#amaryllis ferch helyg
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Sketches <3
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
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Aquila ap Helyg & Amaryllis ferch Helyg
→ my half of an aesthetic trade with @captainhowlreportingforduty
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September 1943, King’s Cross Station
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((AN: Day 1 (Journey) of the Back to school challenge by @cursebreakerfarrier ! Have Amaryllis ferch Helyg on her first train ride, already dabbling in “pureblood” politics. Maybe this was an excuse to put some French into my writing.))
It was loud at King’s Cross Station. It was loud and there were too many people.
Amaryllis let her eyes wander over the crowd, most of them dressed in robes of wizard fashion.
It made sense, there should be very few Muggles here, with the War going on. Her companions would be delighted. Amaryllis glanced over to where they were all standing, the Black family in all its glory.
Orion, Alphard and Walburga, proudly showing off their Slytherin robes, the latter with the addition of the Prefect and the Head Girl pin, black hair pinned up in a complicated updo.
Amaryllis raised her hand to her own dark hair. Walburga had pinned it up for her in a similar manner.
Grand-mère slapped her hand away.
“Ne le touche pas, Amaryllis! Don’t ruin your hair!”
Amaryllis couldn’t help but feel some pride at the fact that her grand-mère had shown up to see her off for her first year. She only showed up for really important family events, and apparently this qualifies as one.
She fixed Amaryllis’ Hogwarts tie, tucked the already perfectly tucked in blouse even nearer into the pleated skirt and finally cupped Amaryllis’ face with both her hands.
They were smooth and cold, perfectly manicured French nails. As perfect as the red hair on her head, twisted and pulled out of her face skilfully, lacking grey despite her old age.
A smile rugged at grand-mère’s lips. It lacked warmth, but Amaryllis soaked it up nonetheless. It was a token of grand-mère’s approval after all.
“Ma fille parfaite. I just know you won’t disappoint us, non?”
“I’ll make you proud!” Amaryllis promised eagerly.
Grand-mère let go of her face.
“Alors, tu vas aller avec Walburga et son frère et son cousin, non? “
“Oui, je vais aller avec elle.”
Amaryllis picked up her trunk to get ready to join Walburga, Alphard and Orion. Someone had to keep an eye on her on the train after all.
“Au revoir, mamie! Tu vas manquer à moi!”
As she walked away, she could hear Pollux Black approaching her grandmother.
“Ah, Madame Helyg! Voulez-vous boire du thé après, Camille?”
Camille ferch Helyg née Beaumont has found her people.
And Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg had found hers, now standing between Orion and Walburga, who gave her a stern look, with her grey eyes not unlike Amaryllis own. They were distantly related after all.
“Shall we, Amaryllis?”
Unfortunately, the children of the Black family weren’t the only ones to choose this moment to board the train.
And maybe the three of them had practice and status and reputation on their side to make it through the masses, but Amaryllis certainly had neither of those.
She didn’t have that look in her eyes yet, that look that commanded attention, obedience. Not the straight set shoulders, the proud head held high, the dangerous clacking of heels in the train floor.
Walburga ruled the masses with an iron fist and without having to utter a single word.
And Amaryllis trailed after her like a lost duckling, hoping to catch a taste of that power.
At least she tried to follow Walburga, until approximately 50 students pushed themselves between them. And before Amaryllis knew it, the members of the Black family had disappeared, leaving Amaryllis standing with unfamiliar people in the train corridor.
But she had this under control. This wasn’t the end of the world.
She would find the others again, and if it was as late as when she would inevitably be sorted into their House, into Slytherin.
So Amaryllis picked up her trunk, straightened her back and imagined her polished black shoes clack the same as Walburga’s had.
She immediately felt more confident as she was looking for a compartment that wasn’t filled to the brim with strangers. Or one that was filled with the right kind of strangers, the kind her grand-mère might approve of and Walburga would nod at across the hall.
That couldn’t be too difficult now, could it?
