#am I going to bc chatting with a person is anxiety inducing and I’d rather try to fix everything myself and have at least 3 breakdowns
why-the-heck-not · 1 year
me waking up from my stress induced dreams, frothing with hate, ready to fuck up fix my laptops or die trying
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Teach or Be Taught
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Genre: elementary school teacher!Jaehyun, elementary school teacher!reader, fluff, gender neutral
Word Count: 7.2k
Excerpt: “Here, you can lean on my shoulder. You have like forty-five minutes to take a nap.” He scoots a little closer, supplying you with the maximum amount of comfort he can. You thank him quietly, nuzzling into his side while leaning your head on his shoulder. Jaehyun looks down at you, admiring every eyelash, every freckle, every part of you his eyes can reach. He’s never been in love before, but he swears this is what it feels like.
A/N: I tried a different writing style (which is heavily inspired by @dreaminghaos hi i love your writing style sm I aspire to be like you) bc why not???
Day 1 [8:00 am]
First days are the epitome of all things anxiety inducing. Meeting new people, trying to make said new people like you, all while in a new environment: any anti-social person’s worst nightmare. Every first day of school nerves never failed to bubble up in your throat, palms growing sweaty from mild fear. And, right at this moment, you feel as though your heart is going to fall out of your ass. You know this is what you’ve been waiting for, spending years at uni to work yourself up to that coveted teaching certificate. Now, you have that certificate as well as a job to go with it. Speaking of which…
You’re stood in front of the entryway, wringing your hands together, unable to shake yourself free of your anxieties. The door opened, revealing a tall middle aged woman who beckons you over. Slowly you make your way over, wiping your dampened hands on the front of your pants.
“Are you the new second grade teacher?” She inquires, looking you over.
“Ah, yes. My name is Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” You give her a small bow.
“You’re here bright and early, aren’t you? Come on, I’ll show you to your classroom!” She smiles brightly, holding the door open wider to usher you inside. “I’m Han Ana, Mrs. Han to the kids. I’ve been teaching the fourth grade here for about twenty years now.”
You balk at her revelation, feeling like a child next to her. She leads you through the halls, chatting happily about the school before stopping in front of a room.
“Here, room 202 is all yours. You can situate yourself for now, but there’s an all staff meeting in twenty before the kids get here. It’ll be in the staff lounge downstairs. If you need any help I’m right down the hall in 204!” She leaves you at your classroom and you make your way inside. It’s your typical classroom, small desks in rows with one larger sat in the front. You place your bag and laptop on the front desk and open the shades covering the windows. Sunlight bursts throughout the room as you make your way around, inspecting every inch while rearranging desks where needed.
[8:18 am]
You glance up at the clock, only to find that you have less than two minutes to make it to the staff meeting. You race out the door, nearly falling down the stairs before you finally make it to the lounge. Every pair of eyes is on you as soon as you enter and you flush, ducking your head and sitting down next to Ana at one of the many round tables placed precariously around the room.
The staff meeting doesn’t last very long and you’re left with a good half hour before you need to get back to your classroom. Unsure as to what you should do next, you glance nervously around the table you’re sat at. All the unfamiliar faces make your head spin, each of them in their own conversations. Just as you’re about to get up and leave, Ana perks up.
“Oh, right! This is our new teacher, Y/n! They’re taking over for Mr. Park.”
“Thank god, that old man was really getting on my nerves.” A voice pipes up from across the table, pulling laughter from your coworkers.
“You look rather young, Y/n, how old are you?”
“I’m twenty-four. Just graduated a few months ago.” You flush as everyone gawks at you.
“Looks like you’re no longer our youngest teacher, Jaehyun. Think you’re ok with that?”
“I can live with it.” A deep voice chuckles a few seats away from you, and you turn to find the source. His eyes are already on yours and he greets you with a kind smile. “I’m Jung Jaehyun, previous youngest staff in the school. I’m also teaching the second grade.” You give him a soft smile in return, cheeks flushed slightly at his attention.
“It must be nice to finally have someone around your age, Jaehyun. I bet it can be tiring to hang around us old geezers all the time.” Ana pipes up.
“Ahhh, you guys aren’t so bad.” He teased, dimples poking at his cheeks. “But I’m excited to get to know our new addition.”
“We should probably head back to our classrooms. The kids should be arriving in about ten minutes now.” You stand up with everyone else, following them out the door. You feel a light nudge to your left, and turn to find Jaehyun walking beside you.
“What room are you in, newbie?”
“202. What about you?”
