b00ket · 4 years
Character sheets will be added later but here’s basic information on them
This post is already long as shit so BACKSTORIES FOR EACH UNDER THE CUT and side characters will be in a reblog later
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Name: Amani Ayad
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: July 23rd
Age: 18-22
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (weakness for women 😏👈🏽)
Country of Origin: Karnassos
Languages spoken: Fluent in whatever tf Vesuvians speak, Karnassi, and basic conversational skills in a handful of others
Hobbies: Partying HARD, growing plants, singing & playing Guitar/Fiddle
Magical Abilities:
Herbal Magic
Raw Magic (similar to Asra) (ill put a link that explains it in depth later)
Mischievous and mysterious. A liar. Definitely a flirt. Trust issues and a bit of a coward.
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Name: Lucas Karimov
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 7'
Birthday: July 10th
Age: 25-28
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Country of Origin: Vesuvia
Languages spoken: Vesuvian
Hobbies: Cooking/Baking, Fighting, Gambling, Politics
Magical Abilities:
Learned how to channel whatever magic he produces into bouts of extreme strength
Outgoing. Friendly! Altruistic and loyal to a fault. Has a fear of loss. Romantically dense (good luck flirting with him). Anger issues 😳. Holds a grudge. Not white.
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Name: Kieran Power
Gender: Who cares (They/Them)
Height: 5’ 8”
Birthday: time is nothing
Age: Stopped keeping track (500~ years)
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: As long as you’re hot (Pansexual)
Country of Origin: A long abandoned village in the Southern Spines
Languages Spoken: Fluent in Most Languages
Hobbies: Throwing Parties, Reading, HOMOEROTIC SWORD FIGHTS, sleeping
Magical Abilities
Magic blocked by their deal
Dramatic and they love it. Enjoys causing others pain. Depressed but wont admit it. Quick learner and a master of manipulation. Vengeful and will hold a grudge.
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Name: Donovan Nwadike
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 6’ 4”
Birthday: September 20th
Age: 33-36
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Country of Origin: Nopal
Languages Spoken: Vesuvian, whatever you call the language of the Scourge
Hobbies: Sword Making, painting, sculpting
Magical Abilities:
Metal manipulation
Quiet and reserved. Incredibly shy. Blames himself for most things that go wrong. Has the most braincells. REALLY STRONG PTSD. Self-sacrificing.
Amani Ayad
Family left Karnassos after Lucio’s murder of their mayor. Her family was labeled as cowards since.
Helped parents with a traveling doctor office. They went around the lands, healing people they come across and providing a meal. Her father helped her control her magic and mother taught her everything she needs to know about healing magic.
Helped a struggling town in the Shining Steppe. The people of that town later tried to raid their traveling doctors office. Someone shot a fire spell at the father that hit the shop instead. It exploded, killing the father and nearly killed Amani. Her mother grabbed her and escaped to a nearby abandoned shack to hide. The mother suspected they would come after the both of them and quickly gave Amani to a merchant ship. The merchant watched after her for a few months before selling her to a Pirate ship.
The crew was welcoming and caring at first, as time went on they demanded more of her (ex. cleaning the whole ship by herself instead of with the crew), and later forced her into being a fighter after discovering her magical Abilities and natural skills in fighting
Was undefeated in the ring. Gained the name “Hand of Death”
Made an attempt to kill the Captain. She failed, the Captain using a hot sword to scar her face before dumping her on the docks of Vesuvia. Was taken in by Lucas a few days later. A year later she made a home in a old abandoned apartment in the Flooded District where she grows herbs and heals anyone who catches her in her shop.
Now she tries to run from her past, replacing it with a new reputation. A party crasher, thief, general nuisance to law enforcement.
Lucas Karimov
Grandparents and Mother were refugees from the genocide of the Kokhuri. The mother fell in love and had 4 children.
They made a home in Vesuvia. Opening up a restaurant/bar called “The Iron Clad Owl”
Were generally poor (giving away free food/giving people money). Lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with Grandparents, 2 aunts, 6 children, parents, 2 dogs, and a parrot named stick
It was a crowded but homey house. They all slept in a giant cuddle pile. It was cute as SHIT
The siblings were all older than Lucas and liked the cause trouble to law enforcement, hang out with orphans and shop for food for da parents. The whole family hated Lucio and his rule from the rip. The aunts often participated in politics and 100% ranted to the children about government. Near the end of Lucio’s rule is when things went off the deep end.