Amaryllis had done her research, had studied the Sacred 28 and the old money lines to see whose descendants would grace the halls with her. Maybe she would be lucky and end up in a compartment with Abraxas Malfoy. She had heard he could do wonders for your Ministry career.
But the train would start soon and Amaryllis didn’t want to have to stumble through a moving train, so Beggars can’t be choosers.
She immediately mentally scolded herself for thinking such a phrase, grand-mère hated such... common phrases.
Finally Amaryllis spotted a near empty compartment, as far as she could see there was only one boy in it. She opened the compartment door.
The dark haired boy looked up from the book in his hand. A Defense against the Dark Arts book, Amaryllis noticed. A seventh year Defense against the Dark Arts book.
“Pardon me, but might I sit with you in this compartment? I’m afraid the other ones are full and I seem to have lost my companions.”
The boy gave her a once over with unreadable dark eyes.
Amaryllis wasn’t afraid to give him a once over in return.
His dark hair was neatly combed and curled in the contemporary style. His sharp cheekbones paired with the look in his eyes gave him something distant, untouchable, like a statue carved from marble.
Her eyes wandered further to rest in his school robes. Slytherin tie. The Prefect and the Head Boy pin. 
Amaryllis’ shot in the dark had turned out to be a Bullseye.
“Well, you may of course, Miss...” he replied coolly. 
Amaryllis had made it through the first round, the first impression. Now for the next round.
She closed the door behind her, carefully tucked her trunk away and sat down before introducing herself.
Always be in control of the situation. Don’t be a pushover. She extended a hand, perfectly manicured by Walburga Black.
“Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg. You may refer to me as Amaryllis.”
She still couldn’t read the look in his eyes, but she would get there. He shook her hand curtly, his skin cold to the touch.
“Tom Marvolo Riddle, what a pleasure to meet you. You may refer to me as...” he seemed to hesitate for a moment.
“...Tom, for now.”
Riddle. That was neither a pureblood nor an old money name. Yet, Amaryllis recognised it.
“Riddle. I do recall that name. The hero of Hogwarts, you defeated the monster of the Chamber of Secrets just last year.”
An unspoken challenge. 
I am well informed. Are you?
Tom’s lips spread into a smile, showing off his perfect white teeth. 
“Indeed, that is me. I surely am flattered the news made their way out of Hogwarts.”
Sweet talking. It had been in the newspapers and they both knew it.
“And although I know not you, Amaryllis, as a person, I do recall your family name. What it stands for, the implications, the expectations it brings when it is uttered.”
He leaned forward, apparently deeming Amaryllis more interesting than his book.
“Do you know what that name stands for, young Amaryllis?”
And oh, what a question. She knew the answer, had lived it all the eleven years of her life.
Amaryllis could play this game. And she always played to win. If she impressed Tom, she would surely gain a powerful ally. So she cocked her head at the pin on Tom’s chest.
“You must know, as the Slytherin Head Boy, that the qualities of the Slytherin House align with those of the Helyg line.”
She gave him her own perfectly practised smile.
“I, for one, intend to practise them to perfection, as I have what other families could only dream of.”
Another challenge. Would he take the bait? Was he convinced?
And for the first time, Amaryllis felt like there was something beneath his smile other than practise. Amusement? Delight?
“Believe me, Amaryllis, I am looking forward to see you take your place. I sure hope to hear of you when I leave this school. Until then, I will be proud to welcome you into Slytherin after your Sorting.”
Amaryllis couldn’t help the pride flowing through her veins. They had made it through the game, and it looked like a win-win.
Leave her alone for ten minutes, and she had already made an ally. 
And with how the train ride was going, maybe even a friend.
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So for Day 2 (Family Tree) of the lineage challenge I made a family tree on family echo, but the thing is it’s too big to be shown off in its entirety. That’s why I’ll just be presenting my favourite and most developed parts of it!
