waywordhearts · 1 year
— characters: romo & kelia — setting: a dive bar on the outskirts of los angeles ; late evening — partner: @alwaysxangel​
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It had actually been months since Romo had seen his best friend. They communicated every few days through text and there might have been one phone call but suffice to say it had been a while since they’d really caught up and spent any quality time together. 
I met someone. I’ve been seeing this girl. You’ve gotta meet her.
That was something that had nearly become a mantra in the last few weeks of their exchanges and Romo knew with certainty that his friend had to be getting serious about this woman if he was ready and wanting her to meet his friends.
They’d met more than a decade ago. Shortly after Romo’s release from prison and his campaign against the state for his wrongful conviction, he’d come into the tattoo artist’s new shop and the conversation that took place over an hour of ink forged a lasting friendship. One that most wouldn’t have pieced together.
Without a doubt Romo fit the bill of his troubled youth and criminal history. Those tattoos that covered much of his arms, chest, legs, and yes even his neck told the story of gang affiliations as a teenager and then a life of someone trying to make it up from the streets of East LA. His best friend was cut from a nicer cloth; born and raised in a more affluent neighborhood, educated at private institutions, and aside from a few pieces that Romo had done for him was much cleaner on the eyes.
Meet me Thursday night at the bar. I’m bringing her.
So there the tattoo artist was at the bar waiting for the couple to arrive while he sipped on a Corona after a long day at the parlor. At first when his friend had walked in he couldn’t get a good look at the woman trailing just behind him as his friend led the way through the not yet full bar. Romo had left his seat near the billiard tables and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he waited.
Hey man, fuck— we’ve gotta stop leaving months between hangouts, his friend had said as he’d thrown his arms around Romo. A chuckle had left the wrongfully convicted and he was about to voice his agreement when she came into view. For a moment he stared at her blankly his brain in overdrive as he figured that Kelia must be the new girlfriend while he gave his friend a squeeze and then pushed him off.
“Careful now we wouldn’t want your girl to get the wrong impression,” Romo teased managing to look away from Kelia for a moment before his dark gaze returned to her. “This must be the one, huh?”
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fearhidden · 1 year
continued from here — @alwaysxangel
It could have been the liquor, or maybe it was party favor he'd choked down a few minutes after coming through, but his grin matched the wicked look of the one before him. It was no secret that Be had fire in her veins, but he'd been fortunate enough to only find himself on the wrong side of it a time or two, but this? This was the kind of fury that put every big bad to shame. "You really care about how good her head is? Sounds like someone is jealous. I mean, shit, Be, if you want to show me what good head feels like..." he trailed off, every word dripping from his lips like honey. He'd forgotten about Lacey the moment she stepped out of sight. Truth be told, she'd been a decent screw with even better party invites and the latter had worked well enough for him. "Jesus Christ, relax, would ya?" Her words stung, sure, but not so much with the free flowing energy through his veins. Yeah, the party favor was doing the trick for sure. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry. Was I supposed to get your approval to have a little fuckin' fun? You told me to go out. I thought you'd be good with it." Okay, so maybe that was a bit of a stretch. She'd told him to go out and have fun, not drop their daughter off to party with a chick he barely knew. Admitting that meant accepting defeat, and out of sheer bitter spite, he refused. A cold laugh rolled off his tongue and deep oceanic hues rolled in response. "Right. Sure. You would have totally been game to keep her tonight if you knew what I had planned, huh? You're a fuckin' buzz kill, Be. You made your point. I think you're good to go now."
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rebellionevoked · 1 year
— CLOSED STARTER ; CASSÍA + MAEVE at their apartment.
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     "Please tell me you're not going out tonight." The first thing Cassía had done upon arriving home after work and setting her things down was find Maeve. "I've got plans for us." Nothing big, nothing fancy, but something that promised quality time with her favorite person nonetheless. "I'm gonna put on something comfy and the takeout I ordered should be here soon. Then we'll start on the collection of movies I got." DVDs weren't really a thing anymore but there was something nostalgic about them that excited her. Plus, it didn't hurt that her coworker was giving them away and there were some comedy classics in there. ( @alwaysxangel )
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alwaysxangel · 1 year
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ALWAYSxANGEL penned by ry
selective, multimuse & multiverse indie roleplay account. i tend to lean towards writing female muses, but i do write male muses too. i love angst and drama in plots. mature themes will be present. please read my few rules, and feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in writing. muses: aslihan malbora, melisa aslı pamuk, phoebe tonkin, zoe kravitz, melissa barrera, camilla morrone, drew starkey, paul mescal, etc.
