#before reverting to that? mmmh who’s to say
why-the-heck-not · 1 year
me waking up from my stress induced dreams, frothing with hate, ready to fuck up fix my laptops or die trying
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phantom-vs-agents · 1 year
Blog Event (You Asked For It!): Shadows Coalesce
To say that Scuttle was having a bad week was a gross understatement.
Sure, he wouldn't argue against the idea that he was perhaps overreacting. There were plenty of fish in the sea, but for him, it was like he was hunting the White Whale. The roach had made it his entire life's goal to find the White Whale, to hunt it- And then he learned that some random fisher had managed to catch it. No, not some random fisher, some fisherman who was completely and utterly rotten to the core.
But, he supposed the Early Bird got the worm, and he wasn't early. He couldn't complain, and he was happy for them!
He stood over the tower of dirty dishes that stood within his sink. Should he clean. . . ? Nah, he didn't clean them on a good day. He was really starting to get miserable if he was considering cleaning his apartment. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing. No one, man, woman, or anyone in between would probably find his hovel charming in the least.
Unfortunately, as he stared at the Dishes stacked high upon each other, the Roach failed to notice that the lights didn't just turn off. No, it was like the light was beginning to be drained out of the room, like something was sapping the visibility out of it.
I had thought it once impossible that I could find one who was untouched by Iblis' influence. A voice rang out, making Scuttle seize involuntarily. He thought that, perhaps, his freeze instincts kicked in, but that was after Scuttle looked down and realized that his arms and legs were currently wrapped with thin, vine like shadows. Take pride, for you are the first I have encountered who had completely shut themselves off from the power of Solaris.
A sensation akin to his back being pulled apart with no pain began to surge through the Roach. Turning his head to look, he saw what appeared to be a gigantic tear of dim light formed on his back, as the strange shadows began to seep into it.
Scuttle saw the corners of his vision begin to dim, then darken. Slowly but surely, his vision began to fade as a sensation akin to drowsiness began to overtake him.
Gotta stay awake. . . Gotta stay awake! Gotta. . . ! Stay. . . ! Awa. . . k. . . e. . .
His head quickly fell limp as the last of the shadows crept in, the tear sealing up on his back. The Roach slowly began to tilt forward and back, threatening to fall over, before a string of shadow wrapped around his neck and jerked him upright. Scuttle's head began to roll around, as if trying to pop his neck, before the sclera in his eyes, which had remained open, began to turn an inky black for just a moment. Just a moment, before it reverted back to normal.
"Ahhhhh. . . Eeeeee. . . Iiiiiiii. . . Ooooooooo. . . Uuuuuu... Mmmh. Working with a mouth will be an interesting experience." A voice, Scuttle's in sound but someone else's in tone and cadence, tumbled out of his mouth.
"First things first." 'Scuttle' stated, before walking over to a nearby window, the sun blocked entry from an opaque curtain. Throwing the curtains open, the shadow creature expected the burning, painful sensation to begin. . . But as he expected, he felt nothing but a simple sun beam across his face- Albeit, with his shadowy powers fading in the sun.
"Oh, yes, this will make things much easier."
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pliablehead · 5 years
SECOND WATCH - perc’ahlia, NC-17, 4900w
My first het smut in absolute yonks and my first Crit Role fic ever, so be gentle my darlings ♥♥♥ Also on my AO3 account, if you prefer (my username there is also threepwillow)! 
"Mmmh, it's been quite some while since we had to rough it out here under the stars instead of cozied up in a mansion," comments Vex, rummaging into the bag of holding in search of the last few pieces of their tent.
"Oh, yes, I'm so sorry about that," Scanlan says, acidly, as he sets up another. "My apologies for expending all of my arcane energies making sure that my wife and your husband didn't keel over dead in the middle of the woods," (Vex and said wife share an unimpressed look,) "and get their corpses flung off irretrievably to some dark nefarious corner of the underbrush by some kind of living hurricane - "
"Ah, stuff yer melodrama and save it for someone who hasn't heard it all before and actually gives a shite," says Kaylie. She and Pike take the tentpoles from Scanlan's hands - Pike gently, Kaylie much more snatchingly - and make quick work of it themselves, instead.
"You know, I didn't even know wolves could become liches," says Percy, conversationally.
"Well," says Vex, "when they're corrupted archdruids who can no longer revert back to their humanoid forms, I suppose it turns out they can."
"How's your shoulder?"
"Well, it was the ah. The newer arm," says Percy, with a bit of a grimace, "so the healing always takes a little funny, comparatively speaking. But between it and the ribs I suppose I'd rate myself about a mansion's worth of patched up." The edge of his mouth ticks up in the slightest of smirks that Scanlan, still pontificating about his spell slot generosity a dozen or so feet away, absolutely misses, but Vex relishes in, winking in rejoinder.
They go out like this, every so often. One or another of them will get the itch, the pins-and-needles restlessness in the soles of their feet or the pits of their chests, the little tug-nag that says yes, the quiet life post-Saving The Whole World is nice and comfortable and all, but you've been sitting still at home for rather a long stretch now, and wouldn't you like to just be doing something? They'll whisper to each other, through spells and stones and earrings, and whoever wants to, whoever can, will rally to each other's sides and strike out on any venture, any quest they've caught even the slightest wind of. It's rarely all of them - it's never all of them, Vex thinks, fingertips finding entirely of their own accord a dark feather nestled in her hair - but it's always some of them, and even some more of them, these days. There's delight in it, every time, to see the people you've spent most of your lives fighting alongside in action again. It is its own kind of comfortable, like seeing a bullet slot perfect-fit into the chamber of a gun; ah, yes, that's what that's for.
