#amadeus and glendale both have so many moving parts to them that i just need to get over the fear of people not caring
banavalope · 2 years
i think im in love with amadeus! can you tell us more about them?
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amadeus is a little weird, they're an oc with a (vaguely written) self-contained story, and also a fan character whenever i feel the devil take me over, so the details about them are almost intentionally open-ended because they adapt as necessary to whatever situation i put them in. That all being said, when Amadeus is just floating around there untethered inside my imagination, they still have some consistent details I could probably stitch together for you.
Amadeus is based on being a personified wishing star, so are just space themed in general with other concepts mixed in for fun, like a lot of alien lifeform tropes and having some android traits, most to do with their microphone (they’re 100% deaf without it, in practical function its a magical and convoluted hearing aid that their voice also comes out, all of that only when it’s connected. They are narrated by Jack Black.), but I wouldn’t call them inhuman. I also bounce between gender-neutral and masculine pronouns for them, I don’t think either are incorrect.
In any given situation, I always imagine Amadeus as "not from wherever they are currently located". Generally speaking, they're always from space, somewhere within our galaxy, though not anywhere in specific. Literally just not from here.
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They also change colors based on YOUR mood if its intense enough, you know like a mood ring. Positive energy really gasses them up so they try to be the guy that makes you smile and feel your best.
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When they aren't being adapted to fit another narrative, I imagine Amadeus was once in a band as the lead vocalist until it broke up, and now they're a solo rock star who tours around the milky way performing for other extraterrestrial societies. They love being a performer and making music for other people, because music is what makes people daydream, it's a motivator in the pursuit of your goals, and it's universal. The feeling of people wanting to achieve and reaching for their goals is essential energy to Amadeus as a sort of wishing star, so they don't want to stop making their art despite knowing full well that they, themselves, work best as part of a group and wanting to be in a band again. They're going through MASSIVE burnout as a result of overworking themselves, but aren't ready or willing to admit that yet.
They get forced into a situation that makes them take a break after getting stranded on an earthish planet and end up meeting their mutual pining interest at the same time. their name is informally Glendale, the concept of time and function of Death in a Terry Pratchett kind of way. They’ve also got their own shit going on too, but the two of them are healing together.
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thank u for asking u )< u
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