#alysanne waters
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Every Member of House Targaryen
Megette gave her prince four children in as many years. Prince Viserys put an end to it, returning Megette to her husband and placing the daughters with the Faith to be trained as septas.
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o1dhabits · 2 months
𝑖  .  in    the  great hall,      in the thick of the crowd at the ball  𝑖𝑖  .  for    any who wish to respond
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the  great  hall  was  heaving  with  bodies,  the  realm's  entirety  packed  into  one  room  with  the  intention  of  celebrating  princess  rhaella  and  prince  aeron.  alysanne  thought  that  the  room  seemed  to  take  life,  inhaling  and  exhaling  as  people  continuously  filed  in  and  out  through  the  heavy  main  doors.  thin  digits  clasped  around  a  jug  of  wine,  the  dragonseed  had  taken  to  quiet  observation.  it  had  been  all  hands  on  deck,  the  keep's  staff  whipped  into  a  frenzy  in  preparation  for  the  arrival  of  nobles  from  across  westeros.  cup  bearing  was  not  alysanne's  calling,  per  se.  but  it  may  well  have  been  tonight.  a  small  huff  of  air  exhaled  through  barely  parted  lips  and  she's  off  again,  elbows  brushing  against  fine  silks  that  she  knew  like  the  back  of  her  hand  as  she  makes  another  round  of  the  room.  the  dornish  were  dressed  the  most  beautifully,  she  thought.  their  style  of  dress  was  what  alysanne's  mother  had  preferred,  but  so rarely  had  the  chance  to  replicate working within king's landing.  “  more  wine  ?  ”  she'd  begun  to  proffer  the  jug  to  only  half  empty  glasses,  the  night  well  past  the  point  of  perfect  propriety  by  now.  “  it's  an  arbor  gold,  ”  training  her  eyes  on  the  bridge  of  the  other's  nose  rather  than  meeting  their  gaze  directly,   alysanne  rattles  off  the  words  the  kitchen  staff  had  repeated  at  her  until  they'd  been  lodged  in  her  brain  on  a  more  permanent  basis.  “  i  hear  this  batch  is  quite  fruity  and  rich.  a  lovely  combination.  ” the borrowed words fall from her tongue without much mirth or investment — she is simply doing as she is asked without complaint.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
What if Viserra manages to live for few months before dying by a fever like Alyssa😭
She survives the birth and finds out she has a girl and she's disappointed and for a full year, she doesn't get to know her child(for post-partum depression), until she does...
I can imagine Viserra crying bitter tears as she hugs Alayne and apologizing over and over again to her baby" I'm no better than the queen" she would mutter bitterly before trying to make up the lost time with her daughter.
She doesn't enjoy motherhood fully because her parents are asking to see her and the baby, and she would be like: "No.No.She's mine.I made her.She's mine.Not the crown's"
When she arrives at KL, she is welcomed with open arms but doesn't allow anyone to carry Alayne, Alysanne tries to get close to Viserra but only receveis the silent treatment and short answers.
She side eyes Daemon everytime he's around Alayne because she has heard he's a little shit, Baelon because she hates him so much(this old man did nothing to at least advocate for his little sister.NOTHING.Like I understand if he was in shock because his little sister was naked in his chambers, but AT LEAST SOMETHING ) Jaehaerys(we know why)also because she wants his head exploded, because he looks so much like her(I headcannon the boys looking like Alysanne, while the girls like Jaehaerys)
She's so quiet and cold(for the men in the family, it's a good thing while Alysanne is nervous) until some people start talking shit about her baby( remember she's one year old and we know how mess in the head people are) and be like: "I hope that girl doesn't become like her mother" and Viserra would be like: "that little shit(Daemon) can do whatever he wants because he's still young when I and Alayne would be reprimanded for it"
And if it was a maid who said those words, I can imagine Viserra marching up to here and simply slaps her and with an icy voice, imitating her hated father, she dared the maid to repeat those words.
Okay I stop👻
I’m glad I got this bc then I can sort of gage opinions (I may do a poll to see if it something people would even like) but I wanted to do like a seperate chapter in bitw about Alayne and Viserra. Or it might go in as a seperate work but under the same series on ao3. But it would basically be about Viserra. Her growing up, her relationship with her parents, the incident with baelon, and then her being married off. It would end with the birth of Alayne and Viserra eventually passing bc [insert reason].
I do want to write a whole thing about her and just sort of the Jaehaerys/Alyssane era of Targaryens bc it was just so awful for the kids. My kind of carrying on in terms of writing.
But yeah… I imagine if viserra did get married and have kids, she’d have maybe a similar sort of journey that we see show Alicent have. She’s (rightfully) upset about the way the kid(s) came to be but they are all she has. She’d be so happy to have a little girl. It would be a nice parallel compared to her father and other men who put so much focus on having boys to continue their line. Alayne is her legacy.
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zoklaperzys · 3 months
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"The   North   welcomes   you   and   harbour   you   as   much   as   you   desire.   It   is   rare   that   someone   finds   solace   in   the   cold."   Only   northern   folk   seem   to   enjoy   the   cold,   Jon   himself   had   never   felt   it   that   much,   and   rebirth   had   offered   him   a   small   fire   that   kept   him   inside.   Be   it   a   literal   one   from   the   red   priestess   or   the   rage   he   felt   at   the   betrayal   of   his   brothers   in   black,   it   was   of   no   mind.   Jon   was   of   the   North   and   of   Winterfell   now.   "I   hope   you   find   no   disrespect   in   being   received   by   a   bastard,   Your   Grace."   His   brother   was   busy   and   Jon   was   respected   enough   in   the   North.   He   keeps   Ghost   by   his   side,   who   looks   at   the   woman's   dragon   with   his   always   curious   red   eyes.   He   can   sense   the   curiousity,   one   he   shares.  
"The   castle   is   built   over   hot   springs   so   you   won't   feel   the   cold   inside.   And   I   believe   your   dragon   is   big   enough   to   find   solance   here   or   in   the   caves   near   Bear   Island,   as   long   as   not   too   much   stock   is   eaten."   Winter   reserves   needed   to   be   kept,   including   animals   and   wools   and   he   doesn't   know   what   dragons   eat   but   he   is   aware   that   sheep   might   be   the   best   bet.   Or   bears.   But   no   Lady   Mormont   would   be   pelased   with   that.   He   offers   a   gloved   hand   for   the   woman   to   dismount   of   the   dragon. ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽𓃦☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ heart this post for a starter from jon. @dreamtfyres
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misswynters · 2 months
Tamed Targaryen Heart
Aemond Targaryen x fem!wife! reader
[warnings: pregnancy, difficult birth
[word count: 1.1k
[a/n: maybe i will turn this into a series…
[note | pls don’t just like, reblog & give me feedback. i don’t want to get shadowbanned
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The dimly lit chamber was filled with the scent of lavender and the muffled sound of Aemond Targaryen’s pacing footsteps. He glanced over at you, lying on the bed, sweat beading on your forehead as you gripped the bed sheets tightly. Your two sons, Aerys and Daeron, were asleep in their chambers, blissfully unaware of the turmoil that you were enduring.
“Aemond,” you groaned, your voice strained with frustration and pain, “I can’t take this anymore. This girl is taking her sweet time.”
Aemond moved swiftly to your side, his single eye filled with concern. He brushed a damp strand of hair from your face. “You are strong, my love. She will come when she is ready.”
“I’m tired of waiting!” you snapped, your patience long gone. “I just want her out. Now!”
The midwives and nurses exchanged wary glances but kept their focus on preparing for the birth. Your irritation was palpable, and the tension in the room thickened with each passing moment.
“Why don’t we try going for a walk?” you suggested suddenly, struggling to sit up. “Maybe that will help get things moving.”
Aemond hesitated. “Are you sure that’s wise? Perhaps we should bring one of the nurses.”
“No,” you insisted, your eyes blazing with determination. “Just you and me. I need to get out of this room.”
Aemond nodded, knowing better than to argue when you were in this state. He helped you to your feet, supporting you as you made your way out of the chamber and into the dimly lit corridors of the Red Keep. The familiar halls were quiet, the stillness broken only by the occasional flicker of torchlight and the distant murmur of guards on patrol.
As you walked, Aemond kept a steadying arm around your waist, his presence a comforting anchor. “What shall we name her?” he asked softly, hoping to distract you from the pain.
“I don’t know,” you admitted, leaning heavily on him. “I haven’t been able to think of anything that feels right.”
“How about Visenya?” Aemond suggested, his voice thoughtful. “After the conqueror queen.”
You shook your head. “That’s a cursed name. Even so, it doesn’t fit. She needs a name that’s isn’t so common.” You continued your slow pace, Aemond offering more suggestions: Rhaella, Alysanne, Naerys. Each name was met with a thoughtful pause, then a gentle shake of your head.
Finally, as you turned a corner, you stopped abruptly. “Aemond, what about Aelora?”
“Aelora,” he repeated, testing the name on his tongue. “Aelora Targaryen. It’s beautiful.”
You smiled faintly, a glimmer of excitement breaking through your exhaustion. “Aelora it is.”
Suddenly, a sharp pain gripped you, and you doubled over with a cry. Aemond’s grip tightened as he steadied you. “What is it?”
A pool of water began to form as it dripped down your leg. “My water just broke,” you gasped, clutching your swollen belly. “Its time now…she likes the name Aelora.” You slightly chuckled in pain.
Panic and excitement surged through Aemond as he helped you back towards your chambers, shouting for the midwives as you neared. The nurses rushed to your side, guiding you back to the bed and preparing for the final stages of labor.
The next few hours were a blur of pain and struggle. You gripped Aemond’s hand tightly, your nails digging into his skin as you fought to bring your daughter into the world. Aemond stayed by your side, whispering words of encouragement and love, his own heart aching to see you in such pain.
“Come on, my love,” he urged softly, brushing his lips against your forehead. “You can do this. She’s almost here.”
“I can’t,” you cried out, tears streaming down your face. “It hurts too much.”
“You can,” he insisted, his voice firm but gentle. “You are the strongest woman I know. Just a little more.”
With one final, agonizing push, a wail filled the room, and your daughter was born. You collapsed back against the pillows, sobbing with relief and exhaustion. Aemond’s eye shone with pride and joy as the midwife placed the tiny, crying bundle into your arms.
“Look, Aemond,” you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. “She’s finally here. Our little Aelora.”
Aemond gazed down at the newborn, his heart swelling with love. He gently touched the baby’s cheek, awed by the miracle in his arms. “She’s perfect,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “You did it, my love. You brought her into the world.”
You held Aelora close, tears of happiness mingling with the sweat on your face. Aemond wrapped his arms around both of you, a rare, genuine smile spreading across his face.
Once the midwives had cleaned and tended to both you and the baby, Aemond and you made your way to your sons’ chambers, eager to introduce them to their baby sister. Aerys and Daeron, roused from their sleep, looked up in wonder as their parents entered with the tiny bundle.
“This is your sister, Aelora,” Aemond said softly, kneeling down to their level. “Say hello.”
Aerys, the elder of the two, reached out a tentative hand to touch his sister’s tiny fingers. “She’s so small,” he whispered in awe.
Daeron, younger but no less curious, leaned in to peer at the baby. “Can we hold her?”
“Of course,” you said, carefully transferring Aelora into Aerys’s waiting arms. The boys’ faces lit up with joy as they cradled their sister, their excitement infectious.
Aemond watched his family with a sense of profound contentment, a rare, unguarded smile gracing his lips. For this moment, all was right in their world. His heart swelled with love and pride, knowing that together, he had a beautiful family. And so, in the heart of the Red Keep, surrounded by the warmth of your family, you both welcomed your daughter into the world. Your hearts full of hope and love for the days to come.
© misswynters ‘24 - don’t modify or steal my writings
banner by: @cafekitsune
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neptuneiris · 15 days
Cruel Summer (01/10)
Sunset's Bay
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: There are two sides to the city of Sunset's Bay, the rich who live in 'Crown's' and the poor who live in 'Black Waves'. What happens when a rich guy and a poor girl meet and inevitably fall in love? In the city where they live and with their status, that can't be possible.
words: 5.8k
series masterlist • next part
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I wasn't sure about posting this but if you like the story I will continue with it, it all depends on how you receive it😬
in case you like it, I want to advance that the story will be a kind of forbidden love by the fact of rich and poor hehe and I have a lot prepared, basically everything is already written, I just need to structure it in a better way
this has only been an introduction to the world of Sunset's Bay, so I hope you enjoy it and the warnings will be added as I post the chapters if you like it🤗
so enjoy!
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Sunset's Bay.
The hidden but mostly inhabited beach on the California Coast, with golden and white sands that slide into crystal clear waters of such a deep blue that it seems infinite.
According to Google, it is one of the most beautiful beaches in Northern California and where teenagers living in surrounding cities yearn to come every time a new summer begins.
Sunset and sunrise on these waters are beautiful, as they transform the horizon into a palette of vibrant colors, from warm shades of gold and pink to soft purple and the deep blue of night.
Every summer, the beach comes alive with exciting surfing tournaments, as well as Sunset's Pier, the midpoint of the beach where everyone mingles, transforms into charity events with live music, fireworks and lamp shows that illuminate the night with a mesmerizing light show.
Boat and yacht rides add a touch of sophistication to the coastal scene. This allows tourists to explore the waters beyond the beach, visit small islands up close and enjoy the serenity of the open sea.
But on top of all that, everything is meticulously maintained, most of it, like the clean, spacious beaches, adorned by palm trees swaying gently in the sea breeze.
And your favorite section, the volcanic stone cliffs that are distributed in specific locations on the beach, offering rocky walls as you sit on the seashore behind you and all around, emerging as natural guardians of the beach.
And from their heights, you can take in panoramic views of all the beauty of the landscape, encompassing the vast endless ocean and coastline to the endless horizon.
You always looked forward to coming here as a child when a new term at school ended and your mother was always willing to come and spend the vacations with your relatives, the Blackwoods.
They always welcomed you and your mother and together with your cousin Alysanne, you had an amazing summer.
Ever since you were little, you have always been tattooed with the memory of the sand on your feet, the salt air in your nostrils, the water enveloping you completely and the sun in full sunset caressing your whole face as you watched it on the horizon starting to descend on the shore of the beach with the cliffs behind you.
And now, that's all you know, a life in Sunset's and your frequent days at the beach.
Living with your aunt and uncle and Alysanne in a house big enough to also make room for you on the beach shore, this has been your home for exactly a year now.
And now summer has begun.
"Sam has sent a message."
You raise your gaze to Alysanne as you finish cleaning one of the tables.
"He says to meet him at the beach with the others in the evening. Do you want to go?"
You place a small smile on your lips.
"Table nine!"
You both turn your heads toward your boss, who looks at both of you as if he wants to kill you at any moment, and you quickly rush to serve the food, briefly wiping the sweat from your brow to keep working.
"Hurry up, Blackwood," Mr. Frey tells you reluctantly as you begin to pick up the orders on the tray.
You let out a long breath and glance at the clock briefly before going to serve, realizing that you will have to put up with this for four more hours and for the rest of the summer as well.
Unfortunately you and Alysanne have to work, as it has been for some months now at a seafood restaurant where the 'rich' people from this side of the city come to enjoy the delicious food.
And because of the summer, the work has increased. But that doesn't stop them both from having fun now that summer has begun.
So as soon as you and Alysanne finish your shift, you head home as soon as possible and start getting ready to meet your friends at the beach.
Previously going out and having fun was a problem for Alysanne's parents, your aunt and uncle were not the liberal type, but as soon as you both started working and helping them with the household expenses with what you could, they started to be more permissive and understanding.
And this is your home, the less ostentatious side of the city, but still genuine.
Once you join Sam and all the boys on the beach, you head for the small boat floating near the shore.
It is not a luxurious boat, much less can it be compared to a boat or yacht of the latest model, but it is a modest boat that has seen many summer seasons.
And it has taken them all to many spots on the beach and you have shared many anecdotes on it.
And as the boat glides through the calm waters, you and Alysanne enjoy the laughter and stories shared by the boys from the neighborhood, Sam, Daniel and Chase.
The three of them have been childhood friends of Alysanne's and when you came to live with her officially, she introduced you to them and now you all have formed a group of friends where you enjoy afternoons like these with Sam's boat and where you also go swimming and surfing all together.
The sea breeze caresses your faces and the sun slowly begins to descend as it paints the sky in warm golden tones, until the afternoon turns into night.
And on the beach, with a campfire in the center, the starry sky above and all together in a circle, you start burning marshmallows and drinking beer.
"And tell us..." speaks Daniel, watching you both curiously, "How about the slave life for the rich people?"
You and your cousin let out a small laugh.
"Slaves?" you repeat amused.
"Well yeah, come on, you said your boss... what's his name? Grey? Payne?"
"Frey," Alysanne corrects him.
"Yeah, that," he points to her, "He's a jerk or not?"
"And no concept of patience and prudence," you add.
"I imagine the ones who eat there are worse, no?" asks Chase.
Daniel snaps his fingers at him.
