone.”
“But they only found ten thousand people.” I started chewing my lip.  In the time we had been in space, I always assumed that it was due to capacity restrictions.
“And we can carry up to a million if needed,” she responded to both my spoke and unspoken thoughts. “Hang on, let me see if Simon is in class.  He was actually there, so it’s literally no one on board except Noah who can explain this better.”  After some poking at her datapad, she found what she was looking for. “Okay, he just got out of one class and has an hour break.” Before I could even stop her, she was hailing him. “Simon, I need you to come to Sophia’s office.  It’s urgent. I’ll feed you.  Chicken pot pie sound good?”
“Yeah, that works. I’m seven minutes away,” his voice responded with a worried tone. “Everything okay?”
“It’s a non-emergency, but I would like it handled as quickly as possible, preferably by you.” My eyebrows shot up at her last comment.  Simon had never been her favorite person, so the fact that she would prefer he explain this instead of Noah was intriguing.  As I made my way to the conference table, she grabbed three lunches from the console along with one pitcher of water and one of the tomato-orange sangria we had both fallen in love with.  
By the time she was seated, Simon was coming through the door, slightly out of breath. “Okay, I’m here. What’s up? Hi, Sophia.”
Tyche pointed firmly at the empty seat. “Simon, how long have I been on board the Ark?”
His face scrunched up. “Terran time? Uh… let’s see. Subjective Terran time, it’s January 2045, so… Almost three years, why?”
I choked on the bite of pastry in my mouth. “That’s ridiculous. I’ve only been on the ship for a year and a half.”
“Two in March, actually,” Simon corrected gently. “But yeah, it took about two years to get everyone we could off of Earth.  It wasn’t as many as we hoped, but… Just over ten thousand was enough.”
“I told her, maximum capacity for the Ark was intended to be one million.”
He chewed thoughtfully before swallowing and nodding. “Yeah, that was the original goal. When the Ark was being refitted, it was intended to have quarters that were essentially four beds and a small shared space with a food console, a mess hall on every other deck, and med bays on every deck.  That was it, that was the entire ship. No libraries, no labs, purely the most efficient possible use of space to carry as many humans as possible to a new world.” His voice got quiet as he continued.  “Miys thought it would take a few months, Terran-subjective time, to load the ship up.  I mean, global population was at ten billion when we originally left Earth. It wasn’t an unreasonable estimate.”
Thundering silence filled the room, and my appetite abandoned me.  When I pushed my meal way, Tyche pushed it back with a knowing look. I poked the dish with a fork a few times before addressing the elephant in the room. “But instead it took two years, and only ten thousand people made the cut?”
“Yeah…” He leaned back and took a drink of his water.  I could see him trying to find the words he needed. “There’s no nice way to say this,” he admitted. “Keep in mind, I only experienced a year on the trip out and the trip back.  I had no way of knowing how much time actually passed on Earth.”
Somehow, I actually did keep forgetting that.
He continued, running a hand over his short-cropped hair.  “By the time we got back, the entire population was just over ten million.  Ninety-percent casualties.  Of the people left, there were nearly none under the age of fifteen.  Everyone brought on board has their own stories of what it was like in the After, but believe me, you do not want the whole picture. The ‘nice’ version is that nearly any illness or injury was pretty much fatal, people were starving, and it was violent.  And that’s the nice version.” He shook his head vigorously.
I knew that gesture.  He was shaking away memories.
“Miys had determined that the bare minimum for a sustainable colony of humans was ten thousand, with a solid repopulation plan in place, but didn’t think that number would ever be needed. We expected to have strict criteria to narrow it down to a million, and instead we scoured the globe for as many as we could find, and I begged for that magical number that showed we wouldn’t be extinct.”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me this sooner?” I asked softly.  I could feel my brain overloading with panic before the defense mechanism kicked in and shunted it to the side.  It’s over, you can’t change it, don’t dwell on it.  I would weep later, in private. Eventually, anyway.
“Because you care, Sophia,” he sighed. “It would hurt you.  Just knowing that anyone not on the ship was being left to die hurt you.  What was I supposed to expect when you found out how many already had?”
I scrunched my face to concede his point.  “Fair enough.  I know it’s not anything I can change, but I can see why no one told me this while we were still in orbit.”  I poked at my now-cold lunch. “So I’m one of the last people to board, we have the same number of people now that we did an hour ago, and now I know why we have more resources than we need for the trip.”