“Ah, damn I’m down here in 110. I was hoping we’d be on the same floor. Oh well, guess I’ll see you at lunch.” He grins before turning the corner, leaving you with a parting wave.
[11:50 am]
You’re exhausted yet probably the happiest you’ve ever been. Your students are absolutely adorable and seem to get along as well. The morning was filled with name games and little get-to-know-yous. Now, as you walk your students in a single file line to the cafeteria, you’re sure that you know all of their names by heart. They wave goodbye once they’re settled in the cafeteria and you make your way towards the staff lounge. Upon entering, you scan the room to find Jaehyun sat at a table in the center of the room. His gaze lifts from his lunchbox to rest on you and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. You give him a short wave, going to grab your lunch from the refrigerator before sitting beside him.
“How are your kids? Any trouble makers?” He probes once you’re comfortably seated.
“Oh, they’re all so wonderful! I can already tell this year is going to be amazing!”
“That’s great! I knew as soon as I saw you that your students would love you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You flush, feeling small under his gaze.
“I mean, you just have this air of comfort about you? Plus, the kids always take better to a pretty face.” Your blush only deepens and you laugh nervously, gaze shifting to your lunch.
“What about you, Jaehyun? How long have you been working here?”
“This is my fourth year.” He hums happily, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve never had any issues with my students, although I do get a few proposals every year.”
“I’m not surprised.” You laugh, shovelling rice into your mouth. Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow at you, a smirk playing at his lips.
“I think you might give me some competition for most marriage proposals.”
“Hmmm, we’ll see. Although i’m not sure that’s a title we should fight for.”
“It’s nothing but a friendly competition, Y/n.”  You shake your head, smiling slightly while packing up your lunch.
“I’ll see you later Jaehyun.”
“See ya!” He gives you a small nod, turning back to his lunch.
Day 6 [7:00 pm]
Jaehyun oftentimes wonders how and why he’s friends with the idiotic group of children he considers his closest friends. But now, sat on the floor of Doyoung’s nearly empty apartment with cookie crumbs covering the front of his shirt, he understands that he himself is one of those children.
“Hyung, I thought you were supposed to be mildly more responsible than the rest of us. It’s been like, what, a week since you moved in and you’re still not done unpacking?” Mark snickers from beside Jaehyun.
“Some of us have actual jobs that require them to be available most of the time, Mark.” Doyoung quips back, shoving the younger at the back of his head.
“Dude you can literally ask any of us for help, you know that right?” Johnny chimes in.
“Like I’d let any of you touch my belongings. Besides, you guys won’t know where to put anything.”
“Oh ye of little faith. Come on, why don’t we help right now!”
“Hold up.” Jaehyun sits straight up, brushing the crumbs from his shirt. “This is not what I agreed to! I’m exhausted from dealing with the kids all week, I don’t need any more exertion.”
Mumbles of agreement chime from around the room, Doyoung physically relaxing knowing that his belongings are no longer at risk of being tampered with; at least for now, that is. Jaehyun reaches for the pack of chocolate chip cookies in Sicheng’s grasp, nearly having to wrestle it out of his greedy hands. Sicheng finally releases the pack, causing Jaehyun to fall back on his ass earning a chorus of laughter from his friends.
“How are the kids this year anyways, Jae? Any wedding bells ringing?”
“Not yet, Tae.” He chuckles.
“Didn’t you mention that you were getting a new teacher?”
“Yea replacing that old asshole, right?”
“Ah, yea, they’re our new youngest staff member.” Jaehyun revealed.
“Ooooh are they cute?”
“They must be. Look! His ears are turning red!” The room once again erupts into laughter at the expense of Jaehyun. He looks around, gaze settling on a paper book that he then throws at whoever’s closest.
“Ow, c’mon man.” Yuta mumbles, rubbing his stomach.
“We’re just teasing you dude. I mean, it’s been like four years since you last dated someone, it’s about time you got back into the game.”
Jaehyun rolls his eyes in response, digging through the nearly empty pack of cookies in hopes of distracting himself. So what if he had been single for awhile? What was it that people said, married to your job? In fact, his last relationship ended right after he got his current job, something about him constantly smelling like baby powder now. Since then, he hasn’t really bothered to start a new relationship. Out of the odd single mother or father, Jaehyun doesn’t really come across people his age. He traded that part of his life to be surrounded by seven to eight year old children instead.
“Do you have a picture of them?”
