the-words-we-sung Β· 3 months
And I'm finally back home. The Omar weekend is over 😒
I spent almost the whole day travelling and trying to stay into my Omar bubble, scrolling tumblr and watching on a loop my lil videos of the concert (the quality is not the best but I'm still gonna post them I think ^^)
I already shared how amazing the concert was and how great Omar was, but I wanted to also really thank again the tumblr people I met this weekend!! @amailboxlemur, @yrblogbaby, @crownedwille, @illuminescent (and Emmi) => you guys were absolutely amazing and were a big part of why this weekend was so fantastic πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ I'm definitely an awkward bean when it comes to meeting new people but I shared some truly great moments with you, you made me feel all warm and welcomed πŸ’œπŸ’œ And being able to share the after concert high with you was the best ^^ I was super sad to say goodbye and I really hope we get to meet up again some day!!!
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hergrandplan Β· 14 days
Okay the first that popped up was a song from specifically the Dutch version of Anastasia, a very old hyperfixation so I AM going to spin again just so you get a lyric you might actually understand but this is the lyric from that song (it's also a reprise in a musical so a very limited amount of lyrics to choose from)(that being said the score from this musical still 100% slaps so highly recommend anyone listen to Anastasia):
Dat alles door die ene dans
Okay second try and this one ACTUALLY is a full song which also just happens to be one of my favorite Conan Gray songs !!!
You said, "Distance brings fondness", but guess not with us / The only mistake that we didn't make was run
(For some reason I think this song is very Wilmon coded, but specifically s2 Wilmon)
Send me a β™Ύ and get a random lyric!
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young-royals-confessions Β· 2 months
Was simon gonna be a singer before omar was casted?? //
Malte sings in a band and he auditioned for Simon, so I'm pretty sure the answer to that is yes.
Also here's an interview where Omar mentions it, skip to about 7:14 (thank you @amailboxlemur)
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crownedwille Β· 3 months
I got tagged by the lovely L @the-words-we-sung to do this little getting to know game, thank you, that's so sweet and now I'm finally getting around to doing it!
Last song: Secrets From A Girl (Who's Seen It All) by Lorde - with the weather being so nice and spring like rn it makes me want to listen to Solar Power again
Favorite color: Blue
Last film/show: last film - Let The Right One In and before that Karusell (two swedish movies yes) and last show - a rewatch of my favourite show Boy Meets World lol (i'm following the recap podcast every week so i watch one episode every week)
Sweet/savory: I like both but savory
Relationship status: very much single and kinda lonely but also not sure if I actually want a relationship...still figuring it all out
Current obsession: Young Royals obviously, and Omar, and Edvin (and Sweden!) -> honestly I'm keeping that answer bc same haha
Last thing I googled: Swish and data protection - i was listening to a german podcast about Sweden (obviously, it's one of my obsessions) and they were talking about the digitalization there compared to Germany but I was curious to find out more about the mobile payment app there and if people care about their sensible bank data being shared with an app and how that's handled (very exciting I know)
Last book: still reading The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Looking forward to: of course yr season 3 and having time off around easter
I'm also tagging @amailboxlemur, @yrblogbaby and @illuminescent if they haven't done it already πŸ’œ
Thanks for tagging!!
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the-words-we-sung Β· 3 months
First impressions after watching season 3
So after being super patient all day yesterday, I finally managed to get back home and binge watch season 3 last night \o/ I'm just gonna put a few of my first thoughts here for now, I'm gonna need to rewatch everything to have more detailed and coherent thoughts 😁 But first of all, I wanna thanks Amber πŸ’œ (@amailboxlemur) for being the best spectator and companion to my live reactions πŸ˜‚ It was super duper nice to be able to share these with you while I was watching and going through all the emotions 😱 So I liked the season!! It was a lot a lot but I really enjoyed it!! It made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me blush... All the rainbow emotions πŸ’œ
Tumblr media
Here is my reaction at the end of episode 5, and I think it sums up pretty well my feeling at that moment :p
So a few randoms comments (I will write more about each episode after rewatching them, which I intend to start doing tonight because I neeeeeed to watch it all again):
[It's not spoiler-free so don't read if you haven't watched the season yet!!]
