close starter for @amanogaawa​ ( for lucky. )
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“ You aren’t human are you? What are you suppose to be? “ 
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demon-blood-youths · 5 years
Party Time! | Closed RP
For @amanogaawa​
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“Ah, shiiiit....there’s two of them.” Navarro made a face as he sees his friend and leader of the DBT fighting against a horde of demons. Though what they didn’t expect is a newcomer to join the party. Already, it’s like the two started talking to which Ink laughs, having a good time. 
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“Hey!” Ink grinned. “Awesome moves!” She complimented the other as she hacking and slamming her blue demonic greatsword at the demons while Navarro supports her by firing bombs at any incoming demons. 
“What’s your name?!” Ink asked. 
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betterdcyz-a · 5 years
He pops a small piece of chocolate into his mouth and proceeds to chew. “Y’know the big pro of being the champion of Kirkwall means a lot of boxes of chocolates on Valentine’s. Mm. You want some?” Uther hands over the opened box of chocolates to Jennifer. 
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“These are so good. There’s this filling that just oozes out. Thank the maker for the birth of chocolate.” 
valentine starter call. / @amanogaawa​
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blueveines · 5 years
                                     @amanogaawa  //  starter call  ( izuku,  for megumi )
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                         “ hey!  you’re in 1-b,  right? ”  he asks,  totally unaware of his own enthusiasm as he approaches the other teen.  “ your quirk is really cool ...! ”
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raitcningu · 5 years
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💘  Valentine’s Day Prompts!  💘 / accepting!
@amanogaawa​ said: 💌, 🍫 ( For Izzy. )  send me  ‘ 💌 ‘  for my muse to write yours a love letter &  send me  ‘ 🍫 ‘  for your muse to give mine a box of chocolate
He gnawed at his thumbnail as he nervously held a letter in his hand. C’mon, Jay. Stop being nervous. It’s just a Valentine’s Day letter you’ve just written. The ninja thought to himself. Gnawing still, Jay eyed at the letter in his other hand. It’s simple, likely has a few spelling mistakes here and there but overall an affectionate letter that supports Izzy on her Idol life and her fighting. 
And speaking of Izzy. “——Izz! Uh.” Jay spots the box of chocolates and lets out a soft gasp. “Is that for me? Thank you! Had no idea I was gonna get something. That’s so sweet. Heh. Pun intended.” His cheeks are beginning to heat up. 
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“I got you this, no, wait, that’s wrong... I wrote you this.” If he could, he would’ve facepalmed himself for tripping over his words as he handed out the small letter in a pink envelope.
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shxtteredwxngs-a · 5 years
amanogaawa liked your post:shxtteredwxngs: Who’d like a starter from one...
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“Would you believe me if i said i have the best intentions?”
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hangouttodry · 4 years
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“You’re always all talk and no bite, Yagami! You’re going to pay for humiliating me all those years ago. Don’t think I’d ever let that go! Your ego stopped me from completing my mission!” Billy snarled.
It was hard for him to not take it so personally. It was a rare occasion where his weakness had been revealed, and he’d recognize that he was no match, not even in the same category as Iori. This, however, only fueled his desire to one day repay Iori in kind, with added interest.
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rentarc · 5 years
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     coincidence happened, he never expected that they’d meet again this way. being a part-time delivery boy for an online shopping service. it’s natural that he’d have to verify the product with the purchaser, determining their identity before putting down the good within the consumer’s house.  athena asamiya... yeah, no doubt it was hers unless someone else in the company had mistaken it for another name? anyway...
     with a few knocks on the door, he raised his voice to await for any responses from the house’s owner inside. ‘polar delivery service! your product has arrived!’ someone should be inside right? 
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dawnblxde · 5 years
@amanogaawa​ - plotted (Aerith)
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So it had happened again, it would seem. Someone had died on their world and had ended up being completely reborn onto his. And this didn’t usually happen, but they had appeared in his garden and were not awake.
