thomasparker · 5 months
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thomasparker · 5 months
may your heart be warm, but your bowl of soup warmer
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thomasparker · 3 years
a billet-doux from the lighthouse.
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synopsis: getting rid of an eight-limbed stranger who has followed you home like a stray cat is going to be hard when he’s essentially set up camp in the middle of your apartment.
pairing: peter parker & reader.
word count: 14k
note: click here for visuals (content warning for arachnid features on peter). this spider!parker fic took a lot out of me, so i hope you take the time out of your day to leave a comment. + s/o to aniqua for helping me out when i asked for advice. ty to the group chat for keeping my motivation alive, i couldn’t have done it without you.
[  peter parker masterlist 💌.  ]
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Night falls in Queens, New York but the city never sleeps; a compendium of stimulating colors lighting it up for the world’s viewing pleasure. Look at the Earth at night and you’d see gold specks dappled on it indicating its perennial state of liveliness.
That’s not to say there aren’t nooks and crannies that are eclipsed in Hadean darkness, ones that criminals took sanctuary in, and unfortunately for you, one of these night-bedim alleyways served as a viable and particularly convenient short-cut to your apartment. Luck was in your favor, so far you had not run into any New Yorkian degenerates. 
It was even more nerve-wracking when you’re on your way back home from a raucous night out with your friends as opposed to when you’d just got off a shift at work. You had bid your farewells to them a while ago and now you were all alone, the frosty bite in the air prominent than ever. Everything sounds louder now, the rhythmic click of your heels reverberating into the dead of the night. Thick plumes of your berry breath exhaled into the air. 
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thomasparker · 3 years
wolf-teeth | peter parker.
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synopsis: you unearth peter parker’s masochistic streak — his proclivity for the pain to be administered by you should have been cause for unsettlement. so naturally, you find it hot.
pairing: peter parker & reader.
rating: explicit.
note: if you also thought the scene on the train was hot, when & where are we meeting up for therapy? (i promise, he’s not on the verge of death in this fic, he’s just a little roughed up n sexy). thank you so much for reading & interacting, i hope you enjoy it! <3
[ peter parker masterlist 💌. ]
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He’s shrouded in the darkness of the night, slumped on a couch situated near the window sill, an arm curled protectively around his midriff. Peter Parker is nothing short of perceptive — he notices your presence the second you enter it and straightens up. Even from where you’re standing you can tell he’s exhausted, his enervation clings to him like a fever.
“Oh, hey!” His voice is strained despite the effort made to sound amiable and he moves to reposition himself so that he’s facing you.
“Hey,” you return dubiously, slowly inching towards his night-obscured figure, the distance between the two of you is severed, dwindling until it is threadbare and sparse.
The only source of light that percolates through is the moon waning in the star-dappled night sky, so you can’t make out much but you do notice the bloody, saw-edged laceration across his right cheekbone. It’s too difficult to tell if the rest of him is in the same state due to the black shirt he’s wearing.
“You’ve got a huge ass cut on your face, Parker,” you state finally, taking a seat beside him.
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thomasparker · 3 years
this is the CUTEST WOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭 omg ?????? yes yes yes to all of this 😩
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Prompt: you haven't seen your lover in a while. they're back in town, and surprises you by showing up outside your door. having barely registered what's happening, your lover says ''just kiss me'' because you're too in shock to form a sentence
Pairing: Ned Leeds x avenger!reader
A/n: nothing to say 🤗 enjoy 😘
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Having your girlfriend and best friend as superheroes sounded awesome… in theory. In reality too most days! It was just those few times when the worry and stress gnawed on the psyche, anywhere from a few weeks to moments that feel like weeks. This was unfortunately the former category. Peter and Y/n had been away on a mission for almost a full two weeks now, unable to check in except a few two minute calls at odd hours. They were expecting to be done hopefully by the following weekend but they couldn’t be sure.
Which of course did nothing for Ned’s nerves. Luckily, MJ was someone he could lean on in times like these. That’s why he was rushing home now; they were gonna meet up and do their usual ‘pretend like we’re not distracting each other from overthinking’ thing and head out to the movies. It helped, just having someone else who knew exactly what you were going through and going through it too. He had just gotten to his floor, mentally planning his outfit when he got a text. He checked his phone to see it was from MJ.
