#amat: zenmasters
icelovesfire · 3 years
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A masterclass in longing. ♡ BH90210 S4E30 "Vital Signs" || That '70s Show S7E16 "On with the Show"
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icelovesfire · 3 years
he [clung] to her body like he wanted it forever. [what a time...what a lie.]
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icelovesfire · 4 years
"𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵."
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icelovesfire · 6 years
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"If we're meant to be together, then...we'll end up together." "No. The way we end up together is by saying we'll be together and then...being together!"
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icelovesfire · 6 years
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The Forman men don’t like goodbyes.
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icelovesfire · 6 years
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Love My Way [ch. 9]; The year is 1982, and life has brought the friends from the basement in different directions, especially Jackie and Hyde. When Kitty Forman decides to throw an anniversary party for her and Red and get all her chickens back in the nest, what will happen with the two former lovers? J/H E/D K/B R/K F/?
Just a few snippets: • “ Y'know, I think that's the first time I've heard you talk about your time in Africa.” • “ Oh Betsy, thank god you're okay!” • “ Screw society's idea of beauty.” • “ Can't get past me, Burkhart.” … [ To read more, go to: Fanfiction.net // AO3 ] and please let me know if you’re reading it! (and enjoying?)
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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“I don’t think it’d be fair to her.”
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icelovesfire · 7 years
New Zennie vid! 
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 3 - Favorite episode/arc [7x18] “We can’t compete with a bunch of cars. Wheels are like bosoms to men, and a car has four.”
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 5 - creator’s week: everyone and their mother shipping hyde + jackie "how could I like her? because I don't like her. because I can't like her. mrs. forman, if I like her, shoot me." "POW!"
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 1 - Why are they your OTP? "I don't love people. I love Camaros, Zeppelin and french fries, in that order." ****** "you love loud girl!" "maybe I do."
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 2 - Favorite kisses/touches "steven, do I really sicken you?" "no. I sicken me because you're supposed to sicken me, but you don't."
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icelovesfire · 7 years
New vid! 💜
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 4 - domestic AF “Before Jackie, you were just some pissed-off guy in my basement, but with her…you seemed happy, man.”
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 7 - alternate season 8
This was a dismal, unfeeling place, he thought with a glare. Sometimes people got good news behind those doors, but more often than not, they learned their stable world was suddenly off its axis and everything they had cared about only mere hours earlier was now meaningless. And his chick was behind those doors. 
Or, well, his former chick, he reckoned. He knew she hadn’t slept with Kelso - the man in question would’ve gloated about it to him nonstop if he had, instead of the continuous string of denials that he had heard on replay for a month, until he successfully shut Kelso up. But they hadn’t been in a good place even before he stormed out of that shitty motel, thinking his girl cheated, chased down Kelso, got drunk and drove to Vegas - on the way to Vegas, anyway, as there’d been a major car pileup blocking the highway and he turned back around to sleep the night off in Kenosha. 
He wished he could do it over, reverse the El Camino, walk back into her motel room, leave before Kelso came in and decided it was a great time for a burn - moron. Or, better yet, rewind further and stop her before she even left Point Place. But how could he? A. He was pissed at her for throwing him that damn ultimatum, B. He was pissed at her for making him think she left when she’d been hiding in the basement all that time and C. He always knew she deserved better than being stuck in a shithole like Point Place, Wisconsin, and he wasn’t about to ask her to give up her golden opportunity, especially not for him. 
He looked up briefly as the doors swung open, unconcerned as he knew it wouldn’t be for them. He was shocked to see that a beaming Kitty Forman was running over to their group, waving around and shouting excitedly, a doctor at her heels. 
“She’s awake! Jackie’s finally awake!“ 
He felt his heart constrict and his throat go dry. Jackie had been in the hospital for almost three months since the accident - the doctors said she was lucky to have lived at all. Kelso was much luckier; he’d gotten a few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, landing himself in a hospital bed for a week, not that Kelso was complaining much when a certain gorgeous brunette stayed by his side to nurse him back to health - the same brunette the goof was already thinking of proposing to. 
He blamed himself, if he was honest. Kelso hadn’t wanted to spill at first, but he’d managed to pry it out of him that Jackie insisted her ex-boyfriend take her back to Point Place immediately so she could explain what he was doing in her room half-naked with only a towel and a bucket of ice. They hadn’t counted on the icy road in-between Chicago and Point Place, or the drunk asshole careening around the shoulder. And they certainly hadn’t planned on the road trip cut short, or returning to Wisconsin on gurneys. 
He knew now what Jackie had hoped to explain. Kelso had driven to Brooke’s place, seen her with another guy (who turned out to be Betsy’s teenage babysitter that Brooke was writing down a phone number for; Kelso was really such a moron,) drove to Jackie’s motel room for a comforting shoulder (he’d clearly forgotten his fling with Angie already) and saw the El Camino when he returned from the ice machine after spilling ice down his front and swiping a towel from a nearby laundry cart. And then Kelso had decided to burn him by pretending he and Jackie were about to have sex. Idiot. Worse, he had fallen for it. Who knew what could’ve happened if he’d made it to Vegas that night? 