“Barring repairs,” Tyche interjected.
“Right, barring repairs apparently.”
“So… You aren’t mad?” Simon asked quietly.
I shook my head. “No, Simon, I’m not mad.  Do I wish I knew sooner? Yeah.  But with everything else that has happened in the last year, I honestly can’t imagine when it should have been brought up.  The only reason it even came up today is because Tyche and I were trying to get more familiar with the people on the ship.  One thing led to another, and…” I made a vague gesture to indicate ‘and here we are’.
“And chicken pot pie with sangria,” he mused.
“Hard conversations are easier with comfort food,” I explained. “Family secret.”
“Obviously worked on you,” Tyche muttered wryly, pointing at his plate. Sure enough, it was scraped clean.
“So, Simon. How are classes going?” I asked, trying to change the topic so I could wait to process things until later.
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She’s Got The Muscle LLC, is a Residential & Commercial Cleaning Company in Philadelphia, PA
Welcome to She's Got The Muscle LLC., We are a female owned and operated business, dedicated to exceptional customer service, that provides, deep cleaning and clean-out services. Our customers include developers, home owners, Realtors, Restaurant Owners, Retail Stores and more. We have experience in and are available for construction cleaning, restaurant & commercial kitchen cleaning, janitorial services, move in/out cleaning, pressure washing, and landscaping in residential, commercial, industrial and more.
Are you looking to bring your home or office back to a brand new, fresh, and clean state? A clean home or office is an invigorating environment, providing comfort at home and increasing productivity at work. When you enlist our services, you are not only ensuring a pristine environment but one free of hazardous particles and allergens. We methodically clean each site and always go the extra mile. We are detail oriented and provide excellent customer service to ensure each client is completely satisfied. Each job is customized to meet our client's needs if you don't see it listed just ask we are happy to accommodate your needs.
Deep Cleaning -Deep Cleaning can be an overwhelming but necessary task. Having a clean environment not only refreshes the spirit but creates a healthier environment and can help reduce problems with allergies, asthma, copd and more.We have the experience to tackle any space, be it a home, construction site apartment turnover, or commercial kitchen. Each job is customized to meet the needs of our customers. Deep Cleanings can include anything from appliances to scrubbing walls, as well as baseboards, cabinetry, windows, carpeting and much much more. For more detailed information on this service contact She's Got The Muscle today!
Clean-Outs -Whether you just bought a property to re-sell or have just collected too many things over the years, we are your go to for getting rid of anything you don't want. No job too small, one room or whole house we have experience in all types of cleanouts, and promise you a complete makeover. Your contractors didn't clean-up after themselves, or the outside of the property needs debris removed, your back alley way or vacant lot, garage, attic or basement needs attention, we've got you covered. We can remove anything either using a truck or having a dumpster on site. We are transparent, with our fees, not to mention reasonable. We are not like other junk removal services that will purposely use a truck that can only fit a few items in so that you will need to pay them for several loads. We are available on short notice, same day or next day! Contact She's Got The Muscle today to get started.
Commercial Cleaning -She's Got The Muscle is available to service any commercial cleaning services you may need. We are skilled in cleaning everything from commercial kitchens, construction sites, outdoor property maintenance power washing and landscaping, trash removal} to residential apartment buildings, retail spaces and even the most elegant restaurants. We are proud to serve your janitorial needs as well, doctors offices, surgical suites, common areas, office buildings and many more. We will send out our team to your property, clean every part of the site until it is fully presentable, giving you a sparkling, healthy environment so that your business works at maximum efficiency. For more information on our services and to schedule a walk through contact She's Got The Muscle today!
Residential Cleaning -At She's Got The Muscle we understand how difficult it can be to keep up with all of the work around the house in addition to your busy schedule. We want you to be able to enjoy your free time with the ones you love instead of feeling like you need to spend that time cleaning! Time is valuable, we are here to make your life easier and supply all of your cleaning needs. What sets us apart is our ability to help you organize and clean rooms, like basements, garages etc. It can be overwhelming to attack projects like that. We don't just clean around things but through them! Available for one-time or recurring scheduled cleanings, we always do an initial deep cleaning prior to maintenance cleanings. Contact She's Got The Muscle today and let us help you enjoy a clean beautiful home.
