#always thought of Cole as pan because he could pull out a cake pan and say he’s that
ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
Cole: Dad, I’m pan.
Lou: That’s great, son. More potential future partners. I’m proud of you. I can’t wait to meet them!
Cole: Dad, I’m a Ninja.
Lou: *horrified gasp* You’re what?!
What do you mean this ain’t how the episode went?!
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lxlipetals · 7 years
i get high with a little help from my friends.
TAGGING: Lili, Dylan @ffsdylan, Cole @ole-cole
LOCATION: Cole’s house. Los Angeles, CA.
TIMEFRAME: Sometime in May 2017, who even knows.
NOTES: Dylan’s famous for his pot brownies. (This has been in my drafts for so long and a piece is missing because I forgot to save before exiting one time aka I’m the worst.)
WARNINGS: Trigger - drug use.
Lili shrugged off her jacket as she entered Cole and Dylan's shared place. It was free of the brothers but Cole had told her that he'd be on his way home soon and to just make herself comfortable. And that..she would. Dropping her purse into a chair, Lili wandered into the kitchen (naturally) and began to peruse through the cabinets. Her face lit up as she came across a box of Fruity Pebbles but it quickly fell as she picked it up and realized it was empty. Fucking /Dylan/. Scowling, Lili threw it in the trash and then her eyes settled on a metal pan of brownies, neatly wrapped up in plastic, and she smiled. /Bingo/. Taking two out and placing them on a paper towel, Lili delicately carried it over to the couch and stretched out. She turned on the TV and began to sneak bits of the brownies into her mouth. They tasted kind of strange; but maybe Cole was into organic ingredients, maybe Madelaine had finally gotten to him with her pleas for the entire cast to eat healthier. Either way, they were still delicious and Lili was content to zone out in front of the television and just eat. As she heard the door open, she called out, "I'm in the living room!"
Dylan: had seen Lili's tweet about getting into his brownies. He was sure that she’d posted it to taunt him and try and get him back for eating her snacks while her and Cole were away. Instead Dylan had a shit eating grin spread across his face the entire way home to check on the brownie eating fiend. Only him, Cole, KJ and Ross knew what was really in those brownies and he was looking forward to bursting Lili’s bubble as soon as he got back to Cole’s house. Entering the house he unhooked Magnus’ leash and watched him run off to another room. “So… what do you think? They’re good huh?” he asked, still grinning as he walked into the kitchen and got his own piece of brownie before joining her in the living room.
Lili crinkled her nose as she realized it /wasn't/ her boyfriend coming in the house but decided to play nice for a while. Dylan wasn't bitching at her about eating the brownies, which he implied he made, and this should have been Lili's first warning sign..but she had lulled herself into a false sense of security after the cake. "They're pretty good," she commented and took another bite. Licking the frosting off her fingers, Lili gazed at the TV for a few seconds but she could practically /feel/ Dylan's grin aimed at her like a laser beam. She slowly turned her head to see him looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. "What?" She asked him, suddenly self conscious and her fingers dabbed at her cheeks in case he was mocking her for being a messy eater. "Quit..looking at me like that, weirdo."
Dylan: was trying to compose himself and put on his best actor face here but he couldn’t. This was just too good. None of this was his fault so Cole couldn’t be mad, all that he could do was sit back with Dylan and laugh at the high that was about to hit the blonde. “They are good. Another secret recipe of mine…. Not nutmeg this time. I was going for a more… earth palette They go great with a cold glass of mead. You want some? I make that too.” Dylan did pride himself on being one of the youngest master mead brewers in North American and was actually making a career for himself in that business. Later this summer he’d be opening his own meadery in Brooklyn. He couldn’t do a lot right these days but it seemed he was on the right track with his business. “Nothing. Just happy to see you, that’s all.” He lied, buying himself some time before the high really kicked in.