“Cancelling tonight’s movie date, but there’s a surprise for you in your apartment 😉”
His hurt sank. Cancelling? He knew they weren’t obligated to meet up, but he had kinda sorta really needed this today. Work stress had compounded with the Y/n-Peter-Safety stress which was already on top of the normal general anxiety. Ned had really been banking on a solid 90 minutes of his brain being able to focus on something else, at least. Now what was he gonna do?
He sighed and trudged to his door, exchanging his phone for his key. Maybe he could just watch Netflix? No guarantee it was gonna keep his attention though. Okay, if he turned on Netflix, grabbed his Switch and fixed a huge depression bowl of cereal, he could manage—.
“Hey, bub.”
Ned didn’t even jump. His body just froze on impact of the words hitting his eardrum. His brain was lagging hard. Because bub was Y/n’s nickname for him. Y/n called him bub. And for him to hear someone calling him bub that would mean it was Y/n. And if Y/n was calling him bub that meant—.
He turned and there she was, sitting on the arm of his couch.
“You’re here.” Ned used the air that hadn’t been knocked out of him upon seeing her to utter the words.
“I’m here, Ned,” Y/n said with a warm smile. “I’m home.”
“But… but you guys said maybe another week? We just talked two days ago, how has it— how did you finish— why are you—?”
“Bub.” She called to end his rambling, but her smile was indulgent. “Just kiss me.”
His feet were moving before he knew it. He tackled her into a kiss and they fell back into the couch cushions. Ned held her face and peppered kisses everywhere he could, speaking between every couple pecks.
“I missed you. So much. Are you hurt? Is Pete ok? I missed you. Fuck, I really missed you.”
Y/n brought her hands up to his face. “I really missed you too. I’m okay, Peter’s okay, everything’s okay. And even better now that I’m under you again.”
Ned kissed her long and hard after that, needing the sharp pain of her teeth on his bottom lip to ground him.
“Good ‘cause you’re gonna be under me the rest of the night. And maybe on top of me a couple times.”
She regarded him with a sly look. “Well then, show me how much you missed me.”
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Check out my Jacob Batalon masterlist for more!
Check out my Nedtober 2021 masterlist here!!
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thomasparker · 3 years
Nedtober 2021 Masterlist
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Welcome to my Nedtober 2021 event!! This is where I’ll be posting all of my Ned Leeds works specifically for Nedtober this year! It’ll be updated as new works are posted, but nothing will be added after October ends! Smut will be notified appropriately and as always any minor or blog suspected of being a minor interacting with my nsfw content will be blocked. Enjoy!!
🎃. Whatever Beans Necessary
• Ned makes a New Year’s Resolution – but Y/n makes it difficult for them to keep it.
• fluff
🎃. Bub
• Ned hasn’t seen you in a while.
• fluff, allusions to smut
🎃. …you’d come over, right?
• A post-apocalyptic romance
• angst and fluff… but mostly angst
🎃. Good Boy
• It was hard for Ned to be a good boy where Y/n was involved.
• fluff and smut, 18+ only
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🍁. Prompt: married at first sight
🍁. Prompt: Y/n runs across the road to pet Ned's pet.
🍁. Prompt: Ned and Y/n testing beds and couches at a furniture store.
🍁. Prompt: Setting up MJ and Peter.
🍁. Prompt: Ned visits Peter at the Tower and meets a Stark that the world doesn’t know about. But he definitely wants to find out more.
🍁. Prompt: Ned might just have a crush…
🍁. Prompt: Ned finds he has a cheerleader in Y/n
🍁. Prompt: Y/n and Ned playing a co-op video game and Y/n keeps dicking around and Ned just wants to get past the first level god dammit.
🍁. Prompt: Loosely based off of Sam Hunt’s song ‘Make You Miss Me’
🍁. Prompt: Ned lends their jacket to Y/n. When Y/n is home, they realize they still have Ned's sweater and find Ned's iPod. Out of curiosity, Y/n looks through Ned's music and finds a playlist titled with Y/n's name.
Incorrect quotes tag 😝
Find my main masterlist here!
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thomasparker · 3 years
Unfair Advantage (Peter Parker x Reader)
This Was Made As a Part of Halloweek
Gn!Reader decides to dress as their favourite hero.
Genre(s): Fluff, suggestive
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1086
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⊱ ━━━━{.⋅ Ѽ ⋅.}━━━━ ⊰
It had been a real hassle getting your costume this year. You know how people always warned against going to buy your costume on the same week as Halloween because the stores were always so busy and all of the good costumes were signed out. That was nothing compared to how you got your costume.