Move Out/In Cleaning Services -Whether you are a Realtor, Landlord, or if you rent or own a house, apartment, condominium or a commercial space we at She's Got The Muscle will give your space a thorough, deep cleaning leaving it move in ready for the next occupants. Or if you have just moved in having a pristine clean space aids in a fresh start and new beginning we want to help in any anyway we can. To schedule our move in/out cleaning services, please contact us at She's Got The Muscle today.
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Make sure this fitsby entering your model number. KEEP THE CHILL AT BAY: When winter comes calling, a good space heater is crucial to get you cozy and warm. Bring an effective boost of heat with our small heater that features advanced PTC ceramic heating, with a 10.3-inch size plus a hidden handle; this electric heater is meant to sit by your feet on the floor, near your hands on a desk, or carry around your bedroom, living room, kitchen, or office. A powerful warmth like a mother's hug! A LITTLE PIECE OF WONDER: Nothing is worse than a central heater that isn't up to scratch on a dark, cold night. With a unique design, a 70° oscillating, an adjustable digital thermostat, LED display and touch control, providing a targeted warmth and zero complications when customizing the ambient temperature. It boasts a detachable and easy to clean filter to be sure that you will always breath a clean air. A space heater to walk around your house and forget that it's winter. MORE WARMTH, LESS NOISE: Forget those noisy heater fans that stop you from getting a good night's sleep. Our portable electric heater has a DC motor and a 9-blade fan, what makes it extremely quiet. Energy-efficient is quieter than traditional ones, works with a noise level down to 40dB and cover more areas. With 3 heating modes & fan mode, this ceramic heater is designed to offer you a maximum comfort in any way you look at it. SAFE AND WORRY-FREE: The last thing you would want is for your ceramic heaters to overheat and cause a fire in your house. Designed with an electronic and more sensitive tip-over switch, our small portable heater reacts fast with an alarm when tipped over, it carries a sensor and automatically shuts off when the 122°F is reached. Cold to touch, reinforced prongs and V0 flame retardant materials makes this fan heater a must have in each household. SAVE ENERGY IN THE WARM DAYS: Dreo exclusive ECO mode, will always adjust its output based in the temperature of the ambient it is in, keeping it cozy and comfortable all the time. The adjustable thermostat offers accuracy in terms of control and its auto turn off timer, will be sure that your space is never overheated. We know that our bills go up during the hard winter but Dreo desk heater is well designed to save space and dollars in your energy bill. WARMER DAYS OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Dreo understands that as the weather turns cold and the winter bites, it will be essential to keep things warm inside. Performs well beyond its size, our small electric heater for indoor use, will surprise you by how powerful it is. We stand behind the excellence of our brand, and our promise is to provide you with the best product & service around or your money back. Add our small heater to your cart & experience our amazing customer service. [amz_corss_sell asin="B097RG67QB"]
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alloywrist16-blog · 2 years
How To Use An Air Filter The Right Way?
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As much otherwise you health is concerned, it may well acquire negatively troubled by typically the air you breathe. According to professionals, indoor air will be a lot unsanitary than the outside air. An quick way of improving your indoor air quality is usually to install the good home air purifiers. These types of devices work excellent in both summertime and winter. Within this article, we intend to find out the particular right way in order to use these products. Read on more information. Close all typically the windows and doors Air devices are versatile gadgets. This means that they could be used in homes as well as workplaces. Since https://tomsairconditioning.com/ are designed in order to work indoors, these people can't work properly if the room they are mounted in is open up. So , what you need to perform is ensure that will all the doors and windows of your residence are closed whilst the device will be switched on. This will help avoid the air from escaping the room or perhaps office. However, a person are liberated to open the windows and doors throughout the day to let the fresh surroundings come in. However , before you convert the device on, you will have in order to close all associated with the windows plus doors. Replace the Filtration in a well-timed fashion Another point that you ought to consider is that the filters in the air purifier ought to be replaced throughout a timely fashion. Actually, the functionality involving these units will depend largely on filters they use. The particular filters help always keep dust as well as other bad elements from your current indoor air. Along with the passage involving time, these filter systems lose their efficiency and need to be able to be replaced. If not replaced, they are going to stop working in addition to make the unit ineffective. Use the product at the right time For highest benefits, be sure that the particular device is utilized on the right time. Since the means of air purification is definitely continuous, you will need to maintain the device switched on day to day for maximum advantage. However , it's essential to keep in mind that continuous running can reduce lifespan of typically the filters within the unit. So, it's much better to start the unit as soon while you get throughout your room. Choose the right location Now, this is definitely very important. Air purifiers should have plenty of breathing space inside order to operate properly. So, you have to install the device away from the wall or something which can stop it. In various other words, the unit are able to receive clean air. It's better to place the unit where a person work or rest for best effects. Lastly, air purifiers can have a huge effects on your in house air quality. Therefore , it's important that will you utilize the product properly. This is very important if you want in order to keep yourself safe from a lot involving health issues. Therefore , these are the few tips to make use of air purifiers the right way. If you are looking for a good unit, many of us suggest that want one that consists of HEPA filters. These types of units are identified for their effectiveness. Hope this allows.
