b00ket · 4 years
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Amani CG 😳
So I tried to keep in Arcana-like but the piece has a life of it’s own and shifted to something completely different
+ a little cute blurb of text that happens in this moment (stream of consciousness writing)
Amani: You want a special touch? Hold still...
“This won’t tickle right?”
“We won’t be so special if we’re late.”
Amani: Tickle? No!
Amani pulls out a small tray of golden powder and a brush. Damping the brush and dipping it into the powder, it turns into a wet paint. Light bounces off its glittering surface with an energetic glow.
Amani: ... okay it will tickle a little.
Amani sits on my legs, resting a hand on my chest as she leans in close. A face of focus as she decides where to place her first shimmering stroke. She huffs, making eye contact with me.
Amani: I’m not sure what to put on your face... hmmm
Amani: What do you feel you need most?
Amani: Knew you would say that. You seem like a cheetah type.
The cold paint hits my face. It does tickle! Amani starts explaining... something. Honestly with how close our faces are it’s hard to focus on what she’s saying.
Amani: —They’re animal guides. Meant to guide the dead through the land of death to their final resting place. It’s said they take the form of your beloved.
She speaks with an emotional attachment. Her explanation only contrasted with her face of focus. Nose wrinkled and eyebrows furrowed as she gets really into not fucking up my face paint. With a final stroke she puts the brush down, looking down at me with a smile.
Amani: it’s hard to improve upon a masterpiece but I did a fine job!
Our lips connect for a moment. Pulling back her smile drops.
Amani: shoot the face paint! Knew I should’ve waited.
MC: It’s hard to keep your hands off me I understand.
Amani: oh yeah? Then you can fix your own face paint!
She gets off me, kissing my cheek to cover it with golden paint kisses. With a childish giggle she examines her work and gives me a mirror to examine the work she looks very proud of.
The kiss marks actually improve the golden cheetah paint that starts at my nose and flows up my forehead and around my cheekbones. The kisses and cheetah marks almost look the same, both applied with love.
MC: I don’t think I will.
Amani leans towards me, tapping the cheek turned my way and peeking at me expectantly.
Kiss her.
MC: We’ll save that for after the party. No stealing and definitely no chandelier swinging.
Amani: But you must admit the pure fun of swinging on a very sparkly chandelier!
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b00ket · 3 years
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Hehe test screencap 🏴‍☠️
I didn’t try with copying the style outside of the shading colors cause they’re nice sue me
I tried designing her casual outfit and made it to detailed so here is her PARTY OUTFIT. Purple is feared by all nobles at parties
(Fun fact: she’s a pescatarian)
Full body and concept colors below!
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b00ket · 3 years
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Finally... I can experience my meme making dreams
Also practice expressions
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b00ket · 4 years
Character sheets will be added later but here’s basic information on them
This post is already long as shit so BACKSTORIES FOR EACH UNDER THE CUT and side characters will be in a reblog later
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Name: Amani Ayad
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: July 23rd
Age: 18-22
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (weakness for women 😏👈🏽)
Country of Origin: Karnassos
Languages spoken: Fluent in whatever tf Vesuvians speak, Karnassi, and basic conversational skills in a handful of others
Hobbies: Partying HARD, growing plants, singing & playing Guitar/Fiddle
Magical Abilities:
Herbal Magic
Raw Magic (similar to Asra) (ill put a link that explains it in depth later)
Mischievous and mysterious. A liar. Definitely a flirt. Trust issues and a bit of a coward.
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Name: Lucas Karimov
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 7'
Birthday: July 10th
Age: 25-28
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Country of Origin: Vesuvia
Languages spoken: Vesuvian
Hobbies: Cooking/Baking, Fighting, Gambling, Politics
Magical Abilities:
Learned how to channel whatever magic he produces into bouts of extreme strength
Outgoing. Friendly! Altruistic and loyal to a fault. Has a fear of loss. Romantically dense (good luck flirting with him). Anger issues 😳. Holds a grudge. Not white.