“Uh, maybe, hold on a sec.” Jaehyun opens his photo app only to be faced with the picture of you that he most definitely had not been smiling at on his way over to Doyoung’s apartment. It’s a picture of you when you were on recess duty together. The two of you had been stood talking to one another, both keeping an eye on the children, when one of your students had ran over and tugged lightly on the side of your pants. You had immediately knelt down to be eye level with the child, asking her what was wrong. Blushing, the girl brought out a flower from behind her back, holding it out to you. You smiled gratefully and reached out to take the gift from her small hands. Jaehyun couldn’t help himself and immediately pulled out his phone, snapping a quick picture before turning away, feigning innocence. You had caught him, of course, and immediately demanded he send the picture to you.
“Hmmm, yea they’re cute.” Mark’s voice sounds directly next to Jaehyun’s ear. The boy cranes his neck to look over the elder’s shoulder for a peak at his phone screen.
“Oi, back off.” Jaehyun nudges Mark, turning his phone to show the rest of the group the photo. They hum in approval, a few exchanging nods and giving Jaehyun a sly thumbs up. Jaehyun feels his ears burn and he quickly snatches his phone back.
“Have you made a move yet?”
“Knowing our Jaehyun he probably already has.”
“Leave me aloooone.” Jaehyun whines, fully prepared to throw another book at the group.
“Sorry Jae, it’s just so fun to see you ears turn red. It’s so rare that we get to see you all flustered.”
“You’re not helping Johnny.”
“I know.”
Jaehyun decides that he really needs new friends who aren’t mentally, or physically, seven years old.
Day 33 [10:00 am]
A knock sounds at your classroom door, causing you to halt your current lesson. Your students immediately begin tittering amongst each other as you walk over to open the door, revealing a bashful Jaehyun stood in your doorway. You can hear your students shuffling in their seats, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever is at the door.
“Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you had any extra white board markers? My last one just ran out in the middle of class and I’ve been meaning to buy new ones but I keep forgetting.”
“Sure, Jaehyun, give me a second.” Jaehyun follows you into your classroom, a chorus of “ooooh’s” from your students echoing around the room. You immediately shush them, flushing at their teasing. You reach into your desk drawer, pulling out a new marker and handing it to him.
“Thanks, Y/n.” He smiles, the classroom again bursting with teasing sounds and you usher Jaehyun out the door. It takes you almost five minutes to calm down the kids, although they continue to bring up Mr. Jung until the lunch bell rings. Once you drop the class off at the cafeteria, you heave a sigh of relief, happy to be free of their taunting. Jaehyun greets you in the staff’s lounge, sliding a rice cake over to you.
“What’s this for?”
“A little thank you for the new marker.”
“Ah really, it was no problem. But why didn’t you just go to someone on your floor.”
“Why, I wanted to visit you, of course! You’re worth the perilous trek.”
You roll your eyes. “Ah yes, the treacherous single flight of stairs, how brave of you.”
Jaehyun points his chopsticks at you, dropping a piece of chicken in the process. “Hey, you never know when you could trip and injure yourself. People fall and break their necks on those death traps all the time.”
“Lovely, Jaehyun. As if I wasn’t already afraid of falling down stairs.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll catch you if you fall.” He grins, reaching over to pat you on the head. You swat away his hand, ready to reprimand him for messing up your hair when Ana pulls out the chair next to you, calling for both of your attention.
“What are you two lovebirds up to?”
“L-lovebirds?” You choke out, eyes widening at her question.
“Haven’t you heard, you two are the new hot couple of the school.” She giggles, taking a bite out of her egg sandwich. “Even the students are gossiping! My, it’s so exciting, we haven’t had a school couple since Suzy and Haseul left.”
“We - I mean we’re not a couple…”
“Oh but you will be soon, I call it.”
Jaehyun, noticing your discomfort, cuts her off. “C’mon Ana, give it a rest for now. We’re just trying to eat our lunch in peace.”
She raises her arms in surrender, returning her focus back to her sandwich, voicing her complaints to the room. “I swear, the school lunches just seem to be worsening every year, more and more parents are making lunches for their kids.”
“It’s not that bad, they’re still better than anything my school provided when I was a kid.”
“Hm, little baby Jaehyunie must’ve been so cute.” You tease, pinching his cheeks.
“Ay, come on now.” He whines, ears turning red at your ministrations.
“Well, I better head out now, you kids have fun.” Ana stands up, wiping the crumbs from her hands.
You both bid her farewell, Jaehyun’s fingers tapping a soft beat onto your wrist.
“I’m sorry if all that coupley stuff made you uncomfortable. We’re all kind of like a big family here so most of us are used to that kind of teasing. You’ll probably get used to it, but if you ever feel uncomfortable again just let me know, ok?” He gives you a warm smile, his hand now settled over top your own. You smile, thanking him in return.
