anonymousmiaandana ยท 8 years
Confession #2: Boys, boys, and eating disorders. Boy with eating disorders.
There's this kid in my class. I know him. Kinda. He's a friend. He was always kind. But very odd. Most people don't like him. Or at least care about him. He doesn't do any work. He hardly tries. He skips alot. Anyways, last year he said he was "fat". Now he's lost probably 25-40lbs and he still thinks he needs to lose weight. He mentions his appearance alot more now. He's slightly conceited. But calls himself fat and talks about food too much. It's not that he really talks about it too much. But mostly the way he talks about it, ans himself. He has an eating disorder. He restricted for months. Only eating certain foods, and still not feeding himself right. I was iffy a first. But now I'm completely sure. I don't know what to do. But I'm sure I'll never say anything. I have an eating disorder I guess. Especially lately I've been binging and binging and trying to blame it on being healthy and vegetarian or vegan or whatever. Anyways, I want to talk to him. But then if I asked him, he might not know. Also, he might ask questions and he'll eventually know things about me. Most people don't know. My "family" has made jokes many times. Also, before I really had a purging problem and actually started purging, I told my friends. Two friends. Which I hardly talk to now. Also, at the end of the day, what will I say to him. Be healthy. Like I'm a good example of that. It seems like I don't ever do what I preach. At the end of the day, some sick part of me wants everyone to be hippie purging anorexic and bulimic motherfuckers.
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