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Name: Kieran Power
Gender: Who cares (They/Them)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: time is nothing
Age: Stopped keeping track (500~ years)
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: As long as you’re hot (Pansexual)
Country of Origin: A long abandoned village in the Southern Spines
Languages Spoken: Fluent in Most Languages
Hobbies: Throwing Parties, Reading, HOMOEROTIC SWORD FIGHTS, sleeping
Magical Abilities
Magic blocked by their deal
Dramatic and they love it. Enjoys causing others pain. Depressed but wont admit it. Quick learner and a master of manipulation. Vengeful and will hold a grudge.
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Name: Donovan Nwadike
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 6’ 4”
Birthday: September 20th
Age: 33-36
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Country of Origin: Nopal
Languages Spoken: Vesuvian, whatever you call the language of the Scourge
Hobbies: Sword Making, painting, sculpting
Magical Abilities:
Metal manipulation
Quiet and reserved. Incredibly shy. Blames himself for most things that go wrong. Has the most braincells. REALLY STRONG PTSD. Self-sacrificing.
Amani Ayad
Family left Karnassos after Lucio’s murder of their mayor. Her family was labeled as cowards since.
Helped parents with a traveling doctor office. They went around the lands, healing people they come across and providing a meal. Her father helped her control her magic and mother taught her everything she needs to know about healing magic.
Helped a struggling town in the Shining Steppe. The people of that town later tried to raid their traveling doctors office. Someone shot a fire spell at the father that hit the shop instead. It exploded, killing the father and nearly killed Amani. Her mother grabbed her and escaped to a nearby abandoned shack to hide. The mother suspected they would come after the both of them and quickly gave Amani to a merchant ship. The merchant watched after her for a few months before selling her to a Pirate ship.
The crew was welcoming and caring at first, as time went on they demanded more of her (ex. cleaning the whole ship by herself instead of with the crew), and later forced her into being a fighter after discovering her magical Abilities and natural skills in fighting
Was undefeated in the ring. Gained the name “Hand of Death”
Made an attempt to kill the Captain. She failed, the Captain using a hot sword to scar her face before dumping her on the docks of Vesuvia. Was taken in by Lucas a few days later. A year later she made a home in a old abandoned apartment in the Flooded District where she grows herbs and heals anyone who catches her in her shop.
Now she tries to run from her past, replacing it with a new reputation. A party crasher, thief, general nuisance to law enforcement.
Lucas Karimov
Grandparents and Mother were refugees from the genocide of the Kokhuri. The mother fell in love and had 4 children.
They made a home in Vesuvia. Opening up a restaurant/bar called “The Iron Clad Owl”
Were generally poor (giving away free food/giving people money). Lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with Grandparents, 2 aunts, 6 children, parents, 2 dogs, and a parrot named stick
It was a crowded but homey house. They all slept in a giant cuddle pile. It was cute as SHIT
The siblings were all older than Lucas and liked the cause trouble to law enforcement, hang out with orphans and shop for food for da parents. The whole family hated Lucio and his rule from the rip. The aunts often participated in politics and 100% ranted to the children about government. Near the end of Lucio’s rule is when things went off the deep end.
During his rule: Oldest Brother falls into the Canal, dies of blood loss. The only sister was robbed (killed when she tried to fight back).
The plague: The Parents and brother die of the plague, the aunts flee out of fear of dying. Lucas takes up a job as a grave digger to keep the shop open shortly after. A brother gets involved in crime as a hitman. Jargal (brother) steals some food, gets caught and fights against the Scourge as a result.
After Lucio’s death: The brother is attacked by a revenge hitman, he is killed and the grandparents both die in the confrontation. Lucas sells the pets in a last ditch attempt to keep the shop open, the shop is closed. Lucas spirals into a depression, mentally stuck in a numbness that is only punctuated by bouts of anger and irritability. Finds a abandoned cat and adopts her. Befriends Amani.