Although admittedly it usually goes a little better than tonight.
"I gotta say, I'm pretty tapped too, guys," says Pike. "In the morning I really should have a better look at you, Percy, or the scarring's going to be a lot worse."
"Wouldn't be the first time," he says with an affable shrug; but as he shrugs, he winces ever so faintly, and though she doubts any of the gnomes notice, Vex certainly does.
"I think I've got one little cure-wounds left in me that I could squeak out," she tells him. "Why don't you and I take first watch, in case there's any more wolves loitering around these parts that're stupid enough to stick their noses in our business, and I can sit up with you and lay on a bit of TLC."
"Well that's hardly an offer I can refuse," says Percy. "Goodnight, Shorthalts, if you're amenable to that."
"I need to sleep," Kaylie agrees, and she barrels into the now fully-erected tent, wrangling her father in with her, Pike bringing up the rear.
"Alone at last," Vex purrs, grinning cheesily, alighting on the ground next to their crackling campfire. Only the five of them have come out on this little escapade - Grog, fascinatingly, seems to have recently fallen in love, and declined the invitation in favor of pursuing this object of his affections; Cassandra remains in Whitestone, because bless her, someone has to babysit Julia when her parents get restless and wander off into the woods. Keyleth...well, Keyleth's every so often is the least often among them, these days.
"That we are," says Percy, sitting down next to her.
"Right then, Freddie, shirt's off."
To his credit, he doesn't completely sputter like a fish, but only just - Vex thrills, a little, that they can be married with a child and she can still catch him off guard so easily. "Come again?"
"I need to look at your wounds, love," she tells him, plucking at the placket of his shirt. "Pike's right, especially with your wonky arm they're going to heal weird. They're going to heal ugly."
"My arm is not wonky," he protests faintly, but he very gamely allows her to tug open his waistcoat (ornate, expensively-embroidered outside; thick and supple leather armor inside) and even helps shrug out of his shirt, too, until she can see where he took the brunt of the finger of death (paw of death?? Vex still isn't sure how that works, with a wolf) seared across his skin, like a fire's burn but greener, somehow, a sickly pall across his chest and shoulder and bicep. She wasn't totally kidding - it's pretty ugly.
"What's the verdict, doctor?" he says, absolutely Not Smiling. "Am I gonna pull through?"
In lieu of an answer, Vex rubs her hands together as if seeking warmth on a brisk day, then places her palms both flat to his body, humming out the incantation under her breath. She does it in elvish; it feels better, superstitiously. When she's done, the skin looks no less burned, but significantly less discolored, and that satisfies her, at least until Pike can take a serious gander at it.
"I think you'll make it," she teases. The spell finished, she lifts her hands back away.
Or, she tries to - the one resting on his shoulder comes up easily, but the one she's lain to the top curve of his pectoral stays flush to him, and it's because he's stopped it with his own hand, flattened out over hers, pressing it into his skin. Vex looks up from Percy's wounds to his face; in the firelight, the contours of him are more pronounced, his sharp cheekbones in deep relief, the frames of his glasses gleaming gold. Sweet Pelor's Light, but that is her husband.
"Alone at last," he parrots back, his voice low and decidedly less casual. The hairs on her arms stand straight up with it, and she shuffles a bit closer to him on the hard-packed ground where they're sat, facing opposite directions from each other but nearly hip-to-hip. His hand gripping hers strokes a thumb slow, deliberate, into the softer bit at the dip of her thumb and forefinger.
"Lord Percival, goodness me," Vex murmurs, her gaze fluttering skyward, her best faux-scandalized moue. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were - "
He kisses her - not least of all to shut her the fuck up, she's sure, and it leaves her grinning into it, licking into his mouth. The firelight has warmed the skin of his face just enough that it stands out in contrast to the skin of his back, where her free hand settles into place along the back of his bum shoulder. Percy's other hand finds itself high, high on the inside curve of her closest thigh, just under the hem of her long tunic, his long, deft fingers already venturing into downright dangerous territory. Vex whines out a low, intrigued little moan, mostly through her nose, as Percy is pretty much fully occupying her mouth, tilting his face to find the best angle that lets him devour her without also shoving his glasses into her cheek. He's sporting two days' worth of stubble at this point and it drags hyper-sensitive along her upper lip, her nerves tingling brightly with it, sending her fingers to groping where they still lie snug on the tight muscle of his chest.
After a few more moments, a few more breathy groans, they break the kiss with a wet noise that frankly is almost worth being genuinelyscandalized over. "Near-death experiences do always put you in the mood, don't they," she says. "Pervert."
His hand hasn't left her thigh in the slightest. "That's me: Your pervert husband."
"You're both perverts," wails Kaylie from inside the tent. "Shut the fuck up and pay attention so the rest of us can sleep."
Vex presses her forehead into Percy's shoulder with a cringe and a giggle, and he follows the motion a bit, leaning back on his other hand and sighing a little up at the night sky. "Possibly the worst part about not having the mansion," she relents. "You know I've got no problem sleeping out under the stars, but at least our room in that place is soundproof...."