Lili studied Dylan carefully and she knew something was up; his face kept twitching and there was a note in his voice, like a peal of laughter he kept trying to hold in. "No thank you," she told him about the mead because if she were going to drink anything with her brownies..it was obviously going to be milk. Her hand reached for the last bite and as soon as she swallowed it, nearly choked on his statement. Yep. /That/ confirmed it. He was definitely up to something and Lili was one of his victims. Fuck. What had she just eaten? Had he licked the pan before placing the dough in it? Was she going to get sick? Had this all been an elaborate trap just to stick it to her? Lili and Dylan's relationship was weird; she cared about him, sure, but it wasn't like they usually saw eye to eye on things and they spent more time bickering than they did anything else. "You're never nice to me," she protested and her eyes widened. "What did you do?!"
Dylan: shrugged and bit his own brownie. More then ready for his high to sink in before he got to drinking the mead he’d made recently. he could honestly say he didn’t /do/ anything. He hadn’t pranked her or planned for her to eat the brownies. In fact he’d told his brother they were there, he didn’t even know Lili was coming over or else he might have given her the heads up. “Nothing… Why do you think I always do something? You weren’t even here when I made them… do you really think I would have eaten half the brownies and got one for myself just know if If I had done something to them! Ask KJ and Ross, they both had some too.” Putting his feet up on the coffee table, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Still grinning at the thought of paranoid little lili getting more freaked out the longer he let her go on. “You feeling okay Lil?”
Lili was not comforted by the fact that KJ and Ross had eaten them. They could be just as dumb as Dylan sometimes. A worried expression still on her face, Lili searched Dylan with a once over but despite his playful smirk, nothing seemed /too/ amiss about him. Maybe she really /was/ being paranoid. Maybe she should go a little easier on Dylan. Just because he had let her get a sunburn..and sent an embarrassing mp3 of her sex noises to her..and ate all of her food without ever offering to replace it..maybe this could be the part where they turned over a new leaf. "Sorry," she sighed softly and adjusted her position on the couch. "It's been a long day. I guess I'm just tired." She definitely /felt/ a little tired so maybe she just needed a nap. Grabbing a blanket and pulling it over her, Lili licked her lips as a craving for more came over her. "I think I have a tapeworm in my stomach," she commented with a light frown. "I just sat down like fifteen minutes ago and I want more. Are there any left?"
Dylan: couldn't hardly contain himself. Maybe he was a better actor than he let on, since before he knew it Lili was apologizing to him and backing down. He didn't know if it was the weed making her less defensive or if he'd just made her feel bad. Either way, he'd take it. "It's okay. I know I rub you the wrong way and can be an ass sometimes. I only do it because I know you can handle it... I also know if I push your buttons too far you'll kick my ass no problem," he chuckled softy. He still had his eyes closed but could hear her stirring on the couch next to him, finding herself a blanket and trying to make herself comfortable. Dylan's face twisted from the smug grin to a look of disgust when she mentioned the tapeworm. "I mean... Mexican water will do that to a person so it might be true." Oh god she wanted more. Dylan was torn between wanting to give her more to see how baked she'd get and wanting to be responsible and not let her over do it. "How many have you had? There's some more out there but I don't know if Cole's bringing back dinner. Maybe just have one more..." At least he could say he tried to limit her if either of them got mad at him for this. In one last bite he finished his own brownie, already feeling his limbs start to get a little fuzzy. He always had perferred the body high over the head high.
Lili let out a soft snort at the word 'sometimes' but couldn't find the energy to care. This couch was so comfy, it was making herself feel like she was practically sinking through it. "I could definitely kick your ass," she smirked at him. Lili had never been in a fight a day in her life, but she liked to think that she could handle herself. Hopefully. At least against Dylan, who would probably just curl himself into a ball to avoid her flying fists. "I had two," she countered back lazily and stretched her arms over her head. She needed a nap. Or she needed an energy drink. Her bones felt like goo - it felt like when you stayed up for too long and your mind just went pleasantly blank. "What are you, the calorie police?" She grinned at him and then stood up to saunter over to the kitchen to grab one more. "Seriously, these are so good," she remarked and took another bite. "I feel like there's a special ingredient. What's your secret? I won't tell anybody." Grinning at him, Lili perched on the couch and gazed at him expectantly. "Madelaine usually does the cooking at our place but she's never made shit this good. I think you'll have to pass the recipe along."