Now he works as a dock worker, trying to heal old wounds and make lasting change in Vesuvia that finally serves the people.
Kieran Power
Works for a rich family. Is picked on and abused by their employers and other citizens in the village. The mayor’s daughter dies of “an illness” and they blame Kieran & their mother, saying they placed a hex on her.
Kieran’s mother is hung and Kieran escapes the same fate, running to hide in an old shed. A strong winter storm swoops in, trapping Kieran in there without food or warmth. Kieran discovers the body of the daughter with a knife in her heart. Kieran burns hot with rage and a need for revenge.
The Devil appears and offers to make a deal, to give Kieran the power to kill their enemies in exchange for a portion of their soul. Its a self enacted deal, sell a bit more if their soul for more power.
The technicalities of the deal: At least once a week Kieran needs to eat a person (collection of their soul). Without a meal their blood runs cold, the hunger grows, and when it hits a peak they become a beast. This can only be reversed with more than one human sacrifice.
They’ve been alive for centuries. They’ve seen and been subject to abuse that is only solved with more power. They only have a sliver of their soul left, instead choosing to gain power traditionally in the past few years. Gaining money and a powerful reputation. Has lost faith in humanity and believes they are better than them.
Hosts parties as an easy way to get a victim to eat. Really into sword collecting, befriending Donovan and has soft feelings for him.
Is always trying to gain power.
Donovan Nwadike (backstory in development)
Abandoned as a newborn in Vesuvia. Grew up as an orphan.
Thinks he is purposeless, joins a gang of orphans and becomes the punching bag/pushover of the group. Has a small book that he draws in.
Joins Lucio is his army (assuming Lucio has made attempts to expand the “Vesuvian Empire”) and befriends the lead medic.
Becomes a sword maker for Lucio’s army and eventually becomes a solider on the field. A sword to the eye takes his vision in one eye and a magical blast takes off his right arm.
He carries the weight of his actions, people he’s killed, people he couldn’t save on his shoulders. Tries to bring his friends back in a magical ritual, it fails. The ghosts of his friends haunt him, whispering and visible only to him.
Runs a blacksmith shop, his main customer is Kieran who enjoys his sword designs and paintings.
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b00ket · 4 years
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Her crew of Death are going to kill you and destroy your ship on the way out
The colors are going to change I just really liked the lineart and got excited 💀 but THIS is Amani’s reversed Ending where she becomes a pirate and destroys other ships she thinks suck ass (morally and/or visually)
Lineart under da cut
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b00ket · 3 years
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Anatomy Studies cause Amani has abs and trying to figure that out is HARD (and trying to find ways to cover her arm with outfits that show alot of skin
Also Nesis color palette is very Scout Inspired
Trying to find FASTER ways to shade, working on it.
(Lineart and other doodles below the cut)
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b00ket · 4 years
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Amani is sexy
And im tired of pretending she’s not
Her leg has foreshortening but im not sure if it communicates that way with the lighting but i still hope you like it :]
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And lineart for funsies
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b00ket · 4 years
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After the cut ;)
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So alot going on here just cause this was a stream of consciousness type beat
Some back muscles to figure out scars? Saw an oc that had tattoos and my goal is to make Amani hot as hell so she may be getting a tat
her facial makeup got a shimmer to it
her in a test for her upright end fit! Y’all function a little traveling medic wagon to heal people around the world like her parents
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b00ket · 4 years
To avoid any confusion and before I start night rambling about the people in my head
I have hashtags for my 4 (main) arcana ocs if you want to read about what I already wrote about them
Granted they’re in development and constantly changing so shit is constantly contradicting but still
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Top Left: Amani
Top Right: Donovan
Bottom Left: Lucas
Bottom Right: Kieran
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b00ket · 4 years
Through the Floorboards
This is a quick stream of consciousness type of writing. Also kinda m first attempt at writing so.. ya yknow
Amani thinks alot during the quiet moments on the ship.
cw/ slavery??? she talks about shackles. pretty bad injuries
She could almost hear the stars twinkle. The soft bubbling of boiling water, crashing of the salty waters against the barnacle speckled ship, the occasional creak of the floorboards and metallic clanking of her constraints as she press my ears against the walls are just able to drown it out.
