#amazing and they make the story changes and plottwists make sense
cestacruz · 1 year
Fgo is my comfort game , yes
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phxntomhives · 4 months
Pandora hearts thoughts
Spoiler for everything.
I finished the serie. A couple of hours ago. I am writing now because I had to mentally recover. Especially since I binge read from after chapter 70 in 2 days.
Did I understood everything? Absolutely not and I am still devastated. I still have several questions (that I am too dumb to understand on my own) but it was definitely intense.
I'll be honest, until chapter 60 more or less I was like: sure it's a nice story. It has its moment but it's nothing special.
Then the flashbacks happened. And everything just spiraled in darkness and plottwists and I was just. Speechless. I have been lied for all the time and it was so beautiful to see this being wonderfully executed. Everything became distorted, without being clear of what was actually true and what was false. And they just kept on coming and as soon as I was confident I understood how it worked it changed again, but it made sense. And that's what makes me amazed by this serie, it is not a bunch plottwist after the others just for shock factor. They make sense, they make you reflect on the self, on loyalty, on whether what you are seeing is the truth or not. And you sit at the edge of the chair hoping to understand even a little bit and find out if you were correct or not.
The 1st page of the chapters were honestly godsent because they helped still making you laugh and release some of the angst in which as a reader you are bathing in during the end.
All of the characters were beautiful but damn, my favourite are definitely Gil and Break. But they are all so complex that I will probably keep on changing them. Their despair, their love, their conflicts, their passions and obsessions are so well explained and represented that they felt my own. My heart ached for them, especially at the whole different reactions everyone had at each other's action. I loved how well everyone mixed together, how each character influenced the others becoming part of the others they met. How deep down all of them wanted to live and be forgiven for their sins but were never able to really say it out loud, but their action spoke for them and slowly the others understood and helped them. How they all loved each other, in different ways, but it's just a story full of love. Sometimes cute and adorable and other times obsessive and dark. But with so much love and desire to be understood and accepted that you can't help loving every second of this torture.
I bawled my eyes out at the final chapter because it was just too much. Every trope I love together and it just hurt so much but it is also the only possible ending for this tale.
Ah yes and all the tale discourse. They basically becoming aware that they are fictional character and just decide that even if they are just words on a page, they deserve to live. And take all they can get because that's what they want. To be themselves, with their good and bad sides and live their life as best as they can. "I don't want to deny the story in which you existed" was so painful and beautiful to read. Because yes I am crying and I am very sad about this story. And yet... I don't want to these feelings. If I were to go back to some weeks ago, I would still open that first chapter, even knowing it will cause pain. Because it's beautiful and even if it is over, it was everything I could have asked for and more. And I don't want to lose this. The pain, the tears would be gone but so would be so many nice moments. Alice biting everyone to show affection. Break teasing everyone. Elliot petting cats. Everyone meeting each other and be friends. I want it all, the good and the bad. And they wanted it all too.
I guess in the end, everyone is a self-sacrifing hero, in the story. Elliot would need to hate everyone smh, himself first.
I am feeling very empty now that I binged everything. Or maybe I am feeling so much that I don't know how to deal with it. I'll probably just bath myself in fanarts and fanfic to try to heal.
Honestly, the fact that all of them will technically be canon is somewhat comforting. Like, we witnessed ONE of the MANY tales out there. That still involves them. And it's canon there are endless endings. So everything can be canon, everytime someone is taking a brush, a pensil, a pen, or is writing something on paper, on the laptop everywhere. You are giving life to one of the many tales. And the characters are probably loving it too. Witnessing their fate in your hands. Mochizuki created something so big and it's outstanding. We are allowed the power of being canon, no one can come and say "no actually it's not like that". She gave us so much power, I love it. She entrusted us her characters. It's overwhelming.
Anyway, see you all under that tree in a fic or in an art. Idk how many people are active in the fandom but I can't wait to see everything you created and what you will create.
I don't know if this makes sense, I'm just having a chat with this post and writing stuff as they come to me. There are likely spelling mistakes, I am sorry, but I don't want to fix them, you take this as it is. Just my brain on free mode.