[3:50 pm]
You’re sat in the entryway to the school, one of your students sat beside you. You’re attempting to distract her, but it’s been twenty minutes since her mother was meant to pick her up and you can tell that she’s growing nervous.
“Mommy’s running a little late, Bora, don’t worry.” You attempt to soothe her, patting her lightly on the head. “Here, I have some markers and paper, why don’t you draw me a picture of your family?” She smiles at your suggestion, nodding happily while reaching for the supplies. You ask her about each figure drawn, attempting to engage her and keep her attention off of her absent mother.
“What are you two still doing out here?” You look up to see Jaehyun stood over you, smiling down at the two of you.
“I’m drawing, Mr. Jung! Look, there’s me and my little brother and my mommy!”
“Wow, you’re quite the artist!” He crouches down in front of you, leaning on your knees to get a better view of her drawings.
“Thank you!” She giggles. “Teacher’s keeping me company while I wait for my mommy to come pick me up.”
“Oh, well that’s very kind of teacher!”
“Yea! Teacher’s the best!” Bora leans over to hug you tightly and you laugh, wrapping your arms around her.
“Yea, they really are.” Jaehyun gazes up at the two of you, completely enamored. Your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, happiness radiating off of you.
“Mr. Jung!” Bora cries, poking him in the cheek. Leaning in closer to Jaehyun, she beckons him in closer. He leans in and she cups her hands around her mouth. “Are you and teacher dating?” She questions in a poor attempt at a whisper.
“No, Bora, at least not yet.” He whispers.
“But I want to marry you Mr. Jung.” She pouts.
“Maybe in a few years, ok?’ He chuckles. He grins up at you slyly, holding up two fingers. His second confession.
“Bora, baby I am so sorry, traffic was terrible!” A young woman comes rushing over to you, immediately sweeping her child into her arms.
“That’s ok mommy! Teacher and Mr. Jung kept me company.”
Her mother turns to face you, relief evident on her face. “Thank you so much for taking care of Bora, and I’m sorry for being so late.”
“That’s ok!” You smiled. “Just give me a call next time, you should have my number.”
“Right, of course, again I’m so sorry. I’ll be on time from now on.”
“Have nice night, ma’am! Bora, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye teacher! Bye Mr. Jung!”
Jaehyun gets up from his spot on the ground to stand beside you, both of you waving goodbye to the little girl. He can’t help but to gaze at you, heart practically on his sleeve. The way you treat your students so kindly, always sure to show them affection all while keeping an appropriately firm hand.
“Looks like we can go home—”
“Do you want to get something for dinner—” You both speak at the same time, laughing following shortly after.
“Isn’t it too early for dinner?” You question, checking the time on your phone.
“Factor in travel time plus walking around a little, we’ll find a restaurant right before the dinner rush.” Figuring why not? you nod in agreement, heading back inside to gather your belongings.
[4:45 pm]
So, maybe it is still a little too early to have dinner. And by a little too early you mean almost a full hour before you normally would eat. Jaehyun doesn’t seem to mind, however, happily pulling you along the fairly empty streets. You look upon him fondly, following him wherever he goes. Not that you had much choice considering how firmly his hand grasps yours.
It’s inevitable, the way your heart flutters whenever his gaze locks with yours. Sure, the boys you had met in the past were attractive, but Jaehyun’s pure beauty is utterly incomparable. Not to mention his affinity with children and all around gentille manner. If you were being completely honest, Jaehyun is your ideal man, and he’s practically fallen right into your lap. Now if only you could act upon your feelings…
“How about chicken and beer?” Jaehyun suggests, stopping in front of a restaurant.
“Jae, it’s still so early, I’m barely hungry!”
“Fine, why don’t we get takeout instead and then head back to my apartment?”
“Hmmm, trying to get me all to yourself Mr. Jung?”
“Oh god Y/n, please don’t call me that.” He laughs, pulling you inside the restaurant. “Now come on, what do you want to order?”
[5:30 pm]
Jaehyun’s apartment is almost excruciatingly neat, something you honestly didn’t expect from the boy. His classroom is almost always in a state of disarray, a trait you had assumed translated over into his home life. Instead, you’re faced with pristine white walls, not a single book out of place, all stacked neatly on the shelves lining the walls. Your shoes are lined up in the entryway, inked drawings hanging around the apartment. You’re stood gazing at one of said drawings when Jaehyun comes to stand behind you after placing your food on the counter.
“These are all done by my friend Taeyong.” He hums, placing his hands on your shoulders.