"Oh yeah, definitely. Jason Lannister has that vibe."
"I put him in the top one of the most hated, along with the Baratheons. And I have a feeling the Arryns do too, I don't know why," Daniel again looks at you both, "Right?"
"You work for them," Alysanne tells him amused, "Don't you know that?"
"Well, it's not like they can tell me much for cleaning their boats and yachts but... no–they're extremely nice, though..." he holds up his finger with a thoughtful expression, "Though I think there must be something wrong with them."
Alysanne lets out a snort.
"They're rich and live at Crown's, practically owning all the establishments on the beach just like the Lannisters, Baratheons, Tyrells and others leaving nothing for us, the poor ones, because they despise us," she says with an ironic but true tone "Of course there must be something wrong with them."
"One time one of them didn't leave me a tip," you say, remembering, "The Tyrell's."
Sam looks at you amused.
"Tips are not obligatory."
"Oh come on," you retort, with a touch of irony, "They're rich, they can have yachts and mansions, but can't they at least give me a five percent tip?"
"Yet it's not obligatory."
Everyone lets out a laugh.
"Yeah, it's not the nicest place to work and the customers aren't necessarily nice but the pay is good, after all," Alysanne says as she shrugs.
And that's true.
Even though it's not a good work environment, the necessity is what makes you not quit and endure as much as you can. Even though your aunt and uncle are taking care of you and taking responsibility for you, you know you can't continue that way forever.
You want to be independent, pay for your own things, especially you want to pay for college, but to do that, you have to work and now this is the job.
Besides it's useless to find work elsewhere when the owners are still the same; rich and arrogant. And you can't find work on your side of the city because the pay won't be much or maybe they won't even hire because they can't afford it.
But right now, being here enjoying the summer with your friends and your cousin, you allow yourself not to think about it and just continue to criticize the rich people.
And after many cans of beer, Chase picks up his guitar and you all together start singing in the most off-key and horrible way possible, laughing amongst everyone with the jokes filling the air, just like the heat of the flames and the aroma of roasting marshmallows.
"You had a party and didn't invite me!?"
Almost everyone together turns their heads unexpectedly toward the approaching outside voice laden with amusement and mild reproach.
And then they all see Cregan Stark with a huge grin and a bottle of beer in hand.
The guys soon start showing off at the mere sight of him, making jokes and greeting him with great enthusiasm, as Cregan greets them.
And you just watch Alysanne with a sly smile, amused by Cregan's sudden appearance, but of course, she quickly hides all traces of whatever her reaction is to seeing him, adjusting her expression to one of neutrality as she tries to appear disinterested.
But you know.
And you're amused at how she acts as if you don't know her.
Cregan Stark is the spoiled son of one of the wealthiest families in Sunset's, living in one of the most exclusive areas on the Crown's side.
His appearance reflects his status; brand name clothes, really expensive accessories, late model car and an attitude that denotes familiarity with luxury. However, despite his wealth, Cregan has proven to be different from other boys in his social environment.
Although he has access to all the luxuries, he does not carry with him the air of superiority and arrogance that many would expect from someone like him and that those of his class usually display.
In fact, Cregan became friends with Chase, who works for his family in the ports.
And it was Chase who introduced him to the group and although at first no one felt confident with him, Cregan instead of imposing his status, imposed a genuine and friendly demeanor that won the friendship of everyone in the circle.
Later everyone understood that he doesn't really enjoy being with people from the same environment as himself. The wealthy teenagers he usually hung out with, for the most part, were overly judgmental and arrogant.
So thanks to Chase, he found company with all of you, the guys from across the city who don't have a mansion and all the money in the world, but who are genuine and free of pretense.
Despite the looks people give Cregan for not understanding his choice of company, he deliberately ignores them. His parents don't say anything to him either, although he says they clearly prefer that he stop interact with you.
"I am deeply, intensely and extremely offended," he says expressing mock indignation, holding a hand to his chest, watching you incredulously but amused.
"Come on, man, don't get dramatic," Chase tells him giving him a friendly tap on the shoulder.
"Yeah, we're just getting warmed up," Sam encourages him.
"Besides..." says Daniel, in an exaggerated tone, "We can't send messages across the beach, us poor people have to use carrier pigeons like the olden days to get anything to you, but guess what... we're so poor we can't even afford pigeons."
Everyone lets out a laugh, enjoying Daniel's humor in implying the differences between the poor and the rich on the beach.
"Stop, seriously, why didn't you guys tell me you were doing this?" Cregan asks, taking a seat on the logs.
"I heard there's a party on your side of the beach and I figured you'd be heading over there," Chase tells him, "Which you did, didn't you?" he points to the beer in his hand.
He lets out a long breath.
"Yeah but it was pretty fucking boring."
"Boring?" you repeat incredulously, "A party with a DJ, champagne and yachts I highly doubt is boring."
"Well, not that it wasn't fun," he says looking around and observing everyone, "But I wanted this, to be with you guys, the atmosphere."
"And how did you know we were here?" asks Alysanne curious.
"I didn't exactly know," he smiles at her, "So I just decided to come and try my luck."
"Oh man, stop it or you'll make me cry," Daniel jokes, holding a hand to his heart.
"He loves us, doesn't he?" asks Sam, with a smirk.
"Yeah, he definitely loves us."
Everyone laughs and you watch discreetly as he and Alysanne start throwing their little looks at each other.
"Party with DJ and yachts? Man, if I were you, I'd be enjoying that," Sam confesses, shaking his head in a gesture of incomprehension.
"It's not big deal and people are hateful, believe me."
No one argues with him about that but you too sometimes wish you could have fun like that, have the experience of going to a beach party like the rich kids in the movies, just once.
But the time will come, someday, there are still many summers left to enjoy.
The conversation flows as the boys settle around the campfire, the warmth of the fire contrasting with the cool night breeze blowing in from the sea.
The atmosphere is filled with laughter and banter, and the relaxed beach setting becomes the perfect backdrop for a night of genuine camaraderie.
Cregan, with his carefree and genuine attitude, seems to fit right in with all fo you and that he values sincere company over superficial luxury.
And you don't know exactly how much more time passes or how many beers that Daniel brings back the theme of the rich party on the other side of the beach.
"Hey, Cregan," he says, leaning forward with a mischievous expression, "Since you're here, why don't you take us to that party? I'm sure it's not as bad as you say."
Cregan raises an eyebrow, amused but surprised.
Something about Daniel's words clicks in everyone's head, even yours, so you quickly exchange glances with Alysanne. And Cregan notices how everyone starts to truly consider it.
"Do you guys really want to go to that party?"
"And why not?" asks Alysanne, with an grin, "I'm sure we can have fun, even if we're not part of the rich circle."
"Yeah, and besides..." adds Sam, with a persuasive tone, "It would be interesting to see what the other side of the city is like from the inside. We've never been to a party like this."
Cregan seems to think about it for a moment, looking at the boys with a mixture of doubt and amusement.
"Seriously you guys are telling me this? The rich haters?"
You shrug.
"The rich hate us too."
"And that's precisely why we want to go," Sam says, gesturing animatedly, "We want to try something different. And who knows, maybe we'll give you a good reason to have a little more fun at that party. Right, Chase?"
Everyone looks at Chase, who shrugs.
"I guess that wouldn't be bad."
"But you haven't thought this through," Cregan insists, "As soon as they see you all, they'll know you're not like them."
Everyone looks at themselves and well... he's right.
The rich, especially those who are the same age as you, have a radar to recognize someone who is just like them... or not.
But you don't blame them, since you have them too, the difference is that you don't make disgusted faces or criticize in whispers as soon as you notice.
You notice your two-piece bikini top is wrinkled and is clearly second hand, besides your worn-out sandals. Alysanne is also in the same condition as you and the boys... well, they're worse.
Sam's shirt is torn, Chase's is torn, and the clothes are visibly secondhand.
"We have better clothes at home," you tell Alysanne and she nods.
"And we take our shirts off and stay in shorts," Daniel says, in solution, "Are we at the beach or not?"
"And if something goes wrong, we can always run out and come back here," Alysanne suggests.
Everyone nods and basically watches Cregan with puppy dog eyes, hopeful that he will take you to his kind of people.
"What do you think, Cregan?"
Cregan is silent for a few seconds, his gaze sweeping over the group around him, analyzing and thinking about all the things that could go wrong. And he doesn't pass up the abandoned cat look that Daniel and Sam throw at him.
And finally, he lets out a laugh and a resigned sigh.
"All right, all right. I'll take you. But if we have a bad time, don't say I didn't warn you."
"That's what I like to hear!" exclaims Sam, raising his arms in victory.
"We won't regret it."
"We may not but the rich will."
"Thanks, Cregan," says Alysanne, patting him on the back.
You frown as you watch her gesture and also notice Cregan's confused look for a moment, but go back to watching the boys.
"Well, then let's go before I change my mind."
You put out the campfire, pick up the trash and with laughter they all very animatedly walk away from your spot on the beach, heading first towards the trash cans and then towards Cregan's car.
"You do know Cregan likes you, don't you?" you say to Alysanne, walking a little further away from the guys.
She gives you an incredulous look.
"Oh come on and you like him too, don't deny it."
"Of course I don't."
"Of course you do."
"You're crazy."
"And you won't stand a chance if you keep treating him like just a dude."
"Oh yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
You let out a laugh, understanding that it will be difficult for her to accept and share it with you, so you give her time. The guys behind you laugh too, with the echo fading into the salty air, leaving the sea breeze and the sound of the waves behind.
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The difference in locations is completely noticeable.
You leave behind the small wooden houses, the unkempt streets, the establishments where you and your friends can shop, the bicycles and old cars, to move to large neighborhoods with green grass, trees and bushes on every corner with huge luxurious houses, almost mansions with modern cars and expensive decorations.
The guys are excited and so are you, as you have never explored these sections of the beach before, which are completely exclusive and with access for the rich people.
Obviously there are entrances with booths and security guards, so Cregan's appearance alone proves he's a Stark and he's allowed in without objection.
And soon enough, you arrive at the party.
"Oh my goodness, look at this," exclaims Alysanne, wide-eyed as she takes in the scene.
"That's a Prestige F4?" asks Sam in surprise, eyeing the luxurious yacht in the distance.
"Seriously, how much money do these people have?" mutters Daniel, in shock.
"More than you'll ever have," Alysanne tells him with a smirk as you all walk onto the beach illuminated by the party lights.
"You don't know that," Chase replies to her, pretending to be offended, "Maybe someday I'll get rich and buy one of those," he points to the yachts.
"I'm very offended that you didn't invite us to your parties sooner," Daniel says to Cregan, putting a hand to his chest as if he were badly wounded, "How could you hide all this from us?"
"Don't draw too much attention to yourselves, guys," Cregan asks with a mixture of concern and amusement in his voice.
"We won't," says Sam, "We'll just enjoy ourselves apart from the others but inside, you get it?"
The music starts to get louder and soon enough, we are inside the party.
Blue and purple neon lights illuminate the white sand, creating a dazzling contrast against the night sky. Waves break gently on the shore, almost muted by the music vibrating through the air.
There is indeed a DJ from a raised platform and most of the people here dance in the center to the music, some with cocktails in hand, bottles of champagne or recording the moment on their phones.
Near the dock, several luxurious yachts are docked, all decorated with lights flashing to the rhythm of the music. There are people inside them, enjoying the party from right there.
Some people get off the yachts to join the party on the beach, while others stay on board, enjoying the view and the exclusivity it offers.
If not beer, there is a bar offering a variety of exotic drinks and gourmet appetizers, such as sushi, caviar and canapés.
And throughout the party, groups of people are spread out, chatting animatedly, laughing, toasting and dancing. There are also party games, such as beer pong and spin the bottle.
While others gather around improvised campfires farther away near the sea, where the atmosphere is more relaxed, watching the spectacle around them.
The air is permeated with the smell of sea salt mixed with expensive perfumes and the sound of laughter and music all along the beach.
It is a party that clearly reflects the wealth and status of their hosts, as well as the people present; pure spoiled kids with rich parents.
"Are we going to have fun or what!?" exclaims Sam excitedly, fully entering the party and everyone follows.
Chase convinces Cregan to be worrying since most of the people here are in their own world and he doubts drunkenly checking to see if they have the latest model Iphone or what.
And honestly you relax too as everyone here is having fun and you along with Alysanne look more presentable in nice bikinis.
They are second hand still but they are more cared for than the others you have.
Sam quickly orders drinks, surprised and excited to have gotten a bottle of champagne, then Cregan and the others take him and you and Alysanne to a more secluded spot.
You make a space for yourselves on the sand, a bit secluded from everyone, having the view of the huge luxurious houses, the cliffs in the distance and also the illuminated yachts on the dock behind you.
Pretty soon you have your beer and start enjoying yourselves just like everyone else, not worrying too much and just pretending you are one of them all.
Mingling with the rich at Sunset's pier is one thing, since the pier is the center of the entire beach and there are no prejudices there, but now pretending to be one is completely different.
You find yourself watching everyone around you when Alysanne nudges you slightly and points her gaze to a specific spot.
"Look at that."
You follow her gaze and see a group of girls.
"That bracelet is from Pandora, I saw it on Instagram."
From here you can see how their gold and silver necklaces and bracelets sparkle. Also the bikinis they have on are beautiful, certainly brand name. There is also a girl with a Guess bag and they all have the latest Iphone model in their hand.
And you turn to Alysanne with a shrug.
"Why are we judging when it should be the other way around?"
"We're not judging, we're just noticing the differences between girls like them and girls like us."
You both let out a laugh.
"You definitely want that Pandora bracelet, don't you?" you look at her amused.
"And you don't?"
The two of you continue to observe or rather admire all those rich girls who have fancy accessories when suddenly you hear a specific boast behind you.
You turn your head and see the dock, noticing how some impeccably dressed people are boarding one of the larger yachts docked near the shore.
And there they are.
You think as you make out those distinctive black, red and silver hair.
Of course they couldn't miss a party like this, the sons of the most influential families in the city, the Lannister's, Baratheon's and Targaryen's, practically the elite of Sunset's.
You've seen Cerelle, Tyshara and Loreon Lannister before on the Sunset's Pair, their red hair gives away who they are instantly. They always brag about their luxurious yachts, cars, jewelry stores and everything else they own.
Their father, Jason Lannister, has built an empire based on shipbuilding and port development.
From what you understand, his company designs and manufactures some of the most advanced and exclusive ships for the world's elite.
In addition to this, Lannister also owns a network of ports and shipyards on several coasts, allowing him to maintain a steady flow of wealth through port fees and contracts with global corporations.
This influence has given him a prominent place among the city's powerful and his family has inherited not only his fortune, but also his imposing and domineering character.
So it is no surprise that the Lannister's are typical spoiled children with clearly very wealthy parents, as are the others, especially the Baratheon's, Cassandra, Maris and Floris.
Known as much for their tanned skin and peculiar dark hair as for their arrogant attitude, they always seek to be the center of attention at any such social event.
Cassandra, the eldest, has a dominant bearing and never misses an opportunity to show off her status. She is also the best known of the daughters to go out every now and then with a boy from an important family either from the city or abroad.
Next, there is Maris, the quietest of the three and the most reserved, but still, as you have heard, just as spoiled and boastful as her older sister.
And finally, Floris, Cerelle's best friend and supposedly the most arrogant, capricious, shallow and boastful of the three.
She is the one who seems the sweetest at first glance, but her spoiled nature soon becomes evident when something doesn't go her way.
You also know that there are two other children, a daughter and a son, Ellyn and Royce, but apparently Ellyn prefers to stay at home and Royce does not live here.
Her father, Borros Baratheon, is a most important and influential shipping magnate and merchant in the region, known for his connections with outside businessmen.
He owns one of the largest commercial fleets operating along the entire Pacific coast. You don't know exactly what it's about but the guys have talked about how his company specializes in logistics and shipping goods across the ocean or something like that.
And finally, the sons of the most powerful family in the entire city and the entire country, the Targaryen's.
Viserys Targaryen is known as the most powerful man in the entire country and by extension his entire family as well. He owns one of the largest and most influential corporations in the region.
Your uncle Ben always had a kind of admiration for him, though your aunt always expressed her dislike of him, as well as the other families, for simply being other greedy money-rotters who drive up the costs of the city for all that they invest to elevate their status and leave you poor people increasingly difficult to make a living.
You honestly couldn't agree with her more, but the Targaryen's have been forging their main empire here in Sunset's for a very long time now and there is nothing that can really be done about it.
The Targaryen business empire focuses on multiple sectors, but they are best known for owning a very prestigious bank, where they serve wealthy elites and large corporations, as well as financing large scale projects, such as real estate developments, technology or even public infrastructure.
You understand that he has built and manages shopping malls, corporate skyscrapers and exclusive developments in major cities across the country, as well as high profile tourist destinations like Sunset's.
So basically all of them and him especially have total control over the financial resources of the region, as well as infrastructure and development in the most luxurious sectors.