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colourdrive · 2 years
most popular colors of this coming year. Each of these colors have been carefully selected to be used in these specific rooms of a home, which ensures maximum use of room efficiency. Let’s dive in!
The Bedroom The bedroom is a place of peace and rest. This is where everyone comes home to rest from their labors. It’s a place to dream about whatever you want and relax from the daily stresses of life. It is a place that should encourage thoughtful meditation. Four colors trending for 2022 are Emerald, Pale Matte, Olive, and Saturated blue. Ensuring that flooring matches paint colors is extremely important, so make sure to not just slap up any combination of two of these colors on the wall. Getting the combination right will result in happy and energetic mornings. It will also provide relief when coming home from school, work, or other daily commitments. You may even find it easier to fall asleep at night. Color psychology can’t be underestimated!
The Living Room This is where most spend time with their significant other, friends, children, and other people invited to the home. This room leaves the largest impression on visitors, since they probably aren’t going to be snooping into the bedrooms by themselves. The colors soft white, rustic grey, and earth green and earth beige are the go-to colors for 2022. It is not recommended to use them all together, rather find one that best suits your personality and existing living room commodities. These colors encourage relaxation and promote conversation. They make it a pleasure to spend time in and promote calming moods. This helps in keeping conversations calm, jovial, and low-tempered. No living room squabbles here!
The Kitchen The kitchen serves as the place where taste buds are sent on a food excursion. Whether it be ramen noodles or fresh caught, fried sea scallops, the experience is what one makes of it. The colors blue-grey, red, white, and black are four of the main colors trending for kitchens in 2022. Red promotes appetite. Blue-grey enhances the spaces in a kitchen. The colors black and white together provide a clean and elegant look. This color combo of white and black usually has wood accents that accompany them and give a well-rounded look. These four colors are usually used on the kitchen cabinets and backsplashes.
The Office This is where the brain juices get flowing. The go-to room to brainstorm and draw up the next, great entrepreneurial venture. Or tomorrow’s calendar for work, whichever comes first. This space should encourage imagination, focus, and creativity. The colors earth green, dark blue, ranges of wood brown, and grey are all colors the make the perfect office space. In the space, you want to feel as if you have the power to come up with anything and everything. It should feel liberating, but focused. Colors such as earth green and wood brown can give the impression of being connected with nature and power. The colors grey and dark blue can be bold and help maintain focus on the task at hand As always, make sure to that your desired color matches and contrasts well with the flooring.
Power In Color The colors that we have listed here are some of the best for the coming year. Each room in a home has a purpose, and if not set up appropriately, may cause you to miss out on proper relaxation, sleep, and great ideas!
