#am i cooking… am i onto something with anime artist blueman
dungeonbf · 10 months
anacc: so you’re working with tankies now?? u want me dead don’t you. anti-centrism: you know that’s not true, stop anacc: you hate me and you want me dead smh, can’t believe this anti-centrism: stop it, i’m literally in love with you anacc: you want to kill me with your bare ha— huh. huh. repeat that?
they r so silly.. love them! so much! anti centrism is exasperated but mostly amused and with anyone else, he’d probably scoff & roll his eyes.. he still does with you lol but he wld kiss your forehead afterwards or smile & laugh.. lololol
btw im dead. I’m literally dead /pos like AUTHRIGHT SPENDING TIME WRITING POETRY FOR ME EUGHHHH and it means so much bc i know and you know that he views it as “effeminate” and “stupid” pointless & for cucks.. etc. he views it as a less than but he indulges in it anyways because he’s so in love. because it’s the best way he can express that love. & maybe he still hates it, maybe he learns to love it. doesn’t matter because either way he’s working tirelessly to find the perfect way to say “I love you” instead of “I like you” like he usually says. I feel like he wldn’t say I love you as often as others would just bc he’s not used to giving or receiving love like at all … so it’s a big deal when he does lol. chrislib is fine with saying “I love you” even to friends, he views it as just a way of expressing affection & is ALSO very physically affectionate lol
— @boykujou
@boykujou i hope you know how much you’re feeding me rn… if i was a starving peasant in the 15th century, this is like a five course meal to me. you GET my vision, fr. an-acc is so dramatic and silly but there’s also a much deeper level of trust that runs between them, yk? like yeah, you’re insane but you get me more than anyone else ever has… ughhh, i need to maul anti-centrism. i also think there’s a potential layer in their layer to be looked into because an-acc is extremely against all forms of authority and anti-centrism’s leadership could technically count as a form of authority. much to ponder over.
AND YES EXACTLY… authright exploring something he would mock others for doing but doing it because he truly CARES, y’know? like is it weak and for effeminate liberals? yes. is he doing it anyways, spending countless hours on it, perfecting it? also yes.
also, side-note, i feel like he dabbles in visual art. probably draws little sketches of him and chrislib kissing. you know how a lot of authrights on 4chan are really into anime? i think he’d pick up a style similar to like, magical girl animes like sailor moon. think about this… authright drawing sketches of you two together…
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