quartzcals · 3 years
I havent even been thinking about l0sing w3ight lately. Ive just been e4ting and e4ting and e4ting and e4ting. Ive g4ined so much w3ight and i just feel so lost and h0peless right now. My friend has an ed too and its getting worse by the minute and i wish i could help her bc she really doesn't deserve this, but still i cant help but envy her. Shes become so sk1nny and she's so good at resisting f0od and f4sting. I'm so jealous of her willpower. Idk how she does it. I wish i could be like her. Its so unfair that I've literally always been the f4t friend. Always. Never once have i even gotten close to being skinny. Not even just mid size. Ive always been fat and now im 0bese on the bm1 scale. People who have never experienced growing up f4t and struggling so much with l0sing w3ight their whole life without ever succeding, will never know how much it hurts and how hopeless it feels. Im in so much p4in both physically and mentally. Idk what im gonna do and i dont know how to do it and i dont even know if st4rving is the answer, but i know i have to do something soon.
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@qestcuse-blog @fonders @stuck-inside-the-labyrinth @t-ry8 @fattymcchicken-blog @mariadensmore-blog @dcember @veronika5hnf @h0peless-m1nd @h-ates @jaypaterson31 @justt-for-her-blog @walterwhite6969 @blue-grunge @fuxkinproblems @4ever--forgotten-blog @prettierthanyouaw @milfxxo-blog @cruelimpulsive @wrxckedplum @sluts-city @x-neverforever-x @x-im-always-alone-x @wanderingtears @haveasmokepouradrinkstealakiss @lost-in-space99 @despondenc-y @scabbedwrists-andbrokenpromises @slightly--ch33ched @lindsey-xox @hellahsad-x @weedoor83 @overobsessively @slitherwrist @vanessawbuu @suicidalsxtan @randomstuff-98 @ilovekendranoftall33 @baabygirllx @emberski @msghoul @amandabanton @painted-with-red @small-demon-child @andthisismynightmare @deadfirebreather @only-someone-at-example-dot-com @darkpikachulight @wishing-for-silence @1-800-disconnect 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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dollofsalemx · 5 years
I was tagged by @deathuc to answer 21 questions then tag 21 people I would like to get to know a little better 🖤
Name: Chloe
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 5’6
What time is it: it’s currently 8:27am
Favourite musician/group: That’s a tough one I don’t know if they are my favourite but the first one popping into my head is The Ghost Inside
Favourite sports team: I don’t have one
Other blogs: Nope
Do I get asks: Kinda but I would like to interact with you all more
How many blogs do I follow: 523
Any tumblr crushes: So many 😍
Lucky number: 3
What am I wearing right now: I just woke up so I’m still in my pjs
Dream vacation: Anywhere it snows. I really want to experience the snow
Dream car: An old school Cadillac hearse would be cool
Favourite food: Lasagna or pizza
Drink of choice: Usually vodka or rum
Languages: Only English but I’d love to learn French or Spanish
Instruments: Unfortunately not. I’ve always wanted to learn drums but I don’t think I have the coordination for it
Celebrity crushes: Does Freddy Kruger count?
Random fact: I somehow know a lot of random animal facts so if you want to hear about animals, I’m your girl
I’m going to tag @fvckthatgvy @atomicwang666 @sevenxfpentacles @asphyxiated-lungs @thebastardsonofedwood @duke-and-acceptance @hauntingdeath @prisonersofhope @yourarseandall @g0thick @macabremusings @bigtitsandmoshpits @heart-stained-in-hate @my-sxe-world @verdugos-forenses @ifyouhadlife-eternal @melkor-eligos @dropdeadamor @h0peless-necr0mantic @infinitezenith @f0r-the-death-innocence 🖤
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kinstuckhelp · 8 years
may i please get some positivity for a damara peixes (swapped with meenah) who can't find any of her friends?
hey damara!! im s0rry y0uve had a t0ugh time finding y0ur can0nmates!! it can be really hard t0, especially when y0ure a bl00dswap :( that d0esnt mean all is h0peless th0ugh!! im sure y0ur friends are 0ut there missing y0u just as much as y0u miss them. s0me 0f then might n0t realize it, which may be why y0ure having tr0uble finding them!! it t00k me a while t0 figure 0ut i had a bl00dswap timeline, s0 it might just take them s0me m0re time t0 realize it t00!! but im sure theyre 0ut there, wanting t0 find y0u t00!! and y0ure always welc0me t0 send in a can0n call here!! g00d luck, damara!!- m0d aradia
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Damn... greetings from Mexico, nice blog! :)
Thanks a lot man! :3
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dangernips · 11 years
Do you like Cross & Blackwell from México? :O
Yeah dude I just heard them a few days ago. They're pretty sick :P
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@qestcuse-blog @fonders @stuck-inside-the-labyrinth @t-ry8 @fattymcchicken-blog @mariadensmore-blog @dcember @veronika5hnf @h0peless-m1nd @h-ates @jaypaterson31 @justt-for-her-blog @walterwhite6969 @blue-grunge @fuxkinproblems @4ever--forgotten-blog @prettierthanyouaw @milfxxo-blog @cruelimpulsive @wrxckedplum @sluts-city @x-neverforever-x @x-im-always-alone-x @wanderingtears @haveasmokepouradrinkstealakiss @lost-in-space99 @despondenc-y @scabbedwrists-andbrokenpromises @slightly--ch33ched @lindsey-xox @hellahsad-x @weedoor83 @overobsessively @slitherwrist @vanessawbuu @suicidalsxtan @randomstuff-98 @ilovekendranoftall33 @baabygirllx @emberski @msghoul @amandabanton @painted-with-red @small-demon-child @andthisismynightmare @deadfirebreather @only-someone-at-example-dot-com @darkpikachulight @wishing-for-silence @1-800-disconnect 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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You should eat Tacos!
I would if I had the ingredients to make tacos! :c
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dangernips · 11 years
Thanks for follow me, i was follow you few months ago. Nice dog, he looks so high, greetings from México. Nice blog!
No problem dude, your blog is dope as fuck
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