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The beginnings:
Starting in the year 1267 in Gaitrellynpentre, Dyfed (a Southwestern part of Cymru/Wales): Here are the first three generations of the Helyg family! I still have some construction to do in Seren’s generation, but I got Helyg and her children mostly figured out.
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Now I’m jumping a few centuries ahead, into the 18th century! Still in Wales, still in Gaitrellynpentre. Here are some marriages into other wizarding families, the Fleamont family (ancestors of Fleamont Potter), the Black family, the Greengrass and the Abbott family. 
This part of the family is important due to Camilla playing a big role as the family elder for the future generations and the different branches forming through Perseus Garrath ap Helyg and Pandora Blodwyn ferch Helyg, which I will be presenting in the following.
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Going off of Pandora, we move from Wales to Scotland and end up with the Breathnach family. Yup, I connected my Scottish hphl characters with all the others. 
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The hphm line:
With Donella Ua Breathnach and Gavin Potterer, we move from Scotland back to Wales and end up in Caerdydd, birthplace of  Thena and Jakob, their grandparents Henry Potterer and Lillian Francis and their mother Hera. So yeah, my hphm kids too belong to this giant tree.
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Going off of Perseus Garrath, we stay in Wales and Gaitrellynpentre (honestly a given unless stated otherwise) with his son, Oberon Owen ap Helyg, who married the French woman Camille Beaumont.
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The dysfunctional six:
Oberon and Camille with their four children. They are called 'dysfunctional' because this household was just one giant nightmare, Aquila being the only one who ended up staying: Orion peacefully moved to Spain and Forsythia ran away after a fight.
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Close up of Forsythia and Tamara because I love them.
Moving on to Aquila’s three children, Amaryllis, Altair and Cassiopeia and their respective branches:
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The branch that gets things done:
Amaryllis’ branch is just full of overtly ambitious, competent and just absolute capable people that get it (everything) done. They may be involved with the Ministry but are painfully aware of the mistakes in the system and try to save what can be saved. 
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The chaos lineage:
Altair is just mildly chaotic, while Cassiopeia’s branch is just full of whirlwinds. Cassiopeia is a free spirited artist, Johnathan used to be an acrobat in the circus. Galatea qualifies as a destructive force of nature, Theseus is an absolute goofball embarrassed by nothing and Miele exists for Quidditch and winning at Quidditch only. A trait she passes onto her children. Thebe is part of a band and has grand plans of becoming a rockstar. They are probably the most fun branch of the family.
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September 1975
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((AN: Day two (Knowledge is Power) for the back to school challenge by @cursebreakerfarrier ! Have Galatea and her favourite class, Divination feat. wacky Tarot card lore and me shamelessly making up a random Professor.))
Galatea hushed from the Headmaster’s office towards the North Tower, where the Divination classroom was situated.
Professor Dumbledore had assured her that Professor Bunderhush knew of the deal they had agreed upon with Galatea’s mam in the summer holidays, but to be sure the Headmaster had handed her a note, in case Bunderhush should forget why a first year was sitting in on his Divination classes. 
Galatea was excited to see if the classes would benefit her, but her mam had always gone on about how important it was to train your Sight, so it probably wouldn’t go too bad. 
The ladder leading up to the circular trapdoor in the ceiling was already down, so she eagerly climbed it and scrambled semi-gracefully into the classroom.
It felt like when she would climb up into the attic back home, only here was less art and way more people.
Galatea stood in the middle of the room, openly gaping.
A bunch of circular tables with matching chairs were distributed around the room, dressed in heavy velvety lilac-blue tablecloths. Smoke wavered through the room, darkening the few rays of light that shine through the many layers of the translucent blue curtains.
It had to be some kind of incense, since the calming scents of lavender and thyme hung heavy in the air. Galatea’s mam used them for relaxation during Divination sessions as well.
But there was another scent, fresh and cool and sharp as a knife, probably to make sure the students wouldn’t fully doze off. She did recognise it from somewhere else. Mint.