"Has that girl always been such a light sleeper?" says Percy. "I feel as though having a child may have permanently distorted my metric for that sort of thing."
"Or you pervs are just really loud," Scanlan chimes in. "And just like - think about that sentence, coming from me."
"Go to bed, Scanlan."
"I'm trying!"
(Pike, to her credit, gives out the sweetest and most melodic little snore.)
Buttoning her lips shut tight, Vex gives Percy a sheepish grin and a what can you do? sort of shrug, but says nothing. He nods to her in kind, adjusting his glasses and tugging his shirt back closed a little, and seems to sort of settle in for their watch proper, staring off over her shoulder and past the fire into the surrounding wilderness. She nudges her body companionably into his, steels her ranger's gaze, and does the same.
And then he finally moves his hand.
They pass their handful of hours in unawkward silence, keeping watch like professionals, letting the fire slowly smolder itself out. It's easy to fall into well-practiced rhythms under such familiar circumstances - settling in quietly to maintain a stealth advantage, but remembering to get up and stretch every once in a while, shift vantage positions, rely on each other's breathing and heartbeats. And no dangers come to pass that night under Vex'ahlia and Percival's careful eye. Though - a wide-antlered deer does stumble into their campsite at a mild sprint just after midnight, looking as alarmed to see them as they are to see him, hooves skittering on the earth as he makes a rapid change in trajectory and scampers off. It makes Vex smile, at home in her wilderness, her husband beside her and the last lingering warmth of the campfire at her back.
Still, even vigilant Vex is prone to small distractions, and one has certainly caught her in the form of the ghost of Percy's merciless palm, still a warm brand burned into her leg even hours later. Gods, but he is far too clever; he knew exactly what he was doing when he left it lie so long. He knew she'd still be thinking of it, feeling it in the pleasantly cool night air, and that when time came to wake Pike for her shift on watch, an evening's rest would be the furthest thing from Vex's mind.
He knew - he knows, her preoccupation and intimate familiarity with those hands, his fingers long and unerringly steady, elegant dexterous bone structure honed to iron under a smith's calluses, coarse, precise, tireless, and so good at what he does....
They have to stoop nearly to all fours to enter their tent, and Vex maneuvers so that Percy crawls in ahead of her, taking the opportunity to grab a solid handful of his ass as she ducks in behind him.
He's too perceptive not to have seen it coming, but he squirms deliciously at the contact nevertheless. "You are absolutely incorrigible," he tells her, over his shoulder.
"That's funny," she says, "I was going to say the exact same thing about you." Once he's settled in and Vex is sure he's watching, she makes a point of stroking just once against her own thigh, right where she can still feel him.
"Ah," he says, "the difference there being that I have not once pretended to be otherwise."
"Well neither have I, darling," she says, winking. The air in their tent is tight and humid with both of their bodies to fill it, and Percy begins to strip down for sleep, tugging his shirt fully off again in a manner so casual, all bashfulness aside when it's just the two of them alone; Vex can't help but watch him undress, the smooth grey planes of his body in her low-light elven vision, years of lean, ropy muscle under scars from as recently as mere hours ago, and she wants, so suddenly and so ardently, her body magnet-tugged toward him to whisper in his ear.
"Please," she breathes, letting the tease seep out of her voice in favor of twilit candor. "Let me have you."
She feels him prickle and grow stiff as her lower lip brushes the shell of his ear. Still -- "There is little I'd like more, but I'm afraid the younger Ms. Shorthalt has proven that it is perhaps - ill-advised, at this time," he says. "Given the circumstances."
"Well, then, you'll just have to make sure you keep yourself extra quiet, won't you."
His eyes flash like a blade-edge behind his spectacles. "Me?" he hisses - and just like that, two hands, those damnable hands, have snatched her around the waist and wheeled her around to straddle his lap, where she can feel the bulge of his cock already straining his trousers, hard and brand-hot even through both their clothes. The sudden heat elicits a high, whining gasp from Vex's throat before she can even realize that the sound means she's fallen precisely into his trap. "I'll have to keep quiet, Lady Vex'ahlia?"
"Bastard," she murmurs, and seals her mouth to his.
His lips part easily beneath her devouring tongue, and she tangles it with his, their breaths mingling in heavy, panting clutches, their hips beginning a slow gyrating rhythm against each other in the dark. But Percy soon leaves her mouth behind in favor of dragging first lips, then teeth down the column of her neck, nosing as far down toward her breasts as her shirt collar will allow; the razor scrape of them on her sensitive skin draws her blood singing to the surface, and she gasps again, though she manages to choke down the accompanying sigh this time - just barely. His hands are still heavy at Vex's waist, and hers find their place now to steady herself, one braced on his burned shoulder, the other buried into the shock of his hair. On a dirty, competitive impulse, she tightens her grasp against his scalp, tugging taut and sharp, and he quakes beneath her, groaning not exactly quietly into her cleavage. Her heart soars, ecstatic in the perfect union of her two favorite things: Percival, and petty victories.
Also wickedly good sex. A close third that goes so conveniently hand-in-hand with number one.