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sofia-d-asb · 2 years
I just wanted to say that I just finished your game, and wow. Do you know this hollow but also fulfilled feeling after finishing a really good book?I am feeling it right now😭😭💖Your amazing writing combined with the fantastic way you write the characters is stunning, I was gasping, yelling at my screen, actually tearing up, smiling and giggling the whole time. I as well love the way you wrote the mc. The way they change and how they react to what happens to them was so real and i really felt along with them. And can i just say, the Will route was pure perfection, I loved every second, it hit all the marks and gave me the feels😔👌👌I haven't played other routes yet, but I'm very excited to do so!!
Lastly, even though the ending, at least in my playthrough, ended rather ambiguously and on an apprehensive note, I felt like it fit very well, considering everything that happened in the book and how the political relations are, as well as what mc went through. It still makes me sad to think of all the things that mc will have to go through in the future, i just want them to be happy and safe and live in peace with Will😔😭(I became so attached to mc and Will in this playthrough, it's insane) But it's that good kind of pain, if it makes sense, that you get from quality writing.
I was so excited about the release and i played through the whole game in one sitting because I was (and still am) hooked and in awe everytime i read a new scene. I'd love to ramble on about every plottwist and scenes that stood out to me but it would be such a spoiler if you posted this, so I'm trying to remain vague(i don't think it's working💀😭😭) It was so worth it to buy this game and you are absolutely amazing for doing this honestly thank you so much for sharing your work, your story is my new obsession and I will think about it for a long time. This is really one of the best interactive fiction works i have ever read, it has everything I love and is just so well done, from worldbuilding to writing to bringing the characters to life. (English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if I used words in the wrong context or it was confusing!) I will definitely leave a review recommending the game!!
I hope you have a great day, you're amazing!!<3
Thank you so much for sharing this with me.
I'm finding it hard to put into words how much your message made me smile. The fact that you've enjoyed my story and my writing; it makes it worth all the hundreds of hours of work I put into the game.
Thank you :)
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ilovewebtoons · 2 years
Hii, I just wanted to rate some Webtoons I’ve read in the past.
I Love Yoo
The art is great and it used to be my favorite webtoon but after a while it starting dragging. The characters became more unlikable and unfortunately the webtoon lost its humor which I had considered its greatest charm. The issue is that chapters feel way too dense nowadays. Its a shame because I had been looking forward to see my ship develop. Reading the first ten chapters and then the last few shows how much the tone of the story has changed. The best part of the story was in my opinion the Gala arc, right after it the story took a tragic turn. But during it I interacted so much in the fandom and we made theories based on everything! It was so so much fun. I think the biggest bummer is seriously the tonal shift. 6/10
Sirens Lament
I remember reading this weekly when it had barely finished its first season. It was absolutely lovely. The art is breathtaking and the characters are beyond likable, I love them. I just want to root for them all. The ending (honestly the last few chapters) had me in tears and I was completely obsessed with the secondary couple (Tua and Pele omg). I loved it. If I had one criticism, its that after 2/3s of the story the plot started to feel a tiny bit dense at times but even then, just seeing the gorgeous artwork made up for it. 9.5/10
Lets Play
It started off fine, I loved the artstyle and was invested into the plot, and as someone who played a lot of games as a child and young teen, I loved the references to games! The sequence where Marshall began playing the game was, in my opinion, the best part of the entire story. I was reading weekly at the time and Lets play had become the webtoon I looked most forward to updating because of it. That changed once Marshall had finished the game though. What I didn’t like were the things that followed, especially the amount of sexual content. 5/10
Cursed Princess Club
This webtoon is amazing. I’ve been reading it since the day it was released and oh boy, its everything!! It has everything. Likable characters, great humor and an intriguing plot. I don’t even know what else to say. People tend to criticize the artsyle which was remastered in the physical copy, but I never had a problem with it personally. I have the least to say here because I just liked everything. Every decision the author makes, I like. And the plottwists make sense and she also builds up her plot over 100s of chapters, its crazy! Like you’ll be in chapter 100 something and she’ll call back to something said in chapter 12. And the chapters are long. I never feel robbed when spending my coins! 10/10
The four of them
Its a very refreshing webtoon. I love the characters and their development. And honestly, it never once bored me. The 4 main characters are very interesting, and you really just want them to succeed. When they mess up, instead if getting annoyed, I’d root for them to do better next time and learn from their mistakes. And after reading the comments, I can say that most felt that way. The stakes were also rather low which makes the reading experience a lot more chill than the other webtoons, a true breath of fresh air. My only criticism is that the chapter lengths vary to much, so when you’re buying a chapter w coins you take a bit of a risk of getting a shorter one that’ll be done after a minute of reading. Its an amazing story to binge though! 9/10
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empressofthesunwriter · 2 months
DBH Case File: Deviancy 001
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As a single mother and dedicated police officer, Serena's priorities are clear. Her work with her partner Hank to solve cases of android deviancy becomes even more interesting when Cyberlife sends a handsome young android to assist them. This leads to some interesting questions about love and relationships, especially as Serena's daughter Cassia seems to have taken a liking to the new android and demands he be her father!