I'm not close enough, if I could just get a little closer to the door I could make use of the warped boards to get a better listen to the night sky.
The shackles clash and grind as the chains are pulled taught, going any further would make her fall forward but the chain connected to the uncomfortable collar would only hold her upright. I want to scream and thrash, I want these stupid shackles off me and jump into the sea. Her hands lay on the hand warped metal of times tried before and she thank my past self for putting her hair far back enough to keep it from catching flame. Its useless, it always is, she's rested her hands on here too many times to count. They can glow bright enough to make the sky blue it wouldn't matter. It never matters.
At least the damn water is done. The jar filled with fresh water reflects the orange glow of my arms and it takes a deep breath to keep from angrily kicking the water over to return to the sea. The sound of metal draws to a punctuated close as she sit squarely in front of the nightly routine. Her routine. Sure it takes place at the dead of night but that only makes it better. No fucking pirates pulling her out to scrub a barrel or a captain shoving her into a ring. Her glowing fingers pinch the wick and set it aflame, keeping the room illuminated when her arms dim down to match her calming demeanor.
A mortar and pestle, pile of various herbs, fresh water, a needle with fine thread, some fresh bandages, the fresher wound on her thigh and the crashing of waves. Whatever they call a medic have no idea how to wash their hands, even less how to heal a wound like this. Lucky for me years of ignoring pain makes it a very useful skill. Always look for the red lining after all.
She pours water on her hands like its liquid gold, washing some grime off her hands. With a shrug she takes a sip from the jar and the relief that flows down her through definitely makes it taste like what liquid gold would cost. The rest goes into the mortar. Alright a single healing remedy, some yarrow, goldenrod, and...
and some... some uh...
She stared at the collection of herbs in front of her with furrowed brows. Her hand floats over the plants with a grim hesitation. I should know this. It was the first remedy taught to me it would be downright embarrassing to forget.
"Yarrow my love sweet as a bug good for stomachs and burns.
Yellow and bright a Goldenrod might be used for medicinal cures. Stomach and lungs and bright as a bug it can help your teeth and more.
And who could forget the best of them yet..."
The leaves are illuminated by the soft glow of her palms as she repeats the song.
"the best of them yet..."
C'mon you cant forget this spell. Its saved your ass too many times to forget that's why your mom sung this to you. What's a couple years to a healing tune. Her vision swims as the leaves and flowers blur, repeating the tune again with such tension it wouldn't be insane to assume her jaw was wired shut. The pestle in her spare hand catches on fire.
"Shit!" The pestle drops with a thunk as her glowing arms leave wood scarred to add to the increasing black handprints around the room. Its wood burns as she shakes her hands to force her feelings to sink and her arms to cool. She grabs the mortar of water and dumps it onto the flame. It goes out, wetting the rest of the leaves on impact. Her disappointed sigh is cut short with the sounds of creaking over head, she snuffs the flame and stays dead still as the foot steps come down the stairs and pass by her door.
Wouldn't matter if they burst in anyway. Damn it. She moves slow to remain as quiet as she can manage, cleaning up her attempt to properly treat her wound for the night. Only wincing once! She'll try again tomorrow. Not like it matters anyway.
"Yarrow my love sweet as a bug good for stomachs and burns.
Yellow and bright a Goldenrod might be used for medicinal cures. Stomach and lungs and bright as a bug it can help your teeth and more.
And who could forget the best of them yet..."
She stubbornly wipes a tear from her cheek, settling down on the pile of what can barely be considered a bed. Really more like a pile of clothes with a dip to sleep in. She can finally, for a moment, hearing the twinkling of the stars in the quick moments of a rowdy sea.
I miss my mom.