You had ‘borrowed’ it from your boyfriend, which was a lot harder than it sounded to be. Your boyfriend Peter had his Spidey-sense which meant it was hard to sneak things by him. He was also a light sleeper so he would notice if you moved around while he was sleeping. You had almost been caught a few times and had to abort your mission before he realized what you were doing and ruined the surprise but this morning, Halloween morning, you had managed to snag your prize as you were leaving his apartment.
And so here you were, pulling the stretchy, spandex material of Peter’s Spider-Man suit over you. You had decided not to wear the mask so people didn’t mistake you for the real Spider-Man, even though you and Peter were set to go to a Stark party.
You heard a knock on the door of your apartment and turned, making sure that the suit was on properly before grabbing your phone. You realized you didn’t have anywhere to put it, so you just held it. Hopefully Peter’s costume would have pocket space you could -steal- borrow.
Then you walked over to the front door and pulled it open to see your boyfriend standing there. He was wearing a red flannel, jeans, and normal sneakers (meaning he definitely had pockets you could put your phone in), but that wasn’t the interesting part of his costume. He had stuck on light blue gloves and covered his face in a matching light blue colour. His hair had that spray-on hair colour in a darker blue and perched atop his ears were little extensions (in blue) that looked like elf ears. He was dressed as the character Ian Lightfoot from a movie you liked called Onward, you had watched it together a few months ago and insisted that Ian sounded just like Peter.
“You look great, Pete!” You informed him with a smile, but received nothing in response. He was just staring at you and your costume. “Pete?” You repeated, trying to get his attention.
His head snapped up from where he had been looking at your costume to meet your eyes. “Oh, yeah, hey. Uh… is that my suit?” He asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.
You nodded and ran the hand that wasn’t holding your phone over the material of it. “Yup! It’s surprisingly comfortable,” you told him, though you figured he knew that.
His eyebrows furrowed slightly and his eyes narrowed just a bit, his lips jutting out a little more like he was preparing to pout (which would have been adorable).
“Something wrong?” You asked, letting your hand drop to your side, your own eyebrows matching the furrow of his.
“I just… I dunno if Mr. Stark would be okay with you wearing my multi-million-dollar suit to, well, to a Halloween party,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his gloved hand.
You gave him a weird look and shook your head with a smile. “Pete, Tony always wears his suit on Halloween, I think it’ll be fine,” you remind him.
Peter sighed and nodded, still looking awkward with his feet turned in on each other and his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, but that’s his suit, this is my suit but you’re wearing it.” He gave you the rundown.
“Pete, it’s your old suit,” you reminded him with a shake of your head.
He let out another small sigh, dramatic as ever even if he didn’t mean to be. “Yeah, I guess…” he agreed.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Peter, what’s really bothering you?” You asked, having a feeling that there was more to this.
He shifted, his weight going from one foot to the other and then back again. “It’s just not fair,” he muttered and his bottom lip finally popped out into a proper pout.
And you wanted to be serious, but dammit did he look cute. You leaned forward and pecked a kiss onto his lower lip. “What’s not fair, Pete?” You ask.
He seems to straighten up a bit as your lips briefly touch his, but he’s still pouting. “It’s not fair that you look so good in my suit,” he replied, leaning on his shoulder that was pressed against the doorframe.
And you weren’t sure what you were expecting him to say but that wasn’t it. You let out a small laugh. “What?”
He huffs a bit, looking embarrassed, his gaze shifting sideways as he straightens up a bit so try to seem more serious. “I mean, babe, it’s my suit, so why do you look better in it?” He questioned, trying to make you see his point of view.
“Well, I do understand your predicament, Parker,” you said with a thoughtful nod, your hand coming up to rub your chin like a character in an old movie thinking. “I could take it off, but we have that party, and I’m barely wearing anything under here, I didn’t want to have too many lines in the fabric, you know,” you said, such an offhand comment but it affected Peter just how you thought it would.
He straightened up and his eyes widened slightly. Ideas of what you could be wearing under his suit running through his mind and then he got the amazing idea what if you’re wearing nothing beneath the suit. “You know, we could just skip the party,” he said, trying to be casual but the slight lift in his tone almost made it sound like a plea.
You shook your head. “No can do, Parker, you promised to take Morgan trick-or-treating for the first hour of the party,” you reminded him, stepping out of your apartment.