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Hello and welcome to my story 10000000 or so XD
I’m like this, I write a while for one fandom, till another grapes me.
I recently replayed Detroit Become Human, to get the Trophies I missed and well I fall into the DBH Hell.
I wanted to first make this Reader-Insert for all of us ninety babies who will be in their 40s when Android are around, but it didn’t quite work, so I made Serena and her family.
She may be a self-insert XD
Okay, she is a self-insert :(
Please don’t kill me.
I hope a lot of you will like what I will do with the story and the changes I have planned.
I can already tell that Alice will be human, no stupid Android Plottwist and Markus and Simon will be a pair. :)
Also, maybe one day when I finish this fic I will try to make a Reader-Insert based on it.
But first I write this version. ^^
Also before I forget I will change the timeline since it doesn’t make sense that all happens in like three days?!
So please enjoy and leave some comments.
Case: 001
NOV 5TH, 2038
AM 8:00
Winter has arrived in the Metropolis of Androids, also known as Detroit.
Forty-four-year-old LT. Serena Di Martino enters her workplace, one of Detroit's police stations, humming a soft tune.
In one hand she had a box of doughnuts in the other a cupholder with two coffees.
"Morning, Serena!", greeted the young police officer Chris Miller sitting on his desk.
"Hey, Chris! How is the little one?"
"Oh he grows and grows and it's just amazing!"
"You are dead tired right?"
"I think I hear colours..."
This made Serena snort and she held out the doughnut box to Chris.
"Take one. I understand you, Cassia didn't like to sleep at all."
Thankful Chris takes a doughnut before asking her how her daughter is doing. 
Proud Serena told how Cassia won the Science Fair at her school.
Chris gave his congratulations and told her to greet Cassia from him. 
She promised and sat down at her own table.
Of course, her partner (and dad-like figure) Hank Anderson was not there.
Probably drank himself silly and is either still at Jimmy's Bar or on the floor of his house.
Serena signs, rubbing her temples.
Once she hunted Hank always down when she was young and new, but now...she loved Hank, he was like family, but she couldn't help someone who didn't want help.
When Cassia first was born, it seemed Hank got a spark back.
For a while, he had stopped drinking, but always the anniversary of Cole's death brought him back to the liquid death.
So she decided to just work on their case files.
That Hank would chance, was just a possibility as she found a spouse and good parent for Cassia.
She took a sip from her coffee and started to work.
At Lunchtime she was nearly done with the cases they were behind, so she called home.
Cassia picked up the phone.
"Hey, my angel, how are you?"
"I'm good, I did already my homework."
"That's amazing. Are you a good girl for Mrs. Francis?"
Mrs. Francis was the old lady who lived beside them, an ex-teacher and now boosted her pension with babysitting.
"Mother I'm nine years old, don't treat me like a child.", pounded Cassia.
Serena laughed.
"Even when you are as old as I am I will see you as my little girl."
From Cassia came a groan.
"You will understand if one day you want children."
"If you say so...Mama, Mrs. Francis is calling me, she wants me to help her finish the cake."
"Oh, you made cake?!"
"Chocolate cake, Mama."
"You two are treasures."
This made Cassia laugh.
They talked till Lunchtime was over and Serena had to go back to work.