1: please be 21+
2: all muses must be 25+
3: my muse fluctuates as does my availability. please bare with me
4: if ever you’re not feeling a thread, muse, connection please just let me know.
5: also, please just communicate about anything to me. we're all just here to have fun, so i'd like it to be just that <3
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waywordhearts · 1 year
— involvement: lucía & margot — setting: a bar establishment of your choosing — availability: closed starter for @alwaysxangel
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Had Lucía known her childhood friend had entered the establishment it was likely she would’ve made her way around to the one of many that had fallen into the adversarial column before now. 
“So, you weren’t going to come say hi,” the heir questioned as she appeared at Margot’s shoulder. There was no eye contact, no jovial greeting, yet the brunette knew that the petite woman would know exactly that Lucía was addressing her. “And here I thought we were such good friends.” They both knew that not to be true and the heir’s tone held ample amounts of saccharine.
This was a woman that held grudges and tended to them as though they were beloved blooms.
What had gone wrong and continued to remain broken was the abandonment Lucía felt when Margot was able to get away from their socialite life. It didn’t look as though her once friend was at all happy and that was something Lucía blamed on poor decision making, but her friend had been able to break away.
They differed in the fact that Lucía loved the money and social status. Being powerful was something she not only enjoyed but was good at. It was too good to give away. What she resented and what had turned her dark were the things that her money and her status attracted.
Maybe there were things she and Margot could relate on but the chip on her shoulder wasn’t easily removed.
And Margot had wasted so much potential. The woman ran for freedom and fucked it all up.
At least from Lucía’s vantage point.
“Am I to expect you at the charity brunch this weekend at the country club? Your parents have RSVP’d and had asked for an extra ticket.”
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waywordhearts · 1 year
margot & lucía.
Margot reached the bottom of the pit. The dark circles under her eyes and the way her cheek’s caved in right beneath the bone made it evident. She’d decided in the wake of her own disaster she’d cut back on the drugs which only lead to bad decisions. The drinking still held a grip over her. While she barely managed to make it to the store to buy groceries or to appointments, Margot rolled out of her depressed rut for a Whiskey.
Lucia’s voice piercing through the noise felt like punishment in a sense. If anyone was going to reveal in Margot’s downfall, she knew her ex-friend would be first in line. The image of Lucia gloating appeared so vivid in her mind.“I’m not in the mood.” Margot muttered toward the half full glass in front of her.
Usually she enjoyed going toe to toe with the taller brunette, because even though neither of them would admit it, an unspoken tension existed between them that aired on the side of admiration. Nothing ever budged due to an ample amount of stubbornness residing in both of them. Who knew what could be if one of them simply broke the cycle?
“I haven’t spoken to either of them in months, maybe a year at this point. I don’t know.” . That was a lie. She certainly hadn’t spoken to her mother in ages, years entirely. Her father was the one that still held out hope, for appearances sake in Margot’s opinion. He called the other day and Margot answered in a moment of weakness, loneliness. Matt wasn’t talking to her, so what else did she have to lose?
“They probably got the ticket to pretend that me coming is even an option.” Margot turned to Lucia, hoping she couldn’t see right through her. These days she felt so visible, unable to hold onto her facades and guises. “What do you want from me, Lu?” She asked finally turning to the woman.
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“When did that ever matter?” The designer cladded brunette replied without missing a beat and not a single inflection of her tone changing. Because to Lucía other peoples pain was meaningless.
No one had cared or lifted a finger when she had been suffering and that had been the biggest lesson the world had ever taught her. You are a warrior for yourself, no one else.
“Jesus,” the heir muttered, wrapping her fingers around the freshly delivered drink as her green gaze really took the petite once friend in up close, “you look like you’ve been hit by a car and left on the side of the road.” The charm hadn’t left her voice despite what could have been construed as an insult. It hadn’t actually meant to be, Lucía was just brutally honest.