⁂ Simon was incredibly sad this season and it broke my heart. Seeing him cry just made me cry. He was so lost and broken, I really can't wait for the last episode to see him get better (yes I'm an eternally optimist person so I believe he will be happier!!)
⁂ I wasn't expecting the Micke/Sara storyline but I think I liked it! It gave us a new perspective into the Eriksson family dynamic and I felt so so bad for Sara at the end
⁂ I loved to see Simon being truly angry at his sister!! Baby boy is so used to being nice and forgiving, so it was really refreshing to see him actually be mad and stand his ground about it!!
⁂ Wilhelm Wilhelm Wilhelm. My poor boy is a mess! He was so hopeful at the beginning, thinking he could finally have it all, but yeah it was obviously not gonna be smooth sailing. He's such a messy, broken, angry teenager this season and my heart cries for him. He ends up hurting Simon quite a lot but I cannot be truly mad at him. He's a broken boy trying his best :(
⁂ Which leads me to his family: arghhhhhh. So I was hoping that we would get some more info to understand Kristina at least a little bit, but she's just truly awful this season. And the Duke is not better. I hate them for how they behave with Wilhelm. And on a more personal note: I always saw my own mother in Kristina, but this season it's even more flagrant, and gosh does it make me mad for Wilhelm. His lashing out at them at the end of episode 5 was as painful as it was good to see. I've been in his situation. I've yelled like him too many times to count. So I hurt for him. He deserves so much better. Nobody should have these kind of people as parents :(
⁂ The Erik stuff made me so sad!!
⁂ The whole school situation was a bit frustrating at time but it was interesting to see the characters reacting to it all. Felice is a queen and deserves so much better than her "friends". And Vincent can rot in hell 😠
⁂ They're all incredible actors!! And the show is beautiful as usual. I am slightly disappointed with the music (no song captured me as well as the ones in season 1 and 2, but maybe I just need to watch the episodes a few times for that to happen ^^)
⁂ All the cute scenes between Wilhelm and Simon were just the best. Seeing them be silly boyfriends was the best. And yeah, the chemistry is still chemistrying hard between Edvin and Omar :p
I'm gonna stop my list of first reactions there, but I'll continue in more details episode by episode! Overall I think I like this season, though the ending killed me and the week to come is gonna be the longest week ever ^^' I am not really worried about the last episode. I trust the show. I do believe Wilmon will be endgame. And I think not everything will be wrapped up neatly but I do think the ending will be satisfying. So can't wait \o/
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the-words-we-sung Β· 3 months
Thank you for the tag Sophia @sillylittleflower πŸ’œπŸ’œ
Last song: Om om och om igen (the Omar bubble is still strong ^^)
Favorite color: πŸ’™πŸ©΅
Last film/show: mmhh was it Young Royals πŸ€” Or maybe Skam France!! And the last film was The Abyss (which was not bad, I thought Felicia was great in it!!)
Sweet/savory/sweet: savory! (I do like sweet things too but I think I prefer savory)
Relationship status: 😩 Trying to get over the break up of a very long and serious relationship so yeah, single..
Current obsession: Young Royals obviously, and Omar, and Edvin (and Sweden!)
Last thing I googled: RenΓ© Barjavel
Last book: Fitz and the Fool by Robin Hobb. I'm very excited to start this last part of the Farseer serie 😁
Looking forward to: Young Royals season 3 \o/ But also finishing my semester!! (And starting some serious plans for an internship in Sweden next year.. 😢)
Tagging @yrblogbaby, @elphiessolsikke, @illuminescent, @amailboxlemur, @neurospicynugget, @skibasyndrome and @crownedwille but no pressure ^^ And for anyone who wants to do it, don't hesitate, it's always fun to read people's answers to these!
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