the-alphaess · 5 months
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it's been a while since alphaess has gotten some love so i made her a new and pretty reference sheet that actually has expressions and facial features that suit her better.
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other important live mafia things!
okay so all the charas are walking around in the dark. this will primarily be done on the dash ! 
the discussion of who done did it happens in the chatzys 
so ya’ll walking around in the dark with no flashlights
unless ur a ghost then u can have a flashlight but ur not allowed to say anything or speak. u can only watch what happens and if u see a murder u can’t say found dead body lmao
if you get killed ur msue can’t scream AHHH I’VE BEEN KILLED. nah they gotta drop down quietly bc ppl r gonna just stumble on their bodies lmao. 
not all the killers are from the same team. you’ll get a point for your team by guessing the murderer correctly !
survive that’s all !
ya’ll ain’t allowed to go outside you stay INDOORs
you can have pairs and walk around but like be careful they might be the mafia and kill u ^___________^ 
no hiding ! u walk outside like AMAZONINAN WARRIORS !
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terribletide · 7 years
for reals tho @ the dating meme, aside from the obvious, a tall strong beautiful queer woman who could pick u up and treats u well like u deserve
Sean I love u thank u for predicting my future with an amazoninan gf
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