He groaned and let his head fall back in frustration. Curse his natural kindness and his inability to say no to Morgan Stark. “But afterwards?” He asked hopefully, stepping out of the way as you closed the door.
You smiled fondly and leaned over, pecking his cheek. You then had to wipe some blue face paint off of your lips but once you had you finally answered his question. “Afterwards I’m all yours, Spider-Man.”
⊱ ━━━━{.⋅ Ѽ ⋅.}━━━━ ⊰
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thomasparker · 3 years
𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 - 𝗽.𝗽
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: peter thinks you don’t like him because you’ve never asked him for his birth time.
𝗮/𝗻: this is honestly so dumb but funny so i had to write it 😭 also fun fact peter and i’s birth chart are very similar since we share the same bday hehe
𝘄/𝗰: 𝟬.𝟳𝗸
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it’s the middle of the school day, and peter has spoken a total of ten words to you. you could tell something was bugging him, which usually causes him to be standoffish. you know to give him space when he's like this, so that’s exactly what you did. you would question him later on in the day.
“pete, you haven’t touched your food” you say, finally breaking the silence with him at your lunch table.
“oh... i’m not that hungry. i’m gonna head over to the library” peter replied with a small smile and a kiss to your cheek before getting up to leave, giving you no time to reply.
“what’s wrong with him?” MJ asks with a concerned look on her face.
“i don’t know, he’s been weird all day” ned answered. “y/n you should go check up on him” he suggested to which everyone at your table agreed.
“i’m gonna wait until later on today. he usually likes to be alone when he’s in a mood” you sighed out, wondering what was wrong with him.
school passed by rather slowly without peter being in the mood to make your classes semi-enjoyable for you. you were curious to see if peter would wait for you outside your class when the bell rang so you could walk home together as usual, but to your disappointment, he didn’t. you got a text from him stating “sorry i can’t walk you home today, something important came up”
you would be lying if you said you weren’t upset, but you tried to be as understanding as possible. he’ll talk to you when he’s ready. you replied a quick “it’s okay, call me later” and started your walk home.
when you arrived home, you settled on your bed and waited for peter to call you. his behavior all day made you anxious, unsure if you had done anything to make him upset. to get your mind off things, you watched TV and waited for peter to call you.
one hour went by. then two. then five.
having waited long enough, you finally decided to pick up your phone and call him, but were cut off by a tap on your window. you looked over and saw peter in his suit, causing you to quickly open it for him to come in.
“i’m sorry for acting weird all day” peter cut straight to the point as he took off his suit and settled into pajamas.
“it’s okay, pete. can you tell me what’s wrong though? i’ve been worried for you all day” you tried to say calmly, not trying to be pushy now that he’s finally opening up.
“yeah, it’s just… do you really like me?” he gulped.
you stared at him like he was the dumbest person in the universe.
“of course i do you idiot! why are you even asking me that?” you scoffed out in disbelief. you shower him with affection all the time, what could possibly make him question your love for him?
“well, usually when girls really like someone they ask them for their birth time so they can look at their birth chart. you’ve never once asked me for mine.” peter whimpered out, completely serious.
you didn’t know whether to laugh or yell at him for being so upset over this.
“peter, i cannot believe this is what has your panties in a twist”
“i don’t wear panties!”
you fought the urge to laugh at him once again, and continued on.
“i didn’t ask because already knew your birth time” you giggled.
“you did?” he said with hope and joy filling his eyes.
“yes, peter. the day you took me to your apartment for the first time, i asked may for it when you went to use the bathroom”
“oh” peter chirped, trying and horribly failing to control his giddiness.
“you’re so… different. who gets insecure over someone not asking them for their birth time?” you say, finally being able to make fun of him.
“stop! i always see guys talking about it on tiktok and i felt left out.” peter tried to defend himself with a pout on his face.
“yeah yeah, whatever” you say mockingly as you two sat down on your couch.
“sooooo…. did you like what you saw in my birth chart?”