“He’s quite talented, does he do commissions?”
“Oh definitely, I bet I could even get you a discount!”
You laugh, pulling him back over to the counter. He grabs some plates from his cabinets as you unload the chicken. Each plate is decorated with a floral design around the brim, a fact you’re sure to take note of. You take a bite of chicken, humming at the savory taste. Meanwhile, Jaehyun’s hands are getting sweaty. It has been so long since Jaehyun dated someone, let alone invited someone over to his apartment who wasn’t a part of his friend group. Especially someone he held such a strong attraction to. He found himself unable to meet your gaze, quite the 180 from his usually confident demeanor.
“Jaehyun, did you know that your ears turn red fairly easily?”
Jaehyun immediately drops his chopsticks, bringing his hands to cover his ears. Of course his ears are red, they always are around you. You laugh at his reaction, muttering a soft cute  as you turn back to your chicken.
“I’m not cute,” he pouts, “I’m extremely handsome.”
“You can be both, Jae. In fact, you are.” Jaehyun’s hands are still over his ears, fully aware that they’ve only grown redder. “Eat your chicken, it’s gonna grow cold.”
Day 76 [8:30 am]
“Oh, Jaehyun! Just the teacher I’ve been looking for!” Jaehyun abruptly stops his conversation with one of the third grade teachers. He smiles, turning to face you.
“What’s up?”
“I’m trying to take the kids on a field trip to the science museum but the principal told me I need another teacher to come with me since I’m new. I was hoping you’d be ok with coming along. Our classes get along well too.”
Jaehyun thinks it’s rather odd that the principal is requiring you to bring another teacher along. He didn’t have to do that during his first year. He chooses to shrug it off for now, exchanging his confusion for relief. Thank god you were comfortable enough around him to ask for his help.
“I’d be glad to! I take my classes there every year anyways.”
“Oh, thank you so much, you’re a real lifesaver!”
“Of course, we can discuss the details later at lunch today, yea?
You give him a quick hug before dashing off to your classroom.
“Aren’t you guys dating yet?”
“Not yet.” Jaehyun smiles softly, gazing at your retreating figure.
Day 82 [8:30 am]
The students arrive half an hour earlier than usual so that they have enough time to explore the museum. You and Jaehyun are ushering your students onto the bus, chaperones already assigned and sat with their groups. The final student gets on the bus and you and Jaehyun follow. Considering that there are two classrooms plus chaperones on the bus, there are only two seats left, sat next to one another. Jaehyun allows you to sit first, giving you the window seat, and promptly plops himself down next to you.
He leans down to whisper in your ear. “I heard you got another confession yesterday. What does that make, five?”
“Are you still keeping track of that?” You snort. “I’m not even counting anymore.”
“Of course, I need to keep my status as most popular teacher!”
“Well if you must know, I’ve actually gotten six confessions.”
“I thought you stopped keeping track?” He pokes your side, teasing.
“You’re just jealous I have more confessions than you.” You huff.
“…maybe so.” Jaehyun sits back with a pout. “Just wait a few weeks, I’ll take you over.” He gazes over at you out of the corner of his eye, hoping to have pulled a reaction out of you. You’re already looking at him, smiling stupidly at his sulking figure. Jaehyun’s heart flutters, an almost foreign feeling after going so long without a relationship. If there’s one thing his friends are actually right about, it’s that he doesn’t get out enough. Whenever they ask him to hang out to drink, he opts to stay in, worried that one of his student’s parents might see him. Not an ideal situation, seeing your child’s teacher stumbling around in a drunken stupor. It had happened once during his first year of teaching, and Jaehyun is not about to let that happen again. Thus, he rarely has the ability to meet new people, let alone a potential lover. Then here comes you, the cute new teacher who steals his heart in less than five minutes. Damn his vulnerability.
[12:00 pm]
The students have congregated at the museum cafeteria, slightly exhausted from their morning spent running around the museum but still excited nonetheless. Jaehyun is sat next to you, both of your groups situated around the table. Happy chatter flits around the room, making it hard to hold a proper conversation. Jaehyun is forced to lean into your side so that you are able to hear one another, not that either of you mind. A light tug at the back of his shirt calls for Jaehyun to turn around, one of his students stood behind him.
“What’s up buddy?” He laughs lightly tickling the boy’s stomach. The boy giggles, breaking off into a long winded spiel about how exciting his day has been so far. Jaehyun diligently listens to every word, reacting when necessary and answering all of the boys questions to the best of his ability. You can’t help to gaze fondly at the two of them, heart fluttering at the sight (but then again, when doesn’t your heart flutter when Jaehyun is around).