Well at least he didn’t have to carry them to his place now, they were already here. So he begun to patiently wait for them to wake up so that he could explain the situation to them. The fact that they were dead, their world considered them dead - so they couldn’t go back.
They must start anew on this world. His world. Settle in, get used to it and finally find their place.
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sasukoibito · 5 years
                                                     @amanogaawa​  //  starter call
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                         “ man,  why’d you have to go with the basic  hero  route?  your quirk would villain work so much  easier  for you ...  the league of villains could really use somebody like you around,  y’know! ”
                           she wasn’t going to try and change megumi’s mind;  she only wanted to say what she was thinking at the moment.
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@amanogaawa​ continue here.
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“ I gotta say. Your more than a half-breed, babe. Don’t tell me your keepin’ secrets from me are ya? “ The devil hunter asked, getting a little suspicious about her nature besides the lady being half human and demon and there was one more. 
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demon-blood-youths · 5 years
Entry Into The Tournament | Closed RP
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“Finally, we’re here!” A blond in a grey hoodie with gears that is drawstrings grins as they enter the lobby that held the competitive fighters. 
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“So cool!” Said a young boy with a shaven head wearing a turquoise hoodie, wearing short khakis and sneakers. He had wrapped bandaged on top of his white socks. 
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“Yeah, there’s a lot of people here.” Said a big girl with the flaming redhead, she wears a short black jacket over her white blouse, she is wearing black pants and boots. She wears silver bracelets.
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“Yeah, no doubt.” Said a black youth wearing classy white and grey. He wears a gray vest over his white sleeved buttoned shirt. He wears grey pants, suede shoes and finally wears a white stockman hat over his short afro hair.
“Hahaha! Let’s get a move on and check-in!” Rust Knight looks at his team and motion for them to get a move on, but the blond end up bumping into someone.
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“Oh crap! Sorry! Ya okay?” Rust asked as he looks to the person he bumped into.
Machine Destroyer bumps into @amanogaawa​ ( Izzy )
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hilberteffected · 5 years
@amanogaawa​ Wanted A Angey Boy Starter
It was supposed to be a not too difficult job-Supposed to that was.However the job shortly turned into a mess with two broken buildings and a half way broken bridge.
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The silverette let out a small sigh,removing his weapon from the demon’s corpse before falling back into a sitting position.Though he only got a few moments rest until he noticed someone or something else had approached him.His head jerked to the side as soon as his arm glowed “...”
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blueveines · 5 years
                                           @amanogaawa  //  starter call  ( izuku,  for tsuyu )
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                         “ good morning,  tsu! ”  he greeted his classmate in a cheerful voice,  sitting down on the dorm’s couch next to her.  “ honestly,  it feels kind of weird to have a day off ...  you have any plans? ”
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raitcningu · 5 years
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💘  Valentine’s Day Prompts!  💘 / accepting!
@amanogaawa​ said: 💌, 🧸 ( For Terra. ) send me  ‘ 💌 ‘  for my muse to write yours a love letter send me  ‘ 🧸 ‘  for your muse to give mine a stuffed toy
He’s a little tad nervous, subconsciously fiddling with the corners of the orange envelope as he stands there. Oh, hey. Terra. Didn’t see you there. I just happened to have this letter with me that’s addressed to you. Jay kept repeating that in his head, mentally preparing himself for what’s about to come. He couldn’t afford to trip over his own words and make an embarrassment of himself. 
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“Terra! Hey. Oh! Uh—— is that a big blue teddy bear?” All the words that had been rehearsed were evacuated out from his head, leaving him solely to coo at the teddy bear as if it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Can I hug it? Please lemme hug it. It looks so soft! Is that for me?”
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shxtteredwxngs-a · 5 years
amanogaawa liked your post:shxtteredwxngs: Like for a character from the...
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Someone told him to be scary but he’s confined to the school so....he’s gotta get attention first...so with a quick look around he’ll grab objects and wave them around.
“Spooky objects moving.” its a lot more fun when its Nene or Kou he’s spooking...
He doubted this one could even see him.
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