Although Viserys and his wife Alicent are no longer seen as much at events this side of Crown's and on the pier, their influence still shapes everything that happens here.
Sam snaps you out of your thoughts when you feel him tap you on the shoulder and you turn your head towards him, confused and attentive.
"What are you looking at?" he asks you amused, sitting down next to you and offering you a new bottle of beer.
"Oh, no, nothing, just..." you shake your head, taking the beer and not paying attention to the son's and daughter's of rich parents.
But Sam had followed your gaze before.
"I know, they're beautiful, aren't they?"
You immediately watch him intently.
"The yachts," he tells you as if it's obvious, "Imagine spending a whole weekend on one, just doing this..." he points to the beer and all the partying, "In the middle of the ocean."
You let out a small laugh.
"That's your biggest dream, isn't it?"
"And for the yacht to be mine, obviously," he says excitedly, turning his gaze back to the dock where they all are, "If I used to see them from afar and feel envious, now it's torture to have them so close."
You look to where he sees and he has a very good point. They could live perfectly well on one of those yachts and there would be no problem, which is also one of your dreams.
"Oh, come on Sam," you give him a friendly smack, looking at him again and you notice the gleam of longing in his eyes, "Surely your charm can make a girl from Crown's fall in love with you and let you enjoy the amazing yachts."
He looks at you incredulously.
"A Crown's girl with someone like me? Are you kidding?"
"It's not impossible," you shrug.
"Oh yeah, here at Sunset's everything is impossible if you don't live on this side of town."
And that's another good point and very true.
Daniel joins you and Sam's little group and you stop paying attention the moment you turn your gaze back towards the yachts and them specifically.
This time you focus on the Targaryen's, Helaena, Aegon and Aemond.
Surprisingly, despite being in the top tier of the wealthiest and most powerful family in the entire city and country, compared to the Lannister's, Baratheon's, Tyrell's, Arryn's, Stark's and Greyjoy's, they are not so smug, superficial and arrogant.
Although, come to think of it, the only exception is Aegon.
The eldest of the brothers, he is characteristic of his carefree and arrogant attitude. His life is summed up in parties, girls and excesses. Everyone knows him, he is the soul of the party and drives all the girls crazy.
For him, life is a game where he always wins. Sometimes he seems like the typical privileged son who has never had to strive for anything, but his power lies precisely in that.
Then there is Helaena, the only sister among the Targaryens who has a pleasant and gentle presence.
Although she is rich, the richest of them all and extremely beautiful, she doesn't abuse it, she doesn't show it off, she's not shallow or arrogant, besides she's always looking out for her siblings.
She is the kind of person who doesn't need to shout to be noticed and with just a quiet smile, she earns the respect and admiration of those around her.
You know a little about her as Chase has a little now not so secret crush on her and honestly you don't blame him, she is absolutely beautiful and even kind, which is rare due to her provenance.
And finally there's Aemond, who of all them, he's always been... different.
Where Aegon is shameless and carefree, Aemond is calculating and serious. Always impeccably dressed, with an expression that doesn't say much and keeps him at a safe distance from most.
From what you've heard, he's extremely intelligent, he's also reserved and quiet, the complete opposite of Aegon.
There is also a rumor about him about his left eye, something about an accident as a child and where he apparently wears a prosthetic.
You don't really know much about it or him but he's always been intriguing and mysterious, in a way.
You focus on him specifically, watching him from a distance, curious, as he takes a seat on the deck with an expression you can't read as it doesn't tell you much.
You watch as his short silver hair moves slightly in the wind and breeze, as well as he watches everything around him intently, to again focus on his siblings and Floris.
Floris is his girlfriend, apparently they have been dating for a few months now and have given a lot to talk about since no one expected Aemond to even date anyone.
But there they are.
You watch as Floris approaches him and takes a seat on his lap, looking radiant in a tight dress and a huge smile on her face, but he, on the other hand, remains expressionless.
Floris murmurs something in his ear, to which he responds with a slight smile, but averts his gaze to the horizon. However, she gently takes him by the jaw and leaves a soft kiss on his lips.
They begin to kiss and you look away, trying to refocus on the party and enjoying yourself here with your friends.
However, being here with all these wealthy people, especially the Targaryen's, you can't help but feel that divide about the rich and the poor at Sunset's.
You feel like you live in two different worlds, where they, the rich, live a life completely oblivious to the concerns of the people on the other side of town, in Crown's.
While you and the others work in the restaurants, clean their yachts, boats, houses and make sure their lives are comfortable.
They float above it all, the Targaryen's, Lannister's, Stark's, Baratheon's and so on, attending parties and making decisions that only benefit their own.
But you, the poor, the ones who live in Black Waters have nothing, you don't have the money, the influence or the power. Even the name of your side of town is a mockery to them, the rich, in despising even more the poor who don't have what they have.
But that's the life in Sunset's Bay.
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The handmaid and the dragons part 2
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---Part 1---
Summary: The last Farewell of Alyssa, pain not only one personne. A prince needed to talk.
Pairing: Baelon Targaryen x servant reader, Child Daemon Targaryen x servant reader and Child Viserys Targaryen x servant reader (all platonic)
Trigger warning: death, mourning and funeral, tears
Note from the author: part a little shorter than the first part, but I wanted to focus on an event. Like the first part, the reader is not described physically.
English is not my native tongue, if mistakes have been able to pass my correction, I will correct them soon
The fog was falling on the area, heavy clouds covered the sky and darkened the landscape. A veil of sadness covered the castle.
The sisters of silence had walked from the great septuary. The servants, lords, and ladys were all looking sad and mourning. If it were not the sound of the armor of the guards and the wind blowing in the streets of King’s Landing, the castle was nothing but a dead silence.
Queen Alysanne was to stay with the children for two days. On the third day, you looked at Viserys and Daemon, you tried to keep your tears and deep sadness secret, your heart tight, you helped the children getting ready. Viserys had red eyes and ate, having cried since the time when the masters had refused to let the children see their mother. Baelon was so devasted that seeing Viserys in this state, had him so hurted to see him, that he turned back and refused to see the children not wanting to show them how devastated he was, so see them sad. He wanted to show himself strong for them, despite the emptiness he felt in the place of his heart.
Daemon was still too young to understand clearly all that had happened, he asked after his mother, but the servants, nannies and Targaryen only replied that he could not see her.
The evening when you were walking around and Viserys was crying, you tried to stay calm and nice.
"Where is Mom?"
"In a better world, little prince..." Daemon and Viserys looked at you with their child’s eyes, not understanding why their mother had left without them.
That night, you told them a story you had already heard (from family, friends, others), a metaphor about death and life after it, whether for the people who are grieving, or the person who died and his crossing into the afterlife.
After all, it also helped you in some way to mourn your loss, which was quick because of your position as a servant. Even if deep down you where hurt.
The next morning, you woke up earlier than usual, you had given yourself the task of looking after the children, to get in the easier task for the other servants not to have to look after them. It was the best way for you not to end up breaking down.
The clothes had been taken and organized in order to optimize their change of outfit, a basin of hot water was placed so that they could wash off their night of sleep more or less agitate. Everything was close and yet you did not want to wake them, you wanted to leave them in the realm of dreams. But it was necessary to wake them up, for their final goodbye with their mother.
The wind had faded as everyone gathered around the funeral pyre. Baelon was in front of everyone, near the body of Alyssa, his shoulders were shaken by his sobs. The queen took Daemon in her arms to bring him near Alyssa.
"Why is mommy hiding? Why is Dad crying? Why is Vhagar here? Will mommy wake up?"
And so on the questions were. Follows from Viserys, who tried not to cry. You could hear him sniffing, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his tunic. With a broken voice, he said goodbye to his mother, he laid down small flowers picked on the way up the hill. wanting something cute to be near his mother.
Viserys and Daemon stood side by side behind their father. Jaehaeris and Alysanne stood a few steps away from them, as did some of the royal family, like prince Aemon and his wife Jocelyne Baratheon. The guards were posted not far from them, and finally a few more steps away, you stood with some servants, some of them were your friends, everyone were in different level sad, some people at the edges of crying. You could hear people sobbing, although everyone tried to keep up a good figure, appearances were not misleading.
Baelon took some time before moving back from the pyr, Aemon having approached him and placed his hands on his shoulders in order to support him in this terrible event. It is with a hoarse and broken voice that he says to fear word in High Valyrian.
Vhaegar looked at Baelon, her gigantic head slowly moving, the dragon watching Baelon, you thought to see a gleam of understanding in the dragon’s eyes, but quickly pulled out this idea from your head when you heard the small voice of Daemon.
"Mommy ?" His voice was filled with misunderstanding and concern.
When Vhaegar moved her head to line up to set the fire, Daemon grabbed Viserys' tunic and shaked him. When the flames touched the woods, Daemon screamed.
"Big brother! Mommy’s is hurted !! "
But Viserys did not move, tears running down his cheeks. Daemon ran to Baelon.
"Daddy! Mommy’s hurt!!!"
He clings to the leg of a Baelon crying in Aemon’s arms, shaking him and screaming at full lung, tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He looked at his grandparents but they kept a steady face, which did not give confidence to Daemon.
When he see you, he runned towards you, you put yourself on his level and took him in your arms.
"Y/nickname! They hurt mommy!! Please!! Help her!!!"
"I’m sorry, Daemon, I can’t do anything..."
"A magic kiss!"
"A magic kiss can’t help your mommy... I’m sorry..." Your last words were between soft sob.
When Daemon saw you crying, he cried even more, punching on your shoulders, sad and angry at you. He did not speak to you for a week. It's hurted him, that people not helped him in the face of the flames of Vhaegar.
A few days after the funeral, while you were washing the sheets of the rooms that were assigned to you during the day. You saw prince Baelon walking towards you. You were seated in the lavender’s basin, near other servants. The prince’s presence was not at all customary. He approached with a sure and fast pace. He stopped only once in front of you.
"Leave us." His voice left no choice to the servants present, who with a nod of the head went away. "We must speak."
You looked at the prince, while laying the linen to be taken from you, and let him speak.
"You have always been close to Alyssa..." Her eyes are darkened by the mention of his late wife. "And my children."
"That’s right my prince." This talk with Baelon made you uncomfortable, because you spoke very little to him now even less.
"Alyssa loved you very much, my sons also like you very much..."
Baelon sighed and sat down on the edge of the basin, you could see his purple eyes, circled by purple mark, the features of his face slightly dig in, you worried about him.
"I should not have gone into this war against Dorne... I should have stayed with her..."
"My prince... All hoped that the princess would recover... The maesters took care of her... We were all there... Her loss is a tragedy for all of us and even more so, for you and your sons. At least you were there, she knew you were safe and sound." You didn’t know if your words could help him but you tried anyway.
"What would have happened if I wasn’t here?!"
"Your sons would have been by her side, your mother would have been by her side, we wouldn’t have let her go alone."
Baelon began to weep, tears slowly flowing from his eyes.
"Why her ? What did I do to lose her ?"
"Nothing wrong, my prince..."
"I never cheated on her, never had bastards... And... And..." Baelon’s not going to continue his cries taking the lead.
"I’m sorry my prince..." You don’t look at him anymore, leaving a hesitant hand, to rest on one of his shoulders.
You felt him redeem, at the touch of your hand, but say nothing, leaving completely to his sadness.
"You are not alone, my prince... We are here to support you"
Baelon remained in the basin for several hours, showing his grief completely. It gripped your heart, you could not imagine how much it had to be destroyed within itself. It was in silence that you finished your washing, at the prince’s expense.
"You go to Daemon and Viserys?"
"After changing the sheets of Prince Aegon’s crib."
"How do my children react?"
"They miss you, my prince... It would be good for them to see you." Baelon looked at you with his purple eyes. " They need you my prince, you have lost your wife, but they have lost their mother... Let them not lose their father too. "
"Yes... you’re right... but it’s so hard..."
"Seeing them might do you some good, my prince." Baelon looked at you and you smiled softly.
“Maybe... yes...”
Baelon nodded his head, before moving to your side towards the castle. Your arms carrying baskets of linens. The wind blew gently, letting fly away the few dead leaves that had formed in this early autumn.
"My prince, I hope that one day your heart will find peace..."
“I doubt that will ever happen.”
"We don’t know what the future holds for us, my prince, your sons may give you some peace."
“The void left by Alyssa is so great...”
"But your sons are present, they hold your heart."
Baelon shook his head slightly, think of your words, full of optimism, that optimism which had been torn away from him for several days.
Tag list : @avalyaaa
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dearlyfetching · 5 months
The Curious Case of Criston Cole
Something that's missing from these discussions about the perception and reaction of Criston Cole as he is characterized in House of the Dragon, is how there's evidence within the source material of Fire & Blood that could've offered a better perspective for why Criston reacted as negatively as he did regarding his involvement with Rhaenyra.
There is an in-universe incident which saw both Jaehaerys and Alysanne discharge one of their kingsguard for not only having sex, but wedding and siring children from 3 different wives! Once the secret was revealed to everyone including the wives and children who weren't made aware of this until it was too late, this man was not only fired and stripped of any prestige he had, but castrated by his former kingsguard members and sent to the Wall. He may not have been executed, but violating his oath had severe repercussions not only for himself but for the women who were involved with him and even their children.
Fire & Blood, pg. 300
Jaehaerys left it to his queen to deal with the three families. Alysanne decreed that Lucamore's sons might join their father on the Wall, if they wished. The two oldest boys chose to do so. The girls would be accepted as novices by the Faith, if that was their desire. Only one elected that path. The other children were to remain with their mothers. The first of the wives, with her children, was given over to the charge of Lucamore's brother, Bywin, who had been raised to be the Lord of Harrenhal not half a year earlier. The second wife and her offspring would go to Driftmark, to be fostered by Daemon Velaryon, Lord of the Tides. The third wife, whose children were the youngest (one still on her breast), would be sent down to Storm's End, where Garon Baratheon and young Lord Boremund would see to their upbringing. None were ever again to call themselves Strong, the queen decreed; from this day they would bear the bastard names Rivers, Waters, and Storm. "For that gift, you may thank your father, that hollow knight."
Oaths aren't just meaningless in Westeros. Look at how often Jaime Lannister is scorned for being a kingslayer, despite the dramatic irony of readers knowing why he broke his oaths in the first place. Jaehaerys had already denied the service of kingsguard who broke theirs to turn against Maegor, stating that he didn't want men who couldn't keep their oaths because he felt they were untrustworthy. So, who was this infamous kingsguard anyway? Lucamore Strong.
Yes, Strong.
A member of the kingsguard from House Strong broke his oaths and secretly fathered children across 3 wives. The scandal led to him being derided as "Lucamore the Lusty" long after he was dead. His descendant, Harwin, would also go on to secretly father bastards on the crown princess of the realm and heir presumptive decades later.
As it stands, Criston has justifiable reasons to feel disgusted and embittered at his situation. He is a lowborn (son of a steward) dornishman who obtained knighthood and was then elected as a member of one of the most prestigious positions outside of a lordship. Breaking his kingsguard oath would've resulted in castration and disgrace at best or execution at worst. Criston knows that if the truth were ever to be reported to the king (who would attack his own brother scenes later for allegedly deflowering Rhaenyra), he would be summarily punished. As Lyonel Strong himself said:
"Your intimacy with the Princess Rhaenyra is an offence that would mean exile and death. For you, for her, for the children!" -Ser Lyonel Strong, House of the Dragon S1E06
Not only this, but Criston is stuck serving a lifelong occupation wherein he must exist in the same proximity as the employer who propositioned and coerced him, and for years witness her committing what is tantamount to treason (if not scandal at the very least) with another man by violating her own marriage vows as opposed to getting them legally dissolved in the absence of a trueborn heir. This isn't even taking into account what might happen to him once Rhaenyra ascends the iron throne. He was forced to confront the horrific realization of being subjected to the whim of a Targaryen and see that all his efforts of adhering to rules and societal standards meant nothing to the people with authority greater than himself. To boil his character down to a "thug" or an "incel" without attempting to understand his motivations or the broader context surrounding them is utterly reductive.
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
Handmaid!reader and Aemond having a picnic with Vhagar in the background and playing with their children.
pairing: aemond targaryen x handmaid!reader
notes: dad!aemond makes my ovaries hurt so fucking much.
his handmaid's tales | main masterlist
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The morning of their planned family picnic dawned bright and sunny, with only a few puffy white clouds scattered across the sky. Such a perfect summer day, and his twin boys were beyond excited, nothing more than a pair of pups bouncing and wagging and yapping at their sire’s feet. Large, twinkling violet eyes and small pouts they gave him, and he could not say no to them.
So Aemond called for a royal cook to pack them a lunch before telling his sweet girl to dress comfortable, in one of the pretty and thin dresses he had tailored for outside events.
At midday, they settle outside King’s Landing, along the Blackwater Rush, tucked within a flowered grove with cool green grass and shade. The currents are wicked and treacherous, they warn their children. Do not venture too close, lest you be drowned in the waters.
But the boys are too taken with Vhagar, who slumbers behind them, to care the slightest about the river.