It was nearly time for Serena to return home when she heard someone calling for her.
"LT. Di Martino?", said a gentle and pleasing voice.
Serena turned around and her brain short-circuited.
A handsome young man stood before her.
He had brown hair, like her, with a cheeky lock falling in his by the god's sculpted face with soft brown eyes.
He was tall and lith and...way too young for her.
Serena gave herself mentally a slap.
The man could be at most twenty-five and she was forty-four.
She didn't prey on younger ones.
Pretty Boy continued to talk, but she heard only swoosh.
"Excuse me, can you repeat yourself?", she asked him. "I'm a bit tired and I didn't catch all."
"Of course, ma'am. My name is Connor. I’m the Android sent by CyberLife."
It was like a record scratch.
Now Serena looked really at his clothes.
Yep, Android with blinking LED even.
Oh god, she had lusted over a machine?! 
It would be like if she lusted for her Dildo!
Was she a pervert?!
This question had to wait for a more important one.
"Well, Connor from CyberLife, why are you here?"
"You and your partner LT. Hank Anderson, were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with the procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.", explained Conner calmly.
Serena fixed her black glasses, nervous.
"I didn't get a new case fill...", she trailed off and moved to Hank's computer. She knew his password, so she could check. "Ah, yes here it is. Since Hank has seniority over me, he has got it."
The brunette woman turned to the (sexy) Android.
"And CyberLife send you as help?"
"Yes, ma'am. I'm their most advanced prototype, equipped with all the necessary programs and functions to help the police with their work."
Till the day she did Serena would lie about how she thought about if he had a dick, like sex androids.
"Well, I wanted to go home, but this case has priority. Please wait here, I need to call home to tell my daughter it will be late again."
"Of course, ma'am."
Obedient, like to good little mascine he was, he waited at her table, while she called Cassia.
Her daughter was not happy about it, yet she was used to her workload.
Mrs. Francis, as always, would stay the night with Cassia.
Knowing her daughter was in good hands she returned to Connor.
The young Android looked curious (could a machine be curious?) at her pictures.
"Come on, we need to find Hank. I have a feeling I know where he is."
"Your daughter looks like you just her eyes are blue. From her father?"
Serena shrugged her shoulders.
"Blue eyes are in my family, so she could have gotten it from her grandfather. When I picked the donation I didn't really care for eye colours."
Well, an Android could be stupified is what Serena learned.
"Oh, you had artificial insemination."
"I never had a relationship, but I wanted children, this was the only way. Our nation doesn't let singles adopt children."
She shrugged her shoulders again.
Awkward silence was between them.
Android could be awkward too.
"Come now, Conner.", she waved, so he followed her. "My car is just outside."
NOV 5TH, 2038
PM 11:21
The drive to Jimmy's Bar was quiet.
Maybe talking to a woman about artificial insemination was not written in Connors's program.
Well, Serena enjoyed the silence.
So she could think about how to explain to Hank how they had now an Android at their side.
Hank hated Androids.
He gave an Android the fault for Cole's death.
Her partner would not celebrate this new gadget they got.
The car stopped before Jimmy's Bar and Serena pointed at Connor.
"You stay here. Androids are not allowed in."
He gave her such puppy dog eyes that she wanted to cuddle him.
No, no cuddling!
Forget this thought, Serena!
She climbed out of the car and entered the Bar.
Greetings were sent her way, as she walked to Hank.
Of course, he was drinking himself silly.
"Didn't come today to work. Chris and I had a bet, I bet you were at home drinking your weight in Whiskey, seems like I lost the bet.", she greeted her partner sarcastically.
With little red eyes, Hank looked at her.
"I thought you stopped convincing me from stopping to drink, 'Rena."
"Don't butter me up with my nickname, Hank. We got a problem."
"What problem?"
It was like the universe wanted to show him the problem since Connor entered the Bar.
Serena groaned.
"I told him to stay in the car..."
"Do you know this plastic asshole?!"
"I had the pleasure of meeting him already."
Connor reached them and introduced himself to Hank.
"Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. I’m the Android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you and Lieutenant Di Martino at the station but only found her. Thankful she knew where you were."