Dylan: didn't miss the snort, he just chose to ignore it. He had bigger things on his mind, like how he was going to break the news to the bright eyed blonde. "Yeah yeah, don't gloat!" he shook his head at her, not doubting for a second that she could if she wanted to. The second she got defensive he just raised his hands in the air, "Sorry! Have as many as you want... just leave two for Cole. I told him I'd save him some and don't want to hear him bitch when there's none left. Knowing you you'd tell him I ate them instead." Watching her bite into her third brownie he leaned a little closer to her, "you really want to know?" he asked. Dylan motioned for her to move in closer, like he was about to tell her a big juicy secret. "The special ingredient is chocolate fudge pieces and...... cannabis butter." A big grin spread across his face and he leaned back, moving out of the way incase she wanted to slap or hit his precious face after he broke the news to her.
Lili rose a brow when Dylan motioned for her to come closer but did so anyways, leaning in so that she could catch his whisper. Cannabis butter? What the hell was..It took a few seconds before the dots connected but then Lili realized exactly what Dylan was implying. "Pot?! I ate /pot/ brownies?!" No /wonder/ they tasted so weird! And no wonder Lili kept feeling as if she could float off the couch and disappear through the ceiling. She had thought that maybe she just needed some sleep but that was just the high sweeping its way through her body. "Dylan!" She picked up a pillow and hurled it at him, feeling satisfied as it landed against his face with a thud. "I can't believe you let me eat pot brownies!" Lili never thought of herself as an uptight, goody two shoes kind of girl and she had never judged anyone else for indulging in a little wake and bake but never had it been /her/ thing. She wasn't really the type of girl who did that. "Oh God, I'm high," she blurted out in a panicked tone and began to tug at her collar. She suddenly felt as if it were strangling her. "What if I ate too much, what if my body can't handle it?! Oh my God." Throwing the half eaten brownie onto the coffee table in front of her, Lili raked her fingers through her blonde hair and her eyes widened. "I knew it, I knew you were out to get me!"
Dylan: burst out laughing as the look of sheer panic took over her face. He composed himself just long enough to block the pillow she hurled at his head. “Whoa, don’t blame me! You came here when I wasn’t home, ate MY brownies without asking. You can’t get mad at me for that. You were two deep before I even got home. And I tried to warn you not to have more but you weren’t having any of that. Maybe your boyfriend should have warned you they were they, he knows your eating habits better than I do.” Dylan finished his own brownie and settled back against the chair, enjoying every second of his high and lili’s little melt down. “Oh chill out. I didn’t use that much butter. Now if I had used the good cannibis oil you’d be on your ass right about now! Worst comes to worst you’re going to feel in for a little longer… but you’ll sleep like a baby and wake up just fine. Just don’t worry too much… you’ll start panicking and make yourself more paranoid. That’s when the real problems kick in.”
Lili reached for another pillow to throw at Dylan but then just flopped backwards onto the couch. It was like her arm had suddenly decided to stop working and the temptation to hurt Dylan slid away like hot butter off a pan. "I hate you," she whined with no actual malice in her voice and stared at the ceiling. "I feel very weird. I don't like this. I don't do this." Lili babbled while /sober/, so she was going to need to swallow her tongue in order to take Dylan's advice and not over think things. The last thing she wanted to do was go into an anxious state and end up doing something stupid she regretted in the heat of the moment. Struggling to sit back up, Lili patted down her hair and tried to pool her features into a glare at Dylan but she was sure she actually just looked cross eyed. "I'm gonna get you back for this," she attempted a stern voice but just ended up giggling. Fuck. "Oh no." She was going to get the giggles. Her body was going to float away and the last impression she'd leave behind was actually giggling around Dylan. He was /toast/.