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70°Oscillating Portable Heater | Affiliate Marketing
70°Oscillating Portable Heater #heater #portable #winterbest Buy Online: https://amzn.to/3FwXryp Dreo Space Heater – 70°Oscillating Portable Heater with Thermostat, 1500W PTC Ceramic Heater with 4 Modes, 12h Timer, Safety & Fast - Quiet Heat, Small Electric Heaters for Indoor Use, Bedroom, Office, Black, 10.3" (DR-HSH004) About this item KEEP THE CHILL AT BAY: When winter comes calling, a good space heater is crucial to get you cozy and warm. Bring an effective boost of heat with our small heater that features advanced PTC ceramic heating, with a 10.3-inch size plus a hidden handle; this electric heater is meant to sit by your feet on the floor, near your hands on a desk, or carry around your bedroom, living room, kitchen, or office. A powerful warmth like a mother's hug! A LITTLE PIECE OF WONDER: Nothing is worse than a central heater that isn't up to scratch on a dark, cold night. With a unique design, a 70° oscillating, an adjustable digital thermostat, LED display and touch control, providing a targeted warmth and zero complications when customizing the ambient temperature. It boasts a detachable and easy to clean filter to be sure that you will always breath a clean air. A space heater to walk around your house and forget that it's winter. MORE WARMTH, LESS NOISE: Forget those noisy heater fans that stop you from getting a good night's sleep. Our portable electric heater has a DC motor and a 9-blade fan, what makes it extremely quiet. Energy-efficient is quieter than traditional ones, works with a noise level down to 40dB and cover more areas. With 3 heating modes & fan mode, this ceramic heater is designed to offer you a maximum comfort in any way you look at it. SAFE AND WORRY-FREE: The last thing you would want is for your ceramic heaters to overheat and cause a fire in your house. Designed with an electronic and more sensitive tip-over switch, our small portable heater reacts fast with an alarm when tipped over, it carries a sensor and automatically shuts off when the 122°F is reached. Cold to touch, reinforced prongs and V0 flame retardant materials makes this fan heater a must have in each household. SAVE ENERGY IN THE WARM DAYS: Dreo exclusive ECO mode, will always adjust its output based in the temperature of the ambient it is in, keeping it cozy and comfortable all the time. The adjustable thermostat offers accuracy in terms of control and its auto turn off timer, will be sure that your space is never overheated. We know that our bills go up during the hard winter but Dreo desk heater is well designed to save space and dollars in your energy bill. WARMER DAYS OR YOUR MONEY BACK: Dreo understands that as the weather turns cold and the winter bites, it will be essential to keep things warm inside. Performs well beyond its size, our small electric heater for indoor use, will surprise you by how powerful it is. We stand behind the excellence of our brand, and our promise is to provide you with the best product & service around or your money back. Add our small heater to your cart & experience our amazing customer service. Mounting Type: Tabletop Voltage: 120
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debystudio · 3 years
We now live in times where the new normal is working from home. While the pros of working from home can weigh out the cons, there’s still a part of us that wants to get back to office, isn’t it?
So when you can't go back to your office what do you do? Get your office at home!
Yes, you read that absolutely right!
Design a space in your house that gives you the ‘office feels’. You definitely won't be jumping from the couch to your bed if you've set out a working space in your house. So the next time your manager asks you something over a zoom meeting, you can be assured to not be half asleep while answering.
But how do you design a workspace at home?
Let's get started.
1) File Organizers
If you end up keeping your files in different corners of your house & run out of space, our collection of the perfect file organizers are just the perfect thing you need.
“But who uses physical files anymore?!”
Well, some essential documents are still produced in hard copies. Think about it, insurance papers, loan documents, electricity & water bills come in physical copies as well. You do want to save them, don’t you?
See? I told you so!
Keep them organized in a file & make your way to an easy & productive life. Using a leather file organizer gives your home office a very sleek look that you don’t want to miss out on, do you?
Desk Pads
Everyone with a desk job needs a desk pad, period!
There’s no arguing about this. It keeps your desk clean & you can make sure your laptop or monitor doesn’t leave imprints on the desk. Leather desk pads especially, have firmer grips & are thoughtfully designed for your comfort & convenience.
Plus, if you're as messy as I am, you can save your desk from sights of spills & scratches.
Don't settle. Buy the best ones, here.
Utility Box
How often do you keep misplacing small things of huge importance?
Uncountable? Then you definitely need something called the utility box!
Just a small box to store your everyday things that hold more importance in your life than you think they do.
Don't give yourself a chance to misplace your charger or earphones again. Get yourself a utility box right away!
Add a cherry on the top & choose a leather utility box to give your workspace a fine finish.
There's always some takeaways from meetings or webinars you attend. It's troublesome to move around searching for a notebook to jot them down, no?
You know what's easier? Having a notepad right by your side on your desk.
You know what's even better? Having a leather notepad holder. So now, not only do you have a notepad on your desk all the time but, you always have a notepad holder to keep them intact.
If you like to go a little old school & not rely on digital notes, this one is just the right product for you.
They are beautifully designed with a sturdy structure & high quality leather. Add these leather notepads to your desk & give it a luxurious look.
Pen cups
Even if you work everything out digitally, there still comes a point where you will need to use pens. And for these exact points of time, pen cups come in handy!
Use these to hold pens, rulers, scissors, etc. If you're a designer these cups work like a charm.