“I think I liked you better before this try at sobriety.” There was a casual wave of her hand, somewhere in there was a taunt as the gesture was toward the drink that her once friend was nursing. “It was fun to watch your destruction.”
Not much had been actually seen from her vantage point, Lucía didn’t have a front row seat to much of it but she’d garnered a lot of information through the grapevine as only one Lucía Socarras did. “What happened?” The brunette sipped. “Why’d you stop now?”
The parents had already been disappointed and had rebuffed her, there was nothing else really for Margot to lose. Especially since she wasn’t all that secretive about how she made a living. Not that Lucía thought sex work should be looked down upon most of the wealthy in the circles they were raised in liked to keep their darkness very hidden.
Life was all about appearances, wasn’t it?
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“Or, maybe they’re bringing someone else... other than their daughter.” Wouldn’t that hurt? “So, maybe you should come anyway. I could get you in,” the heir shrugged a shoulder. Some drama would make things more exciting.
The question was reason for Lucía to pause and let her eyes settle on Margot for some time. It was a loaded question that came from the lips of the despondent at the end of their rope. “What could you possibly have that I’d want, Mimi?”  |  @alwaysxangel​
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fearhidden · 1 year
muses — griffin callahan and beste yazici.
location — beste’s place, late in the evening.
tagging — @alwaysxangel​​
Two years. He’d been a father for two years and still had no goddamn clue as to what it really meant. Some days were easy, others were as bearable as nails on a chalkboard. Just when he thought he’d figured something out, a twist left him spiraling for answers.
A busy day’s worth of work was the least of his worries. A text merely three hours into his shift had him on the edge of his seat for the remaining seven hours worked. Normally, overtime was a thing he chased, but with a sick kid, it was the last thing he wanted.
A punched time card later and a poorly placed fuck you to a friend of his and he was on his way out. His beater of a truck sputtered before roaring to life. Between his skill as a mechanic and the discount on parts, it was the only reason the old thing still ran at all.
Panic settled into his bones as he rolled to a stop outside of the CVS near Beste’s home. She’d asked him to pick up meds to curb their daughter’s fever. A simple task, right? Wrong. The aisle seemed a mile long and every medication came with a warning label that Griffin couldn’t possibly understand. His uncertainty mixed with sheer fear must have translated easily to one of the workers passing by and after a poorly explained situation rolled off his tongue, he was given the best option and escorted to the front with a friendly shoulder tap and reassurance that his daughter would be just fine.
The remainder of the trip had him tapping wildly at his worn steering wheel while the faint sound of Metallica spilled from his speakers. Even after the engine cut, he kept a tight grip on the wheel and sucked in a deep breath that made his lungs ache. All he’d thought about for hours was seeing his kid and now the thought terrified him.
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Reservations be damned, he grabbed the bag that held Ray’s medication and a pick me up for Beste in the form of her favorite sweets. It wasn’t much, but it was his shitty attempt at offering her an ounce of gratitude.
“Look, I’m sorry. I couldn’t get out of the shop, and uh, I stopped by CVS and there are, I don’t know, a hundred fuckin’ options for stuff to help with her fever? I didn’t know which one would work the best and then this worker came and she said she used to get it when her kids were little, so I figured, you know, if they’re okay? It’s all good, right?” He’d started talking the moment the front door opened and it was only after he’d taken a breather that he offered a soft, defeated smile down at the woman.
“How is she?” A beat. “How are, uh, how are you, Be?”
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fearhidden · 1 year
continued from here
Truth be told, he'd gotten quite used to coming home to the woman perched on a piece of furniture. Whether it was his bed or the couch made no difference. Bash paused at the top button of his shirt, his oceanic blues shifting towards her. It was that goddamn smile that had pulled him in the first time around. He tilted his chin upwards, her story as likely as every other one she'd ever told. "Well, did you send them one?" Curiosity had gotten the better of him, but he popped a couple of buttons and welcomed the cool breeze against his chest. "What kind of writing were you wanting to do? Song stuff?" As much as he liked to think he knew her, it was a game. One that he'd played far too long, and far too well. Fingertips had reached the final button by the time she'd suggestion food, a fact that made his stomach grumble with need. "Stay as long as you need." It was a generous offer, but he meant it. For a woman who couldn't be tamed, watching as she made herself comfortable at his place was a win of sorts and seeing as he didn't get those all too often, this one felt major. He tugged the material of his shirt and tossed it onto the back of a chair to swipe the band tee he'd plucked out earlier that morning. "Sure. Here," he hummed as he pulled his phone from his back pocket and tossed it towards her. "Order whatever you want. Let's see if you remember what my favorite is."