His handmaid sits beside him, upon the thick fleeced blanket, nursing their new daughter at her breast. Her back is to their sons, but Aemond has a feeling she’s aware of their every move around his dragon. Mother’s instincts. But gods, she’s so pretty in the sunlight, he thinks, with her arms filled with his own, and he’s stricken with lovesickness once again.
“Sweet, isn’t it?” Aemond asks.  
She lifts her head to look at him. “Hm?” Her voice is soft, airy and calm. “What is sweet?”
He gestures around them, to their woven picnic basket and the great rushing river, and their children and the beauties of the land. Scattered about the blanket is half a suckling pig and buttered turnips and a piping nutty bread loaf, as well as a pigeon pie, at the request of their twins. “Everything in this very moment.” He lifts his chalice to his lips, taking a quick sip of his mead.
“It is peaceful, quiet, and just our family- the way it should be. We ought to do this more. There is no need to worry about bloodshed and wagging tongues and wandering eyes. It’s just us.”
We’re husband and wife, he wants to add, but instead remains silent.
The elm, the alder, and the black cottonwood see us as nothing more, and nothing less.  
She smiles. “Yes, my prince,” she agrees, before glancing back down, to stroke their daughter’s browbone with her thumb, and coo at the little noises. Alysanne, they named her, after her own grandmother and the Good Queen Alysanne. She had been born during the early springtime, while a thunderstorm raged outside, and her father wept tears of joy inside. She has her mother’s features, to his delight.  
“Ah, well, it seems you were quite hungry, my little one,” she tells the babe, giggling.
“She’s a dragon, my love. Perhaps she wishes to grow as big and strong as Vhagar.”
Aemond snags two pieces of the bread and hands her one, before plopping the other in his mouth. It’s still warm on his tongue, and he can taste the sweet walnuts and hazelnuts, and the pumpkin and oat seeds.
It’s then that one of their boys- the youngest of the two, Aenar, creeps behind his father, before flinging his arms around his neck. “Hello, father,” he whispers, nuzzling his plump face against Aemond’s cheek. Aemion slides next to his mother, kissing her on the cheek. Both boys are red-cheeked and bubbling with breathless laughter, clutching their tiny wooden stick swords in their hands.
Their mother clicks her tongue. “Are you thirsty?” she asks, reaching for the water jug. “And look at you! All sweaty and soiled, what shall we ever do with the both of you?” Aemond takes the little Alysanne from her arms as she tends to the boys, washing the sweat and dirt from them with a cool, damp cloth. But she’s laughing too, and it soon makes him laugh as well.
Aemond leans in, sniffing Aenar. “You smell more dragon than human now. Should your mother and I be worried you’ll sprout wings tonight?”  
“Vhagar allowed for us to climb her legs!” Aenar exclaims, wiping his fingers on his tunic, then chewing on a piece of meat he stole from his father’s plate. Aemion nods from where he’s seated in his mother’s lap, nestled against her chest.  
“We felt like you, father! Big and strong and ready to claim a dragon of our own!”
Aemond smiles, and his handmaid giggles, and he reaches out to hold her hand in his. As their sons keep recounting their previous enjoyment with Vhagar, their fingers twine together as husband and wife.
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tag list for "his handmaid's tales": @aemondsblog @dc-marvel-girl96 @neobanguniverse @missalycat21 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan @padfooteyes @alexizodd @avidreader73 @the-common-cowgirl @inlovewithhisblueeyes @elegantsplendour @katzarantos @fan-goddess
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tamayakii · 5 months
The Devil watches.
Warnings: Not connected to any episodes of HOTD, but is set after Daemon & Laena marry after Rhaenrya & Laenor do. My timing may be off by a tad, Pairings: No Pairings, it's pretty much Darling on her own. notes: I chose the flowers with purpose, anyone who can guess will get a cookie. Also thank you to my friends for being my beta-readers. Also part two IS in the works!
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The Belladonna swayed in the wind, dancing with the butterfly weeds. They were a beautiful sight. A change from the rainy scenery on Dragonstone, it rained like hell on the island. The colder season was here. Your family wrapped themselves in furs and thick leather. 
The Velaryons and Targaryens frequently met on Dragonstone because of the marriages between Rhaenrya and Laenor, as well as Daemon and Laena, with Dragonstone and Driftmark being sister islands. 
At a slow pace, you traversed the halls of the stone castle, the one that had held many of Targaryen's heirs and ancestors. Since your entrance into the royal family, you dug yourself into research- you wanted them to know you truly did not look down at this chance of a better life. 
You learned the history of Old Valyria with your father, Viserys. He believed himself a dreamer, you found, like Daenys the Dreamer- perhaps the reason the Targaryens survived the destruction of Valyria. 
With Aemma, you learned of Rhaena Targaryen, Queen of the East and West. Daughter of Alyssa Velaryon and sister to Queen Alysanne, sister-wife to the King Jaehaerys the First. Aemma wanted you to know about her mother, Daella Targaryen.
And you knew, you discovered her meek nature, her fear of gardens, bees, and cats. You acquired all knowledge that could be learned, all knowledge that the Maesters wrote. Even once at a dinner, you asked Ser Corlys what he thought of Daella, who was 3 and 10 at the time of their meeting.  
They quickly escorted you to your chambers, with Rhaenrya following closely behind you. It seemed you had upset Aemma and changed the mood of the dinner. Queen Aemma miscarried that night, something that you would place blame on yourself. 
Outside, the wind blew through the paneless windows of the halls. The salty taste of the sea sat upon your lips. The thoughts of your late-queen mother made your eyes water, the pain of her death still ever present in your soul. Your veil billowed behind you as the wind blew harder, pulling your fur robes tighter as you descended the staircase. These were the nights when you felt the need to be under the shrouded night, humming the Mother's Hymn, as the darkness seemed endless and the stars never shined. The castle was as silent as ever. Besides nature's song, everyone tucked into their warm beds. Protected by the guards that you’ve come to know as background ambience. 
“Gentle mother..” You sang under your breath, letting your fingers feel every grout of the walls that followed the staircase, “font of mercy…” you dragged your voice out as you reached the bottom of the tower, pushing the thick oak doors open. 
“Save our sons..” Closing your eyes as you felt the wind caress your face like Mother herself as you sang her hymn, “from war…” stepping into the courtyard, you looked up at the looming castle of Dragonmont. 
“We pray.” Your feet step slowly across the gravel, mimicking a dance you once saw. Slowly, you step from the left before taking a long graceful one to the right. “Stay the swords,” you dance yourself through the protective gates of Dragonstone, skipping from one step to the next. 
“And stay the arrows.” Your voice trails off as you walk onto the shore, the waves lapping at the sand. You stopped to admire the dark sea, your veil waving in its wind with force. It was as if the sea’s wind washed away your sins. 
“Let them know a be-” A large gust of air comes from above, nearly knocking you on your arse. It punches the air out of your lungs. Gasping for air as you looked to the heavens above, but nothing was there except the night sky. 
“Better day..” whispering, eyes wide as you stare into the abyss night. You rack your brain for answers. Perhaps it was Ceraxes. If left alone for too long, the blood wyrm was known for its lonely flights. The thought comforted you. 
Looking down the long rocky beach, you begin your trek again with caution. You listen to any sound in the night but all there is howling of the wind, trying to comfort yourself with a sigh; you sing once more,
“Gentle mother..” you pause, waiting for an interruption that never comes. “Strength of women,” pulling your robe against you tighter as you round a tight bend in the beach, skipping over rocks to dodge the waves licking your feet. 
The sound of rocks tumbling catches your attention, watching as small rocks fall down the cliff side. Looking up to find that the rocks seemed moved on their own, not a lively shape to be seen up top. 
‘The wind, perhaps.’ you think to yourself before moving onward.
“Help our daughters through this fray.” You lost yourself in thought as you walked. The Mothers Hymn was of comfort to you. Aemma sang it every time she tucked you in, unable to ignore your pleas to sing it just once more. 
The first night you sang the Mother's Hymn without Aemma was after her funeral, Rhaenrya would not sleep, her grief too much for her to bear on her own. You hummed as you brushed the girl's hair with your fingers, whispering the lyrics.
It took an hour until she fell asleep- your voice raw from repeating the Hymn with no breaks. 
A cove sat in your path, the sandy path too thin for you to walk, the water becoming more shallow as it flowed into a cave. Finding yourself upon a high rock, enjoying the sea breeze, you were ignorant to the eyes that stared from the cavern. 
“Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,” You wondered about Laena’s adventure to Vhagar, the woman had her eyes set upon the dragon since she learned of its history and location. Vhagar, the last of the conquerors' dragons, was a mighty green beast, but her song was as beautiful as a gentle maiden. 
“Teach us all a kinder way.” 
The air gets warmer, almost too warm. You start to wonder as you pant about the change of weather. Turning around and looking into the cavern's mouth; you realize why.
A dragon, as dark as the night and as sharp as a blade. Its horns curled around its face, green eyes glowing in the dark. It begins to climb out of the cave, its body seeming never ending. It  towers over you with his horrifying size. 
Fear gripped your frail heart. You were going to die. 
Smoke billows out of the beast's nostrils. Its chest glows with the heat of a thousand fires. Flames tickle your legs as you throw yourself off the rock, gasping as the freezing water below you flee for your life, forgetting the sharp rocks and barnacles tearing at your hands.
Thunderous booms follow you, a song that told you your fate, but the song was not comforting. It was dreadful. It screeched and wavered unceremoniously, and that was the song you would die to.
There was no escape. The breath of the fearsome dragon was hot on your back. Did the beast enjoy this? It could end this chase with one snap of its giant teeth, but it did not. 
A light at the end of the tunnel appeared.
A crack within the cliff side, just big enough to hold you. 
Tripping over your feet as you dash for it, shoving your body between the jagged stones, it hurts. The sharp edges tore at the front and back of your dress, crying as it dug into your skin. What were you to do? 
The dragon paces back and forth, a cry that sounds too much like a chortle leaves its throat. It was laughing.. It was laughing at you.
“Gentle Mother” You sang with fear, trying to comfort yourself, a bit of solace as you sat at death's door. “Font of mercy” voice wavering as you sobbed, you wanted your mother. You wanted Aemma. 
“Save our sons from war, we pray- oh gods!!” you sobbed against the stone, begging the gods- all of them, the old and new, for Mercy,. 
The dragon had stopped, listening to your voice. 
“Stay the swords and stay the arrows-” you realize the dragon has stopped. You look at the opening and see its green eyes watching you as it slowly lays its large body against the sand. Its lips curled once you stopped singing, 
“Let them know a better day..” 
It snorted, laying its head down. Perhaps it once heard the Mothers Hymn, or maybe it was the own Mother's hand coming down to save you. 
“Gentle Mother, strength of women..” Slowly, you begin to sidestep out of the crack. “Help our daughters through this fray.” you can feel its hot breath once more. Fear makes you stop, but memory reminds you of your family.
“Will I have a dragon, Papa?” Viserys held you tight on his lap, the book open wide on your thighs. The man hums with thought before he smiles, kissing your temple. 
“A girl as brave as you? Of course you shall have a dragon., I will make sure of it if I must.” His hands rub your sides with love. The thought of him forcing the gods to give you a dragon made you more happy. 
Looking up at him with a toothy grin, “Thank you, Papa!!” The rest of the night you discussed dragons. Viserys suggested that once Dreamfyre laid a new hatch, he would give you a dragon egg, but each egg he gave you failed to hatch.
“Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,” 
The dragon chirps softly, a weird noise coming from such a devilish beast. 
“Teach us all a kinder way…” The Hymn ends and soothes the dragon., "Do you like that? It's my favorite... is it yours too?" with cautious steps, you finally emerge out of the rocks. The dragon huffs, and the clouds split and the moon shines upon you two. 
If you tamed this dragon… perhaps you would feel more Targaryen, maybe you could fly in the skies with Rhaenrya and Daemon. 
The dragon sniffs you as you step closer. Your hands touch the scales of its snout and it rips its head back with a grunt. It was still a wild dragon. You almost laughed at yourself. It had tricked you. You were no Targaryen, and it would kill you.
Awaiting the flames hotter than the hells to blanket your body, you waited for the never ending pain with your eyes closed, but it never came. When the wind picked up again, you found yourself opening your eyes once more.
There it was, spreading its wings and taking off with a mighty roar. You watched as the dragon flew further into the mountains, 
You had walked along the devil's hand and came unscathed. 
With the speed of a hare, you picked your soaked and ripped dress up and ran. Feet ripping up the sand, leaving spits of rocks behind you. Desperate to reach the safety of your chambers within the safety of the castle.
You reached the castle gates, heaving for air, but it did not stop you. Brushing past the confused guards as you blazingly push the doors open to the side tower and running up the stairs, 
Your mind came back to the wild dragon, the way it had multiple sets of horns, but its biggest curled in towards his face like a ram. Its eyes were more green than the richest jade, scales so deep black that it could rival Balerion’s skull that resides under the Red Keep. 
Shoving your body against your chamber doors, they slam shut. You wheeze for air, the pain pinching your throat as you try to breathe normally. You should’ve been dead ten times over. Slowly, you walk to your bed, shaking as you collapse. 
The silk sheets are warm against your slick skin, fingers stretching as they tremble from the cold. Your eyes fall heavy, the distant roar of a dragon seems ever faint as you slip into a deep slumber.
That night, you dream of dragons. It is you who is the dragon. You see flashes of broken eggs and the bodies of baby dragons ripped apart, oddly; you feel no remorse for the creatures but only satiated hunger. 
You see the rough choppy waters of the Narrow Sea below as you fly through the dark nights, ships cross in many numbers- You destroy them, roaring with a laugh but you hunger for your own brethren, for the taste and feel of fire and talons.
No longer a dragon, you’re a human once more. A baby within a cradle, your mother Aemma above you, or was she Aemma? Her long white hair and purple eyes entranced you, but as you studied her further; It was not Aemma, but another woman.
Her eyelids were gently dusted with a purple hue, and her lips were glossed to match the same shade of purple. She seemed tired, but she still smiled. Above her was a painted tapestry of dragons, but among the many, only one caught your attention. There it was. The beast swirled and its jaws were wide open with a flurry of green fire escaping its mouth. 
The eyes seem so alive and penetrating, as if they're boring into your very being. The green-eyed devil had been watching you for a long time. 
Your dreams end before you can look at the woman once more, but you hear her voice, 
“Gentle Mother, font of mercy…”
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Let me know what you guys think!! Reblogs over likes!!!
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platinumshawnn · 1 month
Bound by Blood and Fire | Benjicot Blackwood -- pt vi
Two days to the wedding and the risk of more bloodshed looms at the boundaries between Brackens and Blackwoods as the council encounter a bump following Benjicot’s actions.
Serra begins to hear rumors around the castle of the impending battle and word from King’s Landing regarding an army of Aegon’s that is making its way along the western shore and targeting the houses on his behalf. Serra approaches her father again regarding the matter amidst finalizing wedding plans and finds comfort and friendship in another Blackwood.
masterlist | playlist | backwards | forward
A/N: hi!!! popping in from the queue, i threw in a slightly suggestive scene at the end plus some bi-icon alysanne/blackwood siblings serving cvnt <333 I also have chapter seven coming this Friday at 9:01am EST which will be the wedding finally. i want to preface that the next chapter will contain smut, for anyone who is not comfortable with that, anyways!!
Content Warning(s): MDNI — 18+, adult language, mentions of blood, violence, and war; era related sexism and gender based harassment/discrimination, sexually suggestive content, mild depictions of family based violence, implied suicide ideation.
Word count: 10.1k
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He could still see his face when he slept. 
Benjicot spent a better part of his youth in the woods beyond Raventree on hunting trips and generally just wandering; mapping out every corner of their land on the days he had off from duties, such as training or shadowing his father’s council meetings as a boy. It was a place of comfort for him, where he had never experienced trouble finding sleep whenever he found himself camped there, and yet for the past two nights, he had been lucky to even find an hour of sleep without being startled awake. Suddenly, it felt like every chirp of a cricket or snap of a twig from a deer that calmly strolled through the trees in the distance had him on edge and jumping awake and frozen in fear; worried that it was the Brackens coming for him or his father to drag him back to their home. It did not bring him any relief to know that Emrys had been suspended from patrolling the lands in the meantime, since returning and word reaching Raventree of Rodrik’s death, leaving the grounds nearly unguarded beyond a couple of young boys whom Benjicot knew could barely hold a sword. 
Emrys could only sneak to him once a night, creeping out after dark once he knew that Samwell was asleep — even then, doing so involved bribes to sneak out with the boys. 
Even when he had managed to find sleep, it was plagued by nightmares of Rodrik’s face -- his eyes, wide and dead as he laid face down in the mud after landing with a thud that echoed in his mind. Benjicot had been covered in Bracken blood as he, Emrys, and Davos dragged him back over the boundaries into their land, whilst Benjicot had nearly been swept away by the river, choking on mouthfuls of water that threatened to take him away in its angry grasp, his vision blurred. They had nearly lost Rodrik in the midst, slipping on mud and grunting with exertion as they dragged his body from the waters and back to dry land. He could still hear Emrys’ complaint as he was dragged through the grass, “This bloody boy weighs a ton.” 
