jacquelineshyde · 7 years
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Zenmasters Week 2017: Day 1 -- Why are they your OTP?
Look, before Jackie, you were just some pissed-off guy in my basement. But with her... I mean, you seemed happy, man.
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nellcrain · 7 years
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✿ zenmasters week 2017 ✿ (x) day one: why they are my otp Look, Kelso. I have never felt this way about a girl before and that pretty much beats our third grade pact ❥ I know I love Steven because he’s smart, and he’s deep, and when we have conversations he makes me think, which used to give me a headache, but now I really like.
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Zenmasters Week 2017 Day 4: Domestic Life
One of my favorite domestic Jackie and Hyde moments is this little moment from season six where they’re sitting on the couch, watching TV, and enjoying each other’s presence much like we’ve seen with a very familiar married couple.
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When they watch TV with said married couple.
Maybe it’s just me and what I saw growing up but couples getting together to watch TV/movies on TV together is pretty darn domestic. Don’t believe me look at this:
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Thank you, case closed.
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xtltokio · 7 years
Zenmasters Week 2017 - D3
Day 3 - Favorite Episode/Arcs (1x19 - Prom Night)
“Jackie, we’ve had nothing but differences. In fact, don’t we kind of hate each other?”
This is probably my favorite episode because that’s when I started to ship them and this episode was when they established the interaction between them.
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And also when it is shown that Hyde has his weak point. He can’t stand seeing Jackie crying. He turns into that soft puddin ‘pop. To the point that he actually agrees to go to the prom with her. Something he doesn’t  like, even worse, something he doesn’t believe. This is the effect Jackie has on him. Although it’s still very early and neither of them realize.
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I like how he compliments her, without being sarcastic, funny, witty or any kind of comeback. It was pure genuine and sincere, Hyde always found Jackie beautiful, although he had difficulty admitting it.
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And finally, they dance. Again, something Hyde never does, but he does with/for Jackie. The only times we see Hyde dancing (dream or not) is with her.
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jupiterhyde · 7 years
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Zenmasters Week 2017. Day 3: Favorite Arc/Episode. Type: Screencaps.
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 3 - Favorite episode/arc [7x18] “We can’t compete with a bunch of cars. Wheels are like bosoms to men, and a car has four.”
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ryanxmadej · 7 years
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Zenmasters Week 2017: Day 1 - Why are they your OTP.
Hyde and Jackie not only brought the best of each other, they inspired the other to do and be better for themselves and destroyed clichés like opposite attracts by showing how similar they were where it really mattered and how this only made them stronger as a couple.
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debbiejw1961 · 7 years
Hyde and Jackie's Fave Kisses and Touches
What can I say? I had a long day and don’t know how to do these gif things you all do. I have been looking at all you guys have put out, and I loved every tiny touch they ever gave us the pleasure of witnessing.
One of my favorites is when Jackie kisses him after the “get off my boyfriend” incident, when he asks if they’re going to the dance. He looks so heartbroken and grateful, and she’s so relieved. Beautiful moment, until Fez. That’s one problem with comedy, they tend to feel they can’t stay serious too long, which ruins a lot of scenes imo.
Beyond that it shows just how much he cares for her, that he’s willing to take on whatever ridicule and questioning he may get from the others, especially Kelso, for being willing to take her back. It’s a huge sacrifice from a man who supposedly prefers the easy way. Speaks volumes to me.
Other than that, I always especially like the kisses where Hyde is “leaning” (yes, I’m a sucker for While You Were Sleeping, my fave movie) in and seeking her out. Hope that makes sense. Lol.
Really enjoying what you guys are doing, and will definitely find time to check out each and every post.
Also, this isn’t part of the theme today, but I so love when Hyde gives her a little smirk of love! 😘
Great job, guys!
Wow. I kept waiting on them to cut of my borrowing of gifs. These are just a few of my favorites. One of my favorite love smirks is during that last gif, which isn’t actually shown here. Lol.
Sorry I’m not as talented as you guys. Maybe someday I’ll learn how to do all the fancy stuff … but probably not.