Bless grandaunt Forsythia and her extensive herbal garden.
“Ah, Miss ferch Helyg!”
Professor Bunderhush had apparently not only noticed but also recognised Galatea, waving her over to his side. 
He was dressed in robes of the same fabric as the tablecloths and really, really old. Like, he looked older than great-grandma Camille in that one picture with Aunt Amaryllis back in September 1943, and she had been over 90 then.
The rumours made sense now, that Professor Bunderhush was only still teaching because Professor Dumbledore hadn’t found a replacement yet.
“It’s just Miss Helyg, Professor, unless it’s on official documents you can let the suffix slip.”
Professor Bunderhush smiled at her, showing off his countless laughter lines.
“Thank you, Miss Helyg. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I would say not to be intimidated by the older students, since they are as beginners as you are, but I’m afraid that wouldn’t be true, would it? You do already have practise in the art of Seeing, don’t you?”
Galatea smiled right back at him, albeit a bit more nervous.
“I do, well, in the practical elements at least. I have never, like, learned proper theory, which is why it’s so important for me to be here, I guess.”
“And right you are! Just go get yourself a free spot!”
Two girls were already sitting st the table Galatea chose.
They shot her puzzled looks before returning to their conversation, probably whispering about what a first year was doing here.
Galatea started chewing on a long strand of her curly black hair. A nervous habit she couldn’t bring herself to break, but it was this or chewing her nails off.
The girls’ talk was interrupted by Professor Bunderhush’s rough voice. That man really must’ve smoked quite some cigarettes in his undoubtedly long life.
Tarot cards. They were starting with Tarot cards.
Galatea wondered whether Professor Bunderhush could help her with the issues she’d been having.
She had seen her mother use the cards often enough and tried to use them herself once or twice. But they had always given her a terrible headache and a bunch of unsolicited advise, so she had eventually given up on them.
The cards always ended up oversharing information she hadn’t asked about, too many pictures she hadn’t even wanted to see.
But Professor Bunderhush explained the cards like Galatea had heard no one explain them before.
He walked them through specific spreads for different situations, stressing the importance of adapting the cards to the situation and always clearly stating one’s intentions. He told of the different categories in which the same card could take on slightly different meanings, job, finances, love and then free form.
Galatea shuffled through the deck of cards in front of her. Apparently, they were starting with the major arcana.
She saw the cards different now, clearer, despite the smoke in the room nothing was clouding her sight.
She knew their meanings, felt it in her bones whenever she would touch a card and feeling the familiar soft buzz in her head she would always get when seeing.
It wasn’t a heap of muddled associations now, for the first time she saw the meanings of the cards organised in front of her inner eye, in their respective categories love, job and finances, branching off of the central meaning.
She had it under control, she was finally in control over her talent. At least at the moment.
One of the girls at the table cleared her throat. Galatea looked up from the cards.
“Hey, you’re good at this, right? I mean, with the whole you being a first year even though this class is for third years... umm at least I hope you’re not in my year, otherwise this is going to get awkward... but yeah...”
“No, I’m a first year. I’m a Seer though, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
Galatea wasn’t afraid to say it. It was who she was, after all, and better they head it from her than they get surprised by some random prophecy or vision.
It had happened before and Galatea was sure it would happen again. That’s why she was taking the class, wasn’t it?”
“Ummm... yeah, that’s cool. We actually need your help. We somehow got the Lovers even though we weren’t asking about a relationship?”
Galatea’s curiosity was piqued.
She knew this. Could do this, could read this.
“Well then, show me your spread.”
And she felt the buzzing behind her eyes as she sorted the spread for the two girls, connected the cards, shows them the elements they were associated with and why that did matter.
Galatea ended up concluding the right zodiac sign for the girl whose spread it was and, judging by her pale face, had uncovered a pretty accurate reason for her nightmares.
The cards always came to call you out, after all.
And not once did the buzzing in her head spread to turn into a fully fledged headache.