Vex pulls his hair again, just to feel his cock twitch against her through their clothes. She can feel the frustration radiating off him at having slipped up like that, and he doubles down, his mouth and his hands even more ruthless against her, which is frankly exactly what she wanted in the first place. She loves him like this, hungry and hard-edged, eager to wreck her even though he knows full well it will wreck him, too. She loves to watch his work-honed body work for it. Percy isn't the burliest, most well-muscled of their adventuring family; no one can hold a candle to Grog's goliath form, of course, but dear Jarrett trumps him easily too, and even tiny Kima could doubtless wipe the floor with him hand-to-hand. But Percy is just shaped so deliciously, the breadth his shoulders and upper arms have built up from his pastimes so starkly contrasted with the natural noble-born slimness of his waist, his narrow hips, a dramatically pronounced ratio that's all the more enticing for the novelty of it - everyone else in all of Vox Machina, Vex thinks, has seen each other naked more times than any of them have probably seen Percy except for her. She gets to have this beautiful tapered thing without his seventeen layers of poncy clothing, and she gets to have every lithe inch of him striving to get her off.
And, fuck, usually succeeding - she lets out another breathy gasp as he tugs the neckline of her shirt down even further so he can sink his mouth into a bruising, sucking kiss right along the uppermost curve of her breast. He's always had a bit of a thing for her tits, and Vex knows it, and damn if that doesn't seem like as good an advantage to exploit right now as any. She drags her heavy, yearning right hand all the way down his left arm until her fingers tangle with his, and she guides him up under the hem of her shirt until she can cup his hand around the curve of her breast. The span of his broad hand is so wide it easily encompasses the whole thing, and gives a desperate, delicious, indulgent squeeze. The blunt gracelessness of it is hotter, rougher than Vex was expecting, and it leaves her positively reeling with arousal; she heaves up, both to drive her breast further into Percy's relentless grasp and to better grind his trapped erection against her slick, aching core. Through their clothes is suddenly nowhere near enough.
"Percival," she whispers. "Naked? Now?"
"I can't hear you," he sing-songs, low and sinister against her throat. He rolls his palm harder against her breast, squashing it up and toward the other, and for a second, her stiff nipple catches against the smooth gold of his wedding band. They both gasp, bodies tensing and craning ravenously into each other. Vex feels the brush of Percy's hair bristle against her throat as he suddenly nods his agreement. "All right. Naked."
They peel apart just long enough to disrobe, casting trousers and underclothes aside until they can fold back into each other's arms, Vex kneeling up now between Percy's loose-spread legs, his tight hips rolling his long, rose-flushed cock up toward where she's wet and open, sliding briefly but not close enough to slip in, electricity quicking up her skin, coiling in her gut. She kisses him again, raking her nails less than gently through the shortest hairs at the base of his neck, pressing his hand back into her breast a little harder with the other hand, leaning into the full spread of him. Her gorgeous, pervert husband. She grins into his mouth.
With his own free hand, without preamble, Percy sinks two long, calloused fingers straight into Vex's dripping cunt.
She drops her forehead hard to his wounded shoulder, all the air punching out of her lungs on a desperate "fuck!"
Outside the tent, there's a faint but audible clinking sound as Pike, armored up for her shift on watch, tenses up, trying to place the sound in the night air around her. Vex spares the split second to sit up and look Percy in the eye before she freezes, holding her breath, feeling him do the same even with his fingers crooked all the way into her, damn him. Time stretches long and impossibly stressful as they all wait for the moment to pass. Percival, the absolute bastard, looks entirely too pleased with himself, and then slowly, slowly, begins to move his fingers inside of her again, deeming them in the clear.
Gods, but his hands though. Right at the lowest, inside knuckle of his forefinger, tucked in the L-crook where it curves down to his thumb, there is a gorgeously coarse callus from every device he constantly handles resting against his skin, his tinkerer's tools, the hammer of his gun; with his first two fingers seated fully inside her, twisting deftly along her slick inner walls, the knob of it is pressed deliciously into her clit, and Vex thrusts herself against it, humming more vibration than noise into the scarred skin of his shoulder. She spreads wider for him, granting him the full range of his infernal dexterity - she wants his long, blunt cock inside her, of course she does, but there's so much to be said for his brilliant, brillianthands. The two fingers scissor and stretch inside of her, his thumb working the outer edges and the bright nerves just above, and she has to sink her teeth tight into the thin skin of his clavicle to keep from moaning out, again. Percival is infuriatingly quiet, just his hot breath panting out softly along her back.
"How," she dares to breathe. "How are you so fucking good at this."
She can't see his devilish grin, but she hears it in his response. "You grew up with one tenacious, miserably competitive sibling." He drags his fingers up and out, every inch of them coasting along her clit before he dives back in. "I grew up with six."
Damn him. Vex has to stop getting so distracted (oh, but he is distracting; he is destroying her, her every nerve aflame, the walls of her cunt throbbing against his expert hand, the muscles in her thighs trembling on every pass with shocks of heat). She rides herself harder along his fingers, really putting her hips into it, clenching against him, and at the same time begins dragging her mouth wet and sloppy up and over his shoulder, then a little bit further down his arm, tasting, seeking. She knows the place, even in the dark -
"Nn-nnh," Percy whines out, louder than either of them were expecting. There, in the hard-divot curve of his bicep into his shoulder, one stretch of skin and muscle sits perpetually bruised - the spot where Bad News kicks back, and he takes the recoil of it, nestled into the crook of his bracing arm. Vex fixes her lips to it and sucks, deepening the ache, devouring his tenderness. He responds with a churlish nip to the upper point of her ear. Their heat feeds into each other, trapped in the close quarters of their camping tent, the soft sounds of their harsh breathing and the forest night around them. For a few moments, Vex puts the silent competition aside, riding the waves of pleasure from her husband's talented hands and sweet, kissable mouth, pressing their lips together once more as she shuffles her knees for better leverage, riding Percy's fingers and twining her tongue with his, a slow, deliberate hunger she's happy to get lost in.