Dylan: raised a brow as he watched her flop back on the couch like a limp noodle. "She is beauty.... she is grace.... she is way too fucking high to pick fights right now," he teased. "Oh shut up, you liked it before you knew you were baked. Enjoy it. Let the stress drift from your body....You're light as a feather, you can do anything right now! No Ragrets... not even a single letter!" he laughed, making a reference to one of his own stoner movies. 'You want me to put on a movie or something to take your mind off things?" the last thing he wanted was her getting paranoid and making herself sick over this. Then Cole really would kill him because he'd come home to find Lili throwing up and Dylan holding {pulling} her hair back ( and trying not to throw up himself ) and would likely look at fault for this. Getting up and going to the kitchen he returned with a bag of chips, a bottle of water and a pizza menu. "Here this will make you feel better. Drink this... eat these... and pick a pizza....Cole's buying." At the first hint of the giggles Dylan pulled out his phone taking a little video of what was going on to use later as blackmail.
Lili watched Dylan curiously as he went into the kitchen and then her eyes lit up. "Pizza sounds /great/," she nodded. God, she was starving. Maybe those brownies had been light calorie, they hadn't seemed to fill her up at /all/. Taking the chips from him, Lili started to pop a few in her mouth and then pulled the remote over, turning on the TV and going through all the stations, her eyes scanning over each one. It had been at least an hour since ingesting those brownies and they were..hitting Lili hard now, especially since her body wasn't used to it. "You ever wonder why they fill chip bags up halfway? Like, who wants air?" She laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she grinned at Dylan. "Want some?" She offered the chips to him and then snatched them back before he barely got a handful. Popping more into her mouth, Lili swallowed. "Order a double cheese pizza. With parmesan bites. And brownies!" Laughing harder at this, Lili suddenly had her attention taken by the TV. "Ooh. Disney." She had landed on a channel playing Cinderella and happy, Lili snuggled into her wall of pillows she had set up. "Gus Gus is my favorite," she told to Dylan, explaining even though he probably gave zero shits. "Mostly because it's fun to say his name. Gus Gus." She was aware in the back of her mind that she was talking fast, and she knew she wasn't being the brightest crayon in the box but she just felt so..happy? And light? And suddenly, even Dylan made her want to wrap her arms around him and gave an affectionate squeeze. Bless Dylan. He had so much potential to be less of a dick to her.
Dylan: "Pizza fixes everything!" Or at least that's what he told himself to justify eating pizza so much in college or when he was playing his video games late at night. Magnus appeared and jumped up on him, he groaned a little when the fat dog crushed his junk a little and then readjusted him so he'd cause him less pain. "What the fuck is that all about? I asked for chips not air! Why make the bags so big if they're only half full? Is that a waste of time and space?" he shook his head, already enraged at the chip companies. His anger shifted towards the blonde when she ripped the bag away after he'd only managed to grab two chips. "Just cheese? No meat? No nothing?" he asked, making a mental note to order one for himself too. "More brownies? You just can't get enough," he laughed and pulled out his phone to order their food. While he was scrolling the dominos app Lili was talking a mile a minute and he was only half listening. "What about gus? ... who even is gus? I thought you were talking about the show Recess until I looked up." Seeing Lili cheer up a bit and move away from the paranoid mess she'd been had made him feel better about the whole situation. She had a tendency to drive him crazy but he still cared about her and wanted to take care of her and make sure she was alright.
Lili "Just cheese," Lili declared and continued to eat the chips. She couldn't get enough. "Make it a large!" She shouted, even though Dylan was literally sitting right next to her. Lili continued to pig out and when Dylan asked who she was talking about, she gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes. "/Dyl/," she said as patiently as she could and tugged his arm so that he was forced to look at the TV with her. "The little mouse! Gus Gus." Gus was the kind of animal friend you needed as a princess. Selfless, brave, and always willing to do the grunt work while you got to live out the fairytale. "I wonder if Gus got a happy ending," she pondered. "He did /not/ get a happy ending on Once Upon A Time." Pausing, Lili wrinkled her nose once more. "Pretty sure he died." That was a sobering thought and Lili allowed herself to be sad for a few seconds before she shrugged her shoulders and then turned to face Dylan, propping her chin in her hands as she gazed curiously at him. He looked both /nothing/ like Cole but very similar at the same time. Twins. What. A. Concept. It was comforting, she found his face comforting..not that she'd ever admit to him. "Can I call you Dyl?" She questioned him, knowing she was going to call him that regardless if he gave her permission or not. "Dyl Dyl. No." She shook her head, then clutched it as she now felt very dizzy. "Dyl Dyl sounds like a pickle," she giggled. "I'll just call you Dyl."
that incredibly awkward moment when I forgot to save this to drafts and Chatzy timed me out. Basically Cole came in, saw Lili was high, decided to take some brownies himself and then Lili decided she was just going to wear Cole’s shirt and underwear because she was “too hot” (hot damn).
