#amazon prime why are you terrible at marketing i want to be blanketed in wot content as build up for season two
liptonrm · 1 year
Rewatching WoT season 1 because the bestie decided to harass me with vids.
Love how this show goes so hard right from the very beginning.
Also Moiraine's suspenders and fat little man angreal my beloved
I also love how the show lets us sit in the Two Rivers, introduces us to the people and to the protagonists.
The braiding ceremony is just chef's kiss.gif. I wish we'd gotten the longer ceremony because I love seeing how ritual informs culture and character.
Amazon Prime give us the two hour edit of the pilot you cowards.
Aging up the E5 and making them real young adults with young adult lives and problems was an excellent choice that I wholeheartedly support.
Lololol Moiraine and Nynaeve at the pool. Omg Moiraine you are incapable of a smooth sell you awkward queen.
I really appreciate how that scene gives more depth to Nynaeve's, let's say, ambivalence, re: Aes Sedai. Idk it just works for me.
Tam knows why the trollocs are there. He knows what his son is. The man's not an idiot.
Rand knows it too. Well, not exactly, but he knows his life isn't what he thought it was. Hence turning on a dime and yelling at Moiraine right after she saved his father's life.
Hate to say it, but the weird Rand-Egwene-Perrin love triangle is set up from the pilot. It's still super-weird how Nynaeve brings it up in the finale, but the groundwork's definitely there.
I will never get over Mat and his sisters. I don't want him to forget them.
Mat's luck sucking when he's desperately trying to get a little extra money but then keeping him safe through the chaos of the trolloc attack is some peak Mat Cauthon luck right there.
LoveloveLOVE Egwene's ambition. Her dreams were never Rand's dreams, not really, which is why their romance could never last.
Taking RJ's broadened world from the later books and transplanting it into the early story is one of the best decisions R2J2 made. Anyone who thinks differently doesn't know what they're talking about.
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