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those70scomics · 7 years
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Zenmasters Week 2017: Day 3 – Favorite Arc/Episode(s) 
Honestly, I love all their arcs and episodes where they inspire each other to grow and change, are loving and affectionate toward each other, and are protective of each other. But for the purposes of Zenmasters Week, I chose “Cat Fight Club” (2x25).
Jackie and Hyde truly connect in this episode. Hyde doesn’t like how Kelso and Laurie treat her, and he teaches her how to protect herself emotionally from that kind of hostility. By doing so, however, he also teaches her how to read him. Knowledge is power, and he makes himself vulnerable to her so that she can be less vulnerable to other people.
He’s also protective of her to Eric, defending her presence in the basement (in his Hydian way). Jackie appreciates his solidarity and rewards him with Monopoly money.
He gives her a nickname in this episode, too, and -- as he says himself -- takes her under his wing. He spends over a half-hour trying to teach her how to say, “Whatever” as aloofly as possible. That’s dedication. She also trusts him enough to tolerate saying, “Whatever,” repeatedly that long.
His growing fondness of her is all-pervasive during “Catfight Club”. The scriptwriter and/or director seemed not to miss any subtextual opportunity. He invites her to her first circle, which signifies her full acceptance into the group. During the climax of the episode, she sits in Hyde’s chair while he sits on the couch. They’re both reading comic books when Laurie verbally assaults Jackie again.
Hyde smiles approvingly and proudly as Jackie demonstrates what she’s learned during their lessons. And when she finally loses her cool and kicks Laurie’s ass, he’s impressed rather than disappointed and gives her a final lesson: “Where Zen ends, ass-kicking begins.”
Jackie and Hyde both show a lot of dimension to their characters in this episode. Their interactions with each other tend to do that, bring out different aspects of their personalities, which makes them such a fascinating pair.
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zenmasterscentral · 7 years
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Hello all! Zenmasterscentral is happy to welcome you to the Zenmasters Week 2017! This is an event hosted by the page and moderated by @jacquelineshyde, @johmurphy (who did the beautifu header!) and @icelovesfire.
This week will take part from August 7 to August 13, starting the second your timezone hits 00:00 am on the 7th!
~ R U L E S
Reblog this post to spread the word! 
Tag all your posts as #zmweek17 during the corresponding days within the first 5 tags so everyone can see them as well for us to reblog it. 
You can post all kind of content as long as it corresponds to the daily prompt. Examples: gifs, headcanons, fanart, edits, screencaps, meta, fanfic... 
Come into our inbox if you have any doubts!
~ T H E M E S 
Day 1, August 7: Why they are your OTP? (You can include moments or elements that make them your OTP) 
Day 2, August 8: Favorite kisses/touches 
Day 3, August 9: Favorite episode/arc (can also be various favorite episodes, no moments! Episodes/arc)  
Day 4, August 10: Domestic af (you know what is, half of season 5 to early season 7 JH were domestic as hell. Here you can include your favorite scene/moment of them being domestic, headcanon it, whatever that has something to do with them being married af) 
Day 5, August 11: Creator’s week/free day (go nutts!) 
Day 6, August 12: What happened the summer of the ‘78? (all kind of guesses and headcanons about their summer together enters here) 
Day 7, August 13: Alternate s8 (also known as The Dream)
The ZMC team is excited to see all your creations! Let’s make this a great experience!
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70s-show-diary · 7 years
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Jackie and Hyde are my OTP because...
~Reason #53 is very special, as it was made especially for Zenmasters Week 2017: Day 1 - Why are they your OTP?~
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
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Zenmasters Week 2017: Day 2 -- Favorite kisses/touches
Well, did you felt anything?
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nellcrain · 7 years
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✿ zenmasters week 2017 ✿ (x) day four: hyde & jackie being domestic af
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xtltokio · 7 years
Zenmasters Week 2017
                                    Why they are your OTP?