Hank ignored him and turned to Serena.
"What did I do to you, that you bring an Android with you?!"
"Like I had a choice. If he is here, then the higher-ups are okay with him. Other than you, I don't want something in my records.", she sassed back, crossing her arms.
"You two were assigned a case early this evening.", talked Connor in between them. "A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with the procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators."
"Well, Serena and I are a good team, we don’t need any assistance. Especially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the fuck outta here.", fired Hank back and took a sip of his drink.
Letting out a huff Serena fixed her glasses.
"Hank, I don't think we have a choice."
He just grumbled at her.
"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but I am-", began Connor only to be interrupted by Hank: " I am perfectly comfortable… Now back off, before I crush you like an empty beer can!"
Connor seemed lost for words for a second before he seemed to have an idea.
"You know what? I'll buy you one for the road. What do you say? Bartender, the same again, please!"
"Smart.", praised Serena Connor.
The Android gave her a charming smile, that maybe made her blush a bit.
But only a bit!
"See that, Jim? Wonders of technology… Make it a double.", laughed Hank. 
After he drunk he said: "Did you say homicide?"
Since Hank was drunk and Serena didn't want him dead, she swiped his car keys and made him ride shotgun in his own car.
Conner sits in the back seat like a child.
It was kind of cute.
Her own car, drown home alone, and she would later take a Taxi after they finished work.
Hank grumbled all the time stupid plastic asshole under his breath, for which Serena tutted him like a child.
Connor found this exchange fascinating.
LT. Anderson was clearly the older, but LT. Di Martino treated him like her rebellious son.
Maybe because she was a mother?
He read during the car ride all the articles he could find on Motherhood and it seemed a female phenom to take care of the people around you.
Especially after one was a mother herself.
Fascinating, really.
Soon they reached the crime scene.
Hank turned to Connor and told him: "You wait here. We won't be long."
"My instructions are to accompany you two to the crime scene, Lieutenant.", reminds Connor.
"Listen, I don’t give a fuck about your instructions. I told you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and you wait here."
"You can say it nicer, Hank.", grumbled Serena and followed Hank out of the car.
Not a second later Connor joined them.
A journalist stops them, but they don't give a comment.
They enter the crime scene as a police officer stops Conner.
"Androids are not permitted beyond this point."
"He is with us.", told him, Serena, while Hank asked Conner rhetoric if he could listen.
Connor answer was that Hank order's contradicted his instructions.
"You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?", told Hank.
"Got it."
Serena just looked at Connor and raised an eyebrow.
And this didn't go against his instructions?
Well, they would see.
They meet up with Ben Collins who gives them the briefing. 
The victim name's was Carlos Ortiz he has a record of theft and aggravated assault. According to the neighbours, he was kind of a loner. Stayed inside most of the time, they hardly ever saw him. His landlord had called the police around eight since his tenant hadn't paid his rent for a few months, so he thought he'd drop by, and see what was going on.
That’s when he found the body.
Serena and Hank enter the house, and the woman nearly throws up.
This smell!
"Jesus, that smell!", gronend Hank, hiding his nose in his jacket sleeve.
"Was even worse before we opened the windows.", told them, Ben.
"I hardly believe it.", mumbled Serena and started to look around.
They looked at the corpse.
"Uh, state he’s in... Wasn’t worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night… Could've waited 'til morning.", wondered Hank.
"I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks." guessed Ben. "We'll know more when the coroner gets here. There's a kitchen knife over here… Probably the murder weapon…"
"Any sign of a break-in?", asked Serena.
"Nope… The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, and all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way."
Hank hummed.
"What do we know about his android?"
"Not much. The neighbours confirmed he had one, but it wasn't there when we arrived… I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me."
And with that Ben left them.
Together Hank and Serena looked at the writing over the corpse.
"I AM ALIVE!", read Serena loud.
"Each letter is perfect… It’s way too neat, no human writes like this.", noted Hank before he turned to Chris. "Chris, was this written in the victim's blood?"
"I would say so… We’re taking samples for analysis."
Serena nodded and looked around.
That's when she saw Connor kneeling before the spilt blood of the victim, putting his fingers in it and licking it!