“yes peter, you’re my favorite leo”
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thomasparker · 3 years
Hey, I love ur writing and how it helps people personally, I’ve been really struggling with my social anxiety lately, and I was wondering if you could possibly do a Peter Parker x Reader fic where he helps her out with it? Just supper fluffy, maybe angst if you want? 💛
warnings: one swear and descriptions of anxiety
a/n: hi lovely!! my anxiety has been off the rails lately too so it’s nice to know i’m not alone in that lmfjsjds hopefully this can help us both and anyone else feeling the same <3
your eyes scan over the lengthy packet mr. harrington just gave out. you have a test coming up, and today is review day.
all your classmates get right to work. they’re flying through the pages, while you can barely make it past the first one. you’re overwhelmed by the amount of material you’re responsible for memorizing, the lipids and complex carbohydrates and god, there’s more.
you’d thought biology was supposed to be one of the easier sciences.
you sneak a glance over at peter, whose sloppy handwriting fills the paper with his tongue stuck out in concentration.
he could do this shit in his sleep.
peter feels your gaze on him. he can tell something is bothering you, but he knows you won’t share what it is unless he initiates the conversation. that’s okay with him, though. if it accommodates your anxiety, even in the slightest, he’ll happily do it.
he puts down his pencil and smiles sweetly at you over his shoulder.
“what’s up, y/n/n?” peter wonders. you pretend to be focused on your packet, embarrassed he caught you watching him.
you can’t even look your own boyfriend in the eyes.
“nothing, i was just… i must have zoned out or whatever. ignore me,” you lie. “that’s impossible,” peter retorts with that same grin of his.
it earns a tiny smile from you, which you hide with a bite of your lip. he turns in his chair to face you properly.
“seriously, y/n. got anything on your mind?” he tries again.
his hand sets on your knee and squeezes reassuringly.
“um, actually yeah,” you place your hand atop peter’s. he takes note of how frantically your leg is bouncing under his touch. “i’m having a little trouble with the packet... not really sure where to start,” you murmur.
“okay,” peter acknowledges, voice soft. “how about we ask mr. harrington for some help?”
mr. harrington’s head snaps up upon the mention of his name. from his desk, he searches around the room for the source.
you immediately reject his suggestion with clenched teeth. “i mean, i’d rather not. it’s already hard enough admitting this to you.”
peter nods and brushes his thumb over your knee, in a back and forth motion. it does a good job of distracting you from yourself.
“want me to help you out, then?” he offers. “it’s up to you, baby. whatever you’re comfortable with.”
he lets you flip over his hand so you can thread your fingers through his, your palms pressed together.
“are you sure? i don’t wanna get in the way of your studying, pete,” you sigh, though you’re in dire need of his tutoring. “no, no, no. you’re fine,” peter dismisses, eyebrows furrowed. “i’m almost done, anyway.”
he gestures to the mostly untouched packet on your desk. “can i see what you’ve done so far?”
you wordlessly pass it over to him. peter’s lips stretch into another smile as he shifts back towards his own desk so he can read. he keeps his hand in yours while he does so, you attempting to analyze his reactions or lack thereof to gage how well you did.
his silence indicates horribly to you. maybe, because you’re always expecting the worst.
“i know it’s bad… my responses,” you blurt out. “i was kinda confused on the last couple units, but i was too scared to tell mr. harrington. now, i’m starting to regret that.”
“what’re you talking about?” peter chuckles in disbelief. “baby, these are awesome.”
he hands you back your packet, the revelation leaving you stunned.
“they- they are?” you gawk. “yeah! you’re on the right track,” he encourages, rubbing your arm gently. “there’s a couple things to tweak, just some silly mistakes everybody makes. other than that, you’re set.”
you release a breath you’ve been holding for far too long.
your arms wrap around peter’s neck and engulf him in a hug, peter’s arms snaking around your waist. his chest vibrates with quiet laughter, a warmth spreading throughout your body.
“thank you for helping me, peter. with everything,” you whisper into his ear. he hugs you a bit tighter. “you never have to thank me, y/n. it’s what i’m here for.”
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thomasparker · 3 years
just came back for this and this only bc THIS!!!!!! my goooooooooooodddddd, where the Fuck is peter rn, he's the actual cutest what the fuck :( he IS my dork <3 he Does look cute when he's sleeping and he's cuddling me and has a leg over me when doing so <333
omg liz wb peter sleeping and he ends up wrapping his hands and legs around you like a koala bc he just Needs you close. <3
thanks, lauren for giving into my fixations 😭but here's some college!peter fluff yay!!!
The view of New York from high up was unique﹣people followed streets and sideways whether it was to catch taxis, go down to subways or head somewhere with a group of friends at any hour of the night. From the ground, hiding away from light was impossible, the entire city lit up the sky above to block out the view of the stars.