For a few moments. Then, ever conniving for the upper hand, she slides two of her own slender fingers against herself and then inside right along Percy's, the stretch of it burning just a little but absolutely startling him out of his similar reverie, a surprised and aroused little gasp bursting out of him. "Good god, Vex'ahlia," he mouths against her in the dark.
She wants to whine theatrically, get him even more worked up, but she still has her wits at least partly about her, and she settles for rolling her head back, showing off the long line of her throat down to her heavy, bobbing breasts, and the dip of her stomach into her mound and her cunt, where all four of their fingers are spreading her wide now, holding mostly still as she grinds down onto their blunt tangle. It's a blissful stretch, her body wet and open, but at this point it is absolutely just a precursor for the main event. Vex gives her hips a few more deep, languid rolls, and then tugs both their hands out of herself, holding them up and aside as she repositions to straddle Percy's hips again. With her other hand, she strokes his rock-hard shaft once, twice, and then lines it up with her entrance and sits herself down onto it in his lap, eyes rolling back at the familiar, incredible heat and thickness of him, ploughing deeper than even his delectable hands could reach, stuffed full to bursting.
Percy, she mouths, voiceless, grinning, so fabulously in love.
Vex, he agrees, moving to kiss her again.
Before he can get his lips to hers, she tugs their joined hands to her mouth instead, swallowing up first his fingers and then her own, still slick with her own juices.
"Oh, fuck you," he barks aloud.
Vex crows, but the sound cuts short as Percy flips her to her back and slams into her, the blistering throb of his generous cock absolutely spearing her open, both his hands tangling in hers and pinning them above her head. Or no, wait - one hand stays in hers, and one stretches further, furtherbeyond her, his whole torso flattening down against her, her sensitive breasts squashed achingly against his tight, tapered chest, the pale expanse of his throat so bitably close, and what on earth is he -
The world around them falls crisply, unsettlingly silent. Magically silent.
Percy sits back up above her and in his left hand he's dangling his Diplomacy gauntlet.
Vex absolutely cackles, the sheer delight of it wracking her whole body even in the utter silence, and she stays laughing all through the rest of it. As Percy's pinpoint-perfect cock pistons elegantly inside her, filling her to the brim, dragging slickly along her trembling walls; as their tangled fingers (Pelor bless his hands) find her clit again, wet and wanting, sparks dancing along every nerve of her; as that tic in the tight, thin muscle of his arm picks up anew, bruises on burns on scars of old, on her husband, the only person Vex'ahlia would ever want to be making snarky, scorchingly hot love to in a tent in the middle of the fucking woods.
He comes copiously, every stretch of his body seizing up gloriously tight, and then kisses her lush and heavy through her own equally messy orgasm mere moments later. They roll apart, Percy flopping first to his back and then over onto his stomach, fumbling around for wherever his glasses ended up, buffing them clean on a corner of some bit of their bedrolls and slipping them back onto his face, the better to look at her, Vex can only assume.
Besottedly, she thinks, Well, she's got a great view, too.
(NICE ASS, she yells at the top of her lungs, swatting at it, the words and the smack! alike disappearing entirely into the blanket of the spell.)
True to her word, Pike examines Percy's necrotic wounds with a careful cleric's eye in the morning, and with a higher-level, more nuanced spell in her wheelhouse after their night's rest, the scarring will fade almost completely. Vex of course will still love her husband and his body no matter what happens to it, but it is nice to have the power of Sarenrae on their side, even if it's just to prolong the inevitable as long as possible.
She doesn't miss a wink, though, is the thing. "Hang on, Percy, what's this bruise?" she asks, prodding at the misshapen, purple thing Vex has left against his upper arm. "Oh, I hope it hasn't gotten worse in the night - "
"Oh! Oh," sputters Percy, caught a bit off guard. Vex stifles a giggle into her breakfast. "Oh, no, Pike, it's - from the gun, the kickback always strikes me there, I have some padding built into my armor for it but often it ah, if I'm firing too swiftly back-to-back, or if we're in a hurry and I can't get it aligned as - as carefully as I'd like - "
"Then your pervert wife has to kiss it better?" The transformation that washes over Pike's face - clueless and angelic to downright devious in the blink of an eye - is something to behold, every time. In this moment it's second only to Percival's own face going starkly, impossibly whiter in mortified terror. This giggle Vex doesn't even bother to stifle.
"It's - that is to say - "
"Don't worry, m'lord," Pike says loftily, grinning. "I'm very discreet." But for good measure, she chucks him in the arm, right on the purple spot. Percy chokes out a gnah! and recoils just a bit, but gives her a profoundly grateful nod and a murmur of thanks. Vex and Pike exchange a wink, which Vex accompanies with a shrug. What can you do?
Kaylie stumbles, yawning, out of the tent, with her father right on her heels, each of them half-dressed and blinking into the crisp morning air of the forest. "Right, what's for breakfast then?" says Kaylie, before immediately answering her own question by claiming the rest of Pike's half-eaten bowl of oatmeal as her own.