"Connor?!", she shouted and fought a blush. No, it was not kind of hot seeing his tongue lick his finger! "What are you doing?!"
" I'm analyzing the blood. I can check samples in real-time.", explained the Android. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you."
Hank who had seen also all this and seemed ready to puke told him: " Ok, just… don't… put any more evidence in your mouth, you got it?"
"Got it."
"Fucking hell, I can't believe this shit…can you?", grumbled Hank to Serena.
She adjusted her glasses.
"CyberLife has...erm... interesting ideas."
"Bunch of robot fuckers, I tell you!"
"Hank, now, come on."
They turned back to the victim, and Connor joined them.
"He was stabbed 28 times.", informed Connor.
"So many stab wounds indicate something personal, we can exclude a robbery.", shared Serena.
"Yeah, seems like the killer really had it in for him.", added Hank.
They looked around and found Red Ice, one of the newer and popular drugs.
Hank told Chris he wanted a full analysis of the narcotics.
The unlikely trio walked towards the backdoor, Connor opening it.
"The Door was locked from the inside. The Killer must have gone out this way.", hypnotized Serena.
Connor disagreed. "There are no footprints, apart from Officer Collins' size 10 shoes."
"Well, this happened weeks ago.", reminded Hank. "Tracks could've faded."
"No, this type of soil would've retained a trace. Nobody's been out here for a long time."
Hank moved back into the Living Room, Connor looked around the kitchen and Serena chose to investigate the bathroom.
What she saw after she pulled the curtain from the shower, made her shudder.
Ra9 writing everywhere, a little clay statue with flowers around it.
"It looks like an altar.", she murmurs.
"LT. Di Martino?", called Connor for her and stepped beside her. His eyes scanned the altar in the shower. "Ra9?"
"Do you have something in your Database about this?"
Connor shook his head.
"No, but I think I know what happened."
"Let's go to Hank then and you tell us."
After they joined Hank back in the Living Room Connor explained what had happened.
It all started in the kitchen.
Hank and Serena agreed with him. There were signs of struggle.
The victim attacked the android with the bat.
Yes, this fits with the evidence they found.
"The android stabbed the victim.", continues Connor.
"Self-Defense?", said Serena with crossed arms.
She never heard an Android could act on it.
"Okay, then what happened?", wanted Hank to know.
"The victim fled to the living room."
Hank continued: "And he tried to get away from the android… All right, that makes sense…"
"The android murdered the victim with the knife."
 "Ok, your theory's not totally ridiculous.", admitted Hank. "But it doesn’t tell us where the android went."
"It was damaged by the bat… and lost some Thirium…"
"Lost somewhat?"
"Thirium also known as Blue Blood, it's what makes the Androids work. Even I know that Hank."
"Sorry, that I'm not an expert on tin cans, 'Rena!"
"Anyway!", called Connor in between. "It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye."
Serena and Hank looked at Connor grinning.
"Oh… But I bet you can still see it, can't you?", guessed Hank.
"Lead, the way then Connor.", said Serena.
The two human detectives follow after the android, who looks at the Thirium trail, till he reaches the opening to the attic.
Connor, under Hank and Serena wondering looks, takes a chair and proclaims he will check the attic out.
The Android enter it and leaves the two LTs. waiting.
"Think he will find something?", asked Serena.
"Well, he wasn't wrong, but why should the Android still be here?", answered Hank with a question.
"It's not like this Deviants act normal, Hank."
"Touchè, Di Martino."
Suddenly Connor called loudly for them.
He found the Deviant!
Surprised Hank calls for the others.
Well, seemed like CyberLife android detectiv really held what he promised.
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Ranking all the scream movies but it's probably highly controversial (expect my number one)
1. Scream (OG)
Nothing beats the OG and no Ghostface will ever come close to Stu/Billy. The combination of these two was literally it. A crazy guy + a dude that wants revenge and goes crazy in the process? Nothing beats them. They are the duo and they're combination that was not only the most iconic but they are also just so great killers. They planned it but their charisma added to the psychotic aura of it all. Not to mention the iconic characters that were in this movie and the relationship that were actually really explored in this.