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Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg - a playlist
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“Why be a wallflower when you could be a Venus Fly Trap"
“Venus Fly Trap” MARINA
“Supercut” Lorde
“Art Deco” Lana del Rey
“Hermit the Frog” MARINA
“brutal” Olivia Rodrigo
“Are you satisfied” MARINA
“Play date” Melanie Martinez
“jealousy, jealousy” Olivia Rodrigo
“Pacify her” Melanie Martinez
“Starring role” MARINA
“Love and war” Fleurie
“White Mustang” Lana del Rey
“The night we met” Lord Huron
“Happier than ever” Billie Eilish
“Happiness is a butterfly” Lana del Rey
“Lonely Hearts Club” MARINA
“Superstar” MARINA
“Buy the stars” MARINA
“Fine China” Lana del Rey
“Daddy issues” The Neighbourhood
“Over the love” Florence and the machine
“Marie Laveau” Merci Raines
“Family jewels” MARINA -> Helyg family
“We have it all” Pim Stones -> Helyg family
“Bust your kneecaps” pomplamoose -> Helyg family
“Welly Boots” the amazing devil -> Aquila and Amaryllis
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Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg
-> portrayed by Anne Hathaway
slytherin • pureblood • welsh • taurus • entj • member of the wizengamot • ceo of WillowPotions • head of the Helyg family
the layout was taken from @cursebreakerfarrier (i hope that‘s okay). I got the idea to make moodboards for my characters from her, so thanks for the inspiration!
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Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg, aged 15, Summer 1947
(the flowers took me ages)
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Welcome to my blog!
I’m Thena (they/she) and this blog is basically all about my ocs of the harry potter universe. You may find some posts of other fandoms here and there, but they aren’t really the focus of my blog.
I currently have ocs for the Hogwarts legacy era, the Fantastic beasts era, the riddle era, the marauder era, the Hogwarts mystery era, the Golden trio era and Magic Awakening (some characters haven't been introduced yet, but I am working on it). Of the mentioned games, only the plot of Hogwarts mystery has significance to the characters, as I haven’t played the other games.
My asks and dms are always open for requests, questions, character interactions etc.
I am taking part in this ask challenge with all the characters on the list below (not just my hphm mc!).
Below you will find the characters listed by era, together with the writing etc I’ve done about them.
Hogwarts Legacy era
Fiona Ua Breathnach
Pàdraig Ua Breathnach
Tòmhas Ua Breathnach
Donella Ua Breathnach
Aileen Ua Breathnach
Fantastic Beasts era
[The Helyg family in this era//family portrait]
Aquila Pryderi ap Helyg
[writing: //Sundays//]
Orion Rhydderch ferch Helyg
Forsythia Fèlice ferch Helyg
Tamara Ua Addams
Chetan Acharya
Esha Chatterjee (later Acharya)
Honey McLaggen (later ferch Helyg)
Lillian Francis (later Potterer)
Riddle era
Amaryllis Rhiannon ferch Helyg
[ //aesthetic//playlist//]
Altair Bran ferch Helyg
Cassiopeia Cari ferch Helyg
Hera Ygraine Potterer (later Smith)
Howard Longbottom (later ap Helyg)
Leonhardt Smith
Marauders era
[the Smith family in this era]
Myfanwy ferch Helyg
Céléste Alaw ferch Helyg
William Reed (later ap Helyg)
Duncan Oisin Ashe
Jakob Gavin Smith
Galatea Iola ferch Helyg
[//playlist//aesthetic by @unfortunate-arrow]
Mystery era
[Masterpost Hogwarts Mystery Saga]
Theseus Wynn ap Helyg
Athena Aeronwyn Smith
Miele Mlodyn ferch Helyg
Mary Brown
Golden trio era
Calytrix Briallen ferch Helyg
Magic Awakening era
Poppy ferch Helyg
Finn Daryn ap Helyg
Thebe ferch Helyg
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