Dylan: was trying not to gag at Lili’s constant cutesy talk to Cole. It was nauseating at best and he was doing his best to block it out. “Of course I left them in the kitchen, where else was I going to put them? Food usually stays in the kitchen! I got our /friends/ high on saturday after I baked them… We’re not animals like Lili over there, we weren’t going to eat the whole batch in one sitting….. and you told me to save you some!” He tried to defend himself, growing more frustrated with his brother by the second. Even when he thought he’d handled the situation correctly he was still left feeling like a bit of an asshole for how it all played out. “Lili wanted to see more of Gus Gus… I’d be careful, at this rate she may try and convince you to name your first born Gus!” Even thought it was Lili who put on the movie he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. It felt wrong but oh so right. “Yeap, and she was not up for negotiations on that one either.” Dylan scrunched up his face at Lili when she return in tiny shorts and Cole’s shirt. “I live here too you know! If I’m not allowed to walk around showing all kinds of leg then neither are you!” He was half tempted to cut his jeans into short shorts to prove a point. His hairy legs were not something anyone wanted to see in booty shorts.
Lili "I got hot," Lili defended herself but smirked at Cole's reaction anyways, choosing to ignore Dylan. "Don't be jealous that my legs and ass look better on display than yours," she told him a sing song voice and plopped down back into her position where she switched and instead placed her legs in Cole's lap. Dylan seemed completely enamored with Cinderella and she was pleased. Maybe she'd get some blackmail out of this too. "Gus Gus is the cutest, and he's Dylan's favorite character." She grinned at him and then reached over to turn up the volume. Her body had relaxed further and she rolled her head against the couch cushions, letting out a loud sigh and stared at the TV. "Do you ever wonder if fairy tale endings stay happy?" She wondered out loud, her voice picking up volume. This suddenly became a crisis to her and she gripped Cole's leg. "What if the princes cheat on the princesses after the credits roll? What if they can't get pregnant and have heirs? What if Flounder one day got captured and turned into sushi and suddenly Ariel lost her best friend?" Dismayed, Lili turned to Dylan with wide eyes. "Why did you put this on?!"
Cole: He smirked at her comment about her legs and ass taking a moment before she sat to take in both for a moment, grinning to himself. “You didn’t eat them all these are half a week old?” He looked at the tray he had just decided to demolish. “Hmm I’m actually disappointed in you and the guys not finishing them. But slightly touched you actually listened and saved me some even if it’s led to this,” He laughed looking at Lili running a hand along her smooth lean leg that was draped over his lap. He looked up at Dylan pizza half way to his mouth as he brought up children eyes going wide. “We’ve been together a month don’t fucking start.” He said not realising he might have got a little too much of an over reaction and should have ignored it. He turned to Lili surprised at her question the brownies not having kicked in for him yet. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for some, especially considering the time periods, mistresses were common for kings of the time.” He thought for moment. "Now I kind of want sushi."
Dylan: shook his head at his brother. “Sometimes I’m a nice guy and save stuff for you. Like this pizza and those brownies. Show some damn respect to your elders, Cole!” he chuckled. “They’re MAYBE three and a half days old, you make them sound like I’ve been hoarding them for two weeks or something. Just shut up and eat them!” Ah sibling rivalry at it’s finest. “I’m not jealous, Blondie. That pizza is probably going to go straight to your ass anyways. Karma works in weird ways.” He aggressively bit into his own pizza as if making a point that he didn’t care what his would look like. “I didn’t even know who Gus Gus was until fifteen minutes ago!” Arguing wasn’t going to get him anywhere, it wasn’t like Lili was going to actually listen to him in this state anyways. Hearing Cole snap at him brought a smug smirk to his lips. He’d struck a nerve and he liked it! Dylan turned back to the movie and was trying to enjoy it but Cole and Lili were going on and on about the logistics behind fairytales and what happened when the movie was done. He looked back at them, confused and slightly unimpressed. “Really? … /this/ is what you two talk about? the whole point of fairytales is to make you believe in happy endings… not make you cynical enough to question what happens when the curtains close and the credits roll! ——— And I didn’t put this on. You did!” He pointed at Lili.