Summer's heat defeated the tall town, leaving people walking through humidity and waiting for the night when the sun left and the breeze came through windows, but tonight, the metropolis grew in darkness as September's intolerable warmth shut down everyone's power with an sudden blackout.
As your pencil was shaving down against your looseleaf, attempting to finish your level-four essay draft, your lamp's light flickered before turning off and leaving you in complete darkness as the city's power shut down outside your window.
"No, no, no..." You groaned, getting up and looking out. When you pushed open the window, you heard New York's citizens whining and complaining, in the same distraught as you since this was the last thing anyone needed for their Saturday night.
Just as Peter gazed the people down below one second, he watched from the top of the Brooklyn Bridge as the beaming lights shut down in sections and roars and cries echoed through the tall buildings.
"Holy shit..." Peter trailed, but suddenly he thought of you and he grabbed his phone. The cell towers were down, making him more concerned, but it didn't hurt to check on you.
Using the technology in his suit, the lenses through his eyes gave him night vision that could lead a safe path to your apartment. He swung down the streets, listening to everyone's complaints and police were already out advising for people to get back to their homes.
As you fanned yourself, sitting on your book nook, you had the window wide open and glared at the moon. You never noticed it before and how bright it could be, but you paused when the railings of the fire escape above rattled. Of course, you think it might be the neighbor's cat again until you heard, "Y/N?"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Peter?" You asked, moving your head out the window to look up.
Peter's suit disappeared from his body with one push, back in his t-shirt and jeans, walking down the fire escape stairs with his backpack tight on his back.
"God, you scared me." You hissed, going back to fanning your face.
He chuckled, "I wanted to make sure you were okay." Peter nodded, barely seeing your face, but he squatted in front of the window.
"Your Spider-manly duties?" You jeered, making him half-smile, "I'm fine, I was working on my essay, but now I can't even think with how hot it is."
Peter hummed, "I know a place where you can be cool and work on your essay."
"Impossible." You teased, smiling at his face that you could barely make out if it weren't for the moon's glow in the back.
"Do you trust me?" He asked, putting out his hand.
You rolled your eyes, "Just know that I always put my life in your hands every time you want to swing around." You groaned, walking back into your room. Peter took out his phone, giving you a flashlight to collect your things, including a blanket, and stuffed it in his backpack.
After putting on Peter's hoodie he had stored, you wrapped around him and weren't prepared for your stomach to drop so fast with how quickly he jumped from the fire escape. You burrowed your face into the crook of his neck, not wanting to look down, like always, and Peter asked how you were doing most of the way.
He chuckled as he softly landed, the two of you touched your feet to the ground.
"Okay, you can open." Peter smiled, his arm still around you.
You widened your eyes a bit, but realized you were on a tall rooftop where the moon shined and a cool breeze brushed through your hair. It didn't smell awful like below nor was it among other buildings. It seemed like a perfect spot to be during a blackout.
"How do you find places like this?" You smiled.
"Well it's the perk of having Spider-man as your boyfriend, I take the high ground." He smirked, referencing Star Wars as well. Peter handed you his backpack, helping you unzip it to get your things.
"You're such a dork." You grinned as you take the blanket, "But, I guess you're my dork."
Peter blushed, you couldn't tell, but it wasn't the heat that made his cheeks so pink.
After you finished the rest of your essay, you and Peter laid on the blanket and looked up at the starry sky. A galaxy of stars for your viewing and his head on your shoulder, his fatigue adding weight to his eyes, but they kept fluttering. You weaved your fingers through his curls, the softness of them like velvet. The exhaustion caught up with the rest of him and his leg was over yours, slowly falling asleep and his light snores right by your ear. At the end of the day, blackout or not, the feeling of being in your arms felt like home.
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thomasparker · 3 years
Can I have a blurb for Tom where y/n has brought a bunch of clothing and gives Tom a fashion show? Please and thank you
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warnings— maybe possessive!tom, suggestive, language
notes— welcome, sending love
blurb sleepover
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"close your damn eyes, i see you peeking!"
tom was antsy, composure twiddling with his front row seat on the couch. he cleared the area, as he typically would, leaving the hard wood-oak floors to mock a runway. upon knowing you'd be shopping for new clothes today to freshen up your wardrobe. he gets giddy like a small child waiting for candy. needy to eye every inch of you.