Benjicot had insisted that they at least provide him the decency of rolling him onto his back, rather than face down, earning a confused glare from Davos, who was beyond exhausted at that point. It was then that he had seen the damage he had done. Sliced from collarbone to pelvis, a large gash from his throat and down his belly, his house colours torn down the front. Benjicot had fumbled to undo his cloak and cover him, leaving his face exposed for once someone came in search of him — he knew it would only be a matter of time. 
Davos had grabbed his House pin from his body as they had begun to leave and pressed it into Ben’s hand as he brushed past him to retreat to Blackwood land, muttering something about a ‘trophy’, as if he should be proud but Benjicot was anything but proud of himself. He hadn’t returned the pin to its owner, though. The pin had remained in his tent, finding himself staring at it every so often, whenever he woke up from his nightmares or whenever it caught the light in the corner of his eye which felt like every couple of hours. It was a reminder of what he had done.
Benjicot had jolted awake again after falling asleep after supper, nodding off only because he was so exhausted, it physically pained him. Again, Rodrik’s face was there behind his eyelids, that horrified expression on his face as he fell, choking on his blood—  this time, he was haunted by the image of his sister behind him, screaming and sobbing as she watched on, unable to do anything, her hands at her belly as she cried into the grass. He had tripped out of his makeshift bed on the ground, bolting out of his tent and hardly making it outside before he had fallen to his knees, hunched over on all fours as he threw up the fish and water he had barely managed to stomach earlier; coughing as he choked up the contents. His fingers dug into the grass, red-faced and panting as he dry heaved for a few moments, his body convulsing with effort as he leaned into an elbow; caring little if he got any on him. 
He had hardly noticed Emrys approaching, standing a few feet behind him, “You look like shit.” 
He weakly turned to glance behind him, eyes slowly coming to look up at his cousin who stood near the edge of his tent, a hand on the bag that hung at his waist; head tilted and watching him. He spit into the grass, the taste lingering on his tongue, and coughing one last time as he pushed himself up to his knees, “How did you get out here so early?” 
“I asked to go out for errands with Henry,” He said, opening the bag and pulling an extra shirt from it to toss at him. “I had to promise to cover for him tonight to sneak off with some…servant girl.” He explained, waving dismissively. 
Benjicot used his sleeve to wipe his mouth, slowly moving to pull down the straps of his breeches and pull off the soiled shirt. He let out a breathless scoff, “That sounds nice.” He replied, delirious from exhaustion as he tossed the shirt beside him. He took the clean shirt and pulled it over his head, stumbling to his feet and nearly toppling forward, prompting Emrys to rush forward and catch him by his elbow in an attempt to steady him. 
“Have you eaten anything?” Emrys asked. 
Benjicot gestured to where he had thrown up with his chin, a hand raking through his hair. His cousin glanced to where he pointed, grimacing in disgust and releasing him, “Tried to.” He grumbled.
“Come. I was able to bring you something.” He sighed, his face still pinched up in disgust as Benjicot turned to follow him. The two men entered the tent, Emrys’ hand out and ready to catch Benjicot in case he tripped again; the eldest of the two sitting in his blankets. 
The blonde sat across from him, sliding the bag from his shoulders and placing it down in front of his cousin, allowing him to open it and though Ben’s stomach was still churning, he couldn’t deny the grumble as he opened it and began to dig through it. With dirty hands, he pulled out a bun and let out a sigh, euphoric as he bit into it and paused to relish in the much-needed change of things—  after two days of leaf, grain, and the odd thin fish he had been lucky to catch with his hands, bread seemed like a commodity that Ben had never thought to be grateful for. 
As he chewed, tearing bites from the bun, his hand continued to rummage through the bag; holding the bun momentarily between his teeth as he pulled out a cloth, unwrapping it. He fought the urge to groan aloud at the sight of a small roast duck, the smell wafting through the tent as he set the bun aside and tore off a piece with his hands, ravenous and feral as he ate, “Gods be good, slow down-- you look disgusting, you know that?” Emrys said, though his tone was laced with a light sense of humour as he moved to unsheath something from his waist.
Ben let out a grunt, hardly containing himself as he bit into the duck, his eyes lifting briefly. He watched as his cousin presented a leather flask from his side, opening it and extending it to his cousin, whose hands practically trembled as he took it from him. He lifted the flask to his mouth, greeted by the sweet, bitter taste of wine from home that melted any remaining tension from his shoulders as he gulped down two mouthfuls before placing it down on the ground beside him. 
The two men sat in silence, besides the sound of Benjicot eating, birds chirping with the day -- if not for the circumstances, Ben would have found it all peaceful and calming. 
After a few moments, Benjicot spoke through a full mouth, “Has there been any news?” He asked, taking another swig from the flask and finishing what little remained. 
Emrys hesitated, staring at him, “Nothing new, Amos sent ravens to Grover Tully and your father.” He said, shifting to pull his knees up to his chest and resting his elbows over them. “They know about Rodrik. They know of your hand in it. Our plan wasn’t successful.” He quietly added. 
Benjicot raised his eyebrows, sniffling a bitter laugh, “As I suspected.” He said, returning the lid to the flask and tossing it back to his cousin who caught it and swiftly attached it to his belt. 
“It was a good idea.” 
“And you thought you would outsmart Samwell Blackwood, with your boyish plans, aye?” He asked, pausing his eating to look at him. “You thought he wouldn’t see through your stupid little—“ Benjicot snapped. 
“Oi, I get you're angry, but don’t take it out on me.” Emrys bit back. 
He settled, falling silent briefly, “Sorry.” 
They fell into silence again, Benjicot’s stomach-churning once again at the thought of his father’s reaction when he received the raven. He resorted to picking at the duck, his eyes down, “He’s furious, right?” 
Emrys snorted, but the sound did not possess any trace of humour, “He was ready to burn down everything in sight in search of you, he almost came out here and dragged you back himself.” 
He looked up, “Why didn’t he?” 
His cousin shifted uncomfortably, shrugging his shoulders.
“Kermit insisted he be the one to bring you back and pleaded on your behalf. He knows you will return eventually,” He explained. “Your father has given him until the end of the day to bring you back.” The younger man admitted. 
“Did he now?” He rhetorically questioned. 
Emrys let out a hum, quiet as he looked down at his shoes, “Elmo has suggested they break off the terms of your engagement, too.” 
Benjicot stilled, looking at him for a moment before he set down the rest of the duck back into the cloth, wiping his hands off on his pants. His mouth opened, hardly able to hear over the sound of blood thundering in his ears as he spoke, “Why?” He asked, mouth dry. If his father wasn’t already furious over the unnecessary bloodshed, this would have tipped him over the edge, blinded by rage — Benjicot could picture his room a mess, tearing through it and shouting as he threw whatever his hands could find. 
Emrys glanced out through the entrance into the tent, partially ajar as a breeze blew through the fields, “He doesn’t trust you.” He admitted, looking at him. “He feels you have broken your promise to keep Serra safe from harm, and rather, have placed her directly in its path. It has brought into question your loyalties.” 
Benjicot averted his gaze, looking at the roof of his tent as his breathing quickened. He swallowed, trying to organise his thoughts, “I did not…” He stuttered, looking down again. He was reminded of the pin that hid in a pile of his belongings in the corner, suddenly regretting not leaving it in the fields with Rodrik where it should have been. His nausea had returned, fighting down the urge to retch as he let out a choked sound, “I did not mean for it to happen this way. I did not mean to kill him, you believe me, right?” He asked, his words coming quick with panic as he looked at him again. 
Emrys' shoulders dropped, his expression softening, “I know.” 
“Then you know I would never do anything to jeopardise our alliance with the Tullys and sabotage our agreement.” He stated.
Emrys hesitated, looking down at his hands, “Emrys, please…” Benjicot begged, his cousin still avoiding his eyes. “I…I lost my temper, I did not want any of this. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, both in my name and in our houses, but I never meant for things to turn out like this. You have to believe me.” He pleaded, breathless. 
“Did you do it?” He asked suddenly. 
Benjicot looked at him, confused by his words. Of course, Emrys knew that he had been responsible for Rodrik’s death — he had been there to witness it and had helped move the body from their land, but the edge in his voice suggested more, “His sister— did you bed his sister?” He asked, tone harsher as though he was losing his patience. 
He stammered, unsure how to answer, his thoughts going a thousand miles an hour. He had forgotten that he had been present for that too, bearing witness not just to his death, but the accusation as well, “Did you father a bastard with a Bracken?” He asked finally. It seemed to click into place why the accusation had even come up, or how Rodrik had come to know of their affair and his comment, sitting back on his knees in defeat. He felt his face drain of colour, his mouth snapping shut and swallowing, “Those mongrels have done nothing but steal from us and treat us like shit on their boots. They have killed our men for hundreds of years, and you would father a bastard with one?” 
“I did not mean to.” He quietly answered, his voice cracking. “I cared for her at one time. It’s a mistake that I am forced to live with every day, one that I wish I could undo but I…I cannot deny that it is a possibility.” 
“You cared for her?” He asked with a bitter laugh. 
His face dropped, pausing before he replied, “Yes.” 
Emrys, in his inexperience with love, could not quite make sense of the coupling but the look on Benjicot’s face caused him to hesitate. He looked at him, the frown on his face frozen there as he processed the confession, clenching his jaw and letting out a breath, “And what of Serra?” 
Benjicot hesitated, “It is complicated…this was before her.” 
“Do you care for her?” He asked, correcting himself, his voice stern. “Is she where your loyalties lie now?” 
He hesitated again, pondering the question, “Yes.” He breathed out. 
He could see his cousin’s expression soften, averting his eyes as he looked down briefly and sighed. Emrys moved, rolling forward and pushing to stand up in front of him, Benjicot’s eyes following his movements; hanging in a place of anxiety and worry that he had not said or done enough. Emrys bent to collect his bag, replacing it around his shoulders and beginning to exit the tent just as he quickly stumbled after him, clamouring to his knees and rushing out behind him, “Emrys, wait.” 
The blonde paused, stopping abruptly in front of him and looking up towards the sky with a squint, “Do you forgive me?” He asked. 
His cousin paused, shoulders dropping with another sigh, “Yes.” He said after a moment, “And I think the gods will too, in time. You’re a good man, Benjicot, I have never doubted that. I just wish…” He said, turning to him. 
“I wish you would forgive yourself, too.” He said, reaching out to clasp his shoulder, “Come back. Let us face it together. We will figure it out.” 
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Serra had always been taught as a girl to not concern herself with a man’s business—  that men had their separate duties to that of a woman. Men prioritised the political matters of the house and women did the rest—  bearing children, taking care of the house, supporting their husbands, and being loyal, dutiful wives and mothers, just as her mother had been. But it did not contain the curiosity that piqued in her every so often whenever she saw her father and brothers disappear to their meetings, followed by councilmen who were loyal to them only and hanging on to their every word like it was gospel. To be heard and valued, Serra had always wondered what that felt like to possess such power. 
It didn’t stop her from listening from outside the hall whenever they gathered for the day, eavesdropping in the hallways, and listening carefully to the gossip of the staff of the house —  in her ten-and-eight years, she found that listening to the staff served useful and provided her with intel on topics her father would otherwise dismiss her of whenever she tried to ask at dinner. 
Today had been no different, as she sat on the bottom step, her hands in her lap and picking at her nails as she listened to the intense arguing happening from within the great hall, where she had watched her family disappear early that morning. Despite his gentle protests, Alistair stood opposite of her, perched in a corner as she listened. 
“Amos’ letter claims that your son was at the borders that night,” Elmo’s voice echoed from within the room. “He claims that his men hold Benjicot responsible for Rodrik’s death—  I had only assumed with your restraint, Benjicot might take after you in such ways, but I am starting to question whether you have any control over your son.”
“Benjicot is an impulsive boy,” Samwell replied, his irritation evident in his voice. “You have known this since he was young.” 
“And yet I expected with your guidance, he would outgrow it. I was wrong, it appears.” 
“I cannot be held responsible for every stupid thing he does,” Samwell argued. 
“This is not a stupid thing, Samwell -- do you know how poorly this reflects on our house? I have never questioned your house’s loyalty, but I feel the need to begin.”
Her father sounded angry and disappointed -- from her place on the stairs, she could picture the furrow of his brow, angry as he leaned over the table, “Not only does your son insult our house by slaughtering Amos’ nephew, but to further add insult to the wound, he has also fathered a bastard according to Amos Bracken's letter!” 
“My son would do no such thing.” Samwell barked, interrupting any further accusations. “My son may be impulsive and stupid, but to accuse him of fathering a child with a Bracken-- ” 
“Amos says otherwise.” 
The revelation caused Serra to snap her head upright, wide-eyed, and lean towards the door as she could faintly make out the sound of hushed mutters, angry and going back and forth. Her eyes darted to Alistair who purposely avoided her eyes, his gaze fixed on the wall and unwavering as she slowly stood, inching towards the door and crouching to press her ear to it, “I don’t ask for much, other than you declare your loyalty to House Tully-- have I not been generous these past months?” 
There is a mutter, “You have.”
“And have I not only also asked that Benjicot care for and protect my only daughter?” 
“Yes, my lord.”
It was an odd sound coming from Lord Blackwood, to be small and quiet to a voice of authority that was not his own; but it was not often that her father used that voice. She struggled to envision what it looked like to sit in and witness him, submissive to her father as he was stern and flipping the roles.  
“You know, Lord Grover did not want this betrothal. He, even from his deathbed, fights and pleads that I do not go forward with it-- he cautioned me against it actually,” Her father ranted, exasperated. “But I pushed back. I defended you, I defended your son. I fought for him to see reason, that you have one of the largest armies within the Riverlands… that you are a fierce warrior and leader with experience and insight that could be beneficial to House Tully. All that despite your history of impulsivity and your temper-- which I see, Benjicot has taken after instead.” Elmo spat. 
“My Lord…” 
“I am starting to realise he may have been right! As senile as he might be,” Elmo spluttered a bitter laugh. 
“We can still fix this.” 
It was then, amidst the hushed mutters, that Serra could make out the soft voice of a woman -- her words were quiet, not quite reaching her ears as she shifted her stance. 
“And how do you plan to do that? You cannot bring his nephew back from the dead, you cannot rid the child from his niece’s womb! I should have accepted the offer for Serra to wed Aeron Bracken, you know that?” Elmo shouted, a clatter of silverware echoing from the room. The room fell back into silence, as though the room had frozen in time, only broken by her father’s annoyed sigh as footsteps echoed, coming towards the door. Serra launched up to her feet and turned, ready to rush up the stairs and out of sight as she assumed her father had called an early end to the meeting and would come out any moment however she hardly made it three steps before the doors opened as she expected, her hand reaching out for the wall as she nearly tripped over the hem of her dress. 
“Serra Tully.” The voice was surprisingly smooth and feminine, causing her to whip around towards the voice. 
Her eyes found a thin woman who resembled the men of her house — striking in appearance, with dark hair and eyes that bore into her with such intensity, that it pinned her to her very spot. Her gaze absentmindedly scanned her frame, finding riding gear in place of the expected gowns of red and black; tall and slender, as she stood halfway in the doorway and watched her. Serra’s eyes darted back to her face, mouth once ajar now clenching shut. She could have recognised her anywhere, recalling the few memories she had of her in their youth, being that she was so close in age to them; she always seemed to be in the yard, engulfed in her training, but Serra had encountered her a handful of times — her voice, though lower and softer than it had been as children, still held its familiar edge that brought back memories of warning her nephew whenever he stepped out of line. She seemed to be the only force that could keep him grounded, regardless of how rowdy and wild he could become. 
“Lady Alysanne.” 
Her eyes cast to her left in the direction of the room of men that remained uncharacteristically quiet, before stepping further into the hallway and in the direction of the stairs -- Serra could faintly see the hint of a smile on her face, “You have grown much since I last saw you.” 
“It has been many years.” Serra politely replied, her voice quiet as though she was worried her father would overhear her. She had already overstepped and been caught eavesdropping, she did not need to make things worse. 
“Indeed it has,” Alysanne nodded, pausing. “Come, join us.” 
Confusion arose in Serra at her invitation, her head tilting as she opened her mouth to protest, “Oh- I…I don’t know anything about the matters of council.” 
Alysanne’s smile widened, “Now seems as good a time to learn then. You have thoughts and opinions, don’t you?” She asked. 
“Of course, but none that possess any value at a table of men,” Serra replied. 
“That is plenty enough. It is not a suggestion, Serra.” Alysanne quickly added, ceasing any further protests she could muster. She extended an expectant hand to her, the young girl’s gaze dropping to it. Serra was slow in descending the stairs, back towards the doors, and meeting the Blackwood at the bottom of the steps at which point she felt a hand come between her shoulders to guide her inside.