2. Scream 3
People love to hate this movie but Roman was literally such a great Ghost face. That whole plan? This could easily be even higher but they kind of underdeveloped him a bit and he still is better than almost 90% of the others. I wish we had gotten a meeting or a backstory between him and Syd more and he deserves to be in another movie (besides Stu) because holy shit be was so interesting. Not to mention the solo ghost face? He is quiet literally technically the best ghost face but God was he also such an interesting character. Yeah maybe the movie set wasn't that great but it was so interesting to show how the public would actually realistically treat an event like this. Not to mention it truly also showed how everyone struggled and was not really fully coming to terms with it. This movie was a banger eventhough it had some of the most interesting side characters.
3. Scream 2
Honestly a great movie eventhough there were some cringe scenes. The motive of Miss Loomis? Genuinely solid and reasonable in a fucked up way. Mickey? Icon. Motive didn't really make sense but he popped off so hard.
Only thing that makes this movie bad really are some cringe scenes but then again they fit really well honestly when you consider this is Syd basically catching up on teenage nonsense. Oh and Randy should have survived but I am kind of still a bit weirded out by his character so I am not to saddened by it. Although I would love the plottwist of him being alive and being hidden somewhere to come back with Stu. (I am delulu.)
Would be higher because the story actually slaps but I love Roman way too much to put this higher.
4. Scream 6
I don't like this movie necessarily but there were some really cool sequences and actually interesting storylines plus they developed an actual plotline. Don't like the Ghostfaces in this (probably the least out of all the actual ones in the movies main story line) but actually interesting change up from the usual two ghost faces. Plus some of the shoots were so amazing and no one can deny that. The sequences they did with this really popped off. Are there many flaws? Undoubtedly (the plot armor for Chad is literally unreal and compares to no one in the franchise.) But sometimes I am blinded by the incredible chases they had for this so there's that.
5. Scream 4
Jill and Charlie's are just flat compared to other killers. Charlie sure is a brutal killer but his entire personality is bland to me. I feel like where as in the others at least had something going for them, he just made me feel literally nothing. He invoked no emotion in me and that is literally the worst thing he could do especially when we know how much he actually did as ghost face.
That love thing is also just such a boring excuse for a killer and Jill is just uninteresting to me personally. She was crazy but just in an unejoyable way that I couldn't bother to understand because her motive was bad/boring. Jealousy? Crayzness and fame? It just felt like people have shown different reasons for her but also want to claim she is as crazy as Stu but then she wouldn't need a motive yet people seem to justify her actions by something? It just seems like people like to praise her as the smartest when the reality is that was Roman. Yes she would have been far closer where the others not protected by plot armour but I just had no fun seeing her succeed as the killer where at least the others made me root for them sometimes in a "I want to see what it would be like if they won" kind of way.
I only rate it higher because the fifth movie was for me even more predictable than this one and frankly ass for me.
6. Scream 5
Amber and Richie are just so boring. Genuinely don't get the hype for them. Richie was just weird and had no charisma to him. Dude literally is just a walking red flag. Amber was just some wannabe Stu and people don't want to accept that. Dewey should have survived that movie. His death was literally so unsatisfying and you are telling me that the dude who survived everyone else was overpowered by some wannabe shits. You are giving him that plot armor to take it of not by someone who genuinely could overpower him like Roman, Nancy (a mother with rage has unbelievable strength) or Mickey but Amber or Richie? Please that is the most unrealistic thing.
And I hate the entire Billy's daughter plotline. Not to mention the fact that it is setting up to explore some dark side yet she keeps getting excused for her brutal kills? The way she slaughtered Richie is literally not normal. The OG 3 survivors killed to safe their lives but she is literally doing the same shit her father did. If she just slashed his throat sure but the way she attacked him multiple times? That's not a survivor that's a killer.
And Richie/Amber once again were obvious. Richie literally was weird from the beginning and no one would actually trust him.
There's also the fact that they basically just gave the plot armour to Chad and Sidney surviving this was almost as unrealistic as Scream 4.
This also started this weird family of victims/killer thing (technically it was 4 but this was the true start) something that was just such a bad storyline to me I could not enjoy.
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