Hyde and Jackie is my otp because they're  "opposites attract," but not in the sense of being completely different for not work, but different enough to complement each other, Hyde was stronger where Jackie is weak and vice versa.
Hyde makes Jackie come out of her comfort zone and see the world in a different way, and in return, Jackie lets his world more bright and safe. They didn't need great moments or gestures, they just need to be themselves.
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jupiterhyde · 7 years
Zenmasters Week 2017. Day 1: Why are they your OTP? Type: Meta
Hyde and Jackie bring out the best of the other. 
There’s no other way to put it, it’s just how it is. The writers made sure to show us since season 1 that Hyde’s assholery became lesser when it comes to Jackie. The first time we ever see his true nature is in Career Day, when he is talking to Red about his horrible mother. In that moment, out of under the car, comes Jackie and Hyde immediately smiles at the scene.
It’s a small moment, but that’s the first time Hyde ever truly smiles at Jackie. And then, the next episoe, Prom Night comes and Hyde’s good heart is put to shine, finally. After an entire season of him being a creep to Donna, a bad friend to Eric, and a complete asshole to Jackie, we finally see this bad boy is actually a good person.
He can’t stand Jackie crying, even if these tears aren’t the real deal. He takes her to prom even when he doesn’t like social events, to dance and to spend money he doesn’t have in things like a suit that he rents and also matches Jackie’s dress, a corsage that also matches Jackie’s dress, and his time and integrity in front of his horrible mother who immediately makes fun of him.
Jackie, on the other hand, starts to realize that maybe she doesn’t need Kelso to be happy, even if he misses him and still has strong feelings for him. She also is polite to Hyde and asks if he wants her to meet his mother, even when she knows who this woman is and she is disgusted by her. Jackie compliments him and doesn’t care what other people, especially their friends, may say of them going together to the event. 
This is the first time both show a different face from their jerk selfs.
Season 2 comes to show that Hyde, deep down, cares about her and can’t stand her crying, not a single time. He is the only one interested in Kelso being cought cheating on her and is disgusted by what Kelso and Laurie are doing. He is who supports Jackie after the break up and even tells Fez to calm his tits and let Jackie be before asking her out.
He protects her from Laurie and Kelso, teaches her his own form of protection, compliments her and is proud of her when she defeats Laurie. Later, even when she starts becoming a parody or herself by being too attached to the point of stalkery to him, he still can’t let her be harm and takes the blame for her pot, going to jail instead of her.
When season 3 starts, Jackie stills holds a big crush on Hyde and tries her best to not only impress him but convince him that they should be together. By the time Kitty makes clear to Hyde that he has feelings for Jackie, they have stopped antagonizing each other and are able to have a date he loves, a kiss that leaves him with uncalled feelings and the proof that Jackie is so much more than her looks and outside mask.
Jackie makes a few comments that show who Hyde is when he struggles with romantic feelings. She is right when she tells him that he may not even think he is worthy of love, and she is the first to tell him that he is, he is worthy of all the love.
Their relationship makes her open her eyes. Season 5 is a great season for both, but mostly Jackie. The way she sees the world is completely different after what she lives with Hyde and how things go down with her family. 
Hyde gives her his bed, gives up his loved beard to cheer her up, realizes he wants them to be exclusive and be boyfriendAndgirlfriend even if he didn’t believe in these kind of things before, and he even goes to the point of opening up to her as she told him during season 3, being able to tell her and others that the way he feels about her is different from anything he has had before.
They keep encoraguing each other to be better and do better. Like Hyde telling Jackie she should work to buy herself those nice things she wants, that he will be cheering for her while she does, and she supports him when he decides what job to take, even if she has a clear opinion on which one should be the right answer. 
In conclusion, both are their cheerleaders, their best friends, their rocks and the love of their lives, wrong endgame be dammend.
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icelovesfire · 7 years
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zenmasters week 2017 ** day 5 - creator’s week: everyone and their mother shipping hyde + jackie "how could I like her? because I don't like her. because I can't like her. mrs. forman, if I like her, shoot me." "POW!"
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