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b00ket · 3 years
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No babe don’t store your never ending magic pool and use it all at once you’re so sexy ❤️
Amani has a disorder i guess? Her magic pool doesn’t have a cap. It’ll just keep on building. If she doesn’t use magic on a regular basis and let it build up she’ll burn from the inside out
But if she DOES use large amounts at once THIS SHIT HAPPENS. It burns off all her clothes as it spreads and honestly that is very sexy of her
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b00ket · 4 years
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Yall tired of her yet?
Just some child Amani being cute and pure. Everything really starts hitting the fan after she turns 14.
Her parents own a traveling healing shop. They used to travel across the lands, healing those in need, free of charge. Of course when given an inch some people take a mile. But I’ll dive more into her parents and their downfall later.
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b00ket · 4 years
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Amani doodles 🏴‍☠️ + Lore
The colored drawings on the left are relevant to an RP she’s in. Making the grave mistake of entering her more than familiar personal hell. Though this one isn’t nearly as hot as the one she crawled out of.
Amani has no spell casting experience but is a deep well of magic. Her hands glow bright, strengthening any blade she holds and hot enough to burn or melt whatever she touches.
Her whole right arm is covered in a nasty burn scar. An event from her child hood. She prefers to keep it hidden if she has a choice.
The doodles on the right show her from Age 10 to around age 17. She was given to a pirate crew by a sleezy merchant. She was initially incredibly loved and cared for. Soon that affection being a reward they’d have to earn through at first simple chores, dishes, polishing the deck etc. Once the Captain had figured out how much power she holds... she became useful for alot more violent reasons.
A fighter. A deadly one at that. Any match she was put into she would leave alive with another victory. Soon the abuse and neglect became too much. She entered the only match she couldn’t win and payed the price. Scarred as punishment and dumped onto the dock of Vesuvia a week before she would turn 18.
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b00ket · 4 years
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I made this as a comfort zone piece and it has proven SO TIRING i just needed a ref for their body types but looking at it it’s still a little off?
Just a mostly nude line up off all my arcana ocs!
From left to right its
Lucas (he/him) -> 6’ 7”
Donovan (he/him) -> 6’ 3”
Kieran (they/them) -> 5’ 8”
Amani (she/her) -> 5’ 8”
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b00ket · 4 years
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The traveling shop got attacked, she was able to escape with Amani with some major injuries. Suspecting the assailants with come after her she gives Amani to a passing merchant ship.
She’s presumed dead by Amani but in the upright ending its hinted y’all have a hint she’s alive and set off to find her.
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b00ket · 4 years
Mid day OC thoughts
Some notes on Amani and Lucas that're bouncing around in my head.
Amani's energetic loud personality is definitely for show. I mean when you get close to her she's still friendly and michechivous, but she is alot quieter. Enjoying small sounds or tending to plants (a large contrast from the loud party crasher you meet)
Her logic is: being quiet and reserved will have people ask more questions. If I seem like I'm fine no one will question if I am.
So she gets a little reckless? Who cares! Maybe she hurts herself during these parties and makes enemies? She is a nuisance on this town and loves the role.
Also she definitely picked up some party habits from Ilya. Saw him a few times and lowkey took on aspects of his persona.
Lucas has a temper. He's incredibly sensitive to tension and gets set in a angry mindset if he deems it necessary.
His mind when he's angry is completely different from how he Normally is. It's developed into a seperate aspect due to having to be in it for so long.
Needlessly violent, closed off, nearly mute... all things he did to be as scary as possible when he was young so people would leave him alone.
His walk is heavier, stress set in his shoulders as he moves in ways meant to be imposing. He wants to scare you. And if you're not scared he'll give you a reason to be.
This is really only brought through stress. In his past (and reversed ending) the only way to get rid of this stress is through violence. If he's around the stress causer he'll simply destroy yhe source.
Carrying the tension home is worst because it festers and is harder to relieve. Granted if MC is around him then he'll relieve some stress in a different way.
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