Add a sophisticated touch to it by using leather pen cups. These shiny & rich quality pen cups are a treat to the eyes, for sure!
Mouse pads
In simple terms, these are desk pads but only smaller. Mouse pads help you efficiently use your mouse with the perfect base for maximum grip.
The leather makes it anti-slip AND super smooth! What else does one need?
Also, you don't have to worry about the wear & tear of your desk with the movements of the mouse. Just go on using it effortlessly with leather mouse pads underneath them.
If you thought that was the end of this "organize your home desk" blog, you were wrong.
The Deby Studio also has a set of all the necessary office accessories combined that you MUST have for your home desk.
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mayahe12 · 3 years
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Shenzhen Mayahe Co., Ltd synergize products which are basically use in grooming and beauty in day to day life and also provide comfort to the user. We deal with products like Shaver, Hair Clipper, Soap Dispenser, Neck Massager, Mini USB portable fan, Mini Humidifier, Mini Aroma diffuser. OUR PRESENCE AROUND GLOBE
Our products are widely exported to United States, Europe, South-east Asia, Middle East etc.  You will find excellent products and partner here with us ! OUR PRODUCTS & FEATURES
SHOP EXCLUSIVE GROOMING PRODUCTS AT MAYAHE 3000MAH MINI POWER BANK ONE OR TWO HEADS FANX2 Portable mini power bank fan. It is easy to carry and can be fixanywhere in car or small spaces. With 3000 mAh battery it can be use for long hours. It comes inBlack, White, Green, Yellow and Pink color. AIR PLUS HAIR DRYER C1803
Hair style changes your look and for good hair styling a good hair dryer is must. Air plus hair dryer with two heating settings, cool wind function, removable filter and low EM radiation emissions is available. BLACKSTONE 3 ROTARY SHAVERY S1605
Buy and try New style 3 rotary shaver S1605 with intelligent anti-clip system and travel lock will ease shaving in no time with minimum effort providing travel security. BOOST HAIR CLIPPER C1706
Bestseller Boost hair clipper C1706 with ceramic blade is available for purchase. Get it on a low price Easy and fast delivery. Plug and trim your hair in no time. CLASSICAL MINI USB FLIP FAN X5
Elegant Mini USB Flip Fan X5 portable, low price and fulfilling your mini airflow needs. It is available in Green, Light Pink and white colour. ENROLLER HAIR STRAIGHTENER C1802
Hair styling with brand new hair straightener with 30 seconds rapid heating, one click locking and anti-scald protection. Hurry Up!!
Latest brand new hair curler. Give yourself a new look with curl hair style. It is based on latest S - shape ceramic coated aluminium plate with instant heating and power cord for easy hanging. EYE MASSAGER E6
Give your eyes a relaxing vibes. Buy and try eye massager with four massage modes, multi-point vibration, Bluetooth connections, built- in speakers for music, fast heating and portable foldable design. Neck Massager G5
The G5 comes with a new system with TENS pulse massage function which gives you a comfortable and effective massage. In addition to the massage device, you will also find a package of remote control.You can you can also enjoy a pleasant warmth of the neck at a temperature 40 °C thermostatic heating. Neck massager G3
The G3 delivers deep massages in minutes. One of the alternatives to the G3 Massage is that the remote control is magnetically attached. It works as a sizzling compress, which is a good, especially in winter. Neck Massager G2
The neck massager is primarily designed to take care of your cervical to restrain awful issues. Each of the massage techniques provides 15 levels of strength selection to ensure you have a suitable set of massage systems. The G2 can connect to your smartphone via Bluetooth so it is intuitive and easy for the user to be operated. You simply charge it with USB Type – C connector. Mini USB Neck Fan F6 The earphone design allows it to hang around the neck so definitely the best makes the hands free neckband fan softer and more durable and less jittery.  Lightweight and small cooling fan is easy to carry and store for personal cooling sport like running, cycling, Super strong wind, to cool you off. Mini Power bank folding fan Z03 Foldable and portable, mini size power bank fan Z03 providing you a continuous airflow. Product Weight:110g, Product size:145*95*42mm.Small and foldable design, it could be put in your bag easily and take it anywhere. Mini Desktop USB Night Light Foldable Fan H1-1 Due to the folding design, the fan can be used as a desktop fan and also has a night lighting design. Its lightweight appearance can be easily moved to any place, with the USB charging cable produce natural wind to keep you comfortable. Large USB Power Supply Humidifier Diffuser-X11 With a capacity of thousand milliliters,the Humidifier diffuser -X11 makes the perfect option to prevent damage stale air and allergens by neutralizing the harmful ions. Moreover it ensures a sense of calmness, relaxation and freshness all-day-long. Large USB Power Supply Humidifier Diffuser-X12 Humidifier Diffuser-X12 humidify your room throughout day and night and bring peace and calmness in interiors.It can help you feel more fresh, energetic and productive by improves the quality of the air  with a constant inviting fragrance. Spray folding fan D10
Spray folding fan D 10 is new generation mini handheld portable fan. The light-weight sleek handheld design allows you to carry around in office, home and travel. It is design to deliver impressive air performance. 