"can't help it lovie... s' taking too long."
he was eager to lay even just a finger on you. palms rubbing ridgely against the cloth material of his sweat pants, clammy hands and anxiousness for one being.
"walking! m' walking, be patient."
you corner the last step— a perilous red corset, sintching your waist and lifting your chest upright. the black strings tied into a neat bow, whilst the black skirt to match was risky and short. he adored your edgy style but didn't adore the glances you'd catch. due to the fact that you were his lovie, and his lovie alone.
he couldnt handle the drools your cleavage would get and the whistles your ass would receive if you bent over in the slightest.
standing feet away from him to strut and have him practically fall to his knees at the show you were about to manage to pull off.
“okay, open baby.”
brown orbs snatching themselves open. a rare emotion of awe interrupting his jaw. as if someone knocked his jaw loose. salacious and iridescent; alluring and desirable. he probably would've leaped across the living room and pounced on you if it wasn’t for him promising to hold himself back prior. your hips twisted and rocked, leather skirt flowing with every step. runway ending its glory once you’re positioned directly in front of him.
nonchalant was an act. slouched back into the couch, he didn’t even acknowledge that he’d been gnawing on his finger the entirety of it to keep composure.
“fuck me,” he gapes. “i approve, long as you only wear it for me.”
partially humerous, partially not. he wanted the show to himself, craving the best of both worlds. his arms elongated to pull you down atop his lap, aching to have you. placing a lengthy kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“no, bought this for events.”
“if y’talking events at home darling, i agree... but i don’t do well with sharing.”
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thomasparker · 3 years
hmmm, with peter having that suit on... uh??? college!peter? is he going to work or???? kids???? who knows.
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thomasparker · 3 years
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Spider-Man: No Way Home
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thomasparker · 3 years
yes, bug 🥺🥺🥺
exhausted (peter parker x reader)
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summary: peter's tired and you know just what to do
word count: 0.4k
warnings: language, lil suggestiveness, fluff
a/n: happy belated spider-man day! wanted to write something quick for the sake of our beloved friendly neighborhood spider-man :)
peter parker masterlist
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You perk up from your couch when you hear the sound of knocking at your window beside the kitchen area. You smile warmly once you realize it's your boyfriend all suited up and crouched down to wave at you. You shuffle over and open the window, murmuring a small "hello" before being engulfed in his arms once he steps inside.
"Missed you," he sighs and stuffs his face into your neck, mask still on.
You chuckle and reach out to slide the window closed, then locking it. "I missed you too, been a couple of days hm. Manage to work things out with Fe?" you murmur and hug him closer, rubbing his back.
He nods and holds you tighter if possible, inhaling your scent with a satisfied sigh. "M' tired, baby."
"I can tell," you whisper and pull away, cupping his covered face. He lets you slowly take off his mask and you frown at the sight of his beat-up face. "Pete," you hesitantly brush a finger against his busted lip and take in his every wound.
"I'm okay," he gives you a weak smile that clearly did not convince you.
"Want me to run a bath and stitch you up?" you let your hand fall down to his chest and smooth out the cool material of the suit. He nods and brings your hand back up to his lips, smooching your soft palm.
"Thanks, bubba," he sighs and snakes his other hand around your waist, cheekily moving his hand lower to grope your ass. You stifle a laugh and kiss his cheek, walking off toward your bathroom. "Love you!" he lazily calls out.
"Love you too," you say back, smiling to yourself as you set things up.
After he soaked in the warm water and the two of you made small talk while you stitched up his major cuts, you both find yourselves in bed wrapped up in each other's embrace.
"I was so fucking tired I took the subway instead of swinging and then this dude fell asleep on my shoulder," Peter mentions, his head on your chest while his body rests on top of your body and in between your legs.
"Mm," you hum in response, chuckling at imagining the sight. "What else happened on your days gone, hm?"
"Can we talk about it later? Just, tell me about you," he whispers and intertwines his hand with yours. You chuckle and nod, proceeding to tell him about your days without him home went.
"Then my stupid ass manager," you start but then hear a soft snore leave his lips, halting your rant. You thread your fingers through his hair and lean down to kiss his forehead. "Night, Bug. Proud of you," you praise with a soft tone, bringing the blanket over the two of you.
He smiles and sighs, murmuring a quiet, "Arachnid," before drifting off to sleep again and causing you to toll your eyes. "And thank you, beautiful. I love you so fucking much. Thank you, for everything."