“You’re my favorite teacher!” The boy finally states, hugging Jaehyun before skipping away. Jaehyun turns to you giving you a pointed look and a smirk.
“That does not count.” You state, rolling your eyes.
“Oh it totally does, this competition is for who’s the favorite teacher and he said I’m his favorite.”
“Yes but we’re only counting confessions.”
“Hey, we never made a rule like that.”
“Fine, I’ll count it. But only because you’ll still be behind me.”
“Only by one.” He teases, leaning over to snatch a piece of meat from your plate. You swat away his hand, Jaehyun laughing jovially in response.
[1:00 pm]
“All right kids, get back with your chaperones, we only have a few more hours left at the museum!” A chorus of groans sound throughout the museum cafeteria, your students not quite yet ready to leave. You round up your own group of kids, counting meticulously to make sure they’re all still present. The students are all fluttering about, fully energized from their lunch. A few have taken to hanging off your legs, giggling madly.
“How much sugar did you monkeys eat?” You laugh, leaning down to gently pry them off. “Come on, don’t you want to go back into the museum? We still haven’t gone to the weather room, I heard there’s a cool lightning exhibit.” Your students immediately let go of your legs, now wanting to explore the museum as soon as possible.
“Y/n!” You look up to see Jaehyun and his group of students coming towards you. “Heard you’re going to the weather room, we haven’t gone either and were hoping we could tag along.”
“I don’t know kids, do we want Mr. Jung to join us, I heard he’s a little smelly.”
“Hey! I am not smelly!”
Your students all giggle, taking great amusement in your back and forth.
“I think we should let them join, teacher! Mr. Jung is really handsome.” Bora sounds, a few of the other students in your group agreeing.
“Alright Mr. Jung, you can join our group but only because you’re so handsome.” You laugh, his ears reddening in embarrassment.
“Wow thank you guys so much.” He grins shyly. “Shall we go?”
You nod, gesturing for your students to follow close behind. Jaehyun sidles up to you, bumping your arm with his.
“Do you really think I’m smelly?” He whispers, half joking but also half worried you’ll say yes.
“Only a little,” you tease, “but, like, not in a bad way.”
“Ayyy, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, like, I guess…”
“I guess…” He repeats, egging you on.  
“You smell nice.” You mumble, face flushed at your confession.
“Cute.” Jaehyun grins. “You smell nice too, in case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t, but thanks for the affirmation.”
You turn into the weather room, giving your students free reign to walk around while you keep a close eye on them. Jaehyun stations himself across the room so that you have the whole area covered, but that doesn’t keep him from shooting dumb faces at you from time to time.
“Teacher!” One of your students bounds up to you, beckoning for you to crouch down to his height.
“What’s up Taegeun?”
“Is Mr. Jung your boyfriend?” He asks shyly, fiddling with his hands.
“No, why do you ask?”
He perks up at your answer. “Good, because I want to be your boyfriend.” He states proudly, puffing out his chest.
“Hmmm, I’m not really looking for a relationship right now.”
“That’s ok, I can wait.” He says, running back to his group of friends.
You stand back up and make eye contact with Jaehyun. You give him a smirk, holding up seven fingers. He glares back, shaking his head in mock anger at your popularity. You’ve stolen half the school’s hearts, including his own.
[2:35 pm]
The bus is waiting in front of the museum, a few students already sat on the vehicle. You’re standing by the doors, keeping count of the students entering the bus. Ticking off each student as they pass, you finally mark off the last one and make your way onto the bus. Jaehyun gestures for you to sit beside him, scooting over slightly to give you a little more room. You drop down into the seat, exhaustion radiating off of your slumped body.
“The kids tuckered you out, huh?”
“Mmm, just a little.” You hum, eyelids growing heavy.
“Here, you can lean on my shoulder. You have like forty-five minutes to take a nap.” He scoots a little closer, supplying you with the maximum amount of comfort he can. You thank him quietly, nuzzling into his side while leaning your head on his shoulder. Jaehyun looks down at you, admiring every eyelash, every freckle, every part of you his eyes can reach. He’s never been in love before, but he swears this is what it feels like.
Day 97 [9:00 pm]
Another Friday, and Jaehyun once again finds himself sat on Doyoung’s, now fully furnished, apartment. Even though there is a couch, Jaehyun arrived later than everyone else, thus he was left with the floor. His back is flush against the couch and Sicheng’s foot is currently kicking his head.
“Sicheng I’m going to kill you.” He snaps, reaching up to grab the boy’s foot.