The room turned to watch as they entered, side by side, all eyes focused on her. The urge arose to turn and flee, uncomfortable under the eyes of the several men who sat around the table; her father stood at the head of it, with his face screwed up into a look of disapproval but she was forced forward by Alysanne—  she wasn’t convinced that if she did try, she would allow her to get far, and would just drag her right back. Her hand led her towards a seat across from Samwell, two open chairs awaiting them, timidly finding herself to one. Alysanne soon sat beside her, a hand coming up to give her elbow a reassuring squeeze. 
Her father finally sat down, his eyes never leaving her as a few moments passed; the tension in the room was palpable enough to slice through as she slowly lifted her gaze to scan the room. She soon met the familiar eyes of Oscar, who sat only a few seats down from her, his gaze possessing an evident uncertainty. 
“Oh, this is just absurd!” A councilman, Robard Mooton, cried. “She is just a girl, what does she know that could serve this council? Let us not waste any more time and…”
“She knows more than she lets on.” Alysanne interrupted, her tone calm. “Doesn’t she?” She pointedly questioned. 
Serra felt her eyes on her, hers lowering to the table. 
“What do you know of recent events, Serra?” Her father asked, sighing and dropping a hand from his mouth onto the table. She turned to look at him, her hands balling in her lap as he nodded encouragingly. 
She hesitated, “I know of Benjicot’s involvement in the death of Rodrik Bracken.” She replied, her voice small amidst the room. “Amos Bracken has made several accusations against House Blackwood and its heir.” 
“She listened from outside the door, how does this help?” Robard continued, losing patience. 
“Criston Cole has allegedly called for men to march west.” She admitted. 
Her father inhaled, leaning back in his chair, “And you understand the position this puts us in.” 
She slowly nodded, watching him carefully for any sign that she was wrong and overstepped, “You also know your grandfather means to break off your engagement to Lord Benjicot Blackwood for his hand in his death, too.” Aldric Vance spoke up, her eyes darting to find him -- an older man her father’s age, his eyes kind as he stared at her; awaiting a response. Serra nodded again. 
“We would like your insight on the matters,” Her father said, leaning forward against the table and resting his elbows atop the wood, holding a hand out to her. Serra tensed, blinking a couple of times before she reluctantly offered him a hand that he took, his eyes searching her face.
“Why?” She asked, her voice small. 
“Because it is your betrothal in question, my dove.” He softly replied. “I will not force your hand if it is not what you desire, I only mean to protect you from further ruin.” 
Serra recognised the hypocrisy of the situation, considering that it had been him who had pressured her into this position, to begin with. She lowered her eyes again, staring at their hands, quiet as she pondered his offer to end things, “Should you say the word, we can return to Riverrun in the morrow.” He quietly stated. 
She sucked in a breath, unsure how to answer. The silence stretched on as she weighed the option —  she admittedly missed the comfort of her childhood rooms, Riverrun, and its familiar sounds and sights. 
“She’s just a nosy girl,” Robard snapped. “I told you she was of no use to this table. Let us just end this engagement and be done with this grotesque misalliance-- we will extend an offer of peace to Amos Bracken, and if he is merciful enough, he will reconsider a marriage between his nephew and Serra.” He rambled. 
“Give the girl a moment.” Alysanne snapped, her gaze fixated on the man who stood. “You are too invested in ending this engagement, I feel it necessary to remind you, that you are not the one who will be expected to bed him.” She spat, her eyes narrowing. 
Serra looked between the two with wide eyes, “Though I am beginning to wonder if that is your preference for bedding young boys,” Alysanne continued, taunting the man who now seethed from his place down the table. “I suppose I am not one to judge, however, considering your earlier accusations, Lord Robard.” 
“You wretched cunt!” He finally exploded, rushing to lunge across the table towards Alysanne, a mild level of pandemonium ensuing as men clattered to grab the Lord Mooton, pulling him back. Serra’s attention was drawn to a quiet snort across the table, finding Samwell with his head down and a small smile on his face, his gaze fixed down on his lap as he appeared to fidget with something there. His gaze lifted, looking around the table and watching as Lord Robard was yanked back towards his seat, briefly finding Serra and his younger sister who sat beside her. 
“That is enough!” Elmo bellowed, his voice loud and thundering, “I demand a level of decorum be maintained while we try to figure out what is to happen! Lady Alysanne, Lord Robard, return to your seats!” 
The room quieted, Serra’s eyes watching as the council slowly found themselves back to their spots around the table, a hum of mutters and grumbles filling the room, “Samwell, I would ask that you remind your bitch sister that she is a guest here at this council.” Lord Robard spat. 
“Lord Robard, enough!” Elmo snapped, releasing Serra’s hand. “I will have no more insults at this table today.” 
Alysanne dropped back into her seat, letting out a scoff as she leaned back in her chair. Serra watched the look exchanged between the two Blackwood siblings, Samwell’s expression a look of pride and amusement as he looked back down quickly, a lopsided grin on Alysanne’s face as she rolled her eyes. 
Her father allowed for a moment of silence as the rest of the table settled back into their seats, whatever conversation that lingered soon ceasing, even Lord Robard finally quieting; despite the scowl on his face, his gaze still watching the raven-haired woman to her left. Elmo finally looked back to Serra, sighing, “Serra. Any thoughts?”
She hesitated, heart racing as she was yet again placed on the spot, “I…” She stuttered, swallowing. She scanned the table again, briefly meeting Samwell’s gaze as he continued his fidgeting -- she could now see what had previously held his attention underneath the table; his hands absentmindedly twirling a dagger as he watched her, its blade catching a glimmer of light as it moved between his right and left. She looked at her father, “House Tully has always been a house of their word…and I suppose Lord Benjicot has never given us any other reason to doubt his loyalties, otherwise. I do not see any reason to not see our agreement through.” She quietly explained, trying to feign some level of confidence as she sat up straight, squaring her shoulders. 
Her father paused, mouth opening as if he wanted to say something. Instead, he nodded, “It is settled then,” He muttered. “House Blackwood and Benjicot will be expected to fix this mess. We will see to it our end of the prior agreement—  that will be all for this afternoon.” He sighed, dismissively waving a hand. 
Despite his dismissal, the table did not yet move. Instead, they stared at him for a moment longer, sharing looks before they slowly began to stand; Serra finding a hand wrapping again around her elbow and gently squeezing. Her eyes found Alysanne looking at her, who offered her a small smile that she reciprocated with a forced, tight smile that dropped quickly, eager to get out of there as she pushed up from her chair. She moved with her head down as she gathered her skirts in her hands with a tight grip and shoved by the men who were slow to leave, a hushed whisper over the room. 
As she reemerged into the hallway, she was met by Alistair who waited for her; his head bowing as she approached. He was close on her heels as she hurried towards the stairs, wanting to put as much space between herself and the great hall as she could, and not look back -- she didn’t feel confident in her choice, but there would be no turning back now. She would be married in two days to Benjicot Blackwood. 
She wasn’t sure if she was nauseous with regret, but her hands felt clammy as they wiped against her bodice, her eyes focused straight ahead as she walked. She had barely made it two steps before she tripped over one of the stairs, catching herself with her hands against another step, her ribs colliding with the marble stairs as she tumbled forward and felt the air knocked from her lungs as she clung to the step; cold against her palms that screamed in agony as the dirt and stone embed itself into her hands, her face hot and red as she choked for air, “My Lady.” Alistair gasped, rushing forward. 
She felt his hands on her shoulders, hearing a rush of footsteps as Oscar appeared at her side, “Serra?” 
She shook her head, waving their hands away as Alistair withdrew his hands quickly; Oscar resting one against her spine, “I’m fine-- I am okay.” She breathed out, still trying to catch her breath as she awkwardly hurried back onto her feet. Her brother’s hands remained close, despite her words, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Should I call for the maester?” Alistair asked.
Oscar held her elbow as she wiped her hands off on her dress, scraped and red, but otherwise unharmed; her hair falling into her face as she smoothed out her clothing. She quickly shook her head, “Are you all right?” Oscar asked. 
“I am fine, I just…” She breathed. “It’s just been a long day, I am tired. It was a mistake.” She insisted. 
“Do you want us to get Maester Edric?” He asked. 
“No, I am fine. I just need rest.” Serra insisted. “Do not bother him, it was just a slip.” 
Oscar’s eyebrow rose, “Are you sure?” 
“I just want to go back to my room,” She pleaded. Her brother hesitantly nodded, waving Alistair back down as he laced her arm through his, beginning to lead her up the stairs; relief washing over her as she used her free hand to lift and brush back her hair when a shout echoed from the yard. 
“Fight back, you fucking coward!” Kermit screamed. 
Her wide-eyed gaze looked at her younger brother, his arm withdrawing from hers as he turned to look towards the front doors that sat open; the sound of shouting continued from the yard, “Alistair, take Serra to her rooms.” 
“What is that?” She asked. 
“Go to your room,” Her brother instructed. 
“No, wait—  let me come,” She begged, watching as he turned and bolted from the stairs. The men who had gathered in the foyer all appeared to hear the commotion too, turning to crane their heads towards the noise as they piled towards the yard, her father and Samwell shoving through them to rush outside along with Oscar. Her head was spinning, but she hurried down the stairs and past the men, using her elbows to shove through the mass; her cheeks burning as she felt Alistair reach for her to pull her away. 
“My lady!” 
She ran into her father’s back as he held out an arm to catch her, preventing her from going too far as she reached the front steps; her eyes over his shoulder, his hand grabbing her wrist and pinning her against his side. She had to lean around him, half stepping to the side and craning her head to watch as Kermit stood over Benjicot; several other men surrounding them on their horses and watching as Kermit struck the young Lord, whilst Benjicot knelt before him and visibly defeated as he took the hit. His head snapped to the side with such force it caused her to cringe, hair falling into his face and covering his eyes as he spit into the grass -- his nose was already pouring blood, staining the front of his shirt as her eldest brother circled him. 
“I said fight me, dammit!” 
Kermit’s foot rose, slamming into his shoulders from behind and knocking him forward into the grass. She let out a gasp, watching as Benjicot painfully writhed against the ground, struggling to push up onto his knees -- her brother panted, face screwed up in a rage, “Stop him!” Serra quietly cried out, desperately looking up at her father. He avoided her eyes, mouth ajar. Kermit stomped on Benjicot’s wrist, circling him again to stand before him.
“Get the fuck up!” Kermit screamed, bent over as he yelled. 
“He’s going to kill him.” Serra pleaded, gripping her father’s shoulder as she tried to shove past him, being pulled back by his arm again. 
“Wait.” Elmo insisted, his eyes still focused on the two boys. 
Benjicot’s head hung low as he brought a hand over his chest, gasping for air as he avoided lifting his eyes as he let out a weak, “No.”
She could see Kermit’s eyes widen, staring at him, dumbfounded, “You dishonour my sister, my house-- and now you won’t even fight me?” He asked.
“I will not fight ... my friend,” He panted, looking up at him. “I am innocent, I have done nothing to dishonour your house.” 
Her brother froze, shoulders tensing. His hand suddenly shot towards his hip, hand wrapping around the hilt of his sword and tearing it from its sheath to bring its sharp tip to his throat, forcing his chin upwards, “Liar!” 
“Kermit, that is enough!” Elmo finally ordered, releasing Serra and stepping down the stairs. 
Her brother stopped, his lunge cut short as he stared at Benjicot, holding each other’s gaze. Slowly, his eyes drifted towards the crowd that watched, his hand clenching so tight around the sword, his knuckles turned white as his hand shook, “Sheath your sword.” Their father instructed. 
Kermit hesitated, but did not yet lower his weapon, "Put it away." Elmo repeated, firmer this time. His mouth twitched, looking back and forth between his father and the Blackwood in front of him. The blade dropped quickly, Benjicot flinching as the tip nicked him as it dropped, his shoulders slumping whilst Kermit returned the sword to his sheath. There was a hushed series of whispers from the council, "Where have you been, boy?"
Benjicot collected himself before responding, his eyes moving with Kermit as he stormed away from him and towards his father, “The woods, my lord.” He admitted. 
“For the past two days?” Elmo asked.
Serra waited, her eyes on Kermit as he went to stand in front of her before she rushed forward, her feet dragging her toward Benjicot. She could feel the eyes on her back as she found herself at his side, kneeling beside him and immediately beginning to assess the small cut at his throat; the rich shade of blood oozing from the edges. Her head ducked, taking his chin into her hand, “Yes.” Benjicot breathlessly answered. 
“What has brought you back?” Her father asked. 
She glanced over her shoulder, meeting Kermit’s discontent stare as his hand remained at the sword on his hip. She looked back at Benjicot, finding his eyes as she quickly reached for the scarf that she had given him two days prior, tucked in his belt and hurrying to bring it to his throat against the wound.
“I have come to declare my innocence and clear my name.” He replied, his eyes tearing away from her. 
Elmo paused, “Speak, boy.” 
Benjicot pushed her hand away from his neck, visibly wincing as he shifted his weight to his left knee, "My lords, before you, I swear on the Old Gods and the New that I am innocent of these vile accusations that bind my name to Myrna Bracken. By the gods above and the earth below, I have not dishonoured my betrothed, Lady Serra, nor sullied my family’s honour with such treachery."
He paused, his breath laboured but his resolve unbroken. "Rodrik Bracken met his end by my hand, but it was no premeditated act of malice. It was in defence of the honour of House Blackwood and House Tully when he hurled false accusations and sought to drag Serra and I’s union. I struck him down in the heat of the moment, driven not by hatred, but by the duty to protect what is sacred—our families, our honour."
Benjicot's voice grew firmer as he continued, "But if there is doubt in your hearts, if my words are not enough, then let me prove my innocence by the blade. I stand here ready to offer my life, to face trial by combat, and to fight for the truth that lies within my soul. Should I fall, let it be known that I did so with loyalty to Serra and to House Tully, willing to sacrifice all to uphold the bonds that unite us."
His gaze swept over the assembly, his tone resolute. "I stand before you, not as a man seeking mercy, but as one committed to the truth. I will go to battle, and if need be, I will lay down my life to prove that my honour, my loyalty, and my dedication for Serra remain untainted and true."
Serra’s gaze had been fixed on him the entire time he spoke, hanging onto his every word; her heart pounding beneath her ribs and holding her breath. Once he was done speaking, her eyes shifted to look towards her father who watched him with narrowed eyes, his jaw clenching and scanning the boy in front of him from head to toe; weighing his words. 
“That will not be necessary for now,” Elmo finally replied after what felt like hours. It did not fall on deaf ears as Kermit scoffed and shoved his way back inside, finding Lord Robard scowling too at her father as he watched him from the corner of his eye, “Heed my warning, though, should you misstep again; I will have your head.” 
Benjicot nodded, a meek gesture as he slumped forward, visibly relieved as he fell into Serra’s side. Her hand came up to his chest, buried among the fabric of his clothing and becoming sticky with blood that dampened his shirts, holding him up as he let out a breath. She did not want to rush him to his feet as he wiped his nose which continued to bleed. 
Her father found her eyes, but he quickly averted them and turned away from her to head back inside. With the last of the men trickling in behind him, Serra sought Alistair, finding him by the doorway and already coming towards her, “Alistair, please help me-- help me bring him inside.” She pleaded as her arm slid under his and wrapped around his ribs. 
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“You do not have to mother me, Serra.” He sighed, wincing as she turned him by the cheek to dab a cloth against his cheekbone; swollen with a bruise that was already beginning to form. 
Her eyes remained on his face, focused and frowning as she uttered a soft ‘sh’. His nose had ceased bleeding finally after pinching it by the bridge, tender under her touch when they had returned to her room; ushering Alistair to the door. She knew it was risky to bring him to her room, but she felt there were no other options right now -- the councilmen still lingered, and her family hovered, eager to tear her away from him. She needed space to work away from prying eyes, refusing any further help she deemed unnecessary. 
She stood between his knees, with Benjicot planted on the edge of her bed and a cloth between his hands as his cloak had been tossed behind him. His eyes screwed shut, letting out a frustrated sigh as she wiped the blood from his face, a bowl of water nearby on a stool that she had pulled to her feet from in front of the fireplace that was lit. He had fared better than she worried besides a small cut to his face from where Kermit’s ring had made contact, bruised; a bloody nose, and the nick under his chin that she had since cleaned up to inspect. It, too, had already begun to clot and slow. However, she couldn’t help but wonder what lay underneath his clothing -- an idea that while not intended as sexual, still felt shameful and dirty to even cross her mind. She could only imagine the boot prints that littered his skin from where her brother kicked him similar to the one against his sword hand, not brave enough to even consider asking to check; but she knew he was tender and bruised beneath his clothing, having listened to him wince and cry out when she and Alistair dragged him up the stairs and down the halls to her room. 
“Stay still,” She quietly ordered, bringing the edge of the cloth to the angry red imprint just shy of his eye. 
Benjicot let out a hiss, flinching as his hand shot up to catch her by the wrist, “It’s fine.” He insisted. 