Lili ignored Dylan's pointed reply that /she/ was the one to decide on Cinderella and then her mouth dropped open; she didn't know what to be offended about first. The fact that Cole was actually considering eating /Flounder/ or the fact that Dylan made a crack at her human garbage disposal eating habits. "Don't you /dare/ order sushi!" She glared at Cole, grabbing his phone and holding it protectively against her chest despite the fact that there were two cell phones still free to be used. "And I'm serious! What is the point of watching Disney movies when we /all/ know how they end? The lions eventually get trampled by the bigger animals, the princesses die of the plague, and the princes all turn into fuckboys!" She took the remote from where it was resting on Dylan's lap and paid no mind to how she accidentally knocked his piece of pizza out of his hands. She was too focused on finding something more /happy/ to watch. "Do you think they still play Suite Life reruns?" She wondered out loud. "I want to make fun of Dyl Dyl." Just her luck, she managed to find it on Disney XD and beaming, sank back against Cole as she grew comfortable against him and began to watch. "Did either of you ever date Debby?" She asked casually. Her and the girl were friends but Lili had never felt comfortable asking her about her history, especially with Cole. She might not /want/ to know. "Do we have more pizza?" She also asked, reaching out to take Cole's slice and taking a bite out of it, ignoring the fact that it wasn't double cheese, her favorite. "Fuck, I'm so hungry. Where'd all the food go?"
Cole: “I literally said half a week Dylan that is three and a half days. They still taste good after half a week man.” He said as he finished them. “I mean this isn’t a normal conversation for us this just happened to be the one we just had.” Cole shifted his eyes to Dylan as she mentioned the show looking pretty fucking done, “I’m defintely not high enough for this, tell me you are and I just haven’t had enough time for it to kick in.” He would have tried to grab the remote from her but given how she had already been reacting he felt he would end up kicking him or slapping him away, given how many limbs were in easy access he wasn’t going to risk it. “Not Debby no.” He said shortly giving Dylan a warning look knowing he could bring up the co stars of theirs he had happened to have small flings with. “You ate it all darling” He said leaning his slice further away so he could keep it to himself and out of her reach.
Dylan: shot Lili a glare right back. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure what he’d done to deserve it. Cole and Dylan were still bickering about thinks while Lili stole the remote away. He hadn’t even cared until she knocked his pizza out of his hand and bits of toppings rolled out onto the floor. Which Magnus quickly appeared to clean up. “Hey! We had an agreement. No Dyl Dyl, remember? Who are we suppose to be rugrats if you ruin it like that? —— wait…. no…. you can’t put that on!’ His words fell on deaf ears though and seconds later the them song to suite life on deck came on. Dylan groaned and looked to Cole for help. “Take that away from her.. we’re not watching this! I will never ever be high enough to watch this shit with you two.” Cole’s warning look was so tempting, he wanted to start making stuff up just to see how Lili responded, but he knew Cole might kill him in his sleep if he did. “I kissed her once on a dare but that was it. She did say I was a better kisser than Cole though, so that’s a win for me.” Dylan grabbed his box of pizza and pulled it closer to him. Afraid the hungry hungry hippo would come after it next.