Sharp X hair clipper C1702
Classically designed clipper is easy to hold and use and convenient for styling your hair.This powerful electric clipper cuts through the thickest of hair with no snags or pulls and aa battery-powered hair clipper which is a perfect companion for saving time without going to a saloon.  Sharp 3S Hair Clipper C1705
The new Clipper from Mayahe, provides a salon-style hair, always. It comes with stainless-blade, skin-friendly blades, which are incredibly long-lasting.  . It is convenient to handle and easy to operate. Use Sharp 3S hair clipper for the best experience. New Mini Clip Table Fan J02
It comes with white, light pink and light blue colour. This can be easily taken from one room to another without any hassle. It has outstanding performance compared to other regular portable fans. So adorn your home with Mayahe Fans today. Foldable Bladeless Air Multiplier Neck Fan X3
It is a foldable Bladeless Design: Hanging around your neck, free-your-hands-anywhere, it comes with the construction of lightweight. Fan is equipped with an in-built rechargeable 3000 mAh battery capacity. Stay Cool Anywhere, Anytime whenever and wherever you need it. Yoyo hair clipper C1701 It is a best home hair styling clip. Trim-n-Flow technology for continuous cutting and Self-sharpening stainless steel blades that are incredibly long-lasting. It is designed to be comfortable to use, convenient to handle and easy to operate. Get an easy haircut, quick and easily so you can finish your style in one go. Traveller’s men's shaver S1602 Travellers men's shaver S1602 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men. Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishingtouches. For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: shave with Traveller’s men's shaver. Touchless soap dispenser D1901 It is built and designed to maintain hygiene, completely contactless, automatic and super saver in soap consumption makes it the preferred choice. Its 280 ml soap capacity makes it a perfect product for your hand washing needs in homes and offices. This is an eco friendly and hygienic way of hand washing. Touchless Coco soap dispenser D 1902 Coco soap dispenser is a Foaming Soap Dispenser and a futuristic product designed for washing hands. The dispenser has a capacity of 330 ml.Here put your hand under the sensor, then the high-efficiency pump will dispense soap automatically in just 0.25 seconds, which ensures no germs or smudges left on your hands, So, isn’t it an easy hand cleaning tool? Steel 3S Men's shaver S1601 Our floating shaving system gives you a smooth shaved look in no time with the intelligent anti clip system and a multifunctional indicator. It is designed to give you the smoothest shaving experience with fewer nicks and cuts. Guaranteed to leave your skin feeling super soft. Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 Gentleman 3S Men's shaver S1604 is a waterproof electric shaver and dry rotary shaver for men.Designed to create crisp, defined lines and finishing touches.For a gentle shave and smooth skin feeling and incredible performance: Shave with Mayahe Gentleman 3S shaver. Gentleman 5S Men's shaver S 1603 For smooth, even and comfortable results use gentleman 5S Men's shaver that fits naturally in your hand for maximum comfort and control which gives comfort with five ultra-sharp and ultra-thin blades to cut more cleanly and efficiently at the root. So go for this premium shaving machine. Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone Good Price Mini USB Fan K1 for Mobile Phone is versatile and portable, making it a well-rounded option for any scenario.This fan is the perfect solution when you need cool air blowing on your face while on your smartphone. MAYAHE IS NOT A BUSINESS BUT A SERVICE OF HAPPY BANDWIDTH
Our aim is to create awareness about personal grooming and care. Now a days as we all suffering from pandemic as a result we are more aware and active about health but as far as health is concern it is not only about the good diet and fitness but also it demand utmost care and grooming of body. Mayahe continuously launching new products of personal grooming and care and delivering at your door so that you can be safe and healthy enough to fight pandemic.
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