During his rule: Oldest Brother falls into the Canal, dies of blood loss. The only sister was robbed (killed when she tried to fight back).
The plague: The Parents and brother die of the plague, the aunts flee out of fear of dying. Lucas takes up a job as a grave digger to keep the shop open shortly after. A brother gets involved in crime as a hitman. Jargal (brother) steals some food, gets caught and fights against the Scourge as a result.
After Lucio’s death: The brother is attacked by a revenge hitman, he is killed and the grandparents both die in the confrontation. Lucas sells the pets in a last ditch attempt to keep the shop open, the shop is closed. Lucas spirals into a depression, mentally stuck in a numbness that is only punctuated by bouts of anger and irritability. Finds a abandoned cat and adopts her. Befriends Amani.
Now he works as a dock worker, trying to heal old wounds and make lasting change in Vesuvia that finally serves the people.
Kieran Power
Works for a rich family. Is picked on and abused by their employers and other citizens in the village. The mayor’s daughter dies of “an illness” and they blame Kieran & their mother, saying they placed a hex on her.
Kieran’s mother is hung and Kieran escapes the same fate, running to hide in an old shed. A strong winter storm swoops in, trapping Kieran in there without food or warmth. Kieran discovers the body of the daughter with a knife in her heart. Kieran burns hot with rage and a need for revenge.
The Devil appears and offers to make a deal, to give Kieran the power to kill their enemies in exchange for a portion of their soul. Its a self enacted deal, sell a bit more if their soul for more power.
The technicalities of the deal: At least once a week Kieran needs to eat a person (collection of their soul). Without a meal their blood runs cold, the hunger grows, and when it hits a peak they become a beast. This can only be reversed with more than one human sacrifice.
They’ve been alive for centuries. They’ve seen and been subject to abuse that is only solved with more power. They only have a sliver of their soul left, instead choosing to gain power traditionally in the past few years. Gaining money and a powerful reputation. Has lost faith in humanity and believes they are better than them.
Hosts parties as an easy way to get a victim to eat. Really into sword collecting, befriending Donovan and has soft feelings for him.
Is always trying to gain power.
Donovan Nwadike (backstory in development)
Abandoned as a newborn in Vesuvia. Grew up as an orphan.
Thinks he is purposeless, joins a gang of orphans and becomes the punching bag/pushover of the group. Has a small book that he draws in.
Joins Lucio is his army (assuming Lucio has made attempts to expand the “Vesuvian Empire”) and befriends the lead medic.
Becomes a sword maker for Lucio’s army and eventually becomes a solider on the field. A sword to the eye takes his vision in one eye and a magical blast takes off his right arm.
He carries the weight of his actions, people he’s killed, people he couldn’t save on his shoulders. Tries to bring his friends back in a magical ritual, it fails. The ghosts of his friends haunt him, whispering and visible only to him.
Runs a blacksmith shop, his main customer is Kieran who enjoys his sword designs and paintings.
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b00ket · 4 years
To avoid any confusion and before I start night rambling about the people in my head
I have hashtags for my 4 (main) arcana ocs if you want to read about what I already wrote about them
Granted they’re in development and constantly changing so shit is constantly contradicting but still
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Top Left: Amani
Top Right: Donovan
Bottom Left: Lucas
Bottom Right: Kieran
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b00ket · 3 years
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First crack at Kieran
Took y’all’s suggestions about Koi fish 😳
Outfits are honestly what im most worried about because their wardrobe is the biggest out of all 4 of them
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b00ket · 4 years
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Obligatory bath cg #1
A bioluminescent cave that emanates magical energy, it enhances any magic casts within its walls. Kieran loves it, not only because its sexy as fuck, but it’s one of the places they feel safe in any form.
Trying my hand at backgrounds, also proud of those crystals 😏
The background cause it FUCKS:
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b00ket · 4 years
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Character design + Kieran beast sprite concept
Kieran sprite idea 😳😳😳
Without all that fur they’re actually really skinny
• Real quick character design of a bounty hunter that has become relevant in an rp and I’ve fallen in love with her
• Kieran murdered her whole family, she’s been on a hunt to kill them ever since
• After she find them in Vesuvia she gets a job as a dock worker to protect all the orphans that chill there
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b00ket · 4 years
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I made this as a comfort zone piece and it has proven SO TIRING i just needed a ref for their body types but looking at it it’s still a little off?
Just a mostly nude line up off all my arcana ocs!