Lili quickly placed the remote underneath her and sat on it before the two could wrestle it away from her. Somebody would have to cop a feel to get it and if it was Dylan, Lili wasn't morally opposed to chopping at least one of his fingers off. "Come along with me," she started to sing out, having watched this show too many times to count as a teenager..and okay, as an adult. "And let's head out to sea!" Dancing along as the theme song played out, Lili ended it with a big finish. "AND WE'RE LIVING THE SUITE LIFE NOWWWW." Pleased with herself, Lili beamed and then turned to face Dylan as he confessed to kissing Debby. Completely oblivious to the looks the two boys were sharing, Lili nodded sagely. "Ah, I see." She acted as if she had something else intelligent to add to the conversation but really, that was it. "We need to get you a girlfriend, Dyl." She stood up, carrying the remote with her and then moved towards the fridge, beginning to place pieces of various food on his counters. Fried chicken..spaghetti..a box of red velvet cake..Grabbing a fork, Lili stabbed the cake with it and began to eat straight from the box. "What are you looking for in a girl?" She called out to him, hopping on the counter and crossing her legs Indian style as she tugged down her underwear so that it didn't rise. "WE SHOULD CALL A PSYCHIC, GUYS." Her eyes wide with excitement, Lili threw her hands in the air and narrowly missed hurtling the fork into the air as well. "We can see if Dyl's going to be cramping my sex life forever!"
Cole: “Fucking hell” He reached round trying to grab the remote from her knowing he was more likely to get it from her without precautions than Dylan was. “Lili don’t make us watch this.” He tried his best but she was too quick and when his attacks pull up the shirt revealing the side of just her underwear beneath he stopped not wanting his brother to remotely get a peak at that much of his girlfriend for both their sakes. “She only told you that because you were having a particularly bad day dealing with the fact you were shorter then me she wanted to give you a little ego boost so you would be more bearable.” He grinned taking another slice of pizza from the box while LIli busied herself in the kitchen, he was defintely going to have to go shopping tomorrow. He turned to Dylan at the talk of a girlfriend “Pretty sure he wants something more casual at the moment, maybe we can buy him a hooker” Cole smirked at his brother.
Dylan: let his head fall back against the chair. Hoping if he hit it hard enough he might black out and get to miss this entire little sing along. “Can we leave her here? Let’s go to that strip club and she can sit here and watch Suite Life.” He yelled over Lili singing the end of the intro. He really hoped Disney would be nice to him and only play one episode that he’d have to suffer through. He was happy that it wasn’t the movie though! “Fuck you! I was not,” he threw a piece of pepperoni over at Cole. “And I got way more action on set than you did. I dated two of the guest extras… Miley… for like a day before she discovered Nick Jones and Dav and Dani who were on Nick and Disney at the time. I did well for myself… you … you dated what like three disney kids… including the twin sister of my girlfriend… which was weird.” Dylan groaned and mumbled that he hated them under his breath the second the topic shifted to setting him up with someone. “No. No. No. No! Not happening. I don’t trust you to play match maker. And I sure as hell don’t want a Psychic coming in here to tell me I’ll be forever alone. Nope. No. Not happening.” Hearing Cole’s suggestion made him grin though, and nodded at his brother. “Good idea. Classy hookers are all I need right now.”
Lili was in the middle of moving onto a box of cookies she had found before she perked up at the mention of Cole dating other Disney stars. Huh. "Who else did you date?" She asked Cole, furrowing her brows. Having the 'ex' talk while high probably wasn't the smartest idea but now that it had been brought to her attention, she couldn't help but wonder just how much of his relationship history had yet to be revealed. She had known he was more experienced than she but she was starting to realize there was a /lot/ she still didn't know about Cole. Or the twins in general. Rolling her eyes at the mention of a hooker, Lili swung her legs off the counter and then pulled out her phone. "We can call a psychic on the phone! Maybe she'll tell us our futures." Coming back into the living room, Lili shut off the TV (much to the boys relief, probably) and searched through the listings, a happy smile on her face as she tried to find a 'legit' one. (Spoiler alert: None of them were.) "How long did you date them?" She suddenly asked Cole, curious. "Like..weeks..months..years.." She trailed off, turning to face Dylan. "And you dated /Miley/? Man. You got out just in time," she laughed. "I wonder how good Miley's brownies are."
