#am i in pt 2 of my gif maker era? who knows
sshirakumo · 7 months
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uraraka ochako -> civilian clothes, pt. 1
(season 1, episode 3)
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honeypwark · 4 years
[ Night Night ]
  ↳ Roller Coaster era (late Jan-early Mar 2019)
       ↳ Lily arrives right on time for NCT Night Night. JohnJae is whipped. Lily talks about promoting solo.
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After a rather stressful salon visit and practically shoving herself into the outfit her stylist gave her, Lily raced to the recording studio home to NCT Night Night, among other radio shows. Normally, guests enter at the beginning of the ad break preceding their introduction. However, those commercials are over halfway over by the time Lily is shown into the recording studio.
Simultaneously, two voices shout, “Lily Leeeeeeeeee!”
Lily laughs, NCT Night Night’s very tall hosts, Johnny and Jaehyun, standing to greet her. Normally, she wouldn’t think twice before hugging her best friend’s older members in greeting but she knows there’s a live video feed, so she keeps to the more formal bow and handshake.
“You’re late,” Johnny says.
“Would you be insulted if I told you I forgot and fell asleep?” Lily asks.
“Then it was traffic.”
The three of them laugh and Lily walks around to sit across from Johnny and Jaehyun. She sits and, careful of her recently styled hair, puts her headphones on. For a moment, all she can hear is someone advertising super fast pizza delivery service. She looks up and sees Jaehyun saying something and motioning toward his head.
“Ah,” she says in understanding, moving one side of the headphones off her ear.
She doesn’t notice Johnny and Jaehyun looking at her fondly as she fixes her hair. A few staff members rush into the room, adjusting the cameras facing Lily down, having estimated where she would be sitting too high while waiting for her. Soon after, the commercials end and Johnny and Jaehyun begin the introductory dialogue.
“Johnny, have you ever heard of Sunshine?”
“Sunshine? Like light from the sun?”
“No, like the Nation’s Sunshine, Twice’s Lily.”
“But isn’t Lily from America? How did she get the nickname Nation’s Sunshine?”
“Are you curious?” Jaehyun addresses the listeners. “Then find out here!”
“Come meet tonight’s special guest nicknamed the Nation’s Sunshine on NCT Night Night.”
With the show led into, Jaehyun turns his attention to Lily, “Our guest for tonight is a beloved member of a popular girl group who has recently made her debut as a solo artist, lighting up the stage with her bright vocals and refreshing concept during the cold winter months. Lily Lee, hello.”
“Hello!” Lily responds cheerfully.
Johnny chuckles at her peppiness, “Please introduce yourself.”
“Hello!” Lily repeats, “I’m Lily Lee. I’m glad to be a guest on NCT Night Night and am very excited about tonight’s broadcast!”
“Hello and welcome, Lily,” Johnny says.
“Before we begin, would you like explain how we all know each other?” Jaehyun asks.
“Yes. My best friend is one of Johnny and Jaehyun’s members, NCT Dream’s Jisung. I’m good friends with all of NCT, who I met through Jisung.”
“We’re you’re... oppas? Is it alright to say that?” Johnny glances around as thought looking for someone’s nod of approval.
Lily laughs, “Well, you are... six and four years older than me, aren’t you?”
“You were born in 2001?” Jaehyun asks.
“Very late 2001. December twelfth.”
“You’re that young? That means you’re younger than Chenle.”
“Not by much, but I am younger than him, yes.”
“And you’ve just made your solo debut with ‘Roller Coaster,’” Johnny reads from his script. “Your debut single came with two songs, the title track ‘Roller Coaster’ and b-side track ‘Don’t Know What To Do.’ You wrote your b-side, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Lily nods. “I wrote the lyrics and composed most of it. I had help from a friend I trained with who’s debuted now, Stray Kids’ leader Bang Chan. He and I were really the only ones to work on this song and he would push me to figure stuff out on my own. He didn’t hold my hand and tell me what would work.”
“He wanted you to make it your own,” Jaehyun supplies.
“And you also helped write lyrics for ‘Roller Coaster’?” Johnny asks.
“I did.”
“So, what’s it like being the first of your group to have a solo project while also being the youngest? What were your members’ reactions?” Jaehyun prompts.
“When I was first offered the chance to promote solo, I was really really nervous about their reactions. I care a lot about my members because they really took me in and accepted me when I’d only just move to Korea and I didn’t want them to think that I was privileged or thought I was better than them. Those worries were ultimately stupid because after I talked to one of my friends about it to get his opinion, I told them and they were all super supportive.”
“And how does promoting solo vary from promoting with a group?”