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thanks for reading, let me know what you think!
tagging some mutuals :) @subspider @parkerpeter24 @celestialholland @devotion @peterbenjiparker @ptersmj @t-lostinworlds @selfcarecap @evermoreholland @marvelouspeterparker @veryholland @reawritesthings @hollandcrush @starknik22 @ms-misery @blissfulparker @parkers-gal
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thomasparker · 3 years
identity reveal
Pairing ➳ peter parker x reader
Summary ➳ peter accidentally reveals his identity to you
thanks for suggesting this, @harryhollandsgirlfriend
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Permanent taglist: (let me know if you want to be removed from the list) @spideyspeaches @tommysparker @allegras-sunflower @rubberducky-jrr @cottoncandyholland @clara-licht @devotion @anjali750 @niinaazenik @petersasteria @fanficparker @alinastarkrovs @chaoticpete @t-monosapiens-h @tom-holland-is-spiderman @stareyedplanet @strwberryshortcakes @averyfosterthoughts @dreamsluvrr @evermoreholland @call-me-baby-gir1 @marylimlp @mellowobservationprincess @starlight-starks @annmariek8 @quaksonhehe @celestialholland @sinisterspidey @hollanderfangirl @tom-hlover @amberxskiess @swiftmind @rarararararaclosed @lowkey-holland @theglitterymess @miraclesoflove @kelieah @londonspidey @capital-koreasofia @tomhollandismyhusband1996 @prancerrparkerr @redcoatgirl
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thomasparker · 3 years
Tom and reader ‘baby just tell me, I’ll always protect you’ ‘there’s a spider in the bathroom’ ‘We ArE mOvInG aNd BuRnInG tHiS hOuSe!’
It simply started with you wiggling out of his arms in the middle of the night to pee buy quickly running back to bed when the large spider in the sink spooked you too much to pee. That’s when chaos started.
“Babe did you flush the toilet?” Toms voice barely audible as he spoke into the pillow half asleep.
“Didn’t pee.” Was all you said as you rolled into your side and Tom rolled over to face you.
“Why?” He mumbled again and you didn’t respond yet he knew you were awake. “Babe, c’mon, what is it? A ghost? You need me to scare it—“ he teased and then you rolled to him.
“There’s a spider in the sink.” You tell him and he immediately rolls away. “Tom?” You ask again knowing he’s now simply ignoring it.
“Goodnight Angel, I love you.” He tells before he shuts his eyes.
“Tom are you serious? Can you kill it please? I’ve got to pee!” You tell him and he doesn’t move, frozen in fear.
“Well, the keys to my car are in the dish by the door. Sure Harrison is still up and would love to—OW!” He was now fully awake once the pillow came in contact with his head.
“Please! Tom! I have to pee and you’re the strong man!” You cried out to him and he rolls his eyes.
“Whatever happened to you and equal rights.” He groans as he gets up. Grabbing a shoe and you sit up in bed waiting for him to kill it.
It takes the grown man about fifteen minutes to kill a spider before you were free to pee. Finally relaxing as the spider was dead and everything was at peace.
“Tom,” you whisper as your boyfriend now held onto you tightly. “Let loose a bit.” You wiggle and he only holds tighter.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Worry there are more spiders.”
And all because of one sink spider, tom was checking the house in the morning and never letting you go.
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thomasparker · 3 years
make it right | series.
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❝ after much soul-searching and trying to find your own path, you end up in a quaint little town near london, where your closest friend lives. luckily for you, a full-time kindergarten teacher position has just opened up. a couple of months after you’ve hung up your name in front of classroom 2-b, the last person you expect to see picking up a bubbly little boy is tom holland, the man who left you behind all those years ago. ❞
↳ playlist.
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❀ one: yellow of the sun [11.06.21] ❀
❀ two: coup de coeur ❀
❀ three: pink in the night ❀
❀ four: that got away ❀
❀ five: old friend ❀
❀ six: saturn to me ❀
✎ updates every other friday starting june 2021.
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​⇨ omg I am so excited!! I’ve had this idea for more than a year, but I lacked the time and motivation to dedicate myself to a series. now that I’ve gotten back into writing more regularly and my semester is coming to an end, I’ve dug this baby out of the drafts and I’m ready to write it. 
however, I want to make it clear that, although I’m publishing this masterlist now, the story itself won’t be posted until june! I just want to get it out and make sure this is something y’all are interested in, as well as hype it up until I start posting it next month!!
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