Cole: “The clown one I need to check this place out for reasons when single friends need to be scared straight.” He looked at his brother stunned he hoped this loose lipped session was all down to the idiot being high. “I’m going to rip your fucking throat out in your sleep.” He whispered to his brother. As he listed of their exs from the Disney days more than thankful he had actually missed a load of Coles off. “We’ll get you a hooker and a hotel room man, that way we can have house to ourselves for a night and you can stop being such a fucking moppy mess leaning on drugs for help.” He looked at Lili as she came back in his eyes going wide as he sucked in his lips for a moment throwing dylan another glare, “Oh not not long, I mean one was for about a year, but not that long for others...... I mean... no not long.” He squinted his eyes trying to think through the haze starting to slip over him catching the pizza from Dylan shoving it in his mouth so he didn’t have to speak. Thankful she turned her attention back to Dylans mention of Miley at least that had distracted her for a little, he knew he wasn’t one with the smallest dating history compared to her single one. He wasn’t exactly living the normal childhood either so she couldn’t keep that agaisnt him, at least Dylan wasn’t bringing up their early college years.
Dylan: could see by the look Cole was giving him that he was as good as dead. How was he suppose to know that Lili hadn’t at least googled to see who she was up against. “I’m sorry!” he whispered back, hiding behind his pizza box a bit while Lili pried him for more information on his dating life. Dylan put his hand on his chest and dropped his jaw at the sheer disrespect he was getting from his baby brother. “I’m not leaning on drugs for help. I do them because they’re fun! Talk to any 20-something year old gamer. It’s what we do. And I’m just fine so you can shut the hell up.” He got defensive when he came to how he was doing, he hadn’t wanted to tell anyone about Dayna in the first place let alone be judged for how he was coping with it all. “I’m not paying for your psychic… how do we even know she’s real?” he asked Lili as she started looking for numbers to call. Dylan got up and left the room while Cole was clearing up his whole ex mess, making his way to the kitchen to open up a fresh bottle of mead. “Yeah for a bit. Miles and I were close before and after that. She kind of snapped for a while — so did Selena and Demi — but they’re back on track on now. They’re good people. I’m glad they’ve sorted their shit out. Miley makes good brownies… way stronger than the ones I make.”
Lili didn't really want to think about Cole's relationships. She knew a little bit about his previous dating history but they had never gone into extensive detail about it. She knew that the weed /probably/ wasn't going to help out her insecurities about her lack of experience either. Chewing on her thumbnail, Lili nodded. "Gotcha." She wasn't going to make a fuss over it, she was too stoned to gather up the energy and it was none of her business regardless. Shooting Dylan a look at how he snapped, feeling like there was a lot more going on with him than maybe anybody was paying attention to, Lili tossed him her phone. "Call a hooker then," she smirked, no actual malice in her tone. Was it the weed softening her up towards him or did she just understood how it felt to be lonely? Maybe both. Standing up, Lili stretched her arms over her head. "The ceiling is kind of spinning so I'm gonna go lay down and see if it makes itself into a Van Gogh painting." Grinning, Lili affectionately rustled Dylan's hair before side stepping over Cole and squeezing his shoulder. He could join her, he could not, but Lili was pleasantly full from all the food she had eaten and she just wanted to soak in her high and stop fighting it.
Cole: He narrowed his eyes at Dylan remembering to throttle his brother at a later time preferably when they had all come down from their highs, Coles of which was finally starting to kick in. "Mmm" He forced out a through tightened lips in response to the apology as Lili came back into the room/ "I know that idiot I was just trying to rattle you clearly it worked." He shook his head leaning back agaisnt the sofa, "Do the drugs make you play better or do they make you not realise how shit you are and boost your ego somewhat?" He grinned looking at him out the corner of his eye not lifting his head from the back of the coach. "No psychic is fucking real" He murmured keeping his eyes close as the relaxed feeling started to take him over grinning a little to himself. "We're all held at the throat by a few silly mistakes as if they define our lives in some profound way of explaining our continual character but we rise and develop beyond those tethers and how we do it shapes us." He sprouted before laughing to himself at the fake profound bullshit he had just laid out for them. "Miley does make good brownies, we''l have to get you some one day Lili." He grinned at her. He watched her leave the room with somewhat glazed over eyes watching her every movement as she dissappeared down the hallway. He stood up grabbing another slice of pizza taking one bite before dropping it in the box again. He patted Dylan on the shoulder grinning "May want to put on some headphones in a bit who knows brother" He laughed to himself as he made his way the same way Lili had gone finding her sprawled on his bed where he fell down too.
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