She huffed, dropping her hand to her side. Her hand blindly extended to dip into the bowl, ringing and squeezing out any excess water, “It’s not fine.” She replied, her eyes scanning his face. “You could have at least fought back. If you had just stayed and not gone to the borders, none of this would have happened. I told you no good would come of this.” 
“I couldn’t,” He said, looking up at her. “You know I couldn’t.” 
“And you think you were better off letting my brother nearly beat you to death? Going to the borders and making a mess of things? Are things not worse than they were?” She asked, scoffing. 
“He wouldn’t have killed me,” Benjicot replied, withdrawing when she attempted to bring the cloth back to his face -- she sighed and dropped her hand, shooting him a warning look. “He only did what I deserved. I had to go, you know that.” He said. 
He barely had time to react as her hand came up behind him, grabbing him by the nape and forcing his head forward, the cloth coming up to his nose to dab at some dried blood at the edge of his nostril, “You think you deserve death?” She asked, her voice hardly above a mutter. 
“Maybe,” He admitted. 
“I doubt that.” 
“You don’t know what I did.” 
She hesitated, her eyes briefly meeting his, “I know enough.” She said, resuming her actions. They were both quiet for a moment, her touch delicate as she gently scrubbed him clean, “What did he even do to provoke such violence?” She finally asked. 
The thought of violence always felt unnecessary to her -- it never seemed warranted, unless there was some threat that was life or death. It had been a thought that lingered in the back of her head since the news had reached Raventree, but she never quite dared to ask. But something about their isolated presence, away from the noise of councilmen and the watchful eye of her father, left her with just enough to finally ask now that they were alone.
“You know enough,” He replied, throwing her words back in her face. She pressed against his nose, deliberate and annoyed, earning a hiss. “Don’t be like that.” He warned, attempting to withdraw from her again. 
“I am just trying to understand you, Benjicot.” She shot back, ceasing her actions. “Did it have anything to do with his sister?” 
He looked up at her, hesitating, “He said something about how you were to be married to Aeron and some other stupid shit.” He said, dismissing the topic. Serra was not oblivious to how he avoided the question. 
“What of it?” She asked. 
“Aeron and I.” She calmly asked, gesturing him forward again. He was reluctant, relenting with a sigh and letting her turn his face from one side to the next, moving his hair out of the way to scan for any other marks, “What of it?”
“I don’t know.” He answered. “Is it true?” 
He looked at her, his right eye twitching as he appeared visibly confused by her honesty, “It was long before the prospect of you and me when I was ten-and-five.” She explained, voice softening. “My father only meant to get me away from Riverrun after my mother had passed, he wanted to protect me from his grief. I spent weeks begging him not to, and to let me stay.” 
“And he changed his mind?” 
She smiled, a small half-smile that did not quite reach her eyes as she looked down at him, “No. Kermit convinced him to reconsider. I was not ready to leave Riverrun and he knew that better than anyone.” 
Her hand dropped from his face, the hand at his nape finding rest on his shoulder, “Did you ever wish things turned out differently and that you had married him?” He asked. 
Her smile faltered, “Yes, at one point.” She admitted, causing his eyebrows to shoot up. Her shoulders shook with a laugh as her smile returned, “You have not exactly been the…easiest man to warm up to.” 
His mouth opened, tempted to challenge her but he knew she was right -- there was no denying that he had been difficult and terrible since she had arrived. How she overlooked it baffled him. He let out a short laugh, a choked sound as he rolled his eyes, “And now? Do you think you would have been happier with him?” He asked after a moment. 
“Mm,” She hummed. “I’m not sure. If it had been by my choice, I would have been happy living in a small, modest home in the woods, away from the chaos of politics and men.” She said, her voice lilting with humour. 
She brought her hand back up, touching the cloth to his eye one last time. He grabbed her wrist again, stopping her, “I’m serious.” He said, searching her eyes.
She blinked, gaze averting towards the writing table that had been shoved against the wall. She seemed to think about it, narrowing her eyes for half a second before her eyes returned to him, “I would not change anything.” Serra softly answered. “I think I have come to accept it and be happy with things as they are-- good and bad, I am content.” 
Benjicot felt a sense of relief at her words, nodding slowly. 
 She set down the cloth back into its bowl of water, the liquid now pink with blood, as she eyed his face; observing the bruises and wounds of her brother. She had yet to step back from her place between his legs, but there seemed to be an invisible string that held her there, tethered to him and lifting a hand to touch just below the wound beneath his eye with a light thumb that still elicited a wince of pain as his eyebrows furrowed whilst his eyes shut briefly. He sucked in a breath through his nose, his face turning away from her, "Sorry." She softly said, withdrawing her hand quickly.
“No, it’s okay,” he said, voice quiet amidst the room. His eyes slowly opened, squinting as he looked up at her, finding her gaze still on his face, “thank you.” 
“For?” She replied. 
“For being so kind to me. I know I don’t deserve it.” He admitted, a hand coming up to rest on her hip. Her gaze lowered towards the small bit of space between them. 
“I think you’ve been handed enough cruelty in your life, Benjicot.” She softly said, her left hand rising boldly to touch his forehead, brushing back the overgrown hair that hung there in his face as she found his eyes again. Her hand dropped, fingers tracing along the shape of his face and outlining his cheekbone; Benjicot’s gaze remained on her. A flush of colour spread across his cheeks, mouth parting as though he wanted to speak, but rendered silent as his eyes closed, inhaling deeply and embracing the warmth of her touch. There were very few things in the realm that could silence him, but something about the gentleness of her hand accomplished it as he leaned into it, face turning towards her palm and letting out a sigh. Her hand fully cupped his cheek, her other hand lifting to mirror it and holding his face between them as her thumbs skimmed over the skin beneath them. 
Up close, she finally had an opportunity to observe him for all that he was — though it had only been two days since she had seen him, she felt he was changed; both in the way he carried himself and his appearance. The boyish, clean-shaven appearance having been abandoned in the woods, and returning a man-grown, the facial hair that peppered his chin and spread across his upper lip alluded to maturity. Her right thumb brushed his cheek, prickled by stubble as the pad of the digit glided across the skin. Up close, she admired the imperfections that made Benjicot the man he was. From the scar that stretched from his upper lip to nose, his crooked nose — and the eyes, striking and green in the light as they opened to look up at her, his shoulders rising and falling with a deep breath. 
He stood suddenly, towering over her and nearly driving her back into the stool that held the bowl of bloodied water, his hands lifting to hold her waist — his hold was loose, and bordering cautious as though he was trying to be as delicate with her as possible. His gaze never left her face as he moved, her left hand moving to absentmindedly rest against his bicep as she stared up at him, her eyebrows furrowing and using her other hand to plant against his shoulder. She watched in silence as his gaze scanned her face, slow and taking in every feature with such intensity, that it felt almost too intimate a moment for an unwed couple to share — the whole situation could appear questionable should anyone have barged in at that moment, the pair of them clinging to one another, alone and heavy breathing. One hand rose to cup her face, drawing her closer to him until his breath fanned hot across her lips, her ribs pressed against his as she sucked in a deep breath. 
His mouth pressed to hers with such force it caused her to stumble back a step, only steadied by his hands as his kiss practically sucked the air from her lungs, the hand at his shoulder finding the nape of his neck. Serra was half dragged onto the balls of her feet, falling into him as her fingers dug themselves into the root of his hair, desperate to ground herself somehow as she clutched onto him as if her life depended on it — the actions earned a carnal moan that reverberated from deep within his chest, his hands creeping up to the small of her back. She felt the way he pulled her into him, like he was trying to embed her in his skin, desperate for closeness whilst she melted in his hands as his mouth found her throat. The foreign sensation set her skin ablaze, her mouth falling agape as his lips trailed down her throat and claimed her like he had any right, his hands tugging at her skirts and manhandling her. She let out a soft sigh as the cool air that permeated her room tickled the back of her thighs, her dress being tugged upwards when Benjicot stepped forward with his knee pressing between her legs, his fingers rough against the soft skin of her thighs, calloused and desperate. 
A knock echoed through the room, causing the two of them to jump, Serra breaking away from him first. She shoved his hands off her thighs, pushing her skirt back down and smoothing over the fabric as Alistair spoke up, “My lady?” He called from outside the door. 
There was a pause as she stared at Benjicot, wide-eyed and red-faced, with heavy breathing and flushed cheeks as she stumbled back and away from him. Benjicot was visibly dishevelled as he withdrew, leaning into her bed and mouth agape, sucking in air as he caught his breath, “Yes, Alistair?” Serra asked, breathless as she smoothed out her clothing and reached for the cloth that had been abandoned in the bowl. 
The door slowly opened, revealing the guard who had spent the past several days at her heel, his eyes immediately finding her and hesitating — he glanced at Benjicot who avoided his eyes by looking down at the floor, “I…have given you as much time as I can spare.” Ser Alistair said, looking back at her. “It is getting late. Lord Blackwood should be getting back to his chambers before anyone begins to question his absence.” He quietly explained, his gaze still fixed on the young Lord, who finally dared to look up; his mouth twitching, darting to glance up at Serra who let out a breath. 
She nodded, “Of course.” 
Benjicot stood, turning to collect his cloak that sat on her bed and taking it with him, “We were all done here, anyways,” He said, brushing past her and not giving her another glance as he made his way towards the door. “Thank you, Alistair.” He quietly said as he passed him and exited the room. The guard nodded, his eyes following him out the door as Serra dropped the rag back into the bowl of water and wiped her hands off on her dress. 
Alistair blinked a couple of times, unmoving but silent as she gathered the bowl and took a deep breath, sighing aloud as she approached him, “Could you discard this for me? I must be getting ready for bed.” She said, struggling to find his eyes. 
He took the bowl from her, his face creasing with a purse of his mouth and furrowing his brows, “My lady, if I may…speak plainly.” He quietly spoke. 
She paused, eyeing his face, “Yes, of course.” 
He avoided her eyes for a moment, clearing his throat, “I would advise you to be careful with…the time you spend alone with Lord Blackwood.” He slowly said. Serra felt the colour drain from her face as she frowned, “It could appear improper, is what I mean to say— should anyone question it.”
He knew.  Serra felt stupid enough to think he wouldn’t know or figure it out somehow. 
“Are you going to mention tonight to anyone?” She asked, her voice small with worry.
Alistair eyed her, his eyes finding hers. His features softened, “No. But it cannot happen again, I cannot guarantee I can protect you a second time should your father or brothers ask.”
Serra finally let out a sigh of relief, withdrawing and wiping her hands against her skirt again, though she radiated anxiety as she nodded, “Thank you.” 
Alistair’s head bowed, “Of course, my lady.” 
She watched as he turned and left, leaving her alone finally in her room and overcome with worry. Despite his words, she still felt a sense of unease as the door closed and turned to retreat towards her bed. She turned slowly, leaning back to sit down and flop into the bed, her arms at her side — though the action was disturbed by something pressing into her leg. She reached down, her hand blindly searching the blankets for a moment before her fingers met the cool metal; bringing it up into view and turning it in the light. Her eyes scanned the pin used to fasten a man’s cloak, recognizing the Bracken sigil as she turned it in between her fingers. She sat up from the bed, her feet planted against the ground as she pulled herself from the comfort of her blankets; her feet guiding her towards the fireplace. 
Her eyes turned towards the door momentarily as she stopped in front of the fire, warming her skin; listening for any sign of life beyond her room. When she was confident in the silence that she found, she looked back, her eyes on the flames as her hand propelled forward to toss the pin in; allowing the fire to engulf it.
TAGLIST: @username199945
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I think Alayne was very lucky marrying Vaemond💀 he seems a good husband and a good friend; because you know... when your family are the Targaryens and you are a girl, expect tragedy and pain😭, especially under Jaehaerys and Alyssa(they were good monarchs but awful parents-the fact they reconcile thanks to their daughter, shows their immaturity) and if Alayne will slander them, mentally, I would be like
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Yeah I would say considering how horrific marriages can be in general for women, but especially in this universe, she got pretty lucky. They came into the marriage wanting the same thing - to have kids. Whether it be bc a sense of purpose missing, a legacy to continue, or just societal pressures - they were likeminded which can be hard to find. Vaemond will fall in the same trappings all men in this story does eventually. The same way Alayne will have to maneuver a world puposely set up against her just like every other woman. But they are on the same page for the most part. Not an easy feat I would say.
And yes, there will be Jaehaerys (and Alysanne - but a lot of the former) digs. One is the reasons I made Alayne related to them was to explore that dynamic more (also to have Maeve be a dragon rider tbh). I feel like there is such a weird gap between the alysanne/Jaehaerys to viserys era. A lot of that could be how quickly the succession was called into question with baelon and aemon’s deaths. Plus the gaggle of kids. But there is a clear parallel between Jaehaerys and Viserys apparently being ‘peacemakers’ but leading to downfall of their house. The same way there is a parallels to the trappings both Rhaenyra and Aegon fall into.
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horizon-verizon · 14 days
Targ stans (sadly, Fire & Blood opened the gates for Daenerys’ haters to claim an irrelevant and unremarkable character as their favorite from House Targaryen, and yes, I’m including Team Black) genuinely act like GRRM came up with the Targaryens BEFORE Daenerys and just coincidentally had Aegon the Conqueror, Aegon III, Queen Rhaenys, Alysanne, Rhaena the Black Bride saying or doing the same or similar things as Daenerys.
Like do they think GRRM wrote Daenerys saying “a queen must listen to all, the highborn and the low…” in ASOS (2000) and then wrote Alysanne saying “above all else, a queen must know how to listen” in Fire & Blood (2018) but came up with Alysanne first ?
What came first in the GRRM’s head, Daenerys visiting the sick, bathing them with her hands, burying them with her own hands, feeding them water from her own skin (ACOK 1999, ADWD 2011), her people thinking her touch is magic (ASOS, 2000), or Aegon III visiting those stricken by the Winter Fever, sitting beside them, holding their hands and cooling their fevers with damp cloths, those who survived speaking of Aegon’s “healing hands” (Fire & Blood, 2018).
It is incredible to me that they are so stupid and illiterate that they think an in universe historical volume that GRRM wrote just for fun is somehow more important than the events of ASOIAF proper. These are people calling themselves book readers. And again, these dweebs are the only idiots brave enough to spew this bs in the fandom. No Stark fan thinks Brandon the Builder came before Bran Stark in GRRM’s head. Every Stark stan knows that the historical Brandons were ALL built around Ned and Catelyn’s son.
House Targaryen is solely centered around Daenerys and definitely not the other way around, when will shippers and braindead bitches ever get this fact drilled into their heads ?
Exactly, like yes watsonianly/in-world Daenerys would have never existed without any of her ancestors....that's just logical and so obvious it's insulting how people feel the need to point that out to just shut down any discourse abt why Dany herself is special.
It's just plain fact that Dany herself was CONCIEVED AND CREATED before any of her ancestors were and they are written as they are in F&B, PatQ, AWoIaF because GRRM wanted to bring some form of heritage and background that provides more meaning & urgency to Dany's present plot. Yes those Targs have impressive feats or interesting stories of ther own, but they have those because those are meant to explain Dany and Westeros and the relationship there on both sides. Historically and personally.
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gulnarsultan · 8 months
Hey I was wondering if you could do a yandere Daemon targaryen x fem reader where the reader is a knight but like a quiet and kept to her self if not that's ok and if this makes you uncomfortable an any way I'm sorry and thank you
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Hello. You don't bother me, dear.😊 I hope you like it.
Years ago, good Queen Alysanne ordered the creation of a female guard to prevent the attack she experienced during her first pregnancy from happening again. In a way, this union saved the lives of many women in difficult situations. Women from many places joined the female guards union. You were one of those who joined this union. Frankly, everyone's reason for participating was different and the goals were the same. It was his only duty to protect the women of the royal family. One evening, you went to the city to meet some needs. You accidentally hit someone. When you looked up, you didn't expect to see Prince Daemon in front of you.
"My prince. I'm sorry."
You started to walk past him. However, a hand stopped you by grabbing your shoulder.
"Why are you running away, beautiful?"
"I'm sorry, my Prince. I have to go."
"Next time I won't let you go so easily."
You didn't like the prince flirting with you at all. That's why you appeared before King Viserys tomorrow morning. You asked him to warn his brother. King Viserys took your request into consideration and warned his brother. But Daemon would not beg his brother. When had he ever listened to others anyway? Never.
After finishing your duties, you returned to your room in the evening. After removing your armor, you filled the tub with hot water. A slight moan escaped your mouth when you entered the hot water. You started massaging her shoulders.
"If you agree to be mine, you will never have to work for anyone."
You flinched at the sudden voice. You noticed Prince Daemon was in your room.
"What are you doing here ?"
"Did you think Viserys could stop me?"
"Come out, Prince. Now."
"Don't be so angry, honey. Besides, I think we can share the same bathroom. Women are ready to kill one by one for a husband who can provide a perfect life like me."
"If you don't come out right away, I won't hesitate to cut you in half with my sword."
"I'm dating. Calm down. You'll eventually accept me."