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fearhidden · 1 year
muses — parker whitlock + 
location — their home.
Fourteen hours. She’d spent fourteen hours (and twenty-seven minutes) on the clock. It was no secret that her rotation in the emergency room was going to be a wicked time, but she hadn’t anticipated the sheer torture it would be at the end of her very first shift. She’d even stayed after to group with the attending that had called on her for everything. He was handsome, kind, and a big reason she’d been excited about stepping away from peds and into another portion of the hospital.
The drive back to her place, well, their place, had been short. The clock on her dash read nine in the morning, but it was always off by a couple of minutes. She scooped her bag up in one arm and fumbled with her keys to unlock the front door. Seeing as his keys were still in the catch all bowl by the door, she knew he hadn’t gone anywhere. Truth was, all she wanted was to melt into his arms.
She tossed her bag onto the side of the couch and padded towards the kitchen. She hadn’t bothered changing out of her scrubs. First step? Coffee. There was too much to do around their place considering his parents were probably already on their way. It was the worst timing for the longest shift of her first year, but it was the very thing she’d have to get used to if the ER was the specificity she picked.
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The quiet padding behind her had Parker turning slowly on the balls of her feet, a tired smile on her mouth as she looked back at him. “Surprise?” She’d texted him right before midnight with an update about how busy things were. A two car accident had turned into something bigger. It was an all hands on deck kind of night and though incredibly stressful, they hadn’t lost a single person.
“Before you say anything, I’m fine. I’m making coffee and I’m going to grab something to eat and then I’m good to get things ready for your parents. When will they be here? I can run out to the store we’re missing anything. I just... I want this to perfect.” Correction, she needed it to be perfect for them. It was the man’s presence that caused her to realize her engagement ring was still tucked into the velvet pouch in her bag. Seeing as it ripped every pair of medical gloves she’d tried to sneak on, she’d needed to take it off. “I missed you, by the way. It was a long shift. I’m sorry I didn’t text this morning. After we wrapped up shift, we all talked for a little and then I came straight home.”
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rebellionevoked · 1 year
at the local grocery store late afternoon/early evening on friday two former schoolmates have an awkward run-in — w/ @alwaysxangel​
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     Thankfully it was the weekend and the shift that had felt like it’d gone on forever was in the books. Bailey could finally kick back at home, maybe even for the whole weekend, once she picked up a little something for her and Marcus. The last thing she’d actually wanted to do was cook but it was cheaper than takeout, even with debating the time and effort a meal would require to prepare. What hadn’t been expected was to turn down an aisle and find not only a former classmate from high school but also someone who was now her baby brother’s teacher perusing the shelves. Since the accident that had taken her parent’s lives Bailey had avoided most everyone she’d ever met in town, especially her former peers because she couldn’t handle the looks of pity or all the questions and intrusiveness. When she should have been living it up in university she’d suddenly been thrust into the world of parenting, she had a life to be responsible for. It was difficult running into the past and hearing all that others had accomplished, seeing how much they’d grown, when all Bailey had managed was a gig with a local law firm working as an assistant. She’d been trying to get her degree and training as a paralegal but time an money had always been a defector. Especially since it was a struggle to keep afloat.
     The hope had been that Bailey could slip by without him paying attention, he seemed invested in what he was doing so perhaps she’d go unnoticed. As fate would have it, as soon as the thought had crossed her mind Declan looked over his shoulder and they’d made eye contact. “Hey, Dec,” she mustered, words weak as she’d been unsure what to say. “I’d go with the other brand if I were you,” she decided, pointing to the box of pasta next to the one he’d nabbed. 
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