#romo & kelia: 001.
waywordhearts · 1 year
— characters: romo & kelia — setting: a dive bar on the outskirts of los angeles ; late evening — partner: @alwaysxangel​
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It had actually been months since Romo had seen his best friend. They communicated every few days through text and there might have been one phone call but suffice to say it had been a while since they’d really caught up and spent any quality time together. 
I met someone. I’ve been seeing this girl. You’ve gotta meet her.
That was something that had nearly become a mantra in the last few weeks of their exchanges and Romo knew with certainty that his friend had to be getting serious about this woman if he was ready and wanting her to meet his friends.
They’d met more than a decade ago. Shortly after Romo’s release from prison and his campaign against the state for his wrongful conviction, he’d come into the tattoo artist’s new shop and the conversation that took place over an hour of ink forged a lasting friendship. One that most wouldn’t have pieced together.
Without a doubt Romo fit the bill of his troubled youth and criminal history. Those tattoos that covered much of his arms, chest, legs, and yes even his neck told the story of gang affiliations as a teenager and then a life of someone trying to make it up from the streets of East LA. His best friend was cut from a nicer cloth; born and raised in a more affluent neighborhood, educated at private institutions, and aside from a few pieces that Romo had done for him was much cleaner on the eyes.
Meet me Thursday night at the bar. I’m bringing her.
So there the tattoo artist was at the bar waiting for the couple to arrive while he sipped on a Corona after a long day at the parlor. At first when his friend had walked in he couldn’t get a good look at the woman trailing just behind him as his friend led the way through the not yet full bar. Romo had left his seat near the billiard tables and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he waited.
Hey man, fuck— we’ve gotta stop leaving months between hangouts, his friend had said as he’d thrown his arms around Romo. A chuckle had left the wrongfully convicted and he was about to voice his agreement when she came into view. For a moment he stared at her blankly his brain in overdrive as he figured that Kelia must be the new girlfriend while he gave his friend a squeeze and then pushed him off.
“Careful now we wouldn’t want your girl to get the wrong impression,” Romo teased managing to look away from Kelia for a moment before his dark gaze returned to her. “This must be the one, huh?”
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