“Only if you say you’ll go out with us tonight!”
“You know why I don’t want to!”
“Oh come on, Jae. It happened once years ago, what are the chances it’ll happen again?”
“Well that’s what I thought but look what happened.”
“Dude come on it’s been so long since you went out with us.” Johnny calls out, joining Sicheng in kicking the boy’s side. “Literally just come out with us this one night, we’ll never ask you again.”
Jaehyun hesitates.
“Look, if one of your parent’s sees you we’ll, I don’t know, we’ll pay for your dinner for a month.”
“Wait hold on we’re not agree—”
“Deal.” The thought of being seen by one of his student’s parents is terrifying, yes, but the thought of free dinner for a whole month far outways that potential embarrassment.
[10:00 pm]
Thankfully, his friends choose a more bar-like atmosphere instead of a full fledged club, knowing he probably wouldn’t be up for the high speed environment. There’s loud music playing, various games strewn around the building.
“We’re gonna head over to the pool table, you up for it?”
“I think I’m just gonna hang here for awhile, I’ll catch up with you later.”
A few of his friends head over to the pool table, leaving him at the bar. Jaehyun takes a sip of his drink, eyes scanning the room. He’s not really sure what he’s looking for; there’s not really much to find in the mass of sweaty bodies. His gaze travels to his friends making a bit of a scene by the pool table and he chuckles lowly, amused by their idiocy. He quickly looks away, however, because Ten is about to climb over the table, ready to grab Doyoung by the collar. Not a sight he wants to see. Scanning the room, he looks past the seating area, only to do a double take. There, sat on top of one of the many square tables, is a completely inebriated you, head thrown back in laughter at something your friend just said. The ends of his lips curl up in a smile and he observes your figure for a moment. Downing the rest of his drink, he places the empty glass on the bartop and stands to make his way over to you. Your friends must take notice of his towering figure because they all start frantically waving their arms at you, gesturing towards his approaching figure. You look up with a start and, upon seeing him, abruptly climb off the table. He rushes over to you, stabilizing your shaky figure.
“Mr. Jung, I did not expect to see you here. Like, never.” You giggled happily, poking his cheeks.
“Ah, Y/n, how much have you had to drink?”
“You know how many of the kids have confessed to me?” “Yea?”
“That many.”
“Holy shit.” He mumbled, studying your face. He turns to look at your friends who are all not so subtly checking him out. They turn away at his gaze, tittering amongst themselves before he calls for their attention. “Can I steal Y/n away from you guys?”
“Of course!” One of them giggles. “In fact you can steal me away too if you’d like.”
“Sorry, I only need Y/n.” He smiles kindly, already wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you away..
“Keep our baby safe!” They call after your retreating figures.
“Where are we going?” You mutter, clutching onto his bicep.
“We’re going to get some water into your system and then I’m taking you home.”
“Aw c’mon, you should have some fun! I know you haven’t been out since your first year. Have you even had something to drink yet?”
“I have and right now your safety is more important than me having fun.”
“Ayyy, I’m not gonna let you not have fun because of me. Are your friends here? Can I meet them?”
“Y/n I should really be getting you—”
“Ayo Jae, who’s the cutie?”
“Johnny you dumbass that’s that new teacher he’s been pining after.”
Before Jaehyun could steer you away from his rowdy group of friends you break out of his grasp, heading over to the pool table.
“Shit.” He mumbles under his breath, jogging over to you. Yuta’s already got his arm around you, engaging you in an animate conversation about god knows what. He sighs heavily, pulling you from his friend’s grasp, much to Yuta’s protests.
“Come on let’s get you some water.”
“Jae you can leave ‘em with us while you get the water. We want to get to know your new coworker anyways.” Yuta says with a wink, pulling you back into his side. Knowing he’s fighting a losing battle, Jaehyun hurries to get you a glass of water so that he could rescue you from his friends as soon as possible.
Through your haze you barely register the men surrounding you. They chat happily, asking you about work and, most importantly, your relationship with Jaehyun. You don’t take the questions particularly seriously, too drunk to actually pay attention to what they’re saying. An arm wraps around your waist and you turn your head slightly to find Jaehyun holding a glass of water out to you.
“Here, drink.” He commands softly, raising his eyebrows. You part your lips, too hazy to reach out and take the glass. Jaehyun rolls his eyes but brings the glass to your lips nonetheless. Slowly, he tilts it back, examining how your lips close around the rim as your eyes close. Your cheeks are rosy, this time not out of embarrassment, and your hair’s a bit of a mess. Still beautiful, though.