“Well, I feel a lot more pressure to do well. I always feel a lot of pressure to do well because I want to give the best performance possible to Onces, but especially when I’m the only person singing onstage I want to do my absolute best. Of course, everyone makes mistakes and since I’m so clumsy I’m bound to make some as well. But anytime I do make a mistake, I know Onces won’t care too much. And if the rest of my performance was spectacular then it’s alright.”
“It must be a lot of pressure to be the only person onstage people are watching,” Johnny agrees.
“Yeah, it is.”
“We’ll continue our interview with Lily Lee in a few minutes. This is ‘Dancing With A Stranger’ by Sam Smith and Normani.”
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“The story behind how you got your pet dog Blue is an interesting one, isn’t it?” Jaehyun asks about halfway through the broadcast.
“It is... a little unconventional,” Lily says carefully.
“How did you adopt him?”
“Well, I went out on my own one night to a convenience store and on my way back, I heard whimpering in an alleyway. When I went to see what it was, I found a little puppy in a plastic tub.”
“He was left to starve,” Johnny surmises sadly.
“Yeah,” Lily nods. “So I snuck him into the dorm because I knew my members probably would freak out and make me get rid of him. I went into the dorm, opened my bedroom window, and climbed down the fire escape to where I’d left Blue down below. I brought him up to the dorm, gave him a bath, and it wasn’t until the next day when he’d pooped on the kitchen floor that the girls found out.”
“And you managed to convince them to keep him?” Jaehyun asks.
“With a lot of promises that I would be fully responsible for him- and a little but of guilt tripping-, I did convince them to let him stay.”
“Good thing, too, because he’s adored by your fans,” Johnny says. “On another note, fans have been in a frenzy about something since they found out you’d be coming on the show.”
Lily groans, “I know.”
Johnny laughs, “You know what it is?”
“You two are both so tall,” Lily says, “They want to see me next to you.”
“We’ll take a picture at the end of the broadcast, don’t worry,” Jaehyun tells the listeners.
“How tall are you, Lily?” Johnny asks.
She sighs exaggeratedly loud and long into her mic.
Johnny and Jaehyun laugh heartily.
“I’m like one hundred fifty three centimeters or something,” she says.
“Am I really thirty one centimeters taller than you?” Johnny asks, bewildered.
“I don’t know, you’re the giant,” Lily says. “I look up at everyone regardless. Though I’m probably around one fifty seven right now with the insoles I’m wearing.”
“Imagine wearing insoles,” Jaehyun teases.
“Don’t patronize me,” she says, “I’m your sunbaenim.”
Johnny and Jaehyun falls silent for a few moments.
“You are,” Jaehyun says in disbelief.
“Oh my god,” Johnny mutters.
Lily laughs at the two men who are obviously just now realizing she is at least four years younger than them yet is their senior artist.
“While we think on that for a few minutes, this is ‘Airplane pt.2’ by BTS,” Jaehyun says.
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“So, how did you get the nickname the Nation’s Sunshine?” Jaehyun asks.
They are rapidly approaching the end of the broadcast after a little under an hour of fun stories and lighthearted teasing.
“I’m a really bright and happy person,” Lily starts, “I’m generally optimistic and I’m kind of the mood maker of Twice. My members started calling me Sunshine as a term of endearment and then just as a nickname. Eventually, it caught on and spread to the fans. I became really, really popular in Korea as I appeared on variety shows and things like that. I feel like I sound like a braggart when I say this, but people started commenting about how anytime I was onscreen- even if they didn’t know me- they’d start smiling, so they started calling me the Nation’s Sunshine.”
“Even though you’re a foreigner?” Jaehyun asks.
“I guess,” Lily shrugs. “I mean, I’m ethnically Korean and after living in Korea for four-ish years, I’m fluent in Korean so except for me name, people don’t always realize I’m from America.”
“America!” Johnny shouts.
“America!” Lily shouts back.
The three of them laugh.
“Well, tonight has been very fun,” Jaehyun says.
“It was fun!” Lily agrees.
“I hope we can have you back sometime,” Jaehyun says.
“I hope so, too,” she nods, “Maybe with my members.”
“Do you have anything else you’d like to say?” Johnny prompts.
“Uh, yes,” Lily says. “Um, Onces! Thank you so much for all your support as I ventured out and promoted solo. I hope I’ve promoted Twice and myself well and you are satisfied with my performances so far. Please always support me. I love you! Thank you! And thank you to Johnny and Jaehyun for having me as a guest! This was a lot of.”
“Okay,” Johnny says. “The final song for tonight is our lovely guest’s recent release. This is ‘Roller Coaster’ by Lily Lee.”
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