From left to right its
Lucas (he/him) -> 6’ 7”
Donovan (he/him) -> 6’ 3”
Kieran (they/them) -> 5’ 8”
Amani (she/her) -> 5’ 8”
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b00ket · 4 years
Hey so I’m definitely hitting an anxiety peak (at least i hope this is the peak)
So to cope... what causes each of my children anxiety/panic attack and how they deal with it
Amani doesn’t get nervous with crowds. She does get nervous if she’s the center of attention in a huge crowd. Like a dance circle.
Sensitive to noise. Really likes the quiet and gets overwhelmed when too many noises are too close to her.
Will freeze initially before running to escape the crowd. Running to a quiet place.
Topics about pirates or fighting get her tense and she will run into trouble intentionally to get her mind off it.
Her glowy arms are sensitive to emotion so if she’s tense them shits will be hot and they will burn you or herself if you gets touchy. This is unfortunately paired with a hair gripping coping action so thats why the headscarf is there.
If she’s alone make sure the environment is pin drop quiet. Don’t touch her. Humming calms her but what works best is sliding her some warm food or drink. Bring a napkin she will cry.
Medical environments. Or any place with alot of sick people. Usually copes by leaving. If they can’t leave thats when the irritation starts
Irritation, anger, outbursts all follow in a quick escalation so be careful not to set him off or he’ll react with his fists
Just like... get him alone. Play music as the silence will only make it worse. Maintain physical contact even if he tries to swat you away. If you have any food on hand have him taste it. Talk about your day.
Always in a state of anxiety and often verges on a panic attack.
His is a slow build up throughout the day. Voices in his head just get louder and he somehow becomes quieter than he already is.
If he tries to leave the room don’t let him or else he won’t leave wherever he isolates himself. Will refuse to eat and just kinda lie down all day.
Calming him down works best with more than one person but you can do fine on your own. Get him to talk about whatever project he’s working on or show him a sketch of something you want to make. (Bonus points if its a shitty sketch) Boil some tea and talk about more metal working or painting.
Honestly you want to do this even if he isn’t that anxious. Offer to go shopping with him for supplies.
Oh my god so much denial. They’ll have all the textbook symptoms and deny it.
If it gets incredibly bad it’ll trigger a transformation and those can only be reversed with a human sacrifice so DONT LET IT GET THAT BAD
Generally caused by people yelling directly at them, especially if they dont give them the chance to speak.
Claustrophobic, afraid of chains, being trapped will cause an attack so quickly
Getting them into an open area with people or alone helps alot. Scratching their scalp does wonders.
If that doesn’t completely fix it get them to brag about their incredible sword collection. This is usually followed by a trip to the their favorite blacksmith for a new sword.
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b00ket · 4 years
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Kieran made a deal with the devil okay
500 years ago Kieran was Kieran Power, a servant to a rich family in a village. The rich families daughter got deathly ill and the family believes Kieran has put a hex on her. (Whether they truly think they did or wanted them gone is unknown)
Kieran gets put on trial and gets pronounced guilty and sentenced to death along with their mother. Kieran escapes and flees into an old farm where the daughters dead body is stored to hide. While hidden the storm gets worse and buries the village in snow. Kieran finds the daughters body and a stab wound staining her clothes.
Days pass. The snow has locked the doors shut with weight. Kieran is starving in the farm, filled with anger and a need for revenge grows until the Devil appears and offers them power to survive and enact their revenge in trade for their soul (among other things). Kieran accepts, ransacks the village and flees into the forest.
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b00ket · 4 years
Kieran but their familiar is this bitch
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Made a whole death w the devil to keep it alive 🚶🏽
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b00ket · 4 years
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The single character one on https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/ literally fits Kieran everytime
But these are some particularly accurate ones
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b00ket · 4 years
Voice Claim Ideas (100% Due to change)
Lucifer - Lucifer the TV show
Xibalba - The Book of Life
Aurelio Voltaire (Singing)- The Night
David - CampCamp
Hercules - Hercules
Amani - Imagine a Pirate accent thrown in
CatBug (Child) - Bravest Warrior
Grace Rolek (Early Teens) - Connie, Steven Universe
Tiny Tina (Late Teens) - BorderLands 2
Gaige - Borderlands 2
Terry Cruz
Philip - Deckard Wizard (Bee and Puppycat) (more vocal habits than wjat he sounds like)
The Hunter
Lake Bell - Poison Ivy
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