After a few sips your eyelids flutter open, signalling that you’ve had your fill. He lowers the glass, eyes locked, time at a standstill. Slowly, he raises his hand to run a thumb over your bottom lip, teasing at the plump flesh. Before either of you can make a move, Mark stumbles into Jaehyun, pushing him into you in the process. You giggle as Jaehyun attempts to steady you, glaring at the younger.
“Ok, time to get you home.” He says sternly, pulling you away from his friends.
“Ok.” You giggle, waving goodbye cutely. His friends all coo over you and Jaehyun has to keep himself from doing the same. Happy to have finally gotten you out of the vicinity of the bar, Jaehyun quickly hails a cab and pulls you in after him. You situate yourself as close to him as possible, snuggling into his warmth. You’re slightly more sober now although still a little hazy, and Jaehyun is like a walking space heater. A heavy sigh falls past his lips but he still wraps his arm around you, basking in the comfort you provide.
“You gotta wake up now Y/n. We’re at your place.”
You hum sleepily in response, clambering out of the car. Jaehyun practically has to carry you up to your apartment, making sure you drink more water and wash up before you flop onto your bed. Smiling fondly, he pats your head and leaves your apartment. He wonders if you’ll remember anything tomorrow morning.
Day 100 [3:20 pm]
“Ok kids, we’ll have reading time for the last ten minutes.” Your students all rush to pull out their books and you give out a small sigh of relief, happy that you’ll be able to relax. Before you can get too comfortable, however, a knock sounds at the door. Groaning under your breath you stand up to open it. You’re immediately faced with Jaehyun and his entire class.
“What’s this for?” You gasp, stepping back to let them in.
“Do you know how many days it’s been since you started working here?”
“100!” He claps excitedly, grabbing a cake from one of his students, a big 100 written in frosting on top. Both your students and his cheer happily, mostly at the sight of the cake but also because of you, and you gladly take the cake, cheeks turning red.
“You have pretty poor timing, Jaehyun,” you whisper into his ear. “The kids have to leave soon and they’re not going to be happy once they find out they won’t get any cake.”
“I know, I was hoping it’d be a boost in my popularity.” He said with a wink.
“You’re the one who brought the cake, we’re both going down with this one.” You say pointedly, poking him in the chest.
Your students intermingle amongst themselves, books long forgotten in all the excitement. After a little chatting the bell rings and your students race out the door. Thankful that they weren’t too upset by the lack of cake, you make your way back to your room only to find Jaehyun already there, cake cut into slices. He holds a plate out to you, gesturing for you to sit on the desk beside him. Gratefully, you take the plate and sit down, digging into the cake.
“Oh my god this is delicious.” You moan, savoring in the taste of the fluffy dessert.
“Mmm, I know right? Paris Baguette really knows what they’re doing.” He hums happily in agreement. “You know, two of my students have confessed to me since the museum.”
“Damn, so we’re tied now huh.” You pout jokingly.
“You’re about to be winning again.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You question, turning to face him.
“I know this is supposed to be a competition and everything, but you’re probably going to win anyways—”
“Hey we’re tied right now—”
“Let me finish ok?” You shut up, letting him finish his mini speech. “As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted,” you roll your eyes at that, “We’re not going to be tied anymore because I’m going to confess to you. Or, well, I am confessing to you.”
“What? Are you serious?”
“Oh come on Y/n, it’s obvious we like each other, the whole school has been waiting practically with baited breath for us to get together!”
“No I know all that. I’m just surprised that you’re confessing so early into the year! You were taking this competition so seriously I thought you’d make me be the one to do it.”
“I can’t believe you Y/n.” He scoffs, leaning back on his hands.
“What? A competition’s a competition. Oh well, looks like I’m winning again.” You shrug, turning back to your cake, a teasing grin stuck on your face. Jaehyun sits there for a minute, shocked at your confession. Once you finish your cake, however, Jaehyun gets a brilliant idea. A mischievous smile creeps across his face and you stare at him in mild fear.
“What exactly are you thinking of doi—” You get cut off by Jaehyun shoving the rest of the cake in your face.
“You’re dead Mr. Jung.” Wiping the cake off of your face, you move to wipe it all over his face. But, before you get the chance, Jaehyun places his lips over yours in a deep kiss. Your lips move together in harmony, the kiss slightly sticky from all the cake residue. Eventually, he pulls away, grinning at you with cake crumbs and frosting covering his lips.
“Sweet.” He chuckles, licking his lips. You grab his cheeks with your cake covered hands and smoosh them together.
“Yes,” you laugh, “very.”
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