“She’s awake?!” asked his redhead best friend as she jumped to her feet. Donna had ditched the blonde hairdo when she started college in Madison last month, saying she wanted to concentrate on her studies instead of try to keep her coloring intact. Apparently, being a blonde was a lot of hard work. 
“Yes! She’s awake!” Kitty said, smiling at all of them. 
“Can we see her?” Fez asked, stuffing his half-eaten Milky Way into his back pocket in his excitement. 
“You can,” Kitty nodded, “but only a few at a time.” She hesitated. 
“Kitty, what’s wrong?” her husband asked, frowning. 
“Nothing, nothing,” she assured. “Well, maybe something. Jackie might be a bit…off.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Fez asked before he could voice the question.
“She seems to be a tad bit mixed-up.“ 
“What?” Donna asked, with a frown of her own. “What do you mean?“ 
"Well,” Kitty said, grasping for the right words, “the doctor asked all the normal questions they ask when a coma patient wakes up and she had…well, frankly, weird responses." 
"Miss Kitty,” Fez said, “Weird how?”
She shot a look in her son’s direction. “He asked her the year and she said 1980." 
He balked. There were still several months until 1980, and three months ago, it’d been an even longer duration. How did she get 1980? 
"There’s another thing,” Kitty said, turning to Donna. “Have you been seeing anyone since my son left?" 
"What?” Donna asked, startled. “Of course not. I could never move on from Eric that quickly, and I’ve been spending all my time studying." 
Kitty smiled. "Oh, good. Just checking." 
"Why?” the woman who had nearly become her daughter-in-law asked. 
“Jackie was asking for a Ryan - no, Roger - oh, Randy! That’s right, a Randy Pearson? She said you were dating him, but had just broken it off." 
"Randy Pearson?” Donna asked. “Isn’t that the guy who’s more obsessed with his hair than Kelso is?" 
"Hey!” Kelso said. “No one’s more obsessed with their hair than I am.”
“Hyde, wasn’t that Randy guy in the store the other day?“ his sister asked.
He nodded. "He keeps coming into the store, pretending he knows all about music, but then goes in the corner and listens to the Styx all day. He thinks he’s funny, but he really isn’t." 
"I’m definitely not dating that guy, nor have I ever,” Donna told the woman who she knew would one day become her mother-in-law. 
“Glad to hear it,” Kitty said. 
“Although you deserve better than Eric,” her husband said. 
“Hush, Red,” Kitty replied. "Charlie, she thinks you’re dead,” she continued, as tactfully as one could be when informing someone that another person had dreamt up their death.
“Dead?” Charlie asked. “The only dead I’ll be is when Dad figures out what happened in his warehouse. Then I’ll definitely be dead.”
“What happened in the warehouse?” Red asked.
“Nothing,” Charlie said.
“Can we see her now?” Fez asked again. 
“You can, but…she’s made a few strange requests." 
"Well I’ll see you all later,” Donna said, heading in the direction of her best friend. 
“Not you, Donna, sorry, dear. She specifically doesn’t want you." 
"What?” Donna asked, clearly upset. 
“She says and I quote, ‘that lumberjack chose the stripper skank over me!’”
“The who?” Donna asked. 
Kitty looked uncomfortable, but continued. “Michael, she said you can come in, as long as you don’t propose to her again." 
Kelso’s eyes widened as he vigorously shook his head and frantically explained to his girlfriend that he never proposed to Jackie. 
"It’s true. He hasn’t,” Fez said. 
“Red, she would like to see you, and you too, Bob. And her boyfriend…” Kitty trailed off, trying to figure out exactly what to say next. 
He made a move toward the door, before Kitty stopped him with an apologetic look. 
“Not you, Steven, sorry. She’s rather angry with you, I’m afraid." 
Well, he probably deserved that. 
"But I’m pretty sure I would know if you had run off to Vegas and married a stripper." 
Now it was his turn to be shocked. "Wait, what?" 
"That must be the stripper skank she thinks I chose over her,” Donna said, slightly less confused, but only slightly. 
“But you said her boyfriend could go in,” he told his surrogate mom. 
“Right. That. Erm - you see - her boyfriend is allowed in - Fez.”
He swiveled to glare at his foreign friend. “What the hell, man?! Jackie cheated on me with you?" 
Fez held his hands up in surrender. "All that time in bed has made her crazy! The most action I’ve ever gotten from Jackie is that time she ate popcorn off my lap so I kissed her!" 
"I oughta kick your ass for that,” Donna murmured. 
He tried to keep his calm exterior. “Then why the hell is my girlfriend asking for her boyfriend who she claims is you?" 
"I’m telling you, it’s all that bed rest!” Fez said. 
Angie looked at her brother. “Well, you didn’t leave her on the best of terms." 
He glowered. "So she makes up some fantasy in her head about dating Fez?”
“To be fair, she probably couldn’t control her dreams while she was in a coma,” Brooke said. 
“Well, she’s not in a coma anymore,” Fez said. “I’m going in there and straightening this out." 
"Like hell you are,” he said, blocking Fez’s way. “But I will.”
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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