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fireismine · 11 months
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Day 4: Character Parallels → Rhaena the Black Bride and Daenerys Stormborn
The Queen in the West:
In the Red Keep of King’s Landing sat the Queen Regent Alyssa, widow of the late King Aenys, mother to his son Jaehaerys, and wife to the King’s Hand, Rogar Baratheon. Just across Blackwater Bay on Dragonstone, a younger queen had arisen when Alyssa’s daughter Alysanne, a maid of thirteen years, had pledged her troth to her brother King Jaehaerys, against the wishes of her mother and her mother’s lord husband. And far to the west on Fair Isle, with the whole width of Westeros separating her from both mother and sister, was Alyssa’s eldest daughter, the dragonrider Rhaena Targaryen, widow of Prince Aegon the Uncrowned. In the westerlands, riverlands, and parts of the Reach, men were already calling her the Queen in the West. - A Surfeit of Rulers, Fire and Blood
Dany knew she would take more than a hundred, if she took any at all. "Remind your Good Master of who I am. Remind him that I am Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, trueborn queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. My blood is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror, and of old Valyria before him." - Daenerys II, A Storm of Swords
Three Husbands:
Rhaena was married to Aegon the Uncrowned, Maegor the Cruel and Androw Farman.
Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly. A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness. . . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . . – Daenerys IV, A Clash of Kings
The Queen in the East:
“Done,” the king said…mayhaps too hastily, for it must be remembered that Aerea Targaryen, a girl of eight, was his own acknowledged successor, heir apparent to the Iron Throne. The consequences of this decision would not be known for years to come, however. For the nonce it was done, and the Queen in the West at a stroke became the Queen in the East. - A Time of Testing: The Realm Remade, Fire and Blood
"The best calumnies are spiced with truth," suggested Qavo, "but the girl's true sin cannot be denied. This arrogant child has taken it upon herself to smash the slave trade, but that traffic was never confined to Slaver's Bay. It was part of the sea of trade that spanned the world, and the dragon queen has clouded the water. Behind the Black Wall, lords of ancient blood sleep poorly, listening as their kitchen slaves sharpen their long knives. Slaves grow our food, clean our streets, teach our young. They guard our walls, row our galleys, fight our battles. And now when they look east, they see this young queen shining from afar, this breaker of chains. The Old Blood cannot suffer that. Poor men hate her too. Even the vilest beggar stands higher than a slave. This dragon queen would rob him of that consolation." - Tyrion VI, A Dance with Dragons
Refusing to Cry
When word of the battle reached the west and Princess Rhaena learned that both her husband and her friend Lady Melony had fallen, it is said she heard the news in a stony silence. “Will you not weep?” she was asked, to which she replied, “I do not have the time for tears.” - The Sons of the Dragon, Fire and Blood
His business done, the captain of the Indigo Star bowed and took his leave. Dany shifted uncomfortably on the ebony bench. She dreaded what must come next, yet she knew she had put it off too long already. Yunkai and Astapor, threats of war, marriage proposals, the march west looming over all . . . I need my knights. I need their swords, and I need their counsel. Yet the thought of seeing Jorah Mormont again made her feel as if she'd swallowed a spoonful of flies; angry, agitated, sick. She could almost feel them buzzing round her belly. I am the blood of the dragon. I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears. "Tell Belwas to bring my knights," Dany commanded, before she could change her mind. "My good knights." - Daenerys VI, A Storm of Swords
Gains Confidence After Bonding with a Dragon:
At the age of nine, however, Rhaena was presented with a hatchling from the pits of Dragonstone, and she and the young dragon she named Dreamfyre bonded instantly. With her dragon beside her, the princess slowly began to grow out of her shyness; at the age of twelve she took to the skies for the first time, and thereafter, though she remained a quiet girl, no one dared to call her timid. - The Sons of the Dragon, Fire and Blood
Day followed day, and night followed night, until Dany knew she could not endure a moment longer. She would kill herself rather than go on, she decided one night … Yet when she slept that night, she dreamt the dragon dream again. Viserys was not in it this time. There was only her and the dragon. Its scales were black as night, wet and slick with blood. Her blood, Dany sensed. Its eyes were pools of molten magma, and when it opened its mouth, the flame came roaring out in a hot jet. She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her and temper her and scour her clean. She could feel her flesh sear and blacken and slough away, could feel her blood boil and turn to steam, and yet there was no pain. She felt strong and new and fierce. And the next day, strangely, she did not seem to hurt quite so much. It was as if the gods had heard her and taken pity. Even her handmaids noticed the change. "Khaleesi," Jhiqui said, "what is wrong? Are you sick?" "I was," she answered, standing over the dragon's eggs that Illyrio had given her when she wed. She touched one, the largest of the three, running her hand lightly over the shell. Black-and-scarlet, she thought, like the dragon in my dream. The stone felt strangely warm beneath her fingers … or was she still dreaming? She pulled her hand back nervously. - Daenerys III, A Game of Thrones
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If requests are still open I’d like to request a fic where Maegor marries Aenys’ second oldest daughter, after his death.
A/N: I hope you like this! Requests are always open!
pairing: Fanon!Maegor Targaryen x Reader
summary: Maegor marries Aenys’ second oldest daughter, after his death.
Word count: 2,5K
Warnings: Angst, forced marriage, a little rape, smut
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
You trembled under the heated gaze of your uncle ceasing you up along with your mother and siblings. He had just usurped the throne for himself instead of letting your brother Aegon take it who was currently stuck along with your sister Rhaena in Casterly Rock.
"That crown is not yours to wear!" Your mother glared at him. He only smirked and turned to look at his mother standing stoically beside him. You were the second child of your father and mother being only a year younger than Rhaena and two older than Aegon.
"And it is your child of a son's?" Maegor asked crossing his legs with his ankle on his lap. He looked intimidating enough without having to try with his height and muscles but seeing him with your grandfather's crown on his head and wearing his amor he looked deadly.
"Yes!" Your mother screamed. Your younger brothers Viserys and Jaehaerys sought safety in your arms. You held them close to your body with a hand on each of their backs trying your hardest to comfort them but it was hard when you were scared yourself. Alysanne was in the arms of her wet nurse also shaking in dear.
Your heart dropped when your uncle's eyes trailed to you. His eyes had an evil glint in them that made you want to hurl yourself out of the window in fear.
"Hmmm, I have a solution" He said turning back to look at your mother. She straightened her back as politics took over her mind.
"What could excuse this behaviour?" She asked. Her arms crossed in front of her and her eyebrows pinched closer to one another, she was more Queen Alyssa than your mother in that moment.
"Wed your second eldest to me and I will let you leave in peace" He answered. Rolling his neck a little to look at his mother who nodded approvingly. You took a step back pulling your brothers with you. Your mother turned to look at you noticing the fear in your eyes and the tears streaming down your face already over losing your father. Her gaze hardened however when she looked at your siblings. You begged her in your head to refuse.
"And the throne?" She turned back around to look at Maegor. Visenya's eyes trailed to you, you were young and naive. She would enjoy watching how her son will fair with a wife like you.
"Will go to the heir produced off this union" He answered. He uncrossed his legs leaning forward a little. The maester standing in the corner muttered under his breath of this abomination, first your siblings wed and Maegor had two wives now he wanted to get a third wife who was his niece as well.
"What if one of your other wives produced an heir first?" Your mother uncrossed her arms. She stepped closer to Maegor.
"Mother" Your voice was filled with horror. She was ready to sacrifice you for her own safety and your siblings instead of finding a solution to save you all.
"Hush child" It was Visenya who spoke to you. Your eyes watered even more. Now it was you leaning on your brothers with your arms around their shoulders for support.
"They will be behind our children in line" Maegora assured her. You gulped when his eyes glanced at you. You could feel the cruelty creeping off of him. He was no man, he was a monster.
"Deal" Your mother's voice rang through your head, the sound of diplomacy. Her words echoed in your head as the maids forced you into a dress meant for a Valyrian wedding. Her cold stare made you shiver as Queen Visenya officiated your wedding to your uncle. Her quick and cold hug made you cry before she and your siblings left you to the mercy of your uncle.
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"Endure it" Was all Visenya said before leaving you alone in your room. She had helped you change from the ceremonial dress to a sheer night gown. You felt exposed and dirty. Your uncle had forbade the bedding ceremony, saying you were of blood of the dragon and no one should see you in that state.
Your blood ran cold either way when the doors to the room opened and your uncle stepped inside. Your eyes did not leave your own reflection in the mirror as you brushed through your hair. You wanted to stay there and then, imagning it was your warm mother doing it instead of the cold one who had left you earlier that day along with your siblings.
"You look breathtaking, ābrazȳrys" Wife. Your uncle's voice dripped arousal. Your hand holding the comb froze but you kept your gaze on yourself feeling self pity rise in your chest.
"Aren't you going to answer your husband?" He questioned. His large hand rested on your shoulder squeezing almost painfully. You finally found the courage to raised your gaze and look at him through the mirror. He looked the part of a tyrant as good as he played.
"Thank you, valzȳrys" Husband. Your voice was monotone but still you could hear the fear in it. Your mother had told you how it went after marriage, what was expected of you and the act to produce an heir that was very much need being a huge part in the deal between your now husband and your mother.
"Much better, zaldrītsos" Little dragon. His hand trailed down around your neck showing just how big he was and how easily he could overpower you if you even though to disobey. Then it trailed down over your breasts giving each one of them a squeeze, painful enough to make your eyes tear up.
"Shhh, zaldrītsos, uncle will take care of you" Little dragon. He whispered. He enjoyed watching you squirm in pain. His hand trailed down to your middle cupping your cunt. In one swift move he stood up straight and pulled you to your feet.
"Answer me!" He glared heatedly at you. Every nerve in your body twitched with fear.
"Sorry, valzȳrys" Husband. You whimpered. He smirked darkly like he just won a prize. His hand bunched up your night gown and pulled it over your head and threw it some where in the room.
"Much better, zaldrītsos" Little dragon. He pushed you against the wall beside the vanity table. Your eyes widened as he made quick word to undo his his belt and pushed down his trousers. Your mother said it should be in the bed but you were nowhere near it.
"Jump" He ordered. You were confused having never down or seen anything like this. Your gaze was locked on his shaft seeing how big it was, normal for a man his size.
He huffed annoyed wrapping his arms under your thighs and pulled you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. He leaned his head on your shoulder sucking harshly, he wanted to mark you and show everyone who you belonged to. His sucking moved up your neck and then moved to the other side of your neck. You could not help but feel pleasure form the action.
"Uncle" You moaned as he bit down on your pulse point. Fingers running through his short silver-blonde hair the same color as yours.
"Yes, let the whole keep hear, niece" he pulled back to smirk at you. Your eyes widened when he lined his cock with your entrance.
"You're wet" He pointed out. You had not realised that his actions had aroused you. You gulped looking down watching as his head pushed. He paused his movement to pull your head up so you would look at him instead.
"Look at me, keep your eyes on me" he ordered. You nodded loosing all ability to speak from the fear. Your eyes watered as the pain hit you when he pushed fully in breaking your maidenhead.
"It hurts" You cried not daring to take your eyes off of him. A tear rolled down your cheek but your uncle was quick in licking it off your cheek. Only then when he was the one to break eye contact did you allow your eyes to close and leaned your head back against the wall.
"It will go away" He promised, surprisingly gentle. He held you close as he moved off the wall cock still deeply seated inside of you. He laid you down on the bed seeking your comfort. You opened your eyes to look at him with acceptance.
"Move, valzȳrys" Husband. You gave him permission not like he needed it, he could have gotten what he wanted already but chose to wait for you. Maybe this marriage would not be the worst thing you had to live through.
"Oh is my byka ābrazȳrys, needy?" Little wife. He teased. He pulled out slowly eyes never leaving yours. Your hands snaked around his neck and then down his back feeling every muscle there flex under your touch. A moan emitted from your lips as he pushed back in.
"Needy syt ñuha rōva valzȳrys" Needy for my big husband. You found enough confidence to tease him back. He threw his head back as he laughed at your words. His pace also grew faster but not enough for him to be slamming in you but more like rocking back and forth.
"how scandalous byka ābrazȳrys! nyke gōntan daor gīmigon īlē such iā witty byka run" How scandalous little wife! I did not know you were such a witty little thing. He leaned his head down to mouth at your chest. Your nippled pebbled as his tongue licked over them. He latched and sucked hungrily.
"Qogralbar nyke hae ao nūmāzma ziry, valzȳrys" Fuck me like you mean it, husband. Your urged growing frustrated with his slowly and calculated moves. He did not respond too busy sucking on your nipple but he pulled out of you slowly but slammed back in roughly making you cry out.
"Hae bisa?" Like this? He questioned pulling away far enough to see your face. You nodded your head eagerly. Pleasure coursed through your body with each stroke of his cock inside your warm and velvety walls.
"Sepār hae bona" Just like that. You whimpered. He picked up the pace slamming into you painfully but you loved it. A scream of his name ripped through your throat. One of your hands trailed up to his hair needing to hold onto something while the other one trailed down to his bottom almost as if you wanted to assist him with his movement.
"Jurnegon rȳ nyke" Look at me. He ordered, tone growing harsher and more king like. You understood now why Maegor would be a much better king than Aegon or maybe you were just brainwashed by his cock.
"Open aōha relgos sweat ābrazȳrys" Open your mouth sweet wife. You obeyed, sticking out your tongue for good measure. He smirked before pursing his lips and spitting on your tongue. You moaned when you felt the warm liquid touch your tongue but kept your tongue out either way. His hips slammed at a faster pace inside of you.
"Swallow" He said in the common tongue. You obeyed again like a puppet on a string. He groaned feeling his peak closing in on him.
"Valzȳrys kostilus, mirros iksis happening" Husband please, something is happening. Your moans sounded heavenly in his ears. He was sure the entire Keep could hear you two, hear how good he was fucking and how good your cunt was receiving him.
"Cum dōna ābrazȳrys" Sweet wife. Was what made the damn break. Lips touch your ear with each letter, breath tickling your neck and then his tongue licked a strip down to your breasts. His cock hammered inside of you despite your screams of pleasure. Your juices gushed out, squirting onto Maegor's cock, abdomen and the bed, some of it was a pinkish colour having been mixed with your maidenhead blood.
"Ñuha vok ābrazȳrys" My perfect wife. He moaned his release washing over him as well. All his movement stopped and he stilled inside of you shooting rope after rope of his hot seed into your womb.
"Kessa cum isse nyke, nūmo nyke se mazverdagon nyke hōzigon lēda aōha riña, uncle, valzȳrys, ñuha dārys" Yes cum in me, seed me and make me swell with your child, uncle, husband, my king. You moaned feeling aroused still despite squirting only moments ago. Maegor's cock surprisingly did not soften after his orgasm. His stamina was not shocking at all.
"Oh pāsagon nyke kesan, kesan qogralbar ao lēda hen ñuha cum ēva aōha belly swells hen se amount se skori ao jiōragon ziry mirre hen aōha belly would iēdrosa sagon lēda hen ñuha vok zaldrīzes blooded riñar, dōna ābrazȳrys, niece, ñuha dāria" Oh believe me I will, I will fuck you full of my cum until your belly swells from the amount and when you get it all out your belly would still be full of my pure dragon blooded children, sweet wife, niece, my queen. Maegor never imagined that his sweet, naive and innocent niece would be this twisted.
You clenched around him feeling a second orgasm wash over you with only a couple of strokes but it was his words that had made you peak and not his cock.
"Kesan sikagon ao hae naenie heirs hae jaelā, iā gār se olvie tolī lo ao jaelagon" I will birth you as many heirs as you want, a hundred and much more if you wish. Both of your hands were on his ass now pushing attempting to push him deeper inside of you. Your mind was filled with two things only, him and his cock.
"Sȳz ābrazȳrys" good wife. His voice sounded strained, he was still sensitive from the first orgasm and was holding back with all his might to not spill inside of you again until you had reached your peak a third time.
"Fuck!" Your body shook when his finger reached down to your numb rubbing it gently unlike his cock's movement. Your head fell back on the mattress and your eyes rolled back. Feeling possessed and unable to stop the shaking when you felt his hot seed spurt inside of you triggering your third orgasm.
"Īlon're isse syt iā Bantāzma, ābrazȳrys" We're in for a long night, wife. Maegor chuckled. Hums left your lips sounding like growls from your chest as you came down still shaking with each movement. You cried out when he pulled his cock out.
"Iksan mirre aōhon" I'm all yours. You whispered finally having some control over your body. Maegor smirked sitting back on his knees and pulled your hands away from his bottom before leaning back down to hold them with of his above your head.
"Se nyke'll mazverdagon sure tolvys knows bona" And I'll make sure everyone knows that. He grinded his hips against you, rubbing his hard erection against your sensitive hole. Your body jolted at the touch whining with fear and excitement of what was to come.
"Skorkydoso glaesā iēdrosa qopsa" How are you still hard. Your question made him laugh darkly. He leaned down to capture your lips in a heated kiss for the first since this entire ordeal began.
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