Scanlan yawns much more theatrically, stretching his arms up above his head and then readjusting his hat. "You know, I gotta say, I'm not gonna skip the mansion on purpose any time soon, but this wasn't so bad," he says. "I slept great."
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waitinginthedarke · 7 years
Summary: The saying goes, ‘the mafia is family, the mafia is home’…but even if ‘the mafia is home’…is it really the right place to raise a child?
A/N: For those that aren’t enjoying the beauty that is Eurovision, here is Chapter two of mafia! :D
Masterlist (including series one and two)
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Chapter 3
‘Whats the matter?’
His voice echoes into the darkness as you stare blindly in front of you, your mind stuttering over your thoughts with the sudden interruption, before you process that you needed to answer him.
‘We got into bed 2 hours ago but you still haven’t fallen asleep…somethings bothering you. Tell me.’
You sigh as you shift onto your back, turning your head to the side to look at Jiyong where he’d been spooning you, the dark circles under his closed eyes making you frown in concern as you reach over to stroke them gently, and the action causes him to peel his eyelids back to look at you, his eyes slightly bloodshot as they focus on your face.
‘Mmmh?’ he murmurs in response as he closes his eyes again, simply resting them as he waits for you to tell him what was wrong.
‘What will you do when they find the child?’
The nervous question is met by a few seconds of silence as Jiyong tries to work out why you were thinking about that, having assumed your concern would be to do with the information you’d relayed to him about Seunghyun and Kyungil when you’d returned home, and being taken aback by the topic of the missing infant.
‘I haven’t decided yet.’ He finally murmurs, his hand that was lay on your stomach rubbing gently to calm your obvious stress about the matter, but you reach up to hold it still, the movement causing him to open his eyes to see your concerned expression, a frown beginning to crease his face.
‘Jagi, why are you so worked up over the child-‘
‘Don’t kill him.’
‘Y/N!’ he snaps, leaning up on his elbow to look down at you indignantly as you glance at him worriedly.
‘Jiyong, please-‘
‘Why the hell would you think I’d kill him, Jagi? My God. Do you really think I’d do something like that?’ he asks, his voice tinted with an edge of hurt, and you sigh as you break his gaze, shaking your head timidly as you turn into his chest and duck your head beneath his chin, feeling him lay back with you and automatically cradle you in his arms as he waits for you to respond.
‘Ji, its not that…I-…Aish, its not anything to do with the child, really…-‘
‘Is this about me wanting a child?’ he murmurs, the words perfectly soft as he tries not to frighten you away, but the second he cottons onto your train of thought, you instinctively tense up, on edge as you try to hide what you were thinking from him, not wanting him to see how much the topic scared you.
‘Y/N, I told you, we don’t have to talk about it until your ready-‘ he goes to reassure you gently, but that’s before you cut him off.
‘But what if im never ready, Ji?’ you breathe, your fear getting the better of you as you cower against his chest, too scared to look up at his reaction to you snatching away the dream he had.
‘…Then we never talk about it.’
His answer surprises you enough to have you slowly raising your head to look up at him, seeing him reverted to having his eyes closed, and you frown as you touch his cheek to make him look at you, needing to see if his words were sincere or not, after all the worrying you’d done over the pressure you felt to give him a child.
‘But…you sounded like you really needed one-‘
‘I would like a child…I wont deny that. …but you’re the one thing in this world that I want more than anything else. …you’ll always come first, Jagi,… before anything else.’ He murmurs, holding your gaze the entire time he speaks and smiling softly at you when he trails off, his thumb suddenly smoothing over your cheek causing you to realize you’d shed some tears, and you quickly blink to rid your eyes of the bleariness, before nuzzling back into him, pressing a kiss to his neck as you curl into him, feeling more relaxed now that you knew where you stood on the subject.
‘I love you.’ You say quietly, your arm wrapping under his and around his shoulder as you lay your cheek comfortably against his warm, bare, chest, and you feel him make himself comfortable as he clutches you securely in his hold, and dots a kiss to your hair, staring blindly over your head as he finds himself getting lost in his thoughts, stroking his hand against your hair to get you to sleep.
‘I know, Jagi. …I love you too.’
He’d left Kyungil without any further information as to his plan to get him out after Daesung had taken over his shift, telling the younger man he was going for a smoke, before leaving the barn and pausing to light a cigarette. Although rather than remaining outside the rickety wooden building, he traps the cigarette between a join in the splintering fence that ran the perimeter of the building, scanning the area, before heading swiftly for the mansion, greeting people normally as he went. The only thing he was really keeping an eye out for was any signs of Jiyong, Y/N, or the other two members of the gang, knowing that if he got caught doing what he was about to do, there would be no way to save his plan from crumbling into dust.
Using his signature silent walk, he ghosts through the front doors and up the grand staircase without meeting anyone, only becoming extremely cautious when he is forced to avoid the eye of the cctv camera’s, but even then, smirking to himself as he walks through the corridors unseen, having snatched the master control from beneath Jiyong’s nose when he’d called him to the office earlier to describe his encounter with the child.
The child…
Ever since he’d watched him run out of the training room and into the forest he’d kept alert for any sign of the terrified creature, knowing as well as anyone else that natural instinct would have kept him close by the mansion, his apparent ease of access to the one building allowing him shelter where there wasn’t any other for miles around. But the one thing that had continued to bother him was where he’d come from in the first place, the boy’s appearance hitting too close to home for Seunghyun…
He enters the office without trouble, not being stupid enough to relax as he disables the manual camera’s in the room before stalking over to the safe room in the corner behind the main desk, keying in Seungri’s entry code that he’d had memorized since the boy first came to work for the gang, and entering slowly to scan his surroundings.
There was the cabinet.
Despite the filing system’s high-tech appearance, there was only a spin dial to secure the information on the entire population of the gang- minus Jiyong- the flimsy deal of privacy never particularly irritating Seunghyun since he himself had hardly any information under his name, and as he pulled out the leaf of paper printed with his name, and trailed his eye over the document that contained his information, he couldn’t help but reminisce…
…on how he came to be there….
12 years ago
‘Jiyong! Your father wants to talk to you now! You cant run away forever!’
He heard the distant shouts of the men minutes after he’d clocked on to the young boy scrambling through the underbrush, his view from the tree in which he’d set up camp allowing him to see everything that went on below, whilst no one even glanced up at him.
He appeared desperate, his pants being audible even from Seunghyun’s vantage point, which meant if the men chasing him got any closer, he’d most definitely be discovered.
Well, that was his fault.
Seunghyun had been in the game ever since he could remember, jumping from relative’s house to relative’s house, never really knowing where he’d come from, and simply being told his parents had died when he was born. However, it wasn’t until he got to the age of 15 and decided he’d had enough of the beatings and the abuse over his inability to do well in school and his orphan status, that he’d made his great escape into the world on his own, and he’d never looked back since that moment over a year ago. He had a few run ins with various gangs, usually making a quick exit after looting some gear, and then honing his sniping skills as he’d left them a man or two down, before disappearing from beneath their very noses.
However, despite the rule he lived by, in which he only cared for himself and no one else, Seunghyun still found himself tracking the boy’s movements, or more specifically the movements of the men tracking him.
‘You’re going to have to run faster, Kid.’ He murmurs to himself, his eagle-eyed vision honing in on the men behind him, and he instinctively reaches for the gun he always kept in a holster on his hip when he sees them gain ground, gritting his teeth when he realizes what he’d done and battling with himself as he sees the fear, mixed with deadly determination on the boy’s face as he glances back, moving with a renewed sense of strength once he sees how close the men had got.
But at that point Seunghyun’s need to protect had already began to kick in.
Reaching for the shock bullets he’d snagged from a gang a few weeks back, the group of men having been taken off guard by a teenage boy being in their midst, and therefore leaving a chance for Seunghyun to loot their stash, he instantly switches the cartridges in his gun and repositions himself in the tree so that he could find a clear line of sight through which to take the angry sounding men out.
The first drops like a fly, the guy being at the back of the group meaning the sound of his body falling to the floor only attracts the attention of one of the other men, who before he could properly investigate what had happened, also gets hit by a shock bullet, and the immediate collapse of his body allows Seunghyun to admire his improved targeting ability. However as soon as he takes out number 3 of the 5 men, the first two instantly cotton on to an attack happening against their group, and without hesitation they raise their guns to scan the area, one of the two being smart enough to raise it toward the tree tops; he’s the one that becomes number 4.
It would only be a year later that Seunghyun would learn that he should have hid then, and let the young boy run to a hiding place, but instead in his youthful cockiness, Seunghyun decides to aim at the final man.
Just as a real bullet comes zooming toward him.
‘Stupid little bastard. Where the hell did he snag a gun from?’ he hears the guy murmur below as he instantly makes for the tree Seunghyun was hiding in, his heart thundering in his hears the sound of boots scraping through leaves and then the dull shaking of the tree beneath him indicating that he was actually climbing up, and despite clutching his arm desperately in an attempt to stop the blood flow from the sharp graze the bullet had engraved on his upper arm, Seunghyun still scrambles back quickly. He grabs his gun and holds it ready when he realizes he wasn’t going to have time to escape, keeping tabs on the guy as his body swayed between the lattice of branches and leaves below, a sudden fear rising within him when he realizes he might not actually make it out of this one.
But its just as he starts to squeeze the trigger in desperation, hearing the harsh pants of the guy where he was almost up to the same level of Seunghyun, that a shout from below causes all movement to stop.
‘Hyung! …Im here!’
He couldn’t breathe where his heart was in his mouth, the silence that took over the space only being filled by the other guy’s heavy breathing where he’d paused in confusion to look down at the other boy below, his line of sight being just below where Seunghyun was.
‘Jiyong? What the hell are you doing down there? I thought-‘
‘I fell. …Hyung…I-‘
‘Don’t say anything else. Your father is going to be furious when he hears about this.’ The guy mutters as he begins to retreat, sliding easily down the tree in his descent, and despite the fact that he was completely hidden from view then, Seunghyun could only stare wide eyed in front of him, taking shallow breathes and continuing to clutch his arm desperately as he listened to the two below, begging them to leave as his lungs began to burn and blood began to seep from between his fingers.
‘God. I thought I shot you, Jiyong! Where the hell did you get a gun anyway? -where is it? Give it to me.’
‘I-I dropped it-‘
‘Jesus. You look like you’ve been run over. Damnit your father’s going to kill me. Why couldn’t you have just gone to see him? It wouldn’t even have been that bad…’
The voices trail off after a minute or two, but Seunghyun refuses to move until the sounds of nature had resumed their song, the birds and insect’s knowledge of a safe surrounding being confirmation enough that he was safe-
-for now…
It was 3 days later that he heard from Jiyong again.
He’d been out scavenging for food, having crept down to a well populated drinking hole where he usually saw boars drinking, and had been about to settle in to wait out the moment that a wild pig would visit again. But just as he’d laid down amongst the garlic leaves and the overgrown grass, trees crowding in around him, he’d heard a twig break from the pressure of a footfall, and immediately his instincts kicked in as he clutches his gun.
‘Don’t shoot. …I just came to talk.’
As soon as it clicks in his mind that he’d heard the voice several days before, and he makes the connection with the youthful face that had been sprinting for his life through the underbrush, Seunghyun sighs in frustration at the obviously lost chance to catch the boar, springing quickly to his feet as he removes the catch from his rifle, and turning toward the sound of the voice as he rests it back over his shoulder and inspects the boy before him.
‘I don’t do talking.’ Is all he responds, before going to walk in the opposite direction, but the boy makes the stupid decision to grab for Seunghyun’s hand, and if there was one thing that Seunghyun didn’t tolerate, it was people touching him without his permission.
Before the boy could blink, he spins toward him and forces him to his knees, locking him in a choke hold and being about to put pressure on his windpipe-
-when something happens that Seunghyun didn’t anticipate.
He hadn’t braced his knees in time to secure the hold, and so before he could even respond to the movement, Seunghyun found himself toppling backwards, his spine crashing to the floor harshly, before he’s twisted to lie on his front and he feels his arms about to be locked behind his back. However, by this point the teenage boy had cottoned onto the fact that Jiyong wasn’t a normal boy, and so without hesitation he’s pulling out his best movements to turn the tables, quickly kicking the other boy away before flipping onto his back and landing in an anticipatory crouch.
…only to be met by another man having appeared beside the young boy where he stood before him.
‘You were right, Jiyong. He’s amazing-‘
‘What is this?’ Seunghyun immediately demands, looking between the man and the boy, his spine stiffening when he tunes into the sounds around him and hears the distant movement of people hiding in the trees, his immediate reaction being to instantly grab for his gun.
‘Wait! We don’t want to hurt you! ..We want you to join us.’ Jiyong quickly explains, holding his hands out as though Seunghyun were a frightened animal that would bolt at any minute, before slowly taking a few steps toward him.
‘The other day…you tried to save me.’ He says quietly when he comes to stand before the taller boy, doe like eyes staring up in awe at the handsome features that stood out starkly, despite being cushioned by youthful chub, and Seunghyun thinks to himself that he might have accidentally saved someone crazy.
‘I’ve been watching you for the past couple of days; you don’t have a home, you never go toward the city…you’re alone…-‘
‘-…I want to save you now.’
Seunghyun chuckles as he remembers what had happened after that, the way he’d stared at the younger boy as though he were insane, gifting him with a sharp right hook before darting free from the clearing through the heard of boar that had silently appeared by the watering hole behind him, the animals providing a good cover for his getaway, and the angry shouts of the men that had been hiding made him cackle loudly as he’d disappeared into the forest, amused by the very idea that someone thought they could save him.
Although, looking down at his file (or the flimsy piece of paper that encapsulated who he was by the gang’s standards) he couldn’t help but smile at the date printed on the page, reading one year after he’d first met Jiyong, and had decided to accept his offer.
Or…rather…he’d found himself in a bit of trouble that involved another gang, and had managed to track Jiyong down in his desperate search for help, the boy’s father immediately agreeing on the condition that Seunghyun joined the gang, and trained along side the younger boy.
What he hadn’t known then, was at that moment in time Jiyong had been gearing up to take over as the head of his father’s mafia, and so Seunghyun found himself unwittingly becoming the boys right hand man, the two doing everything together. It was as he remembered the day Jiyong had superseded his father, that he remembered the memories he’d blocked out of how Jiyong’s sister used to dote on him; the one night she’d kissed him and he’d rejected her instantly, too afraid of the feelings that the action provoked in him, and therefore vowing never to speak of it again- which after a year or so she’d forgotten about too.
Shaking himself out of that train of thought, he slides the filing cabinet closed, folding his slip of paper and neatly sliding it into the inner pocket in his blazer, before exiting the safe room and the office, and leaving everything as he found it. He silently presses the button on the control in his pocket that would resume the cctv recording after he’d made it back to the ground flood, and he cant help but smile widely as he greets Seungri on his way back out to the barn, the other man looking minorly confused as Seunghyun pats him on the shoulder jovially on the way past, whilst subtly slipping the cctv control into the man’s other pocket.
He turns back toward his dongsaeng as he calls to him, tuning into the cool façade he usually wore as he rose his eyebrows at him inquisitively, silently asking what he wanted as he took in the way Seungri was watching him suspiciously.
‘I-…Daesung told me to tell you he wanted to talk, I think it might have been something to do with the captives.’ He explains, the way he’d initially stuttered causing Seunghyun to contemplate the younger man as he waits for his response, before quickly flashing him a smile and bowing his head in acknowledgement.
‘I’ll go and see him now.’ He murmurs, turning back to the barn and walking casually back to the secure building, being aware of Seungri watching him as he goes, but not giving him too much attention as he smiles to himself